path: root/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/
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authorimarom <>2016-03-21 16:03:47 +0200
committerimarom <>2016-03-21 16:03:47 +0200
commitb89efa188810bf95a9d245e69e2961b5721c3b0f (patch)
tree454273ac6c4ae972ebb8a2c86b893296970b4fa9 /scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/
parentf72c6df9d2e9998ae1f3529d729ab7930b35785a (diff)
scapy python 2/3
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 394 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/
deleted file mode 100644
index 88c324f8..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-## This file is part of Scapy
-## See for more informations
-## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
-## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
-Implementation for of the configuration object.
-import os,time,socket,sys
-from .data import *
-import scapy.base_classes
-import scapy.themes
-from .error import log_scapy
-## Config ##
-class ConfClass(object):
- def configure(self, cnf):
- self.__dict__ = cnf.__dict__.copy()
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self)
- def __str__(self):
- s=""
- keys = self.__class__.__dict__.copy()
- keys.update(self.__dict__)
- keys = list(keys.keys())
- keys.sort()
- for i in keys:
- if i[0] != "_":
- r = repr(getattr(self, i))
- r = " ".join(r.split())
- wlen = 76-max(len(i),10)
- if len(r) > wlen:
- r = r[:wlen-3]+"..."
- s += "%-10s = %s\n" % (i, r)
- return s[:-1]
-class Interceptor(object):
- def __init__(self, name, default, hook, args=None, kargs=None):
- = name
- self.intname = "_intercepted_%s" % name
- self.default=default
- self.hook = hook
- self.args = args if args is not None else []
- self.kargs = kargs if kargs is not None else {}
- def __get__(self, obj, typ=None):
- if not hasattr(obj, self.intname):
- setattr(obj, self.intname, self.default)
- return getattr(obj, self.intname)
- def __set__(self, obj, val):
- setattr(obj, self.intname, val)
- self.hook(, val, *self.args, **self.kargs)
-class ProgPath(ConfClass):
- pdfreader = "acroread"
- psreader = "gv"
- dot = "dot"
- display = "display"
- tcpdump = "tcpdump"
- tcpreplay = "tcpreplay"
- hexedit = "hexedit"
- wireshark = "wireshark"
-class ConfigFieldList:
- def __init__(self):
- self.fields = set()
- self.layers = set()
- @staticmethod
- def _is_field(f):
- return hasattr(f, "owners")
- def _recalc_layer_list(self):
- self.layers = set([owner for f in self.fields for owner in f.owners])
- def add(self, *flds):
- self.fields |= set([f for f in flds if self._is_field(f)])
- self._recalc_layer_list()
- def remove(self, *flds):
- self.fields -= set(flds)
- self._recalc_layer_list()
- def __contains__(self, elt):
- if isinstance(elt, scapy.base_classes.Packet_metaclass):
- return elt in self.layers
- return elt in self.fields
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s [%s]>" % (self.__class__.__name__," ".join(str(x) for x in self.fields))
-class Emphasize(ConfigFieldList):
- pass
-class Resolve(ConfigFieldList):
- pass
-class Num2Layer:
- def __init__(self):
- self.num2layer = {}
- self.layer2num = {}
- def register(self, num, layer):
- self.register_num2layer(num, layer)
- self.register_layer2num(num, layer)
- def register_num2layer(self, num, layer):
- self.num2layer[num] = layer
- def register_layer2num(self, num, layer):
- self.layer2num[layer] = num
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- if isinstance(item, scapy.base_classes.Packet_metaclass):
- return self.layer2num[item]
- return self.num2layer[item]
- def __contains__(self, item):
- if isinstance(item, scapy.base_classes.Packet_metaclass):
- return item in self.layer2num
- return item in self.num2layer
- def get(self, item, default=None):
- if item in self:
- return self[item]
- return default
- def __repr__(self):
- lst = []
- for num,layer in self.num2layer.items():
- if layer in self.layer2num and self.layer2num[layer] == num:
- dir = "<->"
- else:
- dir = " ->"
- lst.append((num,"%#6x %s %-20s (%s)" % (num,dir,layer.__name__,
- for layer,num in self.layer2num.items():
- if num not in self.num2layer or self.num2layer[num] != layer:
- lst.append((num,"%#6x <- %-20s (%s)" % (num,layer.__name__,
- lst.sort()
- return "\n".join(y for x,y in lst)
-class LayersList(list):
- def __repr__(self):
- s=[]
- for l in self:
- s.append("%-20s: %s" % (l.__name__,
- return "\n".join(s)
- def register(self, layer):
- self.append(layer)
-class CommandsList(list):
- def __repr__(self):
- s=[]
- for l in sorted(self,key=lambda x:x.__name__):
- if l.__doc__:
- doc = l.__doc__.split("\n")[0]
- else:
- doc = "--"
- s.append("%-20s: %s" % (l.__name__,doc))
- return "\n".join(s)
- def register(self, cmd):
- self.append(cmd)
- return cmd # return cmd so that method can be used as a decorator
-def lsc():
- print(repr(conf.commands))
-class CacheInstance(dict):
- def __init__(self, name="noname", timeout=None):
- self.timeout = timeout
- = name
- self._timetable = {}
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- val = dict.__getitem__(self,item)
- if self.timeout is not None:
- t = self._timetable[item]
- if time.time()-t > self.timeout:
- raise KeyError(item)
- return val
- def get(self, item, default=None):
- # overloading this method is needed to force the dict to go through
- # the timetable check
- try:
- return self[item]
- except KeyError:
- return default
- def __setitem__(self, item, v):
- try:
- self._timetable[item] = time.time()
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- dict.__setitem__(self, item,v)
- def update(self, other):
- dict.update(self, other)
- self._timetable.update(other._timetable)
- def items(self):
- if self.timeout is None:
- return dict.items(self)
- t0=time.time()
- return ((k,v) for (k,v) in dict.items(self) if t0-self._timetable[k] < self.timeout)
- def keys(self):
- if self.timeout is None:
- return dict.keys(self)
- t0=time.time()
- return (k for k in dict.keys(self) if t0-self._timetable[k] < self.timeout)
- def __iter__(self):
- return self.keys()
- def values(self):
- if self.timeout is None:
- return dict.values(self)
- t0=time.time()
- return (v for (k,v) in dict.items(self) if t0-self._timetable[k] < self.timeout)
- def items(self):
- if self.timeout is None:
- return dict.items(self)
- t0=time.time()
- return [(k,v) for (k,v) in dict.items(self) if t0-self._timetable[k] < self.timeout]
- def keys(self):
- if self.timeout is None:
- return dict.keys(self)
- t0=time.time()
- return [k for k in dict.keys(self) if t0-self._timetable[k] < self.timeout]
- def values(self):
- if self.timeout is None:
- return dict.values(self)
- t0=time.time()
- return [v for (k,v) in dict.items(self) if t0-self._timetable[k] < self.timeout]
- def __len__(self):
- if self.timeout is None:
- return dict.__len__(self)
- return len(self.keys())
- def summary(self):
- return "%s: %i valid items. Timeout=%rs" % (, len(self), self.timeout)
- def __repr__(self):
- s = []
- if self:
- mk = max(len(k) for k in self.keys())
- fmt = "%%-%is %%s" % (mk+1)
- for item in self.items():
- s.append(fmt % item)
- return "\n".join(s)
-class NetCache:
- def __init__(self):
- self._caches_list = []
- def add_cache(self, cache):
- self._caches_list.append(cache)
- setattr(self,,cache)
- def new_cache(self, name, timeout=None):
- c = CacheInstance(name=name, timeout=timeout)
- self.add_cache(c)
- def __delattr__(self, attr):
- raise AttributeError("Cannot delete attributes")
- def update(self, other):
- for co in other._caches_list:
- if hasattr(self,
- getattr(self,
- else:
- self.add_cache(co.copy())
- def flush(self):
- for c in self._caches_list:
- c.flush()
- def __repr__(self):
- return "\n".join(c.summary() for c in self._caches_list)
-class LogLevel(object):
- def __get__(self, obj, otype):
- return obj._logLevel
- def __set__(self,obj,val):
- log_scapy.setLevel(val)
- obj._logLevel = val
-def _prompt_changer(attr,val):
- prompt = conf.prompt
- try:
- ct = val
- if isinstance(ct, AnsiColorTheme) and ct.prompt(""):
- ## ^A and ^B delimit invisible caracters for readline to count right.
- ## And we need ct.prompt() to do change something or else ^A and ^B will be
- ## displayed
- prompt = "\001%s\002" % ct.prompt("\002"+prompt+"\001")
- else:
- prompt = ct.prompt(prompt)
- except:
- pass
- sys.ps1 = prompt
-class Conf(ConfClass):
- """This object contains the configuration of scapy.
-session : filename where the session will be saved
-interactive_shell : If set to "ipython", use IPython as shell. Default: IPython.
-ipython_embedded : If True use embedded ipython shell, standard ipython shell otherwise.
-stealth : if 1, prevents any unwanted packet to go out (ARP, DNS, ...)
-checkIPID: if 0, doesn't check that IPID matches between IP sent and ICMP IP citation received
- if 1, checks that they either are equal or byte swapped equals (bug in some IP stacks)
- if 2, strictly checks that they are equals
-checkIPsrc: if 1, checks IP src in IP and ICMP IP citation match (bug in some NAT stacks)
-check_TCPerror_seqack: if 1, also check that TCP seq and ack match the ones in ICMP citation
-iff : selects the default output interface for srp() and sendp(). default:"eth0")
-verb : level of verbosity, from 0 (almost mute) to 3 (verbose)
-promisc : default mode for listening socket (to get answers if you spoof on a lan)
-sniff_promisc : default mode for sniff()
-filter : bpf filter added to every sniffing socket to exclude traffic from analysis
-histfile : history file
-padding : includes padding in desassembled packets
-except_filter : BPF filter for packets to ignore
-debug_match : when 1, store received packet that are not matched into debug.recv
-route : holds the Scapy routing table and provides methods to manipulate it
-warning_threshold : how much time between warnings from the same place
-ASN1_default_codec: Codec used by default for ASN1 objects
-mib : holds MIB direct access dictionnary
-resolve : holds list of fields for which resolution should be done
-noenum : holds list of enum fields for which conversion to string should NOT be done
-AS_resolver: choose the AS resolver class to use
-extensions_paths: path or list of paths where extensions are to be looked for
- version = "3.0.0"
- session = ""
- interactive = False
- interactive_shell = "ipython"
- ipython_embedded = True
- stealth = "not implemented"
- iface = None
- readfunc = None
- layers = LayersList()
- commands = CommandsList()
- logLevel = LogLevel()
- checkIPID = 0
- checkIPsrc = 1
- checkIPaddr = 1
- check_TCPerror_seqack = 0
- verb = 2
- prompt = ">>> "
- promisc = 1
- sniff_promisc = 1
- raw_layer = None
- raw_summary = False
- default_l2 = None
- l2types = Num2Layer()
- l3types = Num2Layer()
- L3socket = None
- L2socket = None
- L2listen = None
- histfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".scapy_history")
- padding = 1
- except_filter = ""
- debug_match = 0
- wepkey = ""
- route = None # Filled by
- route6 = None # Filled by
- auto_fragment = 1
- debug_dissector = 0
- color_theme = Interceptor("color_theme", scapy.themes.NoTheme(), _prompt_changer)
- warning_threshold = 5
- prog = ProgPath()
- resolve = Resolve()
- noenum = Resolve()
- emph = Emphasize()
- use_dnet = False
- use_winpcapy = False
- use_netifaces = False
- ipv6_enabled = socket.has_ipv6
- ethertypes = ETHER_TYPES
- protocols = IP_PROTOS
- services_tcp = TCP_SERVICES
- services_udp = UDP_SERVICES
- extensions_paths = "."
- manufdb = MANUFDB
- stats_classic_protocols = []
- stats_dot11_protocols = []
- temp_files = []
- netcache = NetCache()
- load_layers = [ "l2", "inet", "dhcp", "dns", "dot11", "gprs", "hsrp", "inet6", "ir", "isakmp", "l2tp",
- "mgcp", "mobileip", "netbios", "netflow", "ntp", "ppp", "radius", "rip", "rtp",
- "sebek", "skinny", "smb", "snmp", "tftp", "x509", "bluetooth", "dhcp6", "llmnr", "sctp", "vrrp",
- "ipsec" ]
-if not Conf.ipv6_enabled:
- log_scapy.warning("IPv6 support disabled in Python. Cannot load scapy IPv6 layers.")
- for m in ["inet6","dhcp6"]:
- if m in Conf.load_layers:
- Conf.load_layers.remove(m)
-conf.logLevel=30 # 30=Warning