path: root/manifests
diff options
authorFeng Pan <fpan@redhat.com>2016-11-07 19:22:21 -0500
committerFeng Pan <fpan@redhat.com>2016-11-21 21:27:09 -0500
commit9326e4237f4d161f297dc4493ab4928ea6e2bf0f (patch)
tree25372fa964fe84b160c5bfc58304285902edbefc /manifests
parentc70bea9fb9cd5dfb29d7ab8f7aaae7324c31f1e3 (diff)
Initial Commit.
Change-Id: I212ec4be42357edddd931e9e479e33131ccd4bac Signed-off-by: Feng Pan <fpan@redhat.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'manifests')
6 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/config.pp b/manifests/config.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeac676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/config.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# == Class fdio::config
+# This class handles fdio config changes.
+class fdio::config {
+ file { '/etc/vpp/startup.conf':
+ content => template('fdio/startup.conf.erb'),
+ }
+ # ensure that dpdk module is loaded
+ exec { 'insert_dpdk_kmod':
+ command => "modprobe ${::fdio::vpp_dpdk_uio_driver}",
+ unless => "lsmod | grep ${::fdio::vpp_dpdk_uio_driver}",
+ path => '/bin:/sbin',
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/honeycomb.pp b/manifests/honeycomb.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d28179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/honeycomb.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# == Class: honeycomb
+# OpenDaylight Honeycomb Agent
+# === Parameters:
+# [*rest_port*]
+# Port for Honeycomb REST interface to listen on.
+# [*websocket_rest_port*]
+# Port for Honeycomb REST interface to listen on for websocket connections.
+# [*user*]
+# Username to configure in honeycomb.
+# [*password*]
+# Password to configure in honeycomb.
+class fdio::honeycomb (
+ $rest_port = '8181',
+ $websocket_rest_port = '7779',
+ $user = 'admin',
+ $password = 'admin',
+) {
+ include ::fdio
+ package { 'honeycomb':
+ ensure => present,
+ require => Package['vpp'],
+ }
+ ->
+ # Configuration of Honeycomb
+ file { 'honeycomb.json':
+ ensure => file,
+ path => '/opt/honeycomb/config/honeycomb.json',
+ # Set user:group owners
+ owner => 'honeycomb',
+ group => 'honeycomb',
+ # Use a template to populate the content
+ content => template('fdio/honeycomb.json.erb'),
+ }
+ ~>
+ service { 'honeycomb':
+ ensure => running,
+ enable => true,
+ hasstatus => true,
+ hasrestart => true,
+ require => [ Vpp_service['vpp'], Package['honeycomb'] ],
+ restart => 'systemctl stop vpp;systemctl stop honeycomb;rm -rf /var/lib/honeycomb/persist/*;systemctl start vpp; sleep 5;systemctl start honeycomb',
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/init.pp b/manifests/init.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f2d09d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/init.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# == Class: fdio
+# Installs vpp and configures /etc/vpp/startup.conf
+# === Parameters:
+# [*repo_branch*]
+# (optional) fd.io repo branch, valid values are 'release', 'master', and stable branch such as 'stable.1609'.
+# Defaults to 'release'.
+# [*vpp_dpdk_devs*]
+# (optional) Array of PCI addresses to bind to vpp.
+# Defaults to undef.
+# [*vpp_dpdk_uio_driver*]
+# (optional) VPP DPDK UIO driver type.
+# Defaults to 'uio_pci_generic'
+# [*vpp_vlan_enabled*]
+# (optional) Enabled vlan tagged traffic on VPP interfaces. This is needed to configure
+# vlan_strip_offload option for Cisco VIC interfaces.
+# Default to false.
+# [*vpp_cpu_main_core*]
+# (optional) VPP main thread pinning.
+# Defaults to undef (no pinning)
+# [*vpp_cpu_corelist_workers*]
+# (optional) List of cores for VPP worker thread pinning in string format.
+# Defaults to undef (no pinning)
+# [*copy_kernel_nic_ip*]
+# (optional) Configures VPP interface with IP settings found on its corresponding kernel NIC.
+# Defaults to true
+class fdio (
+ $repo_branch = $::fdio::params::repo_branch,
+ $vpp_dpdk_devs = $::fdio::params::vpp_dpdk_devs,
+ $vpp_dpdk_uio_driver = $::fdio::params::vpp_dpdk_uio_driver,
+ $vpp_vlan_enabled = $::fdio::params::vpp_vlan_enabled,
+ $vpp_cpu_main_core = $::fdio::params::vpp_cpu_main_core,
+ $vpp_cpu_corelist_workers = $::fdio::params::vpp_cpu_corelist_workers,
+ $copy_kernel_nic_ip = $::fdio::params::copy_kernel_nic_ip,
+) inherits ::fdio::params {
+ validate_array($vpp_dpdk_devs)
+ validate_bool($vpp_vlan_enabled)
+ validate_bool($copy_kernel_nic_ip)
+ # Validate OS family
+ case $::osfamily {
+ 'RedHat': {}
+ 'Debian': {
+ warning('Debian has limited support, is less stable, less tested.')
+ }
+ default: {
+ fail("Unsupported OS family: ${::osfamily}")
+ }
+ }
+ # Validate OS
+ case $::operatingsystem {
+ 'centos', 'redhat': {
+ if $::operatingsystemmajrelease != '7' {
+ # RHEL/CentOS versions < 7 not supported as they lack systemd
+ fail("Unsupported OS: ${::operatingsystem} ${::operatingsystemmajrelease}")
+ }
+ }
+ 'fedora': {
+ # Fedora distros < 23 are EOL as of 2016-07-19
+ # https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/End_of_life
+ if $::operatingsystemmajrelease < '23' {
+ fail("Unsupported OS: ${::operatingsystem} ${::operatingsystemmajrelease}")
+ }
+ }
+ 'ubuntu': {
+ if $::operatingsystemmajrelease != '16.04' {
+ fail("Unsupported OS: ${::operatingsystem} ${::operatingsystemmajrelease}")
+ }
+ }
+ default: {
+ fail("Unsupported OS: ${::operatingsystem}")
+ }
+ }
+ class { '::fdio::install': } ->
+ class { '::fdio::config': } ~>
+ class { '::fdio::service': } ->
+ Class['::fdio']
diff --git a/manifests/install.pp b/manifests/install.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14577a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/install.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# == Class fdio::install
+# Manages the installation of fdio.
+class fdio::install {
+ $base_url = $fdio::repo_branch ? {
+ 'release' => 'https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.centos7/',
+ 'master' => 'https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.master.centos7/',
+ default => "https://nexus.fd.io/content/repositories/fd.io.${fdio::repo_branch}.centos7/",
+ }
+ # Add fdio's Yum repository
+ yumrepo { "fdio-${fdio::repo_branch}":
+ baseurl => $base_url,
+ descr => "FD.io ${fdio::repo_branch} packages",
+ enabled => 1,
+ gpgcheck => 0,
+ }
+ # Install the VPP RPM
+ package { 'vpp':
+ ensure => present,
+ require => Yumrepo["fdio-${fdio::repo_branch}"],
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/params.pp b/manifests/params.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dae301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/params.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# == Class fdio::params
+# This class manages the default params for the fdio class.
+class fdio::params {
+ $repo_branch = 'release'
+ $vpp_dpdk_devs = []
+ $vpp_dpdk_uio_driver = 'uio_pci_generic'
+ $vpp_vlan_enabled = false
+ $vpp_cpu_main_core = undef
+ $vpp_cpu_corelist_workers = undef
+ $copy_kernel_nic_ip = true
diff --git a/manifests/service.pp b/manifests/service.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb08721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/service.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# == Class fdio::service
+# Configure and start VPP service.
+class fdio::service {
+ vpp_service { 'vpp' :
+ ensure => present,
+ pci_devs => $::fdio::vpp_dpdk_devs,
+ state => 'up',
+ copy_kernel_nic_ip => $::fdio::copy_kernel_nic_ip,
+ }