path: root/NOTICE
blob: 85ca5b3f00e878bb8956218b485d94d5358de685 (plain)
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href='#n332'>332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743
# Copyright (c) 2023 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""VPP Configuration File Generator library."""

import re

from resources.libraries.python.Constants import Constants
from resources.libraries.python.ssh import exec_cmd_no_error
from resources.libraries.python.topology import NodeType
from resources.libraries.python.topology import Topology
from resources.libraries.python.VPPUtil import VPPUtil

__all__ = ["VppConfigGenerator", "VppInitConfig"]

def pci_dev_check(pci_dev):
    """Check if provided PCI address is in correct format.

    :param pci_dev: PCI address (expected format: xxxx:xx:xx.x).
    :type pci_dev: str
    :returns: True if PCI address is in correct format.
    :rtype: bool
    :raises ValueError: If PCI address is in incorrect format.
    pattern = re.compile(
    if not re.match(pattern, pci_dev):
        raise ValueError(
            f"PCI address {pci_dev} is not in valid format xxxx:xx:xx.x"
    return True

class VppConfigGenerator:
    """VPP Configuration File Generator."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize library."""
        # VPP Node to apply configuration on
        self._node = u""
        # Topology node key
        self._node_key = u""
        # VPP Configuration
        self._nodeconfig = dict()
        # Serialized VPP Configuration
        self._vpp_config = u""
        # VPP Service name
        self._vpp_service_name = u"vpp"
        # VPP Startup config location
        self._vpp_startup_conf = u"/etc/vpp/startup.conf"

    def set_node(self, node, node_key=None):
        """Set DUT node.

        :param node: Node to store configuration on.
        :param node_key: Topology node key.
        :type node: dict
        :type node_key: str
        :raises RuntimeError: If Node type is not DUT.
        if node[u"type"] != NodeType.DUT:
            raise RuntimeError(
                u"Startup config can only be applied to DUTnode."
        self._node = node
        self._node_key = node_key

    def get_config_str(self):
        """Get dumped startup configuration in VPP config format.

        :returns: Startup configuration in VPP config format.
        :rtype: str
        return self._vpp_config

    def add_config_item(self, config, value, path):
        """Add startup configuration item.

        :param config: Startup configuration of node.
        :param value: Value to insert.
        :param path: Path where to insert item.
        :type config: dict
        :type value: str
        :type path: list
        if len(path) == 1:
            config[path[0]] = value
        if path[0] not in config:
            config[path[0]] = dict()
        elif isinstance(config[path[0]], str):
            config[path[0]] = dict() if config[path[0]] == u"" \
                else {config[path[0]]: u""}
        self.add_config_item(config[path[0]], value, path[1:])

    def dump_config(self, obj, level=-1):
        """Dump the startup configuration in VPP config format.

        :param obj: Python Object to print.
        :param level: Nested level for indentation.
        :type obj: Obj
        :type level: int
        :returns: nothing
        indent = u"  "
        if level >= 0:
            self._vpp_config += f"{level * indent}{{\n"
        if isinstance(obj, dict):
            for key, val in obj.items():
                if hasattr(val, u"__iter__") and not isinstance(val, str):
                    self._vpp_config += f"{(level + 1) * indent}{key}\n"
                    self.dump_config(val, level + 1)
                    self._vpp_config += f"{(level + 1) * indent}{key} {val}\n"
            for val in obj:
                self._vpp_config += f"{(level + 1) * indent}{val}\n"
        if level >= 0:
            self._vpp_config += f"{level * indent}}}\n"

    def add_unix_log(self, value="/var/log/vpp/vpp.log"):
        """Add UNIX log configuration.

        :param value: Log file.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"unix", u"log"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_unix_cli_listen(self, value=u"/run/vpp/cli.sock"):
        """Add UNIX cli-listen configuration.

        :param value: CLI listen address and port or path to CLI socket.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"unix", u"cli-listen"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_unix_cli_no_pager(self):
        """Add UNIX cli-no-pager configuration."""
        path = [u"unix", u"cli-no-pager"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_unix_gid(self, value=u"vpp"):
        """Add UNIX gid configuration.

        :param value: Gid.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"unix", u"gid"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_unix_nodaemon(self):
        """Add UNIX nodaemon configuration."""
        path = [u"unix", u"nodaemon"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_unix_coredump(self):
        """Add UNIX full-coredump configuration."""
        path = [u"unix", u"full-coredump"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_unix_exec(self, value):
        """Add UNIX exec configuration."""
        path = [u"unix", u"exec"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_socksvr(self, socket=Constants.SOCKSVR_PATH):
        """Add socksvr configuration."""
        path = [u"socksvr", u"socket-name"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, socket, path)

    def add_graph_node_variant(self, variant=Constants.GRAPH_NODE_VARIANT):
        """Add default graph node variant.

        :param value: Graph node variant default value.
        :type value: str
        if variant == u"":
        variant_list = [u"hsw", u"skx", u"icl"]
        if variant not in variant_list:
            raise ValueError("Invalid graph node variant value")
        path = [u"node", u"default", u"variant"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, variant, path)

    def add_api_segment_gid(self, value=u"vpp"):
        """Add API-SEGMENT gid configuration.

        :param value: Gid.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"api-segment", u"gid"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_api_segment_global_size(self, value):
        """Add API-SEGMENT global-size configuration.

        :param value: Global size.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"api-segment", u"global-size"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_api_segment_api_size(self, value):
        """Add API-SEGMENT api-size configuration.

        :param value: API size.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"api-segment", u"api-size"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_buffers_per_numa(self, value):
        """Increase number of buffers allocated.

        :param value: Number of buffers allocated.
        :type value: int
        path = [u"buffers", u"buffers-per-numa"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_buffers_default_data_size(self, value):
        """Increase buffers data-size allocated.

        :param value: Buffers data-size allocated.
        :type value: int
        path = [u"buffers", u"default data-size"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_dpdk_dev(self, *devices):
        """Add DPDK PCI device configuration.

        :param devices: PCI device(s) (format xxxx:xx:xx.x)
        :type devices: tuple
        for device in devices:
            if pci_dev_check(device):
                path = [u"dpdk", f"dev {device}"]
                self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_dpdk_cryptodev(self, count):
        """Add DPDK Crypto PCI device configuration.

        :param count: Number of HW crypto devices to add.
        :type count: int
        cryptodev = Topology.get_cryptodev(self._node)
        for i in range(count):
            cryptodev_config = re.sub(r"\d.\d$", f"1.{str(i)}", cryptodev)
            path = [u"dpdk", f"dev {cryptodev_config}"]
            self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_dpdk_sw_cryptodev(self, sw_pmd_type, socket_id, count):
        """Add DPDK SW Crypto device configuration.

        :param sw_pmd_type: Type of SW crypto device PMD to add.
        :param socket_id: Socket ID.
        :param count: Number of SW crypto devices to add.
        :type sw_pmd_type: str
        :type socket_id: int
        :type count: int
        for _ in range(count):
            cryptodev_config = f"vdev cryptodev_{sw_pmd_type}_pmd," \
            path = [u"dpdk", cryptodev_config]
            self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_dpdk_dev_default_rxq(self, value):
        """Add DPDK dev default rxq configuration.

        :param value: Default number of rxqs.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"dpdk", u"dev default", u"num-rx-queues"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_dpdk_dev_default_txq(self, value):
        """Add DPDK dev default txq configuration.

        :param value: Default number of txqs.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"dpdk", u"dev default", u"num-tx-queues"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_dpdk_dev_default_rxd(self, value):
        """Add DPDK dev default rxd configuration.

        :param value: Default number of rxds.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"dpdk", u"dev default", u"num-rx-desc"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_dpdk_dev_default_txd(self, value):
        """Add DPDK dev default txd configuration.

        :param value: Default number of txds.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"dpdk", u"dev default", u"num-tx-desc"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_dpdk_log_level(self, value):
        """Add DPDK log-level configuration.

        :param value: Log level.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"dpdk", u"log-level"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_dpdk_no_pci(self):
        """Add DPDK no-pci."""
        path = [u"dpdk", u"no-pci"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_dpdk_uio_driver(self, value=None):
        """Add DPDK uio-driver configuration.

        :param value: DPDK uio-driver configuration. By default, driver will be
            loaded automatically from Topology file, still leaving option
            to manually override by parameter.
        :type value: str
        if value is None:
            value = Topology.get_uio_driver(self._node)
        path = [u"dpdk", u"uio-driver"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_dpdk_max_simd_bitwidth(self, variant=Constants.GRAPH_NODE_VARIANT):
        """Add DPDK max-simd-bitwidth configuration.

        :param value: Graph node variant default value.
        :type value: str
        if variant == u"icl":
            value = 512
        elif variant in [u"skx", u"hsw"]:
            value = 256

        path = [u"dpdk", u"max-simd-bitwidth"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_cpu_main_core(self, value):
        """Add CPU main core configuration.

        :param value: Main core option.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"cpu", u"main-core"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_cpu_corelist_workers(self, value):
        """Add CPU corelist-workers configuration.

        :param value: Corelist-workers option.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"cpu", u"corelist-workers"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_main_heap_size(self, value):
        """Add Main Heap Size configuration.

        :param value: Amount of heap.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"memory", u"main-heap-size"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_main_heap_page_size(self, value):
        """Add Main Heap Page Size configuration.

        :param value: Heap page size.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"memory", u"main-heap-page-size"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_default_hugepage_size(self, value=Constants.DEFAULT_HUGEPAGE_SIZE):
        """Add Default Hugepage Size configuration.

        :param value: Hugepage size.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"memory", u"default-hugepage-size"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_api_trace(self):
        """Add API trace configuration."""
        path = [u"api-trace", u"on"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_ip6_hash_buckets(self, value):
        """Add IP6 hash buckets configuration.

        :param value: Number of IP6 hash buckets.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"ip6", u"hash-buckets"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_ip6_heap_size(self, value):
        """Add IP6 heap-size configuration.

        :param value: IP6 Heapsize amount.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"ip6", u"heap-size"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_ipsec_spd_flow_cache_ipv4_inbound(self, value):
        """Add IPsec spd flow cache for IP4 inbound.

        :param value: "on" to enable spd flow cache.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"ipsec", u"ipv4-inbound-spd-flow-cache"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_ipsec_spd_flow_cache_ipv4_outbound(self, value):
        """Add IPsec spd flow cache for IP4 outbound.

        :param value: "on" to enable spd flow cache.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"ipsec", u"ipv4-outbound-spd-flow-cache"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_ipsec_spd_fast_path_ipv4_inbound(self, value):
        """Add IPsec spd fast path for IP4 inbound.

        :param value: "on" to enable spd fast path.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"ipsec", u"ipv4-inbound-spd-fast-path"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_ipsec_spd_fast_path_ipv4_outbound(self, value):
        """Add IPsec spd fast path for IP4 outbound.

        :param value: "on" to enable spd fast path.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"ipsec", u"ipv4-outbound-spd-fast-path"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_ipsec_spd_fast_path_num_buckets(self, value):
        """Add num buckets for IPsec spd fast path.

        :param value: Number of buckets.
        :type value: int
        path = [u"ipsec", u"spd-fast-path-num-buckets"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_statseg_size(self, value):
        """Add Stats Heap Size configuration.

        :param value: Stats heapsize amount.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"statseg", u"size"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_statseg_page_size(self, value):
        """Add Stats Heap Page Size configuration.

        :param value: Stats heapsize amount.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"statseg", u"page-size"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_statseg_per_node_counters(self, value):
        """Add stats per-node-counters configuration.

        :param value: "on" to switch the counters on.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"statseg", u"per-node-counters"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_plugin(self, state, *plugins):
        """Add plugin section for specific plugin(s).

        :param state: State of plugin [enable|disable].
        :param plugins: Plugin(s) to disable.
        :type state: str
        :type plugins: list
        for plugin in plugins:
            path = [u"plugins", f"plugin {plugin}", state]
            self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u" ", path)

    def add_dpdk_no_multi_seg(self):
        """Add DPDK no-multi-seg configuration."""
        path = [u"dpdk", u"no-multi-seg"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_dpdk_no_tx_checksum_offload(self):
        """Add DPDK no-tx-checksum-offload configuration."""
        path = [u"dpdk", u"no-tx-checksum-offload"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_nat(self, value=u"deterministic"):
        """Add NAT mode configuration.

        :param value: NAT mode.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"nat", value]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_nat_max_translations_per_thread(self, value):
        """Add NAT max. translations per thread number configuration.

        :param value: NAT mode.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"nat", u"max translations per thread"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_nsim_poll_main_thread(self):
        """Add NSIM poll-main-thread configuration."""
        path = [u"nsim", u"poll-main-thread"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_tcp_congestion_control_algorithm(self, value=u"cubic"):
        """Add TCP congestion control algorithm.

        :param value: The congestion control algorithm to use. Example: cubic
        :type value: str
        path = [u"tcp", u"cc-algo"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_tcp_preallocated_connections(self, value):
        """Add TCP pre-allocated connections.

        :param value: The number of pre-allocated connections.
        :type value: int
        path = [u"tcp", u"preallocated-connections"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_tcp_preallocated_half_open_connections(self, value):
        """Add TCP pre-allocated half open connections.

        :param value: The number of pre-allocated half open connections.
        :type value: int
        path = [u"tcp", u"preallocated-half-open-connections"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_session_enable(self):
        """Add session enable."""
        path = [u"session", u"enable"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_session_app_socket_api(self):
        """Use session app socket api."""
        path = [u"session", u"use-app-socket-api"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_session_event_queues_memfd_segment(self):
        """Add session event queue memfd segment."""
        path = [u"session", u"evt_qs_memfd_seg"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, u"", path)

    def add_session_event_queue_length(self, value):
        """Add session event queue length.

        :param value: Session event queue length.
        :type value: int
        path = [u"session", u"event-queue-length"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_session_event_queues_segment_size(self, value):
        """Add session event queue length.

        :param value: Session event queue segment size.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"session", u"evt_qs_seg_size"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_session_preallocated_sessions(self, value):
        """Add the number of pre-allocated sessions.

        :param value: Number of pre-allocated sessions.
        :type value: int
        path = [u"session", u"preallocated-sessions"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_session_v4_session_table_buckets(self, value):
        """Add number of v4 session table buckets to the config.

        :param value: Number of v4 session table buckets.
        :type value: int
        path = [u"session", u"v4-session-table-buckets"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_session_v4_session_table_memory(self, value):
        """Add the size of v4 session table memory.

        :param value: Size of v4 session table memory.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"session", u"v4-session-table-memory"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_session_v4_halfopen_table_buckets(self, value):
        """Add the number of v4 halfopen table buckets.

        :param value: Number of v4 halfopen table buckets.
        :type value: int
        path = [u"session", u"v4-halfopen-table-buckets"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_session_v4_halfopen_table_memory(self, value):
        """Add the size of v4 halfopen table memory.

        :param value: Size of v4 halfopen table memory.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"session", u"v4-halfopen-table-memory"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_session_local_endpoints_table_buckets(self, value):
        """Add the number of local endpoints table buckets.

        :param value: Number of local endpoints table buckets.
        :type value: int
        path = [u"session", u"local-endpoints-table-buckets"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def add_session_local_endpoints_table_memory(self, value):
        """Add the size of local endpoints table memory.

        :param value: Size of local endpoints table memory.
        :type value: str
        path = [u"session", u"local-endpoints-table-memory"]
        self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)

    def write_config(self, filename=None):
        """Generate and write VPP startup configuration to file.

        Use data from calls to this class to form a startup.conf file and
        replace /etc/vpp/startup.conf with it on topology node.

        :param filename: Startup configuration file name.
        :type filename: str

        if filename is None:
            filename = self._vpp_startup_conf

        cmd = f"echo \"{self._vpp_config}\" | sudo tee {filename}"
            self._node, cmd, message=u"Writing config file failed!"

    def apply_config(self, filename=None, verify_vpp=True):
        """Generate and write VPP startup configuration to file and restart VPP.

        Use data from calls to this class to form a startup.conf file and
        replace /etc/vpp/startup.conf with it on topology node.

        :param filename: Startup configuration file name.
        :param verify_vpp: Verify VPP is running after restart.
        :type filename: str
        :type verify_vpp: bool

        VPPUtil.restart_vpp_service(self._node, self._node_key)
        if verify_vpp:

class VppInitConfig:
    """VPP Initial Configuration."""
    def init_vpp_startup_configuration_on_all_duts(nodes):
        """Apply initial VPP startup configuration on all DUTs.

        :param nodes: Nodes in the topology.
        :type nodes: dict
        huge_size = Constants.DEFAULT_HUGEPAGE_SIZE
        for node in nodes.values():
            if node[u"type"] == NodeType.DUT:
                vpp_config = VppConfigGenerator()
                vpp_config.add_plugin("disable", "default")
                vpp_config.add_plugin("enable", "dpdk_plugin.so")
                    *[node["interfaces"][interface].get("pci_address") \
                        for interface in node[u"interfaces"]]