path: root/scripts/csit/run
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/csit/run')
8 files changed, 428 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm.sh b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm.sh
index fb65f65..8bada97 100755
--- a/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm.sh
+++ b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm.sh
@@ -21,35 +21,22 @@ ROOTDIR=$CSIT_SCRIPT_DIR/../../../
+source $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/common.sh
# Setup preparation
if [ "x$action" == "xsetup" ]; then
- ip addr
- lspci -nn
- lsmod | grep uio
- bash $CSIT_SCRIPT_DIR/kill_given_proc.sh vs_epoll
- bash $CSIT_SCRIPT_DIR/setup_hugepage.sh
- cp -f $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/prep_app_test.sh $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/prep_app_test_csit.sh
- sed -i 's!.*check_hugepage.sh!#skip hugepage check!1' $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/prep_app_test_csit.sh
- sed -i 's!enp0s8!'$ifname'!1' $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/prep_app_test_csit.sh
- bash -x $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/prep_app_test_csit.sh
+ setup_preparation vs_epoll
# Execution
if [ "x$action" == "xrun" ]; then
- cd $APP_DIR
- ls -l
- #only for kernal stack
- if [ "x$node" == "x0" ]; then
- sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vs_epoll -p 20000 -d ${dut2_if_ip} -a 10000 -s ${dut1_if_ip} -l 200 -t 50000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1
- else
- sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vc_common -p 20000 -d ${dut1_if_ip} -a 10000 -s ${dut2_if_ip} -l 200 -t 50000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1
- fi
+ execution "sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} NSTACK_LOG_FILE_FLAG=1 ./vs_epoll -p 20000 -d ${dut2_if_ip} -a 10000 -s ${dut1_if_ip} -l 200 -t 50000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1" \
+ "sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} NSTACK_LOG_FILE_FLAG=1 ./vc_common -p 20000 -d ${dut1_if_ip} -a 10000 -s ${dut2_if_ip} -l 200 -t 50000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1"
@@ -57,14 +44,9 @@ fi
if [ "x$action" == "xverify" ]; then
if [ "x$node" == "x1" ]; then
- sudo cat $RUN_DIR/log_$(basename $0).txt | grep "send 50000"
- if [ $? == 0 ]; then
- else
- fi
+ verification "sudo cat $RUN_DIR/log_$(basename $0).txt | grep \"send 50000\""
elif [ "x$node" == "x0" ]; then
+ verification
@@ -72,16 +54,14 @@ fi
# Print Log
if [ "x$action" == "xlog" ]; then
- echo "print log"
+ print_log vs_epoll vc_common
# Cleanup
if [ "x$action" == "xcleanup" ]; then
- if [ "x$node" == "x0" ]; then
- bash $CSIT_SCRIPT_DIR/kill_given_proc.sh vs_epoll
- fi
+ cleanup vs_epoll vc_common
exit 0 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_fork.sh b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_fork.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b406ba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_fork.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+set -x
+# Store arguments values
+# verify, log, cleanup actions gets first two arguments
+action=$1 #action: [setup, run, verify, cleanup]
+node=$2 #node: [0 - dut1 node, 1 - dut2 node]
+ifname=$3 #dut1 interface name when node is 0 /dut2 interface name when node is 1
+dut1_if_ip=$4 #dut1 interface ip
+dut2_if_ip=$5 #dut2 interface ip
+# Get path details
+RUN_DIR=`dirname $(readlink -f $0)`
+source $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/common.sh
+# Setup preparation
+if [ "x$action" == "xsetup" ]; then
+ setup_preparation vtcp_fork_server
+# Execution
+#execution "sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./ktcp_fork_server -a 10000 -s ${dut1_if_ip} -t 50000"
+# "sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./ktcp_client -p 10000 -d ${dut1_if_ip} -a 10000 -s ${dut2_if_ip} -t 50000"
+if [ "x$action" == "xrun" ]; then
+ execution "sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} NSTACK_LOG_FILE_FLAG=1 ./vtcp_fork_server -a 10000 -s ${dut1_if_ip} -t 50000" \
+ "sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} NSTACK_LOG_FILE_FLAG=1 ./vtcp_client -p 10000 -d ${dut1_if_ip} -a 10000 -s ${dut2_if_ip} -t 50000"
+# Verification
+if [ "x$action" == "xverify" ]; then
+ if [ "x$node" == "x1" ]; then
+ verification "sudo cat $RUN_DIR/log_$(basename $0).txt | grep \"Success\""
+ elif [ "x$node" == "x0" ]; then
+ verification
+ fi
+# Print Log
+if [ "x$action" == "xlog" ]; then
+ print_log vtcp_fork_server vtcp_client
+# Cleanup
+if [ "x$action" == "xcleanup" ]; then
+ cleanup vtcp_fork_server vtcp_client
+exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_fork_with_lwip.sh b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_fork_with_lwip.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0ee9d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_fork_with_lwip.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+set -x
+# Store arguments values
+# verify, log, cleanup actions gets first two arguments[action, node]
+action=$1 #action: [setup, run, verify, cleanup]
+node=$2 #node: [0 - dut1 node, 1 - dut2 node]
+ifname=$3 #dut1 interface name(when node is 0)/dut2 interface name(when node is 1)
+dut1_if_ip=$4 #dut1 interface ip
+dut2_if_ip=$5 #dut2 interface ip
+# Get path details
+RUN_DIR=`dirname $(readlink -f $0)`
+source $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/common.sh
+# Setup preparation
+if [ "x$action" == "xsetup" ]; then
+ setup_preparation_lwip vtcp_fork_server
+# Execution
+if [ "x$action" == "xrun" ]; then
+ execution "sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vtcp_fork_server -a 10000 -s ${dut1_if_ip} -t 50000" \
+ "sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vtcp_client -p 10000 -d ${dut1_if_ip} -a 10000 -s ${dut2_if_ip} -t 50000"
+# Verification
+if [ "x$action" == "xverify" ]; then
+ if [ "x$node" == "x1" ]; then
+ verification "cat $RUN_DIR/log_$(basename $0).txt | grep \"Success\""
+ elif [ "x$node" == "x0" ]; then
+ verification
+ fi
+# Print Log
+if [ "x$action" == "xlog" ]; then
+ cat $LOG_PATH/running.log
+# Cleanup
+if [ "x$action" == "xcleanup" ]; then
+ cleanup_lwip vtcp_fork_server
+exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_tcp_filetrans.sh b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_tcp_filetrans.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fddc017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_tcp_filetrans.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+set -x
+# Store arguments values
+# verify, log, cleanup actions gets first two arguments
+action=$1 #action: [setup, run, verify, cleanup]
+node=$2 #node: [0 - dut1 node, 1 - dut2 node]
+ifname=$3 #dut1 interface name when node is 0 /dut2 interface name when node is 1
+dut1_if_ip=$4 #dut1 interface ip
+dut2_if_ip=$5 #dut2 interface ip
+# Get path details
+RUN_DIR=`dirname $(readlink -f $0)`
+source $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/common.sh
+# Setup preparation
+if [ "x$action" == "xsetup" ]; then
+ setup_preparation vc_serv_file
+# Execution
+if [ "x$action" == "xrun" ]; then
+ execution "cp -f $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/file.txt . ;sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} NSTACK_LOG_FILE_FLAG=1 ./vc_serv_file tcp ${dut1_if_ip} 1234" \
+ "cp -f $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/file.txt . ;sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} NSTACK_LOG_FILE_FLAG=1 ./vc_cli_file tcp ${dut1_if_ip} 1234 file.txt ${dut2_if_ip}"
+# Verification
+if [ "x$action" == "xverify" ]; then
+ if [ "x$node" == "x0" ]; then
+ verification "diff $APP_DIR/file.txt $APP_DIR/receive_file.txt >/dev/null"
+ elif [ "x$node" == "x1" ]; then
+ verification
+ fi
+# Print Log
+if [ "x$action" == "xlog" ]; then
+ print_log vc_serv_file vc_cli_file
+# Cleanup
+if [ "x$action" == "xcleanup" ]; then
+ cleanup vc_serv_file vc_cli_file
+exit 0 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_tcp_filetrans_with_lwip.sh b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_tcp_filetrans_with_lwip.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5713d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_tcp_filetrans_with_lwip.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+set -x
+# Store arguments values
+# verify, log, cleanup actions gets first two arguments[action, node]
+action=$1 #action: [setup, run, verify, cleanup]
+node=$2 #node: [0 - dut1 node, 1 - dut2 node]
+ifname=$3 #dut1 interface name(when node is 0)/dut2 interface name(when node is 1)
+dut1_if_ip=$4 #dut1 interface ip
+dut2_if_ip=$5 #dut2 interface ip
+# Get path details
+RUN_DIR=`dirname $(readlink -f $0)`
+source $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/common.sh
+# Setup preparation
+if [ "x$action" == "xsetup" ]; then
+ setup_preparation_lwip vc_serv_file
+# Execution
+if [ "x$action" == "xrun" ]; then
+ execution "sudo cp -f $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/file.txt . ;sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vc_serv_file tcp ${dut1_if_ip} 1234" \
+ "sudo cp -f $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/file.txt . ;sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vc_cli_file tcp ${dut1_if_ip} 1234 file.txt ${dut2_if_ip}"
+# Verification
+if [ "x$action" == "xverify" ]; then
+ if [ "x$node" == "x0" ]; then
+ verification "diff $APP_DIR/file.txt $APP_DIR/receive_file.txt >/dev/null"
+ elif [ "x$node" == "x1" ]; then
+ verification
+ fi
+# Print Log
+if [ "x$action" == "xlog" ]; then
+ cat $LOG_PATH/running.log
+# Cleanup
+if [ "x$action" == "xcleanup" ]; then
+ cleanup_lwip vc_serv_file
+exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_udp_filetrans.sh b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_udp_filetrans.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b8838bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_udp_filetrans.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+set -x
+# Store arguments values
+# verify, log, cleanup actions gets first two arguments
+action=$1 #action: [setup, run, verify, cleanup]
+node=$2 #node: [0 - dut1 node, 1 - dut2 node]
+ifname=$3 #dut1 interface name when node is 0 /dut2 interface name when node is 1
+dut1_if_ip=$4 #dut1 interface ip
+dut2_if_ip=$5 #dut2 interface ip
+# Get path details
+RUN_DIR=`dirname $(readlink -f $0)`
+source $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/common.sh
+# Setup preparation
+if [ "x$action" == "xsetup" ]; then
+ setup_preparation vc_serv_file
+# Execution
+if [ "x$action" == "xrun" ]; then
+ execution "cp -f $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/file.txt . ;sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vc_serv_file udp ${dut1_if_ip} 1235 file.txt 256" \
+ "cp -f $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/file.txt . ;sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vc_cli_file udp ${dut1_if_ip} 1235 ${dut2_if_ip} file.txt receive_file.txt 256"
+# Verification
+if [ "x$action" == "xverify" ]; then
+ if [ "x$node" == "x0" ]; then
+ verification "diff $APP_DIR/file.txt $APP_DIR/receive_file.txt >/dev/null"
+ elif [ "x$node" == "x1" ]; then
+ verification
+ fi
+# Print Log
+if [ "x$action" == "xlog" ]; then
+ print_log vc_serv_file vc_cli_file
+# Cleanup
+if [ "x$action" == "xcleanup" ]; then
+ cleanup vc_serv_file vc_cli_file
+exit 0 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_udp_filetrans_with_lwip.sh b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_udp_filetrans_with_lwip.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b8310dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_udp_filetrans_with_lwip.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+set -x
+# Store arguments values
+# verify, log, cleanup actions gets first two arguments[action, node]
+action=$1 #action: [setup, run, verify, cleanup]
+node=$2 #node: [0 - dut1 node, 1 - dut2 node]
+ifname=$3 #dut1 interface name(when node is 0)/dut2 interface name(when node is 1)
+dut1_if_ip=$4 #dut1 interface ip
+dut2_if_ip=$5 #dut2 interface ip
+# Get path details
+RUN_DIR=`dirname $(readlink -f $0)`
+source $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/common.sh
+# Setup preparation
+if [ "x$action" == "xsetup" ]; then
+ setup_preparation_lwip vc_serv_file
+ sudo sed -i '23s/kernel/lwip/' $APP_DIR/rd_config.json
+# Execution
+if [ "x$action" == "xrun" ]; then
+ execution "sudo cp -f $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/file.txt . ;sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vc_serv_file udp ${dut1_if_ip} 1236 file.txt 256" \
+ "sudo cp -f $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/file.txt . ;sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vc_cli_file udp ${dut1_if_ip} 1236 ${dut2_if_ip} file.txt receive_file.txt 256"
+# Verification
+if [ "x$action" == "xverify" ]; then
+ if [ "x$node" == "x0" ]; then
+ verification "diff $APP_DIR/file.txt $APP_DIR/receive_file.txt >/dev/null"
+ elif [ "x$node" == "x1" ]; then
+ verification
+ fi
+# Print Log
+if [ "x$action" == "xlog" ]; then
+ cat $LOG_PATH/running.log
+# Cleanup
+if [ "x$action" == "xcleanup" ]; then
+ cleanup_lwip vc_serv_file
+exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_with_lwip.sh b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_with_lwip.sh
index 1174697..3b02e28 100755
--- a/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_with_lwip.sh
+++ b/scripts/csit/run/run_dmm_with_lwip.sh
@@ -22,39 +22,22 @@ APP_DIR=${ROOTDIR}/dmm/stacks/lwip_stack/app_test/
+source $DMM_SCRIPT_DIR/csit/common.sh
# Setup preparation
if [ "x$action" == "xsetup" ]; then
- bash $CSIT_SCRIPT_DIR/kill_given_proc.sh vs_epoll
- bash $CSIT_SCRIPT_DIR/setup_hugepage.sh
- cat /proc/meminfo
- cp -f $VAG_DIR/start_nstackMain.sh $VAG_DIR/start_nstackMain_csit.sh
- sed -i 's!.*check_hugepage.sh!#skip hugepage check!1' $VAG_DIR/start_nstackMain_csit.sh
- sed -i 's!ifname=.*!ifname='$ifname'!1' $VAG_DIR/start_nstackMain_csit.sh
- sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} bash $VAG_DIR/start_nstackMain_csit.sh || exit 1
- sleep 5
- #after nstackmain
- echo "after nstackmain"
- ip addr
- lspci -nn
- lsmod | grep uio
- cat /proc/meminfo | grep Huge
- /tmp/dpdk/dpdk-18.02/usertools/dpdk-devbind.py --status
+ setup_preparation_lwip vs_epoll
# Execution
if [ "x$action" == "xrun" ]; then
- cd ${APP_DIR}
- if [ "x$node" == "x0" ]; then
- sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vs_epoll -p 20000 -d ${dut2_if_ip} -a 10000 -s ${dut1_if_ip} -l 200 -t 50000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1
- else
- sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vc_common -p 20000 -d ${dut1_if_ip} -a 10000 -s ${dut2_if_ip} -l 200 -t 50 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1
- fi
+ execution "sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vs_epoll -p 20000 -d ${dut2_if_ip} -a 10000 -s ${dut1_if_ip} -l 200 -t 50000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1" \
+ "sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIB_PATH} ./vc_common -p 20000 -d ${dut1_if_ip} -a 10000 -s ${dut2_if_ip} -l 200 -t 50 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1"
@@ -62,14 +45,9 @@ fi
if [ "x$action" == "xverify" ]; then
if [ "x$node" == "x1" ]; then
- cat $RUN_DIR/log_$(basename $0).txt | grep "send 50"
- if [ $? == 0 ]; then
- else
- fi
+ verification "cat $RUN_DIR/log_$(basename $0).txt | grep \"send 50\""
elif [ "x$node" == "x0" ]; then
+ verification
@@ -84,11 +62,7 @@ fi
# Cleanup
if [ "x$action" == "xcleanup" ]; then
- if [ "x$node" == "x0" ]; then
- bash $CSIT_SCRIPT_DIR/kill_given_proc.sh vs_epoll
- fi
- sudo bash $APP_DIR/../release/stop_nstack.sh
- sudo rm $LOG_PATH/running.log
+ cleanup_lwip vs_epoll
exit 0