path: root/libtransport/src/hicn/transport/interfaces/async_transport.h
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1 files changed, 640 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libtransport/src/hicn/transport/interfaces/async_transport.h b/libtransport/src/hicn/transport/interfaces/async_transport.h
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index 000000000..492b4ec26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libtransport/src/hicn/transport/interfaces/async_transport.h
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+ * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <hicn/transport/interfaces/publication_options.h>
+#include <hicn/transport/portability/portability.h>
+#include <hicn/transport/utils/sharable_vector.h>
+#include <sys/uio.h>
+#include <memory>
+namespace transport {
+namespace interface {
+ * flags given by the application for write* calls
+ */
+enum class WriteFlags : uint32_t {
+ NONE = 0x00,
+ /*
+ * Whether to delay the output until a subsequent non-corked write.
+ * (Note: may not be supported in all subclasses or on all platforms.)
+ */
+ CORK = 0x01,
+ /*
+ * for a socket that has ACK latency enabled, it will cause the kernel
+ * to fire a TCP ESTATS event when the last byte of the given write call
+ * will be acknowledged.
+ */
+ EOR = 0x02,
+ /*
+ * this indicates that only the write side of socket should be shutdown
+ */
+ /*
+ * use msg zerocopy if allowed
+ */
+ * union operator
+ */
+TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE WriteFlags operator|(WriteFlags a, WriteFlags b) {
+ return static_cast<WriteFlags>(static_cast<uint32_t>(a) |
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(b));
+ * compound assignment union operator
+ */
+TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE WriteFlags &operator|=(WriteFlags &a, WriteFlags b) {
+ a = a | b;
+ return a;
+ * intersection operator
+ */
+TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE WriteFlags operator&(WriteFlags a, WriteFlags b) {
+ return static_cast<WriteFlags>(static_cast<uint32_t>(a) &
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(b));
+ * compound assignment intersection operator
+ */
+TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE WriteFlags &operator&=(WriteFlags &a, WriteFlags b) {
+ a = a & b;
+ return a;
+ * exclusion parameter
+ */
+TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE WriteFlags operator~(WriteFlags a) {
+ return static_cast<WriteFlags>(~static_cast<uint32_t>(a));
+ * unset operator
+ */
+TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE WriteFlags unSet(WriteFlags a, WriteFlags b) {
+ return a & ~b;
+ * inclusion operator
+ */
+TRANSPORT_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isSet(WriteFlags a, WriteFlags b) {
+ return (a & b) == b;
+class ConnectCallback {
+ public:
+ virtual ~ConnectCallback() = default;
+ /**
+ * connectSuccess() will be invoked when the connection has been
+ * successfully established.
+ */
+ virtual void connectSuccess() noexcept = 0;
+ /**
+ * connectErr() will be invoked if the connection attempt fails.
+ *
+ * @param ex An exception describing the error that occurred.
+ */
+ virtual void connectErr(const std::error_code ec) noexcept = 0;
+ * AsyncSocket defines an asynchronous API for streaming I/O.
+ *
+ * This class provides an API to for asynchronously waiting for data
+ * on a streaming transport, and for asynchronously sending data.
+ *
+ * The APIs for reading and writing are intentionally asymmetric. Waiting for
+ * data to read is a persistent API: a callback is installed, and is notified
+ * whenever new data is available. It continues to be notified of new events
+ * until it is uninstalled.
+ *
+ * AsyncSocket does not provide read timeout functionality, because it
+ * typically cannot determine when the timeout should be active. Generally, a
+ * timeout should only be enabled when processing is blocked waiting on data
+ * from the remote endpoint. For server-side applications, the timeout should
+ * not be active if the server is currently processing one or more outstanding
+ * requests on this transport. For client-side applications, the timeout
+ * should not be active if there are no requests pending on the transport.
+ * Additionally, if a client has multiple pending requests, it will ususally
+ * want a separate timeout for each request, rather than a single read timeout.
+ *
+ * The write API is fairly intuitive: a user can request to send a block of
+ * data, and a callback will be informed once the entire block has been
+ * transferred to the kernel, or on error. AsyncSocket does provide a send
+ * timeout, since most callers want to give up if the remote end stops
+ * responding and no further progress can be made sending the data.
+ */
+class AsyncSocket {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Close the transport.
+ *
+ * This gracefully closes the transport, waiting for all pending write
+ * requests to complete before actually closing the underlying transport.
+ *
+ * If a read callback is set, readEOF() will be called immediately. If there
+ * are outstanding write requests, the close will be delayed until all
+ * remaining writes have completed. No new writes may be started after
+ * close() has been called.
+ */
+ virtual void close() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Close the transport immediately.
+ *
+ * This closes the transport immediately, dropping any outstanding data
+ * waiting to be written.
+ *
+ * If a read callback is set, readEOF() will be called immediately.
+ * If there are outstanding write requests, these requests will be aborted
+ * and writeError() will be invoked immediately on all outstanding write
+ * callbacks.
+ */
+ virtual void closeNow() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Perform a half-shutdown of the write side of the transport.
+ *
+ * The caller should not make any more calls to write() or writev() after
+ * shutdownWrite() is called. Any future write attempts will fail
+ * immediately.
+ *
+ * Not all transport types support half-shutdown. If the underlying
+ * transport does not support half-shutdown, it will fully shutdown both the
+ * read and write sides of the transport. (Fully shutting down the socket is
+ * better than doing nothing at all, since the caller may rely on the
+ * shutdownWrite() call to notify the other end of the connection that no
+ * more data can be read.)
+ *
+ * If there is pending data still waiting to be written on the transport,
+ * the actual shutdown will be delayed until the pending data has been
+ * written.
+ *
+ * Note: There is no corresponding shutdownRead() equivalent. Simply
+ * uninstall the read callback if you wish to stop reading. (On TCP sockets
+ * at least, shutting down the read side of the socket is a no-op anyway.)
+ */
+ virtual void shutdownWrite() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Perform a half-shutdown of the write side of the transport.
+ *
+ * shutdownWriteNow() is identical to shutdownWrite(), except that it
+ * immediately performs the shutdown, rather than waiting for pending writes
+ * to complete. Any pending write requests will be immediately failed when
+ * shutdownWriteNow() is called.
+ */
+ virtual void shutdownWriteNow() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Determine if transport is open and ready to read or write.
+ *
+ * Note that this function returns false on EOF; you must also call error()
+ * to distinguish between an EOF and an error.
+ *
+ * @return true iff the transport is open and ready, false otherwise.
+ */
+ virtual bool good() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Determine if the transport is readable or not.
+ *
+ * @return true iff the transport is readable, false otherwise.
+ */
+ virtual bool readable() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Determine if the transport is writable or not.
+ *
+ * @return true iff the transport is writable, false otherwise.
+ */
+ virtual bool writable() const {
+ // By default return good() - leave it to implementers to override.
+ return good();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine if the there is pending data on the transport.
+ *
+ * @return true iff the if the there is pending data, false otherwise.
+ */
+ virtual bool isPending() const { return readable(); }
+ /**
+ * Determine if transport is connected to the endpoint
+ *
+ * @return false iff the transport is connected, otherwise true
+ */
+ virtual bool connected() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Determine if an error has occurred with this transport.
+ *
+ * @return true iff an error has occurred (not EOF).
+ */
+ virtual bool error() const = 0;
+ // /**
+ // * Attach the transport to a EventBase.
+ // *
+ // * This may only be called if the transport is not currently attached to a
+ // * EventBase (by an earlier call to detachEventBase()).
+ // *
+ // * This method must be invoked in the EventBase's thread.
+ // */
+ // virtual void attachEventBase(EventBase* eventBase) = 0;
+ // /**
+ // * Detach the transport from its EventBase.
+ // *
+ // * This may only be called when the transport is idle and has no reads or
+ // * writes pending. Once detached, the transport may not be used again
+ // until
+ // * it is re-attached to a EventBase by calling attachEventBase().
+ // *
+ // * This method must be called from the current EventBase's thread.
+ // */
+ // virtual void detachEventBase() = 0;
+ // /**
+ // * Determine if the transport can be detached.
+ // *
+ // * This method must be called from the current EventBase's thread.
+ // */
+ // virtual bool isDetachable() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Set the send timeout.
+ *
+ * If write requests do not make any progress for more than the specified
+ * number of milliseconds, fail all pending writes and close the transport.
+ *
+ * If write requests are currently pending when setSendTimeout() is called,
+ * the timeout interval is immediately restarted using the new value.
+ *
+ * @param milliseconds The timeout duration, in milliseconds. If 0, no
+ * timeout will be used.
+ */
+ virtual void setSendTimeout(uint32_t milliseconds) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get the send timeout.
+ *
+ * @return Returns the current send timeout, in milliseconds. A return value
+ * of 0 indicates that no timeout is set.
+ */
+ virtual uint32_t getSendTimeout() const = 0;
+ virtual void connect(ConnectCallback *callback,
+ const core::Prefix &prefix_) = 0;
+ // /**
+ // * Get the address of the local endpoint of this transport.
+ // *
+ // * This function may throw AsyncSocketException on error.
+ // *
+ // * @param address The local address will be stored in the specified
+ // * SocketAddress.
+ // */
+ // virtual void getLocalAddress(* address) const = 0;
+ virtual size_t getAppBytesWritten() const = 0;
+ virtual size_t getRawBytesWritten() const = 0;
+ virtual size_t getAppBytesReceived() const = 0;
+ virtual size_t getRawBytesReceived() const = 0;
+ class BufferCallback {
+ public:
+ virtual ~BufferCallback() {}
+ virtual void onEgressBuffered() = 0;
+ virtual void onEgressBufferCleared() = 0;
+ };
+ ~AsyncSocket() = default;
+class AsyncAcceptor {
+ public:
+ class AcceptCallback {
+ public:
+ virtual ~AcceptCallback() = default;
+ /**
+ * connectionAccepted() is called whenever a new client connection is
+ * received.
+ *
+ * The AcceptCallback will remain installed after connectionAccepted()
+ * returns.
+ *
+ * @param fd The newly accepted client socket. The AcceptCallback
+ * assumes ownership of this socket, and is responsible
+ * for closing it when done. The newly accepted file
+ * descriptor will have already been put into
+ * non-blocking mode.
+ * @param clientAddr A reference to a SocketAddress struct containing the
+ * client's address. This struct is only guaranteed to
+ * remain valid until connectionAccepted() returns.
+ */
+ virtual void connectionAccepted(
+ const core::Name &subscriber_name) noexcept = 0;
+ /**
+ * acceptError() is called if an error occurs while accepting.
+ *
+ * The AcceptCallback will remain installed even after an accept error,
+ * as the errors are typically somewhat transient, such as being out of
+ * file descriptors. The server socket must be explicitly stopped if you
+ * wish to stop accepting after an error.
+ *
+ * @param ex An exception representing the error.
+ */
+ virtual void acceptError(const std::exception &ex) noexcept = 0;
+ /**
+ * acceptStarted() will be called in the callback's EventBase thread
+ * after this callback has been added to the AsyncServerSocket.
+ *
+ * acceptStarted() will be called before any calls to connectionAccepted()
+ * or acceptError() are made on this callback.
+ *
+ * acceptStarted() makes it easier for callbacks to perform initialization
+ * inside the callback thread. (The call to addAcceptCallback() must
+ * always be made from the AsyncServerSocket's primary EventBase thread.
+ * acceptStarted() provides a hook that will always be invoked in the
+ * callback's thread.)
+ *
+ * Note that the call to acceptStarted() is made once the callback is
+ * added, regardless of whether or not the AsyncServerSocket is actually
+ * accepting at the moment. acceptStarted() will be called even if the
+ * AsyncServerSocket is paused when the callback is added (including if
+ * the initial call to startAccepting() on the AsyncServerSocket has not
+ * been made yet).
+ */
+ virtual void acceptStarted() noexcept {}
+ /**
+ * acceptStopped() will be called when this AcceptCallback is removed from
+ * the AsyncServerSocket, or when the AsyncServerSocket is destroyed,
+ * whichever occurs first.
+ *
+ * No more calls to connectionAccepted() or acceptError() will be made
+ * after acceptStopped() is invoked.
+ */
+ virtual void acceptStopped() noexcept {}
+ };
+ /**
+ * Wait for subscribers
+ *
+ */
+ virtual void waitForSubscribers(AcceptCallback *cb) = 0;
+class AsyncReader {
+ public:
+ class ReadCallback {
+ public:
+ virtual ~ReadCallback() = default;
+ /**
+ * When data becomes available, getReadBuffer() will be invoked to get the
+ * buffer into which data should be read.
+ *
+ * This method allows the ReadCallback to delay buffer allocation until
+ * data becomes available. This allows applications to manage large
+ * numbers of idle connections, without having to maintain a separate read
+ * buffer for each idle connection.
+ *
+ * It is possible that in some cases, getReadBuffer() may be called
+ * multiple times before readDataAvailable() is invoked. In this case, the
+ * data will be written to the buffer returned from the most recent call to
+ * readDataAvailable(). If the previous calls to readDataAvailable()
+ * returned different buffers, the ReadCallback is responsible for ensuring
+ * that they are not leaked.
+ *
+ * If getReadBuffer() throws an exception, returns a nullptr buffer, or
+ * returns a 0 length, the ReadCallback will be uninstalled and its
+ * readError() method will be invoked.
+ *
+ * getReadBuffer() is not allowed to change the transport state before it
+ * returns. (For example, it should never uninstall the read callback, or
+ * set a different read callback.)
+ *
+ * @param bufReturn getReadBuffer() should update *bufReturn to contain the
+ * address of the read buffer. This parameter will never
+ * be nullptr.
+ * @param lenReturn getReadBuffer() should update *lenReturn to contain the
+ * maximum number of bytes that may be written to the read
+ * buffer. This parameter will never be nullptr.
+ *
+ *
+ * XXX TODO this does not seems to be completely true Checlk i/.
+ */
+ virtual void getReadBuffer(void **bufReturn, size_t *lenReturn) = 0;
+ /**
+ * readDataAvailable() will be invoked when data has been successfully read
+ * into the buffer returned by the last call to getReadBuffer().
+ *
+ * The read callback remains installed after readDataAvailable() returns.
+ * It must be explicitly uninstalled to stop receiving read events.
+ * getReadBuffer() will be called at least once before each call to
+ * readDataAvailable(). getReadBuffer() will also be called before any
+ * call to readEOF().
+ *
+ * @param len The number of bytes placed in the buffer.
+ */
+ virtual void readDataAvailable(size_t len) noexcept = 0;
+ /**
+ * When data becomes available, isBufferMovable() will be invoked to figure
+ * out which API will be used, readBufferAvailable() or
+ * readDataAvailable(). If isBufferMovable() returns true, that means
+ * ReadCallback supports the IOBuf ownership transfer and
+ * readBufferAvailable() will be used. Otherwise, not.
+ * By default, isBufferMovable() always return false. If
+ * readBufferAvailable() is implemented and to be invoked, You should
+ * overwrite isBufferMovable() and return true in the inherited class.
+ *
+ * This method allows the AsyncSocket/AsyncSSLSocket do buffer allocation by
+ * itself until data becomes available. Compared with the pre/post buffer
+ * allocation in getReadBuffer()/readDataAvailabe(), readBufferAvailable()
+ * has two advantages. First, this can avoid memcpy. E.g., in
+ * AsyncSSLSocket, the decrypted data was copied from the openssl internal
+ * buffer to the readbuf buffer. With the buffer ownership transfer, the
+ * internal buffer can be directly "moved" to ReadCallback. Second, the
+ * memory allocation can be more precise. The reason is
+ * AsyncSocket/AsyncSSLSocket can allocate the memory of precise size
+ * because they have more context about the available data than
+ * ReadCallback. Think about the getReadBuffer() pre-allocate 4072 bytes
+ * buffer, but the available data is always 16KB (max OpenSSL record size).
+ */
+ virtual bool isBufferMovable() noexcept { return false; }
+ /**
+ * Suggested buffer size, allocated for read operations,
+ * if callback is movable and supports folly::IOBuf
+ */
+ virtual size_t maxBufferSize() const {
+ return 64 * 1024; // 64K
+ }
+ /**
+ * readBufferAvailable() will be invoked when data has been successfully
+ * read.
+ *
+ * Note that only either readBufferAvailable() or readDataAvailable() will
+ * be invoked according to the return value of isBufferMovable(). The timing
+ * and aftereffect of readBufferAvailable() are the same as
+ * readDataAvailable()
+ *
+ * @param readBuf The unique pointer of read buffer.
+ */
+ // virtual void readBufferAvailable(uint8_t** buffer, std::size_t
+ // *buf_length) noexcept {}
+ virtual void readBufferAvailable(
+ utils::SharableVector<uint8_t> &&buffer) noexcept {}
+ // virtual void readBufferAvailable(utils::SharableBuffer<uint8_t>&& buffer)
+ // noexcept {}
+ /**
+ * readEOF() will be invoked when the transport is closed.
+ *
+ * The read callback will be automatically uninstalled immediately before
+ * readEOF() is invoked.
+ */
+ virtual void readEOF() noexcept = 0;
+ /**
+ * readError() will be invoked if an error occurs reading from the
+ * transport.
+ *
+ * The read callback will be automatically uninstalled immediately before
+ * readError() is invoked.
+ *
+ * @param ex An exception describing the error that occurred.
+ */
+ virtual void readErr(const std::error_code ec) noexcept = 0;
+ };
+ // Read methods that aren't part of AsyncTransport.
+ virtual void setReadCB(ReadCallback *callback) = 0;
+ virtual ReadCallback *getReadCallback() const = 0;
+ protected:
+ virtual ~AsyncReader() = default;
+class AsyncWriter {
+ public:
+ class WriteCallback {
+ public:
+ virtual ~WriteCallback() = default;
+ /**
+ * writeSuccess() will be invoked when all of the data has been
+ * successfully written.
+ *
+ * Note that this mainly signals that the buffer containing the data to
+ * write is no longer needed and may be freed or re-used. It does not
+ * guarantee that the data has been fully transmitted to the remote
+ * endpoint. For example, on socket-based transports, writeSuccess() only
+ * indicates that the data has been given to the kernel for eventual
+ * transmission.
+ */
+ virtual void writeSuccess() noexcept = 0;
+ /**
+ * writeError() will be invoked if an error occurs writing the data.
+ *
+ * @param bytesWritten The number of bytes that were successfull
+ * @param ex An exception describing the error that occurred.
+ */
+ virtual void writeErr(size_t bytesWritten) noexcept = 0;
+ };
+ /**
+ * If you supply a non-null WriteCallback, exactly one of writeSuccess()
+ * or writeErr() will be invoked when the write completes. If you supply
+ * the same WriteCallback object for multiple write() calls, it will be
+ * invoked exactly once per call. The only way to cancel outstanding
+ * write requests is to close the socket (e.g., with closeNow() or
+ * shutdownWriteNow()). When closing the socket this way, writeErr() will
+ * still be invoked once for each outstanding write operation.
+ */
+ virtual void write(WriteCallback *callback, const void *buf, size_t bytes,
+ const PublicationOptions &options,
+ WriteFlags flags = WriteFlags::NONE) = 0;
+ /**
+ * If you supply a non-null WriteCallback, exactly one of writeSuccess()
+ * or writeErr() will be invoked when the write completes. If you supply
+ * the same WriteCallback object for multiple write() calls, it will be
+ * invoked exactly once per call. The only way to cancel outstanding
+ * write requests is to close the socket (e.g., with closeNow() or
+ * shutdownWriteNow()). When closing the socket this way, writeErr() will
+ * still be invoked once for each outstanding write operation.
+ */
+ virtual void write(WriteCallback *callback,
+ utils::SharableVector<uint8_t> &&output_buffer,
+ const PublicationOptions &options,
+ WriteFlags flags = WriteFlags::NONE) = 0;
+ // /**
+ // * If you supply a non-null WriteCallback, exactly one of writeSuccess()
+ // * or writeErr() will be invoked when the write completes. If you supply
+ // * the same WriteCallback object for multiple write() calls, it will be
+ // * invoked exactly once per call. The only way to cancel outstanding
+ // * write requests is to close the socket (e.g., with closeNow() or
+ // * shutdownWriteNow()). When closing the socket this way, writeErr() will
+ // * still be invoked once for each outstanding write operation.
+ // */
+ // virtual void writeChain(
+ // WriteCallback* callback,
+ // std::unique_ptr<IOBuf>&& buf,
+ // WriteFlags flags = WriteFlags::NONE) = 0;
+ virtual void setWriteCB(WriteCallback *callback) = 0;
+ virtual WriteCallback *getWriteCallback() const = 0;
+ protected:
+ virtual ~AsyncWriter() = default;
+} // namespace interface
+} // namespace transport \ No newline at end of file