path: root/lib/libtle_memtank/memtank.c
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authorKonstantin Ananyev <konstantin.ananyev@intel.com>2019-06-27 19:28:26 +0100
committerKonstantin Ananyev <konstantin.ananyev@intel.com>2019-12-31 11:42:11 +0000
commit703faabf2d44d245fe1dd0b75f1736bf6114a557 (patch)
tree1695eb924b9ff8236e0eabb084ab6b969c162d88 /lib/libtle_memtank/memtank.c
parent0ee0943991b7d2cb43c63c76ba59035cacbc1b91 (diff)
v6: memtank introduction
For analogy with mempool, named this structure memtank. Same a s mempool it allows to alloc/free objects of fixed size in a lightweight manner (not as lightweight as mempool, but hopefully close enough). The whole idea is that alloc/free is used at fast-path and don't allocate/free more than *min_free* objects at one call. So for majority of cases our fast-path alloc/free should be lightweight (LIFO enqueue/dequeue operations). Also user will need to call grow/shrink periodically (ideally from the slow-path) to make sure there is enough free objects in the tank. Internally it is just a simple LIFO for up to *max_free* objects plus a list of memory buffers (memchunk) from where these objects were allocated. v1 -> v2 - Added UT - Fixed few bugs v2 -> v3 - extend UT with more parameters v3 -> v4 - add object alignement as parameter for memtank_create - extend UT with more parameters - added memtank dump routine v4 -> v5 - fixed few bugs inside memtank lib - extend UT with: - new test case - new command-line options: '-s <obj_size>', '-m <mem_func>' v5 -> v6 - extend memtank dump to collect/display extra information - make memtank dump routine MT safe - add memtank sanity check function - add proper comments for pubic API Signed-off-by: Konstantin Ananyev <konstantin.ananyev@intel.com> Change-Id: I8939772577f5d9e293088eaa9a9fe316c3fe8f87
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/libtle_memtank/memtank.c')
1 files changed, 507 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/libtle_memtank/memtank.c b/lib/libtle_memtank/memtank.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceb209c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/libtle_memtank/memtank.c
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Corporation.
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "memtank.h"
+#include <rte_errno.h>
+#define ALIGN_MUL_CEIL(v, mul) \
+ ((typeof(v))(((uint64_t)(v) + (mul) - 1) / (mul)))
+static inline size_t
+memtank_meta_size(uint32_t nb_free)
+ size_t sz;
+ static const struct memtank *mt;
+ sz = sizeof(*mt) + nb_free * sizeof(mt->pub.free[0]);
+ sz = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(sz, alignof(*mt));
+ return sz;
+static inline size_t
+memchunk_meta_size(uint32_t nb_obj)
+ size_t sz;
+ static const struct memchunk *ch;
+ sz = sizeof(*ch) + nb_obj * sizeof(ch->free[0]);
+ sz = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(sz, alignof(*ch));
+ return sz;
+static inline size_t
+memobj_size(uint32_t obj_size, uint32_t obj_align)
+ size_t sz;
+ static const struct memobj *obj;
+ sz = sizeof(*obj) + obj_size;
+ sz = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(sz, obj_align);
+ return sz;
+static inline size_t
+memchunk_size(uint32_t nb_obj, uint32_t obj_size, uint32_t obj_align)
+ size_t algn, sz;
+ static const struct memchunk *ch;
+ algn = RTE_MAX(alignof(*ch), obj_align);
+ sz = memchunk_meta_size(nb_obj);
+ sz += nb_obj * memobj_size(obj_size, obj_align);
+ sz = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(sz + algn - 1, algn);
+ return sz;
+static void
+init_chunk(struct memtank *mt, struct memchunk *ch)
+ uint32_t i, n, sz;
+ uintptr_t p;
+ struct memobj *obj;
+ const struct memobj cobj = {
+ .red_zone1 = RED_ZONE_V1,
+ .chunk = ch,
+ .red_zone2 = RED_ZONE_V2,
+ };
+ n = mt->prm.nb_obj_chunk;
+ sz = mt->obj_size;
+ /* get start of memobj array */
+ p = (uintptr_t)ch + memchunk_meta_size(n);
+ p = RTE_ALIGN_CEIL(p, mt->prm.obj_align);
+ for (i = 0; i != n; i++) {
+ obj = obj_pub_full(p, sz);
+ obj[0] = cobj;
+ ch->free[i] = (void *)p;
+ p += sz;
+ }
+ ch->nb_total = n;
+ ch->nb_free = n;
+ if (mt->prm.init != NULL)
+ mt->prm.init(ch->free, n, mt->prm.udata);
+static void
+put_chunk(struct memtank *mt, struct memchunk *ch, void * const obj[],
+ uint32_t num)
+ uint32_t k, n;
+ struct mchunk_list *ls;
+ /* chunk should be in the *used* list */
+ k = MC_USED;
+ ls = &mt->chl[k];
+ rte_spinlock_lock(&ls->lock);
+ n = ch->nb_free;
+ RTE_ASSERT(n + num <= ch->nb_total);
+ _copy_objs(ch->free + n, obj, num);
+ ch->nb_free = n + num;
+ /* chunk is full now */
+ if (ch->nb_free == ch->nb_total) {
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&ls->chunk, ch, link);
+ k = MC_FULL;
+ /* chunk is not empty anymore, move it to the head */
+ } else if (n == 0) {
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&ls->chunk, ch, link);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&ls->chunk, ch, link);
+ }
+ rte_spinlock_unlock(&ls->lock);
+ /* insert this chunk into the *full* list */
+ if (k == MC_FULL) {
+ ls = &mt->chl[k];
+ rte_spinlock_lock(&ls->lock);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&ls->chunk, ch, link);
+ rte_spinlock_unlock(&ls->lock);
+ }
+static uint32_t
+shrink_chunk(struct memtank *mt, uint32_t num)
+ uint32_t i, k;
+ struct mchunk_list *ls;
+ struct memchunk *ch[num];
+ ls = &mt->chl[MC_FULL];
+ rte_spinlock_lock(&ls->lock);
+ for (k = 0; k != num; k++) {
+ ch[k] = TAILQ_LAST(&ls->chunk, mchunk_head);
+ if (ch[k] == NULL)
+ break;
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&ls->chunk, ch[k], link);
+ }
+ rte_spinlock_unlock(&ls->lock);
+ rte_atomic32_sub(&mt->nb_chunks, k);
+ for (i = 0; i != k; i++)
+ mt->prm.free(ch[i]->raw, mt->prm.udata);
+ return k;
+static struct memchunk *
+alloc_chunk(struct memtank *mt)
+ void *p;
+ struct memchunk *ch;
+ p = mt->prm.alloc(mt->chunk_size, mt->prm.udata);
+ if (p == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ch = RTE_PTR_ALIGN_CEIL(p, alignof(*ch));
+ ch->raw = p;
+ return ch;
+/* Determine by how many chunks we can actually grow */
+static inline uint32_t
+grow_num(struct memtank *mt, uint32_t num)
+ uint32_t k, n, max;
+ max = mt->max_chunk;
+ n = rte_atomic32_add_return(&mt->nb_chunks, num);
+ if (n <= max)
+ return num;
+ k = n - max;
+ return (k >= num) ? 0 : num - k;
+static uint32_t
+grow_chunk(struct memtank *mt, uint32_t num)
+ uint32_t i, k, n;
+ struct mchunk_list *fls;
+ struct mchunk_head ls;
+ struct memchunk *ch[num];
+ /* check can we grow further */
+ k = grow_num(mt, num);
+ for (n = 0; n != k; n++) {
+ ch[n] = alloc_chunk(mt);
+ if (ch[n] == NULL)
+ break;
+ }
+ TAILQ_INIT(&ls);
+ for (i = 0; i != n; i++) {
+ init_chunk(mt, ch[i]);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&ls, ch[i], link);
+ }
+ if (n != 0) {
+ fls = &mt->chl[MC_FULL];
+ rte_spinlock_lock(&fls->lock);
+ TAILQ_CONCAT(&fls->chunk, &ls, link);
+ rte_spinlock_unlock(&fls->lock);
+ }
+ if (n != num)
+ rte_atomic32_sub(&mt->nb_chunks, num - n);
+ return n;
+static void
+obj_dbg_alloc(struct memtank *mt, void * const obj[], uint32_t nb_obj)
+ uint32_t i, sz;
+ struct memobj *po;
+ sz = mt->obj_size;
+ for (i = 0; i != nb_obj; i++) {
+ po = obj_pub_full((uintptr_t)obj[i], sz);
+ RTE_VERIFY(memobj_verify(po, 0) == 0);
+ po->dbg.nb_alloc++;
+ }
+static void
+obj_dbg_free(struct memtank *mt, void * const obj[], uint32_t nb_obj)
+ uint32_t i, sz;
+ struct memobj *po;
+ sz = mt->obj_size;
+ for (i = 0; i != nb_obj; i++) {
+ po = obj_pub_full((uintptr_t)obj[i], sz);
+ RTE_VERIFY(memobj_verify(po, 1) == 0);
+ po->dbg.nb_free++;
+ }
+tle_memtank_chunk_free(struct tle_memtank *t, void * const obj[],
+ uint32_t nb_obj, uint32_t flags)
+ uint32_t i, j, k, sz;
+ struct memtank *mt;
+ struct memobj *mo;
+ struct memchunk *ch[nb_obj];
+ mt = tank_pub_full(t);
+ sz = mt->obj_size;
+ if (mt->flags & TLE_MTANK_OBJ_DBG)
+ obj_dbg_free(mt, obj, nb_obj);
+ for (i = 0; i != nb_obj; i++) {
+ mo = obj_pub_full((uintptr_t)obj[i], sz);
+ ch[i] = mo->chunk;
+ }
+ k = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i != nb_obj; i = j) {
+ /* find number of consequtive objs from the same chunk */
+ for (j = i + 1; j != nb_obj && ch[j] == ch[i]; j++)
+ ;
+ put_chunk(mt, ch[i], obj + i, j - i);
+ k++;
+ }
+ if (flags & TLE_MTANK_FREE_SHRINK)
+ shrink_chunk(mt, k);
+static uint32_t
+get_chunk(struct mchunk_list *ls, struct mchunk_head *els,
+ struct mchunk_head *uls, void *obj[], uint32_t nb_obj)
+ uint32_t l, k, n;
+ struct memchunk *ch, *nch;
+ rte_spinlock_lock(&ls->lock);
+ n = 0;
+ for (ch = TAILQ_FIRST(&ls->chunk);
+ n != nb_obj && ch != NULL && ch->nb_free != 0;
+ ch = nch, n += k) {
+ k = RTE_MIN(nb_obj - n, ch->nb_free);
+ l = ch->nb_free - k;
+ _copy_objs(obj + n, ch->free + l, k);
+ ch->nb_free = l;
+ nch = TAILQ_NEXT(ch, link);
+ /* chunk is empty now */
+ if (l == 0) {
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&ls->chunk, ch, link);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(els, ch, link);
+ } else if (uls != NULL) {
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&ls->chunk, ch, link);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(uls, ch, link);
+ }
+ }
+ rte_spinlock_unlock(&ls->lock);
+ return n;
+tle_memtank_chunk_alloc(struct tle_memtank *t, void *obj[], uint32_t nb_obj,
+ uint32_t flags)
+ uint32_t k, n;
+ struct memtank *mt;
+ struct mchunk_head els, uls;
+ mt = tank_pub_full(t);
+ /* walk though the the *used* list first */
+ n = get_chunk(&mt->chl[MC_USED], &mt->chl[MC_USED].chunk, NULL,
+ obj, nb_obj);
+ if (n != nb_obj) {
+ TAILQ_INIT(&els);
+ TAILQ_INIT(&uls);
+ /* walk though the the *full* list */
+ n += get_chunk(&mt->chl[MC_FULL], &els, &uls,
+ obj + n, nb_obj - n);
+ if (n != nb_obj && (flags & TLE_MTANK_ALLOC_GROW) != 0) {
+ /* try to allocate extra memchunks */
+ k = ALIGN_MUL_CEIL(nb_obj - n,
+ mt->prm.nb_obj_chunk);
+ k = grow_chunk(mt, k);
+ /* walk through the *full* list again */
+ if (k != 0)
+ n += get_chunk(&mt->chl[MC_FULL], &els, &uls,
+ obj + n, nb_obj - n);
+ }
+ /* concatenate with *used* list our temporary lists */
+ rte_spinlock_lock(&mt->chl[MC_USED].lock);
+ /* put new non-emtpy elems at head of the *used* list */
+ TAILQ_CONCAT(&uls, &mt->chl[MC_USED].chunk, link);
+ TAILQ_CONCAT(&mt->chl[MC_USED].chunk, &uls, link);
+ /* put new emtpy elems at tail of the *used* list */
+ TAILQ_CONCAT(&mt->chl[MC_USED].chunk, &els, link);
+ rte_spinlock_unlock(&mt->chl[MC_USED].lock);
+ }
+ if (mt->flags & TLE_MTANK_OBJ_DBG)
+ obj_dbg_alloc(mt, obj, n);
+ return n;
+tle_memtank_grow(struct tle_memtank *t)
+ uint32_t k, n, num;
+ struct memtank *mt;
+ mt = tank_pub_full(t);
+ /* how many chunks we need to grow */
+ k = t->min_free - t->nb_free;
+ if ((int32_t)k <= 0)
+ return 0;
+ num = ALIGN_MUL_CEIL(k, mt->prm.nb_obj_chunk);
+ /* try to grow and refill the *free* */
+ n = grow_chunk(mt, num);
+ if (n != 0)
+ _fill_free(t, k, 0);
+ return n;
+tle_memtank_shrink(struct tle_memtank *t)
+ uint32_t n;
+ struct memtank *mt;
+ mt = tank_pub_full(t);
+ /* how many chunks we need to shrink */
+ if (t->nb_free < t->max_free)
+ return 0;
+ /* how many chunks we need to free */
+ n = ALIGN_MUL_CEIL(t->min_free, mt->prm.nb_obj_chunk);
+ /* free up to *num* chunks */
+ return shrink_chunk(mt, n);
+static int
+check_param(const struct tle_memtank_prm *prm)
+ if (prm->alloc == NULL || prm->free == NULL ||
+ prm->min_free > prm->max_free ||
+ rte_is_power_of_2(prm->obj_align) == 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ return 0;
+struct tle_memtank *
+tle_memtank_create(const struct tle_memtank_prm *prm)
+ int32_t rc;
+ size_t sz;
+ void *p;
+ struct memtank *mt;
+ rc = check_param(prm);
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ rte_errno = -rc;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ sz = memtank_meta_size(prm->max_free);
+ p = prm->alloc(sz, prm->udata);
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ rte_errno = ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ mt = RTE_PTR_ALIGN_CEIL(p, alignof(*mt));
+ memset(mt, 0, sizeof(*mt));
+ mt->prm = *prm;
+ mt->raw = p;
+ mt->chunk_size = memchunk_size(prm->nb_obj_chunk, prm->obj_size,
+ prm->obj_align);
+ mt->obj_size = memobj_size(prm->obj_size, prm->obj_align);
+ mt->max_chunk = ALIGN_MUL_CEIL(prm->max_obj, prm->nb_obj_chunk);
+ mt->flags = prm->flags;
+ mt->pub.min_free = prm->min_free;
+ mt->pub.max_free = prm->max_free;
+ TAILQ_INIT(&mt->chl[MC_FULL].chunk);
+ TAILQ_INIT(&mt->chl[MC_USED].chunk);
+ return &mt->pub;
+static void
+free_mchunk_list(struct memtank *mt, struct mchunk_list *ls)
+ struct memchunk *ch;
+ for (ch = TAILQ_FIRST(&ls->chunk); ch != NULL;
+ ch = TAILQ_FIRST(&ls->chunk)) {
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&ls->chunk, ch, link);
+ mt->prm.free(ch->raw, mt->prm.udata);
+ }
+tle_memtank_destroy(struct tle_memtank *t)
+ struct memtank *mt;
+ if (t != NULL) {
+ mt = tank_pub_full(t);
+ free_mchunk_list(mt, &mt->chl[MC_FULL]);
+ free_mchunk_list(mt, &mt->chl[MC_USED]);
+ mt->prm.free(mt->raw, mt->prm.udata);
+ }