path: root/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/python_lib/jsonrpclib-pelix-0.2.5/jsonrpclib/
diff options
authorHanoh Haim <>2015-06-24 14:03:29 +0300
committerHanoh Haim <>2015-06-24 14:03:29 +0300
commit8b52a31ed2c299b759f330c4f976b9c70f5765f4 (patch)
tree9d6da5438b5b56b1d2d57e6c13494b4e65d000e7 /scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/python_lib/jsonrpclib-pelix-0.2.5/jsonrpclib/
first version
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/python_lib/jsonrpclib-pelix-0.2.5/jsonrpclib/')
1 files changed, 490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/python_lib/jsonrpclib-pelix-0.2.5/jsonrpclib/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/python_lib/jsonrpclib-pelix-0.2.5/jsonrpclib/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3919c105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/python_lib/jsonrpclib-pelix-0.2.5/jsonrpclib/
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -- Content-Encoding: UTF-8 --
+Cached thread pool, inspired from Pelix/iPOPO Thread Pool
+:author: Thomas Calmant
+:copyright: Copyright 2015, isandlaTech
+:license: Apache License 2.0
+:version: 0.2.5
+ Copyright 2015 isandlaTech
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+# Documentation strings format
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+# Module version
+__version_info__ = (0, 2, 5)
+__version__ = ".".join(str(x) for x in __version_info__)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Standard library
+import logging
+import threading
+ # Python 3
+ # pylint: disable=F0401
+ import queue
+except ImportError:
+ # Python 2
+ # pylint: disable=F0401
+ import Queue as queue
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class EventData(object):
+ """
+ A threading event with some associated data
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Sets up the event
+ """
+ self.__event = threading.Event()
+ self.__data = None
+ self.__exception = None
+ @property
+ def data(self):
+ """
+ Returns the associated value
+ """
+ return self.__data
+ @property
+ def exception(self):
+ """
+ Returns the exception used to stop the wait() method
+ """
+ return self.__exception
+ def clear(self):
+ """
+ Clears the event
+ """
+ self.__event.clear()
+ self.__data = None
+ self.__exception = None
+ def is_set(self):
+ """
+ Checks if the event is set
+ """
+ return self.__event.is_set()
+ def set(self, data=None):
+ """
+ Sets the event
+ """
+ self.__data = data
+ self.__exception = None
+ self.__event.set()
+ def raise_exception(self, exception):
+ """
+ Raises an exception in wait()
+ :param exception: An Exception object
+ """
+ self.__data = None
+ self.__exception = exception
+ self.__event.set()
+ def wait(self, timeout=None):
+ """
+ Waits for the event or for the timeout
+ :param timeout: Wait timeout (in seconds)
+ :return: True if the event as been set, else False
+ """
+ # The 'or' part is for Python 2.6
+ result = self.__event.wait(timeout) or self.__event.is_set()
+ # pylint: disable=E0702
+ # Pylint seems to miss the "is None" check below
+ if self.__exception is None:
+ return result
+ else:
+ raise self.__exception
+class FutureResult(object):
+ """
+ An object to wait for the result of a threaded execution
+ """
+ def __init__(self, logger=None):
+ """
+ Sets up the FutureResult object
+ :param logger: The Logger to use in case of error (optional)
+ """
+ self._logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ self._done_event = EventData()
+ self.__callback = None
+ self.__extra = None
+ def __notify(self):
+ """
+ Notify the given callback about the result of the execution
+ """
+ if self.__callback is not None:
+ try:
+ self.__callback(,
+ self._done_event.exception,
+ self.__extra)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ self._logger.exception("Error calling back method: %s", ex)
+ def set_callback(self, method, extra=None):
+ """
+ Sets a callback method, called once the result has been computed or in
+ case of exception.
+ The callback method must have the following signature:
+ ``callback(result, exception, extra)``.
+ :param method: The method to call back in the end of the execution
+ :param extra: Extra parameter to be given to the callback method
+ """
+ self.__callback = method
+ self.__extra = extra
+ if self._done_event.is_set():
+ # The execution has already finished
+ self.__notify()
+ def execute(self, method, args, kwargs):
+ """
+ Execute the given method and stores its result.
+ The result is considered "done" even if the method raises an exception
+ :param method: The method to execute
+ :param args: Method positional arguments
+ :param kwargs: Method keyword arguments
+ :raise Exception: The exception raised by the method
+ """
+ # Normalize arguments
+ if args is None:
+ args = []
+ if kwargs is None:
+ kwargs = {}
+ try:
+ # Call the method
+ result = method(*args, **kwargs)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ # Something went wrong: propagate to the event and to the caller
+ self._done_event.raise_exception(ex)
+ raise
+ else:
+ # Store the result
+ self._done_event.set(result)
+ finally:
+ # In any case: notify the call back (if any)
+ self.__notify()
+ def done(self):
+ """
+ Returns True if the job has finished, else False
+ """
+ return self._done_event.is_set()
+ def result(self, timeout=None):
+ """
+ Waits up to timeout for the result the threaded job.
+ Returns immediately the result if the job has already been done.
+ :param timeout: The maximum time to wait for a result (in seconds)
+ :raise OSError: The timeout raised before the job finished
+ :raise Exception: The exception encountered during the call, if any
+ """
+ if self._done_event.wait(timeout):
+ return
+ else:
+ raise OSError("Timeout raised")
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ThreadPool(object):
+ """
+ Executes the tasks stored in a FIFO in a thread pool
+ """
+ def __init__(self, max_threads, min_threads=1, queue_size=0, timeout=60,
+ logname=None):
+ """
+ Sets up the thread pool.
+ Threads are kept alive 60 seconds (timeout argument).
+ :param max_threads: Maximum size of the thread pool
+ :param min_threads: Minimum size of the thread pool
+ :param queue_size: Size of the task queue (0 for infinite)
+ :param timeout: Queue timeout (in seconds, 60s by default)
+ :param logname: Name of the logger
+ :raise ValueError: Invalid number of threads
+ """
+ # Validate parameters
+ try:
+ max_threads = int(max_threads)
+ if max_threads < 1:
+ raise ValueError("Pool size must be greater than 0")
+ except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid pool size: {0}".format(ex))
+ try:
+ min_threads = int(min_threads)
+ if min_threads < 0:
+ min_threads = 0
+ elif min_threads > max_threads:
+ min_threads = max_threads
+ except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid pool size: {0}".format(ex))
+ # The logger
+ self._logger = logging.getLogger(logname or __name__)
+ # The loop control event
+ self._done_event = threading.Event()
+ self._done_event.set()
+ # The task queue
+ try:
+ queue_size = int(queue_size)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ # Not a valid integer
+ queue_size = 0
+ self._queue = queue.Queue(queue_size)
+ self._timeout = timeout
+ self.__lock = threading.RLock()
+ # The thread pool
+ self._min_threads = min_threads
+ self._max_threads = max_threads
+ self._threads = []
+ # Thread count
+ self._thread_id = 0
+ # Current number of threads, active and alive
+ self.__nb_threads = 0
+ self.__nb_active_threads = 0
+ def start(self):
+ """
+ Starts the thread pool. Does nothing if the pool is already started.
+ """
+ if not self._done_event.is_set():
+ # Stop event not set: we're running
+ return
+ # Clear the stop event
+ self._done_event.clear()
+ # Compute the number of threads to start to handle pending tasks
+ nb_pending_tasks = self._queue.qsize()
+ if nb_pending_tasks > self._max_threads:
+ nb_threads = self._max_threads
+ elif nb_pending_tasks < self._min_threads:
+ nb_threads = self._min_threads
+ else:
+ nb_threads = nb_pending_tasks
+ # Create the threads
+ for _ in range(nb_threads):
+ self.__start_thread()
+ def __start_thread(self):
+ """
+ Starts a new thread, if possible
+ """
+ with self.__lock:
+ if self.__nb_threads >= self._max_threads:
+ # Can't create more threads
+ return False
+ if self._done_event.is_set():
+ # We're stopped: do nothing
+ return False
+ # Prepare thread and start it
+ name = "{0}-{1}".format(, self._thread_id)
+ self._thread_id += 1
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__run, name=name)
+ thread.daemon = True
+ self._threads.append(thread)
+ thread.start()
+ return True
+ def stop(self):
+ """
+ Stops the thread pool. Does nothing if the pool is already stopped.
+ """
+ if self._done_event.is_set():
+ # Stop event set: we're stopped
+ return
+ # Set the stop event
+ self._done_event.set()
+ with self.__lock:
+ # Add something in the queue (to unlock the join())
+ try:
+ for _ in self._threads:
+ self._queue.put(self._done_event, True, self._timeout)
+ except queue.Full:
+ # There is already something in the queue
+ pass
+ # Copy the list of threads to wait for
+ threads = self._threads[:]
+ # Join threads outside the lock
+ for thread in threads:
+ while thread.is_alive():
+ # Wait 3 seconds
+ thread.join(3)
+ if thread.is_alive():
+ # Thread is still alive: something might be wrong
+ self._logger.warning("Thread %s is still alive...",
+ # Clear storage
+ del self._threads[:]
+ self.clear()
+ def enqueue(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Queues a task in the pool
+ :param method: Method to call
+ :return: A FutureResult object, to get the result of the task
+ :raise ValueError: Invalid method
+ :raise Full: The task queue is full
+ """
+ if not hasattr(method, '__call__'):
+ raise ValueError("{0} has no __call__ member."
+ .format(method.__name__))
+ # Prepare the future result object
+ future = FutureResult(self._logger)
+ # Use a lock, as we might be "resetting" the queue
+ with self.__lock:
+ # Add the task to the queue
+ self._queue.put((method, args, kwargs, future), True,
+ self._timeout)
+ if self.__nb_active_threads == self.__nb_threads:
+ # All threads are taken: start a new one
+ self.__start_thread()
+ return future
+ def clear(self):
+ """
+ Empties the current queue content.
+ Returns once the queue have been emptied.
+ """
+ with self.__lock:
+ # Empty the current queue
+ try:
+ while True:
+ self._queue.get_nowait()
+ self._queue.task_done()
+ except queue.Empty:
+ # Queue is now empty
+ pass
+ # Wait for the tasks currently executed
+ self.join()
+ def join(self, timeout=None):
+ """
+ Waits for all the tasks to be executed
+ :param timeout: Maximum time to wait (in seconds)
+ :return: True if the queue has been emptied, else False
+ """
+ if self._queue.empty():
+ # Nothing to wait for...
+ return True
+ elif timeout is None:
+ # Use the original join
+ self._queue.join()
+ return True
+ else:
+ # Wait for the condition
+ with self._queue.all_tasks_done:
+ self._queue.all_tasks_done.wait(timeout)
+ return not bool(self._queue.unfinished_tasks)
+ def __run(self):
+ """
+ The main loop
+ """
+ with self.__lock:
+ self.__nb_threads += 1
+ while not self._done_event.is_set():
+ try:
+ # Wait for an action (blocking)
+ task = self._queue.get(True, self._timeout)
+ if task is self._done_event:
+ # Stop event in the queue: get out
+ self._queue.task_done()
+ with self.__lock:
+ self.__nb_threads -= 1
+ return
+ except queue.Empty:
+ # Nothing to do yet
+ pass
+ else:
+ with self.__lock:
+ self.__nb_active_threads += 1
+ # Extract elements
+ method, args, kwargs, future = task
+ try:
+ # Call the method
+ future.execute(method, args, kwargs)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ self._logger.exception("Error executing %s: %s",
+ method.__name__, ex)
+ finally:
+ # Mark the action as executed
+ self._queue.task_done()
+ # Thread is not active anymore
+ self.__nb_active_threads -= 1
+ # Clean up thread if necessary
+ with self.__lock:
+ if self.__nb_threads > self._min_threads:
+ # No more work for this thread, and we're above the
+ # minimum number of threads: stop this one
+ self.__nb_threads -= 1
+ return
+ with self.__lock:
+ # Thread stops
+ self.__nb_threads -= 1