path: root/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane
diff options
authorimarom <>2016-11-30 15:04:59 +0200
committerimarom <>2016-11-30 15:04:59 +0200
commitb812770167d37125b3f3e1b0673517d8f83393ac (patch)
treeb99f73265f7f713995ed9ccdf5016e01c45b9ca9 /scripts/automation/trex_control_plane
parent5b4fcd558793cf7222cc260d8d5aead03cf1cb86 (diff)
parent3beb07058c3781d9f3ce888be636b6484f750c96 (diff)
merging with latest master
Signed-off-by: imarom <> Conflicts: src/main_dpdk.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/trex_control_plane')
2 files changed, 124 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stf/trex_stf_lib/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stf/trex_stf_lib/
index e9d2b8a0..5d992c6e 100755
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stf/trex_stf_lib/
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stf/trex_stf_lib/
@@ -150,10 +150,8 @@ class CTRexClient(object):
user = user or self.__default_user
d = int(d)
- if d < 30 and not trex_development: # test duration should be at least 30 seconds, unless trex_development flag is specified.
- raise ValueError
except ValueError:
- raise ValueError('d parameter must be integer, specifying how long TRex run, and must be larger than 30 secs.')
+ raise ValueError('d parameter must be integer, specifying how long TRex run.')
trex_cmd_options.update( {'f' : f, 'd' : d} )
if not trex_cmd_options.get('l'):
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/examples/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22cceb8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+import stl_path
+from trex_stl_lib.api import *
+import imp
+import time
+import json
+from pprint import pprint
+import argparse
+# IMIX test
+# it maps the ports to sides
+# then it load a predefind profile 'IMIX'
+# and attach it to both sides and inject
+# at a certain rate for some time
+# finally it checks that all packets arrived
+def imix_test (server):
+ # create client
+ c = STLClient(server = server)
+ passed = True
+ try:
+ # connect to server
+ c.connect()
+ # take all the ports
+ c.reset()
+ dir_0 = [0]
+ dir_1 = [1]
+ print "Mapped ports to sides {0} <--> {1}".format(dir_0, dir_1)
+ # load IMIX profile
+ profile_file = os.path.join(stl_path.STL_PROFILES_PATH, '')
+ profile1 = STLProfile.load_py(profile_file, direction=0)
+ profile2 = STLProfile.load_py(profile_file, direction=1)
+ stream1 = profile1.get_streams()
+ stream2 = profile2.get_streams()
+ # add both streams to ports
+ c.add_streams(stream1, ports = dir_0)
+ c.add_streams(stream2, ports = dir_1)
+ # clear the stats before injecting
+ c.clear_stats()
+ c.start(ports = (dir_0 + dir_1), mult = "100kpps", total = True)
+ while True:
+ for rate in range(200,3100,10):
+ # choose rate and start traffic for 10 seconds on 5 mpps
+ #mult = "30%"
+ my_mult = ("%dkpps"%rate)
+ print "Injecting {0} <--> {1} on total rate of '{2}' ".format(dir_0, dir_1, my_mult)
+ c.clear_stats()
+ c.update(ports = (dir_0 + dir_1), mult = my_mult)
+ #time.sleep(1);
+ # block until done
+ #c.wait_on_traffic(ports = (dir_0 + dir_1))
+ # read the stats after the test
+ stats = c.get_stats()
+ # use this for debug info on all the stats
+ pprint(stats)
+ # sum dir 0
+ dir_0_opackets = sum([stats[i]["opackets"] for i in dir_0])
+ dir_0_ipackets = sum([stats[i]["ipackets"] for i in dir_0])
+ # sum dir 1
+ dir_1_opackets = sum([stats[i]["opackets"] for i in dir_1])
+ dir_1_ipackets = sum([stats[i]["ipackets"] for i in dir_1])
+ lost_0 = dir_0_opackets - dir_1_ipackets
+ lost_1 = dir_1_opackets - dir_0_ipackets
+ print "\nPackets injected from {0}: {1:,}".format(dir_0, dir_0_opackets)
+ print "Packets injected from {0}: {1:,}".format(dir_1, dir_1_opackets)
+ print "\npackets lost from {0} --> {1}: {2:,} pkts".format(dir_0, dir_1, lost_0)
+ print "packets lost from {0} --> {1}: {2:,} pkts".format(dir_1, dir_0, lost_1)
+ if (lost_0 <= 0) and (lost_1 <= 0): # less or equal because we might have incoming arps etc.
+ passed = True
+ else:
+ passed = False
+ except STLError as e:
+ passed = False
+ print e
+ finally:
+ c.disconnect()
+ if passed:
+ print "\nTest has passed :-)\n"
+ else:
+ print "\nTest has failed :-(\n"
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Example for TRex Stateless, sending IMIX traffic")
+parser.add_argument('-s', '--server',
+ dest='server',
+ help='Remote trex address',
+ default='',
+ type = str)
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# run the tests