path: root/lib/libtle_memtank/misc.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/libtle_memtank/misc.c')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/libtle_memtank/misc.c b/lib/libtle_memtank/misc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07e73db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/libtle_memtank/misc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Corporation.
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "memtank.h"
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#define CHUNK_OBJ_LT_NUM 4
+struct mchunk_stat {
+ uint32_t nb_empty;
+ uint32_t nb_full;
+ struct {
+ uint32_t nb_chunk;
+ uint32_t nb_obj;
+ struct {
+ uint32_t val;
+ uint32_t num;
+ } chunk_obj_lt[CHUNK_OBJ_LT_NUM];
+ } used;
+struct mfree_stat {
+ uint32_t nb_chunk;
+ struct mchunk_stat chunk;
+#define MTANK_LOG(lvl, fmt, args...) RTE_LOG(lvl, USER1, fmt, ##args)
+static void
+mchunk_stat_dump(FILE *f, const struct mchunk_stat *st)
+ uint32_t i;
+ fprintf(f, "\t\tstat={\n");
+ fprintf(f, "\t\t\tnb_empty=%u,\n", st->nb_empty);
+ fprintf(f, "\t\t\tnb_full=%u,\n", st->nb_full);
+ fprintf(f, "\t\t\tused={\n");
+ fprintf(f, "\t\t\t\tnb_chunk=%u,\n", st->used.nb_chunk);
+ fprintf(f, "\t\t\t\tnb_obj=%u,\n", st->used.nb_obj);
+ for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(st->used.chunk_obj_lt); i++) {
+ if (st->used.chunk_obj_lt[i].num != 0)
+ fprintf(f, "\t\t\t\tnb_chunk_obj_lt_%u=%u,\n",
+ st->used.chunk_obj_lt[i].val,
+ st->used.chunk_obj_lt[i].num);
+ }
+ fprintf(f, "\t\t\t},\n");
+ fprintf(f, "\t\t},\n");
+static void
+mchunk_stat_init(struct mchunk_stat *st, uint32_t nb_obj_chunk)
+ uint32_t i;
+ memset(st, 0, sizeof(*st));
+ for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(st->used.chunk_obj_lt); i++) {
+ st->used.chunk_obj_lt[i].val = (i + 1) * nb_obj_chunk /
+ RTE_DIM(st->used.chunk_obj_lt);
+ }
+static void
+mchunk_stat_collect(struct mchunk_stat *st, const struct memchunk *ch)
+ uint32_t i, n;
+ n = ch->nb_total - ch->nb_free;
+ if (ch->nb_free == 0)
+ st->nb_empty++;
+ else if (n == 0)
+ st->nb_full++;
+ else {
+ st->used.nb_chunk++;
+ st->used.nb_obj += n;
+ for (i = 0; i != RTE_DIM(st->used.chunk_obj_lt); i++) {
+ if (n < st->used.chunk_obj_lt[i].val) {
+ st->used.chunk_obj_lt[i].num++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+mchunk_list_dump(FILE *f, struct memtank *mt, uint32_t idx, uint32_t flags)
+ struct mchunk_list *ls;
+ const struct memchunk *ch;
+ struct mchunk_stat mcs;
+ ls = &mt->chl[idx];
+ mchunk_stat_init(&mcs, mt->prm.nb_obj_chunk);
+ rte_spinlock_lock(&ls->lock);
+ for (ch = TAILQ_FIRST(&ls->chunk); ch != NULL;
+ ch = TAILQ_NEXT(ch, link)) {
+ /* collect chunk stats */
+ mchunk_stat_collect(&mcs, ch);
+ /* dump chunk metadata */
+ if (flags & TLE_MTANK_DUMP_CHUNK) {
+ fprintf(f, "\t\tmemchunk@%p={\n", ch);
+ fprintf(f, "\t\t\traw=%p,\n", ch->raw);
+ fprintf(f, "\t\t\tnb_total=%u,\n", ch->nb_total);
+ fprintf(f, "\t\t\tnb_free=%u,\n", ch->nb_free);
+ fprintf(f, "\t\t},\n");
+ }
+ }
+ rte_spinlock_unlock(&ls->lock);
+ /* print chunk stats */
+ mchunk_stat_dump(f, &mcs);
+static void
+mfree_stat_init(struct mfree_stat *st, uint32_t nb_obj_chunk)
+ st->nb_chunk = 0;
+ mchunk_stat_init(&st->chunk, nb_obj_chunk);
+static int
+ptr_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)
+ const intptr_t *v1, *v2;
+ v1 = p1;
+ v2 = p2;
+ return v1[0] - v2[0];
+static void
+mfree_stat_collect(struct mfree_stat *st, struct memtank *mt)
+ uint32_t i, j, n, sz;
+ uintptr_t *p;
+ const struct memobj *mo;
+ sz = mt->obj_size;
+ p = malloc(mt->pub.max_free * sizeof(*p));
+ if (p == NULL)
+ return;
+ /**
+ * grab free lock and keep it till we analyze related memchunks,
+ * to make sure none of these memchunks will be freed untill
+ * we are finished.
+ */
+ rte_spinlock_lock(&mt->pub.lock);
+ /* collect chunks for all objects in free[] */
+ n = mt->pub.nb_free;
+ memcpy(p, mt->pub.free, n * sizeof(*p));
+ for (i = 0; i != n; i++) {
+ mo = obj_pub_full(p[i], sz);
+ p[i] = (uintptr_t)mo->chunk;
+ }
+ /* sort chunk pointers */
+ qsort(p, n, sizeof(*p), ptr_cmp);
+ /* for each chunk collect stats */
+ for (i = 0; i != n; i = j) {
+ st->nb_chunk++;
+ mchunk_stat_collect(&st->chunk, (const struct memchunk *)p[i]);
+ for (j = i + 1; j != n && p[i] == p[j]; j++)
+ ;
+ }
+ rte_spinlock_unlock(&mt->pub.lock);
+ free(p);
+static void
+mfree_stat_dump(FILE *f, const struct mfree_stat *st)
+ fprintf(f, "\tfree_stat={\n");
+ fprintf(f, "\t\tnb_chunk=%u,\n", st->nb_chunk);
+ mchunk_stat_dump(f, &st->chunk);
+ fprintf(f, "\t},\n");
+tle_memtank_dump(FILE *f, const struct tle_memtank *t, uint32_t flags)
+ struct memtank *mt;
+ if (f == NULL || t == NULL)
+ return;
+ mt = tank_pub_full(t);
+ fprintf(f, "tle_memtank@%p={\n", t);
+ fprintf(f, "\tmin_free=%u,\n", t->min_free);
+ fprintf(f, "\tmax_free=%u,\n", t->max_free);
+ fprintf(f, "\tnb_free=%u,\n", t->nb_free);
+ fprintf(f, "\tchunk_size=%zu,\n", mt->chunk_size);
+ fprintf(f, "\tobj_size=%u,\n", mt->obj_size);
+ fprintf(f, "\tmax_chunk=%u,\n", mt->max_chunk);
+ fprintf(f, "\tflags=%#x,\n", mt->flags);
+ fprintf(f, "\tnb_chunks=%u,\n", rte_atomic32_read(&mt->nb_chunks));
+ if (flags & TLE_MTANK_DUMP_FREE_STAT) {
+ struct mfree_stat mfs;
+ mfree_stat_init(&mfs, mt->prm.nb_obj_chunk);
+ mfree_stat_collect(&mfs, mt);
+ mfree_stat_dump(f, &mfs);
+ }
+ fprintf(f, "\t[FULL]={\n");
+ mchunk_list_dump(f, mt, MC_FULL, flags);
+ fprintf(f, "\t},\n");
+ fprintf(f, "\t[USED]={,\n");
+ mchunk_list_dump(f, mt, MC_USED, flags);
+ fprintf(f, "\t},\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(f, "};\n");
+static int
+mobj_bulk_check(const char *fname, const struct memtank *mt,
+ const uintptr_t p[], uint32_t num, uint32_t fmsk)
+ int32_t ret;
+ uintptr_t align;
+ uint32_t i, k, sz;
+ const struct memobj *mo;
+ k = ((mt->flags & TLE_MTANK_OBJ_DBG) != 0) & fmsk;
+ sz = mt->obj_size;
+ align = mt->prm.obj_align - 1;
+ ret = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i != num; i++) {
+ if (p[i] == (uintptr_t)NULL) {
+ ret--;
+ "%s(mt=%p, %p[%u]): NULL object\n",
+ fname, mt, p, i);
+ } else if ((p[i] & align) != 0) {
+ ret--;
+ "%s(mt=%p, %p[%u]): object %#zx violates "
+ "expected alignment %#zx\n",
+ fname, mt, p, i, p[i], align);
+ } else {
+ mo = obj_pub_full(p[i], sz);
+ if (memobj_verify(mo, k) != 0) {
+ ret--;
+ "%s(mt=%p, %p[%u]): "
+ "invalid object header @%#zx={"
+ "red_zone1=%#" PRIx64 ","
+ "dbg={nb_alloc=%u,nb_free=%u},"
+ "red_zone2=%#" PRIx64
+ "}\n",
+ fname, mt, p, i, p[i],
+ mo->red_zone1,
+ mo->dbg.nb_alloc, mo->dbg.nb_free,
+ mo->red_zone2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* grab free lock and check objects in free[] */
+static int
+mfree_check(struct memtank *mt)
+ int32_t rc;
+ rte_spinlock_lock(&mt->pub.lock);
+ rc = mobj_bulk_check(__func__, mt, (const uintptr_t *)mt->pub.free,
+ mt->pub.nb_free, 1);
+ rte_spinlock_unlock(&mt->pub.lock);
+ return rc;
+static int
+mchunk_check(const struct memtank *mt, const struct memchunk *mc, uint32_t tc)
+ int32_t n, rc;
+ rc = 0;
+ n = mc->nb_total - mc->nb_free;
+ rc -= (mc->nb_total != mt->prm.nb_obj_chunk);
+ rc -= (tc == MC_FULL) ? (n != 0) : (n <= 0);
+ rc -= (RTE_PTR_ALIGN_CEIL(mc->raw, alignof(*mc)) != mc);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ MTANK_LOG(ERR, "%s(mt=%p, tc=%u): invalid memchunk @%p={"
+ "raw=%p, nb_total=%u, nb_free=%u}\n",
+ __func__, mt, tc, mc,
+ mc->raw, mc->nb_total, mc->nb_free);
+ rc += mobj_bulk_check(__func__, mt, (const uintptr_t *)mc->free,
+ mc->nb_free, 0);
+ return rc;
+static int
+mchunk_list_check(struct memtank *mt, uint32_t tc, uint32_t *nb_chunk)
+ int32_t rc;
+ uint32_t n;
+ struct mchunk_list *ls;
+ const struct memchunk *ch;
+ ls = &mt->chl[tc];
+ rte_spinlock_lock(&ls->lock);
+ rc = 0;
+ for (n = 0, ch = TAILQ_FIRST(&ls->chunk); ch != NULL;
+ ch = TAILQ_NEXT(ch, link), n++)
+ rc += mchunk_check(mt, ch, tc);
+ rte_spinlock_unlock(&ls->lock);
+ *nb_chunk = n;
+ return rc;
+tle_memtank_sanity_check(const struct tle_memtank *t, int32_t ct)
+ int32_t rc;
+ uint32_t n, nf, nu;
+ struct memtank *mt;
+ mt = tank_pub_full(t);
+ rc = mfree_check(mt);
+ nf = 0, nu = 0;
+ rc += mchunk_list_check(mt, MC_FULL, &nf);
+ rc += mchunk_list_check(mt, MC_USED, &nu);
+ /*
+ * if some other threads concurently do alloc/free/grow/shrink
+ * these numbers can still not match.
+ */
+ n = rte_atomic32_read(&mt->nb_chunks);
+ if (nf + nu != n && ct == 0) {
+ "%s(mt=%p) nb_chunks: expected=%u, full=%u, used=%u\n",
+ __func__, mt, n, nf, nu);
+ rc--;
+ }
+ return rc;