rtcuts as `make` targets that may be of interest. To see the available targets run: make ### Quick-start: Vagrant The directory `extras/vagrant` contains a `VagrantFile` and supporting scripts to bootstrap a working VPP inside a Vagrant-managed Virtual Machine. This VM can then be used to test concepts with VPP or as a development platform to extend VPP. Some obvious caveats apply when using a VM for VPP since its performance will never match that of bare metal; if your work is timing or performance sensitive, consider using bare metal in addition or instead of the VM. For this to work you will need a working installation of Vagrant. Instructions for this can be found [on the Setting up Vagrant wiki page] (https://wiki.fd.io/view/DEV/Setting_Up_Vagrant). ## More information Several modules provide documentation, see @subpage user_doc for more information. Visit the [VPP wiki](https://wiki.fd.io/view/VPP) for details on more advanced building strategies and development notes. ## Test Framework There is PyDoc generated documentation available for the VPP test framework. See @subpage test_framework_doc for details.