path: root/scripts/external_libs/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/
diff options
authorimarom <>2017-01-22 16:20:45 +0200
committerimarom <>2017-01-22 16:20:45 +0200
commit904eacd9be1230efb7ae0ab7997ec131b588ec8a (patch)
tree8e4bcd1b1a5f683efdb8f3eeb962acefc3201961 /scripts/external_libs/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/
parentd2f1c8451e2e8ffc47b208f68f9b16697d706d60 (diff)
parentb81cdb6c2d6d118c1c346e7c8dae6a5e747d867d (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into capture
Signed-off-by: imarom <> Conflicts: scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/ scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/ scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/ src/main_dpdk.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/external_libs/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/ b/scripts/external_libs/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..352ad717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+import time
+from itertools import chain
+from .connection import Urllib3HttpConnection
+from .connection_pool import ConnectionPool, DummyConnectionPool
+from .serializer import JSONSerializer, Deserializer, DEFAULT_SERIALIZERS
+from .exceptions import ConnectionError, TransportError, SerializationError, \
+ ConnectionTimeout, ImproperlyConfigured
+def get_host_info(node_info, host):
+ """
+ Simple callback that takes the node info from `/_cluster/nodes` and a
+ parsed connection information and return the connection information. If
+ `None` is returned this node will be skipped.
+ Useful for filtering nodes (by proximity for example) or if additional
+ information needs to be provided for the :class:`~elasticsearch.Connection`
+ class. By default master only nodes are filtered out since they shouldn't
+ typically be used for API operations.
+ :arg node_info: node information from `/_cluster/nodes`
+ :arg host: connection information (host, port) extracted from the node info
+ """
+ attrs = node_info.get('attributes', {})
+ # ignore master only nodes
+ if (attrs.get('data', 'true') == 'false' and
+ attrs.get('client', 'false') == 'false' and
+ attrs.get('master', 'true') == 'true'):
+ return None
+ return host
+class Transport(object):
+ """
+ Encapsulation of transport-related to logic. Handles instantiation of the
+ individual connections as well as creating a connection pool to hold them.
+ Main interface is the `perform_request` method.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, hosts, connection_class=Urllib3HttpConnection,
+ connection_pool_class=ConnectionPool, host_info_callback=get_host_info,
+ sniff_on_start=False, sniffer_timeout=None, sniff_timeout=.1,
+ sniff_on_connection_fail=False, serializer=JSONSerializer(), serializers=None,
+ default_mimetype='application/json', max_retries=3, retry_on_status=(502, 503, 504, ),
+ retry_on_timeout=False, send_get_body_as='GET', **kwargs):
+ """
+ :arg hosts: list of dictionaries, each containing keyword arguments to
+ create a `connection_class` instance
+ :arg connection_class: subclass of :class:`~elasticsearch.Connection` to use
+ :arg connection_pool_class: subclass of :class:`~elasticsearch.ConnectionPool` to use
+ :arg host_info_callback: callback responsible for taking the node information from
+ `/_cluser/nodes`, along with already extracted information, and
+ producing a list of arguments (same as `hosts` parameter)
+ :arg sniff_on_start: flag indicating whether to obtain a list of nodes
+ from the cluser at startup time
+ :arg sniffer_timeout: number of seconds between automatic sniffs
+ :arg sniff_on_connection_fail: flag controlling if connection failure triggers a sniff
+ :arg sniff_timeout: timeout used for the sniff request - it should be a
+ fast api call and we are talking potentially to more nodes so we want
+ to fail quickly. Not used during initial sniffing (if
+ ``sniff_on_start`` is on) when the connection still isn't
+ initialized.
+ :arg serializer: serializer instance
+ :arg serializers: optional dict of serializer instances that will be
+ used for deserializing data coming from the server. (key is the mimetype)
+ :arg default_mimetype: when no mimetype is specified by the server
+ response assume this mimetype, defaults to `'application/json'`
+ :arg max_retries: maximum number of retries before an exception is propagated
+ :arg retry_on_status: set of HTTP status codes on which we should retry
+ on a different node. defaults to ``(502, 503, 504)``
+ :arg retry_on_timeout: should timeout trigger a retry on different
+ node? (default `False`)
+ :arg send_get_body_as: for GET requests with body this option allows
+ you to specify an alternate way of execution for environments that
+ don't support passing bodies with GET requests. If you set this to
+ 'POST' a POST method will be used instead, if to 'source' then the body
+ will be serialized and passed as a query parameter `source`.
+ Any extra keyword arguments will be passed to the `connection_class`
+ when creating and instance unless overriden by that connection's
+ options provided as part of the hosts parameter.
+ """
+ # serialization config
+ _serializers = DEFAULT_SERIALIZERS.copy()
+ # if a serializer has been specified, use it for deserialization as well
+ _serializers[serializer.mimetype] = serializer
+ # if custom serializers map has been supplied, override the defaults with it
+ if serializers:
+ _serializers.update(serializers)
+ # create a deserializer with our config
+ self.deserializer = Deserializer(_serializers, default_mimetype)
+ self.max_retries = max_retries
+ self.retry_on_timeout = retry_on_timeout
+ self.retry_on_status = retry_on_status
+ self.send_get_body_as = send_get_body_as
+ # data serializer
+ self.serializer = serializer
+ # store all strategies...
+ self.connection_pool_class = connection_pool_class
+ self.connection_class = connection_class
+ # kwargs to be passed to the connections
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ self.hosts = hosts
+ # ...and instantiate them
+ self.set_connections(hosts)
+ # retain the original connection instances for sniffing
+ self.seed_connections = self.connection_pool.connections[:]
+ # sniffing data
+ self.sniffer_timeout = sniffer_timeout
+ self.sniff_on_connection_fail = sniff_on_connection_fail
+ self.last_sniff = time.time()
+ self.sniff_timeout = sniff_timeout
+ # callback to construct host dict from data in /_cluster/nodes
+ self.host_info_callback = host_info_callback
+ if sniff_on_start:
+ self.sniff_hosts(True)
+ def add_connection(self, host):
+ """
+ Create a new :class:`~elasticsearch.Connection` instance and add it to the pool.
+ :arg host: kwargs that will be used to create the instance
+ """
+ self.hosts.append(host)
+ self.set_connections(self.hosts)
+ def set_connections(self, hosts):
+ """
+ Instantiate all the connections and crate new connection pool to hold
+ them. Tries to identify unchanged hosts and re-use existing
+ :class:`~elasticsearch.Connection` instances.
+ :arg hosts: same as `__init__`
+ """
+ # construct the connections
+ def _create_connection(host):
+ # if this is not the initial setup look at the existing connection
+ # options and identify connections that haven't changed and can be
+ # kept around.
+ if hasattr(self, 'connection_pool'):
+ for (connection, old_host) in self.connection_pool.connection_opts:
+ if old_host == host:
+ return connection
+ # previously unseen params, create new connection
+ kwargs = self.kwargs.copy()
+ kwargs.update(host)
+ if 'scheme' in host and host['scheme'] != self.connection_class.transport_schema:
+ raise ImproperlyConfigured(
+ 'Scheme specified in connection (%s) is not the same as the connection class (%s) specifies (%s).' % (
+ host['scheme'], self.connection_class.__name__, self.connection_class.transport_schema
+ ))
+ return self.connection_class(**kwargs)
+ connections = map(_create_connection, hosts)
+ connections = list(zip(connections, hosts))
+ if len(connections) == 1:
+ self.connection_pool = DummyConnectionPool(connections)
+ else:
+ # pass the hosts dicts to the connection pool to optionally extract parameters from
+ self.connection_pool = self.connection_pool_class(connections, **self.kwargs)
+ def get_connection(self):
+ """
+ Retreive a :class:`~elasticsearch.Connection` instance from the
+ :class:`~elasticsearch.ConnectionPool` instance.
+ """
+ if self.sniffer_timeout:
+ if time.time() >= self.last_sniff + self.sniffer_timeout:
+ self.sniff_hosts()
+ return self.connection_pool.get_connection()
+ def _get_sniff_data(self, initial=False):
+ """
+ Perform the request to get sniffins information. Returns a list of
+ dictionaries (one per node) containing all the information from the
+ cluster.
+ It also sets the last_sniff attribute in case of a successful attempt.
+ In rare cases it might be possible to override this method in your
+ custom Transport class to serve data from alternative source like
+ configuration management.
+ """
+ previous_sniff = self.last_sniff
+ try:
+ # reset last_sniff timestamp
+ self.last_sniff = time.time()
+ # go through all current connections as well as the
+ # seed_connections for good measure
+ for c in chain(self.connection_pool.connections, self.seed_connections):
+ try:
+ # use small timeout for the sniffing request, should be a fast api call
+ _, headers, node_info = c.perform_request('GET', '/_nodes/_all/clear',
+ timeout=self.sniff_timeout if not initial else None)
+ node_info = self.deserializer.loads(node_info, headers.get('content-type'))
+ break
+ except (ConnectionError, SerializationError):
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise TransportError("N/A", "Unable to sniff hosts.")
+ except:
+ # keep the previous value on error
+ self.last_sniff = previous_sniff
+ raise
+ return list(node_info['nodes'].values())
+ def _get_host_info(self, host_info):
+ address_key = self.connection_class.transport_schema + '_address'
+ host = {}
+ address = host_info.get(address_key, '')
+ if '/' in address:
+ host['host'], address = address.split('/', 1)
+ # malformed address
+ if ':' not in address:
+ return None
+ ip, port = address.rsplit(':', 1)
+ # use the ip if not overridden by publish_host
+ host.setdefault('host', ip)
+ host['port'] = int(port)
+ return self.host_info_callback(host_info, host)
+ def sniff_hosts(self, initial=False):
+ """
+ Obtain a list of nodes from the cluster and create a new connection
+ pool using the information retrieved.
+ To extract the node connection parameters use the ``nodes_to_host_callback``.
+ :arg initial: flag indicating if this is during startup
+ (``sniff_on_start``), ignore the ``sniff_timeout`` if ``True``
+ """
+ node_info = self._get_sniff_data(initial)
+ hosts = list(filter(None, (self._get_host_info(n) for n in node_info)))
+ # we weren't able to get any nodes, maybe using an incompatible
+ # transport_schema or host_info_callback blocked all - raise error.
+ if not hosts:
+ raise TransportError("N/A", "Unable to sniff hosts - no viable hosts found.")
+ self.set_connections(hosts)
+ def mark_dead(self, connection):
+ """
+ Mark a connection as dead (failed) in the connection pool. If sniffing
+ on failure is enabled this will initiate the sniffing process.
+ :arg connection: instance of :class:`~elasticsearch.Connection` that failed
+ """
+ # mark as dead even when sniffing to avoid hitting this host during the sniff process
+ self.connection_pool.mark_dead(connection)
+ if self.sniff_on_connection_fail:
+ self.sniff_hosts()
+ def perform_request(self, method, url, params=None, body=None):
+ """
+ Perform the actual request. Retrieve a connection from the connection
+ pool, pass all the information to it's perform_request method and
+ return the data.
+ If an exception was raised, mark the connection as failed and retry (up
+ to `max_retries` times).
+ If the operation was succesful and the connection used was previously
+ marked as dead, mark it as live, resetting it's failure count.
+ :arg method: HTTP method to use
+ :arg url: absolute url (without host) to target
+ :arg params: dictionary of query parameters, will be handed over to the
+ underlying :class:`~elasticsearch.Connection` class for serialization
+ :arg body: body of the request, will be serializes using serializer and
+ passed to the connection
+ """
+ if body is not None:
+ body = self.serializer.dumps(body)
+ # some clients or environments don't support sending GET with body
+ if method in ('HEAD', 'GET') and self.send_get_body_as != 'GET':
+ # send it as post instead
+ if self.send_get_body_as == 'POST':
+ method = 'POST'
+ # or as source parameter
+ elif self.send_get_body_as == 'source':
+ if params is None:
+ params = {}
+ params['source'] = body
+ body = None
+ if body is not None:
+ try:
+ body = body.encode('utf-8')
+ except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):
+ # bytes/str - no need to re-encode
+ pass
+ ignore = ()
+ timeout = None
+ if params:
+ timeout = params.pop('request_timeout', None)
+ ignore = params.pop('ignore', ())
+ if isinstance(ignore, int):
+ ignore = (ignore, )
+ for attempt in range(self.max_retries + 1):
+ connection = self.get_connection()
+ try:
+ status, headers, data = connection.perform_request(method, url, params, body, ignore=ignore, timeout=timeout)
+ except TransportError as e:
+ if method == 'HEAD' and e.status_code == 404:
+ return False
+ retry = False
+ if isinstance(e, ConnectionTimeout):
+ retry = self.retry_on_timeout
+ elif isinstance(e, ConnectionError):
+ retry = True
+ elif e.status_code in self.retry_on_status:
+ retry = True
+ if retry:
+ # only mark as dead if we are retrying
+ self.mark_dead(connection)
+ # raise exception on last retry
+ if attempt == self.max_retries:
+ raise
+ else:
+ raise
+ else:
+ if method == 'HEAD':
+ return 200 <= status < 300
+ # connection didn't fail, confirm it's live status
+ self.connection_pool.mark_live(connection)
+ if data:
+ data = self.deserializer.loads(data, headers.get('content-type'))
+ return data
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ Explcitly closes connections
+ """
+ self.connection_pool.close()