path: root/api
diff options
authorHanoh Haim <>2016-01-27 18:43:12 +0200
committerHanoh Haim <>2016-01-27 18:43:12 +0200
commitb06653f4fc66e6cdafaa2697f9553ae12b417e93 (patch)
tree46ea1b3470cf619972e4dcef09d877c9a25ee076 /api
parent7351ddb52a2162fc2ac303c687a2ed50cbb0843e (diff)
move api under scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'api')
-rw-r--r--api/stl/examples/udp_64B.pcapbin104 -> 0 bytes
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 276 deletions
diff --git a/api/stl/examples/ b/api/stl/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 429445e6..00000000
--- a/api/stl/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# include the path of
-import sys
-sys.path.insert(0, "../")
-from trex_stl_api import *
-import dpkt
-import time
-import json
-def simple_burst ():
- # build A side packet
- pkt_a = STLPktBuilder()
- pkt_a.add_pkt_layer("l2", dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet())
- pkt_a.add_pkt_layer("l3_ip", dpkt.ip.IP())
- pkt_a.add_pkt_layer("l4_udp", dpkt.udp.UDP())
- pkt_a.set_pkt_payload("somepayload")
- pkt_a.set_layer_attr("l3_ip", "len", len(pkt_a.get_layer('l3_ip')))
- # build B side packet
- pkt_b = pkt_a.clone()
- # set IP range for pkt and split it by multiple cores
- pkt_a.set_vm_ip_range(ip_layer_name = "l3_ip",
- ip_field = "src",
- ip_start="", ip_end="",
- operation = "inc",
- split = True)
- pkt_a.set_vm_ip_range(ip_layer_name = "l3_ip",
- ip_field = "dst",
- ip_start="", ip_end="",
- operation = "inc")
- # build B side packet
- pkt_b.set_vm_ip_range(ip_layer_name = "l3_ip",
- ip_field = "src",
- ip_start="", ip_end="",
- operation = "inc",
- split = True)
- pkt_b.set_vm_ip_range(ip_layer_name = "l3_ip",
- ip_field = "dst",
- ip_start="", ip_end="",
- operation = "inc")
- # create client
- c = STLClient()
- passed = True
- try:
- # turn this on for some information
- #c.set_verbose("high")
- # create two streams
- s1 = STLStream(packet = pkt_a,
- mode = STLTXCont(pps = 100))
- # second stream with a phase of 1ms (inter stream gap)
- s2 = STLStream(packet = pkt_b,
- isg = 1000,
- mode = STLTXCont(pps = 100))
- # connect to server
- c.connect()
- # prepare our ports (my machine has 0 <--> 1 with static route)
- c.reset(ports = [0, 1])
- # add both streams to ports
- c.add_streams(s1, ports = [0])
- c.add_streams(s2, ports = [1])
- # clear the stats before injecting
- c.clear_stats()
- # choose rate and start traffic for 10 seconds on 5 mpps
- print "Running 5 Mpps on ports 0, 1 for 10 seconds..."
- c.start(ports = [0, 1], mult = "5mpps", duration = 10)
- # block until done
- c.wait_on_traffic(ports = [0, 1])
- # read the stats after the test
- stats = c.get_stats()
- print json.dumps(stats["port 0"], indent = 4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys = True)
- print json.dumps(stats["port 1"], indent = 4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys = True)
- lost_a = stats["port 0"]["opackets"] - stats["port 1"]["ipackets"]
- lost_b = stats["port 1"]["opackets"] - stats["port 0"]["ipackets"]
- print "\npackets lost from 0 --> 1: {0} pkts".format(lost_a)
- print "packets lost from 1 --> 0: {0} pkts".format(lost_b)
- if (lost_a == 0) and (lost_b == 0):
- passed = True
- else:
- passed = False
- except STLError as e:
- passed = False
- print e
- finally:
- c.disconnect()
- if passed:
- print "\nTest has passed :-)\n"
- else:
- print "\nTest has failed :-(\n"
-# run the tests
diff --git a/api/stl/examples/ b/api/stl/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b394d10..00000000
--- a/api/stl/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-sys.path.insert(0, "../")
-from trex_stl_api import *
-import dpkt
-import time
-def simple_burst ():
- # build a simple packet
- pkt_bld = STLPktBuilder()
- pkt_bld.add_pkt_layer("l2", dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet())
- # set Ethernet layer attributes
- pkt_bld.set_eth_layer_addr("l2", "src", "00:15:17:a7:75:a3")
- pkt_bld.set_eth_layer_addr("l2", "dst", "e0:5f:b9:69:e9:22")
- pkt_bld.set_layer_attr("l2", "type", dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_IP)
- # set IP layer attributes
- pkt_bld.add_pkt_layer("l3_ip", dpkt.ip.IP())
- pkt_bld.set_ip_layer_addr("l3_ip", "src", "")
- pkt_bld.set_ip_layer_addr("l3_ip", "dst", "")
- pkt_bld.set_layer_attr("l3_ip", "p", dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_TCP)
- # set TCP layer attributes
- pkt_bld.add_pkt_layer("l4_tcp", dpkt.tcp.TCP())
- pkt_bld.set_layer_attr("l4_tcp", "sport", 13311)
- pkt_bld.set_layer_attr("l4_tcp", "dport", 80)
- pkt_bld.set_layer_attr("l4_tcp", "flags", 0)
- pkt_bld.set_layer_attr("l4_tcp", "win", 32768)
- pkt_bld.set_layer_attr("l4_tcp", "seq", 0)
- #pkt_bld.set_pkt_payload("abcdefgh")
- pkt_bld.set_layer_attr("l3_ip", "len", len(pkt_bld.get_layer('l3_ip')))
- # create client
- c = STLClient()
- passed = True
- try:
- #c.logger.set_verbose(c.logger.VERBOSE_NORMAL)
- # create two bursts and link them
- s1 = STLStream(packet = pkt_bld,
- mode = STLTXSingleBurst(total_pkts = 5000)
- )
- s2 = STLStream(packet = pkt_bld,
- mode = STLTXSingleBurst(total_pkts = 3000),
- next_stream_id = s1.get_id())
- # connect to server
- c.connect()
- # prepare our ports
- c.reset(ports = [0, 1])
- # add both streams to ports
- c.add_streams([s1, s2], ports = [0, 1])
- # run 5 times
- for i in xrange(1, 6):
- c.clear_stats()
- c.start(ports = [0, 1], mult = "1gbps")
- c.wait_on_traffic(ports = [0, 1])
- stats = c.get_stats()
- ipackets = stats['total']['ipackets']
- print "Test iteration {0} - Packets Received: {1} ".format(i, ipackets)
- # (5000 + 3000) * 2 ports = 16,000
- if (ipackets != (16000)):
- passed = False
- except STLError as e:
- passed = False
- print e
- finally:
- c.disconnect()
- if passed:
- print "\nTest has passed :-)\n"
- else:
- print "\nTest has failed :-(\n"
-# run the tests
diff --git a/api/stl/examples/udp_64B.pcap b/api/stl/examples/udp_64B.pcap
deleted file mode 100644
index 699b9c80..00000000
--- a/api/stl/examples/udp_64B.pcap
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/api/stl/profiles/burst.yaml b/api/stl/profiles/burst.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index dbd348c7..00000000
--- a/api/stl/profiles/burst.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-### Single stream UDP packet, 64B ###
-- name: stream0
- stream:
- self_start: True
- next_stream_id: stream1
- packet:
- binary: udp_64B.pcap
- mode:
- type: single_burst
- pps: 100
- total_pkts : 100
- rx_stats: []
- vm: []
-- name: stream1
- stream:
- self_start: False
- next_stream_id: stream2
- packet:
- binary: udp_64B.pcap
- mode:
- type: single_burst
- pps: 100
- total_pkts : 200
- rx_stats: []
- vm: []
-- name: stream2
- stream:
- self_start: False
- packet:
- binary: udp_64B.pcap
- mode:
- type: single_burst
- pps: 100
- total_pkts : 300
- rx_stats: []
- vm: []
diff --git a/api/stl/ b/api/stl/
deleted file mode 100644
index ce818b7a..00000000
--- a/api/stl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-# update the import path to include the stateless client
-root_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(root_path, '../../scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/'))
-# aliasing
-import common.trex_streams
-from client_utils.packet_builder import CTRexPktBuilder
-import common.trex_stl_exceptions
-import client.trex_stateless_client
-STLClient = client.trex_stateless_client.STLClient
-STLError = common.trex_stl_exceptions.STLError
-STLStream = common.trex_streams.STLStream
-STLTXCont = common.trex_streams.STLTXCont
-STLTXSingleBurst = common.trex_streams.STLTXSingleBurst
-STLTXMultiBurst = common.trex_streams.STLTXMultiBurst
-STLPktBuilder = CTRexPktBuilder