path: root/scripts/automation/regression
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authorHanoh Haim <>2016-06-22 16:05:54 +0300
committerHanoh Haim <>2016-06-22 16:05:54 +0300
commitd97b7b7159c8c7f37f45cd2c98de042b1c7b5d69 (patch)
treef426fc7be06ca1ecde04a8e936333c5fdba5ff85 /scripts/automation/regression
parent365826c5db225f21283c48eebc8de62b89fbfa24 (diff)
add latency regression test - XL710/82599 setups
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/regression')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/regression/stateless_tests/ b/scripts/automation/regression/stateless_tests/
index 41eabd65..9e275118 100644
--- a/scripts/automation/regression/stateless_tests/
+++ b/scripts/automation/regression/stateless_tests/
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ from .stl_general_test import CStlGeneral_Test, CTRexScenario
from trex_stl_lib.api import *
import os, sys
class STLRX_Test(CStlGeneral_Test):
"""Tests for RX feature"""
@@ -11,8 +13,8 @@ class STLRX_Test(CStlGeneral_Test):
# self.skip('This test makes trex08 and trex09 sick. Fix those ASAP.')
if self.is_virt_nics:
self.skip('Skip this for virtual NICs for now')
- per_driver_params = {"rte_vmxnet3_pmd": [1, 50, 1], "rte_ixgbe_pmd": [30, 5000, 1], "rte_i40e_pmd": [80, 5000, 1],
- "rte_igb_pmd": [80, 500, 1], "rte_em_pmd": [1, 50, 1], "rte_virtio_pmd": [1, 50, 1]}
+ per_driver_params = {"rte_vmxnet3_pmd": [1, 50, 1,False], "rte_ixgbe_pmd": [30, 5000, 1,True,200,400], "rte_i40e_pmd": [80, 5000, 1,True,100,250],
+ "rte_igb_pmd": [80, 500, 1,False], "rte_em_pmd": [1, 50, 1,False], "rte_virtio_pmd": [1, 50, 1,False]}
assert 'bi' in CTRexScenario.stl_ports_map
@@ -38,6 +40,15 @@ class STLRX_Test(CStlGeneral_Test):
self.pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/('Your_paylaod_comes_here'))
self.large_pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/('a'*1000))
+ self.pkt_9k = STLPktBuilder(pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/('a'*9000))
+ drv_name=port_info['driver']
+ self.latency_9k_enable=per_driver_params[drv_name][3]
+ self.latency_9k_max_average = per_driver_params[drv_name][4]
+ self.latency_9k_max_latency = per_driver_params[drv_name][5]
def tearDownClass(cls):
@@ -48,6 +59,36 @@ class STLRX_Test(CStlGeneral_Test):
+ def __verify_latency (self, latency_stats,max_latency,max_average):
+ error=0;
+ err_latency = latency_stats['err_cntrs']
+ latency = latency_stats['latency']
+ for key in err_latency :
+ error +=err_latency[key]
+ if error !=0 :
+ pprint.pprint(err_latency)
+ tmp = 'RX pkts ERROR - one of the error is on'
+ print(tmp)
+ #assert False, tmp
+ if latency['average']> max_average:
+ pprint.pprint(latency_stats)
+ tmp = 'Average latency is too high {0} {1} '.format(latency['average'], max_average)
+ print(tmp)
+ if latency['total_max']> max_latency:
+ pprint.pprint(latency_stats)
+ tmp = 'Max latency is too high {0} {1} '.format(latency['total_max'], max_latency)
+ print(tmp)
+ return 0
def __verify_flow (self, pg_id, total_pkts, pkt_len, stats):
flow_stats = stats['flow_stats'].get(pg_id)
latency_stats = stats['latency'].get(pg_id)
@@ -216,6 +257,92 @@ class STLRX_Test(CStlGeneral_Test):
assert False , '{0}'.format(e)
+ def __test_9k_stream(self,pgid,ports,precet,max_latency,avg_latency,duration,pkt_size):
+ my_pg_id=pgid
+ s_ports=ports;
+ all_ports=list(CTRexScenario.stl_ports_map['map'].keys());
+ if ports == None:
+ s_ports=all_ports
+ assert( type(s_ports)==list)
+ stream_pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/('a'*pkt_size))
+ try:
+ # reset all ports
+ self.c.reset(ports = all_ports)
+ for pid in s_ports:
+ s1 = STLStream(name = 'rx',
+ packet = self.pkt,
+ flow_stats = STLFlowLatencyStats(pg_id = my_pg_id+pid),
+ mode = STLTXCont(pps = 1000))
+ s2 = STLStream(name = 'bulk',
+ packet = stream_pkt,
+ mode = STLTXCont(percentage =precet))
+ # add both streams to ports
+ self.c.add_streams([s1,s2], ports = [pid])
+ self.c.clear_stats()
+ self.c.start(ports = s_ports,duration = duration)
+ self.c.wait_on_traffic(ports = s_ports,timeout = duration+10,rx_delay_ms = 100)
+ stats = self.c.get_stats()
+ for pid in s_ports:
+ latency_stats = stats['latency'].get(my_pg_id+pid)
+ #pprint.pprint(latency_stats)
+ if self.__verify_latency (latency_stats,max_latency,avg_latency) !=0:
+ return 0
+ except STLError as e:
+ assert False , '{0}'.format(e)
+ # check low latency when you have stream of 9K stream
+ def test_9k_stream(self):
+ if self.latency_9k_enable == False:
+ print("SKIP")
+ return
+ for i in range(0,5):
+ print("Iteration {0}".format(i));
+ duration=random.randint(10, 70);
+ pgid=random.randint(1, 65000);
+ pkt_size=random.randint(1000, 9000);
+ all_ports = list(CTRexScenario.stl_ports_map['map'].keys());
+ s_port=random.sample(all_ports, random.randint(1, len(all_ports)) )
+ s_port=sorted(s_port)
+ error=1;
+ for j in range(0,5):
+ print(" {4} - duration {0} pgid {1} pkt_size {2} s_port {3} ".format(duration,pgid,pkt_size,s_port,j));
+ if self.__test_9k_stream(pgid,
+ s_port,90,
+ self.latency_9k_max_latency,
+ self.latency_9k_max_average,
+ duration,
+ pkt_size)==0:
+ error=0;
+ break;
+ if error:
+ assert False , "Latency too high"
+ else:
+ print("===>Iteration {0} PASS {1}".format(i,j));
# this test adds more and more latency streams and re-test with incremental
def test_incremental_latency_streams (self):