path: root/scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/python3/scapy/contrib/
diff options
authorimarom <>2016-03-21 16:03:47 +0200
committerimarom <>2016-03-21 16:03:47 +0200
commitb89efa188810bf95a9d245e69e2961b5721c3b0f (patch)
tree454273ac6c4ae972ebb8a2c86b893296970b4fa9 /scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/python3/scapy/contrib/
parentf72c6df9d2e9998ae1f3529d729ab7930b35785a (diff)
scapy python 2/3
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/python3/scapy/contrib/')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/python3/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/python3/scapy/contrib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..525dac5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/python3/scapy/contrib/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# scapy.contrib.description = BGP
+# scapy.contrib.status = loads
+from scapy.packet import *
+from scapy.fields import *
+from scapy.layers.inet import TCP
+class BGPIPField(Field):
+ """Represents how bgp dose an ip prefix in (length, prefix)"""
+ def mask2iplen(self,mask):
+ """turn the mask into the length in bytes of the ip field"""
+ return (mask + 7) // 8
+ def h2i(self, pkt, h):
+ """human x.x.x.x/y to internal"""
+ ip,mask = re.split( '/', h)
+ return int(mask), ip
+ def i2h( self, pkt, i):
+ mask, ip = i
+ return ip + '/' + str( mask )
+ def i2repr( self, pkt, i):
+ """make it look nice"""
+ return self.i2h(pkt,i)
+ def i2len(self, pkt, i):
+ """rely on integer division"""
+ mask, ip = i
+ return self.mask2iplen(mask) + 1
+ def i2m(self, pkt, i):
+ """internal (ip as bytes, mask as int) to machine"""
+ mask, ip = i
+ ip = inet_aton( ip )
+ return struct.pack(">B",mask) + ip[:self.mask2iplen(mask)]
+ def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
+ return s+self.i2m(pkt, val)
+ def getfield(self, pkt, s):
+ l = self.mask2iplen( struct.unpack(">B",s[0])[0] ) + 1
+ return s[l:], self.m2i(pkt,s[:l])
+ def m2i(self,pkt,m):
+ mask = struct.unpack(">B",m[0])[0]
+ ip = "".join( [ m[i + 1] if i < self.mask2iplen(mask) else '\x00' for i in range(4)] )
+ return (mask,inet_ntoa(ip))
+class BGPHeader(Packet):
+ """The first part of any BGP packet"""
+ name = "BGP header"
+ fields_desc = [
+ XBitField("marker",0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, 0x80 ),
+ ShortField("len", None),
+ ByteEnumField("type", 4, {0:"none", 1:"open",2:"update",3:"notification",4:"keep_alive"}),
+ ]
+ def post_build(self, p, pay):
+ if self.len is None and pay:
+ l = len(p) + len(pay)
+ p = p[:16]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[18:]
+ return p+pay
+class BGPOptionalParameter(Packet):
+ """Format of optional Parameter for BGP Open"""
+ name = "BGP Optional Parameters"
+ fields_desc = [
+ ByteField("type", 2),
+ ByteField("len", None),
+ StrLenField("value", "", length_from = lambda x: x.len),
+ ]
+ def post_build(self,p,pay):
+ if self.len is None:
+ l = len(p) - 2 # 2 is length without value
+ p = p[:1]+struct.pack("!B", l)+p[2:]
+ return p+pay
+ def extract_padding(self, p):
+ """any thing after this packet is extracted is padding"""
+ return "",p
+class BGPOpen(Packet):
+ """ Opens a new BGP session"""
+ name = "BGP Open Header"
+ fields_desc = [
+ ByteField("version", 4),
+ ShortField("AS", 0),
+ ShortField("hold_time", 0),
+ IPField("bgp_id",""),
+ ByteField("opt_parm_len", None),
+ PacketListField("opt_parm",[], BGPOptionalParameter, length_from=lambda p:p.opt_parm_len),
+ ]
+ def post_build(self, p, pay):
+ if self.opt_parm_len is None:
+ l = len(p) - 10 # 10 is regular length with no additional options
+ p = p[:9] + struct.pack("!B",l) +p[10:]
+ return p+pay
+class BGPAuthenticationData(Packet):
+ name = "BGP Authentication Data"
+ fields_desc = [
+ ByteField("AuthenticationCode", 0),
+ ByteField("FormMeaning", 0),
+ FieldLenField("Algorithm", 0),
+ ]
+class BGPPathAttribute(Packet):
+ "the attribute of total path"
+ name = "BGP Attribute fields"
+ fields_desc = [
+ FlagsField("flags", 0x40, 8, ["NA0","NA1","NA2","NA3","Extended-Length","Partial","Transitive","Optional"]), #Extened leght may not work
+ ByteEnumField("type", 1, {1:"ORIGIN", 2:"AS_PATH", 3:"NEXT_HOP", 4:"MULTI_EXIT_DISC", 5:"LOCAL_PREF", 6:"ATOMIC_AGGREGATE", 7:"AGGREGATOR"}),
+ ByteField("attr_len", None),
+ StrLenField("value", "", length_from = lambda p: p.attr_len),
+ ]
+ def post_build(self, p, pay):
+ if self.attr_len is None:
+ l = len(p) - 3 # 3 is regular length with no additional options
+ p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!B",l) +p[3:]
+ return p+pay
+ def extract_padding(self, p):
+ """any thing after this packet is extracted is padding"""
+ return "",p
+class BGPUpdate(Packet):
+ """Update the routes WithdrawnRoutes = UnfeasiableRoutes"""
+ name = "BGP Update fields"
+ fields_desc = [
+ ShortField("withdrawn_len", None),
+ FieldListField("withdrawn",[], BGPIPField("",""), length_from=lambda p:p.withdrawn_len),
+ ShortField("tp_len", None),
+ PacketListField("total_path", [], BGPPathAttribute, length_from = lambda p: p.tp_len),
+ FieldListField("nlri",[], BGPIPField("",""), length_from=lambda p:p.underlayer.len - 23 - p.tp_len - p.withdrawn_len), # len should be BGPHeader.len
+ ]
+ def post_build(self,p,pay):
+ wl = self.withdrawn_len
+ subpacklen = lambda p: len ( str( p ))
+ subfieldlen = lambda p: BGPIPField("", "").i2len(self, p )
+ if wl is None:
+ wl = sum ( map ( subfieldlen , self.withdrawn))
+ p = p[:0]+struct.pack("!H", wl)+p[2:]
+ if self.tp_len is None:
+ l = sum ( map ( subpacklen , self.total_path))
+ p = p[:2+wl]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4+wl:]
+ return p+pay
+class BGPNotification(Packet):
+ name = "BGP Notification fields"
+ fields_desc = [
+ ByteEnumField("ErrorCode",0,{1:"Message Header Error",2:"OPEN Message Error",3:"UPDATE Messsage Error",4:"Hold Timer Expired",5:"Finite State Machine",6:"Cease"}),
+ ByteEnumField("ErrorSubCode",0,{1:"MessageHeader",2:"OPENMessage",3:"UPDATEMessage"}),
+ LongField("Data", 0),
+ ]
+class BGPErrorSubcodes(Packet):
+ name = "BGP Error Subcodes"
+ Fields_desc = [
+ ByteEnumField("MessageHeader",0,{1:"Connection Not Synchronized",2:"Bad Message Length",3:"Bad Messsage Type"}),
+ ByteEnumField("OPENMessage",0,{1:"Unsupported Version Number",2:"Bad Peer AS",3:"Bad BGP Identifier",4:"Unsupported Optional Parameter",5:"Authentication Failure",6:"Unacceptable Hold Time"}),
+ ByteEnumField("UPDATEMessage",0,{1:"Malformed Attribute List",2:"Unrecognized Well-Known Attribute",3:"Missing Well-Known Attribute",4:"Attribute Flags Error",5:"Attribute Length Error",6:"Invalid ORIGIN Attribute",7:"AS Routing Loop",8:"Invalid NEXT_HOP Attribute",9:"Optional Attribute Error",10:"Invalid Network Field",11:"Malformed AS_PATH"}),
+ ]
+bind_layers( TCP, BGPHeader, dport=179)
+bind_layers( TCP, BGPHeader, sport=179)
+bind_layers( BGPHeader, BGPOpen, type=1)
+bind_layers( BGPHeader, BGPUpdate, type=2)
+bind_layers( BGPHeader, BGPHeader, type=4)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="BGP addon .05")