>128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281
# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Map utilities library."""

import ipaddress

from resources.libraries.python.VatExecutor import VatExecutor

class Map(object):
    """Utilities for manipulating MAP feature in VPP."""

    def map_add_domain(vpp_node, ip4_pfx, ip6_pfx, ip6_src, ea_bits_len,
                       psid_offset, psid_len, map_t=False):
        """Add map domain on node.

        :param vpp_node: VPP node to add map domain on.
        :param ip4_pfx: Rule IPv4 prefix.
        :param ip6_pfx: Rule IPv6 prefix.
        :param ip6_src: MAP domain IPv6 BR address / Tunnel source.
        :param ea_bits_len: Embedded Address bits length.
        :param psid_offset: Port Set Identifier (PSID) offset.
        :param psid_len: Port Set Identifier (PSID) length.
        :param map_t: Mapping using translation instead of encapsulation.
        Default False.
        :type vpp_node: dict
        :type ip4_pfx: str
        :type ip6_pfx: str
        :type ip6_src: str
        :type ea_bits_len: int
        :type psid_offset: int
        :type psid_len: int
        :type map_t: bool
        :returns: Index of created map domain.
        :rtype: int
        :raises RuntimeError: If unable to add map domain.
        translate = 'map-t' if map_t else ''

        output = VatExecutor.cmd_from_template(vpp_node, "map_add_domain.vat",
        if output[0]["retval"] == 0:
            return output[0]["index"]
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to add map domain on node {}'

    def map_add_rule(vpp_node, index, psid, dst, delete=False):
        """Add or delete map rule on node.

        :param vpp_node: VPP node to add map rule on.
        :param index: Map domain index to add rule to.
        :param psid: Port Set Identifier.
        :param dst: MAP CE IPv6 address.
        :param delete: If set to True, delete rule. Default False.
        :type vpp_node: dict
        :type index: int
        :type psid: int
        :type dst: str
        :type delete: bool
        :raises RuntimeError: If unable to add map rule.
        output = VatExecutor.cmd_from_template(vpp_node, "map_add_del_rule.vat",
                                               delete='del' if delete else '')

        if output[0]["retval"] != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to add map rule on node {}'

    def map_del_domain(vpp_node, index):
        """Delete map domain on node.

        :param vpp_node: VPP node to delete map domain on.
        :param index: Index of the map domain.
        :type vpp_node: dict
        :type index: int
        :raises RuntimeError: If unable to delete map domain.
        output = VatExecutor.cmd_from_template(vpp_node, "map_del_domain.vat",
        if output[0]["retval"] != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to delete map domain {} on node {}'
                               .format(index, vpp_node['host']))

    def get_psid_from_port(port, psid_len, psid_offset):
        """Return PSID from port.
                              0                   1
                              0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
               Ports in      |     A     |    PSID   |   j   |
            the CE port set  |    > 0    |           |       |
                             |  a bits   |  k bits   |m bits |

        :param port: Port to compute PSID from.
        :param psid_len: PSID length.
        :param psid_offset: PSID offset.
        :type port: int
        :type psid_len: int
        :type psid_offset: int
        :returns: PSID.
        :rtype: int
        ones = 2**16-1
        mask = ones >> (16 - psid_len)
        psid = port >> (16 - psid_len - psid_offset)
        psid &= mask
        return psid

    def _make_ea_bits(ipv4_net, ipv4_host, ea_bit_len, psid_len, psid):
        _note_: host(or prefix) part of destination ip in rule prefix, + psid

        :param ipv4_net: IPv4 domain prefix.
        :param ipv4_host: Destination IPv4 address.
        :param ea_bit_len: EA bit length.
        :param psid_len: PSID length.
        :param psid: PSID.
        :type ipv4_net: ipaddress.IPv4Network
        :type ipv4_host: ipaddress.IPv4Address
        :type ea_bit_len: int
        :type psid_len: int
        :type psid: int
        :returns: Number representing EA bit field of destination IPv6 address.
        :rtype: int
        v4_suffix_len = ipv4_net.max_prefixlen - ipv4_net.prefixlen
        v4_suffix = int(ipv4_net.network_address) ^ int(ipv4_host)

        if ipv4_net.prefixlen + ea_bit_len <= 32:
            ea_bits = v4_suffix >> (v4_suffix_len - ea_bit_len)
            return ea_bits
            q_len = ea_bit_len - v4_suffix_len
            # p_bits = v4_suffix << q_len  # option 1: psid right padded
            p_bits = v4_suffix << psid_len  # option 2: psid left padded
            if q_len < psid_len:
                raise Exception("invalid configuration: q_len < psid_len")
            ea_bits = p_bits | psid
            ea_bits <<= q_len - psid_len  # option 2: psid left padded
            return ea_bits

    def _make_interface_id(rule_net, dst_ip, ea_bit_len, psid):
        _note_: if prefix or complete ip (<= 32), psid is 0

        :param rule_net: IPv4 domain prefix.
        :param dst_ip: Destination IPv4 address.
        :param ea_bit_len: EA bit length.
        :param psid: PSID.
        :type rule_net: ipaddress.IPv4Network
        :type dst_ip: ipaddress.IPv4Address
        :type ea_bit_len: int
        :type psid: int
        :returns: Number representing interface id field of destination IPv6
        :rtype: int
        if rule_net.prefixlen + ea_bit_len < 32:
            v4_suffix_len = rule_net.max_prefixlen - rule_net.prefixlen
            v4_suffix = int(rule_net.network_address) ^ int(dst_ip)
            ea_bits = v4_suffix >> (v4_suffix_len - ea_bit_len)
            address = int(rule_net.network_address) >> v4_suffix_len
            address <<= ea_bit_len
            address |= ea_bits
            address <<= 32 - rule_net.prefixlen - ea_bit_len
            address <<= 16
        elif rule_net.prefixlen + ea_bit_len == 32:
            address = int(dst_ip) << 16
            address = int(dst_ip) << 16
            address |= psid
            return address

        return address

    def compute_ipv6_map_destination_address(ipv4_pfx, ipv6_pfx, ea_bit_len,
                                             psid_offset, psid_len, ipv4_dst,
        """Compute IPv6 destination address from IPv4 address for MAP algorithm.
        (RFC 7597)

       |     n bits         |  o bits   | s bits  |   128-n-o-s bits      |
       |  Rule IPv6 prefix  |  EA bits  |subnet ID|     interface ID      |
       |<---  End-user IPv6 prefix  --->|

        :param ipv4_pfx: Domain IPv4 preffix.
        :param ipv6_pfx: Domain IPv6 preffix.
        :param ea_bit_len: Domain EA bits length.
        :param psid_offset: Domain PSID offset.
        :param psid_len: Domain PSID length.
        :param ipv4_dst: Destination IPv4 address.
        :param dst_port: Destination port number or ICMP ID.
        :type ipv4_pfx: str
        :type ipv6_pfx: str
        :type ea_bit_len: int
        :type psid_offset: int
        :type psid_len: int
        :type ipv4_dst: str
        :type dst_port: int
        :returns: Computed IPv6 address.
        :rtype: str
        ipv6_net = ipaddress.ip_network(unicode(ipv6_pfx))
        ipv4_net = ipaddress.ip_network(unicode(ipv4_pfx))
        ipv4_host = ipaddress.ip_address(unicode(ipv4_dst))

        ipv6_host_len = ipv6_net.max_prefixlen - ipv6_net.prefixlen
        end_user_v6_pfx_len = ipv6_net.prefixlen + ea_bit_len
        psid = Map.get_psid_from_port(dst_port, psid_len, psid_offset)

        rule_v6_pfx = int(ipv6_net.network_address) >> ipv6_host_len
        ea_bits = Map._make_ea_bits(ipv4_net, ipv4_host, ea_bit_len, psid_len,
        interface_id = Map._make_interface_id(ipv4_net, ipv4_host, ea_bit_len,

        address = rule_v6_pfx << ea_bit_len
        address |= ea_bits  # add EA bits

        if end_user_v6_pfx_len > 64:
            # If the End-user IPv6 prefix length is larger than 64,
            # the most significant parts of the interface identifier are
            # overwritten by the prefix.
            mask = (2**128-1) >> end_user_v6_pfx_len
            interface_id &= mask
        address <<= (128 - end_user_v6_pfx_len)
        address |= interface_id  # add Interface ID bits

        return str(ipaddress.ip_address(address))

    def compute_ipv6_map_source_address(ipv6_pfx, ipv4_src):
        """Compute IPv6 source address from IPv4 address for MAP-T algorithm.

        :param ipv6_pfx: 96 bit long IPv6 prefix.
        :param ipv4_src: IPv4 source address
        :type ipv6_pfx: str
        :type ipv4_src: str
        :returns: IPv6 address, combination of IPv6 prefix and IPv4 address.
        :rtype: str
        ipv6_net = ipaddress.ip_network(unicode(ipv6_pfx))
        ipv4_host = ipaddress.ip_address(unicode(ipv4_src))

        address = int(ipv6_net.network_address)
        address |= int(ipv4_host)

        return str(ipaddress.ip_address(address))