4 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310
# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/default.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/testing_path.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/ipv4.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/gre.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/traffic.robot
| Library  | resources.libraries.python.IPUtil
| Library  | resources.libraries.python.Trace
| Force Tags | VM_ENV | HW_ENV
| Test Setup | Run Keywords
| ... | Setup all DUTs before test | AND
| ... | Setup all TGs before traffic script
| Test Teardown | Run Keywords
| ... | Show Packet Trace on All DUTs | ${nodes} | AND
| ... | Show vpp trace dump on all DUTs
| Documentation | *GREoIPv4 test cases*
| ...
| ... | *[Top] Network Topologies:* TG=DUT1 2-node topology with two links
| ... | between nodes; TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology with single
| ... | links between nodes.
| ... | *[Enc] Packet Encapsulations:* Eth-IPv4-GRE-IPv4-ICMPv4 on DUT1-DUT2,
| ... | Eth-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG-DUTn for routing over GRE tunnel; Eth-IPv4-ICMPv4
| ... | on TG_if1-DUT, Eth-IPv4-GRE-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG_if2_DUT for GREoIPv4
| ... | encapsulation and decapsulation verification.
| ... | *[Cfg] DUT configuration:* DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4 routing
| ... | and static routes. GREoIPv4 tunnel is configured between DUT1 and DUT2.
| ... | *[Ver] TG verification:* Test ICMPv4 (or ICMPv6) Echo Request packets are
| ... | sent in both directions by TG on links to DUT1 and DUT2; GREoIPv4
| ... | encapsulation and decapsulation are verified separately by TG; on
| ... | receive TG verifies packets for correctness and their IPv4 (IPv6)
| ... | src-addr, dst-addr and MAC addresses.
| ... | *[Ref] Applicable standard specifications:* RFC2784.

*** Variables ***
| ${net1_address}= |
| ${net1_host_address}= |
| ${net1_gw_address}= |
| ${net2_address}= |
| ${net2_host_address}= |
| ${net3_address}= |
| ${net3_host_address}= |
| ${net2_gw_address}= |
| ${dut1_ip_address}= |
| ${dut2_ip_address}= |
| ${dut1_gre_ip}= |
| ${dut2_gre_ip}= |
| ${dut_tun0_ip1}= |
| ${dut_tun0_ip2}= |
| ${dut_tun1_ip1}= |
| ${dut_tun1_ip2}= |
| ${dut1_lo_address}= |
| ${tun0_dst}= |
| ${tun1_dst}= |
| ${prefix}= | 24

*** Test Cases ***
| TC01: DUT1 and DUT2 route over GREoIPv4 tunnel between two TG links
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Top] TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG. [Enc] Eth-IPv4-GRE-IPv4-ICMPv4 on \
| | ... | DUT1-DUT2, Eth-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG-DUTn. [Cfg] On DUT1 and DUT2
| | ... | configure GREoIPv4 tunnel with IPv4 routes towards each other.
| | ... | [Ver] Make TG send ICMPv4 Echo Req between its interfaces across
| | ... | both DUTs and GRE tunnel between them; verify IPv4 headers on
| | ... | received packets are correct. [Ref] RFC2784.
| | Given Path for 3-node testing is set | ${nodes['TG']} | ${nodes['DUT1']}
| | ... | ${nodes['DUT2']} | ${nodes['TG']}
| | And Interfaces in 3-node path are up
| | And IP addresses are set on interfaces
| | ... | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_to_dut2} | ${dut1_ip_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_to_tg}   | ${net1_gw_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_dut1} | ${dut2_ip_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_tg}   | ${net2_gw_address} | ${prefix}
| | And VPP IP Probe | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_to_dut2} | ${dut2_ip_address}
| | And VPP IP Probe | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_dut1} | ${dut1_ip_address}
| | And Add Arp On Dut | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_tg} | ${net2_host_address}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut2_mac}
| | ${dut1_gre_interface} | ${dut1_gre_index}=
| | ... | When GRE tunnel interface is created and up
| | ... | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_ip_address} | ${dut2_ip_address}
| | ${dut2_gre_interface} | ${dut2_gre_index}=
| | ... | And  GRE tunnel interface is created and up
| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_ip_address} | ${dut1_ip_address}
| | And IP addresses are set on interfaces
| | ... | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_gre_index} | ${dut1_gre_ip} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_gre_index} | ${dut2_gre_ip} | ${prefix}
| | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut1_node} | ${net2_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut2_gre_ip} | ${dut1_gre_index}
| | Then Send Packet And Check Headers | ${tg_node}
| | ... | ${net1_host_address} | ${net2_host_address}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut1} | ${tg_to_dut1_mac} | ${dut1_to_tg_mac}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut2} | ${dut2_to_tg_mac} | ${tg_to_dut2_mac}

| TC02: DUT encapsulates IPv4 into GREoIPv4 tunnel - GRE header verification
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Top] TG=DUT1. [Enc] Eth-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG_if1-DUT, \
| | ... | Eth-IPv4-GRE-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG_if2_DUT. [Cfg] On DUT1 configure
| | ... | GREoIPv4 tunnel with IPv4 route towards TG. [Ver] Make TG send
| | ... | non-encapsulated ICMPv4 Echo Req to DUT; verify TG received
| | ... | GREoIPv4 encapsulated packet is correct. [Ref] RFC2784.
| | Given Path for 2-node testing is set
| | ... | ${nodes['TG']} | ${nodes['DUT1']} | ${nodes['TG']}
| | And Interfaces in 2-node path are up
| | And IP addresses are set on interfaces
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | ${dut1_ip_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if1} | ${net1_gw_address} | ${prefix}
| | And Add Arp On Dut | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | ${dut2_ip_address}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if2_mac}
| | ${dut1_gre_interface} | ${dut1_gre_index}=
| | ... | When GRE tunnel interface is created and up
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_ip_address} | ${dut2_ip_address}
| | And IP addresses are set on interfaces
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_gre_index} | ${dut1_gre_ip} | ${prefix}
| | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut_node} | ${net2_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut2_gre_ip} | ${dut1_gre_index}
| | Then Send ICMPv4 and check received GRE header
| | ... | ${tg_node} | ${tg_to_dut_if1} | ${tg_to_dut_if2}
| | ... | ${dut_to_tg_if1_mac} | ${tg_to_dut_if2_mac}
| | ... | ${net1_host_address} | ${net2_host_address}
| | ... | ${dut1_ip_address} | ${dut2_ip_address}

| TC03: DUT decapsulates IPv4 from GREoIPv4 tunnel - IPv4 header verification
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Top] TG=DUT1. [Enc] Eth-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG_if1-DUT, \
| | ... | Eth-IPv4-GRE-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG_if2_DUT. [Cfg] On DUT1 configure
| | ... | GREoIPv4 tunnel towards TG. [Ver] Make TG send ICMPv4 Echo Req
| | ... | encapsulated into GREoIPv4 towards VPP; verify TG received IPv4
| | ... | de-encapsulated packet is correct. [Ref] RFC2784.
| | Given Path for 2-node testing is set
| | ... | ${nodes['TG']} | ${nodes['DUT1']} | ${nodes['TG']}
| | And Interfaces in 2-node path are up
| | And IP addresses are set on interfaces
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | ${dut1_ip_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if1} | ${net1_gw_address} | ${prefix}
| | And Add Arp On Dut | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if1} | ${net1_host_address}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if1_mac}
| | ${dut1_gre_interface} | ${dut1_gre_index}=
| | ... | When GRE tunnel interface is created and up
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_ip_address} | ${dut2_ip_address}
| | And IP addresses are set on interfaces
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_gre_index} | ${dut1_gre_ip} | ${prefix}
| | Then Send GRE and check received ICMPv4 header
| | ... | ${tg_node} | ${tg_to_dut_if2} | ${tg_to_dut_if1}
| | ... | ${dut_to_tg_if2_mac} | ${tg_to_dut_if1_mac}
| | ... | ${net2_host_address} | ${net1_host_address}
| | ... | ${dut2_ip_address} | ${dut1_ip_address}

| TC04: DUT encapsulates IPv4 into GREoIPv4 different tunnels - GRE header verification
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Top] TG=DUT1. [Enc] Eth-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG_if1-DUT, \
| | ... | Eth-IPv4-GRE-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG_if2_DUT. [Cfg] On DUT1 configure two
| | ... | GRE tunnels with loopback's source address. Destination address of
| | ... | tunnels are routed via next hop address of DUT's to TG if2, where
| | ... | should be only GRE encapsulated packets. Each tunnel has IPv4 address
| | ... | and configured prefix routed through the tunnel. [Ver] Make TG send
| | ... | non-encapsulated ICMPv4 Echo Req to DUT; verify TG received GREoIPv4
| | ... | encapsulated packet is correct for each tunnel. [Ref] RFC2784.
| | Given Path for 2-node testing is set
| | ... | ${nodes['TG']} | ${nodes['DUT1']} | ${nodes['TG']}
| | And Interfaces in 2-node path are up
| | ${dut1_lo_index}= | And VPP Create loopback | ${dut_node}
| | And Set Interface State |  ${dut_node} | ${dut1_lo_index} | up
| | And IP addresses are set on interfaces
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | ${dut1_ip_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if1} | ${net1_gw_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_lo_index} | ${dut1_lo_address} | ${32}
| | And Add Arp On Dut | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | ${dut2_ip_address}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if2_mac}
| | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut_node} | ${tun0_dst} | ${32}
| | ... | ${dut2_ip_address} | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut_node} | ${tun1_dst} | ${32}
| | ... | ${dut2_ip_address} | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | ${dut1_gre0_interface} | ${dut1_gre0_index}=
| | ... | When GRE tunnel interface is created and up
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_lo_address} | ${tun0_dst}
| | ${dut1_gre1_interface} | ${dut1_gre1_index}=
| | ... | And GRE tunnel interface is created and up
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_lo_address} | ${tun1_dst}
| | And IP addresses are set on interfaces
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_gre0_index} | ${dut_tun0_ip1} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_gre1_index} | ${dut_tun1_ip1} | ${prefix}
| | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut_node} | ${net2_address} | ${prefix}
| |  ... | ${dut_tun0_ip2} | ${dut1_gre0_index}
| | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut_node} | ${net3_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut_tun1_ip2} | ${dut1_gre1_index}
| | Then Send ICMPv4 and check received GRE header
| | ... | ${tg_node} | ${tg_to_dut_if1} | ${tg_to_dut_if2}
| | ... | ${dut_to_tg_if1_mac} | ${tg_to_dut_if2_mac}
| | ... | ${net1_host_address} | ${net2_host_address}
| | ... | ${dut1_lo_address} | ${tun0_dst}
| | And Send ICMPv4 and check received GRE header
| | ... | ${tg_node} | ${tg_to_dut_if1} | ${tg_to_dut_if2}
| | ... | ${dut_to_tg_if1_mac} | ${tg_to_dut_if2_mac}
| | ... | ${net1_host_address} | ${net3_host_address}
| | ... | ${dut1_lo_address} | ${tun1_dst}

| TC05: DUT re-encapsulates IPv4 GRE into other GRE tunnel - GRE header verification
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Top] TG=DUT1. [Enc] Eth-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG_if1-DUT, \
| | ... | Eth-IPv4-GRE-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG_if2_DUT. [Cfg] On DUT1 configure two
| | ... | GRE tunnels with loopback's source address. Destination address of
| | ... | tunnels are routed via next hop address of DUT's to TG if2, where
| | ... | should be only GRE encapsulated packets. Each tunnel has IPv4 address
| | ... | and configured prefix routed through the tunnel. [Ver] Make TG send
| | ... | encapsulated IPv4 UDP to DUT; Encapsulated IP source is behind
| | ... | configured tunnel same as destination; verify TG received GREoIPv4
| | ... | encapsulated packet is correct. [Ref] RFC2784.
| | Given Path for 2-node testing is set
| | ... | ${nodes['TG']} | ${nodes['DUT1']} | ${nodes['TG']}
| | And Interfaces in 2-node path are up
| | ${dut1_lo_index}= | And VPP Create loopback | ${dut_node}
| | And Set Interface State |  ${dut_node} | ${dut1_lo_index} | up
| | And IP addresses are set on interfaces
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | ${dut1_ip_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if1} | ${net1_gw_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_lo_index} | ${dut1_lo_address} | ${32}
| | And Add Arp On Dut | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | ${dut2_ip_address}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if2_mac}
| | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut_node} | ${tun0_dst} | ${32}
| | ... | ${dut2_ip_address} | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut_node} | ${tun1_dst} | ${32}
| | ... | ${dut2_ip_address} | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | ${dut1_gre0_interface} | ${dut1_gre0_index}=
| | ... | When GRE tunnel interface is created and up
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_lo_address} | ${tun0_dst}
| | ${dut1_gre1_interface} | ${dut1_gre1_index}=
| | ... | And GRE tunnel interface is created and up
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_lo_address} | ${tun1_dst}
| | And IP addresses are set on interfaces
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_gre0_index} | ${dut_tun0_ip1} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_gre1_index} | ${dut_tun1_ip1} | ${prefix}
| | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut_node} | ${net2_address} | ${prefix}
| |  ... | ${dut_tun0_ip2} | ${dut1_gre0_index}
| | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut_node} | ${net3_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut_tun1_ip2} | ${dut1_gre1_index}
| | Then Send GRE and check received GRE header
| | ... | ${tg_node} | ${tg_to_dut_if2} | ${tg_to_dut_if2}
| | ... | ${dut_to_tg_if2_mac} | ${tg_to_dut_if2_mac}
| | ... | ${dut1_lo_address} | ${tun0_dst}
| | ... | ${net3_host_address} | ${net2_host_address}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if2_mac} | ${dut_to_tg_if2_mac}
| | ... | ${tun1_dst} | ${dut1_lo_address}

| TC06: DUT do not process GRE with wrong tunnel destination IP
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Top] TG=DUT1. [Enc] Eth-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG_if1-DUT, \
| | ... | Eth-IPv4-GRE-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG_if2_DUT. [Cfg] On DUT1 configure two
| | ... | GRE tunnels with loopback's source address. Destination address of
| | ... | tunnels are routed via next hop address of DUT's to TG if2, where
| | ... | should be only GRE encapsulated packets. On DUT's to TG if1 interface
| | ... | is configured test destination host MAC address. [Ver] Make TG send
| | ... | GRE encapsulated ICMPv4 Echo Req to DUT; verify TG received
| | ... | de-capsulated packet is correct, then send packet with wrong tunnel
| | ... | destination address. [Ref] RFC2784.
| | ... |
| | Given Path for 2-node testing is set
| | ... | ${nodes['TG']} | ${nodes['DUT1']} | ${nodes['TG']}
| | And Interfaces in 2-node path are up
| | ${dut1_lo_index}= | And VPP Create loopback | ${dut_node}
| | And Set Interface State |  ${dut_node} | ${dut1_lo_index} | up
| | And IP addresses are set on interfaces
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | ${dut1_ip_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if1} | ${net1_gw_address} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_lo_index} | ${dut1_lo_address} | ${32}
| | And Add Arp On Dut | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if1} | ${net1_host_address}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if1_mac}
| | And Add Arp On Dut | ${dut_node} | ${dut_to_tg_if2} | ${dut2_ip_address}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut_if2_mac}
| | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut_node} | ${tun0_dst} | ${32}
| | ... | ${dut2_ip_address} | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | And Vpp Route Add | ${dut_node} | ${tun1_dst} | ${32}
| | ... | ${dut2_ip_address} | ${dut_to_tg_if2}
| | ${dut1_gre0_interface} | ${dut1_gre0_index}=
| | ... | When GRE tunnel interface is created and up
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_lo_address} | ${tun0_dst}
| | ${dut1_gre1_interface} | ${dut1_gre1_index}=
| | ... | And GRE tunnel interface is created and up
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_lo_address} | ${tun1_dst}
| | And IP addresses are set on interfaces
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_gre0_index} | ${dut_tun0_ip1} | ${prefix}
| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${dut1_gre1_index} | ${dut_tun1_ip1} | ${prefix}
| | Then Send GRE and check received ICMPv4 header
| | ... | ${tg_node} | ${tg_to_dut_if2} | ${tg_to_dut_if1}
| | ... | ${dut_to_tg_if2_mac} | ${tg_to_dut_if1_mac}
| | ... | ${net2_host_address} | ${net1_host_address}
| | ... | ${tun0_dst} | ${dut1_lo_address}
| | And Run Keyword And Expect Error | ICMP echo Rx timeout
| | ... | Send GRE and check received ICMPv4 header |
| | ... | ${tg_node} | ${tg_to_dut_if2} | ${tg_to_dut_if1}
| | ... | ${dut_to_tg_if2_mac} | ${tg_to_dut_if1_mac}
| | ... | ${net2_host_address} | ${net1_host_address}
| | ... | ${tun0_dst} | ${dut1_ip_address}