path: root/vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/controllers/bdm.controller.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/controllers/bdm.controller.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 541 deletions
diff --git a/vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/controllers/bdm.controller.js b/vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/controllers/bdm.controller.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f88162ef6..000000000
--- a/vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/controllers/bdm.controller.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
- * and is available at
- */
-define(['app/vpp/vpp.module'], function(vpp) {
- vpp.register.controller('bdmCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope','$filter', 'dataService', 'toastService', function ($scope, $rootScope, filter, dataService, toastService) {
- }]);
- vpp.register.controller('TableController', ['$scope', '$rootScope','$filter', 'dataService', 'toastService', 'bdmInterfaceService',
- function ($scope, $rootScope, filter, dataService, toastService, bdmInterfaceService) {
- $scope.interfaceList = [];
- $scope.unassignedInterfaceList = [];
- $scope.assignedInterfaces = [];
- var vm = this;
- vm.updateAssignment = function(receivedInterface) {
- if (receivedInterface.assigned){
- receivedInterface.vbdName = $scope.selectedBd['topology-id'];
- vm.assignInterface($scope.selectedBd, receivedInterface);
- } else {
- vm.unassignInterface(receivedInterface);
- }
- };
- vm.assignInterface = function(bridgeDomain, interface) {
- var interfaceObject = bdmInterfaceService.createObj(interface['tp-id'], interface['tp-id']);
- var successCallback = function() {
- toastService.showToast('Interface assigned');
- $scope.assignedInterfaces.push(interface);
- $scope.$emit('INTERFACE_CHANGED', interface);
- };
- var errorCallback = function() {
- toastService.showToast('Unable to assign interface');
- };
- bdmInterfaceService.add(interfaceObject, bridgeDomain['topology-id'], interface.vppName, successCallback, errorCallback);
- };
- vm.unassignInterface = function(interface) {
- var interfaceObject = bdmInterfaceService.createObj(interface['tp-id'], interface['tp-id']);
- var successCallback = function() {
- toastService.showToast('Interface unassigned');
- $scope.assignedInterfaces.splice($scope.assignedInterfaces.indexOf(interface), 1);
- interface.vbdName = '';
- $scope.$emit('INTERFACE_CHANGED', interface);
- };
- var errorCallback = function() {
- toastService.showToast('Unable to unassign interface');
- };
- bdmInterfaceService.delete(interfaceObject, interface.vbdName, interface.vppName, successCallback, errorCallback);
- };
- $scope.$on('BUILD_INTERFACES_TABLE', function(event) {
- $scope.interfaceList = [];
- $scope.unassignedInterfaceList = [];
- $scope.assignedInterfaces = $scope.getAssignedInterfaces();
- $scope.assignedInterfacesFlat = [];
- var getAssignedInterfacesFlat = function() {
- var keys = Object.keys($scope.assignedInterfaces);
- if(keys.length) {
- keys.forEach(function (k) {
- if($scope.assignedInterfaces[k]) {
- $scope.assignedInterfaces[k].forEach(function(ai) {
- checkAndPushIntoArray($scope.assignedInterfacesFlat, ai);
- });
- }
- });
- }
- };
- var checkAndPushIntoArray = function(array, item) {
- var check = array.some(function(i) {
- return i['tp-id'] === item['tp-id'] && i.vppName === item.vppName;
- });
- if(!check) {
- array.push(item);
- }
- };
- getAssignedInterfacesFlat();
- dataService.vpps.forEach(function(vpp){
- vpp.interfaces.forEach(function(interface){
- var interfaceObject = bdmInterfaceService.createObj(,;
- var check = $scope.assignedInterfacesFlat.some(function (ai) {
- return interfaceObject['tp-id'] === ai['tp-id'] && === ai.vppName;
- });
- if(!check) {
- interfaceObject.vppName =;
- checkAndPushIntoArray($scope.unassignedInterfaceList, interfaceObject);
- }
- });
- });
- if($scope.selectedBd) {
- $scope.interfaceList = $scope.assignedInterfaces[$scope.selectedBd['topology-id']] ? $scope.assignedInterfaces[$scope.selectedBd['topology-id']].concat($scope.unassignedInterfaceList) : $scope.unassignedInterfaceList;
- }
- $scope.interfaceDisplayList = [].concat($scope.interfaceList);
- });
- $scope.$on('INIT_INTERFACES_TABLE', function(event) {
- $scope.interfaceList = [];
- $scope.unassignedInterfaceList = [];
- $scope.assignedInterfaces = [];
- $scope.assignedInterfacesFlat = [];
- });
- }]);
- vpp.register.controller('BridgeDomainsController', ['$scope', '$rootScope','$filter', 'dataService', 'bdmBridgeDomainService', 'toastService', '$mdDialog', 'bdmTunnelService',
- function($scope, $rootScope, $filter, dataService, bdmBridgeDomainService, toastService, $mdDialog, bdmTunnelService) {
- $scope.bridgeDomainList = [];
- $scope.showOverlay = true;
- $scope.loadBridgeDomains = function(bridgeDomain, successCallback) {
- bdmBridgeDomainService.get(function(data) {
- $scope.bridgeDomainList = data;
- if(bridgeDomain) {
- $scope.selectedBd = $scope.bridgeDomainList.filter(function(bd) {
- return bd['topology-id'] === bridgeDomain['topology-id'];
- })[0];
- $scope.showTopology($scope.selectedBd);
- }
- successCallback();
- }, function(data,status) {
- //error callback
- console.log(status);
- });
- };
- $scope.getInterfacesForBridgeDomain = function(bridgeDomain) {
- var interfaceList = [];
- if(bridgeDomain.node) {
- bridgeDomain.node.forEach(function (n) {
- if (n['termination-point']) {
- n['termination-point'].forEach(function (tp) {
- tp.vppName = n['node-id'];
- tp.vbdName = bridgeDomain['topology-id'];
- tp.assigned = true;
- interfaceList.push(tp);
- });
- }
- });
- }
- return interfaceList;
- };
- $scope.getAssignedInterfaces = function() {
- var interfaces = [];
- $scope.bridgeDomainList.forEach(function(bd) {
- var bdCopy = {};
- angular.copy(bd, bdCopy);
- interfaces[bdCopy['topology-id']] = $scope.getInterfacesForBridgeDomain(bdCopy);
- });
- return interfaces;
- };
- $scope.addBd = function() {
- //show dialog
- ${
- controller: function() {
- var vm = this;
- = {};
- vm.waiting = false;
- //function called when the cancel button ( 'x' in the top right) is clicked
- vm.close = function() {
- $mdDialog.cancel();
- };
- vm.isDone = function(status, bridgeDomain) {
- vm.waiting = false;
- if (status === 'success') {
- $scope.reload(bridgeDomain);
- vm.close();
- }
- };
- //function called when the update button is clicked
- vm.updateConfig = function() {
- vm.waiting = true;
- //send a POST with the entered content in the form field
- var obj = bdmBridgeDomainService.createObj(;
- bdmBridgeDomainService.add(obj,
- function(data) {
- vm.isDone('success', obj);
- },
- function() {
- vm.isDone('failed');
- });
- };
- },
- controllerAs: 'NewBdDialogCtrl',
- templateUrl: $scope.view_path + 'new-bd-dialog.html',
- parent: angular.element(document.body),
- clickOutsideToClose:false
- })
- };
- $scope.removeBd = function() {
- if($scope.selectedBd['topology-id']) {
- var successCallback = function(success) {
- $scope.selectedBd = null;
- $scope.loadBridgeDomains(null, function() {
- $scope.$broadcast('INIT_INTERFACES_TABLE');
- $scope.clearTopologies();
- });
- };
- bdmBridgeDomainService.remove($scope.selectedBd['topology-id'], function(){successCallback(true)}, function(){successCallback(false)});
- }
- };
- $scope.bdChanged = function() {
- $scope.loadBridgeDomains($scope.selectedBd, function() {
- $scope.$broadcast('BUILD_INTERFACES_TABLE');
- $scope.showTopology($scope.selectedBd);
- });
- };
- nx.graphic.Icons.registerIcon("bd", "src/app/vpp/assets/images/bd1.svg", 45, 45);
- nx.graphic.Icons.registerIcon("interf", "src/app/vpp/assets/images/interf.svg", 45, 45);
- $scope.showOverlayTopology = function(bridgeDomain) {
- var bdCopy = {};
- angular.copy(bridgeDomain, bdCopy);
- $scope.bridgeDomainsTopo = new nx.graphic.Topology({
- adaptive: true,
- scalable: true,
- theme: 'blue',
- enableGradualScaling: true,
- nodeConfig: {
- color: '#414040',
- label: 'model.label',
- scale: 'model.scale',
- iconType: function (vertex) {
- var type = vertex.get().type;
- if (type === 'bd') {
- return 'bd'
- } else {
- return 'interf';
- }
- }
- },
- linkConfig: {
- label: 'model.label',
- linkType: 'parallel',
- color: function (link) {
- if (link.getData().type === 'tunnel') {
- return '#00FF00';
- } else {
- return '#ffffff';
- }
- },
- width: function (link) {
- if (link.getData().type === 'tunnel') {
- return 5;
- }
- }
- },
- showIcon: true,
- dataProcessor: 'force',
- autoLayout: true,
- enableSmartNode: false,
- tooltipManagerConfig: {
- nodeTooltipContentClass: 'TooltipNode',
- linkTooltipContentClass: 'TooltipLink'
- }
- });
- $scope.overlayNextApp = new nx.ui.Application;
- var bdNode = {
- "data": bdCopy,
- "type": "bd",
- "label": bdCopy['topology-id']
- };
- var nodes = [].concat(bdNode);
- var links = [];
- _.forEach($scope.getInterfacesForBridgeDomain(bdCopy), function(tp, index){
- var ifNode = {
- "data": tp,
- "type": "interf",
- "label": tp['tp-id']
- };
- nodes.push(ifNode);
- links.push({source: 0, target: nodes.length-1});
- });
- ${
- nodes: nodes,
- links: links
- });
- $scope.overlayNextApp.container(document.getElementById('overlay-next-app'));
- $scope.bridgeDomainsTopo.attach($scope.overlayNextApp);
- };
- $scope.fillOverlayTopology = function(bridgeDomain) {
- var bdCopy = {};
- angular.copy(bridgeDomain, bdCopy);
- var bdNode = {
- "data": bdCopy,
- "type": "bd",
- "label": bdCopy['topology-id']
- };
- var nodes = [].concat(bdNode);
- var links = [];
- _.forEach($scope.getInterfacesForBridgeDomain(bdCopy), function(tp, index){
- var ifNode = {
- "data": tp,
- "type": "interf",
- "label": tp['tp-id']
- };
- nodes.push(ifNode);
- links.push({source: 0, target: nodes.length-1});
- });
- ${
- nodes: nodes,
- links: links
- });
- };
- $scope.showUnderTopology = function(bridgeDomain) {
- //var bdCopy = {};
- //angular.copy(bridgeDomain, bdCopy);
- $scope.underlayTopo = new nx.graphic.Topology({
- adaptive: true,
- scalable: true,
- theme:'blue',
- enableGradualScaling:true,
- nodeConfig: {
- color: '#414040',
- label: 'model.label',
- scale: 'model.scale',
- iconType: function(vertex) {
- var type = vertex.get().type;
- if (type === 'bd') {
- return 'bd';
- } else if (type==='vpp') {
- return 'switch';
- } else {
- return 'interf';
- }
- }
- },
- linkConfig: {
- label: 'model.label',
- linkType: 'parallel',
- color: function(link) {
- if (link.getData().type === 'tunnel') {
- return '#00FF00';
- } else {
- return '#ffffff';
- }
- },
- width: function(link) {
- if (link.getData().type === 'tunnel') {
- return 5;
- }
- }
- },
- showIcon: true,
- enableSmartNode: false
- });
- $scope.underlayNextApp = new nx.ui.Application;
- $scope.fillUnderlayTopology(bridgeDomain);
- $scope.underlayNextApp.container(document.getElementById('underlay-next-app'));
- $scope.underlayTopo.attach($scope.underlayNextApp);
- };
- $scope.fillUnderlayTopology = function(bridgeDomain) {
- var bdCopy = {};
- angular.copy(bridgeDomain, bdCopy);
- var nodes = [];
- var links = [];
- _.forEach(bdCopy.node, function(node, index){
- var i = index + 1;
- nodes.push({
- label: node['node-id'],
- x: (-1+(2*(i%2)))*((i+1)/2 * 500),
- y: 700,
- scale: 1.25,
- type: 'vpp'
- });
- bdmTunnelService.get(
- bdCopy['topology-id'],
- function(data) {
- //success
- console.log(data);
- var link = data;
- var sourceNode = link[0].source['source-node'];
- var targetNode = link[0].destination['dest-node'];
- links.push({
- source: _.findIndex(nodes, {label: sourceNode, type: 'vpp'}),
- target: _.findIndex(nodes, {label: targetNode, type: 'vpp'}),
- type: 'tunnel'
- });
- ${
- nodes: nodes,
- links: links
- });
- }, function(res) {
- ${
- nodes: nodes,
- links: links
- });
- });
- });
- ${
- nodes: nodes,
- links: links
- });
- };
- $scope.reload = function(bridgeDomain) {
- $scope.loadBridgeDomains(bridgeDomain, function() {
- $scope.$broadcast('BUILD_INTERFACES_TABLE');
- $scope.showTopology($scope.selectedBd);
- });
- };
- $scope.toggleUnderlay = function() {
- $scope.showOverlay = !$scope.showOverlay;
- $scope.reload($scope.selectedBd);
- };
- $scope.showTopology = function(bridgeDomain) {
- if($scope.showOverlay) {
- if(!$scope.bridgeDomainsTopo) {
- $scope.showOverlayTopology(bridgeDomain);
- }
- else {
- $scope.fillOverlayTopology(bridgeDomain);
- }
- } else {
- if(!$scope.underlayTopo) {
- $scope.showUnderTopology(bridgeDomain);
- }
- else {
- $scope.fillUnderlayTopology(bridgeDomain);
- }
- }
- };
- $scope.clearTopologies = function() {
- if($scope.bridgeDomainsTopo) {
- ${
- nodes: [],
- links: []
- });
- }
- if($scope.bridgeDomainsTopo) {
- ${
- nodes: [],
- links: []
- });
- }
- };
- $scope.$on('INTERFACE_CHANGED', function(event, data) {
- bdmBridgeDomainService.getOne($scope.selectedBd['topology-id'],
- function(bdData) {
- $scope.fillOverlayTopology(bdData);
- },
- function() {
- console.log('error getting vbd');
- });
- });
- $scope.loadBridgeDomains(null, function() {});
- }]);
-}); \ No newline at end of file