path: root/scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/python2/nose/plugins/
diff options
authorimarom <>2016-03-23 10:43:40 +0200
committerimarom <>2016-03-23 13:01:10 +0200
commit89a2be8247936e2d3d8323c0e51a86c198a879a2 (patch)
tree3433141e9eb84d35816c938308347686608ae6a3 /scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/python2/nose/plugins/
parenta380bf1055c6cb4432b1c928f73a3ca3ada52d9d (diff)
yes...again Python3....
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/python2/nose/plugins/')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/python2/nose/plugins/ b/scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/python2/nose/plugins/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..08ee8f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/nose-1.3.4/python2/nose/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+Writing Plugins
+nose supports plugins for test collection, selection, observation and
+reporting. There are two basic rules for plugins:
+* Plugin classes should subclass :class:`nose.plugins.Plugin`.
+* Plugins may implement any of the methods described in the class
+ :doc:`IPluginInterface <interface>` in nose.plugins.base. Please note that
+ this class is for documentary purposes only; plugins may not subclass
+ IPluginInterface.
+Hello World
+Here's a basic plugin. It doesn't do much so read on for more ideas or dive
+into the :doc:`IPluginInterface <interface>` to see all available hooks.
+.. code-block:: python
+ import logging
+ import os
+ from nose.plugins import Plugin
+ log = logging.getLogger('nose.plugins.helloworld')
+ class HelloWorld(Plugin):
+ name = 'helloworld'
+ def options(self, parser, env=os.environ):
+ super(HelloWorld, self).options(parser, env=env)
+ def configure(self, options, conf):
+ super(HelloWorld, self).configure(options, conf)
+ if not self.enabled:
+ return
+ def finalize(self, result):
+'Hello pluginized world!')
+.. Note::
+ Important note: the following applies only to the default
+ plugin manager. Other plugin managers may use different means to
+ locate and load plugins.
+For nose to find a plugin, it must be part of a package that uses
+setuptools_, and the plugin must be included in the entry points defined
+in the for the package:
+.. code-block:: python
+ setup(name='Some plugin',
+ # ...
+ entry_points = {
+ 'nose.plugins.0.10': [
+ 'someplugin = someplugin:SomePlugin'
+ ]
+ },
+ # ...
+ )
+Once the package is installed with install or develop, nose will be able
+to load the plugin.
+.. _setuptools:
+Registering a plugin without setuptools
+It is currently possible to register a plugin programmatically by
+creating a custom nose runner like this :
+.. code-block:: python
+ import nose
+ from yourplugin import YourPlugin
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ nose.main(addplugins=[YourPlugin()])
+Defining options
+All plugins must implement the methods ``options(self, parser, env)``
+and ``configure(self, options, conf)``. Subclasses of nose.plugins.Plugin
+that want the standard options should call the superclass methods.
+nose uses optparse.OptionParser from the standard library to parse
+arguments. A plugin's ``options()`` method receives a parser
+instance. It's good form for a plugin to use that instance only to add
+additional arguments that take only long arguments (--like-this). Most
+of nose's built-in arguments get their default value from an environment
+A plugin's ``configure()`` method receives the parsed ``OptionParser`` options
+object, as well as the current config object. Plugins should configure their
+behavior based on the user-selected settings, and may raise exceptions
+if the configured behavior is nonsensical.
+nose uses the logging classes from the standard library. To enable users
+to view debug messages easily, plugins should use ``logging.getLogger()`` to
+acquire a logger in the ``nose.plugins`` namespace.
+* Writing a plugin that monitors or controls test result output
+ Implement any or all of ``addError``, ``addFailure``, etc., to monitor test
+ results. If you also want to monitor output, implement
+ ``setOutputStream`` and keep a reference to the output stream. If you
+ want to prevent the builtin ``TextTestResult`` output, implement
+ ``setOutputSteam`` and *return a dummy stream*. The default output will go
+ to the dummy stream, while you send your desired output to the real stream.
+ Example: `examples/html_plugin/`_
+* Writing a plugin that handles exceptions
+ Subclass :doc:`ErrorClassPlugin <errorclasses>`.
+ Examples: :doc:`nose.plugins.deprecated <deprecated>`,
+ :doc:`nose.plugins.skip <skip>`
+* Writing a plugin that adds detail to error reports
+ Implement ``formatError`` and/or ``formatFailure``. The error tuple
+ you return (error class, error message, traceback) will replace the
+ original error tuple.
+ Examples: :doc:`nose.plugins.capture <capture>`,
+ :doc:`nose.plugins.failuredetail <failuredetail>`
+* Writing a plugin that loads tests from files other than python modules
+ Implement ``wantFile`` and ``loadTestsFromFile``. In ``wantFile``,
+ return True for files that you want to examine for tests. In
+ ``loadTestsFromFile``, for those files, return an iterable
+ containing TestCases (or yield them as you find them;
+ ``loadTestsFromFile`` may also be a generator).
+ Example: :doc:`nose.plugins.doctests <doctests>`
+* Writing a plugin that prints a report
+ Implement ``begin`` if you need to perform setup before testing
+ begins. Implement ``report`` and output your report to the provided stream.
+ Examples: :doc:`nose.plugins.cover <cover>`, :doc:` <prof>`
+* Writing a plugin that selects or rejects tests
+ Implement any or all ``want*`` methods. Return False to reject the test
+ candidate, True to accept it -- which means that the test candidate
+ will pass through the rest of the system, so you must be prepared to
+ load tests from it if tests can't be loaded by the core loader or
+ another plugin -- and None if you don't care.
+ Examples: :doc:`nose.plugins.attrib <attrib>`,
+ :doc:`nose.plugins.doctests <doctests>`, :doc:`nose.plugins.testid <testid>`
+More Examples
+See any builtin plugin or example plugin in the examples_ directory in
+the nose source distribution. There is a list of third-party plugins
+`on jottit`_.
+.. _examples/html_plugin/
+.. _examples:
+.. _on jottit:
+from nose.plugins.base import Plugin
+from nose.plugins.manager import *
+from nose.plugins.plugintest import PluginTester
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import doctest
+ doctest.testmod()