path: root/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch
diff options
authorHanoh Haim <>2016-03-21 12:55:16 +0200
committerHanoh Haim <>2016-03-21 12:55:16 +0200
commit1831e9bbc03484b078dbd604dfec0e025cea8eca (patch)
tree96ffe76ee50a29f8eea36ada1cc21738de09bcb7 /scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch
parent33c80d0f2c3af8b302e50ce3925869dfd37267ed (diff)
scapy 3-0.18 with trex client diff
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch')
9 files changed, 2868 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0066e049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+## This file is part of Scapy
+## See for more informations
+## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
+## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
+Operating system specific functionality.
+import sys,os,socket
+from scapy.error import *
+import scapy.config
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ if scapy.config.conf.interactive:
+ plt.ion()
+except ImportError:
+"Can't import matplotlib. Not critical, but won't be able to plot.")
+ import networkx as nx
+except ImportError:
+"Can't import networkx. Not criticial, but won't be able to draw network graphs.")
+ NETWORKX = False
+ import pyx
+ PYX=1
+except ImportError:
+"Can't import PyX. Won't be able to use psdump() or pdfdump().")
+ PYX=0
+def str2mac(s):
+ #return ("%02x:"*6)[:-1] % tuple(map(ord, s))
+ return ("%02x:"*6)[:-1] % tuple(s)
+def get_if_addr(iff):
+ return socket.inet_ntoa(get_if_raw_addr(iff))
+def get_if_hwaddr(iff):
+ mac = get_if_raw_hwaddr(iff)
+ return str2mac(mac)
+NETBSD = sys.platform.startswith("netbsd")
+X86_64 = not WINDOWS and (os.uname()[4] == 'x86_64')
+# log_loading.warning("Windows support for scapy3k is currently in testing. Sniffing/sending/receiving packets should be working with WinPcap driver and Powershell. Create issues at")
+# Next step is to import following architecture specific functions:
+# def get_if_raw_hwaddr(iff)
+# def get_if_raw_addr(iff):
+# def get_if_list():
+# def get_working_if():
+# def attach_filter(s, filter):
+# def set_promisc(s,iff,val=1):
+# def read_routes():
+# def get_if(iff,cmd):
+# def get_if_index(iff):
+if LINUX:
+ from .linux import *
+ if scapy.config.conf.use_winpcapy or scapy.config.conf.use_netifaces:
+ from pcapdnet import *
+ from .bsd import *
+elif SOLARIS:
+ from .solaris import *
+elif WINDOWS:
+ pass;
+ #from .windows import *
+if scapy.config.conf.iface is None:
+ scapy.config.conf.iface = LOOPBACK_NAME
+def get_if_raw_addr6(iff):
+ """
+ Returns the main global unicast address associated with provided
+ interface, in network format. If no global address is found, None
+ is returned.
+ """
+ #r = filter(lambda x: x[2] == iff and x[1] == IPV6_ADDR_GLOBAL, in6_getifaddr())
+ r = [ x for x in in6_getifaddr() if x[2] == iff and x[1] == IPV6_ADDR_GLOBAL]
+ if len(r) == 0:
+ return None
+ else:
+ r = r[0][0]
+ return inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, r)
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4220308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+## This file is part of Scapy
+## See for more informations
+## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
+## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
+Support for BSD-like operating systems such as FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Mac OS X.
+from .unix import *
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98ebf084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+from ctypes import *
+from ctypes.util import find_library
+import sys
+if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ WIN=True
+if WIN:
+ SOCKET = c_uint
+ _lib=CDLL('dnet')
+ SOCKET = c_int
+ _lib_name = find_library('dnet')
+ if not _lib_name:
+ raise OSError("Cannot find")
+ _lib=CDLL(_lib_name)
+IP6_ADDR_LEN = 16
+uint8_t = c_ubyte
+uint16_t = c_ushort
+uint32_t = c_uint
+ssize_t = c_long
+dnet_ip_addr_t = uint32_t
+dnet_intf_name = c_char * INTF_NAME_LEN
+class dnet_intf_list(Structure):
+ pass
+dnet_intf_list._fields_ = [ ('length', c_int),
+ ('interfaces', dnet_intf_name * 20) ]
+class dnet_eth_addr(Structure):
+ pass
+dnet_eth_addr._fields_ = [ ('data', uint8_t * ETH_ADDR_LEN) ]
+dnet_eth_addr_t = dnet_eth_addr
+class dnet_ip6_addr(Structure):
+ pass
+dnet_ip6_addr._fields_ = [ ('data', uint8_t * IP6_ADDR_LEN) ]
+dnet_ip6_addr_t = dnet_ip6_addr
+class dnet_addr_u(Union):
+ pass
+dnet_addr_u._fields_ = [ ('eth', dnet_eth_addr_t),
+ ('ip', dnet_ip_addr_t),
+ ('ip6', dnet_ip6_addr_t),
+ ('data8', uint8_t * 16),
+ ('data16', uint16_t * 8),
+ ('data32', uint32_t * 4) ]
+class dnet_addr(Structure):
+ pass
+dnet_addr._anonymous_ = ('__addr_u', )
+dnet_addr._fields_ = [ ('addr_type', uint16_t),
+ ('addr_bits', uint16_t),
+ ('__addr_u', dnet_addr_u) ]
+class dnet_intf_entry(Structure):
+ pass
+dnet_intf_entry._fields_ = [ ('intf_len', c_uint),
+ ('intf_name', c_char * INTF_NAME_LEN),
+ ('intf_type', c_ushort),
+ ('intf_flags', c_ushort),
+ ('intf_mtu', c_uint),
+ ('intf_addr', dnet_addr),
+ ('intf_dst_addr', dnet_addr),
+ ('intf_link_addr', dnet_addr),
+ ('intf_alias_num', c_uint),
+ ('intf_alias_addrs', dnet_addr * INTF_ALIAS_COUNT) ]
+eth_t = c_void_p
+intf_t = c_void_p
+ip_t = c_void_p
+dnet_intf_handler = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(dnet_intf_entry), POINTER(c_void_p))
+dnet_eth_open = _lib.eth_open
+dnet_eth_open.restype = POINTER(eth_t)
+dnet_eth_open.argtypes = [ POINTER(c_char) ]
+dnet_eth_get = _lib.eth_get
+dnet_eth_get.restype = c_int
+dnet_eth_get.argtypes = [ POINTER(eth_t), POINTER(dnet_eth_addr_t) ]
+dnet_eth_set = _lib.eth_set
+dnet_eth_set.restype = c_int
+dnet_eth_set.argtypes = [ POINTER(eth_t), POINTER(dnet_eth_addr_t) ]
+dnet_eth_send = _lib.eth_send
+dnet_eth_send.restype = ssize_t
+dnet_eth_send.argtypes = [ POINTER(eth_t), c_void_p, c_size_t ]
+dnet_eth_close = _lib.eth_close
+dnet_eth_close.restype = POINTER(eth_t)
+dnet_eth_close.argtypes = [ POINTER(eth_t) ]
+dnet_intf_open = _lib.intf_open
+dnet_intf_open.restype = POINTER(intf_t)
+dnet_intf_open.argtypes = [ ]
+dnet_intf_get = _lib.intf_get
+dnet_intf_get.restype = c_int
+dnet_intf_get.argtypes = [ POINTER(intf_t), POINTER(dnet_intf_entry) ]
+dnet_intf_get_src = _lib.intf_get_src
+dnet_intf_get_src.restype = c_int
+dnet_intf_get_src.argtypes = [ POINTER(intf_t), POINTER(dnet_intf_entry), POINTER(dnet_addr) ]
+dnet_intf_get_dst = _lib.intf_get_dst
+dnet_intf_get_dst.restype = c_int
+dnet_intf_get_dst.argtypes = [ POINTER(intf_t), POINTER(dnet_intf_entry), POINTER(dnet_addr) ]
+dnet_intf_set = _lib.intf_set
+dnet_intf_set.restype = c_int
+dnet_intf_set.argtypes = [ POINTER(intf_t), POINTER(dnet_intf_entry) ]
+dnet_intf_loop = _lib.intf_loop
+dnet_intf_loop.restype = POINTER(intf_t)
+dnet_intf_loop.argtypes = [ POINTER(intf_t), dnet_intf_handler, c_void_p ]
+dnet_intf_close = _lib.intf_close
+dnet_intf_close.restype = POINTER(intf_t)
+dnet_intf_close.argtypes = [ POINTER(intf_t) ]
+dnet_ip_open = _lib.ip_open
+dnet_ip_open.restype = POINTER(ip_t)
+dnet_ip_open.argtypes = [ ]
+dnet_ip_add_option = _lib.ip_add_option
+dnet_ip_add_option.restype = ssize_t
+dnet_ip_add_option.argtypes = [ POINTER(c_void_p), c_size_t, c_int, POINTER(c_void_p), c_size_t ]
+dnet_ip_checksum = _lib.ip_checksum
+dnet_ip_checksum.restype = None
+dnet_ip_checksum.argtypes = [ POINTER(c_void_p), c_size_t ]
+dnet_ip_send = _lib.ip_send
+dnet_ip_send.restype = ssize_t
+dnet_ip_send.argtypes = [ POINTER(ip_t), c_void_p, c_size_t ]
+dnet_ip_close = _lib.ip_close
+dnet_ip_close.restype = POINTER(ip_t)
+dnet_ip_close.argtypes = [ POINTER(ip_t) ]
+class dnet_eth:
+ def __init__(self, iface):
+ self.iface_b = create_string_buffer(iface.encode('ascii'))
+ self.eth = dnet_eth_open(self.iface_b)
+ def send(self, sx):
+ dnet_eth_send(self.eth, sx, len(sx))
+ def close(self):
+ return dnet_eth_close(self.eth)
+class dnet_ip:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ip = dnet_ip_open()
+ def send(self, sx):
+ dnet_ip_send(self.ip, sx, len(sx))
+ def close(self):
+ return dnet_ip_close(self.ip)
+def dnet_intf_name_loop(entry, intf_list):
+ l = cast(intf_list, POINTER(dnet_intf_list))
+ if l.contents.length >= INTF_NAME_COUNT:
+ return -1
+ for i in enumerate(entry.contents.intf_name):
+ l.contents.interfaces[l.contents.length][i[0]] = i[1]
+ l.contents.length += 1
+ return 0
+class dnet_intf:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.intf = dnet_intf_open()
+ intf_list = dnet_intf_list()
+ intf_list.length = 0
+ dnet_intf_loop(self.intf, dnet_intf_handler(dnet_intf_name_loop), pointer(intf_list))
+ self.names = []
+ for i in range(INTF_NAME_COUNT):
+ if i >= intf_list.length:
+ break
+ self.names.append(intf_list.interfaces[i].value.decode('ascii').strip('\0'))
+ def close(self):
+ return dnet_intf_close(self.intf)
+ def get(self, iface):
+ ret = {}
+ entry = dnet_intf_entry()
+ entry.intf_name = iface.encode('ascii')
+ entry.intf_len = sizeof(entry)
+ r = dnet_intf_get(self.intf, byref(entry))
+ if r < 0:
+ return {}
+ ret['addr6'] = []
+ for i in range(entry.intf_alias_num):
+ if entry.intf_alias_addrs[i].addr_type == ADDR_TYPE_IP6:
+ ret['addr6'].append(bytes(entry.intf_alias_addrs[i].data8[:16]))
+ ret['type'] = entry.intf_type
+ ret['addr'] = bytes(entry.intf_addr.data8[:4])
+ ret['link_addr'] = bytes(entry.intf_link_addr.data8[:6])
+ return ret
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3eab16c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+## This file is part of Scapy
+## See for more informations
+## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
+## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
+Linux specific functions.
+import sys,os,struct,socket,time,ctypes
+from select import select
+from fcntl import ioctl
+import scapy.utils
+import scapy.utils6
+from scapy.config import conf
+from import *
+from scapy.supersocket import SuperSocket
+import scapy.arch
+from scapy.error import warning, Scapy_Exception
+# From bits/ioctls.h
+SIOCGIFHWADDR = 0x8927 # Get hardware address
+SIOCGIFADDR = 0x8915 # get PA address
+SIOCGIFNETMASK = 0x891b # get network PA mask
+SIOCGIFNAME = 0x8910 # get iface name
+SIOCSIFLINK = 0x8911 # set iface channel
+SIOCGIFCONF = 0x8912 # get iface list
+SIOCGIFFLAGS = 0x8913 # get flags
+SIOCSIFFLAGS = 0x8914 # set flags
+SIOCGIFINDEX = 0x8933 # name -> if_index mapping
+SIOCGIFCOUNT = 0x8938 # get number of devices
+SIOCGSTAMP = 0x8906 # get packet timestamp (as a timeval)
+# From if.h
+IFF_UP = 0x1 # Interface is up.
+IFF_BROADCAST = 0x2 # Broadcast address valid.
+IFF_DEBUG = 0x4 # Turn on debugging.
+IFF_LOOPBACK = 0x8 # Is a loopback net.
+IFF_POINTOPOINT = 0x10 # Interface is point-to-point link.
+IFF_NOTRAILERS = 0x20 # Avoid use of trailers.
+IFF_RUNNING = 0x40 # Resources allocated.
+IFF_NOARP = 0x80 # No address resolution protocol.
+IFF_PROMISC = 0x100 # Receive all packets.
+# From netpacket/packet.h
+# From bits/socket.h
+# From asm/socket.h
+# From net/route.h
+RTF_UP = 0x0001 # Route usable
+RTF_REJECT = 0x0200
+# From pcap/pcap.h
+with os.popen("tcpdump -V 2> /dev/null") as _f:
+ if _f.close() >> 8 == 0x7f:
+ log_loading.warning("Failed to execute tcpdump. Check it is installed and in the PATH")
+ else:
+def get_if_raw_hwaddr(iff):
+ return struct.unpack("16xh6s8x",get_if(iff,SIOCGIFHWADDR))[1]
+def get_if_raw_addr(iff):
+ try:
+ return get_if(iff, SIOCGIFADDR)[20:24]
+ except IOError:
+ return b"\0\0\0\0"
+def get_if_list():
+ try:
+ f=open("/proc/net/dev","r")
+ except IOError:
+ warning("Can't open /proc/net/dev !")
+ return []
+ lst = []
+ f.readline()
+ f.readline()
+ for l in f:
+ lst.append(l.split(":")[0].strip())
+ f.close()
+ return lst
+def get_working_if():
+ for i in get_if_list():
+ if i == LOOPBACK_NAME:
+ continue
+ ifflags = struct.unpack("16xH14x",get_if(i,SIOCGIFFLAGS))[0]
+ if ifflags & IFF_UP:
+ return i
+def attach_filter(s, filter):
+ # XXX We generate the filter on the interface conf.iface
+ # because tcpdump open the "any" interface and ppp interfaces
+ # in cooked mode. As we use them in raw mode, the filter will not
+ # work... one solution could be to use "any" interface and translate
+ # the filter from cooked mode to raw mode
+ # mode
+ if not TCPDUMP:
+ return
+ try:
+ f = os.popen("%s -i %s -ddd -s 1600 '%s'" % (conf.prog.tcpdump,conf.iface,filter))
+ except OSError as msg:
+ log_interactive.warning("Failed to execute tcpdump: (%s)")
+ return
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ if f.close():
+ raise Scapy_Exception("Filter parse error")
+ nb = int(lines[0])
+ bpf = b""
+ for l in lines[1:]:
+ bpf += struct.pack("HBBI",*[int(x) for x in l.split()])
+ # XXX. Argl! We need to give the kernel a pointer on the BPF,
+ # python object header seems to be 20 bytes. 36 bytes for x86 64bits arch.
+ bpf_buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(bpf)
+ class BpfProgram(ctypes.Structure):
+ _fields_ = [ ("bf_len", ctypes.c_int), ("bf_insn", ctypes.POINTER(type(bpf_buf))) ]
+ #if scapy.arch.X86_64:
+ # bpfh = struct.pack("HL", nb, id(bpf)+36)
+ #else:
+ # bpfh = struct.pack("HI", nb, id(bpf)+20)
+ bpfh = BpfProgram(nb, ctypes.pointer(bpf_buf))
+ s.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_ATTACH_FILTER, bpfh)
+def set_promisc(s,iff,val=1):
+ mreq = struct.pack("IHH8s", get_if_index(iff), PACKET_MR_PROMISC, 0, b"")
+ if val:
+ else:
+ s.setsockopt(SOL_PACKET, cmd, mreq)
+def read_routes():
+ try:
+ f=open("/proc/net/route","rb")
+ except IOError:
+ warning("Can't open /proc/net/route !")
+ return []
+ routes = []
+ s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+ ifreq = ioctl(s, SIOCGIFADDR,struct.pack("16s16x",LOOPBACK_NAME.encode('utf-8')))
+ addrfamily = struct.unpack("h",ifreq[16:18])[0]
+ if addrfamily == socket.AF_INET:
+ ifreq2 = ioctl(s, SIOCGIFNETMASK,struct.pack("16s16x",LOOPBACK_NAME.encode('utf-8')))
+ msk = socket.ntohl(struct.unpack("I",ifreq2[20:24])[0])
+ dst = socket.ntohl(struct.unpack("I",ifreq[20:24])[0]) & msk
+ ifaddr = scapy.utils.inet_ntoa(ifreq[20:24])
+ routes.append((dst, msk, "", LOOPBACK_NAME, ifaddr))
+ else:
+ warning("Interface lo: unkown address family (%i)"% addrfamily)
+ for l in f.readlines()[1:]:
+ iff,dst,gw,flags,x,x,x,msk,x,x,x = l.split()
+ flags = int(flags,16)
+ if flags & RTF_UP == 0:
+ continue
+ if flags & RTF_REJECT:
+ continue
+ try:
+ ifreq = ioctl(s, SIOCGIFADDR,struct.pack("16s16x",iff))
+ except IOError: # interface is present in routing tables but does not have any assigned IP
+ ifaddr=""
+ else:
+ addrfamily = struct.unpack("h",ifreq[16:18])[0]
+ if addrfamily == socket.AF_INET:
+ ifaddr = scapy.utils.inet_ntoa(ifreq[20:24])
+ else:
+ warning("Interface %s: unkown address family (%i)"%(iff, addrfamily))
+ continue
+ routes.append((socket.htonl(int(dst,16))&0xffffffff,
+ socket.htonl(int(msk,16))&0xffffffff,
+ scapy.utils.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("I",int(gw,16))),
+ iff.decode('utf-8'), ifaddr))
+ f.close()
+ return routes
+### IPv6 ###
+def in6_getifaddr():
+ """
+ Returns a list of 3-tuples of the form (addr, scope, iface) where
+ 'addr' is the address of scope 'scope' associated to the interface
+ 'ifcace'.
+ This is the list of all addresses of all interfaces available on
+ the system.
+ """
+ ret = []
+ try:
+ f = open("/proc/net/if_inet6","rb")
+ except IOError as err:
+ return ret
+ l = f.readlines()
+ for i in l:
+ # addr, index, plen, scope, flags, ifname
+ tmp = i.split()
+ addr = struct.unpack('4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s', tmp[0])
+ addr = scapy.utils6.in6_ptop(b':'.join(addr).decode('ascii'))
+ ret.append((addr, int(tmp[3], 16), tmp[5].decode('ascii'))) # (addr, scope, iface)
+ f.close()
+ return ret
+def read_routes6():
+ try:
+ f = open("/proc/net/ipv6_route","r")
+ except IOError as err:
+ return []
+ # 1. destination network
+ # 2. destination prefix length
+ # 3. source network displayed
+ # 4. source prefix length
+ # 5. next hop
+ # 6. metric
+ # 7. reference counter (?!?)
+ # 8. use counter (?!?)
+ # 9. flags
+ # 10. device name
+ routes = []
+ def proc2r(p):
+ ret = struct.unpack('4s4s4s4s4s4s4s4s', p.encode('ascii'))
+ ret = b':'.join(ret)
+ return scapy.utils6.in6_ptop(ret.decode('ascii'))
+ lifaddr = in6_getifaddr()
+ for l in f.readlines():
+ d,dp,s,sp,nh,m,rc,us,fl,dev = l.split()
+ fl = int(fl, 16)
+ if fl & RTF_UP == 0:
+ continue
+ if fl & RTF_REJECT:
+ continue
+ d = proc2r(d) ; dp = int(dp, 16)
+ s = proc2r(s) ; sp = int(sp, 16)
+ nh = proc2r(nh)
+ cset = [] # candidate set (possible source addresses)
+ if dev == LOOPBACK_NAME:
+ if d == '::':
+ continue
+ cset = ['::1']
+ else:
+ #devaddrs = filter(lambda x: x[2] == dev, lifaddr)
+ devaddrs = [ x for x in lifaddr if x[2] == dev ]
+ cset = scapy.utils6.construct_source_candidate_set(d, dp, devaddrs, LOOPBACK_NAME)
+ if len(cset) != 0:
+ routes.append((d, dp, nh, dev, cset))
+ f.close()
+ return routes
+def get_if(iff,cmd):
+ s=socket.socket()
+ ifreq = ioctl(s, cmd, struct.pack("16s16x",bytes(iff,'utf-8')))
+ s.close()
+ return ifreq
+def get_if_index(iff):
+ return int(struct.unpack("I",get_if(iff, SIOCGIFINDEX)[16:20])[0])
+if os.uname()[4] == 'x86_64':
+ def get_last_packet_timestamp(sock):
+ ts = ioctl(sock, SIOCGSTAMP, "1234567890123456")
+ s,us = struct.unpack("QQ",ts)
+ return s+us/1000000.0
+ def get_last_packet_timestamp(sock):
+ ts = ioctl(sock, SIOCGSTAMP, "12345678")
+ s,us = struct.unpack("II",ts)
+ return s+us/1000000.0
+def _flush_fd(fd):
+ if type(fd) is not int:
+ fd = fd.fileno()
+ while 1:
+ r,w,e = select([fd],[],[],0)
+ if r:
+ else:
+ break
+class L3PacketSocket(SuperSocket):
+ desc = "read/write packets at layer 3 using Linux PF_PACKET sockets"
+ def __init__(self, type = ETH_P_ALL, filter=None, promisc=None, iface=None, nofilter=0):
+ self.type = type
+ self.ins = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(type))
+ self.ins.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 0)
+ if iface:
+ self.ins.bind((iface, type))
+ if not nofilter:
+ if conf.except_filter:
+ if filter:
+ filter = "(%s) and not (%s)" % (filter, conf.except_filter)
+ else:
+ filter = "not (%s)" % conf.except_filter
+ if filter is not None:
+ attach_filter(self.ins, filter)
+ _flush_fd(self.ins)
+ self.ins.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 2**30)
+ self.outs = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(type))
+ self.outs.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDBUF, 2**30)
+ if promisc is None:
+ promisc = conf.promisc
+ self.promisc = promisc
+ if self.promisc:
+ if iface is None:
+ self.iff = get_if_list()
+ else:
+ if iface.__class__ is list:
+ self.iff = iface
+ else:
+ self.iff = [iface]
+ for i in self.iff:
+ set_promisc(self.ins, i)
+ def close(self):
+ if self.closed:
+ return
+ self.closed=1
+ if self.promisc:
+ for i in self.iff:
+ set_promisc(self.ins, i, 0)
+ SuperSocket.close(self)
+ def recv(self, x=MTU):
+ pkt, sa_ll = self.ins.recvfrom(x)
+ if sa_ll[2] == socket.PACKET_OUTGOING:
+ return None
+ if sa_ll[3] in conf.l2types:
+ cls = conf.l2types[sa_ll[3]]
+ lvl = 2
+ elif sa_ll[1] in conf.l3types:
+ cls = conf.l3types[sa_ll[1]]
+ lvl = 3
+ else:
+ cls = conf.default_l2
+ warning("Unable to guess type (interface=%s protocol=%#x family=%i). Using %s" % (sa_ll[0],sa_ll[1],sa_ll[3],
+ lvl = 2
+ try:
+ pkt = cls(pkt)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except:
+ if conf.debug_dissector:
+ raise
+ pkt = conf.raw_layer(pkt)
+ if lvl == 2:
+ pkt = pkt.payload
+ if pkt is not None:
+ pkt.time = get_last_packet_timestamp(self.ins)
+ return pkt
+ def send(self, x):
+ iff,a,gw = x.route()
+ if iff is None:
+ iff = conf.iface
+ sdto = (iff, self.type)
+ self.outs.bind(sdto)
+ sn = self.outs.getsockname()
+ ll = lambda x:x
+ if type(x) in conf.l3types:
+ sdto = (iff, conf.l3types[type(x)])
+ if sn[3] in conf.l2types:
+ ll = lambda x:conf.l2types[sn[3]]()/x
+ try:
+ sx = bytes(ll(x))
+ x.sent_time = time.time()
+ self.outs.sendto(sx, sdto)
+ except OSError as msg:
+ x.sent_time = time.time() # bad approximation
+ if conf.auto_fragment and msg.errno == 90:
+ for p in x.fragment():
+ self.outs.sendto(bytes(ll(p)), sdto)
+ else:
+ raise
+class L2Socket(SuperSocket):
+ desc = "read/write packets at layer 2 using Linux PF_PACKET sockets"
+ def __init__(self, iface = None, type = ETH_P_ALL, filter=None, nofilter=0):
+ if iface is None:
+ iface = conf.iface
+ self.ins = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(type))
+ self.ins.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 0)
+ if not nofilter:
+ if conf.except_filter:
+ if filter:
+ filter = "(%s) and not (%s)" % (filter, conf.except_filter)
+ else:
+ filter = "not (%s)" % conf.except_filter
+ if filter is not None:
+ attach_filter(self.ins, filter)
+ self.ins.bind((iface, type))
+ _flush_fd(self.ins)
+ self.ins.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 2**30)
+ self.outs = self.ins
+ self.outs.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDBUF, 2**30)
+ sa_ll = self.outs.getsockname()
+ if sa_ll[3] in conf.l2types:
+ self.LL = conf.l2types[sa_ll[3]]
+ elif sa_ll[1] in conf.l3types:
+ self.LL = conf.l3types[sa_ll[1]]
+ else:
+ self.LL = conf.default_l2
+ warning("Unable to guess type (interface=%s protocol=%#x family=%i). Using %s" % (sa_ll[0],sa_ll[1],sa_ll[3],
+ def recv(self, x=MTU):
+ pkt, sa_ll = self.ins.recvfrom(x)
+ if sa_ll[2] == socket.PACKET_OUTGOING:
+ return None
+ try:
+ q = self.LL(pkt)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except:
+ if conf.debug_dissector:
+ raise
+ q = conf.raw_layer(pkt)
+ q.time = get_last_packet_timestamp(self.ins)
+ return q
+class L2ListenSocket(SuperSocket):
+ desc = "read packets at layer 2 using Linux PF_PACKET sockets"
+ def __init__(self, iface = None, type = ETH_P_ALL, promisc=None, filter=None, nofilter=0):
+ self.type = type
+ self.outs = None
+ self.ins = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(type))
+ self.ins.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 0)
+ if iface is not None:
+ self.ins.bind((iface, type))
+ if not nofilter:
+ if conf.except_filter:
+ if filter:
+ filter = "(%s) and not (%s)" % (filter, conf.except_filter)
+ else:
+ filter = "not (%s)" % conf.except_filter
+ if filter is not None:
+ attach_filter(self.ins, filter)
+ if promisc is None:
+ promisc = conf.sniff_promisc
+ self.promisc = promisc
+ if iface is None:
+ self.iff = get_if_list()
+ else:
+ if iface.__class__ is list:
+ self.iff = iface
+ else:
+ self.iff = [iface]
+ if self.promisc:
+ for i in self.iff:
+ set_promisc(self.ins, i)
+ _flush_fd(self.ins)
+ self.ins.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 2**30)
+ def close(self):
+ if self.promisc:
+ for i in self.iff:
+ set_promisc(self.ins, i, 0)
+ SuperSocket.close(self)
+ def recv(self, x=MTU):
+ pkt, sa_ll = self.ins.recvfrom(x)
+ if sa_ll[3] in conf.l2types :
+ cls = conf.l2types[sa_ll[3]]
+ elif sa_ll[1] in conf.l3types:
+ cls = conf.l3types[sa_ll[1]]
+ else:
+ cls = conf.default_l2
+ warning("Unable to guess type (interface=%s protocol=%#x family=%i). Using %s" % (sa_ll[0],sa_ll[1],sa_ll[3],
+ try:
+ pkt = cls(pkt)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except:
+ if conf.debug_dissector:
+ raise
+ pkt = conf.raw_layer(pkt)
+ pkt.time = get_last_packet_timestamp(self.ins)
+ return pkt
+ def send(self, x):
+ raise Scapy_Exception("Can't send anything with L2ListenSocket")
+conf.L3socket = L3PacketSocket
+conf.L2socket = L2Socket
+conf.L2listen = L2ListenSocket
+conf.iface = get_working_if()
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2e8aa59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+## This file is part of Scapy
+## See for more informations
+## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
+## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
+Packet sending and receiving with libdnet and libpcap/WinPcap.
+import time,struct,sys,socket
+if not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ from fcntl import ioctl
+from import *
+from scapy.config import conf
+from scapy.utils import warning
+from scapy.supersocket import SuperSocket
+from scapy.error import Scapy_Exception
+import scapy.arch
+if conf.use_dnet:
+ try:
+ from .cdnet import *
+ except OSError as e:
+ if conf.interactive:
+ log_loading.error("Unable to import libdnet library: %s" % e)
+ conf.use_dnet = False
+ else:
+ raise
+if conf.use_winpcapy:
+ try:
+ from .winpcapy import *
+ def winpcapy_get_if_list():
+ err = create_string_buffer(PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
+ devs = POINTER(pcap_if_t)()
+ ret = []
+ if pcap_findalldevs(byref(devs), err) < 0:
+ return ret
+ try:
+ p = devs
+ while p:
+ ret.append('ascii'))
+ p =
+ return ret
+ finally:
+ pcap_freealldevs(devs)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if conf.interactive:
+ log_loading.error("Unable to import libpcap library: %s" % e)
+ conf.use_winpcapy = False
+ else:
+ raise
+ # From BSD net/bpf.h
+ #BIOCIMMEDIATE=0x80044270
+ BIOCIMMEDIATE=-2147204496
+ class PcapTimeoutElapsed(Scapy_Exception):
+ pass
+if conf.use_netifaces:
+ try:
+ import netifaces
+ except ImportError as e:
+ log_loading.warning("Could not load module netifaces: %s" % e)
+ conf.use_netifaces = False
+if conf.use_netifaces:
+ def get_if_raw_hwaddr(iff):
+ if iff == scapy.arch.LOOPBACK_NAME:
+ return (772, '\x00'*6)
+ try:
+ s = netifaces.ifaddresses(iff)[netifaces.AF_LINK][0]['addr']
+ return struct.pack('BBBBBB', *[ int(i, 16) for i in s.split(':') ])
+ except:
+ raise Scapy_Exception("Error in attempting to get hw address for interface [%s]" % iff)
+ return l
+ def get_if_raw_addr(ifname):
+ try:
+ s = netifaces.ifaddresses(ifname)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['addr']
+ return socket.inet_aton(s)
+ except Exception as e:
+ return None
+ def get_if_list():
+ #return [ i[1] for i in socket.if_nameindex() ]
+ return netifaces.interfaces()
+ def in6_getifaddr():
+ """
+ Returns a list of 3-tuples of the form (addr, scope, iface) where
+ 'addr' is the address of scope 'scope' associated to the interface
+ 'ifcace'.
+ This is the list of all addresses of all interfaces available on
+ the system.
+ """
+ ret = []
+ interfaces = get_if_list()
+ for i in interfaces:
+ addrs = netifaces.ifaddresses(i)
+ if netifaces.AF_INET6 not in addrs:
+ continue
+ for a in addrs[netifaces.AF_INET6]:
+ addr = a['addr'].split('%')[0]
+ scope = scapy.utils6.in6_getscope(addr)
+ ret.append((addr, scope, i))
+ return ret
+elif conf.use_winpcapy:
+ def get_if_raw_hwaddr(iff):
+ err = create_string_buffer(PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
+ devs = POINTER(pcap_if_t)()
+ ret = b"\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+ if pcap_findalldevs(byref(devs), err) < 0:
+ return ret
+ try:
+ p = devs
+ while p:
+ if'ascii')):
+ a = p.contents.addresses
+ while a:
+ if hasattr(socket, 'AF_LINK') and a.contents.addr.contents.sa_family == socket.AF_LINK:
+ ap = a.contents.addr
+ val = cast(ap, POINTER(sockaddr_dl))
+ ret = bytes(val.contents.sdl_data[ val.contents.sdl_nlen : val.contents.sdl_nlen + val.contents.sdl_alen ])
+ a =
+ break
+ p =
+ return ret
+ finally:
+ pcap_freealldevs(devs)
+ def get_if_raw_addr(iff):
+ err = create_string_buffer(PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
+ devs = POINTER(pcap_if_t)()
+ ret = b"\0\0\0\0"
+ if pcap_findalldevs(byref(devs), err) < 0:
+ return ret
+ try:
+ p = devs
+ while p:
+ if'ascii')):
+ a = p.contents.addresses
+ while a:
+ if a.contents.addr.contents.sa_family == socket.AF_INET:
+ ap = a.contents.addr
+ val = cast(ap, POINTER(sockaddr_in))
+ ret = bytes(val.contents.sin_addr[:4])
+ a =
+ break
+ p =
+ return ret
+ finally:
+ pcap_freealldevs(devs)
+ get_if_list = winpcapy_get_if_list
+ def in6_getifaddr():
+ err = create_string_buffer(PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
+ devs = POINTER(pcap_if_t)()
+ ret = []
+ if pcap_findalldevs(byref(devs), err) < 0:
+ return ret
+ try:
+ p = devs
+ ret = []
+ while p:
+ a = p.contents.addresses
+ while a:
+ if a.contents.addr.contents.sa_family == socket.AF_INET6:
+ ap = a.contents.addr
+ val = cast(ap, POINTER(sockaddr_in6))
+ addr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, bytes(val.contents.sin6_addr[:]))
+ scope = scapy.utils6.in6_getscope(addr)
+ ret.append((addr, scope,'ascii')))
+ a =
+ p =
+ return ret
+ finally:
+ pcap_freealldevs(devs)
+elif conf.use_dnet:
+ intf = dnet_intf()
+ def get_if_raw_hwaddr(iff):
+ return intf.get(iff)['link_addr']
+ def get_if_raw_addr(iff):
+ return intf.get(iff)['addr']
+ def get_if_list():
+ return intf.names
+ def in6_getifaddr():
+ ret = []
+ for i in get_if_list():
+ for a in intf.get(i)['addr6']:
+ addr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, a)
+ scope = scapy.utils6.in6_getscope(addr)
+ ret.append((addr, scope, i))
+ return ret
+ log_loading.warning("No known method to get ip and hw address for interfaces")
+ def get_if_raw_hwaddr(iff):
+ "dummy"
+ return b"\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+ def get_if_raw_addr(iff):
+ "dummy"
+ return b"\0\0\0\0"
+ def get_if_list():
+ "dummy"
+ return []
+ def in6_getifaddr():
+ return []
+if conf.use_winpcapy:
+ from ctypes import POINTER, byref, create_string_buffer
+ class _PcapWrapper_pypcap:
+ def __init__(self, device, snaplen, promisc, to_ms):
+ self.errbuf = create_string_buffer(PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
+ self.iface = create_string_buffer(device.encode('ascii'))
+ self.pcap = pcap_open_live(self.iface, snaplen, promisc, to_ms, self.errbuf)
+ self.header = POINTER(pcap_pkthdr)()
+ self.pkt_data = POINTER(c_ubyte)()
+ self.bpf_program = bpf_program()
+ def next(self):
+ c = pcap_next_ex(self.pcap, byref(self.header), byref(self.pkt_data))
+ if not c > 0:
+ return
+ ts = self.header.contents.ts.tv_sec
+ #pkt = "".join([ chr(i) for i in self.pkt_data[:self.header.contents.len] ])
+ pkt = bytes(self.pkt_data[:self.header.contents.len])
+ return ts, pkt
+ def datalink(self):
+ return pcap_datalink(self.pcap)
+ def fileno(self):
+ if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ error("Cannot get selectable PCAP fd on Windows")
+ return 0
+ return pcap_get_selectable_fd(self.pcap)
+ def setfilter(self, f):
+ filter_exp = create_string_buffer(f.encode('ascii'))
+ if pcap_compile(self.pcap, byref(self.bpf_program), filter_exp, 0, -1) == -1:
+ error("Could not compile filter expression %s" % f)
+ return False
+ else:
+ if pcap_setfilter(self.pcap, byref(self.bpf_program)) == -1:
+ error("Could not install filter %s" % f)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def setnonblock(self, i):
+ pcap_setnonblock(self.pcap, i, self.errbuf)
+ def send(self, x):
+ pcap_sendpacket(self.pcap, x, len(x))
+ def close(self):
+ pcap_close(self.pcap)
+ open_pcap = lambda *args,**kargs: _PcapWrapper_pypcap(*args,**kargs)
+ class PcapTimeoutElapsed(Scapy_Exception):
+ pass
+ class L2pcapListenSocket(SuperSocket):
+ desc = "read packets at layer 2 using libpcap"
+ def __init__(self, iface = None, type = ETH_P_ALL, promisc=None, filter=None):
+ self.type = type
+ self.outs = None
+ self.iface = iface
+ if iface is None:
+ iface = conf.iface
+ if promisc is None:
+ promisc = conf.sniff_promisc
+ self.promisc = promisc
+ self.ins = open_pcap(iface, 1600, self.promisc, 100)
+ try:
+ ioctl(self.ins.fileno(),BIOCIMMEDIATE,struct.pack("I",1))
+ except:
+ pass
+ if type == ETH_P_ALL: # Do not apply any filter if Ethernet type is given
+ if conf.except_filter:
+ if filter:
+ filter = "(%s) and not (%s)" % (filter, conf.except_filter)
+ else:
+ filter = "not (%s)" % conf.except_filter
+ if filter:
+ self.ins.setfilter(filter)
+ def close(self):
+ self.ins.close()
+ def recv(self, x=MTU):
+ ll = self.ins.datalink()
+ if ll in conf.l2types:
+ cls = conf.l2types[ll]
+ else:
+ cls = conf.default_l2
+ warning("Unable to guess datalink type (interface=%s linktype=%i). Using %s" % (self.iface, ll,
+ pkt = None
+ while pkt is None:
+ pkt =
+ if pkt is not None:
+ ts,pkt = pkt
+ if scapy.arch.WINDOWS and pkt is None:
+ raise PcapTimeoutElapsed
+ try:
+ pkt = cls(pkt)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except:
+ if conf.debug_dissector:
+ raise
+ pkt = conf.raw_layer(pkt)
+ pkt.time = ts
+ return pkt
+ def send(self, x):
+ raise Scapy_Exception("Can't send anything with L2pcapListenSocket")
+ conf.L2listen = L2pcapListenSocket
+ class L2pcapSocket(SuperSocket):
+ desc = "read/write packets at layer 2 using only libpcap"
+ def __init__(self, iface = None, type = ETH_P_ALL, filter=None, nofilter=0):
+ if iface is None:
+ iface = conf.iface
+ self.iface = iface
+ self.ins = open_pcap(iface, 1600, 0, 100)
+ try:
+ ioctl(self.ins.fileno(),BIOCIMMEDIATE,struct.pack("I",1))
+ except:
+ pass
+ if nofilter:
+ if type != ETH_P_ALL: # PF_PACKET stuff. Need to emulate this for pcap
+ filter = "ether proto %i" % type
+ else:
+ filter = None
+ else:
+ if conf.except_filter:
+ if filter:
+ filter = "(%s) and not (%s)" % (filter, conf.except_filter)
+ else:
+ filter = "not (%s)" % conf.except_filter
+ if type != ETH_P_ALL: # PF_PACKET stuff. Need to emulate this for pcap
+ if filter:
+ filter = "(ether proto %i) and (%s)" % (type,filter)
+ else:
+ filter = "ether proto %i" % type
+ if filter:
+ self.ins.setfilter(filter)
+ def send(self, x):
+ sx = bytes(x)
+ if hasattr(x, "sent_time"):
+ x.sent_time = time.time()
+ return self.ins.send(sx)
+ def recv(self,x=MTU):
+ ll = self.ins.datalink()
+ if ll in conf.l2types:
+ cls = conf.l2types[ll]
+ else:
+ cls = conf.default_l2
+ warning("Unable to guess datalink type (interface=%s linktype=%i). Using %s" % (self.iface, ll,
+ pkt =
+ if pkt is not None:
+ ts,pkt = pkt
+ if pkt is None:
+ return
+ try:
+ pkt = cls(pkt)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except:
+ if conf.debug_dissector:
+ raise
+ pkt = conf.raw_layer(pkt)
+ pkt.time = ts
+ return pkt
+ def nonblock_recv(self):
+ self.ins.setnonblock(1)
+ p = self.recv(MTU)
+ self.ins.setnonblock(0)
+ return p
+ def close(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "ins"):
+ self.ins.close()
+ if hasattr(self, "outs"):
+ self.outs.close()
+ class L3pcapSocket(L2pcapSocket):
+ #def __init__(self, iface = None, type = ETH_P_ALL, filter=None, nofilter=0):
+ # L2pcapSocket.__init__(self, iface, type, filter, nofilter)
+ def recv(self, x = MTU):
+ r = L2pcapSocket.recv(self, x)
+ if r:
+ return r.payload
+ else:
+ return
+ def send(self, x):
+ cls = conf.l2types[1]
+ sx = bytes(cls()/x)
+ if hasattr(x, "sent_time"):
+ x.sent_time = time.time()
+ return self.ins.send(sx)
+ conf.L2socket=L2pcapSocket
+ conf.L3socket=L3pcapSocket
+if conf.use_winpcapy and conf.use_dnet:
+ class L3dnetSocket(SuperSocket):
+ desc = "read/write packets at layer 3 using libdnet and libpcap"
+ def __init__(self, type = ETH_P_ALL, filter=None, promisc=None, iface=None, nofilter=0):
+ self.iflist = {}
+ self.intf = dnet_intf()
+ if iface is None:
+ iface = conf.iface
+ self.iface = iface
+ self.ins = open_pcap(iface, 1600, 0, 100)
+ try:
+ ioctl(self.ins.fileno(),BIOCIMMEDIATE,struct.pack("I",1))
+ except:
+ pass
+ if nofilter:
+ if type != ETH_P_ALL: # PF_PACKET stuff. Need to emulate this for pcap
+ filter = "ether proto %i" % type
+ else:
+ filter = None
+ else:
+ if conf.except_filter:
+ if filter:
+ filter = "(%s) and not (%s)" % (filter, conf.except_filter)
+ else:
+ filter = "not (%s)" % conf.except_filter
+ if type != ETH_P_ALL: # PF_PACKET stuff. Need to emulate this for pcap
+ if filter:
+ filter = "(ether proto %i) and (%s)" % (type,filter)
+ else:
+ filter = "ether proto %i" % type
+ if filter:
+ self.ins.setfilter(filter)
+ def send(self, x):
+ iff,a,gw = x.route()
+ if iff is None:
+ iff = conf.iface
+ ifs,cls = self.iflist.get(iff,(None,None))
+ if ifs is None:
+ iftype = self.intf.get(iff)["type"]
+ if iftype == INTF_TYPE_ETH:
+ try:
+ cls = conf.l2types[1]
+ except KeyError:
+ warning("Unable to find Ethernet class. Using nothing")
+ ifs = dnet_eth(iff)
+ else:
+ ifs = dnet_ip()
+ self.iflist[iff] = ifs,cls
+ if cls is None:
+ #sx = str(x)
+ sx = bytes(x)
+ else:
+ sx = bytes(cls()/x)
+ x.sent_time = time.time()
+ ifs.send(sx)
+ def recv(self,x=MTU):
+ ll = self.ins.datalink()
+ if ll in conf.l2types:
+ cls = conf.l2types[ll]
+ else:
+ cls = conf.default_l2
+ warning("Unable to guess datalink type (interface=%s linktype=%i). Using %s" % (self.iface, ll,
+ pkt =
+ if pkt is not None:
+ ts,pkt = pkt
+ if pkt is None:
+ return
+ try:
+ pkt = cls(pkt)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except:
+ if conf.debug_dissector:
+ raise
+ pkt = conf.raw_layer(pkt)
+ pkt.time = ts
+ return pkt.payload
+ def nonblock_recv(self):
+ self.ins.setnonblock(1)
+ p = self.recv()
+ self.ins.setnonblock(0)
+ return p
+ def close(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "ins"):
+ self.ins.close()
+ if hasattr(self, "outs"):
+ self.outs.close()
+ class L2dnetSocket(SuperSocket):
+ desc = "read/write packets at layer 2 using libdnet and libpcap"
+ def __init__(self, iface = None, type = ETH_P_ALL, filter=None, nofilter=0):
+ if iface is None:
+ iface = conf.iface
+ self.iface = iface
+ self.ins = open_pcap(iface, 1600, 0, 100)
+ try:
+ ioctl(self.ins.fileno(),BIOCIMMEDIATE,struct.pack("I",1))
+ except:
+ pass
+ if nofilter:
+ if type != ETH_P_ALL: # PF_PACKET stuff. Need to emulate this for pcap
+ filter = "ether proto %i" % type
+ else:
+ filter = None
+ else:
+ if conf.except_filter:
+ if filter:
+ filter = "(%s) and not (%s)" % (filter, conf.except_filter)
+ else:
+ filter = "not (%s)" % conf.except_filter
+ if type != ETH_P_ALL: # PF_PACKET stuff. Need to emulate this for pcap
+ if filter:
+ filter = "(ether proto %i) and (%s)" % (type,filter)
+ else:
+ filter = "ether proto %i" % type
+ if filter:
+ self.ins.setfilter(filter)
+ self.outs = dnet_eth(iface)
+ def recv(self,x=MTU):
+ ll = self.ins.datalink()
+ if ll in conf.l2types:
+ cls = conf.l2types[ll]
+ else:
+ cls = conf.default_l2
+ warning("Unable to guess datalink type (interface=%s linktype=%i). Using %s" % (self.iface, ll,
+ pkt =
+ if pkt is not None:
+ ts,pkt = pkt
+ if pkt is None:
+ return
+ try:
+ pkt = cls(pkt)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except:
+ if conf.debug_dissector:
+ raise
+ pkt = conf.raw_layer(pkt)
+ pkt.time = ts
+ return pkt
+ def nonblock_recv(self):
+ self.ins.setnonblock(1)
+ p = self.recv(MTU)
+ self.ins.setnonblock(0)
+ return p
+ def close(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "ins"):
+ self.ins.close()
+ if hasattr(self, "outs"):
+ self.outs.close()
+ conf.L3socket=L3dnetSocket
+ conf.L2socket=L2dnetSocket
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3117076a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+## This file is part of Scapy
+## See for more informations
+## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
+## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
+Customization for the Solaris operation system.
+# IPPROTO_GRE is missing on Solaris
+import socket
+socket.IPPROTO_GRE = 47
+from unix import *
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43e694b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+## This file is part of Scapy
+## See for more informations
+## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
+## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
+Common customizations for all Unix-like operating systems other than Linux
+import sys,os,struct,socket,time
+from subprocess import check_output
+from fcntl import ioctl
+from scapy.error import warning
+import scapy.config
+import scapy.utils
+import scapy.utils6
+import scapy.arch
+scapy.config.conf.use_winpcapy = True
+scapy.config.conf.use_netifaces = True
+scapy.config.conf.use_dnet = True
+from .pcapdnet import *
+## Routes stuff ##
+def read_routes():
+ if scapy.arch.SOLARIS:
+ f=check_output(["netstat", "-rvn"], universal_newlines = True) # -f inet
+ elif scapy.arch.FREEBSD:
+ f=check_output(["netstat", "-rnW"], universal_newlines = True) # -W to handle long interface names
+ else:
+ f=check_output(["netstat", "-rn"], universal_newlines = True) # -f inet
+ ok = False
+ routes = []
+ pending_if = []
+ for l in f.split('\n'):
+ l = l.strip()
+ if l.find("----") >= 0: # a separation line
+ continue
+ if not ok:
+ if_index = [ l.split().index(i) for i in ['Iface', 'Netif', 'Interface', 'Device'] if i in l.split()]
+ if if_index:
+ ok = True
+ if_index = if_index[0]
+ continue
+ if not l:
+ break
+ if scapy.arch.SOLARIS:
+ lspl = l.split()
+ if len(lspl) == 10:
+ dest,mask,gw,netif,mxfrg,rtt,ref,flg = lspl[:8]
+ else: # missing interface
+ dest,mask,gw,mxfrg,rtt,ref,flg = lspl[:7]
+ netif=None
+ else:
+ rt = l.split()
+ dest,gw,flg = rt[:3]
+ netif = rt[if_index]
+ if flg.find("Lc") >= 0:
+ continue
+ if dest == "default":
+ dest = 0
+ netmask = 0
+ else:
+ if scapy.arch.SOLARIS:
+ netmask = scapy.utils.atol(mask)
+ elif "/" in dest:
+ dest,netmask = dest.split("/")
+ netmask = scapy.utils.itom(int(netmask))
+ else:
+ netmask = scapy.utils.itom((dest.count(".") + 1) * 8)
+ dest += ".0"*(3-dest.count("."))
+ dest = scapy.utils.atol(dest)
+ if not "G" in flg:
+ gw = ''
+ if netif is not None:
+ ifaddr = scapy.arch.get_if_addr(netif)
+ routes.append((dest,netmask,gw,netif,ifaddr))
+ else:
+ pending_if.append((dest,netmask,gw))
+ # On Solaris, netstat does not provide output interfaces for some routes
+ # We need to parse completely the routing table to route their gw and
+ # know their output interface
+ for dest,netmask,gw in pending_if:
+ gw_l = scapy.utils.atol(gw)
+ max_rtmask,gw_if,gw_if_addr, = 0,None,None
+ for rtdst,rtmask,_,rtif,rtaddr in routes[:]:
+ if gw_l & rtmask == rtdst:
+ if rtmask >= max_rtmask:
+ max_rtmask = rtmask
+ gw_if = rtif
+ gw_if_addr = rtaddr
+ if gw_if:
+ routes.append((dest,netmask,gw,gw_if,gw_if_addr))
+ else:
+ warning("Did not find output interface to reach gateway %s" % gw)
+ return routes
+### IPv6 ###
+def read_routes6():
+ f = os.popen("netstat -rn -f inet6")
+ ok = False
+ mtu_present = False
+ prio_present = False
+ routes = []
+ lifaddr = in6_getifaddr()
+ for l in f.readlines():
+ if not l:
+ break
+ l = l.strip()
+ if not ok:
+ if l.find("Destination") >= 0:
+ ok = 1
+ mtu_present = l.find("Mtu") >= 0
+ prio_present = l.find("Prio") >= 0
+ continue
+ # gv 12/12/06: under debugging
+ if scapy.arch.NETBSD or scapy.arch.OPENBSD:
+ lspl = l.split()
+ d,nh,fl = lspl[:3]
+ dev = lspl[5+mtu_present+prio_present]
+ expire = None
+ else: # FREEBSD or DARWIN
+ d,nh,fl,dev = l.split()[:4]
+ if [ x for x in lifaddr if x[2] == dev] == []:
+ continue
+ if 'L' in fl: # drop MAC addresses
+ continue
+ if 'link' in nh:
+ nh = '::'
+ cset = [] # candidate set (possible source addresses)
+ dp = 128
+ if d == 'default':
+ d = '::'
+ dp = 0
+ if '/' in d:
+ d,dp = d.split("/")
+ dp = int(dp)
+ if '%' in d:
+ d,dev = d.split('%')
+ if '%' in nh:
+ nh,dev = nh.split('%')
+ if scapy.arch.LOOPBACK_NAME in dev:
+ if d == '::' and dp == 96: #Do not use ::/96 deprecated IPV4 mapping address
+ continue
+ cset = ['::1']
+ nh = '::'
+ else:
+ devaddrs = [ x for x in lifaddr if x[2] == dev ]
+ cset = scapy.utils6.construct_source_candidate_set(d, dp, devaddrs, scapy.arch.LOOPBACK_NAME)
+ if len(cset) != 0:
+ routes.append((d, dp, nh, dev, cset))
+ f.close()
+ return routes
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/windows/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/windows/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3bd1ade3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/windows/
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+## This file is part of Scapy
+## See for more informations
+## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
+## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
+Customizations needed to support Microsoft Windows.
+import os,re,sys,socket,time, itertools
+import subprocess as sp
+from glob import glob
+from scapy.config import conf,ConfClass
+from scapy.error import Scapy_Exception,log_loading,log_runtime
+from scapy.utils import atol, itom, inet_aton, inet_ntoa, PcapReader
+from scapy.base_classes import Gen, Net, SetGen
+import scapy.plist as plist
+from scapy.sendrecv import debug, srp1
+from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether, ARP
+conf.use_winpcapy = True
+from scapy.arch import pcapdnet
+from scapy.arch.pcapdnet import *
+def _where(filename, dirs=[], env="PATH"):
+ """Find file in current dir or system path"""
+ if not isinstance(dirs, list):
+ dirs = [dirs]
+ if glob(filename):
+ return filename
+ paths = [os.curdir] + os.environ[env].split(os.path.pathsep) + dirs
+ for path in paths:
+ for match in glob(os.path.join(path, filename)):
+ if match:
+ return os.path.normpath(match)
+ raise IOError("File not found: %s" % filename)
+def win_find_exe(filename, installsubdir=None, env="ProgramFiles"):
+ """Find executable in current dir, system path or given ProgramFiles subdir"""
+ for fn in [filename, filename+".exe"]:
+ try:
+ if installsubdir is None:
+ path = _where(fn)
+ else:
+ path = _where(fn, dirs=[os.path.join(os.environ[env], installsubdir)])
+ except IOError:
+ path = filename
+ else:
+ break
+ return path
+class WinProgPath(ConfClass):
+ _default = "<System default>"
+ # We try some magic to find the appropriate executables
+ pdfreader = win_find_exe("AcroRd32")
+ psreader = win_find_exe("gsview32.exe", "Ghostgum/gsview")
+ dot = win_find_exe("dot", "ATT/Graphviz/bin")
+ tcpdump = win_find_exe("windump")
+ tcpreplay = win_find_exe("tcpreplay")
+ display = _default
+ hexedit = win_find_exe("hexer")
+ wireshark = win_find_exe("wireshark", "wireshark")
+conf.prog = WinProgPath()
+class PcapNameNotFoundError(Scapy_Exception):
+ pass
+def get_windows_if_list():
+ ps = sp.Popen(['powershell', 'Get-NetAdapter', '|', 'select Name, InterfaceIndex, InterfaceDescription, InterfaceGuid, MacAddress', '|', 'fl'], stdout = sp.PIPE)
+ stdout, stdin = ps.communicate(timeout = 10)
+ current_interface = None
+ interface_list = []
+ for i in stdout.split(b'\r\n'):
+ if not i.strip():
+ continue
+ if i.find(b':')<0:
+ continue
+ name, value = [ j.strip() for j in i.split(b':') ]
+ if name == b'Name':
+ if current_interface:
+ interface_list.append(current_interface)
+ current_interface = {}
+ current_interface['name'] = value.decode('ascii')
+ elif name == b'InterfaceIndex':
+ current_interface['win_index'] = int(value)
+ elif name == b'InterfaceDescription':
+ current_interface['description'] = value.decode('ascii')
+ elif name == b'InterfaceGuid':
+ current_interface['guid'] = value.decode('ascii')
+ elif name == b'MacAddress':
+ current_interface['mac'] = ':'.join([ j.decode('ascii') for j in value.split(b'-')])
+ if current_interface:
+ interface_list.append(current_interface)
+ return interface_list
+class NetworkInterface(object):
+ """A network interface of your local host"""
+ def __init__(self, data=None):
+ = None
+ self.ip = None
+ self.mac = None
+ self.pcap_name = None
+ self.description = None
+ = data
+ if data is not None:
+ self.update(data)
+ def update(self, data):
+ """Update info about network interface according to given dnet dictionary"""
+ = data["name"]
+ self.description = data['description']
+ self.win_index = data['win_index']
+ # Other attributes are optional
+ self._update_pcapdata()
+ try:
+ self.ip = socket.inet_ntoa(get_if_raw_addr(data['guid']))
+ except (KeyError, AttributeError, NameError):
+ pass
+ try:
+ self.mac = data['mac']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ def _update_pcapdata(self):
+ for i in winpcapy_get_if_list():
+ if i.endswith(['guid']):
+ self.pcap_name = i
+ return
+ raise PcapNameNotFoundError
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s: %s %s %s pcap_name=%s description=%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
+, self.ip, self.mac, self.pcap_name, self.description)
+from collections import UserDict
+class NetworkInterfaceDict(UserDict):
+ """Store information about network interfaces and convert between names"""
+ def load_from_powershell(self):
+ for i in get_windows_if_list():
+ try:
+ interface = NetworkInterface(i)
+[] = interface
+ except (KeyError, PcapNameNotFoundError):
+ pass
+ if len( == 0:
+ log_loading.warning("No match between your pcap and windows network interfaces found. "
+ "You probably won't be able to send packets. "
+ "Deactivating unneeded interfaces and restarting Scapy might help."
+ "Check your winpcap and powershell installation, and access rights.")
+ def pcap_name(self, devname):
+ """Return pcap device name for given Windows device name."""
+ try:
+ pcap_name =[devname].pcap_name
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown network interface %r" % devname)
+ else:
+ return pcap_name
+ def devname(self, pcap_name):
+ """Return Windows device name for given pcap device name."""
+ for devname, iface in self.items():
+ if iface.pcap_name == pcap_name:
+ return
+ raise ValueError("Unknown pypcap network interface %r" % pcap_name)
+ def devname_from_index(self, if_index):
+ """Return interface name from interface index"""
+ for devname, iface in self.items():
+ if iface.win_index == if_index:
+ return
+ raise ValueError("Unknown network interface index %r" % if_index)
+ def show(self, resolve_mac=True):
+ """Print list of available network interfaces in human readable form"""
+ print("%s %s %s %s" % ("INDEX".ljust(5), "IFACE".ljust(35), "IP".ljust(15), "MAC"))
+ for iface_name in sorted(
+ dev =[iface_name]
+ mac = dev.mac
+ if resolve_mac:
+ mac = conf.manufdb._resolve_MAC(mac)
+ print("%s %s %s %s" % (str(dev.win_index).ljust(5), str(, str(dev.ip).ljust(15), mac) )
+ifaces = NetworkInterfaceDict()
+def pcap_name(devname):
+ """Return pypcap device name for given libdnet/Scapy device name"""
+ try:
+ pcap_name = ifaces.pcap_name(devname)
+ except ValueError:
+ # pcap.pcap() will choose a sensible default for sniffing if iface=None
+ pcap_name = None
+ return pcap_name
+def devname(pcap_name):
+ """Return libdnet/Scapy device name for given pypcap device name"""
+ return ifaces.devname(pcap_name)
+def devname_from_index(if_index):
+ """Return Windows adapter name for given Windows interface index"""
+ return ifaces.devname_from_index(if_index)
+def show_interfaces(resolve_mac=True):
+ """Print list of available network interfaces"""
+ return
+_orig_open_pcap = pcapdnet.open_pcap
+pcapdnet.open_pcap = lambda iface,*args,**kargs: _orig_open_pcap(pcap_name(iface),*args,**kargs)
+_orig_get_if_raw_hwaddr = pcapdnet.get_if_raw_hwaddr
+pcapdnet.get_if_raw_hwaddr = lambda iface,*args,**kargs: [ int(i, 16) for i in ifaces[iface].mac.split(':') ]
+get_if_raw_hwaddr = pcapdnet.get_if_raw_hwaddr
+def read_routes():
+ routes = []
+ if_index = '(\d+)'
+ dest = '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/(\d+)'
+ next_hop = '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)'
+ metric_pattern = "(\d+)"
+ delim = "\s+" # The columns are separated by whitespace
+ netstat_line = delim.join([if_index, dest, next_hop, metric_pattern])
+ pattern = re.compile(netstat_line)
+ ps = sp.Popen(['powershell', 'Get-NetRoute', '-AddressFamily IPV4', '|', 'select ifIndex, DestinationPrefix, NextHop, RouteMetric'], stdout = sp.PIPE)
+ stdout, stdin = ps.communicate(timeout = 10)
+ for l in stdout.split(b'\r\n'):
+ match =,l.decode('utf-8'))
+ if match:
+ try:
+ iface = devname_from_index(int(
+ addr = ifaces[iface].ip
+ except:
+ continue
+ dest = atol(
+ mask = itom(int(
+ gw =
+ # try:
+ # intf = pcapdnet.dnet.intf().get_dst(pcapdnet.dnet.addr(type=2, addrtxt=dest))
+ # except OSError:
+ # log_loading.warning("Building Scapy's routing table: Couldn't get outgoing interface for destination %s" % dest)
+ # continue
+ routes.append((dest, mask, gw, iface, addr))
+ return routes
+def read_routes6():
+ return []
+except NameError:
+ try:
+ import readline
+ console = readline.GetOutputFile()
+ except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+"Could not get readline console. Will not interpret ANSI color codes.")
+ else:
+ conf.readfunc = readline.rl.readline
+ orig_stdout = sys.stdout
+ sys.stdout = console
+def sndrcv(pks, pkt, timeout = 2, inter = 0, verbose=None, chainCC=0, retry=0, multi=0):
+ if not isinstance(pkt, Gen):
+ pkt = SetGen(pkt)
+ if verbose is None:
+ verbose = conf.verb
+ debug.recv = plist.PacketList([],"Unanswered")
+ debug.sent = plist.PacketList([],"Sent")
+ debug.match = plist.SndRcvList([])
+ nbrecv=0
+ ans = []
+ # do it here to fix random fields, so that parent and child have the same
+ all_stimuli = tobesent = [p for p in pkt]
+ notans = len(tobesent)
+ hsent={}
+ for i in tobesent:
+ h = i.hashret()
+ if h in hsent:
+ hsent[h].append(i)
+ else:
+ hsent[h] = [i]
+ if retry < 0:
+ retry = -retry
+ autostop=retry
+ else:
+ autostop=0
+ while retry >= 0:
+ found=0
+ if timeout < 0:
+ timeout = None
+ pid=1
+ try:
+ if WINDOWS or pid == 0:
+ try:
+ try:
+ i = 0
+ if verbose:
+ print("Begin emission:")
+ for p in tobesent:
+ pks.send(p)
+ i += 1
+ time.sleep(inter)
+ if verbose:
+ print("Finished to send %i packets." % i)
+ except SystemExit:
+ pass
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ except:
+ log_runtime.exception("--- Error sending packets")
+"--- Error sending packets")
+ finally:
+ try:
+ sent_times = [p.sent_time for p in all_stimuli if p.sent_time]
+ except:
+ pass
+ if WINDOWS or pid > 0:
+ # Timeout starts after last packet is sent (as in Unix version)
+ if timeout:
+ stoptime = time.time()+timeout
+ else:
+ stoptime = 0
+ remaintime = None
+ # inmask = [pks.ins.fd]
+ try:
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ if stoptime:
+ remaintime = stoptime-time.time()
+ if remaintime <= 0:
+ break
+ r = pks.recv(MTU)
+ if r is None:
+ continue
+ ok = 0
+ h = r.hashret()
+ if h in hsent:
+ hlst = hsent[h]
+ for i in range(len(hlst)):
+ if r.answers(hlst[i]):
+ ans.append((hlst[i],r))
+ if verbose > 1:
+ os.write(1, b"*")
+ ok = 1
+ if not multi:
+ del(hlst[i])
+ notans -= 1;
+ else:
+ if not hasattr(hlst[i], '_answered'):
+ notans -= 1;
+ hlst[i]._answered = 1;
+ break
+ if notans == 0 and not multi:
+ break
+ if not ok:
+ if verbose > 1:
+ os.write(1, b".")
+ nbrecv += 1
+ if conf.debug_match:
+ debug.recv.append(r)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ if chainCC:
+ raise
+ finally:
+ for p,t in zip(all_stimuli, sent_times):
+ p.sent_time = t
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # remain = reduce(list.__add__, hsent.values(), [])
+ remain = list(itertools.chain(*[ i for i in hsent.values() ]))
+ if multi:
+ #remain = filter(lambda p: not hasattr(p, '_answered'), remain);
+ remain = [ p for p in remain if not hasattr(p, '_answered')]
+ if autostop and len(remain) > 0 and len(remain) != len(tobesent):
+ retry = autostop
+ tobesent = remain
+ if len(tobesent) == 0:
+ break
+ retry -= 1
+ if conf.debug_match:
+ debug.sent=plist.PacketList(remain[:],"Sent")
+ debug.match=plist.SndRcvList(ans[:])
+ #clean the ans list to delete the field _answered
+ if (multi):
+ for s,r in ans:
+ if hasattr(s, '_answered'):
+ del(s._answered)
+ if verbose:
+ print("\nReceived %i packets, got %i answers, remaining %i packets" % (nbrecv+len(ans), len(ans), notans))
+ return plist.SndRcvList(ans),plist.PacketList(remain,"Unanswered")
+import scapy.sendrecv
+scapy.sendrecv.sndrcv = sndrcv
+def sniff(count=0, store=1, offline=None, prn = None, lfilter=None, L2socket=None, timeout=None, *arg, **karg):
+ """Sniff packets
+sniff([count=0,] [prn=None,] [store=1,] [offline=None,] [lfilter=None,] + L2ListenSocket args) -> list of packets
+Select interface to sniff by setting conf.iface. Use show_interfaces() to see interface names.
+ count: number of packets to capture. 0 means infinity
+ store: wether to store sniffed packets or discard them
+ prn: function to apply to each packet. If something is returned,
+ it is displayed. Ex:
+ ex: prn = lambda x: x.summary()
+lfilter: python function applied to each packet to determine
+ if further action may be done
+ ex: lfilter = lambda x: x.haslayer(Padding)
+offline: pcap file to read packets from, instead of sniffing them
+timeout: stop sniffing after a given time (default: None)
+L2socket: use the provided L2socket
+ """
+ c = 0
+ if offline is None:
+'Sniffing on %s' % conf.iface)
+ if L2socket is None:
+ L2socket = conf.L2listen
+ s = L2socket(type=ETH_P_ALL, *arg, **karg)
+ else:
+ s = PcapReader(offline)
+ lst = []
+ if timeout is not None:
+ stoptime = time.time()+timeout
+ remain = None
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ if timeout is not None:
+ remain = stoptime-time.time()
+ if remain <= 0:
+ break
+ try:
+ p = s.recv(MTU)
+ except PcapTimeoutElapsed:
+ continue
+ if p is None:
+ break
+ if lfilter and not lfilter(p):
+ continue
+ if store:
+ lst.append(p)
+ c += 1
+ if prn:
+ r = prn(p)
+ if r is not None:
+ print(r)
+ if count > 0 and c >= count:
+ break
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ break
+ s.close()
+ return plist.PacketList(lst,"Sniffed")
+import scapy.sendrecv
+scapy.sendrecv.sniff = sniff
+# def get_if_list():
+# print('windows if_list')
+# return sorted(ifaces.keys())
+def get_working_if():
+ try:
+ if 'Ethernet' in ifaces and ifaces['Ethernet'].ip != '':
+ return 'Ethernet'
+ elif 'Wi-Fi' in ifaces and ifaces['Wi-Fi'].ip != '':
+ return 'Wi-Fi'
+ elif len(ifaces) > 0:
+ return ifaces[list(ifaces.keys())[0]]
+ else:
+ except:
+conf.iface = get_working_if()
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc452a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/arch/
@@ -0,0 +1,739 @@
+# Name:
+# Author: Massimo Ciani
+# Created: 01/09/2009
+# Copyright: (c) Massimo Ciani 2009
+from ctypes import *
+from ctypes.util import find_library
+import sys
+if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ WIN32=True
+if WIN32:
+ SOCKET = c_uint
+ _lib=CDLL('wpcap.dll')
+ SOCKET = c_int
+ _lib_name = find_library('pcap')
+ if not _lib_name:
+ raise OSError("Cannot fine library")
+ _lib=CDLL(_lib_name)
+## misc
+u_short = c_ushort
+bpf_int32 = c_int
+u_int = c_int
+bpf_u_int32 = u_int
+pcap = c_void_p
+pcap_dumper = c_void_p
+u_char = c_ubyte
+FILE = c_void_p
+STRING = c_char_p
+class bpf_insn(Structure):
+ _fields_=[("code",c_ushort),
+ ("jt",c_ubyte),
+ ("jf",c_ubyte),
+ ("k",bpf_u_int32)]
+class bpf_program(Structure):
+ pass
+bpf_program._fields_ = [('bf_len', u_int),
+ ('bf_insns', POINTER(bpf_insn))]
+class bpf_version(Structure):
+ _fields_=[("bv_major",c_ushort),
+ ("bv_minor",c_ushort)]
+class timeval(Structure):
+ pass
+timeval._fields_ = [('tv_sec', c_long),
+ ('tv_usec', c_long)]
+## sockaddr is used by pcap_addr.
+## For exapmle if sa_family==socket.AF_INET then we need cast
+## with sockaddr_in
+if WIN32:
+ class sockaddr(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("sa_family", c_ushort),
+ ("sa_data",c_ubyte * 14)]
+ class sockaddr_in(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("sin_family", c_ushort),
+ ("sin_port", c_uint16),
+ ("sin_addr", 4 * c_ubyte)]
+ class sockaddr_in6(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("sin6_family", c_ushort),
+ ("sin6_port", c_uint16),
+ ("sin6_flowinfo", c_uint32),
+ ("sin6_addr", 16 * c_ubyte),
+ ("sin6_scope", c_uint32)]
+ class sockaddr(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("sa_len", c_ubyte),
+ ("sa_family",c_ubyte),
+ ("sa_data",c_ubyte * 14)]
+ class sockaddr_in(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("sin_len", c_ubyte),
+ ("sin_family", c_ubyte),
+ ("sin_port", c_uint16),
+ ("sin_addr", 4 * c_ubyte),
+ ("sin_zero", 8 * c_char)]
+ class sockaddr_in6(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("sin6_len", c_ubyte),
+ ("sin6_family", c_ubyte),
+ ("sin6_port", c_uint16),
+ ("sin6_flowinfo", c_uint32),
+ ("sin6_addr", 16 * c_ubyte),
+ ("sin6_scope", c_uint32)]
+ class sockaddr_dl(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [("sdl_len", c_ubyte),
+ ("sdl_family", c_ubyte),
+ ("sdl_index", c_ushort),
+ ("sdl_type", c_ubyte),
+ ("sdl_nlen", c_ubyte),
+ ("sdl_alen", c_ubyte),
+ ("sdl_slen", c_ubyte),
+ ("sdl_data", 46 * c_ubyte)]
+## END misc
+## Data Structures
+## struct pcap_file_header
+## Header of a libpcap dump file.
+class pcap_file_header(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('magic', bpf_u_int32),
+ ('version_major', u_short),
+ ('version_minor', u_short),
+ ('thiszone', bpf_int32),
+ ('sigfigs', bpf_u_int32),
+ ('snaplen', bpf_u_int32),
+ ('linktype', bpf_u_int32)]
+## struct pcap_pkthdr
+## Header of a packet in the dump file.
+class pcap_pkthdr(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [('ts', timeval),
+ ('caplen', bpf_u_int32),
+ ('len', bpf_u_int32)]
+## struct pcap_stat
+## Structure that keeps statistical values on an interface.
+class pcap_stat(Structure):
+ pass
+### _fields_ list in Structure is final.
+### We need a temp list
+ _tmpList.append(("ps_capt",c_uint))
+ _tmpList.append(("ps_sent",c_uint))
+ _tmpList.append(("ps_netdrop",c_uint))
+## struct pcap_addr
+## Representation of an interface address, used by pcap_findalldevs().
+class pcap_addr(Structure):
+ pass
+pcap_addr._fields_ = [('next', POINTER(pcap_addr)),
+ ('addr', POINTER(sockaddr)),
+ ('netmask', POINTER(sockaddr)),
+ ('broadaddr', POINTER(sockaddr)),
+ ('dstaddr', POINTER(sockaddr))]
+## struct pcap_if
+## Item in a list of interfaces, used by pcap_findalldevs().
+class pcap_if(Structure):
+ pass
+pcap_if._fields_ = [('next', POINTER(pcap_if)),
+ ('name', STRING),
+ ('description', STRING),
+ ('addresses', POINTER(pcap_addr)),
+ ('flags', bpf_u_int32)]
+## END Data Structures
+## Defines
+# Major libpcap dump file version.
+# Minor libpcap dump file version.
+##define PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE 256
+# Size to use when allocating the buffer that contains the libpcap errors.
+##define PCAP_IF_LOOPBACK 0x00000001
+# interface is loopback
+##define MODE_CAPT 0
+# Capture mode, to be used when calling pcap_setmode().
+##define MODE_STAT 1
+# Statistical mode, to be used when calling pcap_setmode().
+## END Defines
+## Typedefs
+#typedef int bpf_int32 (already defined)
+# 32-bit integer
+#typedef u_int bpf_u_int32 (already defined)
+# 32-bit unsigned integer
+#typedef struct pcap pcap_t
+# Descriptor of an open capture instance. This structure is opaque to the user, that handles its content through the functions provided by wpcap.dll.
+pcap_t = pcap
+#typedef struct pcap_dumper pcap_dumper_t
+# libpcap savefile descriptor.
+pcap_dumper_t = pcap_dumper
+#typedef struct pcap_if pcap_if_t
+# Item in a list of interfaces, see pcap_if.
+pcap_if_t = pcap_if
+#typedef struct pcap_addr pcap_addr_t
+# Representation of an interface address, see pcap_addr.
+pcap_addr_t = pcap_addr
+## END Typedefs
+# values for enumeration 'pcap_direction_t'
+#pcap_direction_t = c_int # enum
+## Unix-compatible Functions
+## These functions are part of the libpcap library, and therefore work both on Windows and on Linux.
+#typedef void(* pcap_handler )(u_char *user, const struct pcap_pkthdr *pkt_header, const u_char *pkt_data)
+# Prototype of the callback function that receives the packets.
+## This one is defined from programmer
+#pcap_t * pcap_open_live (const char *device, int snaplen, int promisc, int to_ms, char *ebuf)
+# Open a live capture from the network.
+pcap_open_live = _lib.pcap_open_live
+pcap_open_live.restype = POINTER(pcap_t)
+pcap_open_live.argtypes = [STRING, c_int, c_int, c_int, STRING]
+#pcap_t * pcap_open_dead (int linktype, int snaplen)
+# Create a pcap_t structure without starting a capture.
+pcap_open_dead = _lib.pcap_open_dead
+pcap_open_dead.restype = POINTER(pcap_t)
+pcap_open_dead.argtypes = [c_int, c_int]
+#pcap_t * pcap_open_offline (const char *fname, char *errbuf)
+# Open a savefile in the tcpdump/libpcap format to read packets.
+pcap_open_offline = _lib.pcap_open_offline
+pcap_open_offline.restype = POINTER(pcap_t)
+pcap_open_offline.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
+#pcap_dumper_t * pcap_dump_open (pcap_t *p, const char *fname)
+# Open a file to write packets.
+pcap_dump_open = _lib.pcap_dump_open
+pcap_dump_open.restype = POINTER(pcap_dumper_t)
+pcap_dump_open.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), STRING]
+#int pcap_setnonblock (pcap_t *p, int nonblock, char *errbuf)
+# Switch between blocking and nonblocking mode.
+pcap_setnonblock = _lib.pcap_setnonblock
+pcap_setnonblock.restype = c_int
+pcap_setnonblock.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), c_int, STRING]
+#int pcap_getnonblock (pcap_t *p, char *errbuf)
+# Get the "non-blocking" state of an interface.
+pcap_getnonblock = _lib.pcap_getnonblock
+pcap_getnonblock.restype = c_int
+pcap_getnonblock.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), STRING]
+#int pcap_findalldevs (pcap_if_t **alldevsp, char *errbuf)
+# Construct a list of network devices that can be opened with pcap_open_live().
+pcap_findalldevs = _lib.pcap_findalldevs
+pcap_findalldevs.restype = c_int
+pcap_findalldevs.argtypes = [POINTER(POINTER(pcap_if_t)), STRING]
+#void pcap_freealldevs (pcap_if_t *alldevsp)
+# Free an interface list returned by pcap_findalldevs().
+pcap_freealldevs = _lib.pcap_freealldevs
+pcap_freealldevs.restype = None
+pcap_freealldevs.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_if_t)]
+#char * pcap_lookupdev (char *errbuf)
+# Return the first valid device in the system.
+pcap_lookupdev = _lib.pcap_lookupdev
+pcap_lookupdev.restype = STRING
+pcap_lookupdev.argtypes = [STRING]
+#int pcap_lookupnet (const char *device, bpf_u_int32 *netp, bpf_u_int32 *maskp, char *errbuf)
+# Return the subnet and netmask of an interface.
+pcap_lookupnet = _lib.pcap_lookupnet
+pcap_lookupnet.restype = c_int
+pcap_lookupnet.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(bpf_u_int32), POINTER(bpf_u_int32), STRING]
+#int pcap_dispatch (pcap_t *p, int cnt, pcap_handler callback, u_char *user)
+# Collect a group of packets.
+pcap_dispatch = _lib.pcap_dispatch
+pcap_dispatch.restype = c_int
+pcap_dispatch.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), c_int, pcap_handler, POINTER(u_char)]
+#int pcap_loop (pcap_t *p, int cnt, pcap_handler callback, u_char *user)
+# Collect a group of packets.
+pcap_loop = _lib.pcap_loop
+pcap_loop.restype = c_int
+pcap_loop.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), c_int, pcap_handler, POINTER(u_char)]
+#u_char * pcap_next (pcap_t *p, struct pcap_pkthdr *h)
+# Return the next available packet.
+pcap_next = _lib.pcap_next
+pcap_next.restype = POINTER(u_char)
+pcap_next.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), POINTER(pcap_pkthdr)]
+#int pcap_next_ex (pcap_t *p, struct pcap_pkthdr **pkt_header, const u_char **pkt_data)
+# Read a packet from an interface or from an offline capture.
+pcap_next_ex = _lib.pcap_next_ex
+pcap_next_ex.restype = c_int
+pcap_next_ex.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), POINTER(POINTER(pcap_pkthdr)), POINTER(POINTER(u_char))]
+#void pcap_breakloop (pcap_t *)
+# set a flag that will force pcap_dispatch() or pcap_loop() to return rather than looping.
+pcap_breakloop = _lib.pcap_breakloop
+pcap_breakloop.restype = None
+pcap_breakloop.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t)]
+#int pcap_sendpacket (pcap_t *p, u_char *buf, int size)
+# Send a raw packet.
+pcap_sendpacket = _lib.pcap_sendpacket
+pcap_sendpacket.restype = c_int
+#pcap_sendpacket.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), POINTER(u_char), c_int]
+pcap_sendpacket.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), c_void_p, c_int]
+#void pcap_dump (u_char *user, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *sp)
+# Save a packet to disk.
+pcap_dump = _lib.pcap_dump
+pcap_dump.restype = None
+pcap_dump.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_dumper_t), POINTER(pcap_pkthdr), POINTER(u_char)]
+#long pcap_dump_ftell (pcap_dumper_t *)
+# Return the file position for a "savefile".
+pcap_dump_ftell = _lib.pcap_dump_ftell
+pcap_dump_ftell.restype = c_long
+pcap_dump_ftell.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_dumper_t)]
+#int pcap_compile (pcap_t *p, struct bpf_program *fp, char *str, int optimize, bpf_u_int32 netmask)
+# Compile a packet filter, converting an high level filtering expression (see Filtering expression syntax) in a program that can be interpreted by the kernel-level filtering engine.
+pcap_compile = _lib.pcap_compile
+pcap_compile.restype = c_int
+pcap_compile.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), POINTER(bpf_program), STRING, c_int, bpf_u_int32]
+#int pcap_compile_nopcap (int snaplen_arg, int linktype_arg, struct bpf_program *program, char *buf, int optimize, bpf_u_int32 mask)
+# Compile a packet filter without the need of opening an adapter. This function converts an high level filtering expression (see Filtering expression syntax) in a program that can be interpreted by the kernel-level filtering engine.
+pcap_compile_nopcap = _lib.pcap_compile_nopcap
+pcap_compile_nopcap.restype = c_int
+pcap_compile_nopcap.argtypes = [c_int, c_int, POINTER(bpf_program), STRING, c_int, bpf_u_int32]
+#int pcap_setfilter (pcap_t *p, struct bpf_program *fp)
+# Associate a filter to a capture.
+pcap_setfilter = _lib.pcap_setfilter
+pcap_setfilter.restype = c_int
+pcap_setfilter.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), POINTER(bpf_program)]
+#void pcap_freecode (struct bpf_program *fp)
+# Free a filter.
+pcap_freecode = _lib.pcap_freecode
+pcap_freecode.restype = None
+pcap_freecode.argtypes = [POINTER(bpf_program)]
+#int pcap_datalink (pcap_t *p)
+# Return the link layer of an adapter.
+pcap_datalink = _lib.pcap_datalink
+pcap_datalink.restype = c_int
+pcap_datalink.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t)]
+#int pcap_list_datalinks (pcap_t *p, int **dlt_buf)
+# list datalinks
+pcap_list_datalinks = _lib.pcap_list_datalinks
+pcap_list_datalinks.restype = c_int
+#pcap_list_datalinks.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), POINTER(POINTER(c_int))]
+#int pcap_set_datalink (pcap_t *p, int dlt)
+# Set the current data link type of the pcap descriptor to the type specified by dlt. -1 is returned on failure.
+pcap_set_datalink = _lib.pcap_set_datalink
+pcap_set_datalink.restype = c_int
+pcap_set_datalink.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), c_int]
+#int pcap_datalink_name_to_val (const char *name)
+# Translates a data link type name, which is a DLT_ name with the DLT_ removed, to the corresponding data link type value. The translation is case-insensitive. -1 is returned on failure.
+pcap_datalink_name_to_val = _lib.pcap_datalink_name_to_val
+pcap_datalink_name_to_val.restype = c_int
+pcap_datalink_name_to_val.argtypes = [STRING]
+#const char * pcap_datalink_val_to_name (int dlt)
+# Translates a data link type value to the corresponding data link type name. NULL is returned on failure.
+pcap_datalink_val_to_name = _lib.pcap_datalink_val_to_name
+pcap_datalink_val_to_name.restype = STRING
+pcap_datalink_val_to_name.argtypes = [c_int]
+#const char * pcap_datalink_val_to_description (int dlt)
+# Translates a data link type value to a short description of that data link type. NULL is returned on failure.
+pcap_datalink_val_to_description = _lib.pcap_datalink_val_to_description
+pcap_datalink_val_to_description.restype = STRING
+pcap_datalink_val_to_description.argtypes = [c_int]
+#int pcap_snapshot (pcap_t *p)
+# Return the dimension of the packet portion (in bytes) that is delivered to the application.
+pcap_snapshot = _lib.pcap_snapshot
+pcap_snapshot.restype = c_int
+pcap_snapshot.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t)]
+#int pcap_is_swapped (pcap_t *p)
+# returns true if the current savefile uses a different byte order than the current system.
+pcap_is_swapped = _lib.pcap_is_swapped
+pcap_is_swapped.restype = c_int
+pcap_is_swapped.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t)]
+#int pcap_major_version (pcap_t *p)
+# return the major version number of the pcap library used to write the savefile.
+pcap_major_version = _lib.pcap_major_version
+pcap_major_version.restype = c_int
+pcap_major_version.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t)]
+#int pcap_minor_version (pcap_t *p)
+# return the minor version number of the pcap library used to write the savefile.
+pcap_minor_version = _lib.pcap_minor_version
+pcap_minor_version.restype = c_int
+pcap_minor_version.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t)]
+#FILE * pcap_file (pcap_t *p)
+# Return the standard stream of an offline capture.
+pcap_file.restype = FILE
+pcap_file.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t)]
+#int pcap_stats (pcap_t *p, struct pcap_stat *ps)
+# Return statistics on current capture.
+pcap_stats = _lib.pcap_stats
+pcap_stats.restype = c_int
+pcap_stats.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), POINTER(pcap_stat)]
+#void pcap_perror (pcap_t *p, char *prefix)
+# print the text of the last pcap library error on stderr, prefixed by prefix.
+pcap_perror = _lib.pcap_perror
+pcap_perror.restype = None
+pcap_perror.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), STRING]
+#char * pcap_geterr (pcap_t *p)
+# return the error text pertaining to the last pcap library error.
+pcap_geterr = _lib.pcap_geterr
+pcap_geterr.restype = STRING
+pcap_geterr.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t)]
+#char * pcap_strerror (int error)
+# Provided in case strerror() isn't available.
+pcap_strerror = _lib.pcap_strerror
+pcap_strerror.restype = STRING
+pcap_strerror.argtypes = [c_int]
+#const char * pcap_lib_version (void)
+# Returns a pointer to a string giving information about the version of the libpcap library being used; note that it contains more information than just a version number.
+pcap_lib_version = _lib.pcap_lib_version
+pcap_lib_version.restype = STRING
+pcap_lib_version.argtypes = []
+#void pcap_close (pcap_t *p)
+# close the files associated with p and deallocates resources.
+pcap_close = _lib.pcap_close
+pcap_close.restype = None
+pcap_close.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t)]
+#FILE * pcap_dump_file (pcap_dumper_t *p)
+# return the standard I/O stream of the 'savefile' opened by pcap_dump_open().
+pcap_dump_file.argtypes= [POINTER(pcap_dumper_t)]
+#int pcap_dump_flush (pcap_dumper_t *p)
+# Flushes the output buffer to the ``savefile,'' so that any packets written with pcap_dump() but not yet written to the ``savefile'' will be written. -1 is returned on error, 0 on success.
+pcap_dump_flush = _lib.pcap_dump_flush
+pcap_dump_flush.restype = c_int
+pcap_dump_flush.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_dumper_t)]
+#void pcap_dump_close (pcap_dumper_t *p)
+# Closes a savefile.
+pcap_dump_close = _lib.pcap_dump_close
+pcap_dump_close.restype = None
+pcap_dump_close.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_dumper_t)]
+if not WIN32:
+ pcap_get_selectable_fd = _lib.pcap_get_selectable_fd
+ pcap_get_selectable_fd.restype = c_int
+ pcap_get_selectable_fd.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t)]
+## Windows-specific Extensions
+## The functions in this section extend libpcap to offer advanced functionalities
+## (like remote packet capture, packet buffer size variation or high-precision packet injection).
+## Howerver, at the moment they can be used only in Windows.
+if WIN32:
+ HANDLE = c_void_p
+ ##############
+ ## Identifiers related to the new source syntax
+ ##############
+ #define PCAP_SRC_FILE 2
+ #define PCAP_SRC_IFLOCAL 3
+ #Internal representation of the type of source in use (file, remote/local interface).
+ ##############
+ ## Strings related to the new source syntax
+ ##############
+ #define PCAP_SRC_FILE_STRING "file://"
+ #define PCAP_SRC_IF_STRING "rpcap://"
+ #String that will be used to determine the type of source in use (file, remote/local interface).
+ PCAP_SRC_IF_STRING="rpcap://"
+ ##############
+ ## Flags defined in the pcap_open() function
+ ##############
+ # Defines if the adapter has to go in promiscuous mode.
+ # Defines if the data trasfer (in case of a remote capture) has to be done with UDP protocol.
+ # Defines if the remote probe will capture its own generated traffic.
+ # This flag configures the adapter for maximum responsiveness.
+ ##############
+ ## Sampling methods defined in the pcap_setsampling() function
+ ##############
+ # define PCAP_SAMP_NOSAMP 0
+ # No sampling has to be done on the current capture.
+ # define PCAP_SAMP_1_EVERY_N 1
+ # It defines that only 1 out of N packets must be returned to the user.
+ # It defines that we have to return 1 packet every N milliseconds.
+ ##############
+ ## Authentication methods supported by the RPCAP protocol
+ ##############
+ # It defines the NULL authentication.
+ # define RPCAP_RMTAUTH_PWD 1
+ # It defines the username/password authentication.
+ ##############
+ ## Remote struct and defines
+ ##############
+ # define PCAP_BUF_SIZE 1024
+ # Defines the maximum buffer size in which address, port, interface names are kept.
+ PCAP_BUF_SIZE = 1024
+ # define RPCAP_HOSTLIST_SIZE 1024
+ # Maximum lenght of an host name (needed for the RPCAP active mode).
+ class pcap_send_queue(Structure):
+ _fields_=[("maxlen",c_uint),
+ ("len",c_uint),
+ ("buffer",c_char_p)]
+ ## struct pcap_rmtauth
+ ## This structure keeps the information needed to autheticate the user on a remote machine
+ class pcap_rmtauth(Structure):
+ _fields_=[("type",c_int),
+ ("username",c_char_p),
+ ("password",c_char_p)]
+ ## struct pcap_samp
+ ## This structure defines the information related to sampling
+ class pcap_samp(Structure):
+ _fields_=[("method",c_int),
+ ("value",c_int)]
+ #PAirpcapHandle pcap_get_airpcap_handle (pcap_t *p)
+ # Returns the AirPcap handler associated with an adapter. This handler can be used to change the wireless-related settings of the CACE Technologies AirPcap wireless capture adapters.
+ #bool pcap_offline_filter (struct bpf_program *prog, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data)
+ # Returns if a given filter applies to an offline packet.
+ pcap_offline_filter = _lib.pcap_offline_filter
+ pcap_offline_filter.restype = c_bool
+ pcap_offline_filter.argtypes = [POINTER(bpf_program),POINTER(pcap_pkthdr),POINTER(u_char)]
+ #int pcap_live_dump (pcap_t *p, char *filename, int maxsize, int maxpacks)
+ # Save a capture to file.
+ pcap_live_dump = _lib.pcap_live_dump
+ pcap_live_dump.restype = c_int
+ pcap_live_dump.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), POINTER(c_char), c_int,c_int]
+ #int pcap_live_dump_ended (pcap_t *p, int sync)
+ # Return the status of the kernel dump process, i.e. tells if one of the limits defined with pcap_live_dump() has been reached.
+ pcap_live_dump_ended = _lib.pcap_live_dump_ended
+ pcap_live_dump_ended.restype = c_int
+ pcap_live_dump_ended.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), c_int]
+ #struct pcap_stat * pcap_stats_ex (pcap_t *p, int *pcap_stat_size)
+ # Return statistics on current capture.
+ pcap_stats_ex = _lib.pcap_stats_ex
+ pcap_stats_ex.restype = POINTER(pcap_stat)
+ pcap_stats_ex.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), POINTER(c_int)]
+ #int pcap_setbuff (pcap_t *p, int dim)
+ # Set the size of the kernel buffer associated with an adapter.
+ pcap_setbuff = _lib.pcap_setbuff
+ pcap_setbuff.restype = c_int
+ pcap_setbuff.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), c_int]
+ #int pcap_setmode (pcap_t *p, int mode)
+ # Set the working mode of the interface p to mode.
+ pcap_setmode = _lib.pcap_setmode
+ pcap_setmode.restype = c_int
+ pcap_setmode.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), c_int]
+ #int pcap_setmintocopy (pcap_t *p, int size)
+ # Set the minumum amount of data received by the kernel in a single call.
+ pcap_setmintocopy = _lib.pcap_setmintocopy
+ pcap_setmintocopy.restype = c_int
+ pcap_setmintocopy.argtype = [POINTER(pcap_t), c_int]
+ #HANDLE pcap_getevent (pcap_t *p)
+ # Return the handle of the event associated with the interface p.
+ pcap_getevent = _lib.pcap_getevent
+ pcap_getevent.restype = HANDLE
+ pcap_getevent.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t)]
+ #pcap_send_queue * pcap_sendqueue_alloc (u_int memsize)
+ # Allocate a send queue.
+ pcap_sendqueue_alloc = _lib.pcap_sendqueue_alloc
+ pcap_sendqueue_alloc.restype = POINTER(pcap_send_queue)
+ pcap_sendqueue_alloc.argtypes = [c_uint]
+ #void pcap_sendqueue_destroy (pcap_send_queue *queue)
+ # Destroy a send queue.
+ pcap_sendqueue_destroy = _lib.pcap_sendqueue_destroy
+ pcap_sendqueue_destroy.restype = None
+ pcap_sendqueue_destroy.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_send_queue)]
+ #int pcap_sendqueue_queue (pcap_send_queue *queue, const struct pcap_pkthdr *pkt_header, const u_char *pkt_data)
+ # Add a packet to a send queue.
+ pcap_sendqueue_queue = _lib.pcap_sendqueue_queue
+ pcap_sendqueue_queue.restype = c_int
+ pcap_sendqueue_queue.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_send_queue), POINTER(pcap_pkthdr), POINTER(u_char)]
+ #u_int pcap_sendqueue_transmit (pcap_t *p, pcap_send_queue *queue, int sync)
+ # Send a queue of raw packets to the network.
+ pcap_sendqueue_transmit = _lib.pcap_sendqueue_transmit
+ pcap_sendqueue_transmit.retype = u_int
+ pcap_sendqueue_transmit.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t), POINTER(pcap_send_queue), c_int]
+ #int pcap_findalldevs_ex (char *source, struct pcap_rmtauth *auth, pcap_if_t **alldevs, char *errbuf)
+ # Create a list of network devices that can be opened with pcap_open().
+ pcap_findalldevs_ex = _lib.pcap_findalldevs_ex
+ pcap_findalldevs_ex.retype = c_int
+ pcap_findalldevs_ex.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(pcap_rmtauth), POINTER(POINTER(pcap_if_t)), STRING]
+ #int pcap_createsrcstr (char *source, int type, const char *host, const char *port, const char *name, char *errbuf)
+ # Accept a set of strings (host name, port, ...), and it returns the complete source string according to the new format (e.g. 'rpcap://').
+ pcap_createsrcstr = _lib.pcap_createsrcstr
+ pcap_createsrcstr.restype = c_int
+ pcap_createsrcstr.argtypes = [STRING, c_int, STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING]
+ #int pcap_parsesrcstr (const char *source, int *type, char *host, char *port, char *name, char *errbuf)
+ # Parse the source string and returns the pieces in which the source can be split.
+ pcap_parsesrcstr = _lib.pcap_parsesrcstr
+ pcap_parsesrcstr.retype = c_int
+ pcap_parsesrcstr.argtypes = [STRING, POINTER(c_int), STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING]
+ #pcap_t * pcap_open (const char *source, int snaplen, int flags, int read_timeout, struct pcap_rmtauth *auth, char *errbuf)
+ # Open a generic source in order to capture / send (WinPcap only) traffic.
+ pcap_open = _lib.pcap_open
+ pcap_open.restype = POINTER(pcap_t)
+ pcap_open.argtypes = [STRING, c_int, c_int, c_int, POINTER(pcap_rmtauth), STRING]
+ #struct pcap_samp * pcap_setsampling (pcap_t *p)
+ # Define a sampling method for packet capture.
+ pcap_setsampling = _lib.pcap_setsampling
+ pcap_setsampling.restype = POINTER(pcap_samp)
+ pcap_setsampling.argtypes = [POINTER(pcap_t)]
+ #SOCKET pcap_remoteact_accept (const char *address, const char *port, const char *hostlist, char *connectinghost, struct pcap_rmtauth *auth, char *errbuf)
+ # Block until a network connection is accepted (active mode only).
+ pcap_remoteact_accept = _lib.pcap_remoteact_accept
+ pcap_remoteact_accept.restype = SOCKET
+ pcap_remoteact_accept.argtypes = [STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING, POINTER(pcap_rmtauth), STRING]
+ #int pcap_remoteact_close (const char *host, char *errbuf)
+ # Drop an active connection (active mode only).
+ pcap_remoteact_close = _lib.pcap_remoteact_close
+ pcap_remoteact_close.restypes = c_int
+ pcap_remoteact_close.argtypes = [STRING, STRING]
+ #void pcap_remoteact_cleanup ()
+ # Clean the socket that is currently used in waiting active connections.
+ pcap_remoteact_cleanup = _lib.pcap_remoteact_cleanup
+ pcap_remoteact_cleanup.restypes = None
+ pcap_remoteact_cleanup.argtypes = []
+ #int pcap_remoteact_list (char *hostlist, char sep, int size, char *errbuf)
+ # Return the hostname of the host that have an active connection with us (active mode only).
+ pcap_remoteact_list = _lib.pcap_remoteact_list
+ pcap_remoteact_list.restype = c_int
+ pcap_remoteact_list.argtypes = [STRING, c_char, c_int, STRING]