diff options
4 files changed, 66 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/honeycomb.pp b/manifests/honeycomb.pp
index 6ea88b5..25739f2 100644
--- a/manifests/honeycomb.pp
+++ b/manifests/honeycomb.pp
@@ -39,6 +39,14 @@
# (optional) Node ID for binding VPP to Opendaylight
# Defaults to $::fqdn
+# [*interface_role_map*]
+# (optional) List of interface role mapping in the format
+# of <VPP interface name>:<role name>
+# Example:
+# [ 'GigabitEthernet0/5/0:public-interface',
+# 'GigabitEthernet0/6/0:tenant-interface' ]
+# Defaults to undef
class fdio::honeycomb (
$opendaylight_ip = '',
$opendaylight_port = '8081',
@@ -50,8 +58,11 @@ class fdio::honeycomb (
$password = 'admin',
$bind_ip = '',
$node_id = $::fqdn,
+ $interface_role_map = [],
) {
+ validate_array($interface_role_map)
include ::fdio
package { 'honeycomb':
@@ -91,15 +102,23 @@ class fdio::honeycomb (
tries => 5,
try_sleep => 30,
path => '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',
- notify => Service['honeycomb'],
- }
+ require => Service['honeycomb'],
+ }->
exec { 'Check VPP was mounted into ODL operational DS':
command => "curl --fail -u ${opendaylight_username}:${opendaylight_password} ${oper_mount_url} | grep ${node_id}",
tries => 5,
try_sleep => 30,
path => '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',
- subscribe => Service['honeycomb'],
+ }
+ if !empty($interface_role_map) {
+ configure_role_mappings { $interface_role_map:
+ honeycomb_username => $user,
+ honeycomb_password => $password,
+ honeycomb_url => "http://${bind_ip}:${rest_port}",
+ require => Service['honeycomb'],
+ before => Exec['VPP Mount into ODL'],
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/honeycomb/configure_role_mappings.pp b/manifests/honeycomb/configure_role_mappings.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..826f6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/honeycomb/configure_role_mappings.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# == Define: fdio::honeycomb::configure_role_mappings
+# Defined type to configure interface role mapping in OpenDaylight
+# === Parameters:
+# [*honeycomb_username*]
+# User name for Honeycomb.
+# [*honeycomb_password*]
+# Password for Honeycomb.
+# [*honeycomb_url*]
+# Honeycomb restconf binding URL.
+# [*interface_role_mapping*]
+# List of interface role mapping in the format
+# of <VPP interface name>:<role name>
+# Example:
+# [ 'GigabitEthernet0/5/0:public-interface',
+# 'GigabitEthernet0/6/0:tenant-interface' ]
+define fdio::honeycomb::configure_role_mappings (
+ $honeycomb_username,
+ $honeycomb_password,
+ $honeycomb_url,
+ $interface_role_mapping = $title,
+) {
+ $mapping = split($interface_role_mapping, ':')
+ $vpp_int = regsubst($mapping[0], '/', '%2F', 'G')
+ $role_name = $mapping[1]
+ $config_url = "${honeycomb_url}/restconf/config/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/${vpp_int}"
+ exec { "Register interface ${mapping[0]} with role ${role_name}":
+ command => "curl -XPOST --fail -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u ${honeycomb_username}:${honeycomb_password} ${config_url} -d \"{'description': '${role_name}'}\"",
+ tries => 5,
+ try_sleep => 30,
+ path => '/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',
+ unless => "curl -u ${honeycomb_username}:${honeycomb_password} ${config_url} | grep '${role_name}'",
+ }
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/fdio_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/fdio_spec.rb
index 3cc88ad..6e2ec8d 100644
--- a/spec/acceptance/fdio_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/acceptance/fdio_spec.rb
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ describe 'fdio' do
it 'should work with no errors' do
pp= <<-EOS
class { '::fdio':
- repo_branch => 'master'
+ repo_branch => 'release'
diff --git a/templates/honeycomb.json.erb b/templates/honeycomb.json.erb
index 7addc09..601dd28 100644
--- a/templates/honeycomb.json.erb
+++ b/templates/honeycomb.json.erb
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
"restconf-http-enabled": "true",
"restconf-root-path": "/restconf",
- "restconf-binding-address": "",
+ "restconf-binding-address": "<%= scope['fdio::honeycomb::bind_ip'] %>",
"restconf-port": <%= scope['fdio::honeycomb::rest_port'] %>,
"restconf-https-enabled": "true",
- "restconf-https-binding-address": "",
+ "restconf-https-binding-address": "<%= scope['fdio::honeycomb::bind_ip'] %>",
"restconf-https-port": 8443,
"restconf-keystore": "/honeycomb-keystore",
"restconf-keystore-password": "OBF:1v9s1unr1unn1vv51zlk1t331vg91x1b1vgl1t331zly1vu51uob1uo71v8u",