path: root/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client
diff options
authorYaroslav Brustinov <>2016-02-10 16:32:54 +0200
committerYaroslav Brustinov <>2016-02-10 16:32:54 +0200
commit0f03cc467be9c0b37310b7e2a589a86a1771c96f (patch)
tree32983679b9033b0379d2036740b796d8fe557c3f /scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client
parenta69c4dd80e88b6fb4ebfae8d84366b11561d7660 (diff)
update hltapi + functional regression + remove old packet_builder tests
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client/
index c2a08306..fc507497 100755
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client/
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client/
@@ -26,12 +26,21 @@ traffic_config_kwargs = {
'transmit_mode': 'continuous', # ( continuous | multi_burst | single_burst )
'rate_pps': 1,
'stream_id': None,
+ 'name': None,
'bidirectional': 0,
# stream builder parameters
'pkts_per_burst': 1,
'burst_loop_count': 1,
'inter_burst_gap': 12,
- 'length_mode': 'fixed', # ( auto | fixed | increment | decrement | random )
+ 'length_mode': 'fixed', # ( auto | fixed | increment | decrement | random | imix )
+ 'l3_imix1_size': 60,
+ 'l3_imix1_ratio': 28,
+ 'l3_imix2_size': 590,
+ 'l3_imix2_ratio': 20,
+ 'l3_imix3_size': 1514,
+ 'l3_imix3_ratio': 4,
+ 'l3_imix4_size': 9226,
+ 'l3_imix4_ratio': 0,
'frame_size': 64,
'frame_size_min': 64,
@@ -40,6 +49,11 @@ traffic_config_kwargs = {
'l2_encap': 'ethernet_ii', # ( ethernet_ii )
'mac_src': '00:00:01:00:00:01',
'mac_dst': '00:00:00:00:00:00',
+ 'mac_src2': '00:00:01:00:00:01',
+ 'mac_dst2': '00:00:00:00:00:00',
+ 'vlan_user_priority': 1,
+ 'vlan_id': 0,
+ 'vlan_cfi': 1,
#L3, IP
'l3_protocol': 'ipv4', # ( ipv4 )
'ip_tos_field': 0,
@@ -60,6 +74,8 @@ traffic_config_kwargs = {
'l3_length_max': 238,
'l3_length_step': 1, # has to be 1
#L3, IPv6 (TODO: add)
+ 'ipv6_src_addr': None,
+ 'ipv6_dst_addr': None,
#L4, TCP
'l4_protocol': 'tcp', # ( tcp | udp )
'tcp_src_port': 1024,
@@ -108,23 +124,15 @@ traffic_stats_kwargs = {
import sys
import os
CURRENT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(CURRENT_PATH, '../stl/'))
from trex_stl_lib.api import *
-import trex_stl_lib.api as pkt_bld
-#import trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_packet_builder_scapy as pkt_bld
-#from trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_packet_builder_scapy import import CTRexVmDescFlowVar, CTRexVmDescWrFlowVar
-#from trex_stl_lib.trex_stl_client import STLClient
-#from common.trex_streams import *
-import trex_root_path
-from client_utils.general_utils import get_integer
+from client_utils.general_utils import get_number
import socket
import copy
from misc_methods import print_r
@@ -148,15 +156,100 @@ class HLT_OK(dict):
dict.update(self, kwargs)
def merge_kwargs(default_kwargs, user_kwargs):
- extra_args = []
kwargs = copy.deepcopy(default_kwargs)
for key, value in user_kwargs.items():
if key in kwargs:
kwargs[key] = value
- elif key not in ('save_to_yaml', 'save_to_pcap'): # internal debug arguments
- print("Warning: provided parameter '%s' not supported" % key)
+ elif key in ('save_to_yaml', 'save_to_pcap'): # internal debug arguments
+ kwargs[key] = value
+ else:
+ print("Warning: provided parameter '%s' is not supported" % key)
return kwargs
+# change MACs from HLT formats {a b c d e f} or a-b-c-d-e-f or a.b.c.d.e.f to Scapy format a:b:c:d:e:f
+def correct_macs(kwargs):
+ list_of_mac_args = ['mac_src', 'mac_dst', 'mac_src2', 'mac_dst2']
+ for mac_arg in list_of_mac_args:
+ if mac_arg in kwargs:
+ if type(kwargs[mac_arg]) is not str: raise Exception('Argument %s should be str' % mac_arg)
+ kwargs[mac_arg] = kwargs[mac_arg].replace('{', '').replace('}', '').strip().replace('-', ':').replace(' ', ':').replace('.', ':')
+ kwargs[mac_arg] = ':'.join(kwargs[mac_arg].split(':')) # remove duplicate ':' if any
+ try:
+ mac2str(kwargs[mac_arg]) # verify we are ok
+ except:
+ raise Exception('Incorrect MAC %s=%s, please use 01:23:45:67:89:10 or 01-23-45-67-89-10 or or {01 23 45 67 89 10}' % (mac_arg, kwargs[mac_arg]))
+# dict of streams per port
+# hlt_history = False: holds list of stream_id per port
+# hlt_history = True: act as dictionary (per port) stream_id -> hlt arguments used for build
+class CStreamsPerPort(dict):
+ def __init__(self, port_list, hlt_history = False):
+ if type(port_list) is not list:
+ raise Exception('CStreamsPerPort: should be init with list of ports')
+ self.hlt_history = hlt_history
+ if self.hlt_history:
+ dict.__init__(self, dict((port, {}) for port in port_list))
+ else:
+ dict.__init__(self, dict((port, []) for port in port_list))
+ def get_stream_list(self, ports_list = None):
+ if self.hlt_history:
+ if ports_list is None:
+ ports_list = self.keys()
+ elif not isinstance(ports_list, list):
+ ports_list = [ports_list]
+ ret = {}
+ for port in ports_list:
+ ret[port] = self[port].keys()
+ return ret
+ else:
+ return self
+ # add to stream_id list per port, no HLT args, res = HLT result
+ def add_streams_from_res(self, res):
+ if self.hlt_history: raise Exception('CStreamsPerPort: this object is not meant for HLT history, try init with hlt_history = False')
+ if not isinstance(res, dict): raise Exception('CStreamsPerPort: res should be dict')
+ if res.get('status') != 1: raise Exception('CStreamsPerPort: res has status %s' % res.get('status'))
+ res_streams = res.get('stream_id')
+ if not isinstance(res_streams, dict):
+ raise Exception('CStreamsPerPort: stream_id in res should be dict')
+ for port, port_stream_ids in res_streams.items():
+ if port not in self:
+ raise Exception('CStreamsPerPort: port %s not defined' % port)
+ if type(port_stream_ids) is not list:
+ port_stream_ids = [port_stream_ids]
+ self[port].extend(port_stream_ids)
+ # save HLT args to modify streams later
+ def save_stream_args(self, ports_list, stream_id, stream_hlt_args):
+ if not self.hlt_history: raise Exception('CStreamsPerPort: this object works only with HLT history, try init with hlt_history = True')
+ if type(stream_id) not in (int, long): raise Exception('CStreamsPerPort: stream_id should be number')
+ if not isinstance(stream_hlt_args, dict): raise Exception('CStreamsPerPort: stream_hlt_args should be dict')
+ if not isinstance(ports_list, list):
+ ports_list = [ports_list]
+ for port in ports_list:
+ if port not in self:
+ raise Exception('CStreamsPerPort: port %s not defined' % port)
+ del stream_hlt_args['port_handle']
+ if stream_id in self[port]:
+ self[port][stream_id].update(stream_hlt_args)
+ else:
+ self[port][stream_id] = stream_hlt_args
+ def remove_stream(self, ports_list, stream_id):
+ if not isinstance(ports_list, list):
+ ports_list = [ports_list]
+ if not isinstance(stream_id, dict):
+ raise Exception('CStreamsPerPort: stream_hlt_args should be dict')
+ for port in ports_list:
+ if port not in self:
+ raise Exception('CStreamsPerPort: port %s not defined' % port)
+ if stream_id not in self[port]:
+ raise Exception('CStreamsPerPort: stream_id %s not found at port %s' % (port, stream_id))
+ if self.hlt_history:
+ del self[port][stream_id]
+ else:
+ self[port].pop(stream_id)
class CTRexHltApi(object):
@@ -164,7 +257,7 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
self.trex_client = None
self.connected = False
self.verbose = verbose
- self._hlt_streams_history = {} # streams per stream_id in format of HLT arguments for modify later
+ self._streams_history = {} # streams per stream_id per port in format of HLT arguments for modify later
@@ -190,14 +283,14 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
return HLT_ERR('Could not init stateless client %s: %s' % (device, e))
- except Exception as e:
+ #except Exception as e:
+ except ValueError as e:
self.trex_client = None
return HLT_ERR('Could not connect to device %s: %s' % (device, e))
# connection successfully created with server, try acquiring ports of TRex
port_list = self.parse_port_list(kwargs['port_list'])
- print kwargs['break_locks']
self.trex_client.acquire(ports = port_list, force = kwargs['break_locks'])
except Exception as e:
self.trex_client = None
@@ -210,13 +303,13 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
if kwargs['reset']:
# remove all port traffic configuration from TRex
- print 'reseting'
self.trex_client.stop(ports = port_list)
self.trex_client.reset(ports = port_list)
except Exception as e:
self.trex_client = None
return HLT_ERR('Error in reset traffic: %s' % e)
+ self._streams_history = CStreamsPerPort(port_handle, hlt_history = True)
self.connected = True
return HLT_OK(port_handle = port_handle)
@@ -245,6 +338,8 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
return HLT_OK()
def interface_config(self, port_handle, mode='config'):
+ if not self.connected:
+ return HLT_ERR('connect first')
ALLOWED_MODES = ['config', 'modify', 'destroy']
if mode not in ALLOWED_MODES:
return HLT_ERR('Mode must be one of the following values: %s' % ALLOWED_MODES)
@@ -257,12 +352,18 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
def traffic_config(self, **user_kwargs):
+ if not self.connected:
+ return HLT_ERR('connect first')
+ try:
+ correct_macs(user_kwargs)
+ except Exception as e:
+ return HLT_ERR(e)
kwargs = merge_kwargs(traffic_config_kwargs, user_kwargs)
stream_id = kwargs['stream_id']
if type(stream_id) is list:
- del kwargs['stream_id']
for each_stream_id in stream_id:
- res = self.traffic_config(stream_id = each_stream_id, **kwargs)
+ user_kwargs[stream_id] = each_stream_id
+ res = self.traffic_config(stream_id = each_stream_id, **user_kwargs)
if type(res) is HLT_ERR:
return res
return HLT_OK()
@@ -294,73 +395,152 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
self._remove_stream(stream_id, port_handle)
except Exception as e:
- return HLT_ERR('Could not remove streams with specified by %s, error: %s' % (stream_id, log))
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not remove streams with specified by %s, error: %s' % (stream_id, e))
return HLT_OK()
#if mode == 'enable':
# stream_id = kwargs.get('stream_id')
# if stream_id is None:
# return HLT_ERR('Please specify stream_id to enable.')
- # if stream_id not in self._hlt_streams_history:
+ # if stream_id not in self._streams_history:
# return HLT_ERR('This stream_id (%s) was not used before, please create new.' % stream_id)
- # self._hlt_streams_history[stream_id].update(kwargs) # <- the modification
+ # self._streams_history[stream_id].update(kwargs) # <- the modification
if mode == 'modify': # we remove stream and create new one with same stream_id
stream_id = kwargs.get('stream_id')
if stream_id is None:
return HLT_ERR('Please specify stream_id to modify.')
- if stream_id not in self._hlt_streams_history:
- return HLT_ERR('This stream_id (%s) was not used before, please create new.' % stream_id)
- self._hlt_streams_history[stream_id].update(kwargs) # <- the modification
- #for port_id in port_handle:
- # if stream_id not in self.trex_client.get_stream_id_list(port_id):
- # return HLT_ERR('Port %s does not have stream_id %s.' % (port_id, stream_id))
+ if len(port_handle) > 1:
+ for port in port_handle:
+ user_kwargs[port_handle] = port
+ res = self.traffic_config(**user_kwargs) # recurse per port, each port can have different stream with such id
+ else:
+ if type(port_handle) is list:
+ port = port_handle[0]
+ else:
+ port = port_handle
+ if port not in self._streams_history:
+ return HLT_ERR('Port %s was not used/acquired' % port)
+ if stream_id not in self._streams_history[port]:
+ return HLT_ERR('This stream_id (%s) was not used before at port %s, please create new.' % (stream_id, port))
+ kwargs.update(self._streams_history[port][stream_id])
+ kwargs.update(user_kwargs)
self.trex_client.remove_streams(stream_id, port_handle)
- except Exception as e:
- return HLT_ERR('Could not remove streams specified by %s: %s' % (stream_id, e))
+ #except Exception as e:
+ except ValueError as e:
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not remove stream(s) %s from port(s) %s: %s' % (stream_id, port_handle, e))
if mode == 'create' or mode == 'modify':
# create a new stream with desired attributes, starting by creating packet
+ streams_per_port = CStreamsPerPort(port_handle)
if kwargs['bidirectional']: # two streams with opposite directions
- del kwargs['bidirectional']
- del kwargs['port_handle']
+ del user_kwargs['bidirectional']
+ save_to_yaml = user_kwargs.get('save_to_yaml')
bidirect_err = 'When using bidirectional flag, '
if len(port_handle) != 2:
return HLT_ERR(bidirect_err + 'number of ports should be exactly 2')
- res1 = self.traffic_config(port_handle = port_handle[0], **kwargs)
- kwargs['mac_src'] = kwargs['mac_src2']
- kwargs['mac_dst'] = kwargs['mac_dst2']
- kwargs['ip_src_addr'] = kwargs['ip_dst_addr']
- kwargs['ip_dst_addr'] = kwargs['ip_src_addr']
- kwargs['ipv6_src_addr'] = kwargs['ipv6_dst_addr']
- kwargs['ipv6_dst_addr'] = kwargs['ipv6_src_addr']
- res2 = self.traffic_config(port_handle = port_handle[1], **kwargs)
+ if save_to_yaml and type(save_to_yaml) is str:
+ user_kwargs['save_to_yaml'] = save_to_yaml.replace('.yaml', '_bi1.yaml')
+ user_kwargs['port_handle'] = port_handle[0]
+ res1 = self.traffic_config(**user_kwargs)
+ if res1['status'] == 0:
+ raise Exception('Could not create bidirectional stream 1: %s' % res1['log'])
+ streams_per_port.add_streams_from_res(res1)
+ user_kwargs['mac_src'] = kwargs['mac_src2']
+ user_kwargs['mac_dst'] = kwargs['mac_dst2']
+ user_kwargs['ip_src_addr'] = kwargs['ip_dst_addr']
+ user_kwargs['ip_dst_addr'] = kwargs['ip_src_addr']
+ user_kwargs['ipv6_src_addr'] = kwargs['ipv6_dst_addr']
+ user_kwargs['ipv6_dst_addr'] = kwargs['ipv6_src_addr']
+ if save_to_yaml and type(save_to_yaml) is str:
+ user_kwargs['save_to_yaml'] = save_to_yaml.replace('.yaml', '_bi2.yaml')
+ user_kwargs['port_handle'] = port_handle[1]
+ res2 = self.traffic_config(**user_kwargs)
+ if res2['status'] == 0:
+ raise Exception('Could not create bidirectional stream 2: %s' % res2['log'])
+ streams_per_port.add_streams_from_res(res2)
except Exception as e:
return HLT_ERR('Could not generate bidirectional traffic: %s' % e)
- return HLT_OK(stream_id = {port_handle[0]: res1['stream_id'], port_handle[1]: res2['stream_id']})
- stream_obj = CTRexHltApiPktBuilder.generate_stream(**kwargs)
+ return HLT_OK(stream_id = streams_per_port)
+ if kwargs['length_mode'] == 'imix': # several streams with given length
+ user_kwargs['length_mode'] = 'fixed'
+ if kwargs['l3_imix1_size'] < 32 or kwargs['l3_imix2_size'] < 32 or kwargs['l3_imix3_size'] < 32 or kwargs['l3_imix4_size'] < 32:
+ return HLT_ERR('l3_imix*_size should be at least 32')
+ total_rate = kwargs['l3_imix1_ratio'] + kwargs['l3_imix2_ratio'] + kwargs['l3_imix3_ratio'] + kwargs['l3_imix4_ratio']
+ if total_rate == 0:
+ return HLT_ERR('Used length_mode imix, but all the ratio are 0')
+ save_to_yaml = kwargs.get('save_to_yaml')
+ rate_pps = float(kwargs['rate_pps'])
+ try:
+ if kwargs['l3_imix1_ratio'] > 0:
+ if save_to_yaml and type(save_to_yaml) is str:
+ user_kwargs['save_to_yaml'] = save_to_yaml.replace('.yaml', '_imix1.yaml')
+ user_kwargs['frame_size'] = kwargs['l3_imix1_size']
+ user_kwargs['rate_pps'] = rate_pps * kwargs['l3_imix1_ratio'] / total_rate
+ res = self.traffic_config(**user_kwargs)
+ if res['status'] == 0:
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not create stream imix1: %s' % res['log'])
+ streams_per_port.add_streams_from_res(res)
+ if kwargs['l3_imix2_ratio'] > 0:
+ if save_to_yaml and type(save_to_yaml) is str:
+ user_kwargs['save_to_yaml'] = save_to_yaml.replace('.yaml', '_imix2.yaml')
+ user_kwargs['frame_size'] = kwargs['l3_imix2_size']
+ user_kwargs['rate_pps'] = rate_pps * kwargs['l3_imix2_ratio'] / total_rate
+ res = self.traffic_config(**user_kwargs)
+ if res['status'] == 0:
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not create stream imix2: %s' % res['log'])
+ streams_per_port.add_streams_from_res(res)
+ if kwargs['l3_imix3_ratio'] > 0:
+ if save_to_yaml and type(save_to_yaml) is str:
+ kwargs['save_to_yaml'] = save_to_yaml.replace('.yaml', '_imix3.yaml')
+ user_kwargs['frame_size'] = kwargs['l3_imix3_size']
+ user_kwargs['rate_pps'] = rate_pps * kwargs['l3_imix3_ratio'] / total_rate
+ res = self.traffic_config(**user_kwargs)
+ if res['status'] == 0:
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not create stream imix3: %s' % res['log'])
+ streams_per_port.add_streams_from_res(res)
+ if kwargs['l3_imix4_ratio'] > 0:
+ if save_to_yaml and type(save_to_yaml) is str:
+ user_kwargs['save_to_yaml'] = save_to_yaml.replace('.yaml', '_imix4.yaml')
+ user_kwargs['frame_size'] = kwargs['l3_imix4_size']
+ user_kwargs['rate_pps'] = rate_pps * kwargs['l3_imix4_ratio'] / total_rate
+ res = self.traffic_config(**user_kwargs)
+ if res['status'] == 0:
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not create stream imix4: %s' % res['log'])
+ streams_per_port.add_streams_from_res(res)
+ except Exception as e:
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not generate imix streams: %s' % e)
+ return HLT_OK(stream_id = streams_per_port)
- stream_obj = CTRexHltApiPktBuilder.generate_stream(**kwargs)
+ stream_obj = CTRexHltApiBuilder.generate_stream(**kwargs)
except Exception as e:
return HLT_ERR('Could not create stream: %s' % e)
- stream_id = stream_obj.get_id()
# try adding the stream per ports
- self.trex_client.add_streams(streams=stream_obj,
- ports=port_handle)
- self._hlt_streams_history[stream_id] = kwargs
+ stream_id_arr = self.trex_client.add_streams(streams=stream_obj,
+ ports=port_handle)
+ #print stream_id_arr, port_handle
+ #print self._streams_history
+ for port in port_handle:
+ #print type(user_kwargs)
+ self._streams_history.save_stream_args(port_handle, stream_id_arr[0], user_kwargs)
+ #print 'done'
except Exception as e:
return HLT_ERR('Could not add stream to ports: %s' % e)
- return HLT_OK(stream_id = stream_obj.get_id())
+ return HLT_OK(stream_id = dict((port, stream_id_arr) for port in port_handle))
return HLT_ERR('Got to the end of traffic_config, mode not implemented or forgot "return" function somewhere.')
def traffic_control(self, **user_kwargs):
+ if not self.connected:
+ return HLT_ERR('connect first')
kwargs = merge_kwargs(traffic_control_kwargs, user_kwargs)
action = kwargs['action']
port_handle = kwargs['port_handle']
@@ -392,6 +572,8 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
return HLT_ERR("Probably action '%s' is not implemented" % action)
def traffic_stats(self, **user_kwargs):
+ if not self.connected:
+ return HLT_ERR('connect first')
kwargs = merge_kwargs(traffic_stats_kwargs, user_kwargs)
mode = kwargs['mode']
port_handle = kwargs['port_handle']
@@ -399,7 +581,7 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
if mode not in ALLOWED_MODES:
return HLT_ERR("'mode' must be one of the following values: %s" % ALLOWED_MODES)
if mode == 'streams':
- return HLT_ERR("'mode = streams' not implemented'")
+ return HLT_ERR("mode 'streams' not implemented'")
if mode in ('all', 'aggregate'):
hlt_stats_dict = {}
@@ -407,7 +589,7 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
except Exception as e:
return HLT_ERR('Could not retrieve stats: %s' % e)
for port_id, stat_dict in stats.iteritems():
- if type(port_id) is int:
+ if type(port_id) in (int, long):
hlt_stats_dict[port_id] = {
'aggregate': {
'tx': {
@@ -439,21 +621,22 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
# * list - list of stream_id values or strings (see below)
# * string - exact stream_id value, mix of ranges/list separated by comma: 2, 4-13
def _remove_stream(self, stream_id, port_handle):
- if get_integer(stream_id) is not None: # exact value of int or str
- self.trex_client.remove_stream(get_integer(stream_id), port_handle) # actual remove
+ if get_number(stream_id) is not None: # exact value of int or str
+ self.trex_client.remove_streams(get_number(stream_id), port_handle) # actual remove
+ return
if type(stream_id) is list: # list of values/strings
for each_stream_id in stream_id:
- self._remove_stream(each_stream_id, port_handle) # recurse
+ self._remove_stream(each_stream_id, port_handle) # recurse
if type(stream_id) is str: # range or list in string
if stream_id.find(',') != -1:
for each_stream_id_element in stream_id.split(','):
- self._remove_stream(each_stream_id_element, port_handle) # recurse
+ self._remove_stream(each_stream_id_element, port_handle) # recurse
if stream_id.find('-') != -1:
stream_id_min, stream_id_max = stream_id.split('-', 1)
- stream_id_min = get_integer(stream_id_min)
- stream_id_max = get_integer(stream_id_max)
+ stream_id_min = get_number(stream_id_min)
+ stream_id_max = get_number(stream_id_max)
if stream_id_min is None:
raise Exception('_remove_stream: wrong range param %s' % stream_id_min)
if stream_id_max is None:
@@ -461,7 +644,7 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
if stream_id_max < stream_id_min:
raise Exception('_remove_stream: right range param is smaller than left one: %s-%s' % (stream_id_min, stream_id_max))
for each_stream_id in xrange(stream_id_min, stream_id_max + 1):
- self._remove_stream(each_stream_id, port_handle) # recurse
+ self._remove_stream(each_stream_id, port_handle) # recurse
raise Exception('_remove_stream: wrong param %s' % stream_id)
@@ -495,27 +678,27 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
return '\n'. join([str(response) for response in responses])
return responses
-class CTRexHltApiPktBuilder:
+class CTRexHltApiBuilder:
def generate_stream(**user_kwargs):
kwargs = merge_kwargs(traffic_config_kwargs, user_kwargs)
- packet = CTRexHltApiPktBuilder.generate_packet(**kwargs)
- except Exception as e:
+ packet = CTRexHltApiBuilder.generate_packet(**kwargs)
+ #except Exception as e:
+ except ValueError as e:
raise Exception('Could not generate packet: %s' % e)
transmit_mode = kwargs['transmit_mode']
rate_pps = kwargs['rate_pps']
pkts_per_burst = kwargs['pkts_per_burst']
- burst_loop_count = kwargs['burst_loop_count']
- inter_burst_gap = kwargs['inter_burst_gap']
if transmit_mode == 'continuous':
transmit_mode_class = STLTXCont(pps = rate_pps)
elif transmit_mode == 'single_burst':
transmit_mode_class = STLTXSingleBurst(pps = rate_pps, total_pkts = pkts_per_burst)
elif transmit_mode == 'multi_burst':
- transmit_mode_class = STLTXMultiBurst(pps = rate_pps, total_pkts = pkts_per_burst, count = burst_loop_count, ibg = inter_burst_gap)
+ transmit_mode_class = STLTXMultiBurst(pps = rate_pps, total_pkts = pkts_per_burst,
+ count = kwargs['burst_loop_count'], ibg = kwargs['inter_burst_gap'])
raise Exception('transmit_mode %s not supported/implemented')
except Exception as e:
@@ -527,30 +710,41 @@ class CTRexHltApiPktBuilder:
#self_start = True,
mode = transmit_mode_class,
#rx_stats = rx_stats,
- #next_stream_id = -1
+ #next_stream_id = -1,
+ stream_id = kwargs.get('stream_id'),
+ name = kwargs.get('name'),
except Exception as e:
raise Exception('Could not create stream: %s' % e)
debug_filename = kwargs.get('save_to_yaml')
if type(debug_filename) is str:
- STLProfile(stream_obj).dump_to_yaml(debug_filename)
+ stream_obj.dump_to_yaml(debug_filename)
return stream_obj
def generate_packet(**user_kwargs):
kwargs = merge_kwargs(traffic_config_kwargs, user_kwargs)
- pkt = pkt_bld.CScapyTRexPktBuilder()
+ pkt = STLPktBuilder()
vm_cmds = []
fix_ipv4_checksum = False
### L2 ###
- if kwargs['l2_encap'] == 'ethernet_ii':
+ if kwargs['l2_encap'] in ('ethernet_ii', 'ethernet_ii_vlan'):
#fields_desc = [ MACField("dst","00:00:00:01:00:00"),
# MACField("src","00:00:00:02:00:00"),
# XShortEnumField("type", 0x9000, ETHER_TYPES) ]
- l2_layer = pkt_bld.Ether(src = kwargs['mac_src'], dst = kwargs['mac_dst'])
+ l2_layer = Ether(src = kwargs['mac_src'], dst = kwargs['mac_dst'])
+ if kwargs['l2_encap'] == 'ethernet_ii_vlan':
+ #fields_desc = [ BitField("prio", 0, 3),
+ # BitField("id", 0, 1),
+ # BitField("vlan", 1, 12),
+ # XShortEnumField("type", 0x0000, ETHER_TYPES) ]
+ l2_layer /= Dot1Q(prio = kwargs['vlan_user_priority'],
+ vlan = kwargs['vlan_id'],
+ id = kwargs['vlan_cfi'],
+ )
raise NotImplementedError("l2_encap does not support the desired encapsulation '%s'" % kwargs['l2_encap'])
base_pkt = l2_layer
@@ -572,15 +766,15 @@ class CTRexHltApiPktBuilder:
# Emph(IPField("src", "")),
# Emph(IPField("dst", "")),
# PacketListField("options", [], IPOption, length_from=lambda p:p.ihl*4-20) ]
- l3_layer = pkt_bld.IP(tos = kwargs['ip_tos_field'],
- len = None if kwargs['length_mode'] == 'auto' else kwargs['l3_length'],
- id = kwargs['ip_id'],
- frag = kwargs['ip_fragment_offset'],
- ttl = kwargs['ip_ttl'],
- chksum = kwargs['ip_checksum'],
- src = kwargs['ip_src_addr'],
- dst = kwargs['ip_dst_addr']
- )
+ l3_layer = IP(tos = kwargs['ip_tos_field'],
+ len = None if kwargs['length_mode'] == 'auto' else kwargs['l3_length'],
+ id = kwargs['ip_id'],
+ frag = kwargs['ip_fragment_offset'],
+ ttl = kwargs['ip_ttl'],
+ chksum = kwargs['ip_checksum'],
+ src = kwargs['ip_src_addr'],
+ dst = kwargs['ip_dst_addr'],
+ )
# IPv4 VM
if kwargs['ip_src_mode'] != 'fixed':
fix_ipv4_checksum = True
@@ -588,7 +782,7 @@ class CTRexHltApiPktBuilder:
raise Exception('ip_src_step has to be 1 (TRex limitation)')
if kwargs['ip_src_count'] < 1:
raise Exception('ip_src_count has to be at least 1')
- ip_src_addr_num = pkt_bld.ipv4_str_to_num(pkt_bld.is_valid_ipv4(kwargs['ip_src_addr']))
+ ip_src_addr_num = ipv4_str_to_num(is_valid_ipv4(kwargs['ip_src_addr']))
if kwargs['ip_src_mode'] == 'increment':
vm_cmds.append(CTRexVmDescFlowVar(name = 'ip_src', size = 4, op = 'inc',
min_value = ip_src_addr_num,
@@ -611,7 +805,7 @@ class CTRexHltApiPktBuilder:
raise Exception('ip_dst_step has to be 1 (TRex limitation)')
if kwargs['ip_dst_count'] < 1:
raise Exception('ip_dst_count has to be at least 1')
- ip_dst_addr_num = pkt_bld.ipv4_str_to_num(pkt_bld.is_valid_ipv4(kwargs['ip_dst_addr']))
+ ip_dst_addr_num = ipv4_str_to_num(is_valid_ipv4(kwargs['ip_dst_addr']))
if kwargs['ip_dst_mode'] == 'increment':
vm_cmds.append(CTRexVmDescFlowVar(name = 'ip_dst', size = 4, op = 'inc',
min_value = ip_dst_addr_num,
@@ -651,16 +845,16 @@ class CTRexHltApiPktBuilder:
'A' if kwargs['tcp_ack_flag'] else '' +
'U' if kwargs['tcp_urg_flag'] else '')
- l4_layer = pkt_bld.TCP(sport = kwargs['tcp_src_port'],
- dport = kwargs['tcp_dst_port'],
- seq = kwargs['tcp_seq_num'],
- ack = kwargs['tcp_ack_num'],
- dataofs = kwargs['tcp_data_offset'],
- flags = tcp_flags,
- window = kwargs['tcp_window'],
- chksum = kwargs['tcp_checksum'],
- urgptr = kwargs['tcp_urgent_ptr'],
- )
+ l4_layer = TCP(sport = kwargs['tcp_src_port'],
+ dport = kwargs['tcp_dst_port'],
+ seq = kwargs['tcp_seq_num'],
+ ack = kwargs['tcp_ack_num'],
+ dataofs = kwargs['tcp_data_offset'],
+ flags = tcp_flags,
+ window = kwargs['tcp_window'],
+ chksum = kwargs['tcp_checksum'],
+ urgptr = kwargs['tcp_urgent_ptr'],
+ )
if kwargs['tcp_src_port_count'] != 1:
fix_ipv4_checksum = True
@@ -712,10 +906,10 @@ class CTRexHltApiPktBuilder:
# ShortEnumField("dport", 53, UDP_SERVICES),
# ShortField("len", None),
# XShortField("chksum", None), ]
- l4_layer = pkt_bld.UDP(sport = kwargs['udp_src_port'],
- dport = kwargs['udp_dst_port'],
- len = kwargs['udp_length'],
- chksum = kwargs['udp_checksum'])
+ l4_layer = UDP(sport = kwargs['udp_src_port'],
+ dport = kwargs['udp_dst_port'],
+ len = kwargs['udp_length'],
+ chksum = kwargs['udp_checksum'])
if kwargs['udp_src_port_count'] != 1:
fix_ipv4_checksum = True
@@ -768,6 +962,8 @@ class CTRexHltApiPktBuilder:
payload_len = 0
elif kwargs['length_mode'] == 'fixed':
payload_len = kwargs['frame_size'] - len(base_pkt)
+ elif kwargs['length_mode'] == 'imix':
+ raise Exception("Should not use length_mode 'imix' directly in packet building, convert it to other mode at higher levels (stream?)")
fix_ipv4_checksum = True
if kwargs['frame_size_step'] != 1 or kwargs['l3_length_step'] != 1:
@@ -784,7 +980,7 @@ class CTRexHltApiPktBuilder:
min_value = kwargs['l3_length_min'] + len(l2_layer), max_value = kwargs['l3_length_max'] + len(l2_layer)))
payload_len = kwargs['l3_length_max'] + len(l2_layer) - len(base_pkt)
- vm_cmds.append(pkt_bld.CTRexVmDescTrimPktSize('fv_rand'))
+ vm_cmds.append(CTRexVmDescTrimPktSize('fv_rand'))
if == 'IP' or == 'UDP': # add here other things need to fix due to size change
if == 'IP':
vm_cmds.append(CTRexVmDescWrFlowVar(fv_name = 'fv_rand', pkt_offset = 'IP.len', add_val = -len(l2_layer)))
@@ -797,9 +993,9 @@ class CTRexHltApiPktBuilder:
if fix_ipv4_checksum and == 'IP' and kwargs['ip_checksum'] is None:
- vm_cmds.append(pkt_bld.CTRexVmDescFixIpv4(offset = 'IP'))
+ vm_cmds.append(CTRexVmDescFixIpv4(offset = 'IP'))
if vm_cmds:
- pkt.add_command(pkt_bld.CTRexScRaw(vm_cmds))
+ pkt.add_command(CTRexScRaw(vm_cmds))
# debug (only the base packet, without VM)
debug_filename = kwargs.get('save_to_pcap')