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    Links to builds:
    <a href="https://packagecloud.io/app/fdio/master/search?dist=ubuntu%2Fbionic" target="_blank">vpp-ref</a>,
    <a href="https://jenkins.fd.io/view/csit/job/csit-vpp-perf-ndrpdr-weekly-master-2n-skx" target="_blank">csit-ref</a>
    <iframe width="1100" height="800" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../_static/vpp/2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-l2-base-scale-avf-pdr-lat.html"></iframe>



.. raw:: html

    Links to builds:
    <a href="https://packagecloud.io/app/fdio/master/search?dist=ubuntu%2Fbionic" target="_blank">vpp-ref</a>,
    <a href="https://jenkins.fd.io/view/csit/job/csit-vpp-perf-ndrpdr-weekly-master-2n-skx" target="_blank">csit-ref</a>
    <iframe width="1100" height="800" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="../_static/vpp/2n-skx-x710-64b-2t1c-l2-base-scale-dpdk-pdr-lat.html"></iframe>
s="p">, SSE2_QOS_ACTION_MARK_AND_TRANSMIT } sse2_qos_action_type_en; /* * edt * struct sse2_qos_pol_action_params_st * This structure is used to hold user configured police action parameters. * * element: action_type * Action type (see sse2_qos_action_type_en). * elemtnt: dscp * DSCP value to set when action is SSE2_QOS_ACTION_MARK_AND_TRANSMIT. */ typedef struct sse2_qos_pol_action_params_st_ { u8 action_type; u8 dscp; } sse2_qos_pol_action_params_st; /* * edt: * struct sse2_qos_pol_cfg_params_st * * Description: * This structure is used to hold user configured policing parameters. * * element: cir_kbps * CIR in kbps. * element: eir_kbps * EIR or PIR in kbps. * element: cb_bytes * Committed Burst in bytes. * element: eb_bytes * Excess or Peak Burst in bytes. * element: cir_pps * CIR in pps. * element: eir_pps * EIR or PIR in pps. * element: cb_ms * Committed Burst in milliseconds. * element: eb_ms * Excess or Peak Burst in milliseconds. * element: rate_type * Indicates the union if in kbps/bytes or pps/ms. * element: rfc * Policer algorithm - 1R2C, 1R3C (2697), 2R3C (2698) or 2R3C (4115). See * sse_qos_policer_type_en * element: rnd_type * Rounding type (see sse_qos_round_type_en). Needed when policer values * need to be rounded. Caller can decide on type of rounding used */ typedef struct sse2_qos_pol_cfg_params_st_ { union { struct { u32 cir_kbps; u32 eir_kbps; u64 cb_bytes; u64 eb_bytes; } kbps; struct { u32 cir_pps; u32 eir_pps; u64 cb_ms; u64 eb_ms; } pps; } rb; /* rate burst config */ u8 rate_type; /* sse2_qos_rate_type_en */ u8 rnd_type; /* sse2_qos_round_type_en */ u8 rfc; /* sse2_qos_policer_type_en */ u8 color_aware; u8 overwrite_bucket; /* for debugging purposes */ u32 current_bucket; /* for debugging purposes */ u32 extended_bucket; /* for debugging purposes */ sse2_qos_pol_action_params_st conform_action; sse2_qos_pol_action_params_st exceed_action; sse2_qos_pol_action_params_st violate_action; } sse2_qos_pol_cfg_params_st; typedef struct sse2_qos_pol_hw_params_st_ { u8 rfc; u8 allow_negative; u8 rate_exp; u16 avg_rate_man; u16 peak_rate_man; u8 comm_bkt_limit_exp; u8 comm_bkt_limit_man; u8 extd_bkt_limit_exp; u8 extd_bkt_limit_man; u32 comm_bkt; u32 extd_bkt; } sse2_qos_pol_hw_params_st; int sse2_pol_logical_2_physical (sse2_qos_pol_cfg_params_st * cfg, policer_read_response_type_st * phys); #endif /* __included_xlate_h__ */ /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */