path: root/scripts/external_libs/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/
diff options
authorimarom <>2017-01-22 16:20:45 +0200
committerimarom <>2017-01-22 16:20:45 +0200
commit904eacd9be1230efb7ae0ab7997ec131b588ec8a (patch)
tree8e4bcd1b1a5f683efdb8f3eeb962acefc3201961 /scripts/external_libs/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/
parentd2f1c8451e2e8ffc47b208f68f9b16697d706d60 (diff)
parentb81cdb6c2d6d118c1c346e7c8dae6a5e747d867d (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into capture
Signed-off-by: imarom <> Conflicts: scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/ scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/ scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/ src/main_dpdk.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/external_libs/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/ b/scripts/external_libs/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ec43edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+import time
+import random
+import logging
+ from Queue import PriorityQueue, Empty
+except ImportError:
+ from queue import PriorityQueue, Empty
+from .exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+logger = logging.getLogger('elasticsearch')
+class ConnectionSelector(object):
+ """
+ Simple class used to select a connection from a list of currently live
+ connection instances. In init time it is passed a dictionary containing all
+ the connections' options which it can then use during the selection
+ process. When the `select` method is called it is given a list of
+ *currently* live connections to choose from.
+ The options dictionary is the one that has been passed to
+ :class:`~elasticsearch.Transport` as `hosts` param and the same that is
+ used to construct the Connection object itself. When the Connection was
+ created from information retrieved from the cluster via the sniffing
+ process it will be the dictionary returned by the `host_info_callback`.
+ Example of where this would be useful is a zone-aware selector that would
+ only select connections from it's own zones and only fall back to other
+ connections where there would be none in it's zones.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, opts):
+ """
+ :arg opts: dictionary of connection instances and their options
+ """
+ self.connection_opts = opts
+ def select(self, connections):
+ """
+ Select a connection from the given list.
+ :arg connections: list of live connections to choose from
+ """
+ pass
+class RandomSelector(ConnectionSelector):
+ """
+ Select a connection at random
+ """
+ def select(self, connections):
+ return random.choice(connections)
+class RoundRobinSelector(ConnectionSelector):
+ """
+ Selector using round-robin.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, opts):
+ super(RoundRobinSelector, self).__init__(opts)
+ self.rr = -1
+ def select(self, connections):
+ self.rr += 1
+ self.rr %= len(connections)
+ return connections[self.rr]
+class ConnectionPool(object):
+ """
+ Container holding the :class:`~elasticsearch.Connection` instances,
+ managing the selection process (via a
+ :class:`~elasticsearch.ConnectionSelector`) and dead connections.
+ It's only interactions are with the :class:`~elasticsearch.Transport` class
+ that drives all the actions within `ConnectionPool`.
+ Initially connections are stored on the class as a list and, along with the
+ connection options, get passed to the `ConnectionSelector` instance for
+ future reference.
+ Upon each request the `Transport` will ask for a `Connection` via the
+ `get_connection` method. If the connection fails (it's `perform_request`
+ raises a `ConnectionError`) it will be marked as dead (via `mark_dead`) and
+ put on a timeout (if it fails N times in a row the timeout is exponentially
+ longer - the formula is `default_timeout * 2 ** (fail_count - 1)`). When
+ the timeout is over the connection will be resurrected and returned to the
+ live pool. A connection that has been peviously marked as dead and
+ succeedes will be marked as live (it's fail count will be deleted).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, connections, dead_timeout=60, timeout_cutoff=5,
+ selector_class=RoundRobinSelector, randomize_hosts=True, **kwargs):
+ """
+ :arg connections: list of tuples containing the
+ :class:`~elasticsearch.Connection` instance and it's options
+ :arg dead_timeout: number of seconds a connection should be retired for
+ after a failure, increases on consecutive failures
+ :arg timeout_cutoff: number of consecutive failures after which the
+ timeout doesn't increase
+ :arg selector_class: :class:`~elasticsearch.ConnectionSelector`
+ subclass to use if more than one connection is live
+ :arg randomize_hosts: shuffle the list of connections upon arrival to
+ avoid dog piling effect across processes
+ """
+ if not connections:
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured("No defined connections, you need to "
+ "specify at least one host.")
+ self.connection_opts = connections
+ self.connections = [c for (c, opts) in connections]
+ # remember original connection list for resurrect(force=True)
+ self.orig_connections = tuple(self.connections)
+ # PriorityQueue for thread safety and ease of timeout management
+ self.dead = PriorityQueue(len(self.connections))
+ self.dead_count = {}
+ if randomize_hosts:
+ # randomize the connection list to avoid all clients hitting same node
+ # after startup/restart
+ random.shuffle(self.connections)
+ # default timeout after which to try resurrecting a connection
+ self.dead_timeout = dead_timeout
+ self.timeout_cutoff = timeout_cutoff
+ self.selector = selector_class(dict(connections))
+ def mark_dead(self, connection, now=None):
+ """
+ Mark the connection as dead (failed). Remove it from the live pool and
+ put it on a timeout.
+ :arg connection: the failed instance
+ """
+ # allow inject for testing purposes
+ now = now if now else time.time()
+ try:
+ self.connections.remove(connection)
+ except ValueError:
+ # connection not alive or another thread marked it already, ignore
+ return
+ else:
+ dead_count = self.dead_count.get(connection, 0) + 1
+ self.dead_count[connection] = dead_count
+ timeout = self.dead_timeout * 2 ** min(dead_count - 1, self.timeout_cutoff)
+ self.dead.put((now + timeout, connection))
+ logger.warning(
+ 'Connection %r has failed for %i times in a row, putting on %i second timeout.',
+ connection, dead_count, timeout
+ )
+ def mark_live(self, connection):
+ """
+ Mark connection as healthy after a resurrection. Resets the fail
+ counter for the connection.
+ :arg connection: the connection to redeem
+ """
+ try:
+ del self.dead_count[connection]
+ except KeyError:
+ # race condition, safe to ignore
+ pass
+ def resurrect(self, force=False):
+ """
+ Attempt to resurrect a connection from the dead pool. It will try to
+ locate one (not all) eligible (it's timeout is over) connection to
+ return to the live pool. Any resurrected connection is also returned.
+ :arg force: resurrect a connection even if there is none eligible (used
+ when we have no live connections). If force is specified resurrect
+ always returns a connection.
+ """
+ # no dead connections
+ if self.dead.empty():
+ # we are forced to return a connection, take one from the original
+ # list. This is to avoid a race condition where get_connection can
+ # see no live connections but when it calls resurrect self.dead is
+ # also empty. We assume that other threat has resurrected all
+ # available connections so we can safely return one at random.
+ if force:
+ return random.choice(self.orig_connections)
+ return
+ try:
+ # retrieve a connection to check
+ timeout, connection = self.dead.get(block=False)
+ except Empty:
+ # other thread has been faster and the queue is now empty. If we
+ # are forced, return a connection at random again.
+ if force:
+ return random.choice(self.orig_connections)
+ return
+ if not force and timeout > time.time():
+ # return it back if not eligible and not forced
+ self.dead.put((timeout, connection))
+ return
+ # either we were forced or the connection is elligible to be retried
+ self.connections.append(connection)
+'Resurrecting connection %r (force=%s).', connection, force)
+ return connection
+ def get_connection(self):
+ """
+ Return a connection from the pool using the `ConnectionSelector`
+ instance.
+ It tries to resurrect eligible connections, forces a resurrection when
+ no connections are availible and passes the list of live connections to
+ the selector instance to choose from.
+ Returns a connection instance and it's current fail count.
+ """
+ self.resurrect()
+ connections = self.connections[:]
+ # no live nodes, resurrect one by force and return it
+ if not connections:
+ return self.resurrect(True)
+ # only call selector if we have a selection
+ if len(connections) > 1:
+ return
+ # only one connection, no need for a selector
+ return connections[0]
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ Explicitly closes connections
+ """
+ for conn in self.orig_connections:
+ conn.close()
+class DummyConnectionPool(ConnectionPool):
+ def __init__(self, connections, **kwargs):
+ if len(connections) != 1:
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured("DummyConnectionPool needs exactly one "
+ "connection defined.")
+ # we need connection opts for sniffing logic
+ self.connection_opts = connections
+ self.connection = connections[0][0]
+ self.connections = (self.connection, )
+ def get_connection(self):
+ return self.connection
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ Explicitly closes connections
+ """
+ self.connection.close()
+ def _noop(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ mark_dead = mark_live = resurrect = _noop