diff options
authorHanoh Haim <>2016-03-13 15:07:12 +0200
committerHanoh Haim <>2016-03-13 15:07:12 +0200
commitdf5896a8f484d67759e74faa01576994b7f77532 (patch)
parenteb5c189fa8c8af46c9f71a9eb0a9641135da013f (diff)
2 files changed, 78 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc b/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
index c6b8b405..7ff203a7 100644
--- a/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
+++ b/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
@@ -52,6 +52,12 @@ endif::backend-xhtml11[]
** Python HLTAPI Client API
* Multi user support - multiple users can interact with the same TRex simultaneously
+==== Prerequisite
+This document assumes that you know what is TRex and you already installed and configured it. To read more about it see here link:trex_manual.html[manual]
+You should read up to this link:trex_manual.html#_basic_usage[basic usage]
==== Traffic profile example
image::images/stl_streams_example.png[title="Streams example",align="left",width={p_width}, link="images/stl_streams_example.png"]
@@ -244,12 +250,16 @@ The SRC/DST MAC addrees are taken from /etc/trex_cfg.yaml. if you want to change
There is no need to install any python packages (including scapy). The TRex package includes all the packages it requires
$sudo ./t-rex-64 -i
+* You should wait until the server is up and running.
+* You can add `-c` for adding more cores
+* You can add `--cfg` for different configuration file
*Connect with Console*::
From the same machine in a different terminal (either open a new window using `xterm`, or `ssh` again) run the folowing command
@@ -375,6 +385,65 @@ Port Statistics
dashboard: 'p' - pause, 'c' - clear, '-' - low 5%, '+' - up 5%,
+In this example TRex sends the *same* packet from all the ports. If your setup is connected with loopback you will see Tx packets from port 0 in Rx port 1 and vice versa. If however you are having DUT with static route you might see all the packets going to a specific port.
+.Static route
+interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/0
+ mtu 9000
+ ip address
+interface TenGigabitEthernet0/1/0
+ mtu 9000
+ ip address
+ip route
+ip route
+In this example all the packets will be routed to port `TenGigabitEthernet0/1/0`
+To solve this there is a way to use direction flag in the script
+*file*:: link:{github_stl_path}/[stl/]
+ class STLS1(object):
+ def create_stream (self):
+ return STLStream(
+ packet =
+ STLPktBuilder(
+ pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/
+ UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/(10*'x')
+ ),
+ mode = STLTXCont())
+ def get_streams (self, direction = 0):
+ # create 1 stream
+ if direction==0: <1>
+ src_ip=""
+ dst_ip=""
+ else:
+ src_ip=""
+ dst_ip=""
+ pkt = STLPktBuilder(
+ pkt = Ether()/IP(src=src_ip,dst=dst_ip)/
+ UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/(10*'x') )
+ return [ STLStream( packet = pkt,mode = STLTXCont()) ]
+<1> Usage of direction. The packet will be different for each direction
==== Tutorial: Connect from a remote server
*Goal*:: Console connect from a remote machine to TRex server
@@ -415,6 +484,7 @@ extern PYTHON=/bin/mypython #bash
Client machine should run Python 2.7 and Python 64bit version. Cisco CEL/ADS is supported. Python 3.0 support in WIP
+You should have the same tree of source code in the client side. We are working on a zip file that include only the client python/so files
==== Tutorial: Source and Destination MAC address
@@ -1108,7 +1178,7 @@ The folowing figure present the output
image::images/stl_inter.png[title="Interleave streams",align="left",width={p_width}, link="images/stl_inter.png"]
1. stream #1 schedule a packet each 100msec
2. stream #2 schedule a packet each 50msec
@@ -2286,8 +2356,8 @@ The STLVmWrMaskFlowVar is a handy instruction. The pseudocode is as follows:
- uint32_t val=(cast_to_size)rd_from_varible("name") # read flow-var
- val+=m_add_value # add value
+ uint32_t val=(cast_to_size)rd_from_variable("name") # read flow-var
+ val+=m_add_value # add value
if (m_shift>0) { # shift
diff --git a/trex_book.asciidoc b/trex_book.asciidoc
index ed6d8b37..731f62f0 100755
--- a/trex_book.asciidoc
+++ b/trex_book.asciidoc
@@ -1436,6 +1436,10 @@ $sudo ./nvmupdate64e
You might need a power cycle and to run this command a few times to get the latest firmware
+==== QSFP+ support for XL710
+see link:,d.bGs[QSFP+ support] for QSFP+ support and Firmware requirement for XL710
=== TRex with ASA 5585