path: root/external_libs/python/PyYAML-3.01/lib/yaml/
diff options
authorHanoh Haim <>2015-08-26 15:50:06 +0300
committerHanoh Haim <>2015-08-26 15:50:06 +0300
commit53f0e28d7f30c7175cbb15884c309613593859d8 (patch)
treee75ff499233519baa6c50c60fa0c726da7b42e03 /external_libs/python/PyYAML-3.01/lib/yaml/
parenta628a35b10fbd38211c353f506a8c49c2cc3dd7e (diff)
parent00d6f001971b324bb9c884aaf0384a4cee076550 (diff)
Merge branch 'lib_fix'
Diffstat (limited to 'external_libs/python/PyYAML-3.01/lib/yaml/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 638 deletions
diff --git a/external_libs/python/PyYAML-3.01/lib/yaml/ b/external_libs/python/PyYAML-3.01/lib/yaml/
deleted file mode 100644
index 57ad53d1..00000000
--- a/external_libs/python/PyYAML-3.01/lib/yaml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,638 +0,0 @@
-__all__ = ['BaseConstructor', 'SafeConstructor', 'Constructor',
- 'ConstructorError']
-from error import *
-from nodes import *
-from composer import *
- import datetime
- datetime_available = True
-except ImportError:
- datetime_available = False
- set
-except NameError:
- from sets import Set as set
-import binascii, re, sys
-class ConstructorError(MarkedYAMLError):
- pass
-class BaseConstructor(Composer):
- yaml_constructors = {}
- yaml_multi_constructors = {}
- def __init__(self):
- self.constructed_objects = {}
- self.recursive_objects = {}
- def check_data(self):
- # If there are more documents available?
- return self.check_node()
- def get_data(self):
- # Construct and return the next document.
- if self.check_node():
- return self.construct_document(self.get_node())
- def __iter__(self):
- # Iterator protocol.
- while self.check_node():
- yield self.construct_document(self.get_node())
- def construct_document(self, node):
- data = self.construct_object(node)
- self.constructed_objects = {}
- self.recursive_objects = {}
- return data
- def construct_object(self, node):
- if node in self.constructed_objects:
- return self.constructed_objects[node]
- if node in self.recursive_objects:
- raise ConstructorError(None, None,
- "found recursive node", node.start_mark)
- self.recursive_objects[node] = None
- constructor = None
- if node.tag in self.yaml_constructors:
- constructor = lambda node: self.yaml_constructors[node.tag](self, node)
- else:
- for tag_prefix in self.yaml_multi_constructors:
- if node.tag.startswith(tag_prefix):
- tag_suffix = node.tag[len(tag_prefix):]
- constructor = lambda node: \
- self.yaml_multi_constructors[tag_prefix](self, tag_suffix, node)
- break
- else:
- if None in self.yaml_multi_constructors:
- constructor = lambda node: \
- self.yaml_multi_constructors[None](self, node.tag, node)
- elif None in self.yaml_constructors:
- constructor = lambda node: \
- self.yaml_constructors[None](self, node)
- elif isinstance(node, ScalarNode):
- constructor = self.construct_scalar
- elif isinstance(node, SequenceNode):
- constructor = self.construct_sequence
- elif isinstance(node, MappingNode):
- constructor = self.construct_mapping
- else:
- print node.tag
- data = constructor(node)
- self.constructed_objects[node] = data
- del self.recursive_objects[node]
- return data
- def construct_scalar(self, node):
- if not isinstance(node, ScalarNode):
- if isinstance(node, MappingNode):
- for key_node in node.value:
- if key_node.tag == u',2002:value':
- return self.construct_scalar(node.value[key_node])
- raise ConstructorError(None, None,
- "expected a scalar node, but found %s" %,
- node.start_mark)
- return node.value
- def construct_sequence(self, node):
- if not isinstance(node, SequenceNode):
- raise ConstructorError(None, None,
- "expected a sequence node, but found %s" %,
- node.start_mark)
- return [self.construct_object(child) for child in node.value]
- def construct_mapping(self, node):
- if not isinstance(node, MappingNode):
- raise ConstructorError(None, None,
- "expected a mapping node, but found %s" %,
- node.start_mark)
- mapping = {}
- merge = None
- for key_node in node.value:
- if key_node.tag == u',2002:merge':
- if merge is not None:
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing a mapping", node.start_mark,
- "found duplicate merge key", key_node.start_mark)
- value_node = node.value[key_node]
- if isinstance(value_node, MappingNode):
- merge = [self.construct_mapping(value_node)]
- elif isinstance(value_node, SequenceNode):
- merge = []
- for subnode in value_node.value:
- if not isinstance(subnode, MappingNode):
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing a mapping",
- node.start_mark,
- "expected a mapping for merging, but found %s"
- %, subnode.start_mark)
- merge.append(self.construct_mapping(subnode))
- merge.reverse()
- else:
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing a mapping", node.start_mark,
- "expected a mapping or list of mappings for merging, but found %s"
- %, value_node.start_mark)
- elif key_node.tag == u',2002:value':
- if '=' in mapping:
- raise ConstructorError("while construction a mapping", node.start_mark,
- "found duplicate value key", key_node.start_mark)
- value = self.construct_object(node.value[key_node])
- mapping['='] = value
- else:
- key = self.construct_object(key_node)
- try:
- duplicate_key = key in mapping
- except TypeError, exc:
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing a mapping", node.start_mark,
- "found unacceptable key (%s)" % exc, key_node.start_mark)
- if duplicate_key:
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing a mapping", node.start_mark,
- "found duplicate key", key_node.start_mark)
- value = self.construct_object(node.value[key_node])
- mapping[key] = value
- if merge is not None:
- merge.append(mapping)
- mapping = {}
- for submapping in merge:
- mapping.update(submapping)
- return mapping
- def construct_pairs(self, node):
- if not isinstance(node, MappingNode):
- raise ConstructorError(None, None,
- "expected a mapping node, but found %s" %,
- node.start_mark)
- pairs = []
- for key_node in node.value:
- key = self.construct_object(key_node)
- value = self.construct_object(node.value[key_node])
- pairs.append((key, value))
- return pairs
- def add_constructor(cls, tag, constructor):
- if not 'yaml_constructors' in cls.__dict__:
- cls.yaml_constructors = cls.yaml_constructors.copy()
- cls.yaml_constructors[tag] = constructor
- add_constructor = classmethod(add_constructor)
- def add_multi_constructor(cls, tag_prefix, multi_constructor):
- if not 'yaml_multi_constructors' in cls.__dict__:
- cls.yaml_multi_constructors = cls.yaml_multi_constructors.copy()
- cls.yaml_multi_constructors[tag_prefix] = multi_constructor
- add_multi_constructor = classmethod(add_multi_constructor)
-class SafeConstructor(BaseConstructor):
- def construct_yaml_null(self, node):
- self.construct_scalar(node)
- return None
- bool_values = {
- u'yes': True,
- u'no': False,
- u'true': True,
- u'false': False,
- u'on': True,
- u'off': False,
- }
- def construct_yaml_bool(self, node):
- value = self.construct_scalar(node)
- return self.bool_values[value.lower()]
- def construct_yaml_int(self, node):
- value = str(self.construct_scalar(node))
- value = value.replace('_', '')
- sign = +1
- if value[0] == '-':
- sign = -1
- if value[0] in '+-':
- value = value[1:]
- if value == '0':
- return 0
- elif value.startswith('0b'):
- return sign*int(value[2:], 2)
- elif value.startswith('0x'):
- return sign*int(value[2:], 16)
- elif value[0] == '0':
- return sign*int(value, 8)
- elif ':' in value:
- digits = [int(part) for part in value.split(':')]
- digits.reverse()
- base = 1
- value = 0
- for digit in digits:
- value += digit*base
- base *= 60
- return sign*value
- else:
- return sign*int(value)
- inf_value = 1e300000
- nan_value = inf_value/inf_value
- def construct_yaml_float(self, node):
- value = str(self.construct_scalar(node))
- value = value.replace('_', '')
- sign = +1
- if value[0] == '-':
- sign = -1
- if value[0] in '+-':
- value = value[1:]
- if value.lower() == '.inf':
- return sign*self.inf_value
- elif value.lower() == '.nan':
- return self.nan_value
- elif ':' in value:
- digits = [float(part) for part in value.split(':')]
- digits.reverse()
- base = 1
- value = 0.0
- for digit in digits:
- value += digit*base
- base *= 60
- return sign*value
- else:
- return float(value)
- def construct_yaml_binary(self, node):
- value = self.construct_scalar(node)
- try:
- return str(value).decode('base64')
- except (binascii.Error, UnicodeEncodeError), exc:
- raise ConstructorError(None, None,
- "failed to decode base64 data: %s" % exc, node.start_mark)
- timestamp_regexp = re.compile(
- ur'''^(?P<year>[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])
- -(?P<month>[0-9][0-9]?)
- -(?P<day>[0-9][0-9]?)
- (?:(?:[Tt]|[ \t]+)
- (?P<hour>[0-9][0-9]?)
- :(?P<minute>[0-9][0-9])
- :(?P<second>[0-9][0-9])
- (?:\.(?P<fraction>[0-9]*))?
- (?:[ \t]*(?:Z|(?P<tz_hour>[-+][0-9][0-9]?)
- (?::(?P<tz_minute>[0-9][0-9])?)?))?)?$''', re.X)
- def construct_yaml_timestamp(self, node):
- value = self.construct_scalar(node)
- match = self.timestamp_regexp.match(node.value)
- values = match.groupdict()
- for key in values:
- if values[key]:
- values[key] = int(values[key])
- else:
- values[key] = 0
- fraction = values['fraction']
- if fraction:
- while 10*fraction < 1000000:
- fraction *= 10
- values['fraction'] = fraction
- stamp = datetime.datetime(values['year'], values['month'], values['day'],
- values['hour'], values['minute'], values['second'], values['fraction'])
- diff = datetime.timedelta(hours=values['tz_hour'], minutes=values['tz_minute'])
- return stamp-diff
- def construct_yaml_omap(self, node):
- # Note: we do not check for duplicate keys, because it's too
- # CPU-expensive.
- if not isinstance(node, SequenceNode):
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing an ordered map", node.start_mark,
- "expected a sequence, but found %s" %, node.start_mark)
- omap = []
- for subnode in node.value:
- if not isinstance(subnode, MappingNode):
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing an ordered map", node.start_mark,
- "expected a mapping of length 1, but found %s" %,
- subnode.start_mark)
- if len(subnode.value) != 1:
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing an ordered map", node.start_mark,
- "expected a single mapping item, but found %d items" % len(subnode.value),
- subnode.start_mark)
- key_node = subnode.value.keys()[0]
- key = self.construct_object(key_node)
- value = self.construct_object(subnode.value[key_node])
- omap.append((key, value))
- return omap
- def construct_yaml_pairs(self, node):
- # Note: the same code as `construct_yaml_omap`.
- if not isinstance(node, SequenceNode):
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing pairs", node.start_mark,
- "expected a sequence, but found %s" %, node.start_mark)
- pairs = []
- for subnode in node.value:
- if not isinstance(subnode, MappingNode):
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing pairs", node.start_mark,
- "expected a mapping of length 1, but found %s" %,
- subnode.start_mark)
- if len(subnode.value) != 1:
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing pairs", node.start_mark,
- "expected a single mapping item, but found %d items" % len(subnode.value),
- subnode.start_mark)
- key_node = subnode.value.keys()[0]
- key = self.construct_object(key_node)
- value = self.construct_object(subnode.value[key_node])
- pairs.append((key, value))
- return pairs
- def construct_yaml_set(self, node):
- value = self.construct_mapping(node)
- return set(value)
- def construct_yaml_str(self, node):
- value = self.construct_scalar(node)
- try:
- return str(value)
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- return value
- def construct_yaml_seq(self, node):
- return self.construct_sequence(node)
- def construct_yaml_map(self, node):
- return self.construct_mapping(node)
- def construct_yaml_object(self, node, cls):
- state = self.construct_mapping(node)
- data = cls.__new__(cls)
- if hasattr(data, '__setstate__'):
- data.__setstate__(state)
- else:
- data.__dict__.update(state)
- return data
- def construct_undefined(self, node):
- raise ConstructorError(None, None,
- "could not determine a constructor for the tag %r" % node.tag.encode('utf-8'),
- node.start_mark)
- u',2002:null',
- SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_null)
- u',2002:bool',
- SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_bool)
- u',2002:int',
- SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_int)
- u',2002:float',
- SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_float)
- u',2002:binary',
- SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_binary)
-if datetime_available:
- SafeConstructor.add_constructor(
- u',2002:timestamp',
- SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_timestamp)
- u',2002:omap',
- SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_omap)
- u',2002:pairs',
- SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_pairs)
- u',2002:set',
- SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_set)
- u',2002:str',
- SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_str)
- u',2002:seq',
- SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_seq)
- u',2002:map',
- SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_map)
- SafeConstructor.construct_undefined)
-class Constructor(SafeConstructor):
- def construct_python_str(self, node):
- return self.construct_scalar(node).encode('utf-8')
- def construct_python_unicode(self, node):
- return self.construct_scalar(node)
- def construct_python_long(self, node):
- return long(self.construct_yaml_int(node))
- def construct_python_complex(self, node):
- return complex(self.construct_scalar(node))
- def construct_python_tuple(self, node):
- return tuple(self.construct_yaml_seq(node))
- def find_python_module(self, name, mark):
- if not name:
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing a Python module", mark,
- "expected non-empty name appended to the tag", mark)
- try:
- __import__(name)
- except ImportError, exc:
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing a Python module", mark,
- "cannot find module %r (%s)" % (name.encode('utf-8'), exc), mark)
- return sys.modules[name]
- def find_python_name(self, name, mark):
- if not name:
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing a Python object", mark,
- "expected non-empty name appended to the tag", mark)
- if u'.' in name:
- # Python 2.4 only
- #module_name, object_name = name.rsplit('.', 1)
- items = name.split('.')
- object_name = items.pop()
- module_name = '.'.join(items)
- else:
- module_name = '__builtin__'
- object_name = name
- try:
- __import__(module_name)
- except ImportError, exc:
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing a Python object", mark,
- "cannot find module %r (%s)" % (module_name.encode('utf-8'), exc), mark)
- module = sys.modules[module_name]
- if not hasattr(module, object_name):
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing a Python object", mark,
- "cannot find %r in the module %r" % (object_name.encode('utf-8'),
- module.__name__), mark)
- return getattr(module, object_name)
- def construct_python_name(self, suffix, node):
- value = self.construct_scalar(node)
- if value:
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing a Python name", node.start_mark,
- "expected the empty value, but found %r" % value.encode('utf-8'),
- node.start_mark)
- return self.find_python_name(suffix, node.start_mark)
- def construct_python_module(self, suffix, node):
- value = self.construct_scalar(node)
- if value:
- raise ConstructorError("while constructing a Python module", node.start_mark,
- "expected the empty value, but found %r" % value.encode('utf-8'),
- node.start_mark)
- return self.find_python_module(suffix, node.start_mark)
- class classobj: pass
- def make_python_instance(self, suffix, node,
- args=None, kwds=None, newobj=False):
- if not args:
- args = []
- if not kwds:
- kwds = {}
- cls = self.find_python_name(suffix, node.start_mark)
- if newobj and isinstance(cls, type(self.classobj)) \
- and not args and not kwds:
- instance = self.classobj()
- instance.__class__ = cls
- return instance
- elif newobj and isinstance(cls, type):
- return cls.__new__(cls, *args, **kwds)
- else:
- return cls(*args, **kwds)
- def set_python_instance_state(self, instance, state):
- if hasattr(instance, '__setstate__'):
- instance.__setstate__(state)
- else:
- slotstate = {}
- if isinstance(state, tuple) and len(state) == 2:
- state, slotstate = state
- if hasattr(instance, '__dict__'):
- instance.__dict__.update(state)
- elif state:
- slotstate.update(state)
- for key, value in slotstate.items():
- setattr(object, key, value)
- def construct_python_object(self, suffix, node):
- # Format:
- # !!python/ { ... state ... }
- instance = self.make_python_instance(suffix, node, newobj=True)
- state = self.construct_mapping(node)
- self.set_python_instance_state(instance, state)
- return instance
- def construct_python_object_apply(self, suffix, node, newobj=False):
- # Format:
- # !!python/object/apply # (or !!python/object/new)
- # args: [ ... arguments ... ]
- # kwds: { ... keywords ... }
- # state: ... state ...
- # listitems: [ ... listitems ... ]
- # dictitems: { ... dictitems ... }
- # or short format:
- # !!python/object/apply [ ... arguments ... ]
- # The difference between !!python/object/apply and !!python/object/new
- # is how an object is created, check make_python_instance for details.
- if isinstance(node, SequenceNode):
- args = self.construct_sequence(node)
- kwds = {}
- state = {}
- listitems = []
- dictitems = {}
- else:
- value = self.construct_mapping(node)
- args = value.get('args', [])
- kwds = value.get('kwds', {})
- state = value.get('state', {})
- listitems = value.get('listitems', [])
- dictitems = value.get('dictitems', {})
- instance = self.make_python_instance(suffix, node, args, kwds, newobj)
- if state:
- self.set_python_instance_state(instance, state)
- if listitems:
- instance.extend(listitems)
- if dictitems:
- for key in dictitems:
- instance[key] = dictitems[key]
- return instance
- def construct_python_object_new(self, suffix, node):
- return self.construct_python_object_apply(suffix, node, newobj=True)
- u',2002:python/none',
- Constructor.construct_yaml_null)
- u',2002:python/bool',
- Constructor.construct_yaml_bool)
- u',2002:python/str',
- Constructor.construct_python_str)
- u',2002:python/unicode',
- Constructor.construct_python_unicode)
- u',2002:python/int',
- Constructor.construct_yaml_int)
- u',2002:python/long',
- Constructor.construct_python_long)
- u',2002:python/float',
- Constructor.construct_yaml_float)
- u',2002:python/complex',
- Constructor.construct_python_complex)
- u',2002:python/list',
- Constructor.construct_yaml_seq)
- u',2002:python/tuple',
- Constructor.construct_python_tuple)
- u',2002:python/dict',
- Constructor.construct_yaml_map)
- u',2002:python/name:',
- Constructor.construct_python_name)
- u',2002:python/module:',
- Constructor.construct_python_module)
- u',2002:python/object:',
- Constructor.construct_python_object)
- u',2002:python/object/apply:',
- Constructor.construct_python_object_apply)
- u',2002:python/object/new:',
- Constructor.construct_python_object_new)