path: root/scripts/api/stl
diff options
authorimarom <>2016-02-03 15:14:24 -0500
committerimarom <>2016-02-03 15:14:24 -0500
commit4c98022f0c433815e9a672dcbf2e25698731628b (patch)
treebf80175a53e6629ce3bb4f7b679da892e61bb747 /scripts/api/stl
parentc8cd078fca514ed0a30b5a084efd1fa5f8386cc2 (diff)
new example -
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/api/stl')
2 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/api/stl/examples/ b/scripts/api/stl/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01eec9b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/api/stl/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# include the path of
+import sys
+sys.path.insert(0, "../")
+from trex_stl_api import *
+from trex_stl_lib import *
+from profiles.imix import STLImix
+import time
+import json
+from pprint import pprint
+# IMIX test
+# it maps the ports to sides
+# then it load a predefind profile 'IMIX'
+# and attach it to both sides and inject
+# at a certain rate for some time
+# finally it checks that all packets arrived
+def imix_test ():
+ # create client
+ c = STLClient()
+ passed = True
+ try:
+ # base profile - imix
+ profile = STLImix()
+ # connect to server
+ c.connect()
+ # take all the ports
+ c.reset()
+ # map ports - identify the routes
+ table = stl_map_ports(c)
+ print "Mapped ports to sides {0} <--> {1}".format(table['dir'][0], table['dir'][1])
+ dir_0 = table['dir'][0]
+ dir_1 = table['dir'][1]
+ # add both streams to ports
+ c.add_streams(profile.get_streams(direction = 0), ports = dir_0)
+ c.add_streams(profile.get_streams(direction = 1), ports = dir_1)
+ # clear the stats before injecting
+ c.clear_stats()
+ # choose rate and start traffic for 10 seconds on 5 mpps
+ duration = 10
+ mult = "5mpps"
+ print "Injecting {0} <--> {1} on total rate of '{2}' for {3} seconds".format(dir_0, dir_1, mult, duration)
+ c.start(ports = (dir_0 + dir_1), mult = mult, duration = duration, total = True)
+ # block until done
+ c.wait_on_traffic(ports = (dir_0 + dir_1))
+ # read the stats after the test
+ stats = c.get_stats()
+ # use this for debug info on all the stats
+ #pprint(stats)
+ # sum dir 0
+ dir_0_opackets = sum([stats[i]["opackets"] for i in dir_0])
+ dir_0_ipackets = sum([stats[i]["ipackets"] for i in dir_0])
+ # sum dir 1
+ dir_1_opackets = sum([stats[i]["opackets"] for i in dir_1])
+ dir_1_ipackets = sum([stats[i]["ipackets"] for i in dir_1])
+ lost_0 = dir_0_opackets - dir_1_ipackets
+ lost_1 = dir_1_opackets - dir_0_ipackets
+ print "\nPackets injected from {0}: {1:,}".format(dir_0, dir_0_opackets)
+ print "Packets injected from {0}: {1:,}".format(dir_1, dir_1_opackets)
+ print "\npackets lost from {0} --> {1}: {2:,} pkts".format(dir_0, dir_0, lost_0)
+ print "packets lost from {0} --> {1}: {2:,} pkts".format(dir_0, dir_0, lost_0)
+ if (lost_0 == 0) and (lost_0 == 0):
+ passed = True
+ else:
+ passed = False
+ except STLError as e:
+ passed = False
+ print e
+ finally:
+ c.disconnect()
+ if passed:
+ print "\nTest has passed :-)\n"
+ else:
+ print "\nTest has failed :-(\n"
+# run the tests
diff --git a/scripts/api/stl/ b/scripts/api/stl/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8574e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/api/stl/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+from trex_stl_api import *
+from scapy.all import *
+# stl library for various utilities
+# map ports
+# will destroy all streams/data on the ports
+def stl_map_ports (client, ports = None):
+ # by default use all ports
+ if ports == None:
+ ports = client.get_all_ports()
+ # reset the ports
+ client.reset(ports)
+ # generate streams
+ base_pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = Ether()/IP())
+ pkts = 1
+ for port in ports:
+ stream = STLStream(packet = base_pkt,
+ mode = STLTXSingleBurst(pps = 100000, total_pkts = pkts))
+ client.add_streams(stream, [port])
+ pkts = pkts * 2
+ # inject
+ client.clear_stats()
+ client.start(ports, mult = "1mpps")
+ client.wait_on_traffic(ports)
+ stats = client.get_stats()
+ # cleanup
+ client.reset(ports = ports)
+ table = {}
+ for port in ports:
+ table[port] = None
+ for port in ports:
+ ipackets = stats[port]["ipackets"]
+ exp = 1
+ while ipackets >= exp:
+ if ((ipackets & exp) == (exp)):
+ source = int(math.log(exp, 2))
+ table[source] = port
+ exp *= 2
+ if not all(x != None for x in table.values()):
+ raise STLError('unable to map ports')
+ dir_a = set()
+ dir_b = set()
+ for src, dst in table.iteritems():
+ # src is not in
+ if src not in (dir_a, dir_b):
+ if dst in dir_a:
+ dir_b.add(src)
+ else:
+ dir_a.add(src)
+ table['dir'] = [list(dir_a), list(dir_b)]
+ return table