path: root/scripts/build-packages.sh
diff options
authorMauro Sardara <msardara@cisco.com>2020-11-06 12:42:46 +0100
committerMauro Sardara <msardara@cisco.com>2020-11-06 17:15:30 +0100
commit7f2bbf5f6934be58c016f0159e497fa519d14372 (patch)
tree0d6469b1a4089756dba08b8a76d109dd120095fe /scripts/build-packages.sh
parentda2c11cfd77383f37dd01e67efb5c44dece9c3a9 (diff)
[HICN-653] Cleanup build scripts.
Main changes: - Next VPP version is now counted 4 months (instead of 3) from the current one - CMake will now use Ninja as generator - Build functions are gathered under build/functions.sh and they are shared instead of being duplicated in build-extras and build-packages - Various bug fixes for dependencies and versioning. Signed-off-by: Mauro Sardara <msardara@cisco.com> Change-Id: I3f482d2c87847a465019dd0992ee9375c88bb412 Signed-off-by: Mauro Sardara <msardara@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/build-packages.sh')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/build-packages.sh b/scripts/build-packages.sh
index cc9074d38..c9f329d9a 100644
--- a/scripts/build-packages.sh
+++ b/scripts/build-packages.sh
@@ -15,190 +15,12 @@
set -euxo pipefail
SCRIPT_PATH=$( cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")" ; pwd -P )
-APT_PATH=`which apt-get` || true
-BUILD_TOOLS_UBUNTU="build-essential doxygen"
-LIBSSL_LIBEVENT_UBUNTU="libevent-dev libssl-dev"
-DEPS_UBUNTU="libparc-dev \
- libmemif-dev \
- libmemif \
- libasio-dev \
- libconfig-dev \
- libcurl4-openssl-dev \
- vpp=${VPP_VERSION_DEB} \
- vpp-dev=${VPP_VERSION_DEB} \
- libvppinfra=${VPP_VERSION_DEB} \
- libvppinfra-dev=${VPP_VERSION_DEB} \
- vpp-plugin-core=${VPP_VERSION_DEB} \
- python3-ply"
- libmemif-dev \
- libmemif \
- libasio-dev \
- libconfig-dev \
- libcurl4-openssl-dev \
- vpp \
- vpp-dev \
- libvppinfra \
- libvppinfra-dev \
- vpp-plugin-core \
- python3-ply \
- python3-setuptools \
- python3-pip"
-# BUILD_TOOLS_GROUP_CENTOS="'Development Tools'"
- vpp-lib-${VPP_VERSION_RPM} \
- libparc-devel \
- libmemif-devel \
- libmemif \
- libcurl-devel \
- asio-devel \
- libconfig-devel \
- centos-release-scl \
- devtoolset-7"
- vpp-lib \
- libparc-devel \
- libcurl-devel \
- asio-devel \
- libmemif-devel \
- libmemif \
- centos-release-scl \
- devtoolset-7"
-install_cmake() {
- if [ "${DISTRIB_ID}" == "ubuntu" ]; then
- sudo apt update
- echo ${DEPS_CMAKE_UBUNTU} | xargs sudo ${apt_get} install -y --allow-unauthenticated --no-install-recommends
- fi
- if ! grep -q "" /etc/resolv.conf; then
- echo "nameserver" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf
- fi
- cat /etc/resolv.conf
- CMAKE_INSTALL_SCRIPT_URL="https://cmake.org/files/v3.8/cmake-3.8.0-Linux-x86_64.sh"
- CMAKE_INSTALL_SCRIPT="/tmp/install_cmake.sh"
- sudo mkdir -p /opt/cmake
- sudo bash ${CMAKE_INSTALL_SCRIPT} --skip-license --prefix=/opt/cmake
- export PATH=/opt/cmake/bin:${PATH}
-# Parameters:
-# $1 = Distribution id
-# $2 = Distribution codename
-setup_fdio_repo() {
- if [ "${DISTRIB_ID}" == "ubuntu" ]; then
- curl -s ${PACKAGECLOUD_RELEASE_REPO_DEB} | sudo bash
- elif [ "${DISTRIB_ID}" == "centos" ]; then
- curl -s ${PACKAGECLOUD_RELEASE_REPO_RPM} | sudo bash
- curl ${LATEST_EPEL_REPO} > epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
- rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm || true
- rm epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
- else
- echo "Distribution ${DISTRIB_ID} is not supported"
- exit -1
- fi
-setup() {
- # Figure out what system we are running on
- if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
- . /etc/os-release
- else
- echo "ERROR: System configuration not recognized. Build failed"
- exit -1
- fi
- echo ARCHITECTURE: $(uname -m)
- ARCH=`uname -m`
- if [ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ] || [ "$ARCH" == "x86" ]; then
- install_cmake
- fi
- setup_fdio_repo ${DISTRIB_ID}
- if [ "${DISTRIB_ID}" == "ubuntu" ]; then
- sudo ${apt_get} update || true
- fi
- # Install dependencies
- if [ ${DISTRIB_ID} == "ubuntu" ]; then
- echo ${BUILD_TOOLS_UBUNTU} ${DEPS_UBUNTU} | xargs sudo ${apt_get} install -y --allow-unauthenticated --no-install-recommends
- elif [ ${DISTRIB_ID} == "centos" ]; then
- # echo ${BUILD_TOOLS_GROUP_CENTOS} | xargs sudo yum groupinstall -y --nogpgcheck
- echo ${DEPS_CENTOS} | xargs sudo yum install -y --nogpgcheck
- sudo yum install devtoolset-7
- c++ --version
- CXX_COMPILER="/opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/bin/c++"
- CC_COMPILER="/opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/bin/cc"
- ${CXX_COMPILER} --version
- ${CC_COMPILER} --version
- fi
- # do nothing but check compiler version
- c++ --version
-install_collectd_headers() {
- if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
- . /etc/os-release
- else
- echo "ERROR: System configuration not recognized. Build failed"
- exit -1
- fi
- if [ "${DISTRIB_ID}" == "ubuntu" ]; then
- sudo apt-get install collectd-dev -y --allow-unauthenticated
- if [ "${VERSION_CODENAME}" == "xenial" ]; then
- awk '/config.h/ { print; print "#include \"collectd/liboconfig/oconfig.h\""; next }1' /usr/include/collectd/core/daemon/configfile.h | sudo tee /usr/include/collectd/core/daemon/configfile.h
- fi
- elif [ "${DISTRIB_ID}" == "centos" ]; then
- wget https://storage.googleapis.com/collectd-tarballs/collectd-5.9.2.tar.bz2
- tar -xf collectd-5.9.2.tar.bz2
- cd collectd-5.9.2 && ./configure && make && cd -
- export COLLECTD_HOME=${PWD}/collectd-5.9.2/src
- fi
+source ${SCRIPT_PATH}/functions.sh
# Parameters:
# $1 = Package name
-build_package() {
+function build_package() {
echo "*******************************************************************"
@@ -207,29 +29,27 @@ build_package() {
# Make the package
mkdir -p ${SCRIPT_PATH}/../build && pushd ${SCRIPT_PATH}/../build
- rm -rf *
- make VERBOSE=1 -j8 package
- rm -rf libtransport ctrl/libhicnctrl
- install_collectd_headers
- make VERBOSE=1 -j8 package
- find . -not -name '*.deb' -not -name '*.rpm' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf -- || true
- rm *Unspecified* || true
+ rm -rf *
+ # First round - Without libmemif
+ ninja -j8 package
+ # Second round - With Libmemif
+ rm -rf libtransport ctrl/libhicnctrl
+ cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \
+ ninja -j8 package
+ find . -not -name '*.deb' -not -name '*.rpm' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf -- || true
+ rm *Unspecified* || true
echo "*******************************************************************"
@@ -267,7 +87,7 @@ build_doxygen() {
function usage() {
- echo "Usage: ${0} [doc|sphinx|doxygen]"
+ echo "Usage: ${0} [sphinx|doxygen|packages]"
exit 1