path: root/libtransport/src/hicn/transport/core/portal.h
diff options
authorLuca Muscariello <>2019-01-17 13:47:57 +0100
committerLuca Muscariello <>2019-01-17 16:32:51 +0100
commitbac3da61644515f05663789b122554dc77549286 (patch)
tree898210bc8e70371d77de7d446a26c5dd4fd1165a /libtransport/src/hicn/transport/core/portal.h
parentd5165246787301d0f13b646fda5e8a8567aef5ac (diff)
This is the first commit of the hicn projectv19.01
Change-Id: I6f2544ad9b9f8891c88cc4bcce3cf19bd3cc863f Signed-off-by: Luca Muscariello <>
Diffstat (limited to 'libtransport/src/hicn/transport/core/portal.h')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libtransport/src/hicn/transport/core/portal.h b/libtransport/src/hicn/transport/core/portal.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..88020447f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libtransport/src/hicn/transport/core/portal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <hicn/transport/config.h>
+#include <hicn/transport/core/content_object.h>
+#include <hicn/transport/core/forwarder_interface.h>
+#include <hicn/transport/core/interest.h>
+#include <hicn/transport/core/name.h>
+#include <hicn/transport/core/pending_interest.h>
+#include <hicn/transport/core/prefix.h>
+#include <hicn/transport/core/socket_connector.h>
+#include <hicn/transport/errors/errors.h>
+#include <hicn/transport/portability/portability.h>
+#include <hicn/transport/utils/log.h>
+#ifdef __vpp__
+#include <hicn/transport/core/memif_connector.h>
+#include <asio.hpp>
+#include <asio/steady_timer.hpp>
+#include <future>
+#include <memory>
+#include <unordered_map>
+namespace transport {
+namespace core {
+typedef std::unordered_map<Name, std::unique_ptr<PendingInterest>>
+ PendingInterestHashTable;
+template <typename PrefixType>
+class BasicBindConfig {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<Prefix, PrefixType>::value,
+ "Prefix must be a Prefix type.");
+ const uint32_t standard_cs_reserved = 5000;
+ public:
+ template <typename T>
+ BasicBindConfig(T &&prefix)
+ : prefix_(std::forward<T &&>(prefix)),
+ content_store_reserved_(standard_cs_reserved) {}
+ template <typename T>
+ BasicBindConfig(T &&prefix, uint32_t cs_reserved)
+ : prefix_(std::forward<T &&>(prefix)),
+ content_store_reserved_(cs_reserved) {}
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE const PrefixType &prefix() const { return prefix_; }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE uint32_t csReserved() const {
+ return content_store_reserved_;
+ }
+ private:
+ PrefixType prefix_;
+ uint32_t content_store_reserved_;
+using BindConfig = BasicBindConfig<Prefix>;
+template <typename ForwarderInt>
+class Portal {
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<ForwarderInterface<ForwarderInt,
+ typename ForwarderInt::ConnectorType>,
+ ForwarderInt>::value,
+ "ForwarderInt must inherit from ForwarderInterface!");
+ public:
+ class ConsumerCallback {
+ public:
+ virtual void onContentObject(Interest::Ptr &&i, ContentObject::Ptr &&c) = 0;
+ virtual void onTimeout(Interest::Ptr &&i) = 0;
+ };
+ class ProducerCallback {
+ public:
+ virtual void onInterest(Interest::Ptr &&i) = 0;
+ };
+ Portal() : Portal(internal_io_service_) {
+ internal_work_ = std::make_unique<asio::io_service::work>(io_service_);
+ }
+ Portal(asio::io_service &io_service)
+ : io_service_(io_service),
+ is_running_(false),
+ app_name_("libtransport_application"),
+ consumer_callback_(nullptr),
+ producer_callback_(nullptr),
+ connector_(std::bind(&Portal::processIncomingMessages, this,
+ std::placeholders::_1),
+ std::bind(&Portal::setLocalRoutes, this), io_service_,
+ app_name_),
+ forwarder_interface_(connector_) {}
+ void setConsumerCallback(ConsumerCallback *consumer_callback) {
+ consumer_callback_ = consumer_callback;
+ }
+ void setProducerCallback(ProducerCallback *producer_callback) {
+ producer_callback_ = producer_callback;
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void setOutputInterface(
+ const std::string &output_interface) {
+ forwarder_interface_.setOutputInterface(output_interface);
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void connect(bool is_consumer = true) {
+ forwarder_interface_.connect(is_consumer);
+ }
+ ~Portal() {
+ connector_.close();
+ stopEventsLoop();
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE bool interestIsPending(const Name &name) {
+ auto it = pending_interest_hash_table_.find(name);
+ if (it != pending_interest_hash_table_.end())
+ if (!it->second->isReceived()) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void sendInterest(Interest::Ptr &&interest) {
+ const Name name(interest->getName(), true);
+ // Send it
+ forwarder_interface_.send(*interest);
+ pending_interest_hash_table_[name] = std::make_unique<PendingInterest>(
+ std::move(interest), std::make_unique<asio::steady_timer>(io_service_));
+ pending_interest_hash_table_[name]->startCountdown(
+ std::bind(&Portal<ForwarderInt>::timerHandler, this,
+ std::placeholders::_1, name));
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void timerHandler(const std::error_code &ec,
+ const Name &name) {
+ if (TRANSPORT_EXPECT_FALSE(!is_running_)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::unordered_map<Name, std::unique_ptr<PendingInterest>>::iterator it =
+ pending_interest_hash_table_.find(name);
+ if (it != pending_interest_hash_table_.end()) {
+ std::unique_ptr<PendingInterest> ptr = std::move(it->second);
+ pending_interest_hash_table_.erase(it);
+ if (consumer_callback_) {
+ consumer_callback_->onTimeout(std::move(ptr->getInterest()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void bind(const BindConfig &config) {
+ connector_.enableBurst();
+ forwarder_interface_.setContentStoreSize(config.csReserved());
+ served_namespaces_.push_back(config.prefix());
+ registerRoute(served_namespaces_.back());
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void runEventsLoop() {
+ if (io_service_.stopped()) {
+ io_service_.reset(); // ensure that run()/poll() will do some work
+ }
+ is_running_ = true;
+ this->;
+ is_running_ = false;
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void runOneEvent() {
+ if (io_service_.stopped()) {
+ io_service_.reset(); // ensure that run()/poll() will do some work
+ }
+ is_running_ = true;
+ this->io_service_.run_one();
+ is_running_ = false;
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void sendContentObject(
+ ContentObject &content_object) {
+ forwarder_interface_.send(content_object);
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void stopEventsLoop() {
+ is_running_ = false;
+ internal_work_.reset();
+ for (auto &pend_interest : pending_interest_hash_table_) {
+ pend_interest.second->cancelTimer();
+ }
+ clear();
+[this]() { io_service_.stop(); });
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void killConnection() { connector_.close(); }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void clear() { pending_interest_hash_table_.clear();}
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE asio::io_service &getIoService() {
+ return io_service_;
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE std::size_t getPITSize() {
+ connector_.state();
+ return pending_interest_hash_table_.size();
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void registerRoute(Prefix &prefix) {
+ forwarder_interface_.registerRoute(prefix);
+ }
+ private:
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void processIncomingMessages(
+ Packet::MemBufPtr &&packet_buffer) {
+ if (TRANSPORT_EXPECT_FALSE(!is_running_)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (packet_buffer->data()[0] == ForwarderInt::ack_code) {
+ // Hicn forwarder message
+ processControlMessage(std::move(packet_buffer));
+ return;
+ }
+ bool is_interest = Packet::isInterest(packet_buffer->data());
+ Packet::Format format = Packet::getFormatFromBuffer(packet_buffer->data());
+ if (TRANSPORT_EXPECT_TRUE(_is_tcp(format))) {
+ if (!is_interest) {
+ processContentObject(
+ ContentObject::Ptr(new ContentObject(std::move(packet_buffer))));
+ } else {
+ processInterest(Interest::Ptr(new Interest(std::move(packet_buffer))));
+ }
+ } else {
+ TRANSPORT_LOGE("Received not supported packet. Ignoring it.");
+ }
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void setLocalRoutes() {
+ for (auto &name : served_namespaces_) {
+ registerRoute(name);
+ }
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void processInterest(Interest::Ptr &&interest) {
+ // Interest for a producer
+ if (TRANSPORT_EXPECT_TRUE(producer_callback_ != nullptr)) {
+ producer_callback_->onInterest(std::move(interest));
+ }
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void processContentObject(
+ ContentObject::Ptr &&content_object) {
+ PendingInterestHashTable::iterator it =
+ pending_interest_hash_table_.find(content_object->getName());
+ if (TRANSPORT_EXPECT_TRUE(it != pending_interest_hash_table_.end())) {
+ std::unique_ptr<PendingInterest> interest_ptr = std::move(it->second);
+ interest_ptr->cancelTimer();
+ if (TRANSPORT_EXPECT_TRUE(!interest_ptr->isReceived())) {
+ interest_ptr->setReceived();
+ pending_interest_hash_table_.erase(content_object->getName());
+ if (consumer_callback_) {
+ consumer_callback_->onContentObject(
+ std::move(interest_ptr->getInterest()),
+ std::move(content_object));
+ }
+ } else {
+ "Content already received (interest already satisfied).");
+ }
+ } else {
+ TRANSPORT_LOGW("No pending interests for current content (%s)",
+ content_object->getName().toString().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE void processControlMessage(
+ Packet::MemBufPtr &&packet_buffer) {
+ // Control message as response to the route set by a producer.
+ // Do nothing
+ }
+ private:
+ asio::io_service &io_service_;
+ asio::io_service internal_io_service_;
+ std::unique_ptr<asio::io_service::work> internal_work_;
+ volatile bool is_running_;
+ std::string app_name_;
+ PendingInterestHashTable pending_interest_hash_table_;
+ ConsumerCallback *consumer_callback_;
+ ProducerCallback *producer_callback_;
+ typename ForwarderInt::ConnectorType connector_;
+ ForwarderInt forwarder_interface_;
+ std::list<Prefix> served_namespaces_;
+ ip_address_t locator4_;
+ ip_address_t locator6_;
+} // end namespace core
+} // end namespace transport