# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""VPP Configuration File Generator library"""
import re
import time
from robot.api import logger
from resources.libraries.python.ssh import SSH
from resources.libraries.python.topology import NodeType
from resources.libraries.python.topology import Topology
__all__ = ['VppConfigGenerator']
# VPP configuration template.
# TODO: Do we need a better place for this? Somewhere in an external
# (template) file?
# Note: We're going to pass this through Python string Formatter, so
# any literal curly braces need to be escaped.
VPP_CONFIG_FILENAME = "/etc/vpp/startup.conf"
unix {{
log /tmp/vpe.log
cli-listen localhost:5002
api-trace {{
cpu {{
dpdk {{
socket-mem {socketmemconfig}
# End VPP configuration template.
class VppConfigGenerator(object):
"""VPP Configuration File Generator"""
def __init__(self):
self._nodeconfig = {}
def add_pci_device(self, node, pci_device=None):
"""Add PCI device configuration for node.
:param node: DUT node.
:param pci_device: PCI device (format 0000:00:00.0 or 00:00.0).
If none given, all PCI devices for this node as per topology will be
:type node: dict
:type pci_device: str
:return: nothing
if node['type'] != NodeType.DUT:
raise ValueError('Node type is not a DUT')
if pci_device is None:
# No PCI device was given. Add all device from topology.
for port in node['interfaces'].values():
port_name = port.get('name')
pci_addr = Topology.get_interface_pci_addr(node, port_name)
if pci_addr:
self.add_pci_device(node, pci_addr)
# Specific device was given.
hostname = Topology.get_node_hostname(node)
pattern = re.compile("^[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:"
if not pattern.match(pci_device):
raise ValueError('PCI address {} to be added to host {} '
'is not in valid format xxxx:xx:xx.x'.
format(pci_device, hostname))
if hostname not in self._nodeconfig:
self._nodeconfig[hostname] = {}
if 'pci_addrs' not in self._nodeconfig[hostname]:
self._nodeconfig[hostname]['pci_addrs'] = []
logger.debug('Adding PCI device {1} to {0}'.format(hostname,
def add_cpu_config(self, node, cpu_config):
"""Add CPU configuration for node.
:param node: DUT node.
:param cpu_config: CPU configuration option, as a string.
:type node: dict
:type cpu_config: str
:return: nothing
if node['type'] != NodeType.DUT:
raise ValueError('Node type is not a DUT')
hostname = Topology.get_node_hostname(node)
if hostname not in self._nodeconfig:
self._nodeconfig[hostname] = {}
if 'cpu_config' not in self._nodeconfig[hostname]:
self._nodeconfig[hostname]['cpu_config'] = []
logger.debug('Adding {} to hostname {} CPU config'.format(hostname,
def add_socketmem_config(self, node, socketmem_config):
"""Add Socket Memory configuration for node.
:param node: DUT node.
:param socketmem_config: Socket Memory configuration option,
as a string.
:type node: dict
:type socketmem_config: str
:return: nothing
if node['type'] != NodeType.DUT:
raise ValueError('Node type is not a DUT')
hostname = Topology.get_node_hostname(node)
if hostname not in self._nodeconfig:
self._nodeconfig[hostname] = {}
self._nodeconfig[hostname]['socketmem_config'] = socketmem_config
logger.debug('Setting hostname {} Socket Memory config to {}'.
format(hostname, socketmem_config))
def add_heapsize_config(self, node, heapsize_config):
"""Add Heap Size configuration for node.
:param node: DUT node.
:param heapsize_config: Heap Size configuration, as a string.
:type node: dict
:type heapsize_config: str
:return: nothing
if node['type'] != NodeType.DUT:
raise ValueError('Node type is not a DUT')
hostname = Topology.get_node_hostname(node)
if hostname not in self._nodeconfig:
self._nodeconfig[hostname] = {}
self._nodeconfig[hostname]['heapsize_config'] = heapsize_config
logger.debug('Setting hostname {} Heap Size config to {}'.
format(hostname, heapsize_config))
def add_rss_config(self, node, rss_config):
"""Add RSS configuration for node.
:param node: DUT node.
:param rss_config: RSS configuration, as a string.
:type node: dict
:type rss_config: str
:return: nothing
if node['type'] != NodeType.DUT:
raise ValueError('Node type is not a DUT')
hostname = Topology.get_node_hostname(node)
if not hostname in self._nodeconfig:
self._nodeconfig[hostname] = {}
if not 'rss_config' in self._nodeconfig[hostname]:
self._nodeconfig[hostname]['rss_config'] = []
logger.debug('Setting hostname {} RSS config to {}'.\
format(hostname, rss_config))
def remove_all_pci_devices(self, node):
"""Remove PCI device configuration from node.
:param node: DUT node.
:type node: dict
:return: nothing
if node['type'] != NodeType.DUT:
raise ValueError('Node type is not a DUT')
hostname = Topology.get_node_hostname(node)
if hostname in self._nodeconfig:
self._nodeconfig[hostname]['pci_addrs'] = []
logger.debug('Clearing all PCI devices for hostname {}.'.
def remove_all_cpu_config(self, node):
"""Remove CPU configuration from node.
:param node: DUT node.
:type node: dict
:return: nothing
if node['type'] != NodeType.DUT:
raise ValueError('Node type is not a DUT')
hostname = Topology.get_node_hostname(node)
if hostname in self._nodeconfig:
self._nodeconfig[hostname]['cpu_config'] = []
logger.debug('Clearing all CPU config for hostname {}.'.
def remove_socketmem_config(self, node):
"""Remove Socket Memory configuration from node.
:param node: DUT node.
:type node: dict
:return: nothing
if node['type'] != NodeType.DUT:
raise ValueError('Node type is not a DUT')
hostname = Topology.get_node_hostname(node)
if hostname in self._nodeconfig:
self._nodeconfig[hostname].pop('socketmem_config', None)
logger.debug('Clearing Socket Memory config for hostname {}.'.
def remove_heapsize_config(self, node):
"""Remove Heap Size configuration from node.
:param node: DUT node.
:type node: dict
:return: nothing
if node['type'] != NodeType.DUT:
raise ValueError('Node type is not a DUT')
hostname = Topology.get_node_hostname(node)
if hostname in self._nodeconfig:
self._nodeconfig[hostname].pop('heapsize_config', None)
logger.debug('Clearing Heap Size config for hostname {}.'.
def remove_rss_config(self, node):
"""Remove RSS configuration from node.
:param node: DUT node.
:type node: dict
:return: nothing
if node['type'] != NodeType.DUT:
raise ValueError('Node type is not a DUT')
hostname = Topology.get_node_hostname(node)
if hostname in self._nodeconfig:
self._nodeconfig[hostname]['rss_config'] = []
logger.debug('Clearing RSS config for hostname {}.'.\
def apply_config(self, node, waittime=5, retries=12):
"""Generate and apply VPP configuration for node.
Use data from calls to this class to form a startup.conf file and
replace /etc/vpp/startup.conf with it on node.
:param node: DUT node.
:param waittime: Time to wait for VPP to restart (default 5 seconds).
:param retries: Number of times (default 12) to re-try waiting.
:type node: dict
:type waittime: int
:type retries: int
if node['type'] != NodeType.DUT:
raise ValueError('Node type is not a DUT')
hostname = Topology.get_node_hostname(node)
cpuconfig = ""
pciconfig = ""
heapsizeconfig = ""
rssconfig = ""
if hostname in self._nodeconfig:
cfg = self._nodeconfig[hostname]
if 'cpu_config' in cfg:
cpuconfig = " " + "\n ".join(cfg['cpu_config'])
if 'pci_addrs' in cfg:
pciconfig = " dev " + "\n dev ".join(cfg['pci_addrs'])
if 'socketmem_config' in cfg:
socketmemconfig = cfg['socketmem_config']
if 'heapsize_config' in cfg:
heapsizeconfig = "\nheapsize {}\n".\
if 'rss_config' in cfg:
rssconfig = " " + "\n ".join(cfg['rss_config'])
vppconfig = VPP_CONFIG_TEMPLATE.format(cpuconfig=cpuconfig,
logger.debug('Writing VPP config to host {}: "{}"'.format(hostname,
ssh = SSH()
# We're using this "| sudo tee" construct because redirecting
# a sudo'd outut ("sudo echo xxx > /path/to/file") does not
# work on most platforms...
(ret, stdout, stderr) = \
ssh.exec_command('echo "{0}" | sudo tee {1}'.
format(vppconfig, VPP_CONFIG_FILENAME))
if ret != 0:
logger.debug('Writing config file failed to node {}'.
logger.debug('stdout: {}'.format(stdout))
logger.debug('stderr: {}'.format(stderr))
raise RuntimeError('Writing config file failed to node {}'.
# Instead of restarting, we'll do separate start and stop
# actions. This way we don't care whether VPP was running
# to begin with.
ssh.exec_command('sudo initctl stop {}'.format(VPP_SERVICE_NAME))
(ret, stdout, stderr) = \
ssh.exec_command('sudo initctl start {}'.format(VPP_SERVICE_NAME))
if ret != 0:
logger.debug('Restarting VPP failed on node {}'.
logger.debug('stdout: {}'.format(stdout))
logger.debug('stderr: {}'.format(stderr))
raise RuntimeError('Restarting VPP failed on node {}'.
# Sleep <waittime> seconds, up to <retry> times,
# and verify if VPP is running.
vpp_is_running = False
retries_left = retries
while (not vpp_is_running) and (retries_left > 0):
retries_left -= 1
# FIXME: Need to find a good way to check if VPP is operational.
# If VatTerminal/VatExecutor is anything like vppctl or
# vpp_api_test, then in case VPP is NOT running it will block for
# 30 seconds or so and not even return if VPP becomes alive during
# that time. This makes it unsuitable in this case. We either need
# a call that returns immediately, indicating whether VPP is
# healthy or not, or a call that waits (up to a defined length
# of time) and returns immediately if VPP is or becomes healthy.
(ret, stdout, stderr) = \
ssh.exec_command('echo show hardware-interfaces | '
'nc 0 5002')
if ret == 0:
vpp_is_running = True
logger.debug('VPP not yet running, {} retries left'.
if retries_left == 0:
raise RuntimeError('VPP failed to restart on node {}'.
logger.debug('VPP interfaces found on node {}'.