path: root/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common
diff options
authorHanoh Haim <>2016-01-27 13:03:51 +0200
committerHanoh Haim <>2016-01-27 13:03:51 +0200
commitc581c5bb6314b5f80d315c23354f8866ed2a71ff (patch)
tree8e1e4e041e027f3c14a542730ffd688882c69522 /scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common
parent52f599e870f0a3d98cebdf4d49607a6f50cf3380 (diff)
parent1e69b27f272fef2e3124693b865521a4927418f5 (diff)
Merge to latest
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common')
3 files changed, 217 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
index 52c0c0a1..464ee56a 100755
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
@@ -223,7 +223,8 @@ class CTRexInfoGenerator(object):
info_table = text_tables.TRexTextTable()
info_table.set_cols_align(["c"] + ["l"] + ["r"] + ["c"] + ["r"] + ["c"])
- info_table.set_cols_width([4] + [20] + [8] + [16] + [10] + [12])
+ info_table.set_cols_width([10] + [20] + [8] + [16] + [10] + [12])
+ info_table.set_cols_dtype(["t"] + ["t"] + ["t"] + ["t"] + ["t"] + ["t"])
for k, v in return_streams_data['streams'].iteritems()],
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9be20db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import os
+import sys
+from common.text_opts import *
+# basic error for API
+class STLError(Exception):
+ def __init__ (self, msg):
+ self.msg = str(msg)
+ def __str__ (self):
+ exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
+ s = "\n******\n"
+ s += "Error at {0}:{1}\n\n".format(format_text(fname, 'bold'), format_text(exc_tb.tb_lineno), 'bold')
+ s += "specific error:\n\n{0}\n".format(format_text(self.msg, 'bold'))
+ return s
+ def brief (self):
+ return self.msg
+# raised when the client state is invalid for operation
+class STLStateError(STLError):
+ def __init__ (self, op, state):
+ self.msg = "Operation '{0}' is not valid while '{1}'".format(op, state)
+# port state error
+class STLPortStateError(STLError):
+ def __init__ (self, port, op, state):
+ self.msg = "Operation '{0}' on port(s) '{1}' is not valid while port(s) '{2}'".format(op, port, state)
+# raised when argument is not valid for operation
+class STLArgumentError(STLError):
+ def __init__ (self, name, got, valid_values = None, extended = None):
+ self.msg = "Argument: '{0}' invalid value: '{1}'".format(name, got)
+ if valid_values:
+ self.msg += " - valid values are '{0}'".format(valid_values)
+ if extended:
+ self.msg += "\n{0}".format(extended)
+# raised when timeout occurs
+class STLTimeoutError(STLError):
+ def __init__ (self, timeout):
+ self.msg = "Timeout: operation took more than '{0}' seconds".format(timeout)
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
index ea3d71d1..90cb812d 100755
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/common/
@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@ import external_packages
from client_utils.packet_builder import CTRexPktBuilder
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from client_utils.yaml_utils import *
+import trex_stl_exceptions
import dpkt
import struct
import copy
import os
+import random
StreamPack = namedtuple('StreamPack', ['stream_id', 'stream'])
LoadedStreamList = namedtuple('LoadedStreamList', ['name', 'loaded', 'compiled'])
@@ -323,3 +325,163 @@ class CStreamsDB(object):
return self.stream_packs.get(name)
+########################### Simple Streams ###########################
+from trex_stl_exceptions import *
+class STLStream(object):
+ def __init__ (self,
+ packet,
+ pps = 1,
+ enabled = True,
+ self_start = True,
+ isg = 0.0,
+ rx_stats = None,
+ next_stream_id = -1):
+ # type checking
+ if not isinstance(pps, (int, float)):
+ raise STLArgumentError('pps', pps)
+ if not isinstance(packet, CTRexPktBuilder):
+ raise STLArgumentError('packet', packet)
+ if not isinstance(enabled, bool):
+ raise STLArgumentError('enabled', enabled)
+ if not isinstance(self_start, bool):
+ raise STLArgumentError('self_start', self_start)
+ if not isinstance(isg, (int, float)):
+ raise STLArgumentError('isg', isg)
+ # use a random 31 bit for ID
+ self.stream_id = random.getrandbits(31)
+ self.fields = {}
+ # basic fields
+ self.fields['enabled'] = enabled
+ self.fields['self_start'] = self_start
+ self.fields['isg'] = isg
+ self.fields['next_stream_id'] = next_stream_id
+ # mode
+ self.fields['mode'] = {}
+ self.fields['mode']['pps'] = pps
+ # packet and VM
+ self.fields['packet'] = packet.dump_pkt()
+ self.fields['vm'] = packet.get_vm_data()
+ self.fields['rx_stats'] = {}
+ if not rx_stats:
+ self.fields['rx_stats']['enabled'] = False
+ def __str__ (self):
+ return json.dumps(self.fields, indent = 4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys = True)
+ def to_json (self):
+ return self.fields
+ def get_id (self):
+ return self.stream_id
+# continuous stream
+class STLContStream(STLStream):
+ def __init__ (self,
+ packet,
+ pps = 1,
+ enabled = True,
+ self_start = True,
+ isg = 0.0,
+ rx_stats = None):
+ super(STLContStream, self).__init__(packet,
+ pps,
+ enabled,
+ self_start,
+ isg,
+ rx_stats,
+ next_stream_id = -1)
+ # type
+ self.fields['mode']['type'] = "continuous"
+# single burst
+class STLSingleBurstStream(STLStream):
+ def __init__ (self,
+ packet,
+ total_pkts,
+ pps = 1,
+ enabled = True,
+ self_start = True,
+ isg = 0.0,
+ rx_stats = None,
+ next_stream_id = -1):
+ if not isinstance(total_pkts, int):
+ raise STLArgumentError('total_pkts', total_pkts)
+ super(STLSingleBurstStream, self).__init__(packet,
+ pps,
+ enabled,
+ self_start,
+ isg,
+ rx_stats,
+ next_stream_id)
+ self.fields['mode']['type'] = "single_burst"
+ self.fields['mode']['total_pkts'] = total_pkts
+# multi burst stream
+class STLMultiBurstStream(STLStream):
+ def __init__ (self,
+ packet,
+ pkts_per_burst = 1,
+ pps = 1,
+ ibg = 0.0,
+ count = 1,
+ enabled = True,
+ self_start = True,
+ isg = 0.0,
+ rx_stats = None,
+ next_stream_id = -1):
+ if not isinstance(pkts_per_burst, int):
+ raise STLArgumentError('pkts_per_burst', pkts_per_burst)
+ if not isinstance(count, int):
+ raise STLArgumentError('count', count)
+ if not isinstance(ibg, (int, float)):
+ raise STLArgumentError('ibg', ibg)
+ super(STLMultiBurstStream, self).__init__(packet, enabled, self_start, isg, rx_stats)
+ self.fields['mode']['type'] = "single_burst"
+ self.fields['mode']['pkts_per_burst'] = pkts_per_burst
+ self.fields['mode']['ibg'] = ibg
+ self.fields['mode']['count'] = count
+# REMOVE ME when can - convert from stream pack to a simple stream
+class HACKSTLStream(STLStream):
+ def __init__ (self, stream_pack):
+ if not isinstance(stream_pack, StreamPack):
+ raise Exception("internal error")
+ packet = CTRexPktBuilder()
+ packet.load_from_stream_obj(
+ super(HACKSTLStream, self).__init__(packet)
+ self.fields =