path: root/vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/vpp.controller.js
diff options
authorDaniel Malachovsky <>2016-02-05 13:26:48 +0100
committerDave Wallace <>2016-02-06 03:57:32 +0000
commit03b448f806cc561f62941e231f3de9e38e8b9a4e (patch)
tree309b97eab6581eb4dda4a3ef3746fb4539456b71 /vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/vpp.controller.js
parent843fe81ebf7f11920a52f625bf863a1fad4d29de (diff)
Splitting sources
- splitted vpp.controller.js and into smaller files to avoid blocking and problems during merging Change-Id: I379dc1e5154c6f685fb6a976db239b620e58fc6e Signed-off-by: Daniel Malachovsky <>
Diffstat (limited to 'vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/vpp.controller.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 449 deletions
diff --git a/vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/vpp.controller.js b/vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/vpp.controller.js
deleted file mode 100644
index acb7d0a5c..000000000
--- a/vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/vpp.controller.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
- * and is available at
- */
-var modules = ['app/vpp/vpp.module',
- 'app/vpp/',
- ];
-define(modules, function(vpp) {
- vpp.register.controller('vppCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$timeout' ,'dataService', 'toastService', '$mdSidenav', '$mdDialog',
- function ($scope, $rootScope, $timeout ,dataService, toastService, $mdSidenav, $mdDialog) {
- $rootScope['section_logo'] = 'src/app/vpp/assets/images/vpp.gif';
- $scope.view_path = 'src/app/vpp/views/';
- $scope.mainView = "inventory";
- $scope.setMainView = function(viewName) {
- $scope.mainView = viewName;
- };
- }]);
- vpp.register.controller('InventoryTableController', ['$scope', '$rootScope','$filter', 'toastService', 'VppService', '$mdDialog', 'dataService', 'VppInterfaceService',
- function($scope, $rootScope, filter, toastService, VppService, $mdDialog, dataService, VppInterfaceService) {
- $scope.initTable =
- $scope.getInterfaces = function(index) {
- VppInterfaceService.getInterfaceList(
- $scope.vppList[index].name,
- //success callback
- function(data) {
- var interfaces = data['interfaces-state'].interface;
- var vpp = $scope.vppList[index];
- vpp.interfaces = [];
- interfaces.forEach(function(i){
- if ( != 'local0') {
- vpp.interfaces.push(i);
- }
- });
- console.log($scope.vppList);
- angular.copy($scope.vppList, dataService.vpps);
- },
- //error callback
- function(res) {
- console.error(res);
- }
- )
- };
- $scope.getVppList = function() {
- $scope.initVppList();
- VppService.getVppList(
- // success callback
- function(data) {
- if(data.topology.length || data.topology[0].node.length) {
- data.topology[0].node.forEach(function(n) {
- if(n['node-id'] !== 'controller-config') {
- var vppObj = VppService.createObj(n['node-id'], n['netconf-node-topology:host'], n['netconf-node-topology:port'], null, null, n['netconf-node-topology:connection-status']);
- $scope.vppList.push(vppObj);
- $scope.getInterfaces($scope.vppList.length - 1); //pass index.
- }
- });
- }
- $scope.$broadcast('RELOAD_VPP_TABLE');
- },
- // error callback
- function(res) {
- console.error(res);
- }
- );
- };
- $scope.initVppList = function() {
- $scope.vppList = [];
- };
- $scope.viewTopology = function(vpp) {
- ${
- controller: function() {
- var vm = this;
- $scope.topo = new nx.graphic.Topology({
- height: 350,
- width: 500,
- scalable: true,
- theme:'blue',
- enableGradualScaling:true,
- nodeConfig: {
- color: '#414040',
- label: 'model.label',
- scale: 'model.scale',
- iconType: function(vertex) {
- var type = vertex.get().type;
- if (type === 'bd') {
- return 'bd'
- } else if (type === 'vpp') {
- return 'switch'
- } else {
- return 'interf';
- }
- }
- },
- linkConfig: {
- label: 'model.label',
- linkType: 'parallel',
- color: function(link) {
- if (link.getData().type === 'tunnel') {
- return '#00FF00';
- } else {
- return '#414040';
- }
- },
- width: function(link) {
- if (link.getData().type === 'tunnel') {
- return 5;
- }
- }
- },
- showIcon: true,
- dataProcessor: 'force',
- autoLayout: true,
- enableSmartNode: false,
- tooltipManagerConfig: {
- nodeTooltipContentClass: 'TooltipNode',
- linkTooltipContentClass: 'TooltipLink'
- }
- });
- $ = new nx.ui.Application;
- vm.vpp = vpp;
- vm.vpp.type = 'vpp';
- vm.vpp.label =;
- var nodes = [].concat(vm.vpp);
- var links = [];
- _.forEach(vm.vpp.interfaces, function(interf, index){
- interf.label =;
- interf.scale = 0.5;
- nodes.push(interf);
- links.push({source: 0, target: index + 1});
- });
- console.log(vpp);
- console.log(nodes);
- console.log(links);
- ${
- nodes: nodes,
- links: links
- });
- this.close = function() {
- $mdDialog.cancel();
- };
- },
- onComplete: function() {
- console.log(document.getElementById('next-vpp-topo'));
- $'next-vpp-topo'));
- $scope.topo.attach($;
- },
- templateUrl: $scope.view_path + 'vpp-topo.html',
- controllerAs: 'VppTopoCtrl',
- parent: angular.element(document.body),
- clickOutsideToClose:true
- })
- };
- $scope.addVppShowForm = function() {
- ${
- controller: function() {
- var vm = this;
- vm.vpp = {};
- //function called when the cancel button ( 'x' in the top right) is clicked
- vm.close = function() {
- $mdDialog.cancel();
- };
- vm.finished = function(successful) {
- if (successful) {
- vm.close();
- vm.waiting = false;
- toastService.showToast('New VPP added!');
- $scope.getVppList();
- } else {
- vm.waiting = false;
- toastService.showToast('Error adding new VPP');
- }
- };
- //function called when the update button is clicked
- vm.updateConfig = function() {
- vm.waiting = true;
- VppService.mountVpp(, vm.vpp.ip, vm.vpp.port, vm.vpp.un,, vm.finished);
- };
- },
- controllerAs: 'NewVppDialogCtrl',
- templateUrl: $scope.view_path + 'new-vpp-dialog.html',
- parent: angular.element(document.body),
- clickOutsideToClose:true
- })
- };
- $scope.editVppShowForm = function(vppObject) {
- ${
- controller: function() {
- var vm = this;
- vm.vpp = {
- name:,
- status: vppObject.status,
- ip: vppObject.ipAddress,
- port: vppObject.port
- };
- //function called when the cancel button ( 'x' in the top right) is clicked
- vm.close = function() {
- $mdDialog.cancel();
- };
- vm.finishedUpdating = function(successful) {
- if (successful) {
- vm.close();
- vm.waiting = false;
- toastService.showToast('VPP configuration updated!');
- $scope.getVppList();
- } else {
- vm.waiting = false;
- toastService.showToast('Error configuring VPP');
- }
- };
- vm.finishedDeleting = function(successful) {
- if (successful) {
- VppService.mountVpp(, vm.vpp.ip, vm.vpp.port, vm.vpp.un,, vm.finishedUpdating);
- $scope.getVppList();
- } else {
- vm.waiting = false;
- toastService.showToast('Error configuring VPP');
- }
- };
- //function called when the update button is clicked
- vm.updateConfig = function() {
- //VppService.editVpp(, vm.vpp.ip, vm.vpp.port, vm.vpp.un,, vm.finishedUpdating);
- VppService.deleteVpp(vm.vpp, vm.finishedDeleting);
- };
- },
- controllerAs: 'ConfigVppDialogCtrl',
- templateUrl: $scope.view_path + 'config-vpp-dialog.html',
- parent: angular.element(document.body),
- clickOutsideToClose:true
- });
- };
- $scope.deleteVpp = function(vppObject) {
- var finished = function(successful) {
- if (successful) {
- toastService.showToast('Removed VPP!');
- $scope.getVppList();
- } else {
- toastService.showToast('Error removing VPP');
- }
- };
- VppService.deleteVpp(vppObject, finished);
- };
- $scope.getVppList();
- }]);
- vpp.register.controller('InventoryTableDefinitonController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
- var actionCellTemplate =
- '<md-button ng-click="grid.appScope.viewTopology(row.entity)"><span style="color:black !important;">View Topology</span></md-button>' +
- '<md-button ng-click="grid.appScope.editVppShowForm(row.entity)" ng-hide="row.entity.status === \'connected\'"><span style="color:black !important;">Edit</span></md-button>' +
- '<md-button ng-click="grid.appScope.deleteVpp(row.entity)"><span style="color:black !important;">Delete</span></md-button>';
- $scope.gridOptions = {
- expandableRowTemplate: $scope.view_path + 'inventory-table-interfaces-subgrid.tpl.html',
- expandableRowHeight: 150,
- //subGridVariable will be available in subGrid scope
- expandableRowScope: {
- subGridVariable: 'subGridScopeVariable'
- }
- }
- $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = [
- { name: 'name' },
- { name: 'ipAddress'},
- { name: 'port'},
- { name: 'status'},
- { name:' ',cellTemplate: actionCellTemplate}
- ];
- //$ = $scope.vppList;
- $scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi){
- $scope.gridApi = gridApi;
- };
- $scope.$on('RELOAD_VPP_TABLE', function(event) {
- $ = $ {
- item.subGridOptions = {
- columnDefs: [
- { name:"Name", field:"name" },
- {name:"Mac Address", field: "phys-address"},
- {name:"Oper. Status", fiels: "oper-status"}
- ],
- data: item.interfaces
- };
- return item;
- });
- });
- }]);
- vpp.register.controller('TableController', ['$scope', '$rootScope','$filter', 'dataService', 'toastService', function ($scope, $rootScope, filter, dataService, toastService) {
- var vm = this;
- vm.rowCollection = dataService.tableContent;
- vm.displayedCollection = [].concat(vm.rowCollection);
- vm.updateAssignment = function(receivedInterface) {
- var interf = _.find(dataService.interfaces, {name:, 'phys-address': receivedInterface['phys-address']});
- angular.copy(receivedInterface, interf);
- if (interf.assigned){
- interf['v3po:l2']['bridge-domain'] =;
- } else {
- interf['v3po:l2']['bridge-domain'] = '';
- }
- dataService.injectBridgeDomainsTopoElements();
- dataService.buildTableContent();
- var previouslyChangedInterface = _.find(dataService.changedInterfaces, {name:, 'phys-address': interf['phys-address']});
- if (!previouslyChangedInterface) {
- dataService.changedInterfaces.push(interf);
- }
- console.log(dataService.changedInterfaces);
- };
- }]);
- vpp.register.controller('BridgeDomainsController', function(dataService, $location, $mdDialog, toastService) {
- var vm = this;
- vm.dataService = dataService;
- dataService.nextApp.container(document.getElementById('bridge-domains-next-app'));
- dataService.bridgeDomainsTopo.attach(dataService.nextApp);
- window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
- if ($location.path() === '/bridgedomains') {
- dataService.topo.adaptToContainer();
- }
- });
- vm.bridgedomains = dataService.bridgedomains;
- vm.selectedBd = dataService.selectedBd;
- dataService.bridgeDomainsTopo.on('clickNode',function(topo,node) {
- console.log(node);
- });
- vm.bdChanged = function() {
- dataService.injectBridgeDomainsTopoElements();
- dataService.buildTableContent();
- };
- vm.addBd = function() {
- //show dialog
- ${
- controller: function() {
- var vm = this;
- = {};
- vm.waiting = false;
- //function called when the cancel button ( 'x' in the top right) is clicked
- vm.close = function() {
- $mdDialog.cancel();
- };
- vm.isDone = function(status) {
- vm.waiting = false;
- if (status === 'success') {
- dataService.bridgedomains.push(;
- =;
- dataService.injectBridgeDomainsTopoElements();
- dataService.buildTableContent();
- vm.close();
- }
- };
- //function called when the update button is clicked
- vm.updateConfig = function() {
- vm.waiting = true;
- //send a POST with the entered content in the form field
- };
- },
- controllerAs: 'NewBdDialogCtrl',
- templateUrl: 'templates/new-bd-dialog.html',
- parent: angular.element(document.body),
- clickOutsideToClose:false
- })
- };
- vm.deploy = function() {
- };
- vm.removeBd = function() {
- if( {
- var successCallback = function(success) {
- if (success) {
- console.log(vm.bridgedomains);
- _.remove(vm.bridgedomains, {
- name:
- });
- toastService.showToast('Bridge Domain Removed!');
- = '';
- dataService.clearInjectedInterfacesInBridgeDomainTopo();
- dataService.injectBdIntoBridgeDomainsTopo();
- dataService.tableContent.length = 0;
- } else {
- toastService.showToast('Error removing Bridge Domain!');
- }
- };
- //... removeBdFromOdl(, successCallback);
- }
- };
- });