path: root/mpls/impl/src/main/java/io/fd/hc2vpp/mpls/
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Diffstat (limited to 'mpls/impl/src/main/java/io/fd/hc2vpp/mpls/')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/mpls/impl/src/main/java/io/fd/hc2vpp/mpls/ b/mpls/impl/src/main/java/io/fd/hc2vpp/mpls/
index b7ac96735..14053b63d 100644
--- a/mpls/impl/src/main/java/io/fd/hc2vpp/mpls/
+++ b/mpls/impl/src/main/java/io/fd/hc2vpp/mpls/
@@ -27,11 +27,13 @@ import io.fd.vpp.jvpp.core.future.FutureJVppCore;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev130715.IpAddress;
+import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev130715.Ipv4Address;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev130715.Ipv4Prefix;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.mpls._static.rev170310.StaticLspConfig.Operation;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.mpls._static.rev170310._static.lsp.Config;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.mpls._static.rev170310._static.lsp_config.InSegment;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.mpls._static.rev170310._static.lsp_config.OutSegment;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.mpls._static.rev170310._static.lsp_config.out.segment.PathList;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.mpls._static.rev170310._static.lsp_config.out.segment.SimplePath;
@@ -60,64 +62,80 @@ final class ImposeAndForwardWriter implements LspWriter, Ipv4Translator {
final Config config = data.getConfig();
final IpAddDelRoute request = new IpAddDelRoute();
request.isAdd = booleanToByte(isAdd);
- request.nextHopWeight = 1; // default value used in make test
- final InSegment inSegment = config.getInSegment();
- checkArgument(inSegment != null, "Configuring impose-and-forward, but in-segment is missing.");
+ translate(config.getInSegment(), request);
+ translate(config.getOutSegment(), request, ctx);
+ // default values based on inspecting VPP's CLI and make test code
+ request.nextHopWeight = 1;
+ request.nextHopViaLabel = MPLS_LABEL_INVALID;
+ getReplyForWrite(vppApi.ipAddDelRoute(request).toCompletableFuture(), id);
+ }
- checkArgument(inSegment.getType() instanceof IpPrefix, "Only ip-prefix type is supported, but %s given.",
- inSegment.getType());
- final Ipv4Prefix prefix = ((IpPrefix) inSegment.getType()).getIpPrefix().getIpv4Prefix();
+ private void translate(@Nonnull final InSegment inSegment, @Nonnull final IpAddDelRoute request) {
+ checkArgument(inSegment != null, "Configuring impose-and-forward, but in-segment is missing.");
+ final Type type = inSegment.getType();
+ checkArgument(type instanceof IpPrefix, "Only ip-prefix type is supported, but %s given.", type);
// TODO(HC2VPP-264): add support for mpls + v6
+ final Ipv4Prefix prefix = ((IpPrefix) type).getIpPrefix().getIpv4Prefix();
request.dstAddressLength = extractPrefix(prefix);
request.dstAddress = ipv4AddressPrefixToArray(prefix);
+ }
- final OutSegment outSegment = config.getOutSegment();
+ private void translate(@Nonnull final OutSegment outSegment, @Nonnull final IpAddDelRoute request,
+ @Nonnull final MappingContext ctx) {
checkArgument(outSegment != null, "Configuring impose-and-forward, but out-segment is missing.");
- translateOutSegment(outSegment, request, ctx);
- getReplyForWrite(vppApi.ipAddDelRoute(request).toCompletableFuture(), id);
- }
- private void translateOutSegment(@Nonnull final OutSegment outSegment, @Nonnull final IpAddDelRoute request,
- @Nonnull final MappingContext ctx) {
final String outgoingInterface;
if (outSegment instanceof SimplePath) {
- final SimplePath path = (SimplePath) outSegment;
- outgoingInterface = path.getOutgoingInterface();
- final IpAddress nextHop = path.getNextHop();
- checkArgument(nextHop != null, "Configuring impose-and-forward, but next-hop is missing.");
- // TODO(HC2VPP-264): add support for mpls + v6
- checkArgument(nextHop.getIpv4Address() != null, "Only IPv4 next-hop address is supported.");
- request.nextHopAddress = ipv4AddressNoZoneToArray(nextHop.getIpv4Address().getValue());
- request.nextHopNOutLabels = 1;
- checkArgument(path.getOutgoingLabel() != null,
- "Configuring impose-and-forward, but outgoing-label is missing.");
- request.nextHopOutLabelStack = new int[] {path.getOutgoingLabel().getValue().intValue()};
+ outgoingInterface = translate((SimplePath) outSegment, request);
} else if (outSegment instanceof PathList) {
- final PathList pathList = (PathList) outSegment;
- checkArgument(pathList.getPaths() != null && pathList.getPaths().size() == 1,
- "Only single path is supported");
- final Paths paths = pathList.getPaths().get(0);
- outgoingInterface = paths.getOutgoingInterface();
- // TODO(HC2VPP-264): add support for mpls + v6
- final IpAddress nextHop = paths.getNextHop();
- checkArgument(nextHop != null, "Configuring impose-and-forward, but next-hop is missing.");
- checkArgument(nextHop.getIpv4Address() != null, "Only IPv4 next-hop address is supported.");
- request.nextHopAddress = ipv4AddressNoZoneToArray(nextHop.getIpv4Address().getValue());
- final List<MplsLabel> outgoingLabels = paths.getOutgoingLabels();
- final int numberOfLabels = outgoingLabels.size();
- checkArgument(numberOfLabels > 0 && numberOfLabels < MAX_LABELS,
- "Number of labels (%s) not in range (0, %s].", numberOfLabels, MAX_LABELS, numberOfLabels);
- request.nextHopNOutLabels = (byte) numberOfLabels;
- request.nextHopOutLabelStack =
- -> label.getValue().intValue()).toArray();
+ outgoingInterface = translate((PathList) outSegment, request);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported out-segment type: " + outSegment);
checkArgument(outgoingInterface != null, "Configuring impose-and-forward, but outgoing-interface is missing.");
request.nextHopSwIfIndex = interfaceContext.getIndex(outgoingInterface, ctx);
- request.nextHopViaLabel = MPLS_LABEL_INVALID;
+ }
+ private String translate(@Nonnull final SimplePath path, @Nonnull final IpAddDelRoute request) {
+ final IpAddress nextHop = path.getNextHop();
+ checkArgument(nextHop != null, "Configuring impose-and-forward, but next-hop is missing.");
+ // TODO(HC2VPP-264): add support for mpls + v6
+ final Ipv4Address address = nextHop.getIpv4Address();
+ checkArgument(address != null, "Only IPv4 next-hop address is supported.");
+ request.nextHopAddress = ipv4AddressNoZoneToArray(address.getValue());
+ final MplsLabel outgoingLabel = path.getOutgoingLabel();
+ checkArgument(outgoingLabel != null, "Configuring impose-and-forward, but outgoing-label is missing.");
+ request.nextHopOutLabelStack = new int[] {outgoingLabel.getValue().intValue()};
+ request.nextHopNOutLabels = 1;
+ return path.getOutgoingInterface();
+ }
+ private String translate(@Nonnull final PathList pathList, @Nonnull final IpAddDelRoute request) {
+ checkArgument(pathList.getPaths() != null && pathList.getPaths().size() == 1, "Only single path is supported");
+ final Paths paths = pathList.getPaths().get(0);
+ final IpAddress nextHop = paths.getNextHop();
+ checkArgument(nextHop != null, "Configuring impose-and-forward, but next-hop is missing.");
+ // TODO(HC2VPP-264): add support for mpls + v6
+ final Ipv4Address address = nextHop.getIpv4Address();
+ checkArgument(address != null, "Only IPv4 next-hop address is supported.");
+ request.nextHopAddress = ipv4AddressNoZoneToArray(address.getValue());
+ final List<MplsLabel> labels = paths.getOutgoingLabels();
+ final int numberOfLabels = labels.size();
+ checkArgument(numberOfLabels > 0 && numberOfLabels < MAX_LABELS, "Number of labels (%s) not in range (0, %s].",
+ numberOfLabels, MAX_LABELS, numberOfLabels);
+ request.nextHopNOutLabels = (byte) numberOfLabels;
+ request.nextHopOutLabelStack = -> label.getValue().intValue()).toArray();
+ return paths.getOutgoingInterface();