path: root/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib
diff options
authorimarom <>2016-03-21 16:03:47 +0200
committerimarom <>2016-03-21 16:03:47 +0200
commitb89efa188810bf95a9d245e69e2961b5721c3b0f (patch)
tree454273ac6c4ae972ebb8a2c86b893296970b4fa9 /scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib
parentf72c6df9d2e9998ae1f3529d729ab7930b35785a (diff)
scapy python 2/3
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib')
27 files changed, 0 insertions, 18791 deletions
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index 99654377..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-## This file is part of Scapy
-## See for more informations
-## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
-## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
-Package of contrib modules that have to be loaded explicitly.
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
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index 461b94b8..00000000
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-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# scapy.contrib.description = AVS WLAN Monitor Header
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.layers.dot11 import *
-AVSWLANPhyType = { 0 : "Unknown",
- 1 : "FHSS 802.11 '97",
- 2 : "DSSS 802.11 '97",
- 3 : "IR Baseband",
- 4 : "DSSS 802.11b",
- 5 : "PBCC 802.11b",
- 6 : "OFDM 802.11g",
- 7 : "PBCC 802.11g",
- 8 : "OFDM 802.11a" }
-AVSWLANEncodingType = { 0 : "Unknown",
- 1 : "CCK",
- 2 : "PBCC",
- 3 : "OFDM"}
-AVSWLANSSIType = { 0 : "None",
- 1 : "Normalized RSSI",
- 2 : "dBm",
- 3 : "Raw RSSI"}
-AVSWLANPreambleType = { 0 : "Unknown",
- 1 : "Short",
- 2 : "Long" }
-class AVSWLANHeader(Packet):
- """ iwpriv eth1 set_prismhdr 1 """
- name = "AVS WLAN Monitor Header"
- fields_desc = [ IntField("version",1),
- IntField("len",64),
- LongField("mactime",0),
- LongField("hosttime",0),
- IntEnumField("phytype",0, AVSWLANPhyType),
- IntField("channel",0),
- IntField("datarate",0),
- IntField("antenna",0),
- IntField("priority",0),
- IntEnumField("ssi_type",0, AVSWLANSSIType),
- SignedIntField("ssi_signal",0),
- SignedIntField("ssi_noise",0),
- IntEnumField("preamble",0, AVSWLANPreambleType),
- IntEnumField("encoding",0, AVSWLANEncodingType),
- ]
-bind_layers(AVSWLANHeader, Dot11)
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-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# scapy.contrib.description = BGP
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.layers.inet import TCP
-class BGPIPField(Field):
- """Represents how bgp dose an ip prefix in (length, prefix)"""
- def mask2iplen(self,mask):
- """turn the mask into the length in bytes of the ip field"""
- return (mask + 7) // 8
- def h2i(self, pkt, h):
- """human x.x.x.x/y to internal"""
- ip,mask = re.split( '/', h)
- return int(mask), ip
- def i2h( self, pkt, i):
- mask, ip = i
- return ip + '/' + str( mask )
- def i2repr( self, pkt, i):
- """make it look nice"""
- return self.i2h(pkt,i)
- def i2len(self, pkt, i):
- """rely on integer division"""
- mask, ip = i
- return self.mask2iplen(mask) + 1
- def i2m(self, pkt, i):
- """internal (ip as bytes, mask as int) to machine"""
- mask, ip = i
- ip = inet_aton( ip )
- return struct.pack(">B",mask) + ip[:self.mask2iplen(mask)]
- def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
- return s+self.i2m(pkt, val)
- def getfield(self, pkt, s):
- l = self.mask2iplen( struct.unpack(">B",s[0])[0] ) + 1
- return s[l:], self.m2i(pkt,s[:l])
- def m2i(self,pkt,m):
- mask = struct.unpack(">B",m[0])[0]
- ip = "".join( [ m[i + 1] if i < self.mask2iplen(mask) else '\x00' for i in range(4)] )
- return (mask,inet_ntoa(ip))
-class BGPHeader(Packet):
- """The first part of any BGP packet"""
- name = "BGP header"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("marker",0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, 0x80 ),
- ShortField("len", None),
- ByteEnumField("type", 4, {0:"none", 1:"open",2:"update",3:"notification",4:"keep_alive"}),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None and pay:
- l = len(p) + len(pay)
- p = p[:16]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[18:]
- return p+pay
-class BGPOptionalParameter(Packet):
- """Format of optional Parameter for BGP Open"""
- name = "BGP Optional Parameters"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("type", 2),
- ByteField("len", None),
- StrLenField("value", "", length_from = lambda x: x.len),
- ]
- def post_build(self,p,pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p) - 2 # 2 is length without value
- p = p[:1]+struct.pack("!B", l)+p[2:]
- return p+pay
- def extract_padding(self, p):
- """any thing after this packet is extracted is padding"""
- return "",p
-class BGPOpen(Packet):
- """ Opens a new BGP session"""
- name = "BGP Open Header"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("version", 4),
- ShortField("AS", 0),
- ShortField("hold_time", 0),
- IPField("bgp_id",""),
- ByteField("opt_parm_len", None),
- PacketListField("opt_parm",[], BGPOptionalParameter, length_from=lambda p:p.opt_parm_len),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.opt_parm_len is None:
- l = len(p) - 10 # 10 is regular length with no additional options
- p = p[:9] + struct.pack("!B",l) +p[10:]
- return p+pay
-class BGPAuthenticationData(Packet):
- name = "BGP Authentication Data"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("AuthenticationCode", 0),
- ByteField("FormMeaning", 0),
- FieldLenField("Algorithm", 0),
- ]
-class BGPPathAttribute(Packet):
- "the attribute of total path"
- name = "BGP Attribute fields"
- fields_desc = [
- FlagsField("flags", 0x40, 8, ["NA0","NA1","NA2","NA3","Extended-Length","Partial","Transitive","Optional"]), #Extened leght may not work
- ByteEnumField("type", 1, {1:"ORIGIN", 2:"AS_PATH", 3:"NEXT_HOP", 4:"MULTI_EXIT_DISC", 5:"LOCAL_PREF", 6:"ATOMIC_AGGREGATE", 7:"AGGREGATOR"}),
- ByteField("attr_len", None),
- StrLenField("value", "", length_from = lambda p: p.attr_len),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.attr_len is None:
- l = len(p) - 3 # 3 is regular length with no additional options
- p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!B",l) +p[3:]
- return p+pay
- def extract_padding(self, p):
- """any thing after this packet is extracted is padding"""
- return "",p
-class BGPUpdate(Packet):
- """Update the routes WithdrawnRoutes = UnfeasiableRoutes"""
- name = "BGP Update fields"
- fields_desc = [
- ShortField("withdrawn_len", None),
- FieldListField("withdrawn",[], BGPIPField("",""), length_from=lambda p:p.withdrawn_len),
- ShortField("tp_len", None),
- PacketListField("total_path", [], BGPPathAttribute, length_from = lambda p: p.tp_len),
- FieldListField("nlri",[], BGPIPField("",""), length_from=lambda p:p.underlayer.len - 23 - p.tp_len - p.withdrawn_len), # len should be BGPHeader.len
- ]
- def post_build(self,p,pay):
- wl = self.withdrawn_len
- subpacklen = lambda p: len ( str( p ))
- subfieldlen = lambda p: BGPIPField("", "").i2len(self, p )
- if wl is None:
- wl = sum ( map ( subfieldlen , self.withdrawn))
- p = p[:0]+struct.pack("!H", wl)+p[2:]
- if self.tp_len is None:
- l = sum ( map ( subpacklen , self.total_path))
- p = p[:2+wl]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4+wl:]
- return p+pay
-class BGPNotification(Packet):
- name = "BGP Notification fields"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("ErrorCode",0,{1:"Message Header Error",2:"OPEN Message Error",3:"UPDATE Messsage Error",4:"Hold Timer Expired",5:"Finite State Machine",6:"Cease"}),
- ByteEnumField("ErrorSubCode",0,{1:"MessageHeader",2:"OPENMessage",3:"UPDATEMessage"}),
- LongField("Data", 0),
- ]
-class BGPErrorSubcodes(Packet):
- name = "BGP Error Subcodes"
- Fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("MessageHeader",0,{1:"Connection Not Synchronized",2:"Bad Message Length",3:"Bad Messsage Type"}),
- ByteEnumField("OPENMessage",0,{1:"Unsupported Version Number",2:"Bad Peer AS",3:"Bad BGP Identifier",4:"Unsupported Optional Parameter",5:"Authentication Failure",6:"Unacceptable Hold Time"}),
- ByteEnumField("UPDATEMessage",0,{1:"Malformed Attribute List",2:"Unrecognized Well-Known Attribute",3:"Missing Well-Known Attribute",4:"Attribute Flags Error",5:"Attribute Length Error",6:"Invalid ORIGIN Attribute",7:"AS Routing Loop",8:"Invalid NEXT_HOP Attribute",9:"Optional Attribute Error",10:"Invalid Network Field",11:"Malformed AS_PATH"}),
- ]
-bind_layers( TCP, BGPHeader, dport=179)
-bind_layers( TCP, BGPHeader, sport=179)
-bind_layers( BGPHeader, BGPOpen, type=1)
-bind_layers( BGPHeader, BGPUpdate, type=2)
-bind_layers( BGPHeader, BGPHeader, type=4)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="BGP addon .05")
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--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
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@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# scapy.contrib.description = CARP
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.layers.inet import IP
-from scapy.fields import BitField, ByteField, XShortField, IntField, XIntField
-from scapy.utils import checksum
-import struct, hmac, hashlib
-class CARP(Packet):
- name = "CARP"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("version", 4, 4),
- BitField("type", 4, 4),
- ByteField("vhid", 1),
- ByteField("advskew", 0),
- ByteField("authlen", 0),
- ByteField("demotion", 0),
- ByteField("advbase", 0),
- XShortField("chksum", 0),
- XIntField("counter1", 0),
- XIntField("counter2", 0),
- XIntField("hmac1", 0),
- XIntField("hmac2", 0),
- XIntField("hmac3", 0),
- XIntField("hmac4", 0),
- XIntField("hmac5", 0)
- ]
- def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
- if self.chksum == None:
- pkt = pkt[:6] + struct.pack("!H", checksum(pkt)) + pkt[8:]
- return pkt
-def build_hmac_sha1(pkt, pw = '\0' * 20, ip4l = [], ip6l = []):
- if not pkt.haslayer(CARP):
- return None
- p = pkt[CARP]
- h =, digestmod = hashlib.sha1)
- # XXX: this is a dirty hack. it needs to pack version and type into a single 8bit field
- h.update('\x21')
- # XXX: mac addy if different from special link layer. comes before vhid
- h.update(struct.pack('!B', p.vhid))
- sl = []
- for i in ip4l:
- # sort ips from smallest to largest
- sl.append(inet_aton(i))
- sl.sort()
- for i in sl:
- h.update(i)
- # XXX: do ip6l sorting
- return h.digest()
-XXX: Usually CARP is multicast to but because of virtual setup, it'll
-be unicast between nodes. Uncomment the following line for normal use
-bind_layers(IP, CARP, proto=112, dst='')
-bind_layers(IP, CARP, proto=112)
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index ed336162..00000000
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@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# scapy.contrib.description = Cisco Discovery Protocol
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-## ##
-## --- Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) extension for Scapy ##
-## ##
-## Copyright (C) 2006 Nicolas Bareil <nicolas.bareil AT eads DOT net> ##
-## Arnaud Ebalard <arnaud.ebalard AT eads DOT net> ##
-## EADS/CRC security team ##
-## ##
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ##
-## under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as ##
-## published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2. ##
-## ##
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ##
-## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ##
-## General Public License for more details. ##
-## ##
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.layers.inet6 import *
-# Helpers and constants
-# CDP TLV classes keyed by type
-_cdp_tlv_cls = { 0x0001: "CDPMsgDeviceID",
- 0x0002: "CDPMsgAddr",
- 0x0003: "CDPMsgPortID",
- 0x0004: "CDPMsgCapabilities",
- 0x0005: "CDPMsgSoftwareVersion",
- 0x0006: "CDPMsgPlatform",
- 0x0007: "CDPMsgIPPrefix",
- 0x0008: "CDPMsgProtoHello",
- 0x0009: "CDPMsgVTPMgmtDomain", # CDPv2
- 0x000a: "CDPMsgNativeVLAN", # CDPv2
- 0x000b: "CDPMsgDuplex", #
-# 0x000c: "CDPMsgGeneric",
-# 0x000d: "CDPMsgGeneric",
- 0x000e: "CDPMsgVoIPVLANReply",
- 0x000f: "CDPMsgVoIPVLANQuery",
- 0x0010: "CDPMsgPower",
- 0x0011: "CDPMsgMTU",
-# 0x0012: "CDPMsgTrustBitmap",
-# 0x0013: "CDPMsgUntrustedPortCoS",
-# 0x0014: "CDPMsgSystemName",
-# 0x0015: "CDPMsgSystemOID",
- 0x0016: "CDPMsgMgmtAddr",
-# 0x0017: "CDPMsgLocation",
- 0x0019: "CDPMsgUnknown19",
-# 0x001a: "CDPPowerAvailable"
- }
-_cdp_tlv_types = { 0x0001: "Device ID",
- 0x0002: "Addresses",
- 0x0003: "Port ID",
- 0x0004: "Capabilities",
- 0x0005: "Software Version",
- 0x0006: "Platform",
- 0x0007: "IP Prefix",
- 0x0008: "Protocol Hello",
- 0x0009: "VTP Mangement Domain", # CDPv2
- 0x000a: "Native VLAN", # CDPv2
- 0x000b: "Duplex", #
- 0x000c: "CDP Unknown command (send us a pcap file)",
- 0x000d: "CDP Unknown command (send us a pcap file)",
- 0x000e: "VoIP VLAN Reply",
- 0x000f: "VoIP VLAN Query",
- 0x0010: "Power",
- 0x0011: "MTU",
- 0x0012: "Trust Bitmap",
- 0x0013: "Untrusted Port CoS",
- 0x0014: "System Name",
- 0x0015: "System OID",
- 0x0016: "Management Address",
- 0x0017: "Location",
- 0x0018: "CDP Unknown command (send us a pcap file)",
- 0x0019: "CDP Unknown command (send us a pcap file)",
- 0x001a: "Power Available"}
-def _CDPGuessPayloadClass(p, **kargs):
- cls = conf.raw_layer
- if len(p) >= 2:
- t = struct.unpack("!H", p[:2])[0]
- clsname = _cdp_tlv_cls.get(t, "CDPMsgGeneric")
- cls = globals()[clsname]
- return cls(p, **kargs)
-class CDPMsgGeneric(Packet):
- name = "CDP Generic Message"
- fields_desc = [ XShortEnumField("type", None, _cdp_tlv_types),
- FieldLenField("len", None, "val", "!H"),
- StrLenField("val", "", length_from=lambda x:x.len - 4) ]
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return conf.padding_layer # _CDPGuessPayloadClass
-class CDPMsgDeviceID(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "Device ID"
- type = 0x0001
-_cdp_addr_record_ptype = {0x01: "NLPID", 0x02: "802.2"}
-_cdp_addrrecord_proto_ip = "\xcc"
-_cdp_addrrecord_proto_ipv6 = "\xaa\xaa\x03\x00\x00\x00\x86\xdd"
-class CDPAddrRecord(Packet):
- name = "CDP Address"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ptype", 0x01, _cdp_addr_record_ptype),
- FieldLenField("plen", None, "proto", "B"),
- StrLenField("proto", None, length_from=lambda x:x.plen),
- FieldLenField("addrlen", None, length_of=lambda x:x.addr),
- StrLenField("addr", None, length_from=lambda x:x.addrlen)]
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return conf.padding_layer
-class CDPAddrRecordIPv4(CDPAddrRecord):
- name = "CDP Address IPv4"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ptype", 0x01, _cdp_addr_record_ptype),
- FieldLenField("plen", 1, "proto", "B"),
- StrLenField("proto", _cdp_addrrecord_proto_ip, length_from=lambda x:x.plen),
- ShortField("addrlen", 4),
- IPField("addr", "")]
-class CDPAddrRecordIPv6(CDPAddrRecord):
- name = "CDP Address IPv6"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ptype", 0x02, _cdp_addr_record_ptype),
- FieldLenField("plen", 8, "proto", "B"),
- StrLenField("proto", _cdp_addrrecord_proto_ipv6, length_from=lambda x:x.plen),
- ShortField("addrlen", 16),
- IP6Field("addr", "::1")]
-def _CDPGuessAddrRecord(p, **kargs):
- cls = conf.raw_layer
- if len(p) >= 2:
- plen = struct.unpack("B", p[1])[0]
- proto = ''.join(struct.unpack("s" * plen, p[2:plen + 2])[0:plen])
- if proto == _cdp_addrrecord_proto_ip:
- clsname = "CDPAddrRecordIPv4"
- elif proto == _cdp_addrrecord_proto_ipv6:
- clsname = "CDPAddrRecordIPv6"
- else:
- clsname = "CDPAddrRecord"
- cls = globals()[clsname]
- return cls(p, **kargs)
-class CDPMsgAddr(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "Addresses"
- fields_desc = [ XShortEnumField("type", 0x0002, _cdp_tlv_types),
- ShortField("len", None),
- FieldLenField("naddr", None, "addr", "!I"),
- PacketListField("addr", [], _CDPGuessAddrRecord, count_from=lambda x:x.naddr) ]
- def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = 8 + len(self.addr) * 9
- pkt = pkt[:2] + struct.pack("!H", l) + pkt[4:]
- p = pkt + pay
- return p
-class CDPMsgPortID(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "Port ID"
- fields_desc = [ XShortEnumField("type", 0x0003, _cdp_tlv_types),
- FieldLenField("len", None, "iface", "!H"),
- StrLenField("iface", "Port 1", length_from=lambda x:x.len - 4) ]
-_cdp_capabilities = [ "Router",
- "TransparentBridge",
- "SourceRouteBridge",
- "Switch",
- "Host",
- "IGMPCapable",
- "Repeater"] + ["Bit%d" % x for x in range(25,0,-1)]
-class CDPMsgCapabilities(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "Capabilities"
- fields_desc = [ XShortEnumField("type", 0x0004, _cdp_tlv_types),
- ShortField("len", 8),
- FlagsField("cap", 0, 32, _cdp_capabilities) ]
-class CDPMsgSoftwareVersion(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "Software Version"
- type = 0x0005
-class CDPMsgPlatform(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "Platform"
- type = 0x0006
-_cdp_duplex = { 0x00: "Half", 0x01: "Full" }
-# ODR Routing
-class CDPMsgIPPrefix(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "IP Prefix"
- type = 0x0007
- fields_desc = [ XShortEnumField("type", 0x0007, _cdp_tlv_types),
- ShortField("len", 8),
- IPField("defaultgw", "") ]
-# TODO : Do me !!!!!! 0x0008
-class CDPMsgProtoHello(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "Protocol Hello"
- type = 0x0008
-class CDPMsgVTPMgmtDomain(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "VTP Management Domain"
- type = 0x0009
-class CDPMsgNativeVLAN(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "Native VLAN"
- fields_desc = [ XShortEnumField("type", 0x000a, _cdp_tlv_types),
- ShortField("len", 6),
- ShortField("vlan", 1) ]
-class CDPMsgDuplex(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "Duplex"
- fields_desc = [ XShortEnumField("type", 0x000b, _cdp_tlv_types),
- ShortField("len", 5),
- ByteEnumField("duplex", 0x00, _cdp_duplex) ]
-class CDPMsgVoIPVLANReply(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "VoIP VLAN Reply"
- fields_desc = [ XShortEnumField("type", 0x000e, _cdp_tlv_types),
- ShortField("len", 7),
- ByteField("status?", 1),
- ShortField("vlan", 1)]
-# TODO : Do me !!! 0x000F
-class CDPMsgVoIPVLANQuery(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "VoIP VLAN Query"
- type = 0x000f
-# fields_desc = [XShortEnumField("type", 0x000f, _cdp_tlv_types),
-# FieldLenField("len", None, "val", "!H") ]
-class _CDPPowerField(ShortField):
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- if x is None:
- x = 0
- return "%d mW" % x
-class CDPMsgPower(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "Power"
- # Check if field length is fixed (2 bytes)
- fields_desc = [ XShortEnumField("type", 0x0010, _cdp_tlv_types),
- ShortField("len", 6),
- _CDPPowerField("power", 1337)]
-class CDPMsgMTU(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "MTU"
- # Check if field length is fixed (2 bytes)
- fields_desc = [ XShortEnumField("type", 0x0011, _cdp_tlv_types),
- ShortField("len", 6),
- ShortField("mtu", 1500)]
-class CDPMsgMgmtAddr(CDPMsgAddr):
- name = "Management Address"
- type = 0x0016
-class CDPMsgUnknown19(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "Unknown CDP Message"
- type = 0x0019
-class CDPMsg(CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "CDP "
- fields_desc = [ XShortEnumField("type", None, _cdp_tlv_types),
- FieldLenField("len", None, "val", "!H"),
- StrLenField("val", "", length_from=lambda x:x.len - 4) ]
-class _CDPChecksum:
- def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
- p = pkt + pay
- if self.cksum is None:
- cksum = checksum(p)
- p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", cksum) + p[4:]
- return p
-class CDPv2_HDR(_CDPChecksum, CDPMsgGeneric):
- name = "Cisco Discovery Protocol version 2"
- fields_desc = [ ByteField("vers", 2),
- ByteField("ttl", 180),
- XShortField("cksum", None),
- PacketListField("msg", [], _CDPGuessPayloadClass) ]
-bind_layers(SNAP, CDPv2_HDR, {"code": 0x2000, "OUI": 0xC})
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e483762..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# scapy.contrib.description = Cisco HDLC and SLARP
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-# This layer is based on information from
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.layers.l2 import *
-from scapy.layers.inet import *
-from scapy.layers.inet6 import *
-class CHDLC(Packet):
- name = "Cisco HDLC"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("address", 0x0f, {0x0f : "unicast", 0x8f :"multicast"}),
- ByteField("control", 0),
- XShortField("proto", 0x0800)]
-class SLARP(Packet):
- name = "SLARP"
- fields_desc = [ IntEnumField("type", 2, {0 : "request", 1 : "reply", 2 :"line keepalive"}),
- ConditionalField(IPField("address", ""),
- lambda pkt : pkt.type == 0 or pkt.type == 1),
- ConditionalField(IPField("mask", ""),
- lambda pkt : pkt.type == 0 or pkt.type == 1),
- ConditionalField(XShortField("unused", 0),
- lambda pkt : pkt.type == 0 or pkt.type == 1),
- ConditionalField(IntField("mysequence", 0),
- lambda pkt : pkt.type == 2),
- ConditionalField(IntField("yoursequence", 0),
- lambda pkt : pkt.type == 2),
- ConditionalField(XShortField("reliability", 0xffff),
- lambda pkt : pkt.type == 2)]
-bind_layers( CHDLC, Dot3, proto=0x6558)
-bind_layers( CHDLC, IP, proto=0x800)
-bind_layers( CHDLC, IPv6, proto=0x86dd)
-bind_layers( CHDLC, SLARP, proto=0x8035)
-bind_layers( CHDLC, STP, proto=0x4242)
-conf.l2types.register(104, CHDLC)
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1907300b..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# scapy.contrib.description = DTP
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
- DTP Scapy Extension
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- :version: 2008-12-22
- :author: Jochen Bartl <>
- :Thanks:
- - TLV code derived from the CDP implementation of scapy. (Thanks to Nicolas Bareil and Arnaud Ebalard)
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.layers.l2 import SNAP,Dot3,LLC
-from scapy.sendrecv import sendp
-class DtpGenericTlv(Packet):
- name = "DTP Generic TLV"
- fields_desc = [ XShortField("type", 0x0001),
- FieldLenField("length", None, length_of=lambda pkt:pkt.value + 4),
- StrLenField("value", "", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.length - 4)
- ]
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return conf.padding_layer
-class RepeatedTlvListField(PacketListField):
- def __init__(self, name, default, cls):
- PacketField.__init__(self, name, default, cls)
- def getfield(self, pkt, s):
- lst = []
- remain = s
- while len(remain) > 0:
- p = self.m2i(pkt,remain)
- if conf.padding_layer in p:
- pad = p[conf.padding_layer]
- remain = pad.load
- del(pad.underlayer.payload)
- else:
- remain = ""
- lst.append(p)
- return remain,lst
- def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
- return s+reduce(str.__add__, map(str, val),"")
- 0x0001 : "DTPDomain",
- 0x0002 : "DTPStatus",
- 0x0003 : "DTPType",
- 0x0004 : "DTPNeighbor"
- }
-class DTPDomain(DtpGenericTlv):
- name = "DTP Domain"
- fields_desc = [ ShortField("type", 1),
- FieldLenField("length", None, "domain", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x + 4),
- StrLenField("domain", "\x00", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.length - 4)
- ]
-class DTPStatus(DtpGenericTlv):
- name = "DTP Status"
- fields_desc = [ ShortField("type", 2),
- FieldLenField("length", None, "status", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x + 4),
- StrLenField("status", "\x03", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.length - 4)
- ]
-class DTPType(DtpGenericTlv):
- name = "DTP Type"
- fields_desc = [ ShortField("type", 3),
- FieldLenField("length", None, "dtptype", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x + 4),
- StrLenField("dtptype", "\xa5", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.length - 4)
- ]
-class DTPNeighbor(DtpGenericTlv):
- name = "DTP Neighbor"
- fields_desc = [ ShortField("type", 4),
- #FieldLenField("length", None, "neighbor", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x + 4),
- ShortField("len", 10),
- MACField("neighbor", None)
- ]
-def _DTPGuessPayloadClass(p, **kargs):
- cls = conf.raw_layer
- if len(p) >= 2:
- t = struct.unpack("!H", p[:2])[0]
- clsname = _DTP_TLV_CLS.get(t, "DtpGenericTlv")
- cls = globals()[clsname]
- return cls(p, **kargs)
-class DTP(Packet):
- name = "DTP"
- fields_desc = [ ByteField("ver", 1),
- RepeatedTlvListField("tlvlist", [], _DTPGuessPayloadClass)
- ]
-bind_layers(SNAP, DTP, code=0x2004, OUI=0xc)
-def negotiate_trunk(iface=conf.iface, mymac=str(RandMAC())):
- print("Trying to negotiate a trunk on interface %s" % iface)
- p = Dot3(src=mymac, dst="01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc")/LLC()/SNAP()/DTP(tlvlist=[DTPDomain(),DTPStatus(),DTPType(),DTPNeighbor(neighbor=mymac)])
- sendp(p)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- from scapy.main import interact
- interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="DTP")
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index f304ae68..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# scapy.contrib.description = EIGRP
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
- EIGRP Scapy Extension
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- :version: 2009-08-13
- :copyright: 2009 by Jochen Bartl
- :e-mail: /
- :license: GPL v2
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- - Replace TLV code with a more generic solution
- *
- - Write function for calculating authentication data
- :Known bugs:
- -
- :Thanks:
- - TLV code derived from the CDP implementation of scapy. (Thanks to Nicolas Bareil and Arnaud Ebalard)
- - IOS / EIGRP Version Representation FIX by Dirk Loss
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.layers.inet import IP
-from scapy.layers.inet6 import *
-class EigrpIPField(StrField, IPField):
- """
- This is a special field type for handling ip addresses of destination networks in internal and
- external route updates.
- EIGRP removes zeros from the host portion of the ip address if the netmask is 8, 16 or 24 bits.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, default, length=None, length_from=None):
- StrField.__init__(self, name, default)
- self.length_from = length_from
- if length is not None:
- self.length_from = lambda pkt,length=length: length
- def h2i(self, pkt, x):
- return IPField.h2i(self, pkt, x)
- def i2m(self, pkt, x):
- x = inet_aton(x)
- l = self.length_from(pkt)
- if l <= 8:
- return x[:1]
- elif l <= 16:
- return x[:2]
- elif l <= 24:
- return x[:3]
- else:
- return x
- def m2i(self, pkt, x):
- l = self.length_from(pkt)
- if l <= 8:
- x += "\x00\x00\x00"
- elif l <= 16:
- x += "\x00\x00"
- elif l <= 24:
- x += "\x00"
- return inet_ntoa(x)
- def prefixlen_to_bytelen(self, l):
- if l <= 8:
- l = 1
- elif l <= 16:
- l = 2
- elif l <= 24:
- l = 3
- else:
- l = 4
- return l
- def i2len(self, pkt, x):
- l = self.length_from(pkt)
- l = self.prefixlen_to_bytelen(l)
- return l
- def getfield(self, pkt, s):
- l = self.length_from(pkt)
- l = self.prefixlen_to_bytelen(l)
- return s[l:], self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])
- def randval(self):
- return IPField.randval(self)
-class EigrpIP6Field(StrField, IP6Field, EigrpIPField):
- """
- This is a special field type for handling ip addresses of destination networks in internal and
- external route updates.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, default, length=None, length_from=None):
- StrField.__init__(self, name, default)
- self.length_from = length_from
- if length is not None:
- self.length_from = lambda pkt,length=length: length
- def any2i(self, pkt, x):
- return IP6Field.any2i(self, pkt, x)
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- return IP6Field.i2repr(self, pkt, x)
- def h2i(self, pkt, x):
- return IP6Field.h2i(self, pkt, x)
- def i2m(self, pkt, x):
- x = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, x)
- l = self.length_from(pkt)
- l = self.prefixlen_to_bytelen(l)
- return x[:l]
- def m2i(self, pkt, x):
- l = self.length_from(pkt)
- prefixlen = self.prefixlen_to_bytelen(l)
- if l > 128:
- warning("EigrpIP6Field: Prefix length is > 128. Dissection of this packet will fail")
- else:
- pad = "\x00" * (16 - prefixlen)
- x += pad
- return inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, x)
- def prefixlen_to_bytelen(self, l):
- l = l / 8
- if l < 16:
- l += 1
- return l
- def i2len(self, pkt, x):
- return EigrpIPField.i2len(self, pkt, x)
- def getfield(self, pkt, s):
- return EigrpIPField.getfield(self, pkt, s)
-class ThreeBytesField(X3BytesField, ByteField):
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- return ByteField.i2repr(self, pkt, x)
-class EIGRPGeneric(Packet):
- name = "EIGRP Generic TLV"
- fields_desc = [ XShortField("type", 0x0000),
- FieldLenField("len", None, "value", "!H", adjust=lambda pkt,x: x + 4),
- StrLenField("value", "\x00", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len - 4)]
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return conf.padding_layer
-class EIGRPParam(EIGRPGeneric):
- name = "EIGRP Parameters"
- fields_desc = [ XShortField("type", 0x0001),
- ShortField("len", 12),
- # Bandwidth
- ByteField("k1", 1),
- # Load
- ByteField("k2", 0),
- # Delay
- ByteField("k3", 1),
- # Reliability
- ByteField("k4", 0),
- # MTU
- ByteField("k5", 0),
- ByteField("reserved", 0),
- ShortField("holdtime", 15)
- ]
-class EIGRPAuthData(EIGRPGeneric):
- name = "EIGRP Authentication Data"
- fields_desc = [ XShortField("type", 0x0002),
- FieldLenField("len", None, "authdata", "!H", adjust=lambda pkt,x: x + 24),
- ShortEnumField("authtype", 2, {2 : "MD5"}),
- ShortField("keysize", None),
- IntField("keyid", 1),
- StrFixedLenField("nullpad", "\x00" * 12, 12),
- StrLenField("authdata", RandString(16), length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.keysize)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- p += pay
- if self.keysize is None:
- keysize = len(self.authdata)
- p = p[:6] + chr((keysize >> 8) & 0xff) + chr(keysize & 0xff) + p[8:]
- return p
-class EIGRPSeq(EIGRPGeneric):
- name = "EIGRP Sequence"
- fields_desc = [ XShortField("type", 0x0003),
- ShortField("len", None),
- ByteField("addrlen", 4),
- ConditionalField(IPField("ipaddr", ""),
- lambda pkt:pkt.addrlen == 4),
- ConditionalField(IP6Field("ip6addr", "2001::"),
- lambda pkt:pkt.addrlen == 16)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- p += pay
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p)
- p = p[:2] + chr((l >> 8) & 0xff) + chr(l & 0xff) + p[4:]
- return p
-class ShortVersionField(ShortField):
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- try:
- minor = x & 0xff
- major = (x >> 8) & 0xff
- except TypeError:
- return "unknown"
- else:
- # We print a leading 'v' so that these values don't look like floats
- return "v%s.%s" % (major, minor)
- def h2i(self, pkt, x):
- """The field accepts string values like v12.1, v1.1 or integer values.
- String values have to start with a "v" folled by a floating point number.
- Valid numbers are between 0 and 255.
- """
- if type(x) is str and x.startswith("v") and len(x) <= 8:
- major = int(x.split(".")[0][1:])
- minor = int(x.split(".")[1])
- return (major << 8) | minor
- elif type(x) is int and x >= 0 and x <= 65535:
- return x
- else:
- if self.default != None:
- warning("set value to default. Format of %r is invalid" % x)
- return self.default
- else:
- raise Scapy_Exception("Format of value is invalid")
- def randval(self):
- return RandShort()
-class EIGRPSwVer(EIGRPGeneric):
- name = "EIGRP Software Version"
- fields_desc = [ XShortField("type", 0x0004),
- ShortField("len", 8),
- ShortVersionField("ios", "v12.0"),
- ShortVersionField("eigrp", "v1.2")
- ]
-class EIGRPNms(EIGRPGeneric):
- name = "EIGRP Next Multicast Sequence"
- fields_desc = [ XShortField("type", 0x0005),
- ShortField("len", 8),
- IntField("nms", 2)
- ]
-# Don't get confused by the term "receive-only". This flag is always set, when you configure
-# one of the stub options. It's also the only flag set, when you configure "eigrp stub receive-only".
-_EIGRP_STUB_FLAGS = ["connected", "static", "summary", "receive-only", "redistributed", "leak-map"]
-class EIGRPStub(EIGRPGeneric):
- name = "EIGRP Stub Router"
- fields_desc = [ XShortField("type", 0x0006),
- ShortField("len", 6),
- FlagsField("flags", 0x000d, 16, _EIGRP_STUB_FLAGS)]
-# Delay 0xffffffff == Destination Unreachable
-class EIGRPIntRoute(EIGRPGeneric):
- name = "EIGRP Internal Route"
- fields_desc = [ XShortField("type", 0x0102),
- FieldLenField("len", None, "dst", "!H", adjust=lambda pkt,x: x + 25),
- IPField("nexthop", ""),
- IntField("delay", 128000),
- IntField("bandwidth", 256),
- ThreeBytesField("mtu", 1500),
- ByteField("hopcount", 0),
- ByteField("reliability", 255),
- ByteField("load", 0),
- XShortField("reserved", 0),
- ByteField("prefixlen", 24),
- EigrpIPField("dst", "", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.prefixlen),
- ]
- 0x01 : "IGRP",
- 0x02 : "EIGRP",
- 0x03 : "Static Route",
- 0x04 : "RIP",
- 0x05 : "Hello",
- 0x06 : "OSPF",
- 0x07 : "IS-IS",
- 0x08 : "EGP",
- 0x09 : "BGP",
- 0x0A : "IDRP",
- 0x0B : "Connected Link"
- }
-_EIGRP_EXTROUTE_FLAGS = ["external", "candidate-default"]
-class EIGRPExtRoute(EIGRPGeneric):
- name = "EIGRP External Route"
- fields_desc = [ XShortField("type", 0x0103),
- FieldLenField("len", None, "dst", "!H", adjust=lambda pkt,x: x + 45),
- IPField("nexthop", ""),
- IPField("originrouter", ""),
- IntField("originasn", 0),
- IntField("tag", 0),
- IntField("externalmetric", 0),
- ShortField("reserved", 0),
- ByteEnumField("extprotocolid", 3, _EIGRP_EXTERNAL_PROTOCOL_ID),
- FlagsField("flags", 0, 8, _EIGRP_EXTROUTE_FLAGS),
- IntField("delay", 0),
- IntField("bandwidth", 256),
- ThreeBytesField("mtu", 1500),
- ByteField("hopcount", 0),
- ByteField("reliability", 255),
- ByteField("load", 0),
- XShortField("reserved2", 0),
- ByteField("prefixlen", 24),
- EigrpIPField("dst", "", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.prefixlen)
- ]
-class EIGRPv6IntRoute(EIGRPGeneric):
- name = "EIGRP for IPv6 Internal Route"
- fields_desc = [ XShortField("type", 0x0402),
- FieldLenField("len", None, "dst", "!H", adjust=lambda pkt,x: x + 37),
- IP6Field("nexthop", "::"),
- IntField("delay", 128000),
- IntField("bandwidth", 256000),
- ThreeBytesField("mtu", 1500),
- ByteField("hopcount", 1),
- ByteField("reliability", 255),
- ByteField("load", 0),
- XShortField("reserved", 0),
- ByteField("prefixlen", 16),
- EigrpIP6Field("dst", "2001::", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.prefixlen)
- ]
-class EIGRPv6ExtRoute(EIGRPGeneric):
- name = "EIGRP for IPv6 External Route"
- fields_desc = [ XShortField("type", 0x0403),
- FieldLenField("len", None, "dst", "!H", adjust=lambda pkt,x: x + 57),
- IP6Field("nexthop", "::"),
- IPField("originrouter", ""),
- IntField("originasn", 0),
- IntField("tag", 0),
- IntField("externalmetric", 0),
- ShortField("reserved", 0),
- ByteEnumField("extprotocolid", 3, _EIGRP_EXTERNAL_PROTOCOL_ID),
- FlagsField("flags", 0, 8, _EIGRP_EXTROUTE_FLAGS),
- IntField("delay", 0),
- IntField("bandwidth", 256000),
- ThreeBytesField("mtu", 1500),
- ByteField("hopcount", 1),
- ByteField("reliability", 0),
- ByteField("load", 1),
- XShortField("reserved2", 0),
- ByteField("prefixlen", 8),
- EigrpIP6Field("dst", "::", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.prefixlen)
- ]
-_eigrp_tlv_cls = {
- 0x0001: "EIGRPParam",
- 0x0002: "EIGRPAuthData",
- 0x0003: "EIGRPSeq",
- 0x0004: "EIGRPSwVer",
- 0x0005: "EIGRPNms",
- 0x0006: "EIGRPStub",
- 0x0102: "EIGRPIntRoute",
- 0x0103: "EIGRPExtRoute",
- 0x0402: "EIGRPv6IntRoute",
- 0x0403: "EIGRPv6ExtRoute"
- }
-class RepeatedTlvListField(PacketListField):
- def __init__(self, name, default, cls):
- PacketField.__init__(self, name, default, cls)
- def getfield(self, pkt, s):
- lst = []
- remain = s
- while len(remain) > 0:
- p = self.m2i(pkt, remain)
- if conf.padding_layer in p:
- pad = p[conf.padding_layer]
- remain = pad.load
- del(pad.underlayer.payload)
- else:
- remain = ""
- lst.append(p)
- return remain,lst
- def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
- return s + reduce(str.__add__, map(str, val), "")
-def _EIGRPGuessPayloadClass(p, **kargs):
- cls = conf.raw_layer
- if len(p) >= 2:
- t = struct.unpack("!H", p[:2])[0]
- clsname = _eigrp_tlv_cls.get(t, "EIGRPGeneric")
- cls = globals()[clsname]
- return cls(p, **kargs)
-_EIGRP_OPCODES = { 1 : "Update",
- 2 : "Request",
- 3 : "Query",
- 4 : "Replay",
- 5 : "Hello",
- 6 : "IPX SAP",
- 10 : "SIA Query",
- 11 : "SIA Reply" }
-# The Conditional Receive bit is used for reliable multicast communication.
-# Update-Flag: Not sure if Cisco calls it that way, but it's set when neighbors
-# are exchanging routing information
-_EIGRP_FLAGS = ["init", "cond-recv", "unknown", "update"]
-class EIGRP(Packet):
- name = "EIGRP"
- fields_desc = [ ByteField("ver", 2),
- ByteEnumField("opcode", 5, _EIGRP_OPCODES),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- FlagsField("flags", 0, 32, _EIGRP_FLAGS),
- IntField("seq", 0),
- IntField("ack", 0),
- IntField("asn", 100),
- RepeatedTlvListField("tlvlist", [], _EIGRPGuessPayloadClass)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- p += pay
- if self.chksum is None:
- c = checksum(p)
- p = p[:2] + chr((c >> 8) & 0xff) + chr(c & 0xff) + p[4:]
- return p
- def mysummary(self):
- summarystr = "EIGRP (AS=%EIGRP.asn% Opcode=%EIGRP.opcode%"
- if self.opcode == 5 and self.ack != 0:
- summarystr += " (ACK)"
- if self.flags != 0:
- summarystr += " Flags=%EIGRP.flags%"
- return self.sprintf(summarystr + ")")
-bind_layers(IP, EIGRP, proto=88)
-bind_layers(IPv6, EIGRP, nh=88)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- from scapy.main import interact
- interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="EIGRP")
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index e331c146..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# scapy.contrib.description = EtherIP
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-from scapy.fields import BitField
-from scapy.packet import Packet, bind_layers
-from scapy.layers.inet import IP
-from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
-class EtherIP(Packet):
- name = "EtherIP / RFC 3378"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("version", 3, 4),
- BitField("reserved", 0, 12)]
-bind_layers( IP, EtherIP, frag=0, proto=0x61)
-bind_layers( EtherIP, Ether)
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b1354a4..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13119 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# scapy.contrib.description = PPI
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
- ####################################################################
- # This file holds the GSM UM interface implementation for Scapy #
- # author: Laurent Weber <> #
- # #
- # Some examples on how to use this script: #
- # #
- # #
- # tested on: scapy-version: 2.2.0 (dev) #
- ####################################################################
-import logging
-from types import IntType
-from types import NoneType
-from types import StringType
-#from time import sleep
-import socket
-from scapy.all import *
-# This method is intended to send gsm air packets. It uses a unix domain
-# socket. It opens a socket, sends the parameter to the socket and
-# closes the socket.
-# typeSock determines the type of the socket, can be:
-# 0 for UDP Socket
-# 1 for Unix Domain Socket
-# 2 for TCP
-def sendum(x, typeSock=0):
- try:
- if type(x) is not str:
- x = str(x)
- if typeSock is 0:
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- host = ''
- port = 28670 # default for openBTS
- s.connect((host, port))
- elif typeSock is 1:
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- s.connect("/tmp/osmoL")
- elif typeSock is 2:
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- host = ''
- port = 43797
- s.connect((host, port))
- s.send(x)
- s.close()
- except:
- print("[Error]: There was a problem when trying to transmit data.\
- Please make sure you started the socket server.")
-# Known Bugs/Problems:
-# If a message uses multiple times the same IE you cannot set the values
-# of this IE's if you use the preconfigured packets. You need to build
-# the IE's by hand and than assemble them as entire messages.
-# The ErrorLength class is a custom exception that gets raised when a
-# packet doesn't have the correct size.
-class ErrorLength(Exception):
- def __str__(self):
- error = "ERROR: Please make sure you build entire, 8 bit fields."
- return repr(error)
-# This method computes the length of the actual IE.
-# It computes how many "None" fields have to be removed (if any).
-# The method returns an integer containing the number of bytes that have to be
-# cut off the packet.
-# parameter length contains the max length of the IE can be found in
-# 0408
-# The parameter fields contains the value of the fields (not the default but
-# the real, actual value.
-# The parameter fields2 contains fields_desc.
-# Location contains the location of the length field in the IE. Everything
-# after the the length field has to be counted (04.07
-def adapt(min_length, max_length, fields, fields2, location=2):
- # find out how much bytes there are between min_length and the location of
- # the length field
- location = min_length - location
- i = len(fields) - 1
- rm = mysum = 0
- while i >= 0:
- if fields[i] is None:
- rm += 1
- try:
- mysum += fields2[i].size
- except AttributeError: # ByteFields don't have .size
- mysum += 8
- else:
- break
- i -= 1
- if mysum % 8 is 0:
- length = mysum / 8 # Number of bytes we have to delete
- dyn_length = (max_length - min_length - length)
- if dyn_length < 0:
- dyn_length = 0
- if length is max_length: # Fix for packets that have all values set
- length -= min_length # to None
- return [length, dyn_length + location]
- else:
- raise ErrorLength()
-def examples(example=None):
- if example == None:
- print("""This command presents some example to introduce scapy
-gsm-um to new users.
-The following parameters can be used:
- examples("imsiDetach")
- examples("call")
- examples("dissect")""")
- elif example == "imsiDetach":
- print("""
->>> a=imsiDetachIndication()
-... a.typeOfId=1; a.odd=1; a.idDigit1=0xF;
-... a.idDigit2_1=2; a.idDigit2=7; a.idDigit3_1=0;
-... a.idDigit3=7; a.idDigit4_1=7; a.idDigit4=2;
-... a.idDigit5_1=0; a.idDigit5=0; a.idDigit6_1=0;
-... a.idDigit6=1; a.idDigit7_1=2; a.idDigit7=7;
-... a.idDigit8_1=7; a.idDigit8=5; a.idDigit9_1=1; a.idDigit9=4;
->>> hexdump(a)
-0000 05 01 00 08 F0 27 07 72 00 01 27 75 14 .....'.r..'u.
->>> sendum(a)
- elif example == "call":
- print("""
-If you use an USRP and the testcall function this sets up a phonecall:
->>> sendum(setupMobileOriginated())
->>> sendum(connectAcknowledge())
-# Section 10.2/3
-class TpPd(Packet):
- """Skip indicator and transaction identifier and Protocol Discriminator"""
- name = "Skip Indicator And Transaction Identifier and Protocol \
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("ti", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("pd", 0x3, 4)
- ]
-class MessageType(Packet):
- """Message Type Section 10.4"""
- name = "Message Type"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("mesType", 0x3C)
- ]
-# Message for Radio Resources management (RR) Section 9.1
-# Network to MS
-def additionalAssignment(MobileAllocation_presence=0,
- StartingTime_presence=0):
- """ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENT Section 9.1.1"""
- # Mandatory
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x3B) # 00111011
- c = ChannelDescription()
- packet = a / b / c
- # Not Mandatory
- if MobileAllocation_presence is 1:
- d = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x72, eightBitMA=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if StartingTime_presence is 1:
- e = StartingTimeHdr(ieiST=0x7C, eightBitST=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def assignmentCommand(FrequencyList_presence=0,
- CellChannelDescription_presence=0,
- CellChannelDescription_presence1=0,
- MultislotAllocation_presence=0,
- ChannelMode_presence=0, ChannelMode_presence1=0,
- ChannelMode_presence2=0, ChannelMode_presence3=0,
- ChannelMode_presence4=0, ChannelMode_presence5=0,
- ChannelMode_presence6=0, ChannelMode_presence7=0,
- ChannelDescription=0, ChannelMode2_presence=0,
- MobileAllocation_presence=0, StartingTime_presence=0,
- FrequencyList_presence1=0,
- ChannelDescription2_presence=0,
- ChannelDescription_presence=0,
- FrequencyChannelSequence_presence=0,
- MobileAllocation_presence1=0,
- CipherModeSetting_presence=0,
- VgcsTargetModeIdentication_presence=0,
- MultiRateConfiguration_presence=0):
- """ASSIGNMENT COMMAND Section 9.1.2"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x2e) # 101110
- c = ChannelDescription2()
- d = PowerCommand()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- if FrequencyList_presence is 1:
- e = FrequencyListHdr(ieiFL=0x05, eightBitFL=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if CellChannelDescription_presence is 1:
- f = CellChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCCD=0x62, eightBitCCD=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- if MultislotAllocation_presence is 1:
- g = MultislotAllocationHdr(ieiMSA=0x10, eightBitMSA=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- if ChannelMode_presence is 1:
- h = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x63, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / h
- if ChannelMode_presence1 is 1:
- i = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x11, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / i
- if ChannelMode_presence2 is 1:
- j = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x13, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / j
- if ChannelMode_presence3 is 1:
- k = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x14, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / k
- if ChannelMode_presence4 is 1:
- l = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x15, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / l
- if ChannelMode_presence5 is 1:
- m = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x16, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / m
- if ChannelMode_presence6 is 1:
- n = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x17, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / n
- if ChannelMode_presence7 is 1:
- o = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x18, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / o
- if ChannelDescription_presence is 1:
- p = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x64, eightBitCD=0x0)
- packet = packet / p
- if ChannelMode2_presence is 1:
- q = ChannelMode2Hdr(ieiCM2=0x66, eightBitCM2=0x0)
- packet = packet / q
- if MobileAllocation_presence is 1:
- r = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x72, eightBitMA=0x0)
- packet = packet / r
- if StartingTime_presence is 1:
- s = StartingTimeHdr(ieiST=0x7C, eightBitST=0x0)
- packet = packet / s
- if FrequencyList_presence1 is 1:
- t = FrequencyListHdr(ieiFL=0x19, eightBitFL=0x0)
- packet = packet / t
- if ChannelDescription2_presence is 1:
- u = ChannelDescription2Hdr(ieiCD2=0x1C, eightBitCD2=0x0)
- packet = packet / u
- if ChannelDescription_presence is 1:
- v = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x1D, eightBitCD=0x0)
- packet = packet / v
- if FrequencyChannelSequence_presence is 1:
- w = FrequencyChannelSequenceHdr(ieiFCS=0x1E, eightBitFCS=0x0)
- packet = packet / w
- if MobileAllocation_presence1 is 1:
- x = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x21, eightBitMA=0x0)
- packet = packet / x
- if CipherModeSetting_presence is 1:
- y = CipherModeSettingHdr(ieiCMS=0x9, eightBitCMS=0x0)
- packet = packet / y
- if VgcsTargetModeIdentication_presence is 1:
- z = VgcsTargetModeIdenticationHdr(ieiVTMI=0x01, eightBitVTMI=0x0)
- packet = packet / z
- if MultiRateConfiguration_presence is 1:
- aa = MultiRateConfigurationHdr(ieiMRC=0x03, eightBitMRC=0x0)
- packet = packet / aa
- return packet
-# MS to Network
-def assignmentComplete():
- """ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE Section 9.1.3"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x29) # 00101001
- c = RrCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-# MS to Network
-def assignmentFailure():
- """ASSIGNMENT FAILURE Section 9.1.4"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x2F) # 00101111
- c = RrCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def channelModeModify(VgcsTargetModeIdentication_presence=0,
- MultiRateConfiguration_presence=0):
- """CHANNEL MODE MODIFY Section 9.1.5"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x8) # 0001000
- c = ChannelDescription2()
- d = ChannelMode()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- if VgcsTargetModeIdentication is 1:
- e = VgcsTargetModeIdenticationHdr(ieiVTMI=0x01, eightBitVTMI=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if MultiRateConfiguration is 1:
- f = MultiRateConfigurationHdr(ieiMRC=0x03, eightBitMRC=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- return packet
-def channelModeModifyAcknowledge():
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x17) # 00010111
- c = ChannelDescription2()
- d = ChannelMode()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def channelRelease(BaRange_presence=0, GroupChannelDescription_presence=0,
- GroupCipherKeyNumber_presence=0, GprsResumption_presence=0,
- BaListPref_presence=0):
- """CHANNEL RELEASE Section 9.1.7"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0xD) # 00001101
- c = RrCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- if BaRange_presence is 1:
- d = BaRangeHdr(ieiBR=0x73, eightBitBR=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if GroupChannelDescription_presence is 1:
- e = GroupChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiGCD=0x74, eightBitGCD=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if GroupCipherKeyNumber_presence is 1:
- f = GroupCipherKeyNumber(ieiGCKN=0x8)
- packet = packet / f
- if GprsResumption_presence is 1:
- g = GprsResumptionHdr(ieiGR=0xC, eightBitGR=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- if BaListPref_presence is 1:
- h = BaListPrefHdr(ieiBLP=0x75, eightBitBLP=0x0)
- packet = packet / h
- return packet
-class ChannelRequest(Packet):
- """Channel request Section 9.1.8"""
- name = "Channel Request"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("estCause", 0x0)
- ]
-def channelRequest():
- return ChannelRequest()
-# Network to MS
-def cipheringModeCommand():
- """CIPHERING MODE COMMAND Section 9.1.9"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x35) # 00110101
- c = RrCause()
- #d=cipherModeSetting()
- #e=cipherResponse()
- # FIX
- d = CipherModeSettingAndcipherResponse()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-def cipheringModeComplete(MobileId_presence=0):
- """CIPHERING MODE COMPLETE Section 9.1.10"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x32) # 00110010
- packet = a / b
- if MobileId_presence is 1:
- c = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x17, eightBitMI=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def classmarkChange(MobileStationClassmark3_presence=0):
- """CLASSMARK CHANGE Section 9.1.11"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x16) # 00010110
- c = MobileStationClassmark2()
- packet = a / b / c
- if MobileStationClassmark3_presence is 1:
- e = MobileStationClassmark3(ieiMSC3=0x20)
- packet = packet / e
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def classmarkEnquiry():
- """CLASSMARK ENQUIRY Section 9.1.12"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x13) # 00010011
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-# 9.1.12a Spare
-# Network to MS
-def configurationChangeCommand(ChannelMode_presence=0,
- ChannelMode_presence1=0,
- ChannelMode_presence2=0,
- ChannelMode_presence3=0,
- ChannelMode_presence4=0,
- ChannelMode_presence5=0,
- ChannelMode_presence6=0,
- ChannelMode_presence7=0):
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x30) # 00110000
- c = MultislotAllocation()
- packet = a / b / c
- if ChannelMode_presence is 1:
- d = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x63, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if ChannelMode_presence1 is 1:
- e = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x11, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if ChannelMode_presence2 is 1:
- f = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x13, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- if ChannelMode_presence3 is 1:
- g = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x14, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- if ChannelMode_presence4 is 1:
- h = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x15, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / h
- if ChannelMode_presence5 is 1:
- i = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x16, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / i
- if ChannelMode_presence6 is 1:
- j = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x17, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / j
- if ChannelMode_presence7 is 1:
- k = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x18, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / k
- return packet
-def configurationChangeAcknowledge():
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x31) # 00110001
- c = MobileId()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def configurationChangeReject():
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x33) # 00110011
- c = RrCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def frequencyRedefinition(CellChannelDescription_presence=0):
- """Frequency redefinition Section 9.1.13"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x14) # 00010100
- c = ChannelDescription()
- d = MobileAllocation()
- e = StartingTime()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e
- if CellChannelDescription_presence is 1:
- f = CellChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCCD=0x62, eightBitCCD=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def pdchAssignmentCommand(ChannelDescription_presence=0,
- CellChannelDescription_presence=0,
- MobileAllocation_presence=0,
- StartingTime_presence=0, FrequencyList_presence=0,
- ChannelDescription_presence1=0,
- FrequencyChannelSequence_presence=0,
- MobileAllocation_presence1=0,
- PacketChannelDescription_presence=0,
- DedicatedModeOrTBF_presence=0):
- """PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND Section 9.1.13a"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x23) # 00100011
- c = ChannelDescription()
- packet = a / b / c
- if ChannelDescription_presence is 1:
- d = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x62, eightBitCD=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if CellChannelDescription_presence is 1:
- e = CellChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCCD=0x05, eightBitCCD=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if MobileAllocation_presence is 1:
- f = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x72, eightBitMA=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- if StartingTime_presence is 1:
- g = StartingTimeHdr(ieiST=0x7C, eightBitST=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- if FrequencyList_presence is 1:
- h = FrequencyListHdr(ieiFL=0x19, eightBitFL=0x0)
- packet = packet / h
- if ChannelDescription_presence1 is 1:
- i = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x1C, eightBitCD=0x0)
- packet = packet / i
- if FrequencyChannelSequence_presence is 1:
- j = FrequencyChannelSequenceHdr(ieiFCS=0x1E, eightBitFCS=0x0)
- packet = packet / j
- if MobileAllocation_presence1 is 1:
- k = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x21, eightBitMA=0x0)
- packet = packet / k
- if PacketChannelDescription_presence is 1:
- l = PacketChannelDescription(ieiPCD=0x22)
- packet = packet / l
- if DedicatedModeOrTBF_presence is 1:
- m = DedicatedModeOrTBFHdr(ieiDMOT=0x23, eightBitDMOT=0x0)
- packet = packet / m
- return packet
-def gprsSuspensionRequest():
- """GPRS SUSPENSION REQUEST Section 9.1.13b"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType()
- c = Tlli()
- d = RoutingAreaIdentification()
- e = SuspensionCause()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e
- return packet
-class HandoverAccess(Packet):
- name = "Handover Access" # Section 9.1.14"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("handover", None),
- ]
-# Network to MS
-def handoverCommand(SynchronizationIndication_presence=0,
- FrequencyShortList_presence=0, FrequencyList_presence=0,
- CellChannelDescription_presence=0,
- MultislotAllocation_presence=0,
- ChannelMode_presence=0, ChannelMode_presence1=0,
- ChannelMode_presence2=0,
- ChannelMode_presence3=0, ChannelMode_presence4=0,
- ChannelMode_presence5=0,
- ChannelMode_presence6=0, ChannelMode_presence7=0,
- ChannelDescription_presence1=0, ChannelMode2_presence=0,
- FrequencyChannelSequence_presence=0,
- MobileAllocation_presence=0,
- StartingTime_presence=0, TimeDifference_presence=0,
- TimingAdvance_presence=0,
- FrequencyShortList_presence1=0,
- FrequencyList_presence1=0,
- ChannelDescription2_presence=0,
- ChannelDescription_presence2=0,
- FrequencyChannelSequence_presence1=0,
- MobileAllocation_presence1=0,
- CipherModeSetting_presence=0,
- VgcsTargetModeIdentication_presence=0,
- MultiRateConfiguration_presence=0):
- """HANDOVER COMMAND Section 9.1.15"""
- name = "Handover Command"
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x2b) # 00101011
- c = CellDescription()
- d = ChannelDescription2()
- e = HandoverReference()
- f = PowerCommandAndAccessType()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
- if SynchronizationIndication_presence is 1:
- g = SynchronizationIndicationHdr(ieiSI=0xD, eightBitSI=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- if FrequencyShortList_presence is 1:
- h = FrequencyShortListHdr(ieiFSL=0x02)
- packet = packet / h
- if FrequencyList_presence is 1:
- i = FrequencyListHdr(ieiFL=0x05, eightBitFL=0x0)
- packet = packet / i
- if CellChannelDescription_presence is 1:
- j = CellChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCCD=0x62, eightBitCCD=0x0)
- packet = packet / j
- if MultislotAllocation_presence is 1:
- k = MultislotAllocationHdr(ieiMSA=0x10, eightBitMSA=0x0)
- packet = packet / k
- if ChannelMode_presence is 1:
- l = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x63, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / l
- if ChannelMode_presence1 is 1:
- m = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x11, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / m
- if ChannelMode_presence2 is 1:
- n = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x13, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / n
- if ChannelMode_presence3 is 1:
- o = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x14, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / o
- if ChannelMode_presence4 is 1:
- p = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x15, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / p
- if ChannelMode_presence5 is 1:
- q = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x16, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / q
- if ChannelMode_presence6 is 1:
- r = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x17, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / r
- if ChannelMode_presence7 is 1:
- s = ChannelModeHdr(ieiCM=0x18, eightBitCM=0x0)
- packet = packet / s
- if ChannelDescription_presence1 is 1:
- s1 = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x64, eightBitCD=0x0)
- packet = packet / s1
- if ChannelMode2_presence is 1:
- t = ChannelMode2Hdr(ieiCM2=0x66, eightBitCM2=0x0)
- packet = packet / t
- if FrequencyChannelSequence_presence is 1:
- u = FrequencyChannelSequenceHdr(ieiFCS=0x69, eightBitFCS=0x0)
- packet = packet / u
- if MobileAllocation_presence is 1:
- v = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x72, eightBitMA=0x0)
- packet = packet / v
- if StartingTime_presence is 1:
- w = StartingTimeHdr(ieiST=0x7C, eightBitST=0x0)
- packet = packet / w
- if TimeDifference_presence is 1:
- x = TimeDifferenceHdr(ieiTD=0x7B, eightBitTD=0x0)
- packet = packet / x
- if TimingAdvance_presence is 1:
- y = TimingAdvanceHdr(ieiTA=0x7D, eightBitTA=0x0)
- packet = packet / y
- if FrequencyShortList_presence1 is 1:
- z = FrequencyShortListHdr(ieiFSL=0x12)
- packet = packet / z
- if FrequencyList_presence1 is 1:
- aa = FrequencyListHdr(ieiFL=0x19, eightBitFL=0x0)
- packet = packet / aa
- if ChannelDescription2_presence is 1:
- ab = ChannelDescription2Hdr(ieiCD2=0x1C, eightBitCD2=0x0)
- packet = packet / ab
- if ChannelDescription_presence2 is 1:
- ac = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x1D, eightBitCD=0x0)
- packet = packet / ac
- if FrequencyChannelSequence_presence1 is 1:
- ad = FrequencyChannelSequenceHdr(ieiFCS=0x1E, eightBitFCS=0x0)
- packet = packet / ad
- if MobileAllocation_presence1 is 1:
- ae = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x21, eightBitMA=0x0)
- packet = packet / ae
- if CipherModeSetting_presence is 1:
- af = CipherModeSettingHdr(ieiCMS=0x9, eightBitCMS=0x0)
- packet = packet / af
- if VgcsTargetModeIdentication_presence is 1:
- ag = VgcsTargetModeIdenticationHdr(ieiVTMI=0x01, eightBitVTMI=0x0)
- packet = packet / ag
- if MultiRateConfiguration_presence is 1:
- ah = MultiRateConfigurationHdr(ieiMRC=0x03, eightBitMRC=0x0)
- packet = packet / ah
- return packet
-def handoverComplete(MobileTimeDifference_presence=0):
- """HANDOVER COMPLETE Section 9.1.16"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x2c) # 00101100
- c = RrCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- if MobileTimeDifference_presence is 1:
- d = MobileTimeDifferenceHdr(ieiMTD=0x77, eightBitMTD=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- return packet
-def handoverFailure():
- """HANDOVER FAILURE Section 9.1.17"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x28) # 00101000
- c = RrCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-#The L2 pseudo length of this message is the sum of lengths of all
-#information elements present in the message except
-#the IA Rest Octets and L2 Pseudo Length information elements.
-# Network to MS
-def immediateAssignment(ChannelDescription_presence=0,
- PacketChannelDescription_presence=0,
- StartingTime_presence=0):
- """IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT Section 9.1.18"""
- a = L2PseudoLength()
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x3F) # 00111111
- d = PageModeAndDedicatedModeOrTBF()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- if ChannelDescription_presence is 1:
- f = ChannelDescription()
- packet = packet / f
- if PacketChannelDescription_presence is 1:
- g = PacketChannelDescription()
- packet = packet / g
- h = RequestReference()
- i = TimingAdvance()
- j = MobileAllocation()
- packet = packet / h / i / j
- if StartingTime_presence is 1:
- k = StartingTimeHdr(ieiST=0x7C, eightBitST=0x0)
- packet = packet / k
- l = IaRestOctets()
- packet = packet / l
- return packet
-#The L2 pseudo length of this message is the sum of lengths of all
-#information elements present in the message except
-#the IAX Rest Octets and L2 Pseudo Length information elements.
-# Network to MS
-def immediateAssignmentExtended(StartingTime_presence=0):
- a = L2PseudoLength()
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x39) # 00111001
- d = PageModeAndSpareHalfOctets()
- f = ChannelDescription()
- g = RequestReference()
- h = TimingAdvance()
- i = MobileAllocation()
- packet = a / b / c / d / f / g / h / i
- if StartingTime_presence is 1:
- j = StartingTimeHdr(ieiST=0x7C, eightBitST=0x0)
- packet = packet / j
- k = IaxRestOctets()
- packet = packet / k
- return packet
-# This message has L2 pseudo length 19
-# Network to MS
-def immediateAssignmentReject():
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x13)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x3a) # 00111010
- d = PageModeAndSpareHalfOctets()
- f = RequestReference()
- g = WaitIndication()
- h = RequestReference()
- i = WaitIndication()
- j = RequestReference()
- k = WaitIndication()
- l = RequestReference()
- m = WaitIndication()
- n = IraRestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d / f / g / h / i / j / k / l / m / n
- return packet
-def measurementReport():
- """MEASUREMENT REPORT Section 9.1.21"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x15) # 00010101
- c = MeasurementResults()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-# len max 20
-class NotificationFacch():
- """NOTIFICATION/FACCH Section 9.1.21a"""
- name = "Notification/facch"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("rr", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("msgTyoe", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("layer2Header", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("frChanDes", 0x0, 24)
- ]
-# The L2 pseudo length of this message has a value one
-# Network to MS
-def notificationNch():
- """NOTIFICATION/NCH Section 9.1.21b"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x01)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x20) # 00100000
- d = NtNRestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-def notificationResponse():
- """NOTIFICATION RESPONSE Section 9.1.21d"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x26) # 00100110
- c = MobileStationClassmark2()
- d = MobileId()
- e = DescriptiveGroupOrBroadcastCallReference()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def rrCellChangeOrder():
- """RR-CELL CHANGE ORDER Section 9.1.21e"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x8) # 00001000
- c = CellDescription()
- d = NcModeAndSpareHalfOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def pagingRequestType1(MobileId_presence=0):
- """PAGING REQUEST TYPE 1 Section 9.1.22"""
- #The L2 pseudo length of this message is the sum of lengths of all
- #information elements present in the message except
- #the P1 Rest Octets and L2 Pseudo Length information elements.
- a = L2PseudoLength()
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x21) # 00100001
- d = PageModeAndChannelNeeded()
- f = MobileId()
- packet = a / b / c / d / f
- if MobileId_presence is 1:
- g = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x17, eightBitMI=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- h = P1RestOctets()
- packet = packet / h
- return packet
-# The L2 pseudo length of this message is the sum of lengths of all
-# information elements present in the message except
-# Network to MS
-def pagingRequestType2(MobileId_presence=0):
- """PAGING REQUEST TYPE 2 Section 9.1.23"""
- a = L2PseudoLength()
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x22) # 00100010
- d = PageModeAndChannelNeeded()
- f = MobileId()
- g = MobileId()
- packet = a / b / c / d / f / g
- if MobileId_presence is 1:
- h = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x17, eightBitMI=0x0)
- packet = packet / h
- i = P2RestOctets()
- packet = packet / i
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def pagingRequestType3():
- """PAGING REQUEST TYPE 3 Section 9.1.24"""
-# This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 19
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x13)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x24) # 00100100
- d = PageModeAndChannelNeeded()
- e = TmsiPTmsi()
- f = TmsiPTmsi()
- g = TmsiPTmsi()
- h = TmsiPTmsi()
- i = P3RestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e / f / g / h / i
- return packet
-def pagingResponse():
- """PAGING RESPONSE Section 9.1.25"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x27) # 00100111
- c = CiphKeySeqNrAndSpareHalfOctets()
- d = MobileStationClassmark2()
- e = MobileId()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def partialRelease():
- """PARTIAL RELEASE Section 9.1.26"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0xa) # 00001010
- c = ChannelDescription()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def partialReleaseComplete():
- """PARTIAL RELEASE COMPLETE Section 9.1.27"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0xf) # 00001111
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def physicalInformation():
- """PHYSICAL INFORMATION Section 9.1.28"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x2d) # 00101101
- c = TimingAdvance()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def rrInitialisationRequest():
- """RR Initialisation Request Section 9.1.28.a"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x3c) # 00111100
- c = CiphKeySeqNrAndMacModeAndChannelCodingRequest()
- e = MobileStationClassmark2()
- f = Tlli()
- g = ChannelRequestDescription()
- h = GprsMeasurementResults()
- packet = a / b / c / e / f / g / h
- return packet
-def rrStatus():
- """RR STATUS Section 9.1.29"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x12) # 00010010
- c = RrCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-# It does not
-# follow the basic format. Its length is _25_ bits. The
-# order of bit transmission is defined in GSM 04.04.
-# Network to MS
-class SynchronizationChannelInformation():
- name = "Synchronization Channel Information"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("bsic", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("t1Hi", 0x0, 3),
- ByteField("t1Mi", 0x0),
- BitField("t1Lo", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("t2", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("t3Hi", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("t3Lo", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-# This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 21.
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType1():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 1 Section 9.1.31"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x15)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x19) # 00011001
- d = CellChannelDescription()
- e = RachControlParameters()
- f = Si1RestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
- return packet
-# This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 22.
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType2():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 2 Section 9.1.32"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x16)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x1a) # 00011010
- d = NeighbourCellsDescription()
- e = NccPermitted()
- f = RachControlParameters()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
- return packet
-# This message has a L2 pseudo length of 21
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType2bis():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 2bis Section 9.1.33"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x15)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x2) # 00000010
- d = NeighbourCellsDescription()
- e = RachControlParameters()
- f = Si2bisRestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
- return packet
-# This message has a L2 pseudo length of 18
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType2ter():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 2ter Section 9.1.34"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x12)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x3) # 00000011
- d = NeighbourCellsDescription2()
- e = Si2terRestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e
- return packet
-# This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 18
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType3():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 3 Section 9.1.35"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x12)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x1b) # 00011011
- d = CellIdentity()
- e = LocalAreaId()
- f = ControlChannelDescription()
- g = CellOptionsBCCH()
- h = CellSelectionParameters()
- i = RachControlParameters()
- j = Si3RestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e / f / g / h / i / j
- return packet
-#The L2 pseudo length of this message is the
-#sum of lengths of all information elements present in the message except
-#the SI 4 Rest Octets and L2 Pseudo Length
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType4(ChannelDescription_presence=0,
- MobileAllocation_presence=0):
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 4 Section 9.1.36"""
- a = L2PseudoLength()
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x1C) # 000111100
- d = LocalAreaId()
- e = CellSelectionParameters()
- f = RachControlParameters()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
- if ChannelDescription_presence is 1:
- g = ChannelDescriptionHdr(ieiCD=0x64, eightBitCD=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- if MobileAllocation_presence is 1:
- h = MobileAllocationHdr(ieiMA=0x72, eightBitMA=0x0)
- packet = packet / h
- i = Si4RestOctets()
- packet = packet / i
- return packet
-#This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 18
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType5():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5 Section 9.1.37"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x12)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x35) # 000110101
- d = NeighbourCellsDescription()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-#This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 18
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType5bis():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5bis Section 9.1.38"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x12)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x5) # 00000101
- d = NeighbourCellsDescription()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-# This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 18
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType5ter():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5ter Section 9.1.39"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x12)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x6) # 00000110
- d = NeighbourCellsDescription2()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-#This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 11
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType6():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 6 Section 9.1.40"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x0b)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x1e) # 00011011
- d = CellIdentity()
- e = LocalAreaId()
- f = CellOptionsBCCH()
- g = NccPermitted()
- h = Si6RestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e / f / g
- return packet
-# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 1
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType7():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 7 Section 9.1.41"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x01)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x37) # 000110111
- d = Si7RestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 1
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType8():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 8 Section 9.1.42"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x01)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x18) # 00011000
- d = Si8RestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 1
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType9():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 9 Section 9.1.43"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x01)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x4) # 00000100
- d = Si9RestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 0
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType13():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 13 Section 9.1.43a"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x00)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x0) # 00000000
- d = Si13RestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-# 9.1.43b / c spare
-# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 1
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType16():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 16 Section 9.1.43d"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x01)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x3d) # 00111101
- d = Si16RestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 1
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType17():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 17 Section 9.1.43e"""
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x01)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x3e) # 00111110
- d = Si17RestOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-def talkerIndication():
- """TALKER INDICATION Section 9.1.44"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x11) # 00010001
- c = MobileStationClassmark2()
- d = MobileId()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-class UplinkAccess():
- """UPLINK ACCESS Section 9.1.45"""
- name = "Uplink Access"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("establishment", 0x0)
- ]
-# Network to MS
-def uplinkBusy():
- """UPLINK BUSY Section 9.1.46"""
- name = "Uplink Busy"
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x2a) # 00101010
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-class UplinkFree():
- """UPLINK FREE Section 9.1.47"""
- name = "Uplink Free"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("pd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("msgType", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("layer2Header", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("uplinkAccess", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("lOrH", 0x0, 1), # 0 for L, 1 for H
- BitField("upIdCode", 0x0, 6),
- ]
-def uplinkRelease():
- """UPLINK RELEASE Section 9.1.48"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0xe) # 00001110
- c = RrCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def vgcsUplinkGrant():
- """VGCS UPLINK GRANT Section 9.1.49"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x9) # 00001001
- c = RrCause()
- d = RequestReference()
- e = TimingAdvance()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def systemInformationType10():
- """SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 10 Section 9.1.50"""
- name = "SyStem Information Type 10"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("pd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("msgType", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("layer2Header", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("si10", 0x0, 160)
- ]
-# Network to MS
-# The L2 pseudo length of this message has the value 18
-def extendedMeasurementOrder():
- a = L2PseudoLength(l2pLength=0x12)
- b = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- c = MessageType(mesType=0x37) # 00110111
- d = ExtendedMeasurementFrequencyList()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-def extendedMeasurementReport():
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x36) # 00110110
- c = ExtendedMeasurementResults()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def applicationInformation():
- """APPLICATION INFORMATION Section 9.1.53"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x6)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x38) # 00111000
- c = ApduIDAndApduFlags()
- e = ApduData()
- packet = a / b / c / e
- return packet
-# 9.2 Messages for mobility management
-# Network to MS
-def authenticationReject():
- """AUTHENTICATION REJECT Section 9.2.1"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x11) # 00010001
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def authenticationRequest():
- """AUTHENTICATION REQUEST Section 9.2.2"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x12) # 00010010
- c = CiphKeySeqNrAndSpareHalfOctets()
- d = AuthenticationParameterRAND()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-def authenticationResponse():
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x14) # 00010100
- c = AuthenticationParameterSRES()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def cmReestablishmentRequest(LocalAreaId_presence=0):
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x28) # 00101000
- c = CiphKeySeqNrAndSpareHalfOctets()
- e = MobileStationClassmark2()
- f = MobileId()
- if LocalAreaId_presence is 1:
- g = LocalAreaId(iei=0x13, eightbit=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- packet = a / b / c / e / f
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def cmServiceAccept():
- """CM SERVICE ACCEPT Section 9.2.5"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x21) # 00100001
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def cmServicePrompt():
- """CM SERVICE PROMPT Section 9.2.5a"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x25) # 00100101
- c = PdAndSapi()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def cmServiceReject():
- """CM SERVICE REJECT Section 9.2.6"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x22) # 00100010
- c = RejectCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def cmServiceAbort():
- """CM SERVICE ABORT Section 9.2.7"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x23) # 00100011
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def abort():
- """ABORT Section 9.2.8"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x29) # 00101001
- c = RejectCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def cmServiceRequest(PriorityLevel_presence=0):
- """CM SERVICE REQUEST Section 9.2.9"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x24) # 00100100
- c = CmServiceTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr()
- e = MobileStationClassmark2()
- f = MobileId()
- packet = a / b / c / e / f
- if PriorityLevel_presence is 1:
- g = PriorityLevelHdr(ieiPL=0x8, eightBitPL=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def identityRequest():
- """IDENTITY REQUEST Section 9.2.10"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x8) # 00001000
- c = IdentityTypeAndSpareHalfOctets()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def identityResponse():
- """IDENTITY RESPONSE Section 9.2.11"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x9) # 00001001
- c = MobileId()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def imsiDetachIndication():
- """IMSI DETACH INDICATION Section 9.2.12"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x1) # 00000001
- c = MobileStationClassmark1()
- d = MobileId()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def locationUpdatingAccept(MobileId_presence=0,
- FollowOnProceed_presence=0,
- CtsPermission_presence=0):
- """LOCATION UPDATING ACCEPT Section 9.2.13"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x02) # 00000010
- c = LocalAreaId()
- packet = a / b / c
- if MobileId_presence is 1:
- d = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x17, eightBitMI=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if FollowOnProceed_presence is 1:
- e = FollowOnProceed(ieiFOP=0xA1)
- packet = packet / e
- if CtsPermission_presence is 1:
- f = CtsPermissionHdr(ieiCP=0xA2, eightBitCP=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def locationUpdatingReject():
- """LOCATION UPDATING REJECT Section 9.2.14"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x4) # 0x00000100
- c = RejectCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def locationUpdatingRequest():
- """LOCATION UPDATING REQUEST Section 9.2.15"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x8) # 00001000
- c = LocationUpdatingTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr()
- e = LocalAreaId()
- f = MobileStationClassmark1()
- g = MobileId()
- packet = a / b / c / e / f / g
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def mmInformation(NetworkName_presence=0, NetworkName_presence1=0,
- TimeZone_presence=0, TimeZoneAndTime_presence=0,
- LsaIdentifier_presence=0):
- """MM INFORMATION Section 9.2.15a"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x32) # 00110010
- packet = a / b
- if NetworkName_presence is 1:
- c = NetworkNameHdr(ieiNN=0x43, eightBitNN=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- if NetworkName_presence1 is 1:
- d = NetworkNameHdr(ieiNN=0x45, eightBitNN=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if TimeZone_presence is 1:
- e = TimeZoneHdr(ieiTZ=0x46, eightBitTZ=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if TimeZoneAndTime_presence is 1:
- f = TimeZoneAndTimeHdr(ieiTZAT=0x47, eightBitTZAT=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- if LsaIdentifier_presence is 1:
- g = LsaIdentifierHdr(ieiLI=0x48, eightBitLI=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- return packet
-def mmStatus():
- """MM STATUS Section 9.2.16"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x31) # 00110001
- c = RejectCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def tmsiReallocationCommand():
- """TMSI REALLOCATION COMMAND Section 9.2.17"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x1a) # 00011010
- c = LocalAreaId()
- d = MobileId()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-def tmsiReallocationComplete():
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x1b) # 00011011
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-def mmNull():
- """MM NULL Section 9.2.19"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x5)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x30) # 00110000
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-# 9.3 Messages for circuit-switched call control
-# Network to MS
-def alertingNetToMs(Facility_presence=0, ProgressIndicator_presence=0,
- UserUser_presence=0):
- """ALERTING Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x1) # 00000001
- packet = a / b
- if Facility_presence is 1:
- c = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C)
- packet = packet / c
- if ProgressIndicator_presence is 1:
- d = ProgressIndicatorHdr(ieiPI=0x1E)
- packet = packet / d
- if UserUser_presence is 1:
- e = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E)
- packet = packet / e
- return packet
-def alertingMsToNet(Facility_presence=0, UserUser_presence=0,
- SsVersionIndicator_presence=0):
- """ALERTING Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x1) # 00000001
- packet = a / b
- if Facility_presence is 1:
- c = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- if UserUser_presence is 1:
- d = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
- e = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- return packet
-def callConfirmed(RepeatIndicator_presence=0,
- BearerCapability_presence=0, BearerCapability_presence1=0,
- Cause_presence=0, CallControlCapabilities_presence=0):
- """CALL CONFIRMED Section 9.3.2"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x8) # 00001000
- packet = a / b
- if RepeatIndicator_presence is 1:
- c = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- if BearerCapability_presence is 1:
- d = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if BearerCapability_presence1 is 1:
- e = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if Cause_presence is 1:
- f = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- if CallControlCapabilities_presence is 1:
- g = CallControlCapabilitiesHdr(ieiCCC=0x15, eightBitCCC=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def callProceeding(RepeatIndicator_presence=0,
- BearerCapability_presence=0,
- BearerCapability_presence1=0,
- Facility_presence=0, ProgressIndicator_presence=0,
- PriorityLevel_presence=0):
- """CALL PROCEEDING Section 9.3.3"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x2) # 00000010
- packet = a / b
- if RepeatIndicator_presence is 1:
- c = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- if BearerCapability_presence is 1:
- d = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if BearerCapability_presence1 is 1:
- e = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if Facility_presence is 1:
- f = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- if ProgressIndicator_presence is 1:
- g = ProgressIndicatorHdr(ieiPI=0x1E, eightBitPI=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- if PriorityLevel_presence is 1:
- h = PriorityLevelHdr(ieiPL=0x80, eightBitPL=0x0)
- packet = packet / h
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def congestionControl(Cause_presence=0):
- """CONGESTION CONTROL Section 9.3.4"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x39) # 00111001
- c = CongestionLevelAndSpareHalfOctets()
- packet = a / b / c
- if Cause_presence is 1:
- e = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def connectNetToMs(Facility_presence=0, ProgressIndicator_presence=0,
- ConnectedNumber_presence=0, ConnectedSubaddress_presence=0,
- UserUser_presence=0):
- """CONNECT Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x7) # 00000111
- packet = a / b
- if Facility_presence is 1:
- c = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- if ProgressIndicator_presence is 1:
- d = ProgressIndicatorHdr(ieiPI=0x1E, eightBitPI=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if ConnectedNumber_presence is 1:
- e = ConnectedNumberHdr(ieiCN=0x4C, eightBitCN=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if ConnectedSubaddress_presence is 1:
- f = ConnectedSubaddressHdr(ieiCS=0x4D, eightBitCS=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- if UserUser_presence is 1:
- g = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7F, eightBitUU=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- return packet
-def connectMsToNet(Facility_presence=0, ConnectedSubaddress_presence=0,
- UserUser_presence=0, SsVersionIndicator_presence=0):
- """CONNECT Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x7) # 00000111
- packet = a / b
- if Facility_presence is 1:
- c = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- if ConnectedSubaddress_presence is 1:
- d = ConnectedSubaddressHdr(ieiCS=0x4D, eightBitCS=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if UserUser_presence is 1:
- e = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7F, eightBitUU=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
- f = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- return packet
-def connectAcknowledge():
- """CONNECT ACKNOWLEDGE Section 9.3.6"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0xf) # 00001111
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def disconnectNetToMs(Facility_presence=0, ProgressIndicator_presence=0,
- UserUser_presence=0, AllowedActions_presence=0):
- """DISCONNECT Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x25) # 00100101
- c = Cause()
- packet = a / b / c
- if Facility_presence is 1:
- d = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if ProgressIndicator_presence is 1:
- e = ProgressIndicatorHdr(ieiPI=0x1E, eightBitPI=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if UserUser_presence is 1:
- f = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- if AllowedActions_presence is 1:
- g = AllowedActionsHdr(ieiAA=0x7B, eightBitAA=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- return packet
-def disconnectMsToNet(Facility_presence=0, UserUser_presence=0,
- SsVersionIndicator_presence=0):
- """Disconnect Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x25) # 00100101
- c = Cause()
- packet = a / b / c
- if Facility_presence is 1:
- d = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if UserUser_presence is 1:
- e = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
- f = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- return packet
-def emergencySetup(BearerCapability_presence=0):
- """EMERGENCY SETUP Section 9.3.8"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0xe) # 00001110
- packet = a / b
- if BearerCapability_presence is 1:
- c = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def facilityNetToMs():
- """FACILITY Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x3a) # 00111010
- c = Facility()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def facilityMsToNet(SsVersionIndicator_presence=0):
- """FACILITY Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x3a) # 00111010
- c = Facility()
- packet = a / b / c
- if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
- d = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- return packet
-def hold():
- """HOLD Section 9.3.10"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x18) # 00011000
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def holdAcknowledge():
- """HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE Section 9.3.11"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x19) # 00011001
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def holdReject():
- """HOLD REJECT Section 9.3.12"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x1a) # 00011010
- c = Cause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def modify(LowLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
- HighLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
- ReverseCallSetupDirection_presence=0):
- """MODIFY Section 9.3.13"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x17) # 00010111
- c = BearerCapability()
- packet = a / b / c
- if LowLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
- d = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if HighLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
- e = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if ReverseCallSetupDirection_presence is 1:
- f = ReverseCallSetupDirectionHdr(ieiRCSD=0xA3)
- packet = packet / f
- return packet
-def modifyComplete(LowLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
- HighLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
- ReverseCallSetupDirection_presence=0):
- """MODIFY COMPLETE Section 9.3.14"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x1f) # 00011111
- c = BearerCapability()
- packet = a / b / c
- if LowLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
- d = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if HighLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
- e = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if ReverseCallSetupDirection_presence is 1:
- f = ReverseCallSetupDirection(ieiRCSD=0xA3)
- packet = packet / f
- return packet
-def modifyReject(LowLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
- HighLayerCompatibility_presence=0):
- """MODIFY REJECT Section 9.3.15"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x13) # 00010011
- c = BearerCapability()
- d = Cause()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- if LowLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
- e = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if HighLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
- f = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- return packet
-def notify():
- """NOTIFY Section 9.3.16"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x3e) # 00111110
- c = NotificationIndicator()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def progress(UserUser_presence=0):
- """PROGRESS Section 9.3.17"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x3) # 00000011
- c = ProgressIndicator()
- packet = a / b / c
- if UserUser_presence is 1:
- d = UserUserHdr()
- packet = packet / d
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def ccEstablishment():
- """CC-ESTABLISHMENT Section 9.3.17a"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x4) # 00000100
- c = SetupContainer()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def ccEstablishmentConfirmed(RepeatIndicator_presence=0,
- BearerCapability_presence=0,
- BearerCapability_presence1=0,
- Cause_presence=0):
- """CC-ESTABLISHMENT CONFIRMED Section 9.3.17b"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x6) # 00000110
- packet = a / b
- if RepeatIndicator_presence is 1:
- c = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- if BearerCapability_presence is 1:
- d = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if BearerCapability_presence1 is 1:
- e = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if Cause_presence is 1:
- f = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def releaseNetToMs():
- """RELEASE Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x2d) # 00101101
- c = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
- d = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
- e = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
- f = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
- packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
- return packet
-def releaseMsToNet(Cause_presence=0, Cause_presence1=0,
- Facility_presence=0, UserUser_presence=0,
- SsVersionIndicator_presence=0):
- """RELEASE Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x2d) # 00101101
- packet = a / b
- if Cause_presence is 1:
- c = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- if Cause_presence1 is 1:
- d = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if Facility_presence is 1:
- e = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if UserUser_presence is 1:
- f = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
- g = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def recall():
- """RECALL Section 9.3.18a"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0xb) # 00001011
- c = RecallType()
- d = Facility()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def releaseCompleteNetToMs(Cause_presence=0, Facility_presence=0,
- UserUser_presence=0):
- """RELEASE COMPLETE Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x2a) # 00101010
- packet = a / b
- if Cause_presence is 1:
- c = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- if Facility_presence is 1:
- d = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if UserUser_presence is 1:
- e = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- return packet
-def releaseCompleteMsToNet(Cause_presence=0, Facility_presence=0,
- UserUser_presence=0, SsVersionIndicator_presence=0):
- """RELEASE COMPLETE Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x2a) # 00101010
- packet = a / b
- if Cause_presence is 1:
- c = CauseHdr(ieiC=0x08, eightBitC=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- if Facility_presence is 1:
- d = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if UserUser_presence is 1:
- e = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
- f = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- return packet
-def retrieve():
- """RETRIEVE Section 9.3.20"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x1c) # 00011100
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def retrieveAcknowledge():
- """RETRIEVE ACKNOWLEDGE Section 9.3.21"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x1d) # 00011101
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def retrieveReject():
- """RETRIEVE REJECT Section 9.3.22"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x1e) # 00011110
- c = Cause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def setupMobileTerminated(RepeatIndicator_presence=0,
- BearerCapability_presence=0,
- BearerCapability_presence1=0,
- Facility_presence=0, ProgressIndicator_presence=0,
- Signal_presence=0,
- CallingPartyBcdNumber_presence=0,
- CallingPartySubaddress_presence=0,
- CalledPartyBcdNumber_presence=0,
- CalledPartySubaddress_presence=0,
-# RecallType_presence=0,
- RedirectingPartyBcdNumber_presence=0,
- RedirectingPartySubaddress_presence=0,
- RepeatIndicator_presence1=0,
- LowLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
- LowLayerCompatibility_presence1=0,
- RepeatIndicator_presence2=0,
- HighLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
- HighLayerCompatibility_presence1=0,
- UserUser_presence=0, PriorityLevel_presence=0,
- AlertingPattern_presence=0):
- """SETUP Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x5) # 00000101
- packet = a / b
- if RepeatIndicator_presence is 1:
- c = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- if BearerCapability_presence is 1:
- d = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if BearerCapability_presence1 is 1:
- e = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if Facility_presence is 1:
- f = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- if ProgressIndicator_presence is 1:
- g = ProgressIndicatorHdr(ieiPI=0x1E, eightBitPI=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- if Signal_presence is 1:
- h = SignalHdr(ieiS=0x34, eightBitS=0x0)
- packet = packet / h
- if CallingPartyBcdNumber_presence is 1:
- i = CallingPartyBcdNumberHdr(ieiCPBN=0x5C, eightBitCPBN=0x0)
- packet = packet / i
- if CallingPartySubaddress_presence is 1:
- j = CallingPartySubaddressHdr(ieiCPS=0x5D, eightBitCPS=0x0)
- packet = packet / j
- if CalledPartyBcdNumber_presence is 1:
- k = CalledPartyBcdNumberHdr(ieiCPBN=0x5E, eightBitCPBN=0x0)
- packet = packet / k
- if CalledPartySubaddress_presence is 1:
- l = CalledPartySubaddressHdr(ieiCPS=0x6D, eightBitCPS=0x0)
- packet = packet / l
- if RedirectingPartyBcdNumber_presence is 1:
- n = RedirectingPartyBcdNumberHdr(ieiRPBN=0x74, eightBitRPBN=0x0)
- packet = packet / n
- if RedirectingPartySubaddress_presence is 1:
- m = RedirectingPartySubaddress_presence(ieiRPBN=0x75, eightBitRPBN=0x0)
- packet = packet / m
- if RepeatIndicator_presence1 is 1:
- o = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD0, eightBitRI=0x0)
- packet = packet / o
- if LowLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
- p = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / p
- if LowLayerCompatibility_presence1 is 1:
- q = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / q
- if RepeatIndicator_presence2 is 1:
- r = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
- packet = packet / r
- if HighLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
- s = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / s
- if HighLayerCompatibility_presence1 is 1:
- t = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / t
- if UserUser_presence is 1:
- u = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
- packet = packet / u
- if PriorityLevel_presence is 1:
- v = PriorityLevelHdr(ieiPL=0x8, eightBitPL=0x0)
- packet = packet / v
- if AlertingPattern_presence is 1:
- w = AlertingPatternHdr(ieiAP=0x19, eightBitAP=0x0)
- packet = packet / w
- return packet
-def setupMobileOriginated(RepeatIndicator_presence=0,
- BearerCapability_presence=0,
- BearerCapability_presence1=0,
- Facility_presence=0,
- CallingPartySubaddress_presence=0,
- CalledPartyBcdNumber_presence=0,
- CalledPartySubaddress_presence=0,
- RepeatIndicator_presence1=0,
- LowLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
- LowLayerCompatibility_presence1=0,
- RepeatIndicator_presence2=0,
- HighLayerCompatibility_presence=0,
- HighLayerCompatibility_presence1=0,
- UserUser_presence=0, SsVersionIndicator_presence=0,
- ClirSuppression_presence=0,
- ClirInvocation_presence=0,
- CallControlCapabilities_presence=0,
- Facility_presence1=0,
- Facility_presence2=0):
- """SETUP Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x5) # 00000101
- packet = a / b
- if RepeatIndicator_presence is 1:
- c = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- if BearerCapability_presence is 1:
- d = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if BearerCapability_presence1 is 1:
- e = BearerCapabilityHdr(ieiBC=0x04, eightBitBC=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if Facility_presence is 1:
- f = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1C, eightBitF=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- if CallingPartySubaddress_presence is 1:
- g = CallingPartySubaddressHdr(ieiCPS=0x5D, eightBitCPS=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- if CalledPartyBcdNumber_presence is 1:
- h = CalledPartyBcdNumberHdr(ieiCPBN=0x5E, eightBitCPBN=0x0)
- packet = packet / h
- if CalledPartySubaddress_presence is 1:
- i = CalledPartySubaddressHdr(ieiCPS=0x6D, eightBitCPS=0x0)
- packet = packet / i
- if RepeatIndicator_presence1 is 1:
- j = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD0, eightBitRI=0x0)
- packet = packet / j
- if LowLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
- k = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / k
- if LowLayerCompatibility_presence1 is 1:
- l = LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiLLC=0x7C, eightBitLLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / l
- if RepeatIndicator_presence2 is 1:
- m = RepeatIndicatorHdr(ieiRI=0xD, eightBitRI=0x0)
- packet = packet / m
- if HighLayerCompatibility_presence is 1:
- n = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / n
- if HighLayerCompatibility_presence1 is 1:
- o = HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(ieiHLC=0x7D, eightBitHLC=0x0)
- packet = packet / o
- if UserUser_presence is 1:
- p = UserUserHdr(ieiUU=0x7E, eightBitUU=0x0)
- packet = packet / p
- if SsVersionIndicator_presence is 1:
- q = SsVersionIndicatorHdr(ieiSVI=0x7F, eightBitSVI=0x0)
- packet = packet / q
- if ClirSuppression_presence is 1:
- r = ClirSuppressionHdr(ieiCS=0xA1, eightBitCS=0x0)
- packet = packet / r
- if ClirInvocation_presence is 1:
- s = ClirInvocationHdr(ieiCI=0xA2, eightBitCI=0x0)
- packet = packet / s
- if CallControlCapabilities_presence is 1:
- t = CallControlCapabilitiesHdr(ieiCCC=0x15, eightBitCCC=0x0)
- packet = packet / t
- if Facility_presence1 is 1:
- u = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1D, eightBitF=0x0)
- packet = packet / u
- if Facility_presence2 is 1:
- v = FacilityHdr(ieiF=0x1B, eightBitF=0x0)
- packet = packet / v
- return packet
-def startCc(CallControlCapabilities_presence=0):
- """START CC Section 9.3.23a"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x9) # 00001001
- packet = a / b
- if CallControlCapabilities_presence is 1:
- c = CallControlCapabilitiesHdr(ieiCCC=0x15, eightBitCCC=0x0)
- packet = paclet / c
- return packet
-def startDtmf():
- """START DTMF Section 9.3.24"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x35) # 00110101
- c = KeypadFacilityHdr(ieiKF=0x2C, eightBitKF=0x0)
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def startDtmfAcknowledge():
- """START DTMF ACKNOWLEDGE Section 9.3.25"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x32) # 00110010
- c = KeypadFacilityHdr(ieiKF=0x2C, eightBitKF=0x0)
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def startDtmfReject():
- """ START DTMF REJECT Section 9.3.26"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x37) # 00110111
- c = Cause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def status(AuxiliaryStates_presence=0):
- """STATUS Section 9.3.27"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x3d) # 00111101
- c = Cause()
- d = CallState()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- if AuxiliaryStates_presence is 1:
- e = AuxiliaryStatesHdr(ieiAS=0x24, eightBitAS=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- return packet
-def statusEnquiry():
- """STATUS ENQUIRY Section 9.3.28"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x34) # 00110100
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-def stopDtmf():
- """STOP DTMF Section 9.3.29"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x31) # 00110001
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-# Network to MS
-def stopDtmfAcknowledge():
- """STOP DTMF ACKNOWLEDGE Section 9.3.30"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x32) # 00110010
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-def userInformation(MoreData_presence=0):
- """USER INFORMATION Section 9.3.31"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x20) # 000100000
- c = UserUser()
- packet = a / b / c
- if MoreData_presence is 1:
- d = MoreDataHdr(ieiMD=0xA0, eightBitMD=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- return packet
-# 9.4 GPRS Mobility Management Messages
-def attachRequest(PTmsiSignature_presence=0, GprsTimer_presence=0,
- TmsiStatus_presence=0):
- """ATTACH REQUEST Section 9.4.1"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x1) # 0000001
- c = MsNetworkCapability()
- d = AttachTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr()
- f = DrxParameter()
- g = MobileId()
- h = RoutingAreaIdentification()
- i = MsRadioAccessCapability()
- packet = a / b / c / d / f / g / h / i
- if PTmsiSignature_presence is 1:
- j = PTmsiSignature(ieiPTS=0x19)
- packet = packet / j
- if GprsTimer_presence is 1:
- k = GprsTimer(ieiGT=0x17)
- packet = packet / k
- if TmsiStatus_presence is 1:
- l = TmsiStatus(ieiTS=0x9)
- packet = packet / l
- return packet
-def attachAccept(PTmsiSignature_presence=0, GprsTimer_presence=0,
- MobileId_presence=0, MobileId_presence1=0,
- GmmCause_presence=0):
- """ATTACH ACCEPT Section 9.4.2"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x2) # 00000010
- c = AttachResult()
- d = ForceToStandby()
- e = GprsTimer()
- f = RadioPriorityAndSpareHalfOctets()
- h = RoutingAreaIdentification()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e / f / h
- if PTmsiSignature_presence is 1:
- i = PTmsiSignature(ieiPTS=0x19)
- packet = packet / i
- if GprsTimer_presence is 1:
- j = GprsTimer(ieiGT=0x17)
- packet = packet / j
- if MobileId_presence is 1:
- k = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x18, eightBitMI=0x0)
- packet = packet / k
- if MobileId_presence1 is 1:
- l = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x23, eightBitMI=0x0)
- packet = packet / l
- if GmmCause_presence is 1:
- m = GmmCause(ieiGC=0x25)
- packet = packet / m
- return packet
-def attachComplete():
- """ATTACH COMPLETE Section 9.4.3"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x3) # 00000011
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-def attachReject():
- """ATTACH REJECT Section 9.4.4"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x1) # 00000001
- c = GmmCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def detachRequest(GmmCause_presence=0):
- """DETACH REQUEST Section 9.4.5"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x5) # 00000101
- c = DetachTypeAndForceToStandby()
- packet = a / b / c
- if GmmCause_presence is 1:
- e = GmmCause(ieiGC=0x25)
- packet = packet / e
- return packet
-def detachRequestMsOriginating():
- """DETACH REQUEST Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x5) # 00000101
- c = DetachTypeAndSpareHalfOctets()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def detachAcceptMsTerminated():
- """DETACH ACCEPT Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x6) # 00000110
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-def detachAcceptMsOriginating():
- """DETACH ACCEPT Section"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x6) # 00000110
- c = ForceToStandbyAndSpareHalfOctets()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def ptmsiReallocationCommand(PTmsiSignature_presence=0):
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x10) # 00010000
- c = MobileId()
- d = RoutingAreaIdentification()
- e = ForceToStandbyAndSpareHalfOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e
- if PTmsiSignature_presence is 1:
- g = PTmsiSignature(ieiPTS=0x19)
- packet = packet / g
- return packet
-def ptmsiReallocationComplete():
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x11) # 00010001
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-def authenticationAndCipheringRequest(
- AuthenticationParameterRAND_presence=0,
- CiphKeySeqNr_presence=0):
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x12) # 00010010
- d = CipheringAlgorithmAndImeisvRequest()
- e = ForceToStandbyAndAcReferenceNumber()
- packet = a / b / d / e
- if AuthenticationParameterRAND_presence is 1:
- g = AuthenticationParameterRAND(ieiAPR=0x21)
- packet = packet / g
- if CiphKeySeqNr_presence is 1:
- h = CiphKeySeqNrHdr(ieiCKSN=0x08, eightBitCKSN=0x0)
- packet = packet / h
- return packet
-def authenticationAndCipheringResponse(
- AuthenticationParameterSRES_presence=0,
- MobileId_presence=0):
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x13) # 00010011
- c = AcReferenceNumberAndSpareHalfOctets()
- packet = a / b / c
- if AuthenticationParameterSRES_presence is 1:
- e = AuthenticationParameterSRES(ieiAPS=0x22)
- packet = packet / e
- if MobileId_presence is 1:
- f = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x23, eightBitMI=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- return packet
-def authenticationAndCipheringReject():
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x14) # 00010100
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-def identityRequest():
- """IDENTITY REQUEST Section 9.4.12"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x15) # 00010101
- c = IdentityType2AndforceToStandby()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def identityResponse():
- """IDENTITY RESPONSE Section 9.4.13"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x16) # 00010110
- c = MobileId()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def routingAreaUpdateRequest(PTmsiSignature_presence=0,
- GprsTimer_presence=0,
- DrxParameter_presence=0,
- TmsiStatus_presence=0):
- """ROUTING AREA UPDATE REQUEST Section 9.4.14"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x8) # 00001000
- c = UpdateTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr()
- e = RoutingAreaIdentification()
- f = MsNetworkCapability()
- packet = a / b / c / e / f
- if PTmsiSignature_presence is 1:
- g = PTmsiSignature(ieiPTS=0x19)
- packet = packet / g
- if GprsTimer_presence is 1:
- h = GprsTimer(ieiGT=0x17)
- packet = packet / h
- if DrxParameter_presence is 1:
- i = DrxParameter(ieiDP=0x27)
- packet = packet / i
- if TmsiStatus_presence is 1:
- j = TmsiStatus(ieiTS=0x9)
- packet = packet / j
- return packet
-def routingAreaUpdateAccept(PTmsiSignature_presence=0,
- MobileId_presence=0, MobileId_presence1=0,
- ReceiveNpduNumbersList_presence=0,
- GprsTimer_presence=0, GmmCause_presence=0):
- """ROUTING AREA UPDATE ACCEPT Section 9.4.15"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x9) # 00001001
- c = ForceToStandbyAndUpdateResult()
- e = GprsTimer()
- f = RoutingAreaIdentification()
- packet = a / b / c / e / f
- if PTmsiSignature_presence is 1:
- g = PTmsiSignature(ieiPTS=0x19)
- packet = packet / g
- if MobileId_presence is 1:
- h = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x18, eightBitMI=0x0)
- packet = packet / h
- if MobileId_presence1 is 1:
- i = MobileIdHdr(ieiMI=0x23, eightBitMI=0x0)
- packet = packet / i
- if ReceiveNpduNumbersList_presence is 1:
- j = ReceiveNpduNumbersList(ieiRNNL=0x26)
- packet = packet / j
- if GprsTimer_presence is 1:
- k = GprsTimer(ieiGT=0x17)
- packet = packet / k
- if GmmCause_presence is 1:
- l = GmmCause(ieiGC=0x25)
- packet = packet / l
- return packet
-def routingAreaUpdateComplete(ReceiveNpduNumbersList_presence=0):
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0xa) # 00001010
- packet = a / b
- if ReceiveNpduNumbersList_presence is 1:
- c = ReceiveNpduNumbersList(ieiRNNL=0x26)
- packet = packet / c
- return packet
-def routingAreaUpdateReject():
- """ROUTING AREA UPDATE REJECT Section 9.4.17"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0xb) # 00001011
- c = GmmCause()
- d = ForceToStandbyAndSpareHalfOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d
- return packet
-def gmmStatus():
- """GMM STATUS Section 9.4.18"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x20) # 00100000
- c = GmmCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def gmmInformation(NetworkName_presence=0, NetworkName_presence1=0,
- TimeZone_presence=0, TimeZoneAndTime_presence=0,
- LsaIdentifier_presence=0):
- """GMM INFORMATION Section 9.4.19"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x3)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x21) # 00100001
- packet = a / b
- if NetworkName_presence is 1:
- c = NetworkNameHdr(ieiNN=0x43, eightBitNN=0x0)
- packet = packet / c
- if NetworkName_presence1 is 1:
- d = NetworkNameHdr(ieiNN=0x45, eightBitNN=0x0)
- packet = packet / d
- if TimeZone_presence is 1:
- e = TimeZoneHdr(ieiTZ=0x46, eightBitTZ=0x0)
- packet = packet / e
- if TimeZoneAndTime_presence is 1:
- f = TimeZoneAndTimeHdr(ieiTZAT=0x47, eightBitTZAT=0x0)
- packet = packet / f
- if LsaIdentifier_presence is 1:
- g = LsaIdentifierHdr(ieiLI=0x48, eightBitLI=0x0)
- packet = packet / g
- return packet
-# 9.5 GPRS Session Management Messages
-def activatePdpContextRequest(AccessPointName_presence=0,
- ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence=0):
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x41) # 01000001
- c = NetworkServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
- d = LlcServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
- e = QualityOfService()
- f = PacketDataProtocolAddress()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
- if AccessPointName_presence is 1:
- g = AccessPointName(ieiAPN=0x28)
- packet = packet / g
- if ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence is 1:
- h = ProtocolConfigurationOptions(ieiPCO=0x27)
- packet = packet / h
- return packet
-def activatePdpContextAccept(PacketDataProtocolAddress_presence=0,
- ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence=0):
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x42) # 01000010
- c = LlcServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
- d = QualityOfService()
- e = RadioPriorityAndSpareHalfOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e
- if PacketDataProtocolAddress_presence is 1:
- f = PacketDataProtocolAddress(ieiPDPA=0x2B)
- packet = packet / f
- if ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence is 1:
- g = ProtocolConfigurationOptions(ieiPCO=0x27)
- packet = packet / g
- return packet
-def activatePdpContextReject(ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence=0):
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x43) # 01000011
- c = SmCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- if ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence is 1:
- d = ProtocolConfigurationOptions(ieiPCO=0x27)
- packet = packet / d
- return packet
-def requestPdpContextActivation(AccessPointName_presence=0):
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x44) # 01000100
- c = PacketDataProtocolAddress()
- packet = a / b / c
- if AccessPointName_presence is 1:
- d = AccessPointName(ieiAPN=0x28)
- packet = packet / d
- return packet
-def requestPdpContextActivationReject():
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x45) # 01000101
- c = SmCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def modifyPdpContextRequest():
- """MODIFY PDP CONTEXT REQUEST Section 9.5.6"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x48) # 01001000
- c = RadioPriorityAndSpareHalfOctets()
- d = LlcServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
- e = QualityOfService()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e
- return packet
-def modifyPdpContextAccept():
- """MODIFY PDP CONTEXT ACCEPT Section 9.5.7"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x45) # 01000101
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-def deactivatePdpContextRequest():
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x46) # 01000110
- c = SmCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def deactivatePdpContextAccept():
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x47) # 01000111
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-def activateAaPdpContextRequest(AccessPointName_presence=0,
- ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence=0,
- GprsTimer_presence=0):
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x50) # 01010000
- c = NetworkServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
- d = LlcServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
- e = QualityOfService()
- f = PacketDataProtocolAddress()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e / f
- if AccessPointName_presence is 1:
- g = AccessPointName(ieiAPN=0x28)
- packet = packet / g
- if ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence is 1:
- h = ProtocolConfigurationOptions(ieiPCO=0x27)
- packet = packet / h
- if GprsTimer_presence is 1:
- i = GprsTimer(ieiGT=0x29)
- packet = packet / i
- return packet
-def activateAaPdpContextAccept(ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence=0,
- GprsTimer_presence=0):
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x51) # 01010001
- c = LlcServiceAccessPointIdentifier()
- d = QualityOfService()
- e = MobileId()
- f = PacketDataProtocolAddress()
- g = RadioPriorityAndSpareHalfOctets()
- packet = a / b / c / d / e / f / g
- if ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence is 1:
- i = ProtocolConfigurationOptions(ieiPCO=0x27)
- packet = packet / i
- if GprsTimer_presence is 1:
- j = GprsTimer(ieiGT=0x29)
- packet = packet / j
- return packet
-def activateAaPdpContextReject(ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence=0):
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x52) # 01010010
- c = SmCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- if ProtocolConfigurationOptions_presence is 1:
- d = ProtocolConfigurationOptions(ieiPCO=0x27)
- packet = packet / d
- return packet
-def deactivateAaPdpContextRequest():
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x53) # 01010011
- c = AaDeactivationCauseAndSpareHalfOctets()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-def deactivateAaPdpContextAccept():
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x54) # 01010100
- packet = a / b
- return packet
-def smStatus():
- """SM STATUS Section 9.5.15"""
- a = TpPd(pd=0x8)
- b = MessageType(mesType=0x55) # 01010101
- c = SmCause()
- packet = a / b / c
- return packet
-# ============================================#
-# Information Elements contents (Section 10) #
-# =========================================== #
-# This section contains the elements we need to build the messages
-# Common information elements:
-class CellIdentityHdr(Packet):
- """ Cell identity Section """
- name = "Cell Identity"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCI", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCI", None, 7),
- ByteField("ciValue1", 0x0),
- ByteField("ciValue2", 0x0)
- ]
-class CiphKeySeqNrHdr(Packet):
- """ Ciphering Key Sequence Number Section """
- name = "Cipher Key Sequence Number"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiCKSN", None, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class CiphKeySeqNrAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
- name = "Cipher Key Sequence Number and Spare Half Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class CiphKeySeqNrAndMacModeAndChannelCodingRequest(Packet):
- name = "Cipher Key Sequence Number and Mac Mode And Channel Coding Request"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("macMode", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("cs", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-class LocalAreaIdHdr(Packet):
- """ Local Area Identification Section """
- name = "Location Area Identification"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitLAI", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiLAI", None, 7),
- BitField("mccDigit2", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mccDigit1", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mncDigit3", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mccDigit3", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mncDigit2", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mncDigit1", 0x0, 4),
- ByteField("lac1", 0x0),
- ByteField("lac2", 0x0)
- ]
-# The Mobile Identity is a type 4 information element with a minimum
-# length of 3 octet and 11 octets length maximal.
-# len 3 - 11
-class MobileIdHdr(Packet):
- """ Mobile Identity Section """
- name = "Mobile Identity"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitMI", 0x0, 1),
- XBitField("ieiMI", 0x0, 7),
- XByteField("lengthMI", None),
- BitField("idDigit1", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("oddEven", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("typeOfId", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("idDigit2_1", None, 4), # optional
- BitField("idDigit2", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit3_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit3", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit4_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit4", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit5_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit5", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit6_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit6", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit7_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit7", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit8_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit8", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit9_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit9", None, 4),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i, None)) # this list holds the values of
-# the variables, the INTERESSTING value!
- res = adapt(3, 11, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthMI is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- print(repr(p))
- return p + pay
-class MobileStationClassmark1Hdr(Packet):
- """ Mobile Station Classmark 1 Section """
- name = "Mobile Station Classmark 1"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitiMSC1", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiMSC1", None, 7),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("revisionLvl", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("esInd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a51", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rfPowerCap", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-class MobileStationClassmark2Hdr(Packet):
- """ Mobile Station Classmark 2 Section """
- name = "Mobile Station Classmark 2"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitMSC2", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiMSC2", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthMSC2", 0x3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("revisionLvl", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("esInd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a51", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rfPowerCap", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("psCap", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ssScreenInd", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("smCaPabi", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("vbs", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("vgcs", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("fc", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("cm3", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("lcsvaCap", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare3", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("soLsa", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("cmsp", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a53", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a52", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-# len max 14
-class MobileStationClassmark3(Packet):
- """ Mobile Station Classmark 3 Section """
- name = "Mobile Station Classmark 3"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiMSC3", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte14", 0x0)
- ]
-class SpareHalfOctets(Packet):
- """ Spare Half Octet Section """
- name = "Spare Half Octet"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("filler", None, 4),
- BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class DescriptiveGroupOrBroadcastCallReferenceHdr(Packet):
- """ Descriptive group or broadcast call reference Section """
- name = "Descriptive Group or Broadcast Call Reference"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitDGOBCR", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiDGOBCR", None, 7),
- BitField("binCallRef", 0x0, 27),
- BitField("sf", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("fa", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("callPrio", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("cipherInfo", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare3", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare4", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-class GroupCipherKeyNumber(Packet):
- """ Group Cipher Key Number reference Section """
- name = "Group Cipher Key Number"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiGCKN", None, 4),
- BitField("groupCipher", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class PdAndSapiHdr(Packet):
- """ PD and SAPI $(CCBS)$ Section """
- name = "PD and SAPI $(CCBS)$"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitPAS", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiPAS", None, 7),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("sapi", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("pd", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class PriorityLevelHdr(Packet):
- """ Priority Level Section """
- name = "Priority Level"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiPL", None, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("callPrio", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# Radio Resource management information elements
-# len 6 to max for L3 message (251)
-class BaRangeHdr(Packet):
- """ BA Range Section """
- name = "BA Range"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitBR", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiBR", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthBR", None),
-#error: byte format requires -128 <= number <= 127
- ByteField("nrOfRanges", 0x0),
-# # rX = range X
-# # L o = Lower H i = higher
-# # H p = high Part Lp = low Part
- ByteField("r1LoHp", 0x0),
- BitField("r1LoLp", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("r1HiHp", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("r1HiLp", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("r2LoHp", 0x0, 4),
- # optional
- BitField("r2LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r2HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r2HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r3LoHp", None),
- BitField("r3LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r3HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r3HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r4LoHp", None),
- BitField("r4LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r4HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r4HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r5LoHp", None),
- BitField("r5LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r5HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r5HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r6LoHp", None),
- BitField("r6LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r6HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r6HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r7LoHp", None),
- BitField("r7LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r7HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r7HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r8LoHp", None),
- BitField("r8LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r8HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r8HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r9LoHp", None),
- BitField("r9LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r9HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r9HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r10LoHp", None),
- BitField("r10LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r10HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r10HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r11LoHp", None),
- BitField("r11LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r11HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r11HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r12LoHp", None),
- BitField("r12LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r12HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r12HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r13LoHp", None),
- BitField("r13LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r13HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r13HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r14LoHp", None),
- BitField("r14LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r14HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r14HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r15LoHp", None),
- BitField("r15LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r15HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r15HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r16LoHp", None),
- BitField("r16LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r16HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r16HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r17LoHp", None),
- BitField("r17LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r17HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r17HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r18LoHp", None),
- BitField("r18LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r18HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r18HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r19LoHp", None),
- BitField("r19LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r19HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r19HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r20LoHp", None),
- BitField("r20LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r20HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r20HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r21LoHp", None),
- BitField("r21LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r21HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r21HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r22LoHp", None),
- BitField("r22LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r22HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r22HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r23LoHp", None),
- BitField("r23LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r23HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r23HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r24LoHp", None),
- BitField("r24LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r24HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r24HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r25LoHp", None),
- BitField("r25LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r25HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r25HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r26LoHp", None),
- BitField("r26LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r26HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r26HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r27LoHp", None),
- BitField("r27LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r27HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r27HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r28LoHp", None),
- BitField("r28LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r28HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r28HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r29LoHp", None),
- BitField("r29LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r29HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r29HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r30LoHp", None),
- BitField("r30LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r30HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r30HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r31LoHp", None),
- BitField("r31LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r31HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r31HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r32LoHp", None),
- BitField("r32LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r32HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r32HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r33LoHp", None),
- BitField("r33LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r33HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r33HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r34LoHp", None),
- BitField("r34LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r34HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r34HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r35LoHp", None),
- BitField("r35LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r35HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r35HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r36LoHp", None),
- BitField("r36LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r36HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r36HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r37LoHp", None),
- BitField("r37LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r37HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r37HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r38LoHp", None),
- BitField("r38LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r38HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r38HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r39LoHp", None),
- BitField("r39LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r39HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r39HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r40LoHp", None),
- BitField("r40LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r40HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r40HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r41LoHp", None),
- BitField("r41LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r41HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r41HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r42LoHp", None),
- BitField("r42LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r42HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r42HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r43LoHp", None),
- BitField("r43LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r43HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r43HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r44LoHp", None),
- BitField("r44LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r44HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r44HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r45LoHp", None),
- BitField("r45LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r45HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r45HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r46LoHp", None),
- BitField("r46LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r46HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r46HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r47LoHp", None),
- BitField("r47LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r47HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r47HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r48LoHp", None),
- BitField("r48LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r48HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r48HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r49LoHp", None),
- BitField("r49LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r49HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r49HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r50LoHp", None),
- BitField("r50LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r50HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r50HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r51LoHp", None),
- BitField("r51LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r51HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r51HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r52LoHp", None),
- BitField("r52LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r52HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r52HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r53LoHp", None),
- BitField("r53LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r53HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r53HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r54LoHp", None),
- BitField("r54LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r54HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r54HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r55LoHp", None),
- BitField("r55LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r55HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r55HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r56LoHp", None),
- BitField("r56LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r56HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r56HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r57LoHp", None),
- BitField("r57LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r57HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r57HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r58LoHp", None),
- BitField("r58LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r58HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r58HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r59LoHp", None),
- BitField("r59LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r59HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r59HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r60LoHp", None),
- BitField("r60LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r60HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r60HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r61LoHp", None),
- BitField("r61LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r61HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r61HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r62LoHp", None),
- BitField("r62LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r62HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r62HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r63LoHp", None),
- BitField("r63LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r63HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r63HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r64LoHp", None),
- BitField("r64LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r64HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r64HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r65LoHp", None),
- BitField("r65LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r65HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r65HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r66LoHp", None),
- BitField("r66LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r66HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r66HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r67LoHp", None),
- BitField("r67LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r67HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r67HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r68LoHp", None),
- BitField("r68LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r68HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r68HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r69LoHp", None),
- BitField("r69LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r69HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r69HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r70LoHp", None),
- BitField("r70LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r70HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r70HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r71LoHp", None),
- BitField("r71LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r71HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r71HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r72LoHp", None),
- BitField("r72LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r72HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r72HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r73LoHp", None),
- BitField("r73LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r73HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r73HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r74LoHp", None),
- BitField("r74LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r74HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r74HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r75LoHp", None),
- BitField("r75LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r75HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r75HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r76LoHp", None),
- BitField("r76LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r76HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r76HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r77LoHp", None),
- BitField("r77LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r77HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r77HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r78LoHp", None),
- BitField("r78LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r78HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r78HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r79LoHp", None),
- BitField("r79LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r79HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r79HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r80LoHp", None),
- BitField("r80LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r80HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r80HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r81LoHp", None),
- BitField("r81LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r81HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r81HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r82LoHp", None),
- BitField("r82LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r82HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r82HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r83LoHp", None),
- BitField("r83LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r83HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r83HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r84LoHp", None),
- BitField("r84LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r84HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r84HiLp", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- print("i is %s" % (i,))
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- print("aList %s" % (len(aList)))
- print("self.fields_desc %s" % (len(self.fields_desc)))
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(6, 251, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthBR is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# len 3 to max for L3 message (251)
-class BaListPrefHdr(Packet):
- """ BA List Pref Section """
- name = "BA List Pref"
- fields_desc = [
- # FIXME dynamic
- BitField("eightBitBLP", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiBLP", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthBLP", None),
- BitField("fixBit", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rangeLower", 0x0, 10),
- BitField("fixBit2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rangeUpper", 0x0, 10),
- BitField("baFreq", 0x0, 10),
- BitField("sparePad", 0x0, 8)
- ]
-# len 17 || Have a look at the specs for the field format
-# Bit map 0 format
-# Range 1024 format
-# Range 512 format
-# Range 256 format
-# Range 128 format
-# Variable bit map format
-class CellChannelDescriptionHdr(Packet):
- """ Cell Channel Description Section """
- name = "Cell Channel Description "
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCCD", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCCD", None, 7),
- BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit127", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
- ByteField("bit120", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit112", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit104", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit96", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit88", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit80", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit72", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit64", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit56", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit48", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit40", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit32", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit24", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit16", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit8", 0x0)
- ]
-class CellDescriptionHdr(Packet):
- """ Cell Description Section """
- name = "Cell Description"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCD", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCD", None, 7),
- BitField("bcchHigh", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("ncc", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("bcc", 0x0, 3),
- ByteField("bcchLow", 0x0)
- ]
-class CellOptionsBCCHHdr(Packet):
- """ Cell Options (BCCH) Section """
- name = "Cell Options (BCCH)"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCOB", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCOB", None, 7),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("pwrc", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("dtx", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("rLinkTout", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class CellOptionsSACCHHdr(Packet):
- """ Cell Options (SACCH) Section """
- name = "Cell Options (SACCH)"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCOS", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCOS", None, 7),
- BitField("dtx", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("pwrc", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("dtx", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rLinkTout", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class CellSelectionParametersHdr(Packet):
- """ Cell Selection Parameters Section """
- name = "Cell Selection Parameters"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCSP", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCSP", None, 7),
- BitField("cellReselect", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("msTxPwrMax", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("acs", None, 1),
- BitField("neci", None, 1),
- BitField("rxlenAccMin", None, 6)
- ]
-class MacModeAndChannelCodingRequestHdr(Packet):
- """ MAC Mode and Channel Coding Requested Section """
- name = "MAC Mode and Channel Coding Requested"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiMMACCR", None, 4),
- BitField("macMode", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("cs", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-class ChannelDescriptionHdr(Packet):
- """ Channel Description Section """
- name = "Channel Description"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCD", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCD", None, 7),
- BitField("channelTyp", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("tn", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("h", 0x1, 1),
- # if h=1 maybe we find a better solution here...
- BitField("maioHi", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("maioLo", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("hsn", 0x0, 6)
- #BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
- #BitField("arfcnHigh", 0x0, 2),
- #ByteField("arfcnLow", 0x0)
- ]
-class ChannelDescription2Hdr(Packet):
- """ Channel Description 2 Section """
- name = "Channel Description 2"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCD2", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCD2", None, 7),
- BitField("channelTyp", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("tn", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("h", 0x0, 1),
- # if h=1
- # BitField("maioHi", 0x0, 4),
- # BitField("maioLo", 0x0, 2),
- # BitField("hsn", 0x0, 6)
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("arfcnHigh", 0x0, 2),
- ByteField("arfcnLow", 0x0)
- ]
-class ChannelModeHdr(Packet):
- """ Channel Mode Section """
- name = "Channel Mode"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCM", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCM", None, 7),
- ByteField("mode", 0x0)
- ]
-class ChannelMode2Hdr(Packet):
- """ Channel Mode 2 Section """
- name = "Channel Mode 2"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCM2", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCM2", None, 7),
- ByteField("mode", 0x0)
- ]
-class ChannelNeededHdr(Packet):
- """ Channel Needed Section """
- name = "Channel Needed"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiCN", None, 4),
- BitField("channel2", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("channel1", 0x0, 2),
- ]
-class ChannelRequestDescriptionHdr(Packet):
- """Channel Request Description Section """
- name = "Channel Request Description"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCRD", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCRD", None, 7),
- BitField("mt", 0x0, 1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 39),
- lambda pkt: == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("priority", 0x0, 2),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("rlcMode", 0x0, 1),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("llcFrame", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("reqBandMsb", 0x0),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("reqBandLsb", 0x0),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("rlcMsb", 0x0),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("rlcLsb", 0x0),
- lambda pkt: == 1)
- ]
-class CipherModeSettingHdr(Packet):
- """Cipher Mode Setting Section """
- name = "Cipher Mode Setting"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiCMS", None, 4),
- BitField("algoId", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("sc", 0x0, 1),
- ]
-class CipherResponseHdr(Packet):
- """Cipher Response Section """
- name = "Cipher Response"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiCR", None, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("cr", 0x0, 1),
- ]
-# This packet fixes the problem with the 1/2 Byte length. Concatenation
-# of cipherModeSetting and cipherResponse
-class CipherModeSettingAndcipherResponse(Packet):
- name = "Cipher Mode Setting And Cipher Response"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("algoId", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("sc", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("cr", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-class ControlChannelDescriptionHdr(Packet):
- """Control Channel Description Section """
- name = "Control Channel Description"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCCD", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCCD", None, 7),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("att", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bsAgBlksRes", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("ccchConf", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare3", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare4", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bsPaMfrms", 0x0, 3),
- ByteField("t3212", 0x0)
- ]
-class FrequencyChannelSequenceHdr(Packet):
- """Frequency Channel Sequence Section"""
- name = "Frequency Channel Sequence"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitFCS", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiFCS", None, 7),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("lowestArfcn", 0x0, 7),
- BitField("skipArfcn01", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn02", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn03", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn04", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn05", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn06", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn07", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn08", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn09", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn10", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn11", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn12", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn13", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn14", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn15", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn16", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class FrequencyListHdr(Packet):
- """Frequency List Section"""
- name = "Frequency List"
- # Problem:
- # There are several formats for the Frequency List information
- # element, distinguished by the "format indicator" subfield.
- # Some formats are frequency bit maps, the others use a special encoding
- # scheme.
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitFL", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiFL", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthFL", None),
- BitField("formatID", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("arfcn124", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("arfcn123", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("arfcn122", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("arfcn121", 0x0, 1),
- ByteField("arfcn120", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn112", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn104", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn96", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn88", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn80", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn72", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn64", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn56", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn48", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn40", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn32", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn24", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn16", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn8", 0x0)
- ]
-class FrequencyShortListHdr(Packet):
- """Frequency Short List Section"""
- name = "Frequency Short List"
-# len is 10
-#This element is encoded exactly as the Frequency List information element,
-#except that it has a fixed length instead of a
-#variable length and does not contain a length indicator and that it
-#shall not be encoded in bitmap 0 format.
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiFSL", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte10", 0x0)
- ]
-class FrequencyShortListHdr2(Packet):
- """Frequency Short List2 Section"""
- name = "Frequency Short List 2"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("byte1", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte8", 0x0)
- ]
-# len 4 to 13
-class GroupChannelDescriptionHdr(Packet):
- """Group Channel Description Section"""
- name = "Group Channel Description"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitGCD", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiGCD", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthGCD", None),
- BitField("channelType", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("tn", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("h", 0x0, 1),
- # if h == 0 the packet looks the following way:
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("arfcnHi", 0x0, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x0),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("arfcnLo", None),
- lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x0),
- # if h == 1 the packet looks the following way:
- ConditionalField(BitField("maioHi", 0x0, 4),
- lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("maioLo", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("hsn", None, 6),
- lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x1),
- # finished with conditional fields
- ByteField("maC6", None),
- ByteField("maC7", None),
- ByteField("maC8", None),
- ByteField("maC9", None),
- ByteField("maC10", None),
- ByteField("maC11", None),
- ByteField("maC12", None),
- ByteField("maC13", None),
- ByteField("maC14", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(4, 13, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthGCD is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class GprsResumptionHdr(Packet):
- """GPRS Resumption Section"""
- name = "GPRS Resumption"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiGR", None, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("ack", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-class HandoverReferenceHdr(Packet):
- """Handover Reference Section"""
- name = "Handover Reference"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitHR", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiHR", None, 7),
- ByteField("handoverRef", 0x0)
- ]
-# len 1-12
-class IaRestOctets(Packet):
- """IA Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "IA Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiIRO", 0x0),
- # FIXME brainfuck packet
- XByteField("lengthIRO", None),
- ByteField("byte2", None),
- ByteField("byte3", None),
- ByteField("byte4", None),
- ByteField("byte5", None),
- ByteField("byte6", None),
- ByteField("byte7", None),
- ByteField("byte8", None),
- ByteField("byte9", None),
- ByteField("byte10", None),
- ByteField("byte11", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(1, 12, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthIRO is None:
- if res[1] < 0: # FIXME better fix
- res[1] = 0
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class IraRestOctetsHdr(Packet):
- """IAR Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "IAR Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitIRO", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiIRO", None, 7),
- BitField("spare01", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare02", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare03", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare04", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare05", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare06", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare07", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare08", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare09", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare10", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare11", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare12", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare13", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare14", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare15", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare16", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare17", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare18", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare19", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare20", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare21", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare22", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare23", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare24", 0x1, 1)
- ]
-# len is 1 to 5 what do we do with the variable size? no lenght
-# field?! WTF
-class IaxRestOctetsHdr(Packet):
- """IAX Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "IAX Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitIRO", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiIRO", None, 7),
- BitField("spare01", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare02", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare03", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare04", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare05", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare06", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare07", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare08", 0x1, 1),
- ByteField("spareB1", None),
- ByteField("spareB2", None),
- ByteField("spareB3", None)
- ]
-class L2PseudoLengthHdr(Packet):
- """L2 Pseudo Length Section"""
- name = "L2 Pseudo Length"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitPL", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiPL", None, 7),
- BitField("l2pLength", None, 6),
- BitField("bit2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit1", 0x1, 1)
- ]
-class MeasurementResultsHdr(Packet):
- """Measurement Results Section"""
- name = "Measurement Results"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitMR", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiMR", None, 7),
- BitField("baUsed", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("dtxUsed", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rxLevFull", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("measValid", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rxLevSub", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("spare0", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rxqualFull", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("rxqualSub", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("noNcellHi", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("noNcellLo", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("rxlevC1", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("bcchC1", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("bsicC1Hi", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("bsicC1Lo", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("rxlevC2", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("rxlevC2Lo", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bcchC2", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("bsicC1Hi", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("bscicC2Lo", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("bscicC2Hi", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("rxlevC3Lo", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("bcchC3", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("rxlevC3Hi", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bsicC3Lo", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("bsicC3Hi", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("rxlevC4Lo", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("bcchC4", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("bsicC4", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("rxlevC5Hi", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("rxlevC5Lo", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("bcchC5Hi", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("bcchC5Lo", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bsicC5", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("rxlevC6", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rxlevC6Lo", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("bcchC6Hi", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("bcchC6Lo", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("bsicC6", 0x0, 5)
- ]
-class GprsMeasurementResultsHdr(Packet):
- """GPRS Measurement Results Section"""
- name = "GPRS Measurement Results"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitGMR", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiGMR", None, 7),
- BitField("cValue", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("rxqualHi", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("rxqL", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("signVar", 0x0, 6)
- ]
-# len 3 to 10
-class MobileAllocationHdr(Packet):
- """Mobile Allocation Section"""
- name = "Mobile Allocation"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitMA", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiMA", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthMA", None),
- ByteField("maC64", 0x12),
- ByteField("maC56", None), # optional fields start here
- ByteField("maC48", None),
- ByteField("maC40", None),
- ByteField("maC32", None),
- ByteField("maC24", None),
- ByteField("maC16", None),
- ByteField("maC8", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(3, 10, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthMA is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class MobileTimeDifferenceHdr(Packet):
- """Mobile Time Difference Section"""
- name = "Mobile Time Difference"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitMTD", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiMTD", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthMTD", 0x5),
- ByteField("valueHi", 0x0),
- ByteField("valueCnt", 0x0),
- BitField("valueLow", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-# min 4 octets max 8
-class MultiRateConfigurationHdr(Packet):
- """ MultiRate configuration Section"""
- name = "MultiRate Configuration"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitMRC", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiMRC", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthMRC", None),
- BitField("mrVersion", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("icmi", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("startMode", 0x0, 2),
- ByteField("amrCodec", 0x0),
- BitField("spare", None, 2),
- BitField("threshold1", None, 6),
- BitField("hysteresis1", None, 4),
- BitField("threshold2", None, 4),
- BitField("threshold2cnt", None, 2),
- BitField("hysteresis2", None, 4),
- BitField("threshold3", None, 2),
- BitField("threshold3cnt", None, 4),
- BitField("hysteresis3", None, 4)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(4, 8, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthMRC is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# len 3 to 12
-class MultislotAllocationHdr(Packet):
- """Multislot Allocation Section"""
- name = "Multislot Allocation"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitMSA", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiMSA", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthMSA", None),
- BitField("ext0", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("da", 0x0, 7),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1), # optional
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ua", 0x0, 7),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
- ByteField("chan1", None),
- ByteField("chan2", None),
- ByteField("chan3", None),
- ByteField("chan4", None),
- ByteField("chan5", None),
- ByteField("chan6", None),
- ByteField("chan7", None),
- ByteField("chan8", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(3, 12, a, self.fields_desc)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if self.lengthMSA is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-2) + p[2:]
- return p + pay
-class NcModeHdr(Packet):
- """NC mode Section"""
- name = "NC Mode"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiNM", None, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("ncMode", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-# Fix for len problem
-# concatenation NC Mode And Spare Half Octets
-class NcModeAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
- name = "NC Mode And Spare Half Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("ncMode", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class NeighbourCellsDescriptionHdr(Packet):
- """Neighbour Cells Description Section"""
- name = "Neighbour Cells Description"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitNCD", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiNCD", None, 7),
- BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit127", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("extInd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("baInd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("120bits", 0x0, 120)
- ]
-class NeighbourCellsDescription2Hdr(Packet):
- """Neighbour Cells Description 2 Section"""
- name = "Neighbour Cells Description 2"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitNCD2", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiNCD2", None, 7),
- BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("multiband", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("baInd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("120bits", 0x0, 120)
- ]
-class NtNRestOctets(Packet):
- """NT/N Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "NT/N Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("nln", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("ncnInfo", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-# The following packet has no length info!
-# len 1-18
-class P1RestOctets(Packet):
- """P1 Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "P1 Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("nln", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("nlnStatus", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("prio1", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("prio2", 0x0, 3),
- # optional
- BitField("pageIndication1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("pageIndication2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 5),
- ByteField("spareB1", None),
- ByteField("spareB2", None),
- ByteField("spareB3", None),
- ByteField("spareB4", None),
- ByteField("spareB5", None),
- ByteField("spareB6", None),
- ByteField("spareB7", None),
- ByteField("spareB8", None),
- ByteField("spareB9", None),
- ByteField("spareB10", None),
- ByteField("spareB11", None),
- ByteField("spareB12", None),
- ByteField("spareB13", None),
- ByteField("spareB14", None),
- ByteField("spareB15", None),
- ByteField("spareB16", None),
- ]
-# len 2-12
-class P2RestOctets(Packet):
- """P2 Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "P2 Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("cn3", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("nln", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("nlnStatus", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("prio1", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("prio2", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("prio3", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("pageIndication3", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- # optinal (No length field!)
- ByteField("spareB1", None),
- ByteField("spareB2", None),
- ByteField("spareB3", None),
- ByteField("spareB4", None),
- ByteField("spareB5", None),
- ByteField("spareB6", None),
- ByteField("spareB7", None),
- ByteField("spareB8", None),
- ByteField("spareB9", None),
- ByteField("spareB10", None)
- ]
-# len 4
-class P3RestOctets(Packet):
- """P3 Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "P3 Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("cn3", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("cn4", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("nln", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("nlnStatus", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("prio1", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("prio2", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("prio3", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("prio4", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 5)
- ]
-# len 4
-# strange packet, lots of valid formats
-# ideas for the dynamic packets:
-# 1] for user interaction: Create an interactive "builder" based on a
-# Q/A process (not very scapy like)
-# 2] for usage in scripts, create an alternative packet for every
-# possible packet layout
-class PacketChannelDescription(Packet):
- """Packet Channel Description Section"""
- name = "Packet Channel Description"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiPCD", None),
- BitField("chanType", 0x0, 5), # This packet has multiple
- # possible layouts. I moddeled the first one
- BitField("tn", 0x0, 3), # maybe build an
- #"interactive" builder. Like
- # a Q/A then propose a
- # packet?
- BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("chooser1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("chooser2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("arfcn", 0x0, 10),
- ]
-class DedicatedModeOrTBFHdr(Packet):
- """Dedicated mode or TBF Section"""
- name = "Dedicated Mode or TBF"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiDMOT", None, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("tma", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("downlink", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("td", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-# FIXME add implementation
-class RrPacketUplinkAssignment(Packet):
- """RR Packet Uplink Assignment Section"""
- name = "RR Packet Uplink Assignment"
- fields_desc = [
- # Fill me
- ]
-class PageModeHdr(Packet):
- """Page Mode Section"""
- name = "Page Mode"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiPM", None, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("pm", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-# Fix for 1/2 len problem
-# concatenation: pageMode and dedicatedModeOrTBF
-class PageModeAndDedicatedModeOrTBF(Packet):
- name = "Page Mode and Dedicated Mode Or TBF"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("pm", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("tma", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("downlink", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("td", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-# Fix for 1/2 len problem
-# concatenation: pageMode and spareHalfOctets
-class PageModeAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
- name = "Page Mode and Spare Half Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("pm", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-# Fix for 1/2 len problem
-# concatenation: pageMode and Channel Needed
-class PageModeAndChannelNeeded(Packet):
- name = "Page Mode and Channel Needed"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("pm", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("channel2", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("channel1", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-class NccPermittedHdr(Packet):
- """NCC Permitted Section"""
- name = "NCC Permited"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitNP", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiNP", None, 7),
- ByteField("nccPerm", 0x0)
- ]
-class PowerCommandHdr(Packet):
- """Power Command Section"""
- name = "Power Command"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitPC", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiPC", None, 7),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("powerLvl", 0x0, 5)
- ]
-class PowerCommandAndAccessTypeHdr(Packet):
- """Power Command and access type Section"""
- name = "Power Command and Access Type"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitPCAAT", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiPCAAT", None, 7),
- BitField("atc", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("powerLvl", 0x0, 5)
- ]
-class RachControlParametersHdr(Packet):
- """RACH Control Parameters Section"""
- name = "RACH Control Parameters"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitRCP", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiRCP", None, 7),
- BitField("maxRetrans", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("txInteger", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("cellBarrAccess", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("re", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC15", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC14", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC13", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC12", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC11", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC10", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC09", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC08", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC07", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC06", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC05", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC04", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC03", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC02", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC01", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC00", 0x0, 1),
- ]
-class RequestReferenceHdr(Packet):
- """Request Reference Section"""
- name = "Request Reference"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitRR", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiRR", None, 7),
- ByteField("ra", 0x0),
- BitField("t1", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("t3Hi", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("t3Lo", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("t2", 0x0, 5)
- ]
-class RrCauseHdr(Packet):
- """RR Cause Section"""
- name = "RR Cause"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitRC", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiRC", None, 7),
- ByteField("rrCause", 0x0)
- ]
-class Si1RestOctets(Packet):
- """SI 1 Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "SI 1 Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("nchPos", 0x0)
- ]
-class Si2bisRestOctets(Packet):
- """SI 2bis Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "SI 2bis Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("spare", 0x0)
- ]
-class Si2terRestOctets(Packet):
- """SI 2ter Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "SI 2ter Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("spare1", 0x0),
- ByteField("spare2", 0x0),
- ByteField("spare3", 0x0),
- ByteField("spare4", 0x0)
- ]
-# len 5
-class Si3RestOctets(Packet):
- """SI 3 Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "SI 3 Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("byte1", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte5", 0x0)
- ]
-# len 1 to 11
-class Si4RestOctets(Packet):
- """SI 4 Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "SI 4 Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthSI4", None),
- ByteField("byte2", None),
- ByteField("byte3", None),
- ByteField("byte4", None),
- ByteField("byte5", None),
- ByteField("byte6", None),
- ByteField("byte7", None),
- ByteField("byte8", None),
- ByteField("byte9", None),
- ByteField("byte10", None),
- ByteField("byte11", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(1, 11, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthSI4 is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if len(p) is 1: # length of this packet can be 0, but packet is
- p = '' # but the IE is manadatory 0_o
- return p + pay
-class Si6RestOctets(Packet):
- """SI 6 Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "SI 4 Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- ]
-# len 21
-class Si7RestOctets(Packet):
- """SI 7 Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "SI 7 Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthSI7", 0x15),
- ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte14", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte15", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte16", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte17", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte18", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte19", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte20", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte21", 0x0)
- ]
-# len 21
-class Si8RestOctets(Packet):
- """SI 8 Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "SI 8 Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthSI8", 0x15),
- ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte14", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte15", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte16", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte17", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte18", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte19", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte20", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte21", 0x0)
- ]
-#len 17
-class Si9RestOctets(Packet):
- """SI 9 Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "SI 9 Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthSI9", 0x11),
- ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte14", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte15", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte16", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte17", 0x0)
- ]
-# len 21
-class Si13RestOctets(Packet):
- """SI 13 Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "SI 13 Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthSI3", 0x15),
- ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte14", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte15", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte16", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte17", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte18", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte19", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte20", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte21", 0x0)
- ]
-# [spare]
-# [spare]
-# len 21
-class Si16RestOctets(Packet):
- """SI 16 Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "SI 16 Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthSI16", 0x15),
- ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte14", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte15", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte16", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte17", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte18", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte19", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte20", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte21", 0x0)
- ]
-# len 21
-class Si17RestOctets(Packet):
- """SI 17 Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "SI 17 Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthSI17", 0x15),
- ByteField("byte2", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte3", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte4", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte5", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte6", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte7", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte8", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte9", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte10", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte11", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte12", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte13", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte14", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte15", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte16", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte17", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte18", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte19", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte20", 0x0),
- ByteField("byte21", 0x0)
- ]
-class StartingTimeHdr(Packet):
- """Starting Time Section"""
- name = "Starting Time"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitST", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiST", None, 7),
- ByteField("ra", 0x0),
- BitField("t1", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("t3Hi", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("t3Lo", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("t2", 0x0, 5)
- ]
-class SynchronizationIndicationHdr(Packet):
- """Synchronization Indication Section"""
- name = "Synchronization Indication"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiSI", None, 4),
- BitField("nci", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rot", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("si", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-class TimingAdvanceHdr(Packet):
- """Timing Advance Section"""
- name = "Timing Advance"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitTA", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiTA", None, 7),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("timingVal", 0x0, 6)
- ]
-class TimeDifferenceHdr(Packet):
- """ Time Difference Section"""
- name = "Time Difference"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitTD", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiTD", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthTD", 0x3),
- ByteField("timeValue", 0x0)
- ]
-class TlliHdr(Packet):
- """ TLLI Section Section"""
- name = "TLLI"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitT", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiT", None, 7),
- ByteField("value", 0x0),
- ByteField("value1", 0x0),
- ByteField("value2", 0x0),
- ByteField("value3", 0x0)
- ]
-class TmsiPTmsiHdr(Packet):
- """ TMSI/P-TMSI Section"""
- name = "TMSI/P-TMSI"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitTPT", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiTPT", None, 7),
- ByteField("value", 0x0),
- ByteField("value1", 0x0),
- ByteField("value2", 0x0),
- ByteField("value3", 0x0)
- ]
-class VgcsTargetModeIdenticationHdr(Packet):
- """ VGCS target Mode Indication"""
- name = "VGCS Target Mode Indication"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitVTMI", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiVTMI", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthVTMI", 0x2),
- BitField("targerMode", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("cipherKeyNb", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-class WaitIndicationHdr(Packet):
- """ Wait Indication Section"""
- name = "Wait Indication"
- fields_desc = [ # asciiart of specs strange
- BitField("eightBitWI", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiWI", None, 7),
- ByteField("timeoutVal", 0x0)
- ]
-# len 17
-class ExtendedMeasurementResultsHdr(Packet):
- name = "Extended Measurement Results"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitEMR", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiEMR", None, 7),
- BitField("scUsed", None, 1),
- BitField("dtxUsed", None, 1),
- BitField("rxLevC0", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC1", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC2Hi", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC2Lo", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC3Hi", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC3Lo", None, 3),
- BitField("rxLevC4", None, 5),
- BitField("rxLevC5", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC6Hi", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC6Lo", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC7Hi", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC7Lo", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC8", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC9", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC10Hi", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC10Lo", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC11Hi", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC13Lo", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC12", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC13", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC14Hi", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC14Lo", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC15Hi", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC15Lo", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC16", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC17", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC18Hi", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC18Lo", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC19Hi", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC19Lo", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC20", None, 6)
- ]
-# len 17
-class ExtendedMeasurementFrequencyListHdr(Packet):
- """Extended Measurement Frequency List Section"""
- name = "Extended Measurement Frequency List"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitEMFL", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiEMFL", None, 7),
- BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit127", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("seqCode", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bitsRest", 0x0, 128)
- ]
-class SuspensionCauseHdr(Packet):
- """Suspension Cause Section"""
- name = "Suspension Cause"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitSC", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiSC", None, 7),
- ByteField("suspVal", 0x0)
- ]
-class ApduIDHdr(Packet):
- """APDU Flags Section"""
- name = "Apdu Id"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiAI", None, 4),
- BitField("id", None, 4)
- ]
-class ApduFlagsHdr(Packet):
- """APDU Flags Section"""
- name = "Apdu Flags"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("iei", None, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("cr", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("firstSeg", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("lastSeg", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class ApduIDAndApduFlags(Packet):
- name = "Apu Id and Apdu Flags"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("id", None, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("cr", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("firstSeg", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("lastSeg", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-# len 2 to max L3 (251) (done)
-class ApduDataHdr(Packet):
- """APDU Data Section"""
- name = "Apdu Data"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitAD", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiAD", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthAD", None),
- #optional
- ByteField("apuInfo1", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo2", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo3", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo4", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo5", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo6", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo7", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo8", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo9", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo10", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo11", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo12", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo13", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo14", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo15", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo16", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo17", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo18", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo19", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo20", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo21", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo22", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo23", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo24", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo25", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo26", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo27", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo28", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo29", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo30", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo31", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo32", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo33", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo34", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo35", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo36", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo37", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo38", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo39", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo40", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo41", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo42", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo43", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo44", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo45", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo46", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo47", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo48", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo49", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo50", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo51", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo52", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo53", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo54", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo55", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo56", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo57", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo58", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo59", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo60", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo61", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo62", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo63", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo64", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo65", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo66", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo67", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo68", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo69", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo70", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo71", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo72", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo73", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo74", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo75", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo76", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo77", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo78", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo79", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo80", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo81", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo82", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo83", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo84", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo85", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo86", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo87", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo88", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo89", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo90", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo91", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo92", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo93", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo94", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo95", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo96", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo97", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo98", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo99", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo100", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo101", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo102", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo103", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo104", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo105", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo106", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo107", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo108", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo109", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo110", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo111", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo112", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo113", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo114", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo115", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo116", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo117", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo118", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo119", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo120", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo121", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo122", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo123", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo124", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo125", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo126", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo127", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo128", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo129", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo130", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo131", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo132", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo133", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo134", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo135", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo136", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo137", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo138", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo139", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo140", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo141", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo142", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo143", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo144", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo145", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo146", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo147", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo148", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo149", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo150", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo151", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo152", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo153", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo154", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo155", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo156", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo157", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo158", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo159", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo160", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo161", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo162", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo163", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo164", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo165", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo166", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo167", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo168", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo169", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo170", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo171", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo172", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo173", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo174", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo175", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo176", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo177", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo178", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo179", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo180", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo181", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo182", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo183", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo184", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo185", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo186", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo187", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo188", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo189", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo190", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo191", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo192", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo193", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo194", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo195", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo196", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo197", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo198", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo199", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo200", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo201", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo202", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo203", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo204", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo205", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo206", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo207", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo208", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo209", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo210", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo211", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo212", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo213", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo214", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo215", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo216", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo217", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo218", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo219", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo220", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo221", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo222", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo223", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo224", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo225", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo226", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo227", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo228", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo229", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo230", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo231", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo232", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo233", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo234", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo235", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo236", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo237", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo238", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo239", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo240", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo241", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo242", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo243", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo244", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo245", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo246", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo247", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo248", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo249", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 251, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthAD is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# 10.5.3 Mobility management information elements
-class AuthenticationParameterRAND(Packet):
- """Authentication parameter RAND Section"""
- name = "Authentication Parameter Rand"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiAPR", None),
- BitField("randValue", 0x0, 128)
- ]
-class AuthenticationParameterSRES(Packet):
- """Authentication parameter SRES Section"""
- name = "Authentication Parameter Sres"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiAPS", None),
- BitField("sresValue", 0x0, 40)
- ]
-class CmServiceType(Packet):
- """CM service type Section"""
- name = "CM Service Type"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiCST", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("serviceType", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class CmServiceTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr(Packet):
- name = "CM Service Type and Cipher Key Sequence Number"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("serviceType", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class IdentityType(Packet):
- """Identity type Section"""
- name = "Identity Type"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiIT", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("idType", 0x1, 3)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class IdentityTypeAndSpareHalfOctet(Packet):
- name = "Identity Type and Spare Half Octet"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("idType", 0x1, 3),
- BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class LocationUpdatingType(Packet):
- """Location updating type Section"""
- name = "Location Updating Type"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiLUT", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("for", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("lut", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-class LocationUpdatingTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr(Packet):
- name = "Location Updating Type and Cipher Key Sequence Number"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("for", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("lut", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# len 3 to L3 max (251) (done)
-class NetworkNameHdr(Packet):
- """Network Name Section"""
- name = "Network Name"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitNN", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiNN", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthNN", None),
- BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("codingScheme", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("addCi", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("nbSpare", 0x0, 3),
- # optional
- ByteField("txtString1", None),
- ByteField("txtString2", None),
- ByteField("txtString3", None),
- ByteField("txtString4", None),
- ByteField("txtString5", None),
- ByteField("txtString6", None),
- ByteField("txtString7", None),
- ByteField("txtString8", None),
- ByteField("txtString9", None),
- ByteField("txtString10", None),
- ByteField("txtString11", None),
- ByteField("txtString12", None),
- ByteField("txtString13", None),
- ByteField("txtString14", None),
- ByteField("txtString15", None),
- ByteField("txtString16", None),
- ByteField("txtString17", None),
- ByteField("txtString18", None),
- ByteField("txtString19", None),
- ByteField("txtString20", None),
- ByteField("txtString21", None),
- ByteField("txtString22", None),
- ByteField("txtString23", None),
- ByteField("txtString24", None),
- ByteField("txtString25", None),
- ByteField("txtString26", None),
- ByteField("txtString27", None),
- ByteField("txtString28", None),
- ByteField("txtString29", None),
- ByteField("txtString30", None),
- ByteField("txtString31", None),
- ByteField("txtString32", None),
- ByteField("txtString33", None),
- ByteField("txtString34", None),
- ByteField("txtString35", None),
- ByteField("txtString36", None),
- ByteField("txtString37", None),
- ByteField("txtString38", None),
- ByteField("txtString39", None),
- ByteField("txtString40", None),
- ByteField("txtString41", None),
- ByteField("txtString42", None),
- ByteField("txtString43", None),
- ByteField("txtString44", None),
- ByteField("txtString45", None),
- ByteField("txtString46", None),
- ByteField("txtString47", None),
- ByteField("txtString48", None),
- ByteField("txtString49", None),
- ByteField("txtString50", None),
- ByteField("txtString51", None),
- ByteField("txtString52", None),
- ByteField("txtString53", None),
- ByteField("txtString54", None),
- ByteField("txtString55", None),
- ByteField("txtString56", None),
- ByteField("txtString57", None),
- ByteField("txtString58", None),
- ByteField("txtString59", None),
- ByteField("txtString60", None),
- ByteField("txtString61", None),
- ByteField("txtString62", None),
- ByteField("txtString63", None),
- ByteField("txtString64", None),
- ByteField("txtString65", None),
- ByteField("txtString66", None),
- ByteField("txtString67", None),
- ByteField("txtString68", None),
- ByteField("txtString69", None),
- ByteField("txtString70", None),
- ByteField("txtString71", None),
- ByteField("txtString72", None),
- ByteField("txtString73", None),
- ByteField("txtString74", None),
- ByteField("txtString75", None),
- ByteField("txtString76", None),
- ByteField("txtString77", None),
- ByteField("txtString78", None),
- ByteField("txtString79", None),
- ByteField("txtString80", None),
- ByteField("txtString81", None),
- ByteField("txtString82", None),
- ByteField("txtString83", None),
- ByteField("txtString84", None),
- ByteField("txtString85", None),
- ByteField("txtString86", None),
- ByteField("txtString87", None),
- ByteField("txtString88", None),
- ByteField("txtString89", None),
- ByteField("txtString90", None),
- ByteField("txtString91", None),
- ByteField("txtString92", None),
- ByteField("txtString93", None),
- ByteField("txtString94", None),
- ByteField("txtString95", None),
- ByteField("txtString96", None),
- ByteField("txtString97", None),
- ByteField("txtString98", None),
- ByteField("txtString99", None),
- ByteField("txtString100", None),
- ByteField("txtString101", None),
- ByteField("txtString102", None),
- ByteField("txtString103", None),
- ByteField("txtString104", None),
- ByteField("txtString105", None),
- ByteField("txtString106", None),
- ByteField("txtString107", None),
- ByteField("txtString108", None),
- ByteField("txtString109", None),
- ByteField("txtString110", None),
- ByteField("txtString111", None),
- ByteField("txtString112", None),
- ByteField("txtString113", None),
- ByteField("txtString114", None),
- ByteField("txtString115", None),
- ByteField("txtString116", None),
- ByteField("txtString117", None),
- ByteField("txtString118", None),
- ByteField("txtString119", None),
- ByteField("txtString120", None),
- ByteField("txtString121", None),
- ByteField("txtString122", None),
- ByteField("txtString123", None),
- ByteField("txtString124", None),
- ByteField("txtString125", None),
- ByteField("txtString126", None),
- ByteField("txtString127", None),
- ByteField("txtString128", None),
- ByteField("txtString129", None),
- ByteField("txtString130", None),
- ByteField("txtString131", None),
- ByteField("txtString132", None),
- ByteField("txtString133", None),
- ByteField("txtString134", None),
- ByteField("txtString135", None),
- ByteField("txtString136", None),
- ByteField("txtString137", None),
- ByteField("txtString138", None),
- ByteField("txtString139", None),
- ByteField("txtString140", None),
- ByteField("txtString141", None),
- ByteField("txtString142", None),
- ByteField("txtString143", None),
- ByteField("txtString144", None),
- ByteField("txtString145", None),
- ByteField("txtString146", None),
- ByteField("txtString147", None),
- ByteField("txtString148", None),
- ByteField("txtString149", None),
- ByteField("txtString150", None),
- ByteField("txtString151", None),
- ByteField("txtString152", None),
- ByteField("txtString153", None),
- ByteField("txtString154", None),
- ByteField("txtString155", None),
- ByteField("txtString156", None),
- ByteField("txtString157", None),
- ByteField("txtString158", None),
- ByteField("txtString159", None),
- ByteField("txtString160", None),
- ByteField("txtString161", None),
- ByteField("txtString162", None),
- ByteField("txtString163", None),
- ByteField("txtString164", None),
- ByteField("txtString165", None),
- ByteField("txtString166", None),
- ByteField("txtString167", None),
- ByteField("txtString168", None),
- ByteField("txtString169", None),
- ByteField("txtString170", None),
- ByteField("txtString171", None),
- ByteField("txtString172", None),
- ByteField("txtString173", None),
- ByteField("txtString174", None),
- ByteField("txtString175", None),
- ByteField("txtString176", None),
- ByteField("txtString177", None),
- ByteField("txtString178", None),
- ByteField("txtString179", None),
- ByteField("txtString180", None),
- ByteField("txtString181", None),
- ByteField("txtString182", None),
- ByteField("txtString183", None),
- ByteField("txtString184", None),
- ByteField("txtString185", None),
- ByteField("txtString186", None),
- ByteField("txtString187", None),
- ByteField("txtString188", None),
- ByteField("txtString189", None),
- ByteField("txtString190", None),
- ByteField("txtString191", None),
- ByteField("txtString192", None),
- ByteField("txtString193", None),
- ByteField("txtString194", None),
- ByteField("txtString195", None),
- ByteField("txtString196", None),
- ByteField("txtString197", None),
- ByteField("txtString198", None),
- ByteField("txtString199", None),
- ByteField("txtString200", None),
- ByteField("txtString201", None),
- ByteField("txtString202", None),
- ByteField("txtString203", None),
- ByteField("txtString204", None),
- ByteField("txtString205", None),
- ByteField("txtString206", None),
- ByteField("txtString207", None),
- ByteField("txtString208", None),
- ByteField("txtString209", None),
- ByteField("txtString210", None),
- ByteField("txtString211", None),
- ByteField("txtString212", None),
- ByteField("txtString213", None),
- ByteField("txtString214", None),
- ByteField("txtString215", None),
- ByteField("txtString216", None),
- ByteField("txtString217", None),
- ByteField("txtString218", None),
- ByteField("txtString219", None),
- ByteField("txtString220", None),
- ByteField("txtString221", None),
- ByteField("txtString222", None),
- ByteField("txtString223", None),
- ByteField("txtString224", None),
- ByteField("txtString225", None),
- ByteField("txtString226", None),
- ByteField("txtString227", None),
- ByteField("txtString228", None),
- ByteField("txtString229", None),
- ByteField("txtString230", None),
- ByteField("txtString231", None),
- ByteField("txtString232", None),
- ByteField("txtString233", None),
- ByteField("txtString234", None),
- ByteField("txtString235", None),
- ByteField("txtString236", None),
- ByteField("txtString237", None),
- ByteField("txtString238", None),
- ByteField("txtString239", None),
- ByteField("txtString240", None),
- ByteField("txtString241", None),
- ByteField("txtString242", None),
- ByteField("txtString243", None),
- ByteField("txtString244", None),
- ByteField("txtString245", None),
- ByteField("txtString246", None),
- ByteField("txtString247", None),
- ByteField("txtString248", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(3, 251, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthNN is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class RejectCause(Packet):
- """Reject cause Section"""
- name = "Reject Cause"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiRC", 0x0),
- ByteField("rejCause", 0x0)
- ]
-class FollowOnProceed(Packet):
- """Follow-on Proceed Section"""
- name = "Follow-on Proceed"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiFOP", 0x0),
- ]
-class TimeZoneHdr(Packet):
- """Time Zone Section"""
- name = "Time Zone"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitTZ", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiTZ", None, 7),
- ByteField("timeZone", 0x0),
- ]
-class TimeZoneAndTimeHdr(Packet):
- """Time Zone and Time Section"""
- name = "Time Zone and Time"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitTZAT", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiTZAT", None, 7),
- ByteField("year", 0x0),
- ByteField("month", 0x0),
- ByteField("day", 0x0),
- ByteField("hour", 0x0),
- ByteField("minute", 0x0),
- ByteField("second", 0x0),
- ByteField("timeZone", 0x0)
- ]
-class CtsPermissionHdr(Packet):
- """CTS permission Section"""
- name = "Cts Permission"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCP", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCP", None, 7),
- ]
-class LsaIdentifierHdr(Packet):
- """LSA Identifier Section"""
- name = "Lsa Identifier"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitLI", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiLI", None, 7),
- ByteField("lsaID", 0x0),
- ByteField("lsaID1", 0x0),
- ByteField("lsaID2", 0x0)
- ]
-# 10.5.4 Call control information elements
-# Extensions of codesets
-# This is only text and no packet
-class LockingShiftProcedureHdr(Packet):
- """Locking shift procedure Section"""
- name = "Locking Shift Procedure"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiLSP", None, 4),
- BitField("lockShift", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("codesetId", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-class NonLockingShiftProcedureHdr(Packet):
- """Non-locking shift procedure Section"""
- name = "Non-locking Shift Procedure"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiNLSP", None, 4),
- BitField("nonLockShift", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("codesetId", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-class AuxiliaryStatesHdr(Packet):
- """Auxiliary states Section"""
- name = "Auxiliary States"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitAS", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiAS", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthAS", 0x3),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("holdState", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("mptyState", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-# len 3 to 15
-class BearerCapabilityHdr(Packet):
- """Bearer capability Section"""
- name = "Bearer Capability"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitBC", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiBC", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthBC", None),
- BitField("ext0", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("radioChReq", 0x1, 2),
- BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("transMode", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("infoTransCa", 0x0, 3),
- # optional
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("coding", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("speechVers", 0x0, 4),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext2", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("compress", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("structure", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("dupMode", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("config", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("nirr", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("establi", 0x0, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- BitField("ext3", None, 1),
- BitField("accessId", None, 2),
- BitField("rateAda", None, 2),
- BitField("signaling", None, 3),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext4", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("otherITC", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("otherRate", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare1", 0x0, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext5", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("hdr", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("multiFr", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("mode", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("lli", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("assig", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("inbNeg", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- BitField("ext6", None, 1),
- BitField("layer1Id", None, 2),
- BitField("userInf", None, 4),
- BitField("sync", None, 1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext7", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("stopBit", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("negoc", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("nbDataBit", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("userRate", None, 4),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext8", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("interRate", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("nicTX", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("nicRX", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("parity", None, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext9", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext8 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("connEle", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext8 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("modemType", None, 5),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext8 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext10", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext9 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("otherModemType", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext9 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("netUserRate", None, 5),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext9 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext11", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext10 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("chanCoding", None, 4),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext10 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("maxTrafficChan", None, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext10 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext12", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext11 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("uimi", None, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext11 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("airInterfaceUserRate", None, 4),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext11 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext13", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext12 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("layer2Ch", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext12 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("userInfoL2", 0x0, 5),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext12 == 0)
- ]
-# We have a bug here. packet is not working if used in message
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(3, 15, a, self.fields_desc)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- # avoids a bug. find better way
- if len(p) is 5:
- p = p[:-2]
- if self.lengthBC is None:
- print("len von a %s" % (len(p),))
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-3) + p[2:]
- return p + pay
-class CallControlCapabilitiesHdr(Packet):
- """Call Control Capabilities Section"""
- name = "Call Control Capabilities"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCCC", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCCC", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthCCC", 0x3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("pcp", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("dtmf", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-class CallStateHdr(Packet):
- """Call State Section"""
- name = "Call State"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCS", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCS", None, 7),
- BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("stateValue", 0x0, 6)
- ]
-# len 3 to 43
-class CalledPartyBcdNumberHdr(Packet):
- """Called party BCD number Section"""
- name = "Called Party BCD Number"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCPBN", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCPBN", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthCPBN", None),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("nbPlanId", 0x0, 4),
- # optional
- BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit22", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit21", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit24", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit23", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit26", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit25", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit28", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit27", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit30", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit29", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit32", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit31", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit34", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit33", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit36", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit35", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit38", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit37", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit40", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit39", None, 4),
-# ^^^^^^ 20 first optional bytes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- BitField("nbDigit42", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit41", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit44", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit43", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit46", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit45", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit48", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit47", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit50", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit49", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit52", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit51", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit54", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit53", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit56", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit55", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit58", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit57", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit60", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit59", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit62", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit61", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit64", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit63", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit66", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit65", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit68", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit67", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit70", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit69", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit72", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit71", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit74", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit73", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit76", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit75", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit78", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit77", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit80", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit79", None, 4),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(3, 43, a, self.fields_desc, 2)
- if self.lengthCPBN is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# len 2 to 23
-class CalledPartySubaddressHdr(Packet):
- """Called party subaddress Section"""
- name = "Called Party Subaddress"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCPS", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCPS", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthCPS", None),
- # optional
- BitField("ext", None, 1),
- BitField("subAddr", None, 3),
- BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
- BitField("spare", None, 3),
- ByteField("subInfo0", None),
- ByteField("subInfo1", None),
- ByteField("subInfo2", None),
- ByteField("subInfo3", None),
- ByteField("subInfo4", None),
- ByteField("subInfo5", None),
- ByteField("subInfo6", None),
- ByteField("subInfo7", None),
- ByteField("subInfo8", None),
- ByteField("subInfo9", None),
- ByteField("subInfo10", None),
- ByteField("subInfo11", None),
- ByteField("subInfo12", None),
- ByteField("subInfo13", None),
- ByteField("subInfo14", None),
- ByteField("subInfo15", None),
- ByteField("subInfo16", None),
- ByteField("subInfo17", None),
- ByteField("subInfo18", None),
- ByteField("subInfo19", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 23, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthCPS is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# len 3 to 14
-class CallingPartyBcdNumberHdr(Packet):
- """Called party subaddress Section"""
- name = "Called Party Subaddress"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCPBN", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCPBN", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthCPBN", None),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("nbPlanId", 0x0, 4),
- # optional
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("presId", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("screenId", 0x0, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(4, 14, a, self.fields_desc)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if self.lengthCPBN is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-2) + p[2:]
- return p + pay
-# len 2 to 23
-class CallingPartySubaddressHdr(Packet):
- """Calling party subaddress Section"""
- name = "Calling Party Subaddress"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCPS", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCPS", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthCPS", None),
- # optional
- BitField("ext1", None, 1),
- BitField("typeAddr", None, 3),
- BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
- BitField("spare", None, 3),
- ByteField("subInfo0", None),
- ByteField("subInfo1", None),
- ByteField("subInfo2", None),
- ByteField("subInfo3", None),
- ByteField("subInfo4", None),
- ByteField("subInfo5", None),
- ByteField("subInfo6", None),
- ByteField("subInfo7", None),
- ByteField("subInfo8", None),
- ByteField("subInfo9", None),
- ByteField("subInfo10", None),
- ByteField("subInfo11", None),
- ByteField("subInfo12", None),
- ByteField("subInfo13", None),
- ByteField("subInfo14", None),
- ByteField("subInfo15", None),
- ByteField("subInfo16", None),
- ByteField("subInfo17", None),
- ByteField("subInfo18", None),
- ByteField("subInfo19", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 23, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthCPS is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# len 4 to 32
-class CauseHdr(Packet):
- """Cause Section"""
- name = "Cause"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitC", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiC", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthC", None),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("location", 0x0, 4),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("recommendation", 0x0, 7),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- # optional
- BitField("ext2", None, 1),
- BitField("causeValue", None, 7),
- ByteField("diagnositc0", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc1", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc2", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc3", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc4", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc5", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc6", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc7", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc8", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc9", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc10", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc11", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc12", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc13", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc14", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc15", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc16", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc17", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc18", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc19", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc20", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc21", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc22", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc23", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc24", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc25", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc26", None),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(4, 32, a, self.fields_desc)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if self.lengthC is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-2) + p[2:]
- return p + pay
-class ClirSuppressionHdr(Packet):
- """CLIR suppression Section"""
- name = "Clir Suppression"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCS", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCS", None, 7),
- ]
-class ClirInvocationHdr(Packet):
- """CLIR invocation Section"""
- name = "Clir Invocation"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCI", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCI", None, 7),
- ]
-class CongestionLevelHdr(Packet):
- """Congestion level Section"""
- name = "Congestion Level"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiCL", None, 4),
- BitField("notDef", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class CongestionLevelAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
- name = "Congestion Level and Spare Half Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("ieiCL", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-# len 3 to 14
-class ConnectedNumberHdr(Packet):
- """Connected number Section"""
- name = "Connected Number"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCN", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCN", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthCN", None),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("typePlanId", 0x0, 4),
- # optional
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("presId", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("screenId", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- sum1 = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(3, 14, a, self.fields_desc)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if self.lengthCN is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-2) + p[2:]
- return p + pay
-# len 2 to 23
-class ConnectedSubaddressHdr(Packet):
- """Connected subaddress Section"""
- name = "Connected Subaddress"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitCS", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiCS", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthCS", None),
- # optional
- BitField("ext", None, 1),
- BitField("typeOfSub", None, 3),
- BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
- BitField("spare", None, 3),
- ByteField("subInfo0", None),
- ByteField("subInfo1", None),
- ByteField("subInfo2", None),
- ByteField("subInfo3", None),
- ByteField("subInfo4", None),
- ByteField("subInfo5", None),
- ByteField("subInfo6", None),
- ByteField("subInfo7", None),
- ByteField("subInfo8", None),
- ByteField("subInfo9", None),
- ByteField("subInfo10", None),
- ByteField("subInfo11", None),
- ByteField("subInfo12", None),
- ByteField("subInfo13", None),
- ByteField("subInfo14", None),
- ByteField("subInfo15", None),
- ByteField("subInfo16", None),
- ByteField("subInfo17", None),
- ByteField("subInfo18", None),
- ByteField("subInfo19", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 23, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthCS is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# len 2 to L3 (251) (done)
-class FacilityHdr(Packet):
- """Facility Section"""
- name = "Facility"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitF", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiF", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthF", None),
- # optional
- ByteField("facilityInfo1", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo2", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo3", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo4", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo5", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo6", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo7", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo8", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo9", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo10", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo11", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo12", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo13", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo14", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo15", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo16", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo17", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo18", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo19", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo20", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo21", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo22", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo23", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo24", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo25", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo26", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo27", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo28", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo29", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo30", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo31", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo32", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo33", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo34", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo35", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo36", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo37", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo38", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo39", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo40", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo41", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo42", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo43", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo44", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo45", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo46", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo47", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo48", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo49", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo50", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo51", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo52", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo53", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo54", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo55", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo56", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo57", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo58", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo59", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo60", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo61", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo62", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo63", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo64", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo65", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo66", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo67", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo68", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo69", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo70", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo71", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo72", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo73", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo74", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo75", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo76", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo77", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo78", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo79", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo80", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo81", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo82", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo83", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo84", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo85", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo86", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo87", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo88", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo89", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo90", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo91", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo92", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo93", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo94", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo95", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo96", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo97", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo98", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo99", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo100", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo101", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo102", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo103", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo104", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo105", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo106", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo107", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo108", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo109", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo110", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo111", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo112", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo113", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo114", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo115", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo116", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo117", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo118", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo119", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo120", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo121", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo122", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo123", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo124", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo125", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo126", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo127", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo128", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo129", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo130", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo131", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo132", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo133", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo134", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo135", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo136", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo137", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo138", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo139", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo140", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo141", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo142", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo143", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo144", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo145", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo146", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo147", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo148", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo149", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo150", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo151", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo152", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo153", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo154", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo155", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo156", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo157", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo158", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo159", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo160", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo161", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo162", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo163", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo164", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo165", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo166", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo167", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo168", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo169", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo170", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo171", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo172", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo173", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo174", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo175", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo176", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo177", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo178", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo179", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo180", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo181", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo182", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo183", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo184", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo185", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo186", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo187", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo188", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo189", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo190", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo191", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo192", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo193", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo194", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo195", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo196", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo197", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo198", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo199", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo200", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo201", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo202", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo203", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo204", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo205", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo206", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo207", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo208", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo209", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo210", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo211", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo212", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo213", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo214", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo215", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo216", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo217", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo218", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo219", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo220", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo221", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo222", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo223", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo224", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo225", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo226", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo227", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo228", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo229", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo230", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo231", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo232", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo233", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo234", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo235", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo236", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo237", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo238", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo239", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo240", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo241", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo242", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo243", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo244", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo245", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo246", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo247", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo248", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo249", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 251, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthF is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-#len 2 to 5
-class HighLayerCompatibilityHdr(Packet):
- """High layer compatibility Section"""
- name = "High Layer Compatibility"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitHLC", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiHLC", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthHLC", None),
- # optional
- BitField("ext", None, 1),
- BitField("codingStd", None, 2),
- BitField("interpret", None, 3),
- BitField("presMeth", None, 2),
- BitField("ext1", None, 1),
- BitField("highLayerId", None, 7),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext2", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("exHiLayerId", 0x0, 7),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 5, a, self.fields_desc)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if self.lengthHLC is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-2) + p[2:]
- return p + pay
-# Static conditions for the high layer
-# compatibility IE contents
-class KeypadFacilityHdr(Packet):
- """Keypad facility Section"""
- name = "Keypad Facility"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitKF", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiKF", None, 7),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("keyPadInfo", 0x0, 7)
- ]
-# len 2 to 15
-class LowLayerCompatibilityHdr(Packet):
- """Low layer compatibility Section"""
- name = "Low Layer Compatibility"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitLLC", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiLLC", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthLLC", None),
- # optional
- ByteField("rest0", None),
- ByteField("rest1", None),
- ByteField("rest2", None),
- ByteField("rest3", None),
- ByteField("rest4", None),
- ByteField("rest5", None),
- ByteField("rest6", None),
- ByteField("rest7", None),
- ByteField("rest8", None),
- ByteField("rest9", None),
- ByteField("rest10", None),
- ByteField("rest11", None),
- ByteField("rest12", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 15, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthLLC is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class MoreDataHdr(Packet):
- """More data Section"""
- name = "More Data"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitMD", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiMD", None, 7),
- ]
-class NotificationIndicatorHdr(Packet):
- """Notification indicator Section"""
- name = "Notification Indicator"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitNI", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiNI", None, 7),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("notifDesc", 0x0, 7)
- ]
-class ProgressIndicatorHdr(Packet):
- """Progress indicator Section"""
- name = "Progress Indicator"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitPI", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiPI", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthPI", 0x2),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("location", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("progressDesc", 0x0, 7)
- ]
-class RecallTypeHdr(Packet):
- """Recall type $(CCBS)$ Section"""
- name = "Recall Type $(CCBS)$"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitRT", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiRT", None, 7),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("recallType", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# len 3 to 19
-class RedirectingPartyBcdNumberHdr(Packet):
- """Redirecting party BCD number Section"""
- name = "Redirecting Party BCD Number"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitRPBN", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiRPBN", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthRPBN", None),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("numberingPlan", 0x0, 4),
- # optional
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("presId", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("screenId", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit22", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit21", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit24", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit23", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit26", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit25", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit28", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit27", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit30", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit29", None, 4),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(3, 19, a, self.fields_desc)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if self.lengthRPBN is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", len(p)-2) + p[2:]
- return p + pay
-# length 2 to 23
-class RedirectingPartySubaddressHdr(Packet):
- """Redirecting party subaddress Section"""
- name = "Redirecting Party BCD Number"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitRPS", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiRPS", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthRPS", None),
- # optional
- BitField("ext", None, 1),
- BitField("typeSub", None, 3),
- BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
- BitField("spare", None, 3),
- ByteField("subInfo0", None),
- ByteField("subInfo1", None),
- ByteField("subInfo2", None),
- ByteField("subInfo3", None),
- ByteField("subInfo4", None),
- ByteField("subInfo5", None),
- ByteField("subInfo6", None),
- ByteField("subInfo7", None),
- ByteField("subInfo8", None),
- ByteField("subInfo9", None),
- ByteField("subInfo10", None),
- ByteField("subInfo11", None),
- ByteField("subInfo12", None),
- ByteField("subInfo13", None),
- ByteField("subInfo14", None),
- ByteField("subInfo15", None),
- ByteField("subInfo16", None),
- ByteField("subInfo17", None),
- ByteField("subInfo18", None),
- ByteField("subInfo19", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 23, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthRPS is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class RepeatIndicatorHdr(Packet):
- """Repeat indicator Section"""
- name = "Repeat Indicator"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiRI", None, 4),
- BitField("repeatIndic", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class ReverseCallSetupDirectionHdr(Packet):
- """Reverse call setup direction Section"""
- name = "Reverse Call Setup Direction"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiRCSD", 0x0)
- ]
-# no upper length min 2(max for L3) (251)
-class SetupContainerHdr(Packet):
- """SETUP Container $(CCBS)$ Section"""
- name = "Setup Container $(CCBS)$"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitSC", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiSC", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthSC", None),
- # optional
- ByteField("mess1", None),
- ByteField("mess2", None),
- ByteField("mess3", None),
- ByteField("mess4", None),
- ByteField("mess5", None),
- ByteField("mess6", None),
- ByteField("mess7", None),
- ByteField("mess8", None),
- ByteField("mess9", None),
- ByteField("mess10", None),
- ByteField("mess11", None),
- ByteField("mess12", None),
- ByteField("mess13", None),
- ByteField("mess14", None),
- ByteField("mess15", None),
- ByteField("mess16", None),
- ByteField("mess17", None),
- ByteField("mess18", None),
- ByteField("mess19", None),
- ByteField("mess20", None),
- ByteField("mess21", None),
- ByteField("mess22", None),
- ByteField("mess23", None),
- ByteField("mess24", None),
- ByteField("mess25", None),
- ByteField("mess26", None),
- ByteField("mess27", None),
- ByteField("mess28", None),
- ByteField("mess29", None),
- ByteField("mess30", None),
- ByteField("mess31", None),
- ByteField("mess32", None),
- ByteField("mess33", None),
- ByteField("mess34", None),
- ByteField("mess35", None),
- ByteField("mess36", None),
- ByteField("mess37", None),
- ByteField("mess38", None),
- ByteField("mess39", None),
- ByteField("mess40", None),
- ByteField("mess41", None),
- ByteField("mess42", None),
- ByteField("mess43", None),
- ByteField("mess44", None),
- ByteField("mess45", None),
- ByteField("mess46", None),
- ByteField("mess47", None),
- ByteField("mess48", None),
- ByteField("mess49", None),
- ByteField("mess50", None),
- ByteField("mess51", None),
- ByteField("mess52", None),
- ByteField("mess53", None),
- ByteField("mess54", None),
- ByteField("mess55", None),
- ByteField("mess56", None),
- ByteField("mess57", None),
- ByteField("mess58", None),
- ByteField("mess59", None),
- ByteField("mess60", None),
- ByteField("mess61", None),
- ByteField("mess62", None),
- ByteField("mess63", None),
- ByteField("mess64", None),
- ByteField("mess65", None),
- ByteField("mess66", None),
- ByteField("mess67", None),
- ByteField("mess68", None),
- ByteField("mess69", None),
- ByteField("mess70", None),
- ByteField("mess71", None),
- ByteField("mess72", None),
- ByteField("mess73", None),
- ByteField("mess74", None),
- ByteField("mess75", None),
- ByteField("mess76", None),
- ByteField("mess77", None),
- ByteField("mess78", None),
- ByteField("mess79", None),
- ByteField("mess80", None),
- ByteField("mess81", None),
- ByteField("mess82", None),
- ByteField("mess83", None),
- ByteField("mess84", None),
- ByteField("mess85", None),
- ByteField("mess86", None),
- ByteField("mess87", None),
- ByteField("mess88", None),
- ByteField("mess89", None),
- ByteField("mess90", None),
- ByteField("mess91", None),
- ByteField("mess92", None),
- ByteField("mess93", None),
- ByteField("mess94", None),
- ByteField("mess95", None),
- ByteField("mess96", None),
- ByteField("mess97", None),
- ByteField("mess98", None),
- ByteField("mess99", None),
- ByteField("mess100", None),
- ByteField("mess101", None),
- ByteField("mess102", None),
- ByteField("mess103", None),
- ByteField("mess104", None),
- ByteField("mess105", None),
- ByteField("mess106", None),
- ByteField("mess107", None),
- ByteField("mess108", None),
- ByteField("mess109", None),
- ByteField("mess110", None),
- ByteField("mess111", None),
- ByteField("mess112", None),
- ByteField("mess113", None),
- ByteField("mess114", None),
- ByteField("mess115", None),
- ByteField("mess116", None),
- ByteField("mess117", None),
- ByteField("mess118", None),
- ByteField("mess119", None),
- ByteField("mess120", None),
- ByteField("mess121", None),
- ByteField("mess122", None),
- ByteField("mess123", None),
- ByteField("mess124", None),
- ByteField("mess125", None),
- ByteField("mess126", None),
- ByteField("mess127", None),
- ByteField("mess128", None),
- ByteField("mess129", None),
- ByteField("mess130", None),
- ByteField("mess131", None),
- ByteField("mess132", None),
- ByteField("mess133", None),
- ByteField("mess134", None),
- ByteField("mess135", None),
- ByteField("mess136", None),
- ByteField("mess137", None),
- ByteField("mess138", None),
- ByteField("mess139", None),
- ByteField("mess140", None),
- ByteField("mess141", None),
- ByteField("mess142", None),
- ByteField("mess143", None),
- ByteField("mess144", None),
- ByteField("mess145", None),
- ByteField("mess146", None),
- ByteField("mess147", None),
- ByteField("mess148", None),
- ByteField("mess149", None),
- ByteField("mess150", None),
- ByteField("mess151", None),
- ByteField("mess152", None),
- ByteField("mess153", None),
- ByteField("mess154", None),
- ByteField("mess155", None),
- ByteField("mess156", None),
- ByteField("mess157", None),
- ByteField("mess158", None),
- ByteField("mess159", None),
- ByteField("mess160", None),
- ByteField("mess161", None),
- ByteField("mess162", None),
- ByteField("mess163", None),
- ByteField("mess164", None),
- ByteField("mess165", None),
- ByteField("mess166", None),
- ByteField("mess167", None),
- ByteField("mess168", None),
- ByteField("mess169", None),
- ByteField("mess170", None),
- ByteField("mess171", None),
- ByteField("mess172", None),
- ByteField("mess173", None),
- ByteField("mess174", None),
- ByteField("mess175", None),
- ByteField("mess176", None),
- ByteField("mess177", None),
- ByteField("mess178", None),
- ByteField("mess179", None),
- ByteField("mess180", None),
- ByteField("mess181", None),
- ByteField("mess182", None),
- ByteField("mess183", None),
- ByteField("mess184", None),
- ByteField("mess185", None),
- ByteField("mess186", None),
- ByteField("mess187", None),
- ByteField("mess188", None),
- ByteField("mess189", None),
- ByteField("mess190", None),
- ByteField("mess191", None),
- ByteField("mess192", None),
- ByteField("mess193", None),
- ByteField("mess194", None),
- ByteField("mess195", None),
- ByteField("mess196", None),
- ByteField("mess197", None),
- ByteField("mess198", None),
- ByteField("mess199", None),
- ByteField("mess200", None),
- ByteField("mess201", None),
- ByteField("mess202", None),
- ByteField("mess203", None),
- ByteField("mess204", None),
- ByteField("mess205", None),
- ByteField("mess206", None),
- ByteField("mess207", None),
- ByteField("mess208", None),
- ByteField("mess209", None),
- ByteField("mess210", None),
- ByteField("mess211", None),
- ByteField("mess212", None),
- ByteField("mess213", None),
- ByteField("mess214", None),
- ByteField("mess215", None),
- ByteField("mess216", None),
- ByteField("mess217", None),
- ByteField("mess218", None),
- ByteField("mess219", None),
- ByteField("mess220", None),
- ByteField("mess221", None),
- ByteField("mess222", None),
- ByteField("mess223", None),
- ByteField("mess224", None),
- ByteField("mess225", None),
- ByteField("mess226", None),
- ByteField("mess227", None),
- ByteField("mess228", None),
- ByteField("mess229", None),
- ByteField("mess230", None),
- ByteField("mess231", None),
- ByteField("mess232", None),
- ByteField("mess233", None),
- ByteField("mess234", None),
- ByteField("mess235", None),
- ByteField("mess236", None),
- ByteField("mess237", None),
- ByteField("mess238", None),
- ByteField("mess239", None),
- ByteField("mess240", None),
- ByteField("mess241", None),
- ByteField("mess242", None),
- ByteField("mess243", None),
- ByteField("mess244", None),
- ByteField("mess245", None),
- ByteField("mess246", None),
- ByteField("mess247", None),
- ByteField("mess248", None),
- ByteField("mess249", None),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 251, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthSC is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class SignalHdr(Packet):
- """Signal Section"""
- name = "Signal"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitS", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiS", None, 7),
- ByteField("sigValue", 0x0)
- ]
-# length 2 to max for L3 message (251)
-class SsVersionIndicatorHdr(Packet):
- """SS Version Indicator Section"""
- name = "SS Version Indicator"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitSVI", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiSVI", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthSVI", None),
- # optional
- ByteField("info1", None),
- ByteField("info2", None),
- ByteField("info3", None),
- ByteField("info4", None),
- ByteField("info5", None),
- ByteField("info6", None),
- ByteField("info7", None),
- ByteField("info8", None),
- ByteField("info9", None),
- ByteField("info10", None),
- ByteField("info11", None),
- ByteField("info12", None),
- ByteField("info13", None),
- ByteField("info14", None),
- ByteField("info15", None),
- ByteField("info16", None),
- ByteField("info17", None),
- ByteField("info18", None),
- ByteField("info19", None),
- ByteField("info20", None),
- ByteField("info21", None),
- ByteField("info22", None),
- ByteField("info23", None),
- ByteField("info24", None),
- ByteField("info25", None),
- ByteField("info26", None),
- ByteField("info27", None),
- ByteField("info28", None),
- ByteField("info29", None),
- ByteField("info30", None),
- ByteField("info31", None),
- ByteField("info32", None),
- ByteField("info33", None),
- ByteField("info34", None),
- ByteField("info35", None),
- ByteField("info36", None),
- ByteField("info37", None),
- ByteField("info38", None),
- ByteField("info39", None),
- ByteField("info40", None),
- ByteField("info41", None),
- ByteField("info42", None),
- ByteField("info43", None),
- ByteField("info44", None),
- ByteField("info45", None),
- ByteField("info46", None),
- ByteField("info47", None),
- ByteField("info48", None),
- ByteField("info49", None),
- ByteField("info50", None),
- ByteField("info51", None),
- ByteField("info52", None),
- ByteField("info53", None),
- ByteField("info54", None),
- ByteField("info55", None),
- ByteField("info56", None),
- ByteField("info57", None),
- ByteField("info58", None),
- ByteField("info59", None),
- ByteField("info60", None),
- ByteField("info61", None),
- ByteField("info62", None),
- ByteField("info63", None),
- ByteField("info64", None),
- ByteField("info65", None),
- ByteField("info66", None),
- ByteField("info67", None),
- ByteField("info68", None),
- ByteField("info69", None),
- ByteField("info70", None),
- ByteField("info71", None),
- ByteField("info72", None),
- ByteField("info73", None),
- ByteField("info74", None),
- ByteField("info75", None),
- ByteField("info76", None),
- ByteField("info77", None),
- ByteField("info78", None),
- ByteField("info79", None),
- ByteField("info80", None),
- ByteField("info81", None),
- ByteField("info82", None),
- ByteField("info83", None),
- ByteField("info84", None),
- ByteField("info85", None),
- ByteField("info86", None),
- ByteField("info87", None),
- ByteField("info88", None),
- ByteField("info89", None),
- ByteField("info90", None),
- ByteField("info91", None),
- ByteField("info92", None),
- ByteField("info93", None),
- ByteField("info94", None),
- ByteField("info95", None),
- ByteField("info96", None),
- ByteField("info97", None),
- ByteField("info98", None),
- ByteField("info99", None),
- ByteField("info100", None),
- ByteField("info101", None),
- ByteField("info102", None),
- ByteField("info103", None),
- ByteField("info104", None),
- ByteField("info105", None),
- ByteField("info106", None),
- ByteField("info107", None),
- ByteField("info108", None),
- ByteField("info109", None),
- ByteField("info110", None),
- ByteField("info111", None),
- ByteField("info112", None),
- ByteField("info113", None),
- ByteField("info114", None),
- ByteField("info115", None),
- ByteField("info116", None),
- ByteField("info117", None),
- ByteField("info118", None),
- ByteField("info119", None),
- ByteField("info120", None),
- ByteField("info121", None),
- ByteField("info122", None),
- ByteField("info123", None),
- ByteField("info124", None),
- ByteField("info125", None),
- ByteField("info126", None),
- ByteField("info127", None),
- ByteField("info128", None),
- ByteField("info129", None),
- ByteField("info130", None),
- ByteField("info131", None),
- ByteField("info132", None),
- ByteField("info133", None),
- ByteField("info134", None),
- ByteField("info135", None),
- ByteField("info136", None),
- ByteField("info137", None),
- ByteField("info138", None),
- ByteField("info139", None),
- ByteField("info140", None),
- ByteField("info141", None),
- ByteField("info142", None),
- ByteField("info143", None),
- ByteField("info144", None),
- ByteField("info145", None),
- ByteField("info146", None),
- ByteField("info147", None),
- ByteField("info148", None),
- ByteField("info149", None),
- ByteField("info150", None),
- ByteField("info151", None),
- ByteField("info152", None),
- ByteField("info153", None),
- ByteField("info154", None),
- ByteField("info155", None),
- ByteField("info156", None),
- ByteField("info157", None),
- ByteField("info158", None),
- ByteField("info159", None),
- ByteField("info160", None),
- ByteField("info161", None),
- ByteField("info162", None),
- ByteField("info163", None),
- ByteField("info164", None),
- ByteField("info165", None),
- ByteField("info166", None),
- ByteField("info167", None),
- ByteField("info168", None),
- ByteField("info169", None),
- ByteField("info170", None),
- ByteField("info171", None),
- ByteField("info172", None),
- ByteField("info173", None),
- ByteField("info174", None),
- ByteField("info175", None),
- ByteField("info176", None),
- ByteField("info177", None),
- ByteField("info178", None),
- ByteField("info179", None),
- ByteField("info180", None),
- ByteField("info181", None),
- ByteField("info182", None),
- ByteField("info183", None),
- ByteField("info184", None),
- ByteField("info185", None),
- ByteField("info186", None),
- ByteField("info187", None),
- ByteField("info188", None),
- ByteField("info189", None),
- ByteField("info190", None),
- ByteField("info191", None),
- ByteField("info192", None),
- ByteField("info193", None),
- ByteField("info194", None),
- ByteField("info195", None),
- ByteField("info196", None),
- ByteField("info197", None),
- ByteField("info198", None),
- ByteField("info199", None),
- ByteField("info200", None),
- ByteField("info201", None),
- ByteField("info202", None),
- ByteField("info203", None),
- ByteField("info204", None),
- ByteField("info205", None),
- ByteField("info206", None),
- ByteField("info207", None),
- ByteField("info208", None),
- ByteField("info209", None),
- ByteField("info210", None),
- ByteField("info211", None),
- ByteField("info212", None),
- ByteField("info213", None),
- ByteField("info214", None),
- ByteField("info215", None),
- ByteField("info216", None),
- ByteField("info217", None),
- ByteField("info218", None),
- ByteField("info219", None),
- ByteField("info220", None),
- ByteField("info221", None),
- ByteField("info222", None),
- ByteField("info223", None),
- ByteField("info224", None),
- ByteField("info225", None),
- ByteField("info226", None),
- ByteField("info227", None),
- ByteField("info228", None),
- ByteField("info229", None),
- ByteField("info230", None),
- ByteField("info231", None),
- ByteField("info232", None),
- ByteField("info233", None),
- ByteField("info234", None),
- ByteField("info235", None),
- ByteField("info236", None),
- ByteField("info237", None),
- ByteField("info238", None),
- ByteField("info239", None),
- ByteField("info240", None),
- ByteField("info241", None),
- ByteField("info242", None),
- ByteField("info243", None),
- ByteField("info244", None),
- ByteField("info245", None),
- ByteField("info246", None),
- ByteField("info247", None),
- ByteField("info248", None),
- ByteField("info249", None),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 251, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthSVI is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# length 3 to 35 or 131
-class UserUserHdr(Packet):
- """User-user Section"""
- name = "User-User"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitUU", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiUU", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthUU", None), # dynamic length of field depending
- # of the type of message
- # let user decide which length he
- # wants to take
- # => more fuzzing options
- ByteField("userUserPD", 0x0),
- # optional
- ByteField("userUserInfo1", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo2", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo3", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo4", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo5", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo6", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo7", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo8", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo9", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo10", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo11", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo12", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo13", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo14", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo15", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo16", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo17", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo18", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo19", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo20", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo21", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo22", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo23", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo24", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo25", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo26", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo27", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo28", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo29", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo30", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo31", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo32", None),
- # long packet
- ByteField("userUserInfo33", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo34", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo35", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo36", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo37", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo38", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo39", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo40", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo41", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo42", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo43", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo44", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo45", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo46", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo47", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo48", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo49", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo50", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo51", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo52", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo53", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo54", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo55", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo56", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo57", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo58", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo59", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo60", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo61", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo62", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo63", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo64", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo65", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo66", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo67", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo68", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo69", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo70", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo71", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo72", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo73", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo74", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo75", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo76", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo77", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo78", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo79", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo80", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo81", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo82", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo83", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo84", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo85", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo86", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo87", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo88", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo89", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo90", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo91", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo92", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo93", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo94", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo95", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo96", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo97", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo98", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo99", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo100", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo101", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo102", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo103", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo104", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo105", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo106", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo107", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo108", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo109", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo110", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo111", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo112", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo113", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo114", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo115", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo116", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo117", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo118", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo119", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo120", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo121", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo122", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo123", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo124", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo125", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo126", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo127", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo128", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo129", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo130", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo131", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(3, 131, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthUU is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class AlertingPatternHdr(Packet):
- """Alerting Pattern"""
- name = "Alerting Pattern"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitAP", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiAP", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthAP", 0x3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("alertingValue", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class AllowedActionsHdr(Packet):
- """Allowed actions $(CCBS)$ Section"""
- name = "Allowed Actions $(CCBS)$"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("eightBitAA", None, 1),
- XBitField("ieiAA", None, 7),
- XByteField("lengthAP", 0x3),
- BitField("CCBS", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 7)
- ]
-# 10.5.5 GPRS mobility management information elements
-class AttachResult(Packet):
- """Attach result Section"""
- name = "Attach Result"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiAR", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("result", 0x1, 3)
- ]
-class AttachTypeHdr(Packet):
- """Attach type Section"""
- name = "Attach Type"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiAT", None, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("type", 0x1, 3)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class AttachTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr(Packet):
- name = "Attach Type and Cipher Key Sequence Number"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("type", 0x1, 3),
- BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class CipheringAlgorithm(Packet):
- """Ciphering algorithm Section"""
- name = "Ciphering Algorithm"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiCA", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("type", 0x1, 3)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class CipheringAlgorithmAndImeisvRequest(Packet):
- name = "Ciphering Algorithm and Imeisv Request"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("type", 0x1, 3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("imeisvVal", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# [Spare]
-class TmsiStatus(Packet):
- """[Spare] TMSI status Section"""
- name = "[Spare] TMSI Status"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiTS", None, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("flag", 0x1, 1)
- ]
-class DetachType(Packet):
- """Detach type Section"""
- name = "Detach Type"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiDT", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("poweroff", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("type", 0x1, 3)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class DetachTypeAndForceToStandby(Packet):
- name = "Detach Type and Force To Standby"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("poweroff", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("type", 0x1, 3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("forceStandby", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class DetachTypeAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
- name = "Detach Type and Spare Half Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("poweroff", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("type", 0x1, 3),
- BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class DrxParameter(Packet):
- """DRX parameter Section"""
- name = "DRX Parameter"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiDP", 0x0),
- ByteField("splitPG", 0x0),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("splitCCCH", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("NonDrxTimer", 0x1, 3)
- ]
-class ForceToStandby(Packet):
- """Force to standby Section"""
- name = "Force To Standby"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiFTS", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("forceStandby", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class ForceToStandbyAndAcReferenceNumber(Packet):
- name = "Force To Standby And Ac Reference Number"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("forceStandby", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("acRefVal", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class ForceToStandbyAndUpdateResult(Packet):
- name = "Force To Standby And Update Result"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("forceStandby", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("updateResVal", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class ForceToStandbyAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
- name = "Force To Standby And Spare Half Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("forceStandby", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class PTmsiSignature(Packet):
- """P-TMSI signature Section"""
- name = "P-TMSI Signature"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiPTS", 0x0),
- BitField("sgnature", 0x0, 24)
- ]
-class IdentityType2(Packet):
- """Identity type 2 Section"""
- name = "Identity Type 2"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiIT2", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("typeOfIdentity", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class IdentityType2AndforceToStandby(Packet):
- name = "Identity Type 2 and Force to Standby"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("typeOfIdentity", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("forceStandby", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-class ImeisvRequest(Packet):
- """IMEISV request Section"""
- name = "IMEISV Request"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiIR", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("imeisvVal", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class ImeisvRequestAndForceToStandby(Packet):
- name = "IMEISV Request and Force To Standby"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("imeisvVal", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-# length 4 to 19
-class ReceiveNpduNumbersList(Packet):
- """Receive N-PDU Numbers list Section"""
- name = "Receive N-PDU Numbers list"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiRNNL", 0x0),
- XByteField("lengthRNNL", None),
- BitField("nbList0", 0x0, 16),
- # optional
- ByteField("nbList1", None),
- ByteField("nbList2", None),
- ByteField("nbList3", None),
- ByteField("nbList4", None),
- ByteField("nbList5", None),
- ByteField("nbList6", None),
- ByteField("nbList7", None),
- ByteField("nbList8", None),
- ByteField("nbList9", None),
- ByteField("nbList10", None),
- ByteField("nbList11", None),
- ByteField("nbList12", None),
- ByteField("nbList13", None),
- ByteField("nbList14", None),
- ByteField("nbList15", None),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(4, 19, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthRNNL is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class MsNetworkCapability(Packet):
- """MS network capability Section"""
- name = "MS Network Capability"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiMNC", 0x0),
- XByteField("lengthMNC", 0x3),
- ByteField("msNetValue", 0x0)
- ]
-# length 6 to 14
-class MsRadioAccessCapability(Packet):
- """MS Radio Access capability Section"""
- name = "MS Radio Access Capability"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiMRAC", 0x24),
- XByteField("lengthMRAC", None),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1), # ...
- BitField("accessCap", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("accessTechType", 0x0, 4),
- # access capability
- BitField("bool", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("lengthContent", 0x0, 7),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1), # ...
- # content
- BitField("pwrCap", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("bool1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a51", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a52", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a53", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a54", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a55", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a56", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a57", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("esInd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ps", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("vgcs", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("vbs", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bool2", 0x0, 1),
- # multislot
- BitField("bool3", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("hscsd", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("bool4", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("gprs", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("gprsExt", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bool5", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("smsVal", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("smVal", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-# Spare
-# This is intentionally left spare.
-class GmmCause(Packet):
- """GMM cause Section"""
- name = "GMM Cause"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiGC", 0x0),
- ByteField("causeValue", 0x0)
- ]
-class RoutingAreaIdentification(Packet):
- """Routing area identification Section"""
- name = "Routing Area Identification"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiRAI", 0x0),
- BitField("mccDigit2", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mccDigit1", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mncDigit3", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mccDigit3", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mccDigit2", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mccDigit1", 0x0, 4),
- ByteField("LAC", 0x0),
- ByteField("LAC1", 0x0),
- ByteField("LAC", 0x0)
- ]
-# Spare
-# This is intentionally left spare.
-class UpdateResult(Packet):
- """Update result Section"""
- name = "Update Result"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiUR", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("updateResVal", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-class UpdateType(Packet):
- """Update type Section"""
- name = "Update Type"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiUT", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("updateTypeVal", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class UpdateTypeAndCiphKeySeqNr(Packet):
- name = "Update Type and Cipher Key Sequence Number"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("updateTypeVal", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-class AcReferenceNumber(Packet):
- """A&C reference number Section"""
- name = "A&C Reference Number"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiARN", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("acRefVal", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class AcReferenceNumberAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
- name = "A&C Reference Number and Spare Half Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("acRefVal", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-# 10.5.6 Session management information elements
-# length 3 to 102
-class AccessPointName(Packet):
- """Access Point Name Section"""
- name = "Access Point Name"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiAPN", 0x0),
- XByteField("lengthAPN", None),
- ByteField("apName", 0x0),
- # optional
- ByteField("apName1", None),
- ByteField("apName2", None),
- ByteField("apName3", None),
- ByteField("apName4", None),
- ByteField("apName5", None),
- ByteField("apName6", None),
- ByteField("apName7", None),
- ByteField("apName8", None),
- ByteField("apName9", None),
- ByteField("apName10", None),
- ByteField("apName11", None),
- ByteField("apName12", None),
- ByteField("apName13", None),
- ByteField("apName14", None),
- ByteField("apName15", None),
- ByteField("apName16", None),
- ByteField("apName17", None),
- ByteField("apName18", None),
- ByteField("apName19", None),
- ByteField("apName20", None),
- ByteField("apName21", None),
- ByteField("apName22", None),
- ByteField("apName23", None),
- ByteField("apName24", None),
- ByteField("apName25", None),
- ByteField("apName26", None),
- ByteField("apName27", None),
- ByteField("apName28", None),
- ByteField("apName29", None),
- ByteField("apName30", None),
- ByteField("apName31", None),
- ByteField("apName32", None),
- ByteField("apName33", None),
- ByteField("apName34", None),
- ByteField("apName35", None),
- ByteField("apName36", None),
- ByteField("apName37", None),
- ByteField("apName38", None),
- ByteField("apName39", None),
- ByteField("apName40", None),
- ByteField("apName41", None),
- ByteField("apName42", None),
- ByteField("apName43", None),
- ByteField("apName44", None),
- ByteField("apName45", None),
- ByteField("apName46", None),
- ByteField("apName47", None),
- ByteField("apName48", None),
- ByteField("apName49", None),
- ByteField("apName50", None),
- ByteField("apName51", None),
- ByteField("apName52", None),
- ByteField("apName53", None),
- ByteField("apName54", None),
- ByteField("apName55", None),
- ByteField("apName56", None),
- ByteField("apName57", None),
- ByteField("apName58", None),
- ByteField("apName59", None),
- ByteField("apName60", None),
- ByteField("apName61", None),
- ByteField("apName62", None),
- ByteField("apName63", None),
- ByteField("apName64", None),
- ByteField("apName65", None),
- ByteField("apName66", None),
- ByteField("apName67", None),
- ByteField("apName68", None),
- ByteField("apName69", None),
- ByteField("apName70", None),
- ByteField("apName71", None),
- ByteField("apName72", None),
- ByteField("apName73", None),
- ByteField("apName74", None),
- ByteField("apName75", None),
- ByteField("apName76", None),
- ByteField("apName77", None),
- ByteField("apName78", None),
- ByteField("apName79", None),
- ByteField("apName80", None),
- ByteField("apName81", None),
- ByteField("apName82", None),
- ByteField("apName83", None),
- ByteField("apName84", None),
- ByteField("apName85", None),
- ByteField("apName86", None),
- ByteField("apName87", None),
- ByteField("apName88", None),
- ByteField("apName89", None),
- ByteField("apName90", None),
- ByteField("apName91", None),
- ByteField("apName92", None),
- ByteField("apName93", None),
- ByteField("apName94", None),
- ByteField("apName95", None),
- ByteField("apName96", None),
- ByteField("apName97", None),
- ByteField("apName98", None),
- ByteField("apName99", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(3, 102, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthAPN is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class NetworkServiceAccessPointIdentifier(Packet):
- """Network service access point identifier Section"""
- name = "Network Service Access Point Identifier"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiNSAPI", 0x0),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("nsapiVal", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-# length 2 to 253
-class ProtocolConfigurationOptions(Packet):
- """Protocol configuration options Section"""
- name = "Protocol Configuration Options"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiPCO", 0x0),
- XByteField("lengthPCO", None),
- # optional
- BitField("ext", None, 1),
- BitField("spare", None, 4),
- BitField("configProto", None, 3),
- ByteField("protoId1", None),
- ByteField("lenProto1", None),
- ByteField("proto1Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId2", None),
- ByteField("lenProto2", None),
- ByteField("proto2Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId3", None),
- ByteField("lenProto3", None),
- ByteField("proto3Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId4", None),
- ByteField("lenProto4", None),
- ByteField("proto4Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId5", None),
- ByteField("lenProto5", None),
- ByteField("proto5Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId6", None),
- ByteField("lenProto6", None),
- ByteField("proto6Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId7", None),
- ByteField("lenProto7", None),
- ByteField("proto7Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId8", None),
- ByteField("lenProto8", None),
- ByteField("proto8Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId9", None),
- ByteField("lenProto9", None),
- ByteField("proto9Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId10", None),
- ByteField("lenProto10", None),
- ByteField("proto10Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId11", None),
- ByteField("lenProto11", None),
- ByteField("proto11Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId12", None),
- ByteField("lenProto12", None),
- ByteField("proto12Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId13", None),
- ByteField("lenProto13", None),
- ByteField("proto13Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId14", None),
- ByteField("lenProto14", None),
- ByteField("proto14Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId15", None),
- ByteField("lenProto15", None),
- ByteField("proto15Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId16", None),
- ByteField("lenProto16", None),
- ByteField("proto16Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId17", None),
- ByteField("lenProto17", None),
- ByteField("proto17Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId18", None),
- ByteField("lenProto18", None),
- ByteField("proto18Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId19", None),
- ByteField("lenProto19", None),
- ByteField("proto19Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId20", None),
- ByteField("lenProto20", None),
- ByteField("proto20Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId21", None),
- ByteField("lenProto21", None),
- ByteField("proto21Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId22", None),
- ByteField("lenProto22", None),
- ByteField("proto22Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId23", None),
- ByteField("lenProto23", None),
- ByteField("proto23Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId24", None),
- ByteField("lenProto24", None),
- ByteField("proto24Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId25", None),
- ByteField("lenProto25", None),
- ByteField("proto25Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId26", None),
- ByteField("lenProto26", None),
- ByteField("proto26Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId27", None),
- ByteField("lenProto27", None),
- ByteField("proto27Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId28", None),
- ByteField("lenProto28", None),
- ByteField("proto28Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId29", None),
- ByteField("lenProto29", None),
- ByteField("proto29Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId30", None),
- ByteField("lenProto30", None),
- ByteField("proto30Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId31", None),
- ByteField("lenProto31", None),
- ByteField("proto31Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId32", None),
- ByteField("lenProto32", None),
- ByteField("proto32Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId33", None),
- ByteField("lenProto33", None),
- ByteField("proto33Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId34", None),
- ByteField("lenProto34", None),
- ByteField("proto34Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId35", None),
- ByteField("lenProto35", None),
- ByteField("proto35Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId36", None),
- ByteField("lenProto36", None),
- ByteField("proto36Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId37", None),
- ByteField("lenProto37", None),
- ByteField("proto37Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId38", None),
- ByteField("lenProto38", None),
- ByteField("proto38Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId39", None),
- ByteField("lenProto39", None),
- ByteField("proto39Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId40", None),
- ByteField("lenProto40", None),
- ByteField("proto40Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId41", None),
- ByteField("lenProto41", None),
- ByteField("proto41Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId42", None),
- ByteField("lenProto42", None),
- ByteField("proto42Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId43", None),
- ByteField("lenProto43", None),
- ByteField("proto43Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId44", None),
- ByteField("lenProto44", None),
- ByteField("proto44Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId45", None),
- ByteField("lenProto45", None),
- ByteField("proto45Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId46", None),
- ByteField("lenProto46", None),
- ByteField("proto46Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId47", None),
- ByteField("lenProto47", None),
- ByteField("proto47Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId48", None),
- ByteField("lenProto48", None),
- ByteField("proto48Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId49", None),
- ByteField("lenProto49", None),
- ByteField("proto49Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId50", None),
- ByteField("lenProto50", None),
- ByteField("proto50Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId51", None),
- ByteField("lenProto51", None),
- ByteField("proto51Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId52", None),
- ByteField("lenProto52", None),
- ByteField("proto52Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId53", None),
- ByteField("lenProto53", None),
- ByteField("proto53Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId54", None),
- ByteField("lenProto54", None),
- ByteField("proto54Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId55", None),
- ByteField("lenProto55", None),
- ByteField("proto55Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId56", None),
- ByteField("lenProto56", None),
- ByteField("proto56Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId57", None),
- ByteField("lenProto57", None),
- ByteField("proto57Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId58", None),
- ByteField("lenProto58", None),
- ByteField("proto58Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId59", None),
- ByteField("lenProto59", None),
- ByteField("proto59Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId60", None),
- ByteField("lenProto60", None),
- ByteField("proto60Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId61", None),
- ByteField("lenProto61", None),
- ByteField("proto61Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId62", None),
- ByteField("lenProto62", None),
- ByteField("proto62Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId63", None),
- ByteField("lenProto63", None),
- ByteField("proto63Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId64", None),
- ByteField("lenProto64", None),
- ByteField("proto64Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId65", None),
- ByteField("lenProto65", None),
- ByteField("proto65Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId66", None),
- ByteField("lenProto66", None),
- ByteField("proto66Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId67", None),
- ByteField("lenProto67", None),
- ByteField("proto67Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId68", None),
- ByteField("lenProto68", None),
- ByteField("proto68Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId69", None),
- ByteField("lenProto69", None),
- ByteField("proto69Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId70", None),
- ByteField("lenProto70", None),
- ByteField("proto70Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId71", None),
- ByteField("lenProto71", None),
- ByteField("proto71Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId72", None),
- ByteField("lenProto72", None),
- ByteField("proto72Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId73", None),
- ByteField("lenProto73", None),
- ByteField("proto73Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId74", None),
- ByteField("lenProto74", None),
- ByteField("proto74Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId75", None),
- ByteField("lenProto75", None),
- ByteField("proto75Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId76", None),
- ByteField("lenProto76", None),
- ByteField("proto76Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId77", None),
- ByteField("lenProto77", None),
- ByteField("proto77Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId78", None),
- ByteField("lenProto78", None),
- ByteField("proto78Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId79", None),
- ByteField("lenProto79", None),
- ByteField("proto79Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId80", None),
- ByteField("lenProto80", None),
- ByteField("proto80Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId81", None),
- ByteField("lenProto81", None),
- ByteField("proto81Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId82", None),
- ByteField("lenProto82", None),
- ByteField("proto82Content", None),
- ByteField("protoId83", None),
- ByteField("lenProto83", None),
- ByteField("proto83Content", None),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 253, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthPCO is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# len 4 to 20
-class PacketDataProtocolAddress(Packet):
- """Packet data protocol address Section"""
- name = "Packet Data Protocol Address"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiPDPA", 0x0),
- XByteField("lengthPDPA", None),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("pdpTypeOrga", 0x0, 4),
- ByteField("pdpTypeNb", 0x0),
- # optional
- ByteField("addressInfo1", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo2", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo3", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo4", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo5", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo6", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo7", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo8", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo9", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo10", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo11", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo12", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo13", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo14", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo15", None),
- ByteField("addressInfo16", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(4, 20, a, self.fields_desc)
- if self.lengthPDPA is None:
- p = p[:1] + struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[2:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class QualityOfService(Packet):
- """Quality of service Section"""
- name = "Quality of Service"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiQOS", 0x0),
- XByteField("lengthQOS", 0x5),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("delayClass", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("reliaClass", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("peak", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("precedenceCl", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("mean", 0x0, 5)
- ]
-class SmCause(Packet):
- """SM cause Section"""
- name = "SM Cause"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiSC", 0x0),
- ByteField("causeVal", 0x0)
- ]
-# Spare
-# This is intentionally left spare.
-class AaDeactivationCause(Packet):
- """AA deactivation cause Section"""
- name = "AA Deactivation Cause"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiADC", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("aaVal", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class AaDeactivationCauseAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
- name = "AA Deactivation Cause and Spare Half Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("aaVal", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class LlcServiceAccessPointIdentifier(Packet):
- """LLC service access point identifier Section"""
- name = "LLC Service Access Point Identifier"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiLSAPI", None),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("llcVal", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-# 10.5.7 GPRS Common information elements
-# [Spare]
-class RadioPriority(Packet):
- """Radio priority Section"""
- name = "Radio Priority"
- fields_desc = [
- XBitField("ieiRP", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("rplv", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# Fix 1/2 len problem
-class RadioPriorityAndSpareHalfOctets(Packet):
- name = "Radio Priority and Spare Half Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("rplv", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spareHalfOctets", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class GprsTimer(Packet):
- """GPRS Timer Section"""
- name = "GPRS Timer"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ieiGT", 0x0),
- BitField("unit", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("timerVal", 0x0, 5)
- ]
-class CellIdentity(Packet):
- """ Cell identity Section """
- name = "Cell Identity"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ciValue1", 0x0),
- ByteField("ciValue2", 0x0)
- ]
-class CiphKeySeqNr(Packet):
- """ Ciphering Key Sequence Number Section """
- name = "Cipher Key Sequence Number"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("keySeq", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-class LocalAreaId(Packet):
- """ Local Area Identification Section """
- name = "Location Area Identification"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("mccDigit2", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mccDigit1", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mncDigit3", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mccDigit3", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mncDigit2", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("mncDigit1", 0x0, 4),
- ByteField("lac1", 0x0),
- ByteField("lac2", 0x0)
- ]
-# The Mobile Identity is a type 4 information element with a minimum
-# length of 3 octet and 11 octets length maximal.
-# len 3 - 11
-class MobileId(Packet):
- """ Mobile Identity Section """
- name = "Mobile Identity"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthMI", None),
- BitField("idDigit1", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("oddEven", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("typeOfId", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("idDigit2_1", None, 4), # optional
- BitField("idDigit2", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit3_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit3", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit4_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit4", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit5_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit5", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit6_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit6", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit7_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit7", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit8_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit8", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit9_1", None, 4),
- BitField("idDigit9", None, 4),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 10, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthMI is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class MobileStationClassmark1(Packet):
- """ Mobile Station Classmark 1 Section """
- name = "Mobile Station Classmark 1"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("revisionLvl", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("esInd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a51", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rfPowerCap", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-class MobileStationClassmark2(Packet):
- """ Mobile Station Classmark 2 Section """
- name = "Mobile Station Classmark 2"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthMSC2", 0x3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("revisionLvl", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("esInd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a51", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rfPowerCap", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("psCap", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ssScreenInd", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("smCaPabi", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("vbs", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("vgcs", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("fc", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("cm3", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("lcsvaCap", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare3", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("soLsa", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("cmsp", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a53", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("a52", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-class DescriptiveGroupOrBroadcastCallReference(Packet):
- """ Descriptive group or broadcast call reference Section """
- name = "Descriptive Group or Broadcast Call Reference"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("binCallRef", 0x0, 27),
- BitField("sf", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("fa", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("callPrio", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("cipherInfo", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare3", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare4", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-class PdAndSapi(Packet):
- """ PD and SAPI $(CCBS)$ Section """
- name = "PD and SAPI $(CCBS)$"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("sapi", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("pd", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class PriorityLevel(Packet):
- """ Priority Level Section """
- name = "Priority Level"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("callPrio", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# Radio Resource management information elements
-# len 6 to max for L3 message (251)
-class BaRange(Packet):
- """ BA Range Section """
- name = "BA Range"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthBR", None),
-#error: byte format requires -128 <= number <= 127
- ByteField("nrOfRanges", 0x0),
-# # rX = range X
-# # L o = Lower H i = higher
-# # H p = high Part Lp = low Part
- ByteField("r1LoHp", 0x0),
- BitField("r1LoLp", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("r1HiHp", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("r1HiLp", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("r2LoHp", 0x0, 4),
- # optional
- BitField("r2LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r2HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r2HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r3LoHp", None),
- BitField("r3LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r3HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r3HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r4LoHp", None),
- BitField("r4LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r4HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r4HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r5LoHp", None),
- BitField("r5LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r5HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r5HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r6LoHp", None),
- BitField("r6LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r6HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r6HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r7LoHp", None),
- BitField("r7LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r7HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r7HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r8LoHp", None),
- BitField("r8LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r8HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r8HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r9LoHp", None),
- BitField("r9LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r9HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r9HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r10LoHp", None),
- BitField("r10LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r10HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r10HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r11LoHp", None),
- BitField("r11LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r11HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r11HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r12LoHp", None),
- BitField("r12LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r12HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r12HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r13LoHp", None),
- BitField("r13LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r13HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r13HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r14LoHp", None),
- BitField("r14LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r14HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r14HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r15LoHp", None),
- BitField("r15LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r15HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r15HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r16LoHp", None),
- BitField("r16LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r16HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r16HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r17LoHp", None),
- BitField("r17LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r17HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r17HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r18LoHp", None),
- BitField("r18LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r18HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r18HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r19LoHp", None),
- BitField("r19LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r19HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r19HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r20LoHp", None),
- BitField("r20LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r20HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r20HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r21LoHp", None),
- BitField("r21LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r21HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r21HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r22LoHp", None),
- BitField("r22LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r22HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r22HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r23LoHp", None),
- BitField("r23LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r23HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r23HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r24LoHp", None),
- BitField("r24LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r24HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r24HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r25LoHp", None),
- BitField("r25LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r25HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r25HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r26LoHp", None),
- BitField("r26LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r26HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r26HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r27LoHp", None),
- BitField("r27LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r27HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r27HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r28LoHp", None),
- BitField("r28LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r28HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r28HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r29LoHp", None),
- BitField("r29LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r29HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r29HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r30LoHp", None),
- BitField("r30LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r30HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r30HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r31LoHp", None),
- BitField("r31LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r31HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r31HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r32LoHp", None),
- BitField("r32LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r32HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r32HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r33LoHp", None),
- BitField("r33LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r33HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r33HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r34LoHp", None),
- BitField("r34LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r34HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r34HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r35LoHp", None),
- BitField("r35LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r35HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r35HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r36LoHp", None),
- BitField("r36LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r36HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r36HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r37LoHp", None),
- BitField("r37LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r37HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r37HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r38LoHp", None),
- BitField("r38LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r38HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r38HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r39LoHp", None),
- BitField("r39LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r39HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r39HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r40LoHp", None),
- BitField("r40LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r40HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r40HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r41LoHp", None),
- BitField("r41LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r41HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r41HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r42LoHp", None),
- BitField("r42LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r42HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r42HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r43LoHp", None),
- BitField("r43LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r43HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r43HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r44LoHp", None),
- BitField("r44LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r44HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r44HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r45LoHp", None),
- BitField("r45LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r45HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r45HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r46LoHp", None),
- BitField("r46LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r46HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r46HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r47LoHp", None),
- BitField("r47LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r47HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r47HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r48LoHp", None),
- BitField("r48LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r48HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r48HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r49LoHp", None),
- BitField("r49LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r49HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r49HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r50LoHp", None),
- BitField("r50LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r50HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r50HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r51LoHp", None),
- BitField("r51LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r51HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r51HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r52LoHp", None),
- BitField("r52LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r52HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r52HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r53LoHp", None),
- BitField("r53LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r53HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r53HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r54LoHp", None),
- BitField("r54LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r54HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r54HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r55LoHp", None),
- BitField("r55LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r55HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r55HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r56LoHp", None),
- BitField("r56LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r56HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r56HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r57LoHp", None),
- BitField("r57LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r57HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r57HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r58LoHp", None),
- BitField("r58LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r58HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r58HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r59LoHp", None),
- BitField("r59LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r59HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r59HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r60LoHp", None),
- BitField("r60LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r60HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r60HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r61LoHp", None),
- BitField("r61LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r61HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r61HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r62LoHp", None),
- BitField("r62LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r62HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r62HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r63LoHp", None),
- BitField("r63LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r63HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r63HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r64LoHp", None),
- BitField("r64LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r64HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r64HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r65LoHp", None),
- BitField("r65LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r65HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r65HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r66LoHp", None),
- BitField("r66LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r66HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r66HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r67LoHp", None),
- BitField("r67LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r67HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r67HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r68LoHp", None),
- BitField("r68LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r68HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r68HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r69LoHp", None),
- BitField("r69LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r69HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r69HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r70LoHp", None),
- BitField("r70LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r70HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r70HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r71LoHp", None),
- BitField("r71LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r71HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r71HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r72LoHp", None),
- BitField("r72LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r72HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r72HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r73LoHp", None),
- BitField("r73LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r73HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r73HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r74LoHp", None),
- BitField("r74LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r74HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r74HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r75LoHp", None),
- BitField("r75LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r75HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r75HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r76LoHp", None),
- BitField("r76LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r76HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r76HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r77LoHp", None),
- BitField("r77LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r77HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r77HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r78LoHp", None),
- BitField("r78LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r78HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r78HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r79LoHp", None),
- BitField("r79LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r79HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r79HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r80LoHp", None),
- BitField("r80LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r80HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r80HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r81LoHp", None),
- BitField("r81LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r81HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r81HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r82LoHp", None),
- BitField("r82LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r82HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r82HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r83LoHp", None),
- BitField("r83LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r83HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r83HiLp", None),
- ByteField("r84LoHp", None),
- BitField("r84LoLp", None, 5),
- BitField("r84HiHp", None, 3),
- ByteField("r84HiLp", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(5, 253, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthBR is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# len 3 to max for L3 message (251)
-class BaListPref(Packet):
- """ BA List Pref Section """
- name = "BA List Pref"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthBLP", None),
- BitField("fixBit", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rangeLower", 0x0, 10),
- BitField("fixBit2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rangeUpper", 0x0, 10),
- BitField("baFreq", 0x0, 10),
- BitField("sparePad", 0x0, 8)
- ]
-# len 17 || Have a look at the specs for the field format
-# Bit map 0 format
-# Range 1024 format
-# Range 512 format
-# Range 256 format
-# Range 128 format
-# Variable bit map format
-class CellChannelDescription(Packet):
- """ Cell Channel Description Section """
- name = "Cell Channel Description "
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit127", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
- ByteField("bit120", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit112", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit104", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit96", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit88", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit80", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit72", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit64", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit56", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit48", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit40", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit32", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit24", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit16", 0x0),
- ByteField("bit8", 0x0)
- ]
-class CellDescription(Packet):
- """ Cell Description Section """
- name = "Cell Description"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("bcchHigh", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("ncc", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("bcc", 0x0, 3),
- ByteField("bcchLow", 0x0)
- ]
-class CellOptionsBCCH(Packet):
- """ Cell Options (BCCH) Section """
- name = "Cell Options (BCCH)"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("pwrc", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("dtx", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("rLinkTout", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class CellOptionsSACCH(Packet):
- """ Cell Options (SACCH) Section """
- name = "Cell Options (SACCH)"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("dtx", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("pwrc", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("dtx", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rLinkTout", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class CellSelectionParameters(Packet):
- """ Cell Selection Parameters Section """
- name = "Cell Selection Parameters"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("cellReselect", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("msTxPwrMax", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("acs", None, 1),
- BitField("neci", None, 1),
- BitField("rxlenAccMin", None, 6)
- ]
-class MacModeAndChannelCodingRequest(Packet):
- """ MAC Mode and Channel Coding Requested Section """
- name = "MAC Mode and Channel Coding Requested"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("macMode", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("cs", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-class ChannelDescription(Packet):
- """ Channel Description Section """
- name = "Channel Description"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("channelTyp", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("tn", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("h", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("maioHi", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("maioLo", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("hsn", 0x0, 6)
- ]
-class ChannelDescription2(Packet):
- """ Channel Description 2 Section """
- name = "Channel Description 2"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("channelTyp", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("tn", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("h", 0x0, 1),
- # if h=1
- # BitField("maioHi", 0x0, 4),
- # BitField("maioLo", 0x0, 2),
- # BitField("hsn", 0x0, 6)
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("arfcnHigh", 0x0, 2),
- ByteField("arfcnLow", 0x0)
- ]
-class ChannelMode(Packet):
- """ Channel Mode Section """
- name = "Channel Mode"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("mode", 0x0)
- ]
-class ChannelMode2(Packet):
- """ Channel Mode 2 Section """
- name = "Channel Mode 2"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("mode", 0x0)
- ]
-class ChannelNeeded(Packet):
- """ Channel Needed Section """
- name = "Channel Needed"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("channel2", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("channel1", 0x0, 2),
- ]
-class ChannelRequestDescription(Packet):
- """Channel Request Description Section """
- name = "Channel Request Description"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("mt", 0x0, 1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 39),
- lambda pkt: == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("priority", 0x0, 2),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("rlcMode", 0x0, 1),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("llcFrame", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("reqBandMsb", 0x0),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("reqBandLsb", 0x0),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("rlcMsb", 0x0),
- lambda pkt: == 1),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("rlcLsb", 0x0),
- lambda pkt: == 1)
- ]
-class CipherModeSetting(Packet):
- """Cipher Mode Setting Section """
- name = "Cipher Mode Setting"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("algoId", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("sc", 0x0, 1),
- ]
-class CipherResponse(Packet):
- """Cipher Response Section """
- name = "Cipher Response"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("cr", 0x0, 1),
- ]
-class ControlChannelDescription(Packet):
- """Control Channel Description Section """
- name = "Control Channel Description"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("att", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bsAgBlksRes", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("ccchConf", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare3", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare4", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bsPaMfrms", 0x0, 3),
- ByteField("t3212", 0x0)
- ]
-class FrequencyChannelSequence(Packet):
- """Frequency Channel Sequence Section"""
- name = "Frequency Channel Sequence"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("lowestArfcn", 0x0, 7),
- BitField("skipArfcn01", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn02", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn03", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn04", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn05", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn06", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn07", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn08", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn09", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn10", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn11", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn12", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn13", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn14", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn15", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("skipArfcn16", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class FrequencyList(Packet):
- """Frequency List Section"""
- name = "Frequency List"
- # Problem:
- # There are several formats for the Frequency List information
- # element, distinguished by the "format indicator" subfield.
- # Some formats are frequency bit maps, the others use a special encoding
- # scheme.
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthFL", None),
- BitField("formatID", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("arfcn124", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("arfcn123", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("arfcn122", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("arfcn121", 0x0, 1),
- ByteField("arfcn120", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn112", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn104", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn96", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn88", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn80", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn72", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn64", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn56", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn48", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn40", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn32", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn24", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn16", 0x0),
- ByteField("arfcn8", 0x0)
- ]
-# len 4 to 13
-class GroupChannelDescription(Packet):
- """Group Channel Description Section"""
- name = "Group Channel Description"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthGCD", None),
- BitField("channelType", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("tn", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("tsc", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("h", 0x0, 1),
- # if h == 0 the packet looks the following way:
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("arfcnHi", 0x0, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x0),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("arfcnLo", None),
- lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x0),
- # if h == 1 the packet looks the following way:
- ConditionalField(BitField("maioHi", 0x0, 4),
- lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("maioLo", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("hsn", None, 6),
- lambda pkt: pkt. h == 0x1),
- # finished with conditional fields
- ByteField("maC6", None),
- ByteField("maC7", None),
- ByteField("maC8", None),
- ByteField("maC9", None),
- ByteField("maC10", None),
- ByteField("maC11", None),
- ByteField("maC12", None),
- ByteField("maC13", None),
- ByteField("maC14", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(4, 13, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthGCD is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class GprsResumption(Packet):
- """GPRS Resumption Section"""
- name = "GPRS Resumption"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("ack", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-class HandoverReference(Packet):
- """Handover Reference Section"""
- name = "Handover Reference"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("handoverRef", 0x0)
- ]
-class IraRestOctets(Packet):
- """IAR Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "IAR Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare01", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare02", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare03", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare04", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare05", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare06", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare07", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare08", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare09", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare10", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare11", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare12", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare13", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare14", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare15", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare16", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare17", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare18", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare19", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare20", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare21", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare22", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare23", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare24", 0x1, 1)
- ]
-# len is 1 to 5 what do we do with the variable size? no lenght
-# field?! WTF
-class IaxRestOctets(Packet):
- """IAX Rest Octets Section"""
- name = "IAX Rest Octets"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare01", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare02", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare03", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare04", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare05", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare06", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare07", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare08", 0x1, 1),
- ByteField("spareB1", None),
- ByteField("spareB2", None),
- ByteField("spareB3", None)
- ]
-class L2PseudoLength(Packet):
- """L2 Pseudo Length Section"""
- name = "L2 Pseudo Length"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("l2pLength", None, 6),
- BitField("bit2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit1", 0x1, 1)
- ]
-class MeasurementResults(Packet):
- """Measurement Results Section"""
- name = "Measurement Results"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("baUsed", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("dtxUsed", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rxLevFull", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("measValid", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rxLevSub", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("spare0", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rxqualFull", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("rxqualSub", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("noNcellHi", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("noNcellLo", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("rxlevC1", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("bcchC1", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("bsicC1Hi", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("bsicC1Lo", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("rxlevC2", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("rxlevC2Lo", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bcchC2", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("bsicC2Hi", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("bscicC2Lo", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("bscicC2Hi", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("rxlevC3Lo", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("bcchC3", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("rxlevC3Hi", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bsicC3Lo", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("bsicC3Hi", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("rxlevC4Lo", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("bcchC4", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("bsicC4", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("rxlevC5Hi", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("rxlevC5Lo", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("bcchC5Hi", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("bcchC5Lo", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bsicC5", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("rxlevC6", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rxlevC6Lo", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("bcchC6Hi", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("bcchC6Lo", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("bsicC6", 0x0, 5)
- ]
-class GprsMeasurementResults(Packet):
- """GPRS Measurement Results Section"""
- name = "GPRS Measurement Results"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("cValue", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("rxqualHi", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("rxqL", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("signVar", 0x0, 6)
- ]
-# len 3 to 10
-class MobileAllocation(Packet):
- """Mobile Allocation Section"""
- name = "Mobile Allocation"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthMA", None),
- ByteField("maC64", 0x12),
- ByteField("maC56", None), # optional fields start here
- ByteField("maC48", None),
- ByteField("maC40", None),
- ByteField("maC32", None),
- ByteField("maC24", None),
- ByteField("maC16", None),
- ByteField("maC8", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 9, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthMA is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class MobileTimeDifference(Packet):
- """Mobile Time Difference Section"""
- name = "Mobile Time Difference"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthMTD", 0x5),
- ByteField("valueHi", 0x0),
- ByteField("valueCnt", 0x0),
- BitField("valueLow", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-# min 4 octets max 8
-class MultiRateConfiguration(Packet):
- """ MultiRate configuration Section"""
- name = "MultiRate Configuration"
- # This packet has a variable length and hence structure. This packet
- # implements the longuest possible packet. If you biuild a shorter
- # packet, for example having only 6 bytes, the last 4 bytes are named
- # "Spare" in the specs. Here they are named "threshold2"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthMRC", None),
- BitField("mrVersion", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("icmi", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("startMode", 0x0, 2),
- ByteField("amrCodec", None),
- BitField("spare", None, 2),
- BitField("threshold1", None, 6),
- BitField("hysteresis1", None, 4),
- BitField("threshold2", None, 4),
- BitField("threshold2cnt", None, 2),
- BitField("hysteresis2", None, 4),
- BitField("threshold3", None, 2),
- BitField("threshold3cnt", None, 4),
- BitField("hysteresis3", None, 4)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- # we set the length
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(3, 7, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthMRC is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# len 2 to 11
-class MultislotAllocation(Packet):
- """Multislot Allocation Section"""
- name = "Multislot Allocation"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthMSA", None),
- BitField("ext0", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("da", 0x0, 7),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1), # optional
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ua", 0x0, 7),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
- ByteField("chan1", None),
- ByteField("chan2", None),
- ByteField("chan3", None),
- ByteField("chan4", None),
- ByteField("chan5", None),
- ByteField("chan6", None),
- ByteField("chan7", None),
- ByteField("chan8", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(1, 11, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if self.lengthMSA is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
- return p + pay
-class NcMode(Packet):
- """NC mode Section"""
- name = "NC Mode"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("ncMode", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-class NeighbourCellsDescription(Packet):
- """Neighbour Cells Description Section"""
- name = "Neighbour Cells Description"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit127", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("extInd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("baInd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("120bits", 0x0, 120)
- ]
-class NeighbourCellsDescription2(Packet):
- """Neighbour Cells Description 2 Section"""
- name = "Neighbour Cells Description 2"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("multiband", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("baInd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("120bits", 0x0, 120)
- ]
-# len 4
-# strange packet, lots of valid formats
-# ideas for the dynamic packets:
-# 1] for user interaction: Create an interactive "builder" based on a
-# Q/A process (not very scapy like)
-# 2] for usage in scripts, create an alternative packet for every
-# possible packet layout
-class DedicatedModeOrTBF(Packet):
- """Dedicated mode or TBF Section"""
- name = "Dedicated Mode or TBF"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("tma", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("downlink", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("td", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-class PageMode(Packet):
- """Page Mode Section"""
- name = "Page Mode"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("pm", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-class NccPermitted(Packet):
- """NCC Permitted Section"""
- name = "NCC Permited"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("nccPerm", 0x0)
- ]
-class PowerCommand(Packet):
- """Power Command Section"""
- name = "Power Command"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("powerLvl", 0x0, 5)
- ]
-class PowerCommandAndAccessType(Packet):
- """Power Command and access type Section"""
- name = "Power Command and Access Type"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("atc", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("powerLvl", 0x0, 5)
- ]
-class RachControlParameters(Packet):
- """RACH Control Parameters Section"""
- name = "RACH Control Parameters"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("maxRetrans", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("txInteger", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("cellBarrAccess", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("re", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC15", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC14", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC13", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC12", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC11", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC10", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC09", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC08", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC07", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC06", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC05", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC04", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC03", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC02", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC01", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("ACC00", 0x0, 1),
- ]
-class RequestReference(Packet):
- """Request Reference Section"""
- name = "Request Reference"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ra", 0x0),
- BitField("t1", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("t3Hi", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("t3Lo", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("t2", 0x0, 5)
- ]
-class RrCause(Packet):
- """RR Cause Section"""
- name = "RR Cause"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("rrCause", 0x0)
- ]
-class StartingTime(Packet):
- """Starting Time Section"""
- name = "Starting Time"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ra", 0x0),
- BitField("t1", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("t3Hi", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("t3Lo", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("t2", 0x0, 5)
- ]
-class SynchronizationIndication(Packet):
- """Synchronization Indication Section"""
- name = "Synchronization Indication"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("nci", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("rot", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("si", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-class TimingAdvance(Packet):
- """Timing Advance Section"""
- name = "Timing Advance"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("timingVal", 0x0, 6)
- ]
-class TimeDifference(Packet):
- """ Time Difference Section"""
- name = "Time Difference"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthTD", 0x3),
- ByteField("timeValue", 0x0)
- ]
-class Tlli(Packet):
- """ TLLI Section Section"""
- name = "TLLI"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("value", 0x0),
- ByteField("value1", 0x0),
- ByteField("value2", 0x0),
- ByteField("value3", 0x0)
- ]
-class TmsiPTmsi(Packet):
- """ TMSI/P-TMSI Section"""
- name = "TMSI/P-TMSI"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("value", 0x0),
- ByteField("value1", 0x0),
- ByteField("value2", 0x0),
- ByteField("value3", 0x0)
- ]
-class VgcsTargetModeIdentication(Packet):
- """ VGCS target Mode Indication"""
- name = "VGCS Target Mode Indication"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthVTMI", 0x2),
- BitField("targerMode", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("cipherKeyNb", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare1", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-class WaitIndication(Packet):
- """ Wait Indication Section"""
- name = "Wait Indication"
- fields_desc = [ # asciiart of specs strange
- ByteField("timeoutVal", 0x0)
- ]
-#class Si10RestOctets(Packet):
-# """SI10 rest octets"""
-# name = "SI10 rest octets"
-# fields_desc = [
-# len 17
-class ExtendedMeasurementResults(Packet):
- name = "Extended Measurement Results"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("scUsed", None, 1),
- BitField("dtxUsed", None, 1),
- BitField("rxLevC0", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC1", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC2Hi", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC2Lo", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC3Hi", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC3Lo", None, 3),
- BitField("rxLevC4", None, 5),
- BitField("rxLevC5", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC6Hi", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC6Lo", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC7Hi", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC7Lo", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC8", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC9", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC10Hi", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC10Lo", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC11Hi", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC13Lo", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC12", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC13", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC14Hi", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC14Lo", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC15Hi", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC15Lo", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC16", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC17", None, 6),
- BitField("rxLevC18Hi", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC18Lo", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC19Hi", None, 4),
- BitField("rxLevC19Lo", None, 2),
- BitField("rxLevC20", None, 6)
- ]
-# len 17
-class ExtendedMeasurementFrequencyList(Packet):
- """Extended Measurement Frequency List Section"""
- name = "Extended Measurement Frequency List"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("bit128", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit127", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("seqCode", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit124", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit123", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit122", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bit121", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("bitsRest", 0x0, 128)
- ]
-class SuspensionCause(Packet):
- """Suspension Cause Section"""
- name = "Suspension Cause"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("suspVal", 0x0)
- ]
-class ApduID(Packet):
- """APDU Flags Section"""
- name = "Apdu Id"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("id", None, 4)
- ]
-class ApduFlags(Packet):
- """APDU Flags Section"""
- name = "Apdu Flags"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("cr", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("firstSeg", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("lastSeg", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-# len 1 to max L3 (251) (done)
-class ApduData(Packet):
- """APDU Data Section"""
- name = "Apdu Data"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthAD", None),
- #optional
- ByteField("apuInfo1", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo2", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo3", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo4", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo5", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo6", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo7", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo8", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo9", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo10", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo11", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo12", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo13", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo14", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo15", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo16", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo17", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo18", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo19", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo20", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo21", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo22", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo23", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo24", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo25", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo26", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo27", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo28", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo29", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo30", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo31", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo32", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo33", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo34", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo35", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo36", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo37", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo38", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo39", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo40", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo41", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo42", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo43", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo44", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo45", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo46", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo47", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo48", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo49", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo50", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo51", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo52", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo53", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo54", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo55", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo56", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo57", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo58", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo59", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo60", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo61", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo62", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo63", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo64", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo65", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo66", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo67", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo68", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo69", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo70", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo71", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo72", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo73", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo74", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo75", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo76", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo77", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo78", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo79", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo80", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo81", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo82", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo83", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo84", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo85", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo86", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo87", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo88", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo89", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo90", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo91", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo92", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo93", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo94", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo95", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo96", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo97", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo98", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo99", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo100", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo101", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo102", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo103", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo104", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo105", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo106", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo107", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo108", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo109", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo110", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo111", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo112", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo113", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo114", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo115", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo116", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo117", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo118", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo119", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo120", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo121", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo122", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo123", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo124", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo125", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo126", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo127", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo128", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo129", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo130", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo131", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo132", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo133", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo134", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo135", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo136", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo137", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo138", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo139", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo140", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo141", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo142", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo143", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo144", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo145", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo146", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo147", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo148", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo149", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo150", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo151", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo152", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo153", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo154", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo155", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo156", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo157", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo158", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo159", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo160", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo161", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo162", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo163", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo164", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo165", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo166", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo167", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo168", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo169", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo170", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo171", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo172", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo173", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo174", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo175", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo176", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo177", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo178", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo179", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo180", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo181", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo182", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo183", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo184", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo185", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo186", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo187", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo188", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo189", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo190", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo191", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo192", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo193", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo194", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo195", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo196", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo197", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo198", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo199", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo200", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo201", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo202", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo203", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo204", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo205", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo206", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo207", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo208", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo209", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo210", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo211", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo212", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo213", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo214", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo215", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo216", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo217", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo218", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo219", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo220", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo221", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo222", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo223", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo224", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo225", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo226", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo227", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo228", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo229", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo230", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo231", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo232", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo233", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo234", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo235", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo236", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo237", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo238", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo239", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo240", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo241", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo242", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo243", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo244", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo245", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo246", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo247", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo248", None),
- ByteField("apuInfo249", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(1, 250, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthAD is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# 10.5.3 Mobility management information elements
-# len 3 to L3 max (251) (done)
-class NetworkName(Packet):
- """Network Name Section"""
- name = "Network Name"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthNN", None),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("codingScheme", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("addCi", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("nbSpare", 0x0, 3),
- # optional
- ByteField("txtString1", None),
- ByteField("txtString2", None),
- ByteField("txtString3", None),
- ByteField("txtString4", None),
- ByteField("txtString5", None),
- ByteField("txtString6", None),
- ByteField("txtString7", None),
- ByteField("txtString8", None),
- ByteField("txtString9", None),
- ByteField("txtString10", None),
- ByteField("txtString11", None),
- ByteField("txtString12", None),
- ByteField("txtString13", None),
- ByteField("txtString14", None),
- ByteField("txtString15", None),
- ByteField("txtString16", None),
- ByteField("txtString17", None),
- ByteField("txtString18", None),
- ByteField("txtString19", None),
- ByteField("txtString20", None),
- ByteField("txtString21", None),
- ByteField("txtString22", None),
- ByteField("txtString23", None),
- ByteField("txtString24", None),
- ByteField("txtString25", None),
- ByteField("txtString26", None),
- ByteField("txtString27", None),
- ByteField("txtString28", None),
- ByteField("txtString29", None),
- ByteField("txtString30", None),
- ByteField("txtString31", None),
- ByteField("txtString32", None),
- ByteField("txtString33", None),
- ByteField("txtString34", None),
- ByteField("txtString35", None),
- ByteField("txtString36", None),
- ByteField("txtString37", None),
- ByteField("txtString38", None),
- ByteField("txtString39", None),
- ByteField("txtString40", None),
- ByteField("txtString41", None),
- ByteField("txtString42", None),
- ByteField("txtString43", None),
- ByteField("txtString44", None),
- ByteField("txtString45", None),
- ByteField("txtString46", None),
- ByteField("txtString47", None),
- ByteField("txtString48", None),
- ByteField("txtString49", None),
- ByteField("txtString50", None),
- ByteField("txtString51", None),
- ByteField("txtString52", None),
- ByteField("txtString53", None),
- ByteField("txtString54", None),
- ByteField("txtString55", None),
- ByteField("txtString56", None),
- ByteField("txtString57", None),
- ByteField("txtString58", None),
- ByteField("txtString59", None),
- ByteField("txtString60", None),
- ByteField("txtString61", None),
- ByteField("txtString62", None),
- ByteField("txtString63", None),
- ByteField("txtString64", None),
- ByteField("txtString65", None),
- ByteField("txtString66", None),
- ByteField("txtString67", None),
- ByteField("txtString68", None),
- ByteField("txtString69", None),
- ByteField("txtString70", None),
- ByteField("txtString71", None),
- ByteField("txtString72", None),
- ByteField("txtString73", None),
- ByteField("txtString74", None),
- ByteField("txtString75", None),
- ByteField("txtString76", None),
- ByteField("txtString77", None),
- ByteField("txtString78", None),
- ByteField("txtString79", None),
- ByteField("txtString80", None),
- ByteField("txtString81", None),
- ByteField("txtString82", None),
- ByteField("txtString83", None),
- ByteField("txtString84", None),
- ByteField("txtString85", None),
- ByteField("txtString86", None),
- ByteField("txtString87", None),
- ByteField("txtString88", None),
- ByteField("txtString89", None),
- ByteField("txtString90", None),
- ByteField("txtString91", None),
- ByteField("txtString92", None),
- ByteField("txtString93", None),
- ByteField("txtString94", None),
- ByteField("txtString95", None),
- ByteField("txtString96", None),
- ByteField("txtString97", None),
- ByteField("txtString98", None),
- ByteField("txtString99", None),
- ByteField("txtString100", None),
- ByteField("txtString101", None),
- ByteField("txtString102", None),
- ByteField("txtString103", None),
- ByteField("txtString104", None),
- ByteField("txtString105", None),
- ByteField("txtString106", None),
- ByteField("txtString107", None),
- ByteField("txtString108", None),
- ByteField("txtString109", None),
- ByteField("txtString110", None),
- ByteField("txtString111", None),
- ByteField("txtString112", None),
- ByteField("txtString113", None),
- ByteField("txtString114", None),
- ByteField("txtString115", None),
- ByteField("txtString116", None),
- ByteField("txtString117", None),
- ByteField("txtString118", None),
- ByteField("txtString119", None),
- ByteField("txtString120", None),
- ByteField("txtString121", None),
- ByteField("txtString122", None),
- ByteField("txtString123", None),
- ByteField("txtString124", None),
- ByteField("txtString125", None),
- ByteField("txtString126", None),
- ByteField("txtString127", None),
- ByteField("txtString128", None),
- ByteField("txtString129", None),
- ByteField("txtString130", None),
- ByteField("txtString131", None),
- ByteField("txtString132", None),
- ByteField("txtString133", None),
- ByteField("txtString134", None),
- ByteField("txtString135", None),
- ByteField("txtString136", None),
- ByteField("txtString137", None),
- ByteField("txtString138", None),
- ByteField("txtString139", None),
- ByteField("txtString140", None),
- ByteField("txtString141", None),
- ByteField("txtString142", None),
- ByteField("txtString143", None),
- ByteField("txtString144", None),
- ByteField("txtString145", None),
- ByteField("txtString146", None),
- ByteField("txtString147", None),
- ByteField("txtString148", None),
- ByteField("txtString149", None),
- ByteField("txtString150", None),
- ByteField("txtString151", None),
- ByteField("txtString152", None),
- ByteField("txtString153", None),
- ByteField("txtString154", None),
- ByteField("txtString155", None),
- ByteField("txtString156", None),
- ByteField("txtString157", None),
- ByteField("txtString158", None),
- ByteField("txtString159", None),
- ByteField("txtString160", None),
- ByteField("txtString161", None),
- ByteField("txtString162", None),
- ByteField("txtString163", None),
- ByteField("txtString164", None),
- ByteField("txtString165", None),
- ByteField("txtString166", None),
- ByteField("txtString167", None),
- ByteField("txtString168", None),
- ByteField("txtString169", None),
- ByteField("txtString170", None),
- ByteField("txtString171", None),
- ByteField("txtString172", None),
- ByteField("txtString173", None),
- ByteField("txtString174", None),
- ByteField("txtString175", None),
- ByteField("txtString176", None),
- ByteField("txtString177", None),
- ByteField("txtString178", None),
- ByteField("txtString179", None),
- ByteField("txtString180", None),
- ByteField("txtString181", None),
- ByteField("txtString182", None),
- ByteField("txtString183", None),
- ByteField("txtString184", None),
- ByteField("txtString185", None),
- ByteField("txtString186", None),
- ByteField("txtString187", None),
- ByteField("txtString188", None),
- ByteField("txtString189", None),
- ByteField("txtString190", None),
- ByteField("txtString191", None),
- ByteField("txtString192", None),
- ByteField("txtString193", None),
- ByteField("txtString194", None),
- ByteField("txtString195", None),
- ByteField("txtString196", None),
- ByteField("txtString197", None),
- ByteField("txtString198", None),
- ByteField("txtString199", None),
- ByteField("txtString200", None),
- ByteField("txtString201", None),
- ByteField("txtString202", None),
- ByteField("txtString203", None),
- ByteField("txtString204", None),
- ByteField("txtString205", None),
- ByteField("txtString206", None),
- ByteField("txtString207", None),
- ByteField("txtString208", None),
- ByteField("txtString209", None),
- ByteField("txtString210", None),
- ByteField("txtString211", None),
- ByteField("txtString212", None),
- ByteField("txtString213", None),
- ByteField("txtString214", None),
- ByteField("txtString215", None),
- ByteField("txtString216", None),
- ByteField("txtString217", None),
- ByteField("txtString218", None),
- ByteField("txtString219", None),
- ByteField("txtString220", None),
- ByteField("txtString221", None),
- ByteField("txtString222", None),
- ByteField("txtString223", None),
- ByteField("txtString224", None),
- ByteField("txtString225", None),
- ByteField("txtString226", None),
- ByteField("txtString227", None),
- ByteField("txtString228", None),
- ByteField("txtString229", None),
- ByteField("txtString230", None),
- ByteField("txtString231", None),
- ByteField("txtString232", None),
- ByteField("txtString233", None),
- ByteField("txtString234", None),
- ByteField("txtString235", None),
- ByteField("txtString236", None),
- ByteField("txtString237", None),
- ByteField("txtString238", None),
- ByteField("txtString239", None),
- ByteField("txtString240", None),
- ByteField("txtString241", None),
- ByteField("txtString242", None),
- ByteField("txtString243", None),
- ByteField("txtString244", None),
- ByteField("txtString245", None),
- ByteField("txtString246", None),
- ByteField("txtString247", None),
- ByteField("txtString248", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 250, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthNN is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class TimeZone(Packet):
- """Time Zone Section"""
- name = "Time Zone"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("timeZone", 0x0),
- ]
-class TimeZoneAndTime(Packet):
- """Time Zone and Time Section"""
- name = "Time Zone and Time"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("year", 0x0),
- ByteField("month", 0x0),
- ByteField("day", 0x0),
- ByteField("hour", 0x0),
- ByteField("minute", 0x0),
- ByteField("second", 0x0),
- ByteField("timeZone", 0x0)
- ]
-class CtsPermission(Packet):
- """CTS permission Section"""
- name = "Cts Permission"
- fields_desc = [
- ]
-class LsaIdentifier(Packet):
- """LSA Identifier Section"""
- name = "Lsa Identifier"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("lsaID", 0x0),
- ByteField("lsaID1", 0x0),
- ByteField("lsaID2", 0x0)
- ]
-# 10.5.4 Call control information elements
-# Extensions of codesets
-# This is only text and no packet
-class LockingShiftProcedure(Packet):
- """Locking shift procedure Section"""
- name = "Locking Shift Procedure"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("lockShift", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("codesetId", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-class NonLockingShiftProcedure(Packet):
- """Non-locking shift procedure Section"""
- name = "Non-locking Shift Procedure"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("nonLockShift", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("codesetId", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-class AuxiliaryStates(Packet):
- """Auxiliary states Section"""
- name = "Auxiliary States"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthAS", 0x3),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("holdState", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("mptyState", 0x0, 2)
- ]
-# len 3 to 15
-class BearerCapability(Packet):
- """Bearer capability Section"""
- name = "Bearer Capability"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthBC", None),
- BitField("ext0", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("radioChReq", 0x1, 2),
- BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("transMode", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("infoTransCa", 0x0, 3),
- # optional
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("coding", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("speechVers", 0x0, 4),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext0 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext2", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("compress", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("structure", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("dupMode", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("config", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("nirr", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("establi", 0x0, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- BitField("ext3", None, 1),
- BitField("accessId", None, 2),
- BitField("rateAda", None, 2),
- BitField("signaling", None, 3),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext4", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("otherITC", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("otherRate", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare1", 0x0, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext3 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext5", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("hdr", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("multiFr", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("mode", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("lli", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("assig", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("inbNeg", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare2", 0x0, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext4 == 0),
- BitField("ext6", None, 1),
- BitField("layer1Id", None, 2),
- BitField("userInf", None, 4),
- BitField("sync", None, 1),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext7", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("stopBit", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("negoc", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("nbDataBit", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("userRate", None, 4),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext6 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext8", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("interRate", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("nicTX", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("nicRX", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("parity", None, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext7 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext9", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext8 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("connEle", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext8 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("modemType", None, 5),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext8 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext10", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext9 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("otherModemType", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext9 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("netUserRate", None, 5),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext9 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext11", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext10 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("chanCoding", None, 4),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext10 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("maxTrafficChan", None, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext10 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext12", None, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext11 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("uimi", None, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext11 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("airInterfaceUserRate", None, 4),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext11 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext13", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext12 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("layer2Ch", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext12 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("userInfoL2", 0x0, 5),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext12 == 0)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 15, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if self.lengthBC is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
- return p + pay
-class CallControlCapabilities(Packet):
- """Call Control Capabilities Section"""
- name = "Call Control Capabilities"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthCCC", 0x3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 6),
- BitField("pcp", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("dtmf", 0x0, 1)
- ]
-class CallState(Packet):
- """Call State Section"""
- name = "Call State"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("stateValue", 0x0, 6)
- ]
-# len 3 to 43
-class CalledPartyBcdNumber(Packet):
- """Called party BCD number Section"""
- name = "Called Party BCD Number"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthCPBN", None),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("nbPlanId", 0x0, 4),
- # optional
- BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit22", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit21", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit24", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit23", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit26", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit25", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit28", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit27", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit30", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit29", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit32", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit31", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit34", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit33", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit36", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit35", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit38", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit37", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit40", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit39", None, 4),
-# ^^^^^^ 20 first optional bytes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- BitField("nbDigit42", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit41", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit44", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit43", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit46", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit45", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit48", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit47", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit50", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit49", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit52", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit51", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit54", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit53", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit56", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit55", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit58", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit57", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit60", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit59", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit62", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit61", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit64", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit63", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit66", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit65", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit68", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit67", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit70", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit69", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit72", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit71", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit74", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit73", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit76", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit75", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit78", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit77", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit80", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit79", None, 4),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 42, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthCPBN is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# len 2 to 23
-class CalledPartySubaddress(Packet):
- """Called party subaddress Section"""
- name = "Called Party Subaddress"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthCPS", None),
- # optional
- BitField("ext", None, 1),
- BitField("subAddr", None, 3),
- BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
- BitField("spare", None, 3),
- ByteField("subInfo0", None),
- ByteField("subInfo1", None),
- ByteField("subInfo2", None),
- ByteField("subInfo3", None),
- ByteField("subInfo4", None),
- ByteField("subInfo5", None),
- ByteField("subInfo6", None),
- ByteField("subInfo7", None),
- ByteField("subInfo8", None),
- ByteField("subInfo9", None),
- ByteField("subInfo10", None),
- ByteField("subInfo11", None),
- ByteField("subInfo12", None),
- ByteField("subInfo13", None),
- ByteField("subInfo14", None),
- ByteField("subInfo15", None),
- ByteField("subInfo16", None),
- ByteField("subInfo17", None),
- ByteField("subInfo18", None),
- ByteField("subInfo19", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 23, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthCPS is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# len 3 to 14
-class CallingPartyBcdNumber(Packet):
- """Called party subaddress Section"""
- name = "Called Party Subaddress"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthCPBN", None),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("nbPlanId", 0x0, 4),
- # optional
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("presId", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("screenId", 0x0, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 13, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if self.lengthCPBN is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
- return p + pay
-# len 2 to 23
-class CallingPartySubaddress(Packet):
- """Calling party subaddress Section"""
- name = "Calling Party Subaddress"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthCPS", None),
- # optional
- BitField("ext1", None, 1),
- BitField("typeAddr", None, 3),
- BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
- BitField("spare", None, 3),
- ByteField("subInfo0", None),
- ByteField("subInfo1", None),
- ByteField("subInfo2", None),
- ByteField("subInfo3", None),
- ByteField("subInfo4", None),
- ByteField("subInfo5", None),
- ByteField("subInfo6", None),
- ByteField("subInfo7", None),
- ByteField("subInfo8", None),
- ByteField("subInfo9", None),
- ByteField("subInfo10", None),
- ByteField("subInfo11", None),
- ByteField("subInfo12", None),
- ByteField("subInfo13", None),
- ByteField("subInfo14", None),
- ByteField("subInfo15", None),
- ByteField("subInfo16", None),
- ByteField("subInfo17", None),
- ByteField("subInfo18", None),
- ByteField("subInfo19", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(1, 22, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthCPS is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# len 4 to 32
-class Cause(Packet):
- """Cause Section"""
- name = "Cause"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthC", None),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("location", 0x0, 4),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("recommendation", 0x1, 7),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- # optional
- BitField("ext2", None, 1),
- BitField("causeValue", None, 7),
- ByteField("diagnositc0", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc1", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc2", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc3", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc4", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc5", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc6", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc7", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc8", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc9", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc10", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc11", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc12", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc13", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc14", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc15", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc16", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc17", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc18", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc19", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc20", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc21", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc22", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc23", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc24", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc25", None),
- ByteField("diagnositc26", None),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(3, 31, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if self.lengthC is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
- return p + pay
-class ClirSuppression(Packet):
- """CLIR suppression Section"""
- name = "Clir Suppression"
- fields_desc = [
- ]
-class ClirInvocation(Packet):
- """CLIR invocation Section"""
- name = "Clir Invocation"
- fields_desc = [
- ]
-class CongestionLevel(Packet):
- """Congestion level Section"""
- name = "Congestion Level"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("notDef", 0x0, 4) # not defined by the std
- ]
-# len 3 to 14
-class ConnectedNumber(Packet):
- """Connected number Section"""
- name = "Connected Number"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthCN", None),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("typePlanId", 0x0, 4),
- # optional
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("presId", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", None, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("screenId", None, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 13, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if self.lengthCN is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
- return p + pay
-# len 2 to 23
-class ConnectedSubaddress(Packet):
- """Connected subaddress Section"""
- name = "Connected Subaddress"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthCS", None),
- # optional
- BitField("ext", None, 1),
- BitField("typeOfSub", None, 3),
- BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
- BitField("spare", None, 3),
- ByteField("subInfo0", None),
- ByteField("subInfo1", None),
- ByteField("subInfo2", None),
- ByteField("subInfo3", None),
- ByteField("subInfo4", None),
- ByteField("subInfo5", None),
- ByteField("subInfo6", None),
- ByteField("subInfo7", None),
- ByteField("subInfo8", None),
- ByteField("subInfo9", None),
- ByteField("subInfo10", None),
- ByteField("subInfo11", None),
- ByteField("subInfo12", None),
- ByteField("subInfo13", None),
- ByteField("subInfo14", None),
- ByteField("subInfo15", None),
- ByteField("subInfo16", None),
- ByteField("subInfo17", None),
- ByteField("subInfo18", None),
- ByteField("subInfo19", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- a = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(1, 22, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthCS is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# len 2 to L3 (251) (done)
-class Facility(Packet):
- """Facility Section"""
- name = "Facility"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthF", None),
- # optional
- ByteField("facilityInfo1", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo2", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo3", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo4", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo5", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo6", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo7", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo8", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo9", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo10", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo11", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo12", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo13", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo14", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo15", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo16", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo17", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo18", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo19", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo20", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo21", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo22", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo23", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo24", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo25", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo26", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo27", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo28", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo29", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo30", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo31", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo32", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo33", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo34", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo35", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo36", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo37", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo38", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo39", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo40", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo41", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo42", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo43", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo44", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo45", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo46", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo47", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo48", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo49", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo50", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo51", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo52", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo53", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo54", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo55", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo56", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo57", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo58", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo59", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo60", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo61", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo62", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo63", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo64", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo65", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo66", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo67", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo68", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo69", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo70", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo71", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo72", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo73", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo74", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo75", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo76", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo77", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo78", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo79", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo80", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo81", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo82", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo83", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo84", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo85", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo86", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo87", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo88", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo89", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo90", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo91", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo92", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo93", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo94", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo95", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo96", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo97", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo98", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo99", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo100", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo101", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo102", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo103", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo104", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo105", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo106", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo107", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo108", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo109", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo110", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo111", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo112", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo113", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo114", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo115", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo116", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo117", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo118", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo119", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo120", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo121", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo122", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo123", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo124", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo125", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo126", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo127", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo128", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo129", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo130", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo131", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo132", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo133", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo134", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo135", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo136", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo137", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo138", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo139", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo140", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo141", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo142", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo143", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo144", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo145", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo146", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo147", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo148", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo149", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo150", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo151", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo152", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo153", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo154", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo155", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo156", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo157", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo158", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo159", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo160", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo161", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo162", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo163", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo164", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo165", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo166", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo167", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo168", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo169", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo170", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo171", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo172", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo173", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo174", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo175", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo176", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo177", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo178", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo179", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo180", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo181", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo182", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo183", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo184", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo185", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo186", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo187", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo188", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo189", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo190", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo191", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo192", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo193", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo194", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo195", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo196", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo197", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo198", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo199", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo200", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo201", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo202", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo203", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo204", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo205", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo206", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo207", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo208", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo209", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo210", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo211", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo212", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo213", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo214", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo215", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo216", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo217", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo218", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo219", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo220", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo221", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo222", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo223", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo224", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo225", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo226", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo227", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo228", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo229", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo230", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo231", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo232", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo233", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo234", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo235", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo236", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo237", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo238", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo239", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo240", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo241", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo242", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo243", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo244", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo245", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo246", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo247", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo248", None),
- ByteField("facilityInfo249", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- a = []
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(7, 250, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthF is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-#len 2 to 5
-class HighLayerCompatibility(Packet):
- """High layer compatibility Section"""
- name = "High Layer Compatibility"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthHLC", None),
- # optional
- BitField("ext", None, 1),
- BitField("codingStd", None, 2),
- BitField("interpret", None, 3),
- BitField("presMeth", None, 2),
- BitField("ext1", None, 1),
- BitField("highLayerId", None, 7),
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext2", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("exHiLayerId", 0x0, 7),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext1 == 0),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- a = []
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(1, 4, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if self.lengthHLC is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
- return p + pay
-# Static conditions for the high layer
-# compatibility IE contents
-class KeypadFacility(Packet):
- """Keypad facility Section"""
- name = "Keypad Facility"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("keyPadInfo", 0x0, 7)
- ]
-# len 2 to 15
-class LowLayerCompatibility(Packet):
- """Low layer compatibility Section"""
- name = "Low Layer Compatibility"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthLLC", None),
- # optional
- ByteField("rest0", None),
- ByteField("rest1", None),
- ByteField("rest2", None),
- ByteField("rest3", None),
- ByteField("rest4", None),
- ByteField("rest5", None),
- ByteField("rest6", None),
- ByteField("rest7", None),
- ByteField("rest8", None),
- ByteField("rest9", None),
- ByteField("rest10", None),
- ByteField("rest11", None),
- ByteField("rest12", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- a = []
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(1, 14, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthLLC is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class MoreData(Packet):
- """More data Section"""
- name = "More Data"
- fields_desc = [
- ]
-class NotificationIndicator(Packet):
- """Notification indicator Section"""
- name = "Notification Indicator"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("notifDesc", 0x0, 7)
- ]
-class ProgressIndicator(Packet):
- """Progress indicator Section"""
- name = "Progress Indicator"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthPI", 0x2),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("codingStd", 0x0, 2),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("location", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("progressDesc", 0x0, 7)
- ]
-class RecallType(Packet):
- """Recall type $(CCBS)$ Section"""
- name = "Recall Type $(CCBS)$"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 5),
- BitField("recallType", 0x0, 3)
- ]
-# len 3 to 19
-class RedirectingPartyBcdNumber(Packet):
- """Redirecting party BCD number Section"""
- name = "Redirecting Party BCD Number"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthRPBN", None),
- BitField("ext", 0x1, 1),
- BitField("typeNb", 0x0, 3),
- BitField("numberingPlan", 0x0, 4),
- # optional
- ConditionalField(BitField("ext1", 0x1, 1),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("presId", 0x0, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("spare", 0x0, 3),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- ConditionalField(BitField("screenId", 0x0, 2),
- lambda pkt: pkt.ext == 0),
- BitField("nbDigit2", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit1", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit4", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit3", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit6", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit5", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit8", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit7", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit10", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit9", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit12", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit11", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit14", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit13", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit16", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit15", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit18", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit17", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit20", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit19", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit22", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit21", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit24", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit23", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit26", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit25", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit28", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit27", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit30", None, 4),
- BitField("nbDigit29", None, 4),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- a = []
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 18, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- if self.lengthRPBN is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", len(p)-1) + p[1:]
- return p + pay
-# length 2 to 23
-class RedirectingPartySubaddress(Packet):
- """Redirecting party subaddress Section"""
- name = "Redirecting Party BCD Number"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthRPS", None),
- # optional
- BitField("ext", None, 1),
- BitField("typeSub", None, 3),
- BitField("oddEven", None, 1),
- BitField("spare", None, 3),
- ByteField("subInfo0", None),
- ByteField("subInfo1", None),
- ByteField("subInfo2", None),
- ByteField("subInfo3", None),
- ByteField("subInfo4", None),
- ByteField("subInfo5", None),
- ByteField("subInfo6", None),
- ByteField("subInfo7", None),
- ByteField("subInfo8", None),
- ByteField("subInfo9", None),
- ByteField("subInfo10", None),
- ByteField("subInfo11", None),
- ByteField("subInfo12", None),
- ByteField("subInfo13", None),
- ByteField("subInfo14", None),
- ByteField("subInfo15", None),
- ByteField("subInfo16", None),
- ByteField("subInfo17", None),
- ByteField("subInfo18", None),
- ByteField("subInfo19", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- a = []
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(1, 22, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthRPS is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class RepeatIndicator(Packet):
- """Repeat indicator Section"""
- name = "Repeat Indicator"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("repeatIndic", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-# no upper length min 2(max for L3) (251)
-class SetupContainer(Packet):
- """SETUP Container $(CCBS)$ Section"""
- name = "Setup Container $(CCBS)$"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthSC", None),
- # optional
- ByteField("mess1", None),
- ByteField("mess2", None),
- ByteField("mess3", None),
- ByteField("mess4", None),
- ByteField("mess5", None),
- ByteField("mess6", None),
- ByteField("mess7", None),
- ByteField("mess8", None),
- ByteField("mess9", None),
- ByteField("mess10", None),
- ByteField("mess11", None),
- ByteField("mess12", None),
- ByteField("mess13", None),
- ByteField("mess14", None),
- ByteField("mess15", None),
- ByteField("mess16", None),
- ByteField("mess17", None),
- ByteField("mess18", None),
- ByteField("mess19", None),
- ByteField("mess20", None),
- ByteField("mess21", None),
- ByteField("mess22", None),
- ByteField("mess23", None),
- ByteField("mess24", None),
- ByteField("mess25", None),
- ByteField("mess26", None),
- ByteField("mess27", None),
- ByteField("mess28", None),
- ByteField("mess29", None),
- ByteField("mess30", None),
- ByteField("mess31", None),
- ByteField("mess32", None),
- ByteField("mess33", None),
- ByteField("mess34", None),
- ByteField("mess35", None),
- ByteField("mess36", None),
- ByteField("mess37", None),
- ByteField("mess38", None),
- ByteField("mess39", None),
- ByteField("mess40", None),
- ByteField("mess41", None),
- ByteField("mess42", None),
- ByteField("mess43", None),
- ByteField("mess44", None),
- ByteField("mess45", None),
- ByteField("mess46", None),
- ByteField("mess47", None),
- ByteField("mess48", None),
- ByteField("mess49", None),
- ByteField("mess50", None),
- ByteField("mess51", None),
- ByteField("mess52", None),
- ByteField("mess53", None),
- ByteField("mess54", None),
- ByteField("mess55", None),
- ByteField("mess56", None),
- ByteField("mess57", None),
- ByteField("mess58", None),
- ByteField("mess59", None),
- ByteField("mess60", None),
- ByteField("mess61", None),
- ByteField("mess62", None),
- ByteField("mess63", None),
- ByteField("mess64", None),
- ByteField("mess65", None),
- ByteField("mess66", None),
- ByteField("mess67", None),
- ByteField("mess68", None),
- ByteField("mess69", None),
- ByteField("mess70", None),
- ByteField("mess71", None),
- ByteField("mess72", None),
- ByteField("mess73", None),
- ByteField("mess74", None),
- ByteField("mess75", None),
- ByteField("mess76", None),
- ByteField("mess77", None),
- ByteField("mess78", None),
- ByteField("mess79", None),
- ByteField("mess80", None),
- ByteField("mess81", None),
- ByteField("mess82", None),
- ByteField("mess83", None),
- ByteField("mess84", None),
- ByteField("mess85", None),
- ByteField("mess86", None),
- ByteField("mess87", None),
- ByteField("mess88", None),
- ByteField("mess89", None),
- ByteField("mess90", None),
- ByteField("mess91", None),
- ByteField("mess92", None),
- ByteField("mess93", None),
- ByteField("mess94", None),
- ByteField("mess95", None),
- ByteField("mess96", None),
- ByteField("mess97", None),
- ByteField("mess98", None),
- ByteField("mess99", None),
- ByteField("mess100", None),
- ByteField("mess101", None),
- ByteField("mess102", None),
- ByteField("mess103", None),
- ByteField("mess104", None),
- ByteField("mess105", None),
- ByteField("mess106", None),
- ByteField("mess107", None),
- ByteField("mess108", None),
- ByteField("mess109", None),
- ByteField("mess110", None),
- ByteField("mess111", None),
- ByteField("mess112", None),
- ByteField("mess113", None),
- ByteField("mess114", None),
- ByteField("mess115", None),
- ByteField("mess116", None),
- ByteField("mess117", None),
- ByteField("mess118", None),
- ByteField("mess119", None),
- ByteField("mess120", None),
- ByteField("mess121", None),
- ByteField("mess122", None),
- ByteField("mess123", None),
- ByteField("mess124", None),
- ByteField("mess125", None),
- ByteField("mess126", None),
- ByteField("mess127", None),
- ByteField("mess128", None),
- ByteField("mess129", None),
- ByteField("mess130", None),
- ByteField("mess131", None),
- ByteField("mess132", None),
- ByteField("mess133", None),
- ByteField("mess134", None),
- ByteField("mess135", None),
- ByteField("mess136", None),
- ByteField("mess137", None),
- ByteField("mess138", None),
- ByteField("mess139", None),
- ByteField("mess140", None),
- ByteField("mess141", None),
- ByteField("mess142", None),
- ByteField("mess143", None),
- ByteField("mess144", None),
- ByteField("mess145", None),
- ByteField("mess146", None),
- ByteField("mess147", None),
- ByteField("mess148", None),
- ByteField("mess149", None),
- ByteField("mess150", None),
- ByteField("mess151", None),
- ByteField("mess152", None),
- ByteField("mess153", None),
- ByteField("mess154", None),
- ByteField("mess155", None),
- ByteField("mess156", None),
- ByteField("mess157", None),
- ByteField("mess158", None),
- ByteField("mess159", None),
- ByteField("mess160", None),
- ByteField("mess161", None),
- ByteField("mess162", None),
- ByteField("mess163", None),
- ByteField("mess164", None),
- ByteField("mess165", None),
- ByteField("mess166", None),
- ByteField("mess167", None),
- ByteField("mess168", None),
- ByteField("mess169", None),
- ByteField("mess170", None),
- ByteField("mess171", None),
- ByteField("mess172", None),
- ByteField("mess173", None),
- ByteField("mess174", None),
- ByteField("mess175", None),
- ByteField("mess176", None),
- ByteField("mess177", None),
- ByteField("mess178", None),
- ByteField("mess179", None),
- ByteField("mess180", None),
- ByteField("mess181", None),
- ByteField("mess182", None),
- ByteField("mess183", None),
- ByteField("mess184", None),
- ByteField("mess185", None),
- ByteField("mess186", None),
- ByteField("mess187", None),
- ByteField("mess188", None),
- ByteField("mess189", None),
- ByteField("mess190", None),
- ByteField("mess191", None),
- ByteField("mess192", None),
- ByteField("mess193", None),
- ByteField("mess194", None),
- ByteField("mess195", None),
- ByteField("mess196", None),
- ByteField("mess197", None),
- ByteField("mess198", None),
- ByteField("mess199", None),
- ByteField("mess200", None),
- ByteField("mess201", None),
- ByteField("mess202", None),
- ByteField("mess203", None),
- ByteField("mess204", None),
- ByteField("mess205", None),
- ByteField("mess206", None),
- ByteField("mess207", None),
- ByteField("mess208", None),
- ByteField("mess209", None),
- ByteField("mess210", None),
- ByteField("mess211", None),
- ByteField("mess212", None),
- ByteField("mess213", None),
- ByteField("mess214", None),
- ByteField("mess215", None),
- ByteField("mess216", None),
- ByteField("mess217", None),
- ByteField("mess218", None),
- ByteField("mess219", None),
- ByteField("mess220", None),
- ByteField("mess221", None),
- ByteField("mess222", None),
- ByteField("mess223", None),
- ByteField("mess224", None),
- ByteField("mess225", None),
- ByteField("mess226", None),
- ByteField("mess227", None),
- ByteField("mess228", None),
- ByteField("mess229", None),
- ByteField("mess230", None),
- ByteField("mess231", None),
- ByteField("mess232", None),
- ByteField("mess233", None),
- ByteField("mess234", None),
- ByteField("mess235", None),
- ByteField("mess236", None),
- ByteField("mess237", None),
- ByteField("mess238", None),
- ByteField("mess239", None),
- ByteField("mess240", None),
- ByteField("mess241", None),
- ByteField("mess242", None),
- ByteField("mess243", None),
- ByteField("mess244", None),
- ByteField("mess245", None),
- ByteField("mess246", None),
- ByteField("mess247", None),
- ByteField("mess248", None),
- ByteField("mess249", None),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- a = []
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(1, 250, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthSC is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class Signal(Packet):
- """Signal Section"""
- name = "Signal"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("sigValue", 0x0)
- ]
-# length 2 to max for L3 message (251)
-class SsVersionIndicator(Packet):
- """SS Version Indicator Section"""
- name = "SS Version Indicator"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthSVI", None),
- # optional
- ByteField("info1", None),
- ByteField("info2", None),
- ByteField("info3", None),
- ByteField("info4", None),
- ByteField("info5", None),
- ByteField("info6", None),
- ByteField("info7", None),
- ByteField("info8", None),
- ByteField("info9", None),
- ByteField("info10", None),
- ByteField("info11", None),
- ByteField("info12", None),
- ByteField("info13", None),
- ByteField("info14", None),
- ByteField("info15", None),
- ByteField("info16", None),
- ByteField("info17", None),
- ByteField("info18", None),
- ByteField("info19", None),
- ByteField("info20", None),
- ByteField("info21", None),
- ByteField("info22", None),
- ByteField("info23", None),
- ByteField("info24", None),
- ByteField("info25", None),
- ByteField("info26", None),
- ByteField("info27", None),
- ByteField("info28", None),
- ByteField("info29", None),
- ByteField("info30", None),
- ByteField("info31", None),
- ByteField("info32", None),
- ByteField("info33", None),
- ByteField("info34", None),
- ByteField("info35", None),
- ByteField("info36", None),
- ByteField("info37", None),
- ByteField("info38", None),
- ByteField("info39", None),
- ByteField("info40", None),
- ByteField("info41", None),
- ByteField("info42", None),
- ByteField("info43", None),
- ByteField("info44", None),
- ByteField("info45", None),
- ByteField("info46", None),
- ByteField("info47", None),
- ByteField("info48", None),
- ByteField("info49", None),
- ByteField("info50", None),
- ByteField("info51", None),
- ByteField("info52", None),
- ByteField("info53", None),
- ByteField("info54", None),
- ByteField("info55", None),
- ByteField("info56", None),
- ByteField("info57", None),
- ByteField("info58", None),
- ByteField("info59", None),
- ByteField("info60", None),
- ByteField("info61", None),
- ByteField("info62", None),
- ByteField("info63", None),
- ByteField("info64", None),
- ByteField("info65", None),
- ByteField("info66", None),
- ByteField("info67", None),
- ByteField("info68", None),
- ByteField("info69", None),
- ByteField("info70", None),
- ByteField("info71", None),
- ByteField("info72", None),
- ByteField("info73", None),
- ByteField("info74", None),
- ByteField("info75", None),
- ByteField("info76", None),
- ByteField("info77", None),
- ByteField("info78", None),
- ByteField("info79", None),
- ByteField("info80", None),
- ByteField("info81", None),
- ByteField("info82", None),
- ByteField("info83", None),
- ByteField("info84", None),
- ByteField("info85", None),
- ByteField("info86", None),
- ByteField("info87", None),
- ByteField("info88", None),
- ByteField("info89", None),
- ByteField("info90", None),
- ByteField("info91", None),
- ByteField("info92", None),
- ByteField("info93", None),
- ByteField("info94", None),
- ByteField("info95", None),
- ByteField("info96", None),
- ByteField("info97", None),
- ByteField("info98", None),
- ByteField("info99", None),
- ByteField("info100", None),
- ByteField("info101", None),
- ByteField("info102", None),
- ByteField("info103", None),
- ByteField("info104", None),
- ByteField("info105", None),
- ByteField("info106", None),
- ByteField("info107", None),
- ByteField("info108", None),
- ByteField("info109", None),
- ByteField("info110", None),
- ByteField("info111", None),
- ByteField("info112", None),
- ByteField("info113", None),
- ByteField("info114", None),
- ByteField("info115", None),
- ByteField("info116", None),
- ByteField("info117", None),
- ByteField("info118", None),
- ByteField("info119", None),
- ByteField("info120", None),
- ByteField("info121", None),
- ByteField("info122", None),
- ByteField("info123", None),
- ByteField("info124", None),
- ByteField("info125", None),
- ByteField("info126", None),
- ByteField("info127", None),
- ByteField("info128", None),
- ByteField("info129", None),
- ByteField("info130", None),
- ByteField("info131", None),
- ByteField("info132", None),
- ByteField("info133", None),
- ByteField("info134", None),
- ByteField("info135", None),
- ByteField("info136", None),
- ByteField("info137", None),
- ByteField("info138", None),
- ByteField("info139", None),
- ByteField("info140", None),
- ByteField("info141", None),
- ByteField("info142", None),
- ByteField("info143", None),
- ByteField("info144", None),
- ByteField("info145", None),
- ByteField("info146", None),
- ByteField("info147", None),
- ByteField("info148", None),
- ByteField("info149", None),
- ByteField("info150", None),
- ByteField("info151", None),
- ByteField("info152", None),
- ByteField("info153", None),
- ByteField("info154", None),
- ByteField("info155", None),
- ByteField("info156", None),
- ByteField("info157", None),
- ByteField("info158", None),
- ByteField("info159", None),
- ByteField("info160", None),
- ByteField("info161", None),
- ByteField("info162", None),
- ByteField("info163", None),
- ByteField("info164", None),
- ByteField("info165", None),
- ByteField("info166", None),
- ByteField("info167", None),
- ByteField("info168", None),
- ByteField("info169", None),
- ByteField("info170", None),
- ByteField("info171", None),
- ByteField("info172", None),
- ByteField("info173", None),
- ByteField("info174", None),
- ByteField("info175", None),
- ByteField("info176", None),
- ByteField("info177", None),
- ByteField("info178", None),
- ByteField("info179", None),
- ByteField("info180", None),
- ByteField("info181", None),
- ByteField("info182", None),
- ByteField("info183", None),
- ByteField("info184", None),
- ByteField("info185", None),
- ByteField("info186", None),
- ByteField("info187", None),
- ByteField("info188", None),
- ByteField("info189", None),
- ByteField("info190", None),
- ByteField("info191", None),
- ByteField("info192", None),
- ByteField("info193", None),
- ByteField("info194", None),
- ByteField("info195", None),
- ByteField("info196", None),
- ByteField("info197", None),
- ByteField("info198", None),
- ByteField("info199", None),
- ByteField("info200", None),
- ByteField("info201", None),
- ByteField("info202", None),
- ByteField("info203", None),
- ByteField("info204", None),
- ByteField("info205", None),
- ByteField("info206", None),
- ByteField("info207", None),
- ByteField("info208", None),
- ByteField("info209", None),
- ByteField("info210", None),
- ByteField("info211", None),
- ByteField("info212", None),
- ByteField("info213", None),
- ByteField("info214", None),
- ByteField("info215", None),
- ByteField("info216", None),
- ByteField("info217", None),
- ByteField("info218", None),
- ByteField("info219", None),
- ByteField("info220", None),
- ByteField("info221", None),
- ByteField("info222", None),
- ByteField("info223", None),
- ByteField("info224", None),
- ByteField("info225", None),
- ByteField("info226", None),
- ByteField("info227", None),
- ByteField("info228", None),
- ByteField("info229", None),
- ByteField("info230", None),
- ByteField("info231", None),
- ByteField("info232", None),
- ByteField("info233", None),
- ByteField("info234", None),
- ByteField("info235", None),
- ByteField("info236", None),
- ByteField("info237", None),
- ByteField("info238", None),
- ByteField("info239", None),
- ByteField("info240", None),
- ByteField("info241", None),
- ByteField("info242", None),
- ByteField("info243", None),
- ByteField("info244", None),
- ByteField("info245", None),
- ByteField("info246", None),
- ByteField("info247", None),
- ByteField("info248", None),
- ByteField("info249", None),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- a = []
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(1, 250, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthSVI is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-# length 3 to 35 or 131
-class UserUser(Packet):
- """User-user Section"""
- name = "User-User"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthUU", None), # dynamic length of field depending
- # of the type of message
- # let user decide which length he
- # wants to take
- # => more fuzzing options
- ByteField("userUserPD", 0x0),
- # optional
- ByteField("userUserInfo1", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo2", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo3", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo4", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo5", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo6", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo7", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo8", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo9", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo10", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo11", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo12", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo13", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo14", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo15", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo16", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo17", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo18", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo19", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo20", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo21", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo22", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo23", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo24", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo25", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo26", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo27", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo28", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo29", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo30", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo31", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo32", None),
- # long packet
- ByteField("userUserInfo33", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo34", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo35", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo36", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo37", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo38", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo39", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo40", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo41", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo42", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo43", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo44", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo45", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo46", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo47", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo48", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo49", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo50", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo51", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo52", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo53", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo54", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo55", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo56", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo57", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo58", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo59", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo60", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo61", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo62", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo63", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo64", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo65", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo66", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo67", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo68", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo69", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo70", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo71", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo72", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo73", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo74", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo75", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo76", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo77", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo78", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo79", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo80", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo81", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo82", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo83", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo84", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo85", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo86", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo87", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo88", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo89", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo90", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo91", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo92", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo93", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo94", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo95", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo96", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo97", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo98", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo99", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo100", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo101", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo102", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo103", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo104", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo105", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo106", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo107", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo108", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo109", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo110", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo111", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo112", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo113", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo114", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo115", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo116", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo117", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo118", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo119", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo120", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo121", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo122", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo123", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo124", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo125", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo126", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo127", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo128", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo129", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo130", None),
- ByteField("userUserInfo131", None)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- aList = []
- i = 0
- for i in range(0, len(self.fields_desc)):
- aList.append(self.fields_desc[i].name)
- a = []
- for i in aList:
- a.append(getattr(self, i))
- res = adapt(2, 133, a, self.fields_desc, 1)
- if self.lengthUU is None:
- p = struct.pack(">B", res[1]) + p[1:]
- if res[0] is not 0:
- p = p[:-res[0]]
- return p + pay
-class AlertingPattern(Packet):
- """Alerting Pattern"""
- name = "Alerting Pattern"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthAP", 0x3),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 4),
- BitField("alertingValue", 0x0, 4)
- ]
-class AllowedActions(Packet):
- """Allowed actions $(CCBS)$ Section"""
- name = "Allowed Actions $(CCBS)$"
- fields_desc = [
- XByteField("lengthAP", 0x3),
- BitField("CCBS", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 7)
- ]
-# 10.5.5 GPRS mobility management information elements
-class AttachType(Packet):
- """Attach type Section"""
- name = "Attach Type"
- fields_desc = [
- BitField("spare", 0x0, 1),
- BitField("type", 0x1, 3)
- ]
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="Scapy GSM-UM (Air) Addon")
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 008a0200..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-## Copyright (C) 2014 Guillaume Valadon <>
-## 2014 Alexis Sultan <>
-## 2012 ffranz <>
-## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
-# scapy.contrib.description = GTP
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-import time
-import logging
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP
-# GTP Data types
-GTPmessageType = { 1: "echo_request",
- 2: "echo_response",
- 16: "create_pdp_context_req",
- 17: "create_pdp_context_res",
- 20: "delete_pdp_context_req",
- 21: "delete_pdp_context_res",
- 26: "error_indication",
- 27: "pdu_notification_req",
- 255: "gtp_u_header" }
-IEType = { 1: "Cause",
- 2: "IMSI",
- 3: "RAI",
- 4: "TLLI",
- 5: "P_TMSI",
- 14: "Recovery",
- 15: "SelectionMode",
- 16: "TEIDI",
- 17: "TEICP",
- 19: "TeardownInd",
- 20: "NSAPI",
- 26: "ChargingChrt",
- 27: "TraceReference",
- 28: "TraceType",
- 128: "EndUserAddress",
- 131: "AccessPointName",
- 132: "ProtocolConfigurationOptions",
- 133: "GSNAddress",
- 134: "MSInternationalNumber",
- 135: "QoS",
- 148: "CommonFlags",
- 151: "RatType",
- 152: "UserLocationInformation",
- 153: "MSTimeZone",
- 154: "IMEI" }
-CauseValues = { 0: "Request IMSI",
- 1: "Request IMEI",
- 2: "Request IMSI and IMEI",
- 3: "No identity needed",
- 4: "MS Refuses",
- 5: "MS is not GPRS Responding",
- 128: "Request accepted",
- 129: "New PDP type due to network preference",
- 130: "New PDP type due to single address bearer only",
- 192: "Non-existent",
- 193: "Invalid message format",
- 194: "IMSI not known",
- 195: "MS is GPRS Detached",
- 196: "MS is not GPRS Responding",
- 197: "MS Refuses",
- 198: "Version not supported",
- 199: "No resources available",
- 200: "Service not supported",
- 201: "Mandatory IE incorrect",
- 202: "Mandatory IE missing",
- 203: "Optional IE incorrect",
- 204: "System failure",
- 205: "Roaming restriction",
- 206: "P-TMSI Signature mismatch",
- 207: "GPRS connection suspended",
- 208: "Authentication failure",
- 209: "User authentication failed",
- 210: "Context not found",
- 211: "All dynamic PDP addresses are occupied",
- 212: "No memory is available",
- 213: "Reallocation failure",
- 214: "Unknown mandatory extension header",
- 215: "Semantic error in the TFT operation",
- 216: "Syntactic error in TFT operation",
- 217: "Semantic errors in packet filter(s)",
- 218: "Syntactic errors in packet filter(s)",
- 219: "Missing or unknown APN",
- 220: "Unknown PDP address or PDP type",
- 221: "PDP context without TFT already activated",
- 222: "APN access denied : no subscription",
- 223: "APN Restriction type incompatibility with currently active PDP Contexts",
- 224: "MS MBMS Capabilities Insufficient",
- 225: "Invalid Correlation : ID",
- 226: "MBMS Bearer Context Superseded",
- 227: "Bearer Control Mode violation",
- 228: "Collision with network initiated request" }
-Selection_Mode = { 11111100: "MS or APN",
- 11111101: "MS",
- 11111110: "NET",
- 11111111: "FutureUse" }
-TeardownInd_value = { 254: "False",
- 255: "True" }
-class TBCDByteField(StrFixedLenField):
- def i2h(self, pkt, val):
- ret = []
- for i in range(len(val)):
- byte = ord(val[i])
- left = byte >> 4
- right = byte & 0xF
- if left == 0xF:
- ret += [ "%d" % right ]
- else:
- ret += [ "%d" % right, "%d" % left ]
- return "".join(ret)
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- return repr(self.i2h(pkt,x))
- def i2m(self, pkt, val):
- ret_string = ""
- for i in range(0, len(val), 2):
- tmp = val[i:i+2]
- if len(tmp) == 2:
- ret_string += chr(int(tmp[1] + tmp[0], 16))
- else:
- ret_string += chr(int("F" + tmp[0], 16))
- return ret_string
-class GTPHeader(Packet):
- # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
- name = "GTP Header"
- fields_desc=[ BitField("version", 1, 3),
- BitField("PT", 1, 1),
- BitField("reserved", 0, 1),
- BitField("E", 0, 1),
- BitField("S", 1, 1),
- BitField("PN", 0, 1),
- ByteEnumField("gtp_type", None, GTPmessageType),
- ShortField("length", None),
- IntField("teid", 0) ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- p += pay
- if self.length is None:
- l = len(p)-8
- p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", l)+ p[4:]
- return p
- def hashret(self):
- return struct.pack("B", self.version) + self.payload.hashret()
- def answers(self, other):
- return (isinstance(other, GTPHeader) and
- self.version == other.version and
- self.payload.answers(other.payload))
-class GTPEchoRequest(Packet):
- # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
- name = "GTP Echo Request"
- fields_desc = [ XBitField("seq", 0, 16),
- ByteField("npdu", 0),
- ByteField("next_ex", 0),]
- def hashret(self):
- return struct.pack("H", self.seq)
-class IE_Cause(Packet):
- name = "Cause"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 1, IEType),
- BitField("Response", None, 1),
- BitField("Rejection", None, 1),
- BitEnumField("CauseValue", None, 6, CauseValues) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_IMSI(Packet):
- name = "IMSI - Subscriber identity of the MS"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 2, IEType),
- TBCDByteField("imsi", str(RandNum(0, 999999999999999)), 8) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_Routing(Packet):
- name = "Routing Area Identity"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 3, IEType),
- TBCDByteField("MCC", "", 2),
- # MNC: if the third digit of MCC is 0xf, then the length of MNC is 1 byte
- TBCDByteField("MNC", "", 1),
- ShortField("LAC", None),
- ByteField("RAC", None) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_Recovery(Packet):
- name = "Recovery"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 14, IEType),
- ByteField("res-counter", 24) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_SelectionMode(Packet):
- # Indicates the origin of the APN in the message
- name = "Selection Mode"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 15, IEType),
- BitEnumField("SelectionMode", "MS or APN", 8, Selection_Mode) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_TEIDI(Packet):
- name = "Tunnel Endpoint Identifier Data"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 16, IEType),
- XIntField("TEIDI", RandInt()) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_TEICP(Packet):
- name = "Tunnel Endpoint Identifier Control Plane"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 17, IEType),
- XIntField("TEICI", RandInt())]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_Teardown(Packet):
- name = "Teardown Indicator"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 19, IEType),
- ByteEnumField("indicator", "True", TeardownInd_value) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_NSAPI(Packet):
- # Identifies a PDP context in a mobility management context specified by TEICP
- name = "NSAPI"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 20, IEType),
- XBitField("sparebits", 0x0000, 4),
- XBitField("NSAPI", RandNum(0, 15), 4) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_ChargingCharacteristics(Packet):
- # Way of informing both the SGSN and GGSN of the rules for
- name = "Charging Characteristics"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 26, IEType),
- # producing charging information based on operator configured triggers.
- # 0000 .... .... .... : spare
- # .... 1... .... .... : normal charging
- # .... .0.. .... .... : prepaid charging
- # .... ..0. .... .... : flat rate charging
- # .... ...0 .... .... : hot billing charging
- # .... .... 0000 0000 : reserved
- XBitField("Ch_ChSpare", None, 4),
- XBitField("normal_charging", None, 1),
- XBitField("prepaid_charging", None, 1),
- XBitField("flat_rate_charging", None, 1),
- XBitField("hot_billing_charging", None, 1),
- XBitField("Ch_ChReserved", 0, 8) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_TraceReference(Packet):
- # Identifies a record or a collection of records for a particular trace.
- name = "Trace Reference"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 27, IEType),
- XBitField("Trace_reference", None, 16) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_TraceType(Packet):
- # Indicates the type of the trace
- name = "Trace Type"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 28, IEType),
- XBitField("Trace_type", None, 16) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_EndUserAddress(Packet):
- # Supply protocol specific information of the external packet
- name = "End User Addresss"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 128, IEType),
- # data network accessed by the GGPRS subscribers.
- # - Request
- # 1 Type (1byte)
- # 2-3 Length (2bytes) - value 2
- # 4 Spare + PDP Type Organization
- # 5 PDP Type Number
- # - Response
- # 6-n PDP Address
- BitField("EndUserAddressLength", 2, 16),
- BitField("EndUserAddress", 1111, 4),
- BitField("PDPTypeOrganization", 1, 4),
- XByteField("PDPTypeNumber", None) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class APNStrLenField(StrLenField):
- # Inspired by DNSStrField
- def m2i(self, pkt, s):
- ret_s = ""
- tmp_s = s
- while tmp_s:
- tmp_len = struct.unpack("!B", tmp_s[0])[0] + 1
- if tmp_len > len(tmp_s):
- warning("APN prematured end of character-string (size=%i, remaining bytes=%i)" % (tmp_len, len(tmp_s)))
- ret_s += tmp_s[1:tmp_len]
- tmp_s = tmp_s[tmp_len:]
- if len(tmp_s) :
- ret_s += "."
- s = ret_s
- return s
- def i2m(self, pkt, s):
- s = "".join(map(lambda x: chr(len(x))+x, s.split(".")))
- return s
-class IE_AccessPointName(Packet):
- # Sent by SGSN or by GGSN as defined in 3GPP TS 23.060
- name = "Access Point Name"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 131, IEType),
- ShortField("length", None),
- APNStrLenField("APN", "nternet", length_from=lambda x: x.length) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.length is None:
- l = len(p)-3
- p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!B", l)+ p[3:]
- return p
-class IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions(Packet):
- name = "Protocol Configuration Options"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 132, IEType),
- ShortField("length", 4),
- StrLenField("Protocol Configuration", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_GSNAddress(Packet):
- name = "GSN Address"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 133, IEType),
- ShortField("length", 4),
- IPField("address", RandIP()) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_MSInternationalNumber(Packet):
- name = "MS International Number"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 134, IEType),
- ShortField("length", None),
- FlagsField("flags", 0x91, 8, ["Extension","","","International Number","","","","ISDN numbering"]),
- TBCDByteField("digits", "33607080910", length_from=lambda x: x.length-1) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_UserLocationInformation(Packet):
- name = "User Location Information"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 152, IEType),
- ShortField("length", None),
- ByteField("type", 1),
- # Only type 1 is currently supported
- TBCDByteField("MCC", "", 2),
- # MNC: if the third digit of MCC is 0xf, then the length of MNC is 1 byte
- TBCDByteField("MNC", "", 1),
- ShortField("LAC", None),
- ShortField("SAC", None) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_IMEI(Packet):
- name = "IMEI"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 154, IEType),
- ShortField("length", None),
- TBCDByteField("IMEI", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-class IE_NotImplementedTLV(Packet):
- name = "IE not implemented"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("ietype", 0, IEType),
- ShortField("length", None),
- StrLenField("data", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length) ]
- def extract_padding(self, pkt):
- return "",pkt
-ietypecls = { 1: IE_Cause, 2: IE_IMSI, 3: IE_Routing, 14: IE_Recovery, 15: IE_SelectionMode, 16: IE_TEIDI,
- 17: IE_TEICP, 19: IE_Teardown, 20: IE_NSAPI, 26: IE_ChargingCharacteristics,
- 27: IE_TraceReference, 28: IE_TraceType,
- 128: IE_EndUserAddress, 131: IE_AccessPointName, 132: IE_ProtocolConfigurationOptions,
- 133: IE_GSNAddress, 134: IE_MSInternationalNumber, 152: IE_UserLocationInformation, 154: IE_IMEI }
-def IE_Dispatcher(s):
- """Choose the correct Information Element class."""
- if len(s) < 1:
- return Raw(s)
- # Get the IE type
- ietype = ord(s[0])
- cls = ietypecls.get(ietype, Raw)
- # if ietype greater than 128 are TLVs
- if cls == Raw and ietype & 128 == 128:
- cls = IE_NotImplementedTLV
- return cls(s)
-class GTPEchoResponse(Packet):
- # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
- name = "GTP Echo Response"
- fields_desc = [ XBitField("seq", 0, 16),
- ByteField("npdu", 0),
- ByteField("next_ex", 0),
- PacketListField("IE_list", [], IE_Dispatcher) ]
- def hashret(self):
- return struct.pack("H", self.seq)
- def answers(self, other):
- return self.seq == other.seq
-class GTPCreatePDPContextRequest(Packet):
- # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
- name = "GTP Create PDP Context Request"
- fields_desc = [ ShortField("seq", RandShort()),
- ByteField("npdu", 0),
- ByteField("next_ex", 0),
- PacketListField("IE_list", [ IE_TEIDI(), IE_NSAPI(), IE_GSNAddress(),
- IE_GSNAddress(),
- IE_NotImplementedTLV(ietype=135, length=15,data=RandString(15)) ],
- IE_Dispatcher) ]
- def hashret(self):
- return struct.pack("H", self.seq)
-class GTPCreatePDPContextResponse(Packet):
- # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
- name = "GTP Create PDP Context Response"
- fields_desc = [ ShortField("seq", RandShort()),
- ByteField("npdu", 0),
- ByteField("next_ex", 0),
- PacketListField("IE_list", [], IE_Dispatcher) ]
- def hashret(self):
- return struct.pack("H", self.seq)
- def answers(self, other):
- return self.seq == other.seq
-class GTPErrorIndication(Packet):
- # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
- name = "GTP Error Indication"
- fields_desc = [ XBitField("seq", 0, 16),
- ByteField("npdu", 0),
- ByteField("next_ex",0),
- PacketListField("IE_list", [], IE_Dispatcher) ]
-class GTPDeletePDPContextRequest(Packet):
- # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
- name = "GTP Delete PDP Context Request"
- fields_desc = [ XBitField("seq", 0, 16),
- ByteField("npdu", 0),
- ByteField("next_ex", 0),
- PacketListField("IE_list", [], IE_Dispatcher) ]
-class GTPDeletePDPContextResponse(Packet):
- # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
- name = "GTP Delete PDP Context Response"
- fields_desc = [ XBitField("seq", 0, 16),
- ByteField("npdu", 0),
- ByteField("next_ex",0),
- PacketListField("IE_list", [], IE_Dispatcher) ]
-class GTPPDUNotificationRequest(Packet):
- # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
- name = "GTP PDU Notification Request"
- fields_desc = [ XBitField("seq", 0, 16),
- ByteField("npdu", 0),
- ByteField("next_ex", 0),
- PacketListField("IE_list", [ IE_IMSI(),
- IE_TEICP(TEICI=RandInt()),
- IE_EndUserAddress(PDPTypeNumber=0x21),
- IE_AccessPointName(),
- IE_GSNAddress(address=""),
- ], IE_Dispatcher) ]
-class GTP_U_Header(Packet):
- # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
- name = "GTP-U Header"
- # GTP-U protocol is used to transmit T-PDUs between GSN pairs (or between an SGSN and an RNC in UMTS),
- # encapsulated in G-PDUs. A G-PDU is a packet including a GTP-U header and a T-PDU. The Path Protocol
- # defines the path and the GTP-U header defines the tunnel. Several tunnels may be multiplexed on a single path.
- fields_desc = [ BitField("version", 1,3),
- BitField("PT", 1, 1),
- BitField("Reserved", 0, 1),
- BitField("E", 0,1),
- BitField("S", 0, 1),
- BitField("PN", 0, 1),
- ByteEnumField("gtp_type", None, GTPmessageType),
- BitField("length", None, 16),
- XBitField("TEID", 0, 32),
- ConditionalField(XBitField("seq", 0, 16), lambda pkt:pkt.E==1 or pkt.S==1 or pkt.PN==1),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("npdu", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.E==1 or pkt.S==1 or pkt.PN==1),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("next_ex", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.E==1 or pkt.S==1 or pkt.PN==1),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- p += pay
- if self.length is None:
- l = len(p)-8
- p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", l)+ p[4:]
- return p
-class GTPmorethan1500(Packet):
- # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
- name = "GTP More than 1500"
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("IE_Cause", "Cause", IEType),
- BitField("IE", 1, 12000),]
-# Bind GTP-C
-bind_layers(UDP, GTPHeader, dport = 2123)
-bind_layers(UDP, GTPHeader, sport = 2123)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPEchoRequest, gtp_type = 1)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPEchoResponse, gtp_type = 2)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPCreatePDPContextRequest, gtp_type = 16)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPCreatePDPContextResponse, gtp_type = 17)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPDeletePDPContextRequest, gtp_type = 20)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPDeletePDPContextResponse, gtp_type = 21)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPPDUNotificationRequest, gtp_type = 27)
-# Bind GTP-U
-bind_layers(UDP, GTP_U_Header, dport = 2152)
-bind_layers(UDP, GTP_U_Header, sport = 2152)
-bind_layers(GTP_U_Header, IP, gtp_type = 255)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- from scapy.all import *
- interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="GTPv1 add-on")
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index b3505810..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# scapy.contrib.description = IGMP/IGMPv2
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-# TODO: scapy 2 has function getmacbyip, maybe it can replace igmpize
-# at least from the MAC layer
-from scapy.all import *
-def isValidMCAddr(ip):
- """convert dotted quad string to long and check the first octet"""
- FirstOct=atol(ip)>>24 & 0xFF
- return (FirstOct >= 224) and (FirstOct <= 239)
-class IGMP(Packet):
- """IGMP Message Class for v1 and v2.
-This class is derived from class Packet. You need to "igmpize"
-the IP and Ethernet layers before a full packet is sent.
-c=IGMP(type=0x12, gaddr="")
-c.igmpize(b, a)
-print("Joining IP " + c.gaddr + " MAC " + a.dst)
-sendp(a/b/c, iface="en0")
- Parameters:
- type IGMP type field, 0x11, 0x12, 0x16 or 0x17
- mrtime Maximum Response time (zero for v1)
- gaddr Multicast Group Address 224.x.x.x/4
-See RFC2236, Section 2. Introduction for definitions of proper
-IGMPv2 message format
- """
- name = "IGMP"
- igmptypes = { 0x11 : "Group Membership Query",
- 0x12 : "Version 1 - Membership Report",
- 0x16 : "Version 2 - Membership Report",
- 0x17 : "Leave Group"}
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 0x11, igmptypes),
- ByteField("mrtime",20),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- IPField("gaddr", "")]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- """Called implicitly before a packet is sent to compute and place IGMP checksum.
- Parameters:
- self The instantiation of an IGMP class
- p The IGMP message in hex in network byte order
- pay Additional payload for the IGMP message
- """
- p += pay
- if self.chksum is None:
- ck = checksum(p)
- p = p[:2]+chr(ck>>8)+chr(ck&0xff)+p[4:]
- return p
- def mysummary(self):
- """Display a summary of the IGMP object."""
- if isinstance(self.underlayer, IP):
- return self.underlayer.sprintf("IGMP: %IP.src% > %IP.dst% %IGMP.type% %IGMP.gaddr%")
- else:
- return self.sprintf("IGMP %IGMP.type% %IGMP.gaddr%")
- def igmpize(self, ip=None, ether=None):
- """Called to explicitely fixup associated IP and Ethernet headers
- Parameters:
- self The instantiation of an IGMP class.
- ip The instantiation of the associated IP class.
- ether The instantiation of the associated Ethernet.
- Returns:
- True The tuple ether/ip/self passed all check and represents
- a proper IGMP packet.
- False One of more validation checks failed and no fields
- were adjusted.
- The function will examine the IGMP message to assure proper format.
- Corrections will be attempted if possible. The IP header is then properly
- adjusted to ensure correct formatting and assignment. The Ethernet header
- is then adjusted to the proper IGMP packet format.
- """
-# The rules are:
-# 1. the Max Response time is meaningful only in Membership Queries and should be zero
-# otherwise (RFC 2236, section 2.2)
- if (self.type != 0x11): #rule 1
- self.mrtime = 0
- if (self.adjust_ip(ip) == True):
- if (self.adjust_ether(ip, ether) == True): return True
- return False
- def adjust_ether (self, ip=None, ether=None):
- """Called to explicitely fixup an associated Ethernet header
- The function adjusts the ethernet header destination MAC address based on
- the destination IP address.
- """
-# The rules are:
-# 1. send to the group mac address address corresponding to the IP.dst
- if ip != None and ip.haslayer(IP) and ether != None and ether.haslayer(Ether):
- iplong = atol(ip.dst)
- ether.dst = "01:00:5e:%02x:%02x:%02x" % ( (iplong>>16)&0x7F, (iplong>>8)&0xFF, (iplong)&0xFF )
- # print "igmpize ip " + ip.dst + " as mac " + ether.dst
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def adjust_ip (self, ip=None):
- """Called to explicitely fixup an associated IP header
- The function adjusts the IP header based on conformance rules
- and the group address encoded in the IGMP message.
- The rules are:
- 1. Send General Group Query to (all systems)
- 2. Send Leave Group to (all routers)
- 3a.Otherwise send the packet to the group address
- 3b.Send reports/joins to the group address
- 4. ttl = 1 (RFC 2236, section 2)
- 5. send the packet with the router alert IP option (RFC 2236, section 2)
- """
- if ip != None and ip.haslayer(IP):
- if (self.type == 0x11):
- if (self.gaddr == ""):
- ip.dst = "" # IP rule 1
- retCode = True
- elif isValidMCAddr(self.gaddr):
- ip.dst = self.gaddr # IP rule 3a
- retCode = True
- else:
- print("Warning: Using invalid Group Address")
- retCode = False
- elif ((self.type == 0x17) and isValidMCAddr(self.gaddr)):
- ip.dst = "" # IP rule 2
- retCode = True
- elif ((self.type == 0x12) or (self.type == 0x16)) and (isValidMCAddr(self.gaddr)):
- ip.dst = self.gaddr # IP rule 3b
- retCode = True
- else:
- print("Warning: Using invalid IGMP Type")
- retCode = False
- else:
- print("Warning: No IGMP Group Address set")
- retCode = False
- if retCode == True:
- ip.ttl=1 # IP Rule 4
- ip.options=[IPOption_Router_Alert()] # IP rule 5
- return retCode
-bind_layers( IP, IGMP, frag=0, proto=2)
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8322c7a3..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# scapy.contrib.description = IGMPv3
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-from scapy.packet import *
-""" Based on the following references
-# TODO: Merge IGMPv3 packet Bindlayers correct for
-# membership source/Group records
-# ConditionalField parameters for IGMPv3 commented out
-# See RFC3376, Section 4. Message Formats for definitions of proper IGMPv3 message format
-# See RFC4286, For definitions of proper messages for Multicast Router Discovery.
-#import sys, socket, struct, time
-from scapy.all import *
-print("IGMPv3 is still under development - Nov 2010")
-class IGMPv3gr(Packet):
- """IGMP Group Record for IGMPv3 Membership Report
- This class is derived from class Packet and should be concatenated to an
- instantiation of class IGMPv3. Within the IGMPv3 instantiation, the numgrp
- element will need to be manipulated to indicate the proper number of
- group records.
- """
- name = "IGMPv3gr"
- igmpv3grtypes = { 1 : "Mode Is Include",
- 2 : "Mode Is Exclude",
- 3 : "Change To Include Mode",
- 4 : "Change To Exclude Mode",
- 5 : "Allow New Sources",
- 6 : "Block Old Sources"}
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("rtype", 1, igmpv3grtypes),
- ByteField("auxdlen",0),
- FieldLenField("numsrc", None, "srcaddrs"),
- IPField("maddr", ""),
- FieldListField("srcaddrs", None, IPField("sa", ""), "numsrc") ]
- #show_indent=0
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- """Called implicitly before a packet is sent.
- """
- p += pay
- if self.auxdlen != 0:
- print("NOTICE: A properly formatted and complaint V3 Group Record should have an Auxiliary Data length of zero (0).")
- print(" Subsequent Group Records are lost!")
- return p
- def mysummary(self):
- """Display a summary of the IGMPv3 group record."""
- return self.sprintf("IGMPv3 Group Record %IGMPv3gr.type% %IGMPv3gr.maddr%")
-class IGMPv3(Packet):
- """IGMP Message Class for v3.
- This class is derived from class Packet.
- The fields defined below are a
- direct interpretation of the v3 Membership Query Message.
- Fields 'type' through 'qqic' are directly assignable.
- For 'numsrc', do not assign a value.
- Instead add to the 'srcaddrs' list to auto-set 'numsrc'. To
- assign values to 'srcaddrs', use the following methods:
- c = IGMPv3()
- c.srcaddrs = ['', '']
- c.srcaddrs += ['']
- At this point, 'c.numsrc' is three (3)
- 'chksum' is automagically calculated before the packet is sent.
- 'mrcode' is also the Advertisement Interval field
- """
- name = "IGMPv3"
- igmpv3types = { 0x11 : "Membership Query",
- 0x22 : "Version 3 Membership Report",
- 0x30 : "Multicast Router Advertisement",
- 0x31 : "Multicast Router Solicitation",
- 0x32 : "Multicast Router Termination"}
- fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 0x11, igmpv3types),
- ByteField("mrcode",0),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- IPField("gaddr", "")
- ]
- # use float_encode()
- # if type = 0x11 (Membership Query), the next field is group address
- # ConditionalField(IPField("gaddr", ""), "type", lambda x:x==0x11),
- # else if type = 0x22 (Membership Report), the next fields are
- # reserved and number of group records
- #ConditionalField(ShortField("rsvd2", 0), "type", lambda x:x==0x22),
- #ConditionalField(ShortField("numgrp", 0), "type", lambda x:x==0x22),
-# FieldLenField("numgrp", None, "grprecs")]
- # else if type = 0x30 (Multicast Router Advertisement), the next fields are
- # query interval and robustness
- #ConditionalField(ShortField("qryIntvl", 0), "type", lambda x:x==0x30),
- #ConditionalField(ShortField("robust", 0), "type", lambda x:x==0x30),
-# The following are only present for membership queries
- # ConditionalField(BitField("resv", 0, 4), "type", lambda x:x==0x11),
- # ConditionalField(BitField("s", 0, 1), "type", lambda x:x==0x11),
- # ConditionalField(BitField("qrv", 0, 3), "type", lambda x:x==0x11),
- # ConditionalField(ByteField("qqic",0), "type", lambda x:x==0x11),
- # ConditionalField(FieldLenField("numsrc", None, "srcaddrs"), "type", lambda x:x==0x11),
- # ConditionalField(FieldListField("srcaddrs", None, IPField("sa", ""), "numsrc"), "type", lambda x:x==0x11),
- def float_encode(self, value):
- """Convert the integer value to its IGMPv3 encoded time value if needed.
- If value < 128, return the value specified. If >= 128, encode as a floating
- point value. Value can be 0 - 31744.
- """
- if value < 128:
- code = value
- elif value > 31743:
- code = 255
- else:
- exp=0
- value>>=3
- while(value>31):
- exp+=1
- value>>=1
- exp<<=4
- code = 0x80 | exp | (value & 0x0F)
- return code
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- """Called implicitly before a packet is sent to compute and place IGMPv3 checksum.
- Parameters:
- self The instantiation of an IGMPv3 class
- p The IGMPv3 message in hex in network byte order
- pay Additional payload for the IGMPv3 message
- """
- p += pay
- if self.type in [0, 0x31, 0x32, 0x22]: # for these, field is reserved (0)
- p = p[:1]+chr(0)+p[2:]
- if self.chksum is None:
- ck = checksum(p)
- p = p[:2]+chr(ck>>8)+chr(ck&0xff)+p[4:]
- return p
- def mysummary(self):
- """Display a summary of the IGMPv3 object."""
- if isinstance(self.underlayer, IP):
- return self.underlayer.sprintf("IGMPv3: %IP.src% > %IP.dst% %IGMPv3.type% %IGMPv3.gaddr%")
- else:
- return self.sprintf("IGMPv3 %IGMPv3.type% %IGMPv3.gaddr%")
- def igmpize(self, ip=None, ether=None):
- """Called to explicitely fixup associated IP and Ethernet headers
- Parameters:
- self The instantiation of an IGMP class.
- ip The instantiation of the associated IP class.
- ether The instantiation of the associated Ethernet.
- Returns:
- True The tuple ether/ip/self passed all check and represents
- a proper IGMP packet.
- False One of more validation checks failed and no fields
- were adjusted.
- The function will examine the IGMP message to assure proper format.
- Corrections will be attempted if possible. The IP header is then properly
- adjusted to ensure correct formatting and assignment. The Ethernet header
- is then adjusted to the proper IGMP packet format.
- """
-# The rules are:
-# 1. ttl = 1 (RFC 2236, section 2)
-# igmp_binds = [ (IP, IGMP, { "proto": 2 , "ttl": 1 }),
-# 2. tos = 0xC0 (RFC 3376, section 4)
-# (IP, IGMPv3, { "proto": 2 , "ttl": 1, "tos":0xc0 }),
-# (IGMPv3, IGMPv3gr, { }) ]
-# The rules are:
-# 1. the Max Response time is meaningful only in Membership Queries and should be zero
-# otherwise (RFC 2236, section 2.2)
- if (self.type != 0x11): #rule 1
- self.mrtime = 0
- if (self.adjust_ip(ip) == True):
- if (self.adjust_ether(ip, ether) == True): return True
- return False
- def adjust_ether (self, ip=None, ether=None):
- """Called to explicitely fixup an associated Ethernet header
- The function adjusts the ethernet header destination MAC address based on
- the destination IP address.
- """
-# The rules are:
-# 1. send to the group mac address address corresponding to the IP.dst
- if ip != None and ip.haslayer(IP) and ether != None and ether.haslayer(Ether):
- iplong = atol(ip.dst)
- ether.dst = "01:00:5e:%02x:%02x:%02x" % ( (iplong>>16)&0x7F, (iplong>>8)&0xFF, (iplong)&0xFF )
- # print "igmpize ip " + ip.dst + " as mac " + ether.dst
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def adjust_ip (self, ip=None):
- """Called to explicitely fixup an associated IP header
- The function adjusts the IP header based on conformance rules
- and the group address encoded in the IGMP message.
- The rules are:
- 1. Send General Group Query to (all systems)
- 2. Send Leave Group to (all routers)
- 3a.Otherwise send the packet to the group address
- 3b.Send reports/joins to the group address
- 4. ttl = 1 (RFC 2236, section 2)
- 5. send the packet with the router alert IP option (RFC 2236, section 2)
- """
- if ip != None and ip.haslayer(IP):
- if (self.type == 0x11):
- if (self.gaddr == ""):
- ip.dst = "" # IP rule 1
- retCode = True
- elif isValidMCAddr(self.gaddr):
- ip.dst = self.gaddr # IP rule 3a
- retCode = True
- else:
- print("Warning: Using invalid Group Address")
- retCode = False
- elif ((self.type == 0x17) and isValidMCAddr(self.gaddr)):
- ip.dst = "" # IP rule 2
- retCode = True
- elif ((self.type == 0x12) or (self.type == 0x16)) and (isValidMCAddr(self.gaddr)):
- ip.dst = self.gaddr # IP rule 3b
- retCode = True
- else:
- print("Warning: Using invalid IGMP Type")
- retCode = False
- else:
- print("Warning: No IGMP Group Address set")
- retCode = False
- if retCode == True:
- ip.ttl=1 # IP Rule 4
- ip.options=[IPOption_Router_Alert()] # IP rule 5
- return retCode
-bind_layers( IP, IGMPv3, frag=0, proto=2, ttl=1, tos=0xc0)
-bind_layers( IGMPv3, IGMPv3gr, frag=0, proto=2)
-bind_layers( IGMPv3gr, IGMPv3gr, frag=0, proto=2)
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index fd38b80c..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# scapy.contrib.description = IKEv2
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-from scapy.all import *
-import logging
-## Modified from the original ISAKMP code by Yaron Sheffer <>, June 2010.
-import struct
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.ansmachine import *
-from scapy.layers.inet import IP,UDP
-from scapy.sendrecv import sr
-# see for details
-IKEv2AttributeTypes= { "Encryption": (1, { "DES-IV64" : 1,
- "DES" : 2,
- "3DES" : 3,
- "RC5" : 4,
- "IDEA" : 5,
- "CAST" : 6,
- "Blowfish" : 7,
- "3IDEA" : 8,
- "DES-IV32" : 9,
- "AES-CBC" : 12,
- "AES-CTR" : 13,
- "AES-CCM-8" : 14,
- "AES-CCM-12" : 15,
- "AES-CCM-16" : 16,
- "AES-GCM-8ICV" : 18,
- "AES-GCM-12ICV" : 19,
- "AES-GCM-16ICV" : 20,
- "Camellia-CBC" : 23,
- "Camellia-CTR" : 24,
- "Camellia-CCM-8ICV" : 25,
- "Camellia-CCM-12ICV" : 26,
- "Camellia-CCM-16ICV" : 27,
- }, 0),
- "PRF": (2, {"PRF_HMAC_MD5":1,
- "PRF_HMAC_SHA1":2,
- "PRF_AES128_XCBC":4,
- "PRF_HMAC_SHA2_256":5,
- "PRF_HMAC_SHA2_384":6,
- "PRF_HMAC_SHA2_512":7,
- "PRF_AES128_CMAC":8,
- }, 0),
- "Integrity": (3, { "HMAC-MD5-96": 1,
- "HMAC-SHA1-96": 2,
- "DES-MAC": 3,
- "KPDK-MD5": 4,
- "AES-XCBC-96": 5,
- "HMAC-MD5-128": 6,
- "HMAC-SHA1-160": 7,
- "AES-CMAC-96": 8,
- "AES-128-GMAC": 9,
- "AES-192-GMAC": 10,
- "AES-256-GMAC": 11,
- "SHA2-256-128": 12,
- "SHA2-384-192": 13,
- "SHA2-512-256": 14,
- }, 0),
- "GroupDesc": (4, { "768MODPgr" : 1,
- "1024MODPgr" : 2,
- "1536MODPgr" : 5,
- "2048MODPgr" : 14,
- "3072MODPgr" : 15,
- "4096MODPgr" : 16,
- "6144MODPgr" : 17,
- "8192MODPgr" : 18,
- "256randECPgr" : 19,
- "384randECPgr" : 20,
- "521randECPgr" : 21,
- "1024MODP160POSgr" : 22,
- "2048MODP224POSgr" : 23,
- "2048MODP256POSgr" : 24,
- "192randECPgr" : 25,
- "224randECPgr" : 26,
- }, 0),
- "Extended Sequence Number": (5, {"No ESN": 0,
- "ESN": 1, }, 0),
- }
-# the name 'IKEv2TransformTypes' is actually a misnomer (since the table
-# holds info for all IKEv2 Attribute types, not just transforms, but we'll
-# keep it for backwards compatibility... for now at least
-IKEv2TransformTypes = IKEv2AttributeTypes
-IKEv2TransformNum = {}
-for n in IKEv2TransformTypes:
- val = IKEv2TransformTypes[n]
- tmp = {}
- for e in val[1]:
- tmp[val[1][e]] = e
- IKEv2TransformNum[val[0]] = (n,tmp, val[2])
-IKEv2Transforms = {}
-for n in IKEv2TransformTypes:
- IKEv2Transforms[IKEv2TransformTypes[n][0]]=n
-# Note: Transform and Proposal can only be used inside the SA payload
-IKEv2_payload_type = ["None", "", "Proposal", "Transform"]
-IKEv2_payload_type.extend([""] * 29)
-IKEv2_payload_type.extend(["SA","KE","IDi","IDr", "CERT","CERTREQ","AUTH","Nonce","Notify","Delete",
- "VendorID","TSi","TSr","Encrypted","CP","EAP"])
-IKEv2_exchange_type = [""] * 34
-class IKEv2_class(Packet):
- def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
- np = self.next_payload
- logging.debug("For IKEv2_class np=%d" % np)
- if np == 0:
- return conf.raw_layer
- elif np < len(IKEv2_payload_type):
- pt = IKEv2_payload_type[np]
- logging.debug(globals().get("IKEv2_payload_%s" % pt, IKEv2_payload))
- return globals().get("IKEv2_payload_%s" % pt, IKEv2_payload)
- else:
- return IKEv2_payload
-class IKEv2(IKEv2_class): # rfc4306
- name = "IKEv2"
- fields_desc = [
- StrFixedLenField("init_SPI","",8),
- StrFixedLenField("resp_SPI","",8),
- ByteEnumField("next_payload",0,IKEv2_payload_type),
- XByteField("version",0x20), # IKEv2, right?
- ByteEnumField("exch_type",0,IKEv2_exchange_type),
- FlagsField("flags",0, 8, ["res0","res1","res2","Initiator","Version","Response","res6","res7"]),
- IntField("id",0),
- IntField("length",None)
- ]
- def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
- if self.flags & 1:
- return conf.raw_layer
- return IKEv2_class.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
- def answers(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, IKEv2):
- if other.init_SPI == self.init_SPI:
- return 1
- return 0
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- p += pay
- if self.length is None:
- p = p[:24]+struct.pack("!I",len(p))+p[28:]
- return p
-class IKEv2_Key_Length_Attribute(IntField):
- # We only support the fixed-length Key Length attribute (the only one currently defined)
- name="key length"
- def __init__(self, name):
- IntField.__init__(self, name, "0x800E0000")
- def i2h(self, pkt, x):
- return IntField.i2h(self, pkt, x & 0xFFFF)
- def h2i(self, pkt, x):
- return IntField.h2i(self, pkt, struct.pack("!I", 0x800E0000 | int(x, 0)))
-class IKEv2_Transform_ID(ShortField):
- def i2h(self, pkt, x):
- if pkt == None:
- return None
- else:
- map = IKEv2TransformNum[pkt.transform_type][1]
- return map[x]
- def h2i(self, pkt, x):
- if pkt == None:
- return None
- else:
- map = IKEv2TransformNum[pkt.transform_type][1]
- for k in keys(map):
- if map[k] == x:
- return k
- return None
-class IKEv2_payload_Transform(IKEv2_class):
- name = "IKE Transform"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,{0:"last", 3:"Transform"}),
- ByteField("res",0),
- ShortField("length",8),
- ByteEnumField("transform_type",None,IKEv2Transforms),
- ByteField("res2",0),
- IKEv2_Transform_ID("transform_id", 0),
- ConditionalField(IKEv2_Key_Length_Attribute("key_length"), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 8),
- ]
-class IKEv2_payload_Proposal(IKEv2_class):
- name = "IKEv2 Proposal"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,{0:"last", 2:"Proposal"}),
- ByteField("res",0),
- FieldLenField("length",None,"trans","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+8),
- ByteField("proposal",1),
- ByteEnumField("proto",1,{1:"IKEv2"}),
- FieldLenField("SPIsize",None,"SPI","B"),
- ByteField("trans_nb",None),
- StrLenField("SPI","",length_from=lambda x:x.SPIsize),
- PacketLenField("trans",conf.raw_layer(),IKEv2_payload_Transform,length_from=lambda x:x.length-8),
- ]
-class IKEv2_payload(IKEv2_class):
- name = "IKEv2 Payload"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,IKEv2_payload_type),
- FlagsField("flags",0, 8, ["critical","res1","res2","res3","res4","res5","res6","res7"]),
- FieldLenField("length",None,"load","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+4),
- StrLenField("load","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-4),
- ]
-class IKEv2_payload_VendorID(IKEv2_class):
- name = "IKEv2 Vendor ID"
- overload_fields = { IKEv2: { "next_payload":43 }}
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,IKEv2_payload_type),
- ByteField("res",0),
- FieldLenField("length",None,"vendorID","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+4),
- StrLenField("vendorID","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-4),
- ]
-class IKEv2_payload_Delete(IKEv2_class):
- name = "IKEv2 Vendor ID"
- overload_fields = { IKEv2: { "next_payload":42 }}
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,IKEv2_payload_type),
- ByteField("res",0),
- FieldLenField("length",None,"vendorID","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+4),
- StrLenField("vendorID","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-4),
- ]
-class IKEv2_payload_SA(IKEv2_class):
- name = "IKEv2 SA"
- overload_fields = { IKEv2: { "next_payload":33 }}
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,IKEv2_payload_type),
- ByteField("res",0),
- FieldLenField("length",None,"prop","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+4),
- PacketLenField("prop",conf.raw_layer(),IKEv2_payload_Proposal,length_from=lambda x:x.length-4),
- ]
-class IKEv2_payload_Nonce(IKEv2_class):
- name = "IKEv2 Nonce"
- overload_fields = { IKEv2: { "next_payload":40 }}
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,IKEv2_payload_type),
- ByteField("res",0),
- FieldLenField("length",None,"load","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+4),
- StrLenField("load","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-4),
- ]
-class IKEv2_payload_Notify(IKEv2_class):
- name = "IKEv2 Notify"
- overload_fields = { IKEv2: { "next_payload":41 }}
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,IKEv2_payload_type),
- ByteField("res",0),
- FieldLenField("length",None,"load","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+4),
- StrLenField("load","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-4),
- ]
-class IKEv2_payload_KE(IKEv2_class):
- name = "IKEv2 Key Exchange"
- overload_fields = { IKEv2: { "next_payload":34 }}
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,IKEv2_payload_type),
- ByteField("res",0),
- FieldLenField("length",None,"load","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+6),
- ShortEnumField("group", 0, IKEv2TransformTypes['GroupDesc'][1]),
- StrLenField("load","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-6),
- ]
-class IKEv2_payload_IDi(IKEv2_class):
- name = "IKEv2 Identification - Initiator"
- overload_fields = { IKEv2: { "next_payload":35 }}
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,IKEv2_payload_type),
- ByteField("res",0),
- FieldLenField("length",None,"load","H",adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+8),
- ByteEnumField("IDtype",1,{1:"IPv4_addr", 11:"Key"}),
- ByteEnumField("ProtoID",0,{0:"Unused"}),
- ShortEnumField("Port",0,{0:"Unused"}),
-# IPField("IdentData",""),
- StrLenField("load","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-8),
- ]
-class IKEv2_payload_IDr(IKEv2_class):
- name = "IKEv2 Identification - Responder"
- overload_fields = { IKEv2: { "next_payload":36 }}
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,IKEv2_payload_type),
- ByteField("res",0),
- FieldLenField("length",None,"load","H",adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+8),
- ByteEnumField("IDtype",1,{1:"IPv4_addr", 11:"Key"}),
- ByteEnumField("ProtoID",0,{0:"Unused"}),
- ShortEnumField("Port",0,{0:"Unused"}),
-# IPField("IdentData",""),
- StrLenField("load","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-8),
- ]
-class IKEv2_payload_Encrypted(IKEv2_class):
- name = "IKEv2 Encrypted and Authenticated"
- overload_fields = { IKEv2: { "next_payload":46 }}
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,IKEv2_payload_type),
- ByteField("res",0),
- FieldLenField("length",None,"load","H",adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+4),
- StrLenField("load","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-4),
- ]
-IKEv2_payload_type_overload = {}
-for i in range(len(IKEv2_payload_type)):
- name = "IKEv2_payload_%s" % IKEv2_payload_type[i]
- if name in globals():
- IKEv2_payload_type_overload[globals()[name]] = {"next_payload":i}
-IKEv2_class.overload_fields = IKEv2_payload_type_overload.copy()
-split_layers(UDP, ISAKMP, sport=500)
-split_layers(UDP, ISAKMP, dport=500)
-bind_layers( UDP, IKEv2, dport=500, sport=500) # TODO: distinguish IKEv1/IKEv2
-bind_layers( UDP, IKEv2, dport=4500, sport=4500)
-def ikev2scan(ip):
- return sr(IP(dst=ip)/UDP()/IKEv2(init_SPI=RandString(8),
- exch_type=34)/IKEv2_payload_SA(prop=IKEv2_payload_Proposal()))
-# conf.debug_dissector = 1
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="IKEv2 alpha-level protocol implementation")
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc2464ab..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-# scapy.contrib.description = Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-# Copyright (C) 2010 Florian Duraffourg
-import struct
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.ansmachine import *
-from scapy.layers.inet import UDP
-from scapy.layers.inet import TCP
-from scapy.base_classes import Net
-# Guess payload
-def guess_payload(p):
- LDPTypes = {
- 0x0001: LDPNotification,
- 0x0100: LDPHello,
- 0x0200: LDPInit,
- 0x0201: LDPKeepAlive,
- 0x0300: LDPAddress,
- 0x0301: LDPAddressWM,
- 0x0400: LDPLabelMM,
- 0x0401: LDPLabelReqM,
- 0x0404: LDPLabelARM,
- 0x0402: LDPLabelWM,
- 0x0403: LDPLabelRelM,
- }
- type = struct.unpack("!H",p[0:2])[0]
- type = type & 0x7fff
- if type == 0x0001 and struct.unpack("!H",p[2:4])[0] > 20:
- return LDP
- if type in LDPTypes:
- return LDPTypes[type]
- else:
- return conf.raw_layer
-## Fields ##
-# 3.4.1. FEC TLV
-class FecTLVField(StrField):
- islist=1
- def m2i(self, pkt, x):
- nbr = struct.unpack("!H",x[2:4])[0]
- used = 0
- x=x[4:]
- list=[]
- while x:
- #if x[0] == 1:
- # list.append('Wildcard')
- #else:
- #mask=ord(x[8*i+3])
- #add=inet_ntoa(x[8*i+4:8*i+8])
- mask=ord(x[3])
- nbroctets = mask / 8
- if mask % 8:
- nbroctets += 1
- add=inet_ntoa(x[4:4+nbroctets]+"\x00"*(4-nbroctets))
- list.append( (add, mask) )
- used += 4 + nbroctets
- x=x[4+nbroctets:]
- return list
- def i2m(self, pkt, x):
- if type(x) is str:
- return x
- s = "\x01\x00"
- l = 0
- fec = ""
- for o in x:
- fec += "\x02\x00\x01"
- # mask length
- fec += struct.pack("!B",o[1])
- # Prefix
- fec += inet_aton(o[0])
- l += 8
- s += struct.pack("!H",l)
- s += fec
- return s
- def size(self, s):
- """Get the size of this field"""
- l = 4 + struct.unpack("!H",s[2:4])[0]
- return l
- def getfield(self, pkt, s):
- l = self.size(s)
- return s[l:],self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])
-# Generic Label TLV
-class LabelTLVField(StrField):
- def m2i(self, pkt, x):
- return struct.unpack("!I",x[4:8])[0]
- def i2m(self, pkt, x):
- if type(x) is str:
- return x
- s = "\x02\x00\x00\x04"
- s += struct.pack("!I",x)
- return s
- def size(self, s):
- """Get the size of this field"""
- l = 4 + struct.unpack("!H",s[2:4])[0]
- return l
- def getfield(self, pkt, s):
- l = self.size(s)
- return s[l:],self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])
-# 3.4.3. Address List TLV
-class AddressTLVField(StrField):
- islist=1
- def m2i(self, pkt, x):
- nbr = struct.unpack("!H",x[2:4])[0] - 2
- nbr /= 4
- x=x[6:]
- list=[]
- for i in range(0,nbr):
- add = x[4*i:4*i+4]
- list.append(inet_ntoa(add))
- return list
- def i2m(self, pkt, x):
- if type(x) is str:
- return x
- l=2+len(x)*4
- s = "\x01\x01"+struct.pack("!H",l)+"\x00\x01"
- for o in x:
- s += inet_aton(o)
- return s
- def size(self, s):
- """Get the size of this field"""
- l = 4 + struct.unpack("!H",s[2:4])[0]
- return l
- def getfield(self, pkt, s):
- l = self.size(s)
- return s[l:],self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])
-# 3.4.6. Status TLV
-class StatusTLVField(StrField):
- islist=1
- def m2i(self, pkt, x):
- l = []
- statuscode = struct.unpack("!I",x[4:8])[0]
- l.append( (statuscode & 2**31) >> 31)
- l.append( (statuscode & 2**30) >> 30)
- l.append( statuscode & 0x3FFFFFFF )
- l.append( struct.unpack("!I", x[8:12])[0] )
- l.append( struct.unpack("!H", x[12:14])[0] )
- return l
- def i2m(self, pkt, x):
- if type(x) is str:
- return x
- s = "\x03\x00" + struct.pack("!H",10)
- statuscode = 0
- if x[0] != 0:
- statuscode += 2**31
- if x[1] != 0:
- statuscode += 2**30
- statuscode += x[2]
- s += struct.pack("!I",statuscode)
- if len(x) > 3:
- s += struct.pack("!I",x[3])
- else:
- s += "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
- if len(x) > 4:
- s += struct.pack("!H",x[4])
- else:
- s += "\x00\x00"
- return s
- def getfield(self, pkt, s):
- l = 14
- return s[l:],self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])
-# 3.5.2 Common Hello Parameters TLV
-class CommonHelloTLVField(StrField):
- islist = 1
- def m2i(self, pkt, x):
- list = []
- v = struct.unpack("!H",x[4:6])[0]
- list.append(v)
- flags = struct.unpack("B",x[6])[0]
- v = ( flags & 0x80 ) >> 7
- list.append(v)
- v = ( flags & 0x40 ) >> 7
- list.append(v)
- return list
- def i2m(self, pkt, x):
- if type(x) is str:
- return x
- s = "\x04\x00\x00\x04"
- s += struct.pack("!H",x[0])
- byte = 0
- if x[1] == 1:
- byte += 0x80
- if x[2] == 1:
- byte += 0x40
- s += struct.pack("!B",byte)
- s += "\x00"
- return s
- def getfield(self, pkt, s):
- l = 8
- return s[l:],self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])
-# 3.5.3 Common Session Parameters TLV
-class CommonSessionTLVField(StrField):
- islist = 1
- def m2i(self, pkt, x):
- l = []
- l.append(struct.unpack("!H",x[6:8])[0])
- octet = struct.unpack("B",x[8:9])[0]
- l.append( (octet & 2**7 ) >> 7 )
- l.append( (octet & 2**6 ) >> 6 )
- l.append( struct.unpack("B",x[9:10])[0] )
- l.append( struct.unpack("!H",x[10:12])[0] )
- l.append( inet_ntoa(x[12:16]) )
- l.append( struct.unpack("!H",x[16:18])[0] )
- return l
- def i2m(self, pkt, x):
- if type(x) is str:
- return x
- s = "\x05\x00\x00\x0E\x00\x01"
- s += struct.pack("!H",x[0])
- octet = 0
- if x[1] != 0:
- octet += 2**7
- if x[2] != 0:
- octet += 2**6
- s += struct.pack("!B",octet)
- s += struct.pack("!B",x[3])
- s += struct.pack("!H",x[4])
- s += inet_aton(x[5])
- s += struct.pack("!H",x[6])
- return s
- def getfield(self, pkt, s):
- l = 18
- return s[l:],self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])
-## Messages ##
-# 3.5.1. Notification Message
-class LDPNotification(Packet):
- name = "LDPNotification"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("u",0,1),
- BitField("type", 0x0001, 15),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IntField("id", 0) ,
- StatusTLVField("status",(0,0,0,0,0)) ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p) - 4
- p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4:]
- return p+pay
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return guess_payload(p)
-# 3.5.2. Hello Message
-class LDPHello(Packet):
- name = "LDPHello"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("u",0,1),
- BitField("type", 0x0100, 15),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IntField("id", 0) ,
- CommonHelloTLVField("params",[180,0,0]) ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p) - 4
- p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4:]
- return p+pay
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return guess_payload(p)
-# 3.5.3. Initialization Message
-class LDPInit(Packet):
- name = "LDPInit"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("u",0,1),
- XBitField("type", 0x0200, 15),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IntField("id", 0),
- CommonSessionTLVField("params",None)]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p) - 4
- p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4:]
- return p+pay
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return guess_payload(p)
-# 3.5.4. KeepAlive Message
-class LDPKeepAlive(Packet):
- name = "LDPKeepAlive"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("u",0,1),
- XBitField("type", 0x0201, 15),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IntField("id", 0)]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p) - 4
- p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4:]
- return p+pay
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return guess_payload(p)
-# 3.5.5. Address Message
-class LDPAddress(Packet):
- name = "LDPAddress"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("u",0,1),
- XBitField("type", 0x0300, 15),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IntField("id", 0),
- AddressTLVField("address",None) ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p) - 4
- p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4:]
- return p+pay
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return guess_payload(p)
-# 3.5.6. Address Withdraw Message
-class LDPAddressWM(Packet):
- name = "LDPAddressWM"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("u",0,1),
- XBitField("type", 0x0301, 15),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IntField("id", 0),
- AddressTLVField("address",None) ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p) - 4
- p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4:]
- return p+pay
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return guess_payload(p)
-# 3.5.7. Label Mapping Message
-class LDPLabelMM(Packet):
- name = "LDPLabelMM"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("u",0,1),
- XBitField("type", 0x0400, 15),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IntField("id", 0),
- FecTLVField("fec",None),
- LabelTLVField("label",0)]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p) - 4
- p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4:]
- return p+pay
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return guess_payload(p)
-# 3.5.8. Label Request Message
-class LDPLabelReqM(Packet):
- name = "LDPLabelReqM"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("u",0,1),
- XBitField("type", 0x0401, 15),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IntField("id", 0),
- FecTLVField("fec",None)]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p) - 4
- p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4:]
- return p+pay
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return guess_payload(p)
-# 3.5.9. Label Abort Request Message
-class LDPLabelARM(Packet):
- name = "LDPLabelARM"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("u",0,1),
- XBitField("type", 0x0404, 15),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IntField("id", 0),
- FecTLVField("fec",None),
- IntField("labelRMid",0)]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p) - 4
- p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4:]
- return p+pay
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return guess_payload(p)
-# 3.5.10. Label Withdraw Message
-class LDPLabelWM(Packet):
- name = "LDPLabelWM"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("u",0,1),
- XBitField("type", 0x0402, 15),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IntField("id", 0),
- FecTLVField("fec",None),
- LabelTLVField("label",0)]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p) - 4
- p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4:]
- return p+pay
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return guess_payload(p)
-# 3.5.11. Label Release Message
-class LDPLabelRelM(Packet):
- name = "LDPLabelRelM"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("u",0,1),
- XBitField("type", 0x0403, 15),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IntField("id", 0),
- FecTLVField("fec",None),
- LabelTLVField("label",0)]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p) - 4
- p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4:]
- return p+pay
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return guess_payload(p)
-# 3.1. LDP PDUs
-class LDP(Packet):
- name = "LDP"
- fields_desc = [ ShortField("version",1),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IPField("id",""),
- ShortField("space",0) ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(p)+len(pay)-4
- p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[4:]
- return p+pay
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return guess_payload(p)
-bind_layers( TCP, LDP, sport=646, dport=646 )
-bind_layers( UDP, LDP, sport=646, dport=646 )
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 037278c5..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# scapy.contrib.description = MPLS
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-from scapy.packet import Packet,bind_layers
-from scapy.fields import BitField,ByteField
-from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
-class MPLS(Packet):
- name = "MPLS"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("label", 3, 20),
- BitField("cos", 0, 3),
- BitField("s", 1, 1),
- ByteField("ttl", 0) ]
-bind_layers(Ether, MPLS, type=0x8847)
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index a6422bd8..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,833 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# scapy.contrib.description = OSPF
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-OSPF extension for Scapy <>
-This module provides Scapy layers for the Open Shortest Path First
-routing protocol as defined in RFC 2328 and RFC 5340.
-Copyright (c) 2008 Dirk Loss : mail dirk-loss de
-Copyright (c) 2010 Jochen Bartl : jochen.bartl gmail com
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-from scapy.all import *
-EXT_VERSION = "v0.9.2"
-class OSPFOptionsField(FlagsField):
- def __init__(self, name="options", default=0, size=8,
- names=["MT", "E", "MC", "NP", "L", "DC", "O", "DN"]):
- FlagsField.__init__(self, name, default, size, names)
-_OSPF_types = {1: "Hello",
- 2: "DBDesc",
- 3: "LSReq",
- 4: "LSUpd",
- 5: "LSAck"}
-class OSPF_Hdr(Packet):
- name = "OSPF Header"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("version", 2),
- ByteEnumField("type", 1, _OSPF_types),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IPField("src", ""),
- IPField("area", ""), # default: backbone
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ShortEnumField("authtype", 0, {0:"Null", 1:"Simple", 2:"Crypto"}),
- # Null or Simple Authentication
- ConditionalField(XLongField("authdata", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.authtype != 2),
- # Crypto Authentication
- ConditionalField(XShortField("reserved", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.authtype == 2),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("keyid", 1), lambda pkt:pkt.authtype == 2),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("authdatalen", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.authtype == 2),
- ConditionalField(XIntField("seq", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.authtype == 2),
- # TODO: Support authdata (which is appended to the packets as if it were padding)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- # TODO: Remove LLS data from pay
- # LLS data blocks may be attached to OSPF Hello and DD packets
- # The length of the LLS block shall not be included into the length of OSPF packet
- # See <>
- p += pay
- l = self.len
- if l is None:
- l = len(p)
- p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", l) + p[4:]
- if self.chksum is None:
- if self.authtype == 2:
- ck = 0 # Crypto, see RFC 2328, D.4.3
- else:
- # Checksum is calculated without authentication data
- # Algorithm is the same as in IP()
- ck = checksum(p[:16] + p[24:])
- p = p[:12] + chr(ck >> 8) + chr(ck & 0xff) + p[14:]
- # TODO: Handle Crypto: Add message digest (RFC 2328, D.4.3)
- return p
- def hashret(self):
- return struct.pack("H", self.area) + self.payload.hashret()
- def answers(self, other):
- if (isinstance(other, OSPF_Hdr) and
- self.area == other.area and
- self.type == 5): # Only acknowledgements answer other packets
- return self.payload.answers(other.payload)
- return 0
-class OSPF_Hello(Packet):
- name = "OSPF Hello"
- fields_desc = [IPField("mask", ""),
- ShortField("hellointerval", 10),
- OSPFOptionsField(),
- ByteField("prio", 1),
- IntField("deadinterval", 40),
- IPField("router", ""),
- IPField("backup", ""),
- FieldListField("neighbors", [], IPField("", ""), length_from=lambda pkt: (pkt.underlayer.len - 44))]
- def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
- # check presence of LLS data block flag
- if self.options & 0x10 == 0x10:
- return OSPF_LLS_Hdr
- else:
- return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
-class LLS_Generic_TLV(Packet):
- name = "LLS Generic"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("type", 1),
- FieldLenField("len", None, length_of=lambda x: x.val),
- StrLenField("val", "", length_from=lambda x: x.len)]
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return conf.padding_layer
-class LLS_ExtendedOptionsField(FlagsField):
- def __init__(self, name="options", default=0, size=32,
- names=["LR", "RS"]):
- FlagsField.__init__(self, name, default, size, names)
-class LLS_Extended_Options(LLS_Generic_TLV):
- name = "LLS Extended Options and Flags"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("type", 1),
- ShortField("len", 4),
- LLS_ExtendedOptionsField()]
-class LLS_Crypto_Auth(LLS_Generic_TLV):
- name = "LLS Cryptographic Authentication"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("type", 2),
- FieldLenField("len", 20, fmt="B", length_of=lambda x: x.authdata),
- XIntField("sequence", "\x00\x00\x00\x00"),
- StrLenField("authdata", "\x00" * 16, length_from=lambda x: x.len)]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- p += pay
- l = self.len
- if l is None:
- # length = len(sequence) + len(authdata) + len(payload)
- l = len(p[3:])
- p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", l) + p[3:]
- return p
-_OSPF_LLSclasses = {1: "LLS_Extended_Options",
- 2: "LLS_Crypto_Auth"}
-def _LLSGuessPayloadClass(p, **kargs):
- """ Guess the correct LLS class for a given payload """
- cls = conf.raw_layer
- if len(p) >= 4:
- typ = struct.unpack("!H", p[0:2])[0]
- clsname = _OSPF_LLSclasses.get(typ, "LLS_Generic_TLV")
- cls = globals()[clsname]
- return cls(p, **kargs)
-class OSPF_LLS_Hdr(Packet):
- name = "OSPF Link-local signaling"
- fields_desc = [XShortField("chksum", None),
- # FIXME Length should be displayed in 32-bit words
- ShortField("len", None),
- PacketListField("llstlv", [], _LLSGuessPayloadClass)]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- p += pay
- l = self.len
- if l is None:
- # Length in 32-bit words
- l = len(p) / 4
- p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", l) + p[4:]
- if self.chksum is None:
- c = checksum(p)
- p = chr((c >> 8) & 0xff) + chr(c & 0xff) + p[2:]
- return p
-_OSPF_LStypes = {1: "router",
- 2: "network",
- 3: "summaryIP",
- 4: "summaryASBR",
- 5: "external",
- 7: "NSSAexternal"}
-_OSPF_LSclasses = {1: "OSPF_Router_LSA",
- 2: "OSPF_Network_LSA",
- 3: "OSPF_SummaryIP_LSA",
- 4: "OSPF_SummaryASBR_LSA",
- 5: "OSPF_External_LSA",
- 7: "OSPF_NSSA_External_LSA"}
-def ospf_lsa_checksum(lsa):
- """ Fletcher checksum for OSPF LSAs, returned as a 2 byte string.
- Give the whole LSA packet as argument.
- For details on the algorithm, see RFC 2328 chapter 12.1.7 and RFC 905 Annex B.
- """
- # This is based on the GPLed C implementation in Zebra <>
- if len(lsa) < CHKSUM_OFFSET:
- raise Exception("LSA Packet too short (%s bytes)" % len(lsa))
- c0 = c1 = 0
- # Calculation is done with checksum set to zero
- lsa = lsa[:CHKSUM_OFFSET] + "\x00\x00" + lsa[CHKSUM_OFFSET + 2:]
- for char in lsa[2:]: # leave out age
- c0 += ord(char)
- c1 += c0
- c0 %= 255
- c1 %= 255
- x = ((len(lsa) - CHKSUM_OFFSET - 1) * c0 - c1) % 255
- if (x <= 0):
- x += 255
- y = 510 - c0 - x
- if (y > 255):
- y -= 255
- #checksum = (x << 8) + y
- return chr(x) + chr(y)
-class OSPF_LSA_Hdr(Packet):
- name = "OSPF LSA Header"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
- OSPFOptionsField(),
- ByteEnumField("type", 1, _OSPF_LStypes),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", ""),
- XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
- XShortField("chksum", 0),
- ShortField("len", 36)]
- def extract_padding(self, s):
- return "", s
-_OSPF_Router_LSA_types = {1: "p2p",
- 2: "transit",
- 3: "stub",
- 4: "virtual"}
-class OSPF_Link(Packet):
- name = "OSPF Link"
- fields_desc = [IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("data", ""),
- ByteEnumField("type", 3, _OSPF_Router_LSA_types),
- ByteField("toscount", 0),
- ShortField("metric", 10),
- # TODO: define correct conditions
- ConditionalField(ByteField("tos", 0), lambda pkt: False),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("reserved", 0), lambda pkt: False),
- ConditionalField(ShortField("tosmetric", 0), lambda pkt: False)]
- def extract_padding(self, s):
- return "", s
-def _LSAGuessPayloadClass(p, **kargs):
- """ Guess the correct LSA class for a given payload """
- # This is heavily based on by Nicolas Bareil and Arnaud Ebalard
- # XXX: This only works if all payload
- cls = conf.raw_layer
- if len(p) >= 4:
- typ = struct.unpack("!B", p[3])[0]
- clsname = _OSPF_LSclasses.get(typ, "Raw")
- cls = globals()[clsname]
- return cls(p, **kargs)
-class OSPF_BaseLSA(Packet):
- """ An abstract base class for Link State Advertisements """
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- length = self.len
- if length is None:
- length = len(p)
- p = p[:18] + struct.pack("!H", length) + p[20:]
- if self.chksum is None:
- chksum = ospf_lsa_checksum(p)
- p = p[:16] + chksum + p[18:]
- return p # p+pay?
- def extract_padding(self, s):
- length = self.len
- return "", s
-class OSPF_Router_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
- name = "OSPF Router LSA"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
- OSPFOptionsField(),
- ByteField("type", 1),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", ""),
- XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ShortField("len", None),
- FlagsField("flags", 0, 8, ["B", "E", "V", "W", "Nt"]),
- ByteField("reserved", 0),
- FieldLenField("linkcount", None, count_of="linklist"),
- PacketListField("linklist", [], OSPF_Link,
- count_from=lambda pkt: pkt.linkcount,
- length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.linkcount * 12)]
-class OSPF_Network_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
- name = "OSPF Network LSA"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
- OSPFOptionsField(),
- ByteField("type", 2),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", ""),
- XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IPField("mask", ""),
- FieldListField("routerlist", [], IPField("", ""),
- length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len - 24)]
-class OSPF_SummaryIP_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
- name = "OSPF Summary LSA (IP Network)"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
- OSPFOptionsField(),
- ByteField("type", 3),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", ""),
- XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IPField("mask", ""),
- ByteField("reserved", 0),
- X3BytesField("metric", 10),
- # TODO: Define correct conditions
- ConditionalField(ByteField("tos", 0), lambda pkt:False),
- ConditionalField(X3BytesField("tosmetric", 0), lambda pkt:False)]
-class OSPF_SummaryASBR_LSA(OSPF_SummaryIP_LSA):
- name = "OSPF Summary LSA (AS Boundary Router)"
- type = 4
- id = ""
- mask = ""
- metric = 20
-class OSPF_External_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
- name = "OSPF External LSA (ASBR)"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
- OSPFOptionsField(),
- ByteField("type", 5),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", ""),
- XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IPField("mask", ""),
- FlagsField("ebit", 0, 1, ["E"]),
- BitField("reserved", 0, 7),
- X3BytesField("metric", 20),
- IPField("fwdaddr", ""),
- XIntField("tag", 0),
- # TODO: Define correct conditions
- ConditionalField(ByteField("tos", 0), lambda pkt:False),
- ConditionalField(X3BytesField("tosmetric", 0), lambda pkt:False)]
-class OSPF_NSSA_External_LSA(OSPF_External_LSA):
- name = "OSPF NSSA External LSA"
- type = 7
-class OSPF_DBDesc(Packet):
- name = "OSPF Database Description"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("mtu", 1500),
- OSPFOptionsField(),
- FlagsField("dbdescr", 0, 8, ["MS", "M", "I", "R", "4", "3", "2", "1"]),
- IntField("ddseq", 1),
- PacketListField("lsaheaders", None, OSPF_LSA_Hdr,
- count_from = lambda pkt: None,
- length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.underlayer.len - 24 - 8)]
- def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
- # check presence of LLS data block flag
- if self.options & 0x10 == 0x10:
- return OSPF_LLS_Hdr
- else:
- return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
-class OSPF_LSReq_Item(Packet):
- name = "OSPF Link State Request (item)"
- fields_desc = [IntEnumField("type", 1, _OSPF_LStypes),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", "")]
- def extract_padding(self, s):
- return "", s
-class OSPF_LSReq(Packet):
- name = "OSPF Link State Request (container)"
- fields_desc = [PacketListField("requests", None, OSPF_LSReq_Item,
- count_from = lambda pkt:None,
- length_from = lambda pkt:pkt.underlayer.len - 24)]
-class OSPF_LSUpd(Packet):
- name = "OSPF Link State Update"
- fields_desc = [FieldLenField("lsacount", None, fmt="!I", count_of="lsalist"),
- PacketListField("lsalist", [], _LSAGuessPayloadClass,
- count_from = lambda pkt: pkt.lsacount,
- length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.underlayer.len - 24)]
-class OSPF_LSAck(Packet):
- name = "OSPF Link State Acknowledgement"
- fields_desc = [PacketListField("lsaheaders", None, OSPF_LSA_Hdr,
- count_from = lambda pkt: None,
- length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.underlayer.len - 24)]
- def answers(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, OSPF_LSUpd):
- for reqLSA in other.lsalist:
- for ackLSA in self.lsaheaders:
- if (reqLSA.type == ackLSA.type and
- reqLSA.seq == ackLSA.seq):
- return 1
- return 0
-# OSPFv3
-# TODO: Add length_from / adjust functionality to IP6Field and remove this class
-class OspfIP6Field(StrField, IP6Field):
- """
- Special IP6Field for prefix fields in OSPFv3 LSAs
- """
- def __init__(self, name, default, length=None, length_from=None):
- StrField.__init__(self, name, default)
- self.length_from = length_from
- if length is not None:
- self.length_from = lambda pkt, length = length: length
- def any2i(self, pkt, x):
- return IP6Field.any2i(self, pkt, x)
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- return IP6Field.i2repr(self, pkt, x)
- def h2i(self, pkt, x):
- return IP6Field.h2i(self, pkt, x)
- def i2m(self, pkt, x):
- x = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, x)
- l = self.length_from(pkt)
- l = self.prefixlen_to_bytelen(l)
- return x[:l]
- def m2i(self, pkt, x):
- l = self.length_from(pkt)
- prefixlen = self.prefixlen_to_bytelen(l)
- if l > 128:
- warning("OspfIP6Field: Prefix length is > 128. Dissection of this packet will fail")
- else:
- pad = "\x00" * (16 - prefixlen)
- x += pad
- return inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, x)
- def prefixlen_to_bytelen(self, l):
- if l <= 32:
- return 4
- elif l <= 64:
- return 8
- elif l <= 96:
- return 12
- else:
- return 16
- def i2len(self, pkt, x):
- l = self.length_from(pkt)
- l = self.prefixlen_to_bytelen(l)
- return l
- def getfield(self, pkt, s):
- l = self.length_from(pkt)
- l = self.prefixlen_to_bytelen(l)
- return s[l:], self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])
-class OSPFv3_Hdr(Packet):
- name = "OSPFv3 Header"
- fields_desc = [ByteField("version", 3),
- ByteEnumField("type", 1, _OSPF_types),
- ShortField("len", None),
- IPField("src", ""),
- IPField("area", ""),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ByteField("instance", 0),
- ByteField("reserved", 0)]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- p += pay
- l = self.len
- if l is None:
- l = len(p)
- p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", l) + p[4:]
- if self.chksum is None:
- chksum = in6_chksum(89, self.underlayer, p)
- p = p[:12] + chr(chksum >> 8) + chr(chksum & 0xff) + p[14:]
- return p
-class OSPFv3OptionsField(FlagsField):
- def __init__(self, name="options", default=0, size=24,
- names=["V6", "E", "MC", "N", "R", "DC", "AF", "L", "I", "F"]):
- FlagsField.__init__(self, name, default, size, names)
-class OSPFv3_Hello(Packet):
- name = "OSPFv3 Hello"
- fields_desc = [IntField("intid", 0),
- ByteField("prio", 1),
- OSPFv3OptionsField(),
- ShortField("hellointerval", 10),
- ShortField("deadinterval", 40),
- IPField("router", ""),
- IPField("backup", ""),
- FieldListField("neighbors", [], IPField("", ""),
- length_from=lambda pkt: (pkt.underlayer.len - 36))]
-_OSPFv3_LStypes = {0x2001: "router",
- 0x2002: "network",
- 0x2003: "interAreaPrefix",
- 0x2004: "interAreaRouter",
- 0x4005: "asExternal",
- 0x2007: "type7",
- 0x0008: "link",
- 0x2009: "intraAreaPrefix"}
-_OSPFv3_LSclasses = {0x2001: "OSPFv3_Router_LSA",
- 0x2002: "OSPFv3_Network_LSA",
- 0x2003: "OSPFv3_Inter_Area_Prefix_LSA",
- 0x2004: "OSPFv3_Inter_Area_Router_LSA",
- 0x4005: "OSPFv3_AS_External_LSA",
- 0x2007: "OSPFv3_Type_7_LSA",
- 0x0008: "OSPFv3_Link_LSA",
- 0x2009: "OSPFv3_Intra_Area_Prefix_LSA"}
-class OSPFv3_LSA_Hdr(Packet):
- name = "OSPFv3 LSA Header"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
- ShortEnumField("type", 0x2001, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", ""),
- XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
- XShortField("chksum", 0),
- ShortField("len", 36)]
- def extract_padding(self, s):
- return "", s
-def _OSPFv3_LSAGuessPayloadClass(p, **kargs):
- """ Guess the correct OSPFv3 LSA class for a given payload """
- cls = conf.raw_layer
- if len(p) >= 6:
- typ = struct.unpack("!H", p[2:4])[0]
- clsname = _OSPFv3_LSclasses.get(typ, "Raw")
- cls = globals()[clsname]
- return cls(p, **kargs)
-_OSPFv3_Router_LSA_types = {1: "p2p",
- 2: "transit",
- 3: "reserved",
- 4: "virtual"}
-class OSPFv3_Link(Packet):
- name = "OSPFv3 Link"
- fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", 1, _OSPFv3_Router_LSA_types),
- ByteField("reserved", 0),
- ShortField("metric", 10),
- IntField("intid", 0),
- IntField("neighintid", 0),
- IPField("neighbor", "")]
- def extract_padding(self, s):
- return "", s
-class OSPFv3_Router_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
- name = "OSPFv3 Router LSA"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
- ShortEnumField("type", 0x2001, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", ""),
- XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ShortField("len", None),
- FlagsField("flags", 0, 8, ["B", "E", "V", "W"]),
- OSPFv3OptionsField(),
- PacketListField("linklist", [], OSPFv3_Link,
- length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.len - 24)]
-class OSPFv3_Network_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
- name = "OSPFv3 Network LSA"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
- ShortEnumField("type", 0x2002, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", ""),
- XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ShortField("len", None),
- ByteField("reserved", 0),
- OSPFv3OptionsField(),
- FieldListField("routerlist", [], IPField("", ""),
- length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len - 24)]
-class OSPFv3PrefixOptionsField(FlagsField):
- def __init__(self, name="prefixoptions", default=0, size=8,
- names=["NU", "LA", "MC", "P"]):
- FlagsField.__init__(self, name, default, size, names)
-class OSPFv3_Inter_Area_Prefix_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
- name = "OSPFv3 Inter Area Prefix LSA"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
- ShortEnumField("type", 0x2003, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", ""),
- XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ShortField("len", None),
- ByteField("reserved", 0),
- X3BytesField("metric", 10),
- ByteField("prefixlen", 64),
- OSPFv3PrefixOptionsField(),
- ShortField("reserved2", 0),
- OspfIP6Field("prefix", "2001:db8:0:42::", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.prefixlen)]
-class OSPFv3_Inter_Area_Router_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
- name = "OSPFv3 Inter Area Router LSA"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
- ShortEnumField("type", 0x2004, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", ""),
- XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ShortField("len", None),
- ByteField("reserved", 0),
- X3BytesField("metric", 1),
- IPField("router", "")]
-class OSPFv3_AS_External_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
- name = "OSPFv3 AS External LSA"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
- ShortEnumField("type", 0x4005, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", ""),
- XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ShortField("len", None),
- FlagsField("flags", 0, 8, ["T", "F", "E"]),
- X3BytesField("metric", 20),
- ByteField("prefixlen", 64),
- OSPFv3PrefixOptionsField(),
- ShortEnumField("reflstype", 0, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
- OspfIP6Field("prefix", "2001:db8:0:42::", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.prefixlen),
- ConditionalField(IP6Field("fwaddr", "::"), lambda pkt: pkt.flags & 0x02 == 0x02),
- ConditionalField(IntField("tag", 0), lambda pkt: pkt.flags & 0x01 == 0x01),
- ConditionalField(IPField("reflsid", 0), lambda pkt: pkt.reflstype != 0)]
-class OSPFv3_Type_7_LSA(OSPFv3_AS_External_LSA):
- name = "OSPFv3 Type 7 LSA"
- type = 0x2007
-class OSPFv3_Prefix_Item(Packet):
- name = "OSPFv3 Link Prefix Item"
- fields_desc = [ByteField("prefixlen", 64),
- OSPFv3PrefixOptionsField(),
- ShortField("metric", 10),
- OspfIP6Field("prefix", "2001:db8:0:42::", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.prefixlen)]
- def extract_padding(self, s):
- return "", s
-class OSPFv3_Link_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
- name = "OSPFv3 Link LSA"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
- ShortEnumField("type", 0x0008, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", ""),
- XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ShortField("len", None),
- ByteField("prio", 1),
- OSPFv3OptionsField(),
- IP6Field("lladdr", "fe80::"),
- IntField("prefixes", 0),
- PacketListField("prefixlist", None, OSPFv3_Prefix_Item,
- count_from = lambda pkt: pkt.prefixes)]
-class OSPFv3_Intra_Area_Prefix_LSA(OSPF_BaseLSA):
- name = "OSPFv3 Intra Area Prefix LSA"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("age", 1),
- ShortEnumField("type", 0x2009, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", ""),
- XIntField("seq", 0x80000001),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ShortField("len", None),
- ShortField("prefixes", 0),
- ShortEnumField("reflstype", 0, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
- IPField("reflsid", ""),
- IPField("refadrouter", ""),
- PacketListField("prefixlist", None, OSPFv3_Prefix_Item,
- count_from = lambda pkt: pkt.prefixes)]
-class OSPFv3_DBDesc(Packet):
- name = "OSPFv3 Database Description"
- fields_desc = [ByteField("reserved", 0),
- OSPFv3OptionsField(),
- ShortField("mtu", 1500),
- ByteField("reserved2", 0),
- FlagsField("dbdescr", 0, 8, ["MS", "M", "I", "R"]),
- IntField("ddseq", 1),
- PacketListField("lsaheaders", None, OSPFv3_LSA_Hdr,
- count_from = lambda pkt:None,
- length_from = lambda pkt:pkt.underlayer.len - 28)]
-class OSPFv3_LSReq_Item(Packet):
- name = "OSPFv3 Link State Request (item)"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("reserved", 0),
- ShortEnumField("type", 0x2001, _OSPFv3_LStypes),
- IPField("id", ""),
- IPField("adrouter", "")]
- def extract_padding(self, s):
- return "", s
-class OSPFv3_LSReq(Packet):
- name = "OSPFv3 Link State Request (container)"
- fields_desc = [PacketListField("requests", None, OSPFv3_LSReq_Item,
- count_from = lambda pkt:None,
- length_from = lambda pkt:pkt.underlayer.len - 16)]
-class OSPFv3_LSUpd(Packet):
- name = "OSPFv3 Link State Update"
- fields_desc = [FieldLenField("lsacount", None, fmt="!I", count_of="lsalist"),
- PacketListField("lsalist", [], _OSPFv3_LSAGuessPayloadClass,
- count_from = lambda pkt:pkt.lsacount,
- length_from = lambda pkt:pkt.underlayer.len - 16)]
-class OSPFv3_LSAck(Packet):
- name = "OSPFv3 Link State Acknowledgement"
- fields_desc = [PacketListField("lsaheaders", None, OSPFv3_LSA_Hdr,
- count_from = lambda pkt:None,
- length_from = lambda pkt:pkt.underlayer.len - 16)]
-bind_layers(IP, OSPF_Hdr, proto=89)
-bind_layers(OSPF_Hdr, OSPF_Hello, type=1)
-bind_layers(OSPF_Hdr, OSPF_DBDesc, type=2)
-bind_layers(OSPF_Hdr, OSPF_LSReq, type=3)
-bind_layers(OSPF_Hdr, OSPF_LSUpd, type=4)
-bind_layers(OSPF_Hdr, OSPF_LSAck, type=5)
-bind_layers(IPv6, OSPFv3_Hdr, nh=89)
-bind_layers(OSPFv3_Hdr, OSPFv3_Hello, type=1)
-bind_layers(OSPFv3_Hdr, OSPFv3_DBDesc, type=2)
-bind_layers(OSPFv3_Hdr, OSPFv3_LSReq, type=3)
-bind_layers(OSPFv3_Hdr, OSPFv3_LSUpd, type=4)
-bind_layers(OSPFv3_Hdr, OSPFv3_LSAck, type=5)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="OSPF extension %s" % EXT_VERSION)
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index f4364096..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-## This file is (hopefully) part of Scapy
-## See for more informations
-## <>
-## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
-# scapy.contrib.description = PPI
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-PPI (Per-Packet Information).
-import logging,struct
-from scapy.config import conf
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
-from scapy.layers.dot11 import Dot11
-# Dictionary to map the TLV type to the class name of a sub-packet
-_ppi_types = {}
-def addPPIType(id, value):
- _ppi_types[id] = value
-def getPPIType(id, default="default"):
- return _ppi_types.get(id, _ppi_types.get(default, None))
-# Default PPI Field Header
-class PPIGenericFldHdr(Packet):
- name = "PPI Field Header"
- fields_desc = [ LEShortField('pfh_type', 0),
- FieldLenField('pfh_length', None, length_of="value", fmt='<H', adjust=lambda p,x:x+4),
- StrLenField("value", "", length_from=lambda p:p.pfh_length) ]
- def extract_padding(self, p):
- return "",p
-def _PPIGuessPayloadClass(p, **kargs):
- """ This function tells the PacketListField how it should extract the
- TLVs from the payload. We pass cls only the length string
- pfh_len says it needs. If a payload is returned, that means
- part of the sting was unused. This converts to a Raw layer, and
- the remainder of p is added as Raw's payload. If there is no
- payload, the remainder of p is added as out's payload.
- """
- if len(p) >= 4:
- t,pfh_len = struct.unpack("<HH", p[:4])
- # Find out if the value t is in the dict _ppi_types.
- # If not, return the default TLV class
- cls = getPPIType(t, "default")
- pfh_len += 4
- out = cls(p[:pfh_len], **kargs)
- if (out.payload):
- out.payload = conf.raw_layer(out.payload.load)
- if (len(p) > pfh_len):
- out.payload.payload = conf.padding_layer(p[pfh_len:])
- elif (len(p) > pfh_len):
- out.payload = conf.padding_layer(p[pfh_len:])
- else:
- out = conf.raw_layer(p, **kargs)
- return out
-class PPI(Packet):
- name = "PPI Packet Header"
- fields_desc = [ ByteField('pph_version', 0),
- ByteField('pph_flags', 0),
- FieldLenField('pph_len', None, length_of="PPIFieldHeaders", fmt="<H", adjust=lambda p,x:x+8 ),
- LEIntField('dlt', None),
- PacketListField("PPIFieldHeaders", [], _PPIGuessPayloadClass, length_from=lambda p:p.pph_len-8,) ]
- def guess_payload_class(self,payload):
- return conf.l2types.get(self.dlt, Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload))
-#Register PPI
-addPPIType("default", PPIGenericFldHdr)
-conf.l2types.register(192, PPI)
-conf.l2types.register_num2layer(192, PPI)
-bind_layers(PPI, Dot11, dlt=conf.l2types.get(Dot11))
-bind_layers(Dot11, PPI)
-bind_layers(PPI, Ether, dlt=conf.l2types.get(Ether))
-bind_layers(Dot11, Ether)
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index ba2c4abf..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-## This file is (hopefully) part of Scapy
-## See for more informations
-## <>
-## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
-# scapy.contrib.description = PPI CACE
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-CACE PPI types
-import logging,struct
-from scapy.config import conf
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
-from scapy.layers.dot11 import Dot11
-from scapy.contrib.ppi import *
-PPI_DOT3 = 9
-# PPI 802.11 Common Field Header Fields
-class dBmByteField(Field):
- def __init__(self, name, default):
- Field.__init__(self, name, default, "b")
- def i2repr(self, pkt, val):
- if (val != None):
- val = "%4d dBm" % val
- return val
-class PPITSFTField(LELongField):
- def i2h(self, pkt, val):
- flags = 0
- if (pkt):
- flags = pkt.getfieldval("Pkt_Flags")
- if not flags:
- flags = 0
- if (flags & 0x02):
- scale = 1e-3
- else:
- scale = 1e-6
- tout = scale * float(val)
- return tout
- def h2i(self, pkt, val):
- scale = 1e6
- if pkt:
- flags = pkt.getfieldval("Pkt_Flags")
- if flags:
- if (flags & 0x02):
- scale = 1e3
- tout = int((scale * val) + 0.5)
- return tout
-_PPIDot11CommonChFlags = ['','','','','Turbo','CCK','OFDM','2GHz','5GHz',
- 'PassiveOnly','Dynamic CCK-OFDM','GSFK']
-_PPIDot11CommonPktFlags = ['FCS','TSFT_ms','FCS_Invalid','PHY_Error']
-# PPI 802.11 Common Field Header
-class Dot11Common(Packet):
- name = "PPI 802.11-Common"
- fields_desc = [ LEShortField('pfh_type',PPI_DOT11COMMON),
- LEShortField('pfh_length', 20),
- PPITSFTField('TSF_Timer', 0),
- FlagsField('Pkt_Flags',0, -16, _PPIDot11CommonPktFlags),
- LEShortField('Rate',0),
- LEShortField('Ch_Freq',0),
- FlagsField('Ch_Flags', 0, -16, _PPIDot11CommonChFlags),
- ByteField('FHSS_Hop',0),
- ByteField('FHSS_Pat',0),
- dBmByteField('Antsignal',-128),
- dBmByteField('Antnoise',-128)]
- def extract_padding(self, p):
- return "",p
-#Hopefully other CACE defined types will be added here.
-#Add the dot11common layer to the PPI array
-addPPIType(PPI_DOT11COMMON, Dot11Common)
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 19371512..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-## This file is (hopefully) part of Scapy
-## See for more informations
-## <>
-## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
-# scapy.contrib.description = PPI GEOLOCATION
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-import struct
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.contrib.ppi import PPIGenericFldHdr,addPPIType
-CURR_GEOTAG_VER = 2 #Major revision of specification
-PPI_GPS = 30002
-PPI_VECTOR = 30003
-PPI_SENSOR = 30004
-PPI_ANTENNA = 30005
-#The FixedX_Y Fields are used to store fixed point numbers in a variety of fields in the GEOLOCATION-TAGS specification
-class Fixed3_6Field(LEIntField):
- def i2h(self, pkt, x):
- if x is not None:
- if (x < 0):
- warning("Fixed3_6: Internal value too negative: %d" % x)
- x = 0
- elif (x > 999999999):
- warning("Fixed3_6: Internal value too positive: %d" % x)
- x = 999999999
- x = x * 1e-6
- return x
- def h2i(self, pkt, x):
- if x is not None:
- if (x <= -0.5e-6):
- warning("Fixed3_6: Input value too negative: %.7f" % x)
- x = 0
- elif (x >= 999.9999995):
- warning("Fixed3_6: Input value too positive: %.7f" % x)
- x = 999.999999
- x = int(round(x * 1e6))
- return x
- def i2m(self, pkt, x):
- """Convert internal value to machine value"""
- if x is None:
- #Try to return zero if undefined
- x = self.h2i(pkt, 0)
- return x
- def i2repr(self,pkt,x):
- if x is None:
- y=0
- else:
- y=self.i2h(pkt,x)
- return "%3.6f"%(y)
-class Fixed3_7Field(LEIntField):
- def i2h(self, pkt, x):
- if x is not None:
- if (x < 0):
- warning("Fixed3_7: Internal value too negative: %d" % x)
- x = 0
- elif (x > 3600000000):
- warning("Fixed3_7: Internal value too positive: %d" % x)
- x = 3600000000
- x = (x - 1800000000) * 1e-7
- return x
- def h2i(self, pkt, x):
- if x is not None:
- if (x <= -180.00000005):
- warning("Fixed3_7: Input value too negative: %.8f" % x)
- x = -180.0
- elif (x >= 180.00000005):
- warning("Fixed3_7: Input value too positive: %.8f" % x)
- x = 180.0
- x = int(round((x + 180.0) * 1e7))
- return x
- def i2m(self, pkt, x):
- """Convert internal value to machine value"""
- if x is None:
- #Try to return zero if undefined
- x = self.h2i(pkt, 0)
- return x
- def i2repr(self,pkt,x):
- if x is None:
- y=0
- else:
- y=self.i2h(pkt,x)
- return "%3.7f"%(y)
-class Fixed6_4Field(LEIntField):
- def i2h(self, pkt, x):
- if x is not None:
- if (x < 0):
- warning("Fixed6_4: Internal value too negative: %d" % x)
- x = 0
- elif (x > 3600000000):
- warning("Fixed6_4: Internal value too positive: %d" % x)
- x = 3600000000
- x = (x - 1800000000) * 1e-4
- return x
- def h2i(self, pkt, x):
- if x is not None:
- if (x <= -180000.00005):
- warning("Fixed6_4: Input value too negative: %.5f" % x)
- x = -180000.0
- elif (x >= 180000.00005):
- warning("Fixed6_4: Input value too positive: %.5f" % x)
- x = 180000.0
- x = int(round((x + 180000.0) * 1e4))
- return x
- def i2m(self, pkt, x):
- """Convert internal value to machine value"""
- if x is None:
- #Try to return zero if undefined
- x = self.h2i(pkt, 0)
- return x
- def i2repr(self,pkt,x):
- if x is None:
- y=0
- else:
- y=self.i2h(pkt,x)
- return "%6.4f"%(y)
-#The GPS timestamps fractional time counter is stored in a 32-bit unsigned ns counter.
-#The ept field is as well,
-class NSCounter_Field(LEIntField):
- def i2h(self, pkt, x): #converts nano-seconds to seconds for output
- if x is not None:
- if (x < 0):
- warning("NSCounter_Field: Internal value too negative: %d" % x)
- x = 0
- elif (x >= 2**32):
- warning("NSCounter_Field: Internal value too positive: %d" % x)
- x = 2**32-1
- x = (x / 1e9)
- return x
- def h2i(self, pkt, x): #converts input in seconds into nano-seconds for storage
- if x is not None:
- if (x < 0):
- warning("NSCounter_Field: Input value too negative: %.10f" % x)
- x = 0
- elif (x >= (2**32) / 1e9):
- warning("NSCounter_Field: Input value too positive: %.10f" % x)
- x = (2**32-1) / 1e9
- x = int(round((x * 1e9)))
- return x
- def i2repr(self,pkt,x):
- if x is None:
- y=0
- else:
- y=self.i2h(pkt,x)
- return "%1.9f"%(y)
-class UTCTimeField(IntField):
- def __init__(self, name, default, epoch=time.gmtime(0), strf="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000"):
- IntField.__init__(self, name, default)
- self.epoch = epoch
- = time.mktime(epoch) - time.mktime(time.gmtime(0))
- self.strf = strf
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- if x is None:
- x = 0
- x = int(x) +
- t = time.strftime(self.strf, time.gmtime(x))
- return "%s (%d)" % (t, x)
-class LETimeField(UTCTimeField,LEIntField):
- def __init__(self, name, default, epoch=time.gmtime(0), strf="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000"):
- LEIntField.__init__(self, name, default)
- self.epoch = epoch
- = time.mktime(epoch) - time.mktime(time.gmtime(0))
- self.strf = strf
-class SignedByteField(Field):
- def __init__(self, name, default):
- Field.__init__(self, name, default, "b")
- def randval(self):
- return RandSByte()
-class XLEShortField(LEShortField,XShortField):
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- return XShortField.i2repr(self, pkt, x)
-class XLEIntField(LEIntField,XIntField):
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- return XIntField.i2repr(self, pkt, x)
-class GPSTime_Field(LETimeField):
- def __init__(self, name, default):
- return LETimeField.__init__(self, name, default, strf="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S UTC")
-class VectorFlags_Field(XLEIntField):
- """Represents te VectorFlags field. Handles the RelativeTo:sub-field"""
- _fwdstr = "DefinesForward"
- _resmask = 0xfffffff8
- _relmask = 0x6
- _relnames = ["RelativeToForward", "RelativeToEarth", "RelativeToCurrent", "RelativeToReserved"]
- _relvals = [0x00, 0x02, 0x04, 0x06]
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- if x is None:
- return str(x)
- r = []
- if (x & 0x1):
- r.append(self._fwdstr)
- i = (x & self._relmask) >> 1
- r.append(self._relnames[i])
- i = x & self._resmask
- if (i):
- r.append("ReservedBits:%08X" % i)
- sout = "+".join(r)
- return sout
- def any2i(self, pkt, x):
- if type(x) is str:
- r = x.split("+")
- y = 0
- for value in r:
- if (value == self._fwdstr):
- y |= 0x1
- elif (value in self._relnames):
- i = self._relnames.index(value)
- y &= (~self._relmask)
- y |= self._relvals[i]
- else:
- #logging.warning("Unknown VectorFlags Argument: %s" % value)
- pass
- else:
- y = x
- #print "any2i: %s --> %s" % (str(x), str(y))
- return y
-class HCSIFlagsField(FlagsField):
- """ A FlagsField where each bit/flag turns a conditional field on or off.
- If the value is None when building a packet, i2m() will check the value of
- every field in self.names. If the field's value is not None, the corresponding
- flag will be set. """
- def i2m(self, pkt, val):
- if val is None:
- val = 0
- if (pkt):
- for i in range(len(self.names)):
- name = self.names[i][0]
- value = pkt.getfieldval(name)
- if value is not None:
- val |= 1 << i
- return val
-class HCSINullField(StrFixedLenField):
- def __init__(self, name, default):
- return StrFixedLenField.__init__(self, name, default, length=0)
-class HCSIDescField(StrFixedLenField):
- def __init__(self, name, default):
- return StrFixedLenField.__init__(self, name, default, length=32)
-class HCSIAppField(StrFixedLenField):
- def __init__(self, name, default):
- return StrFixedLenField.__init__(self, name, default, length=60)
-def _FlagsList(myfields):
- flags = []
- for i in range(32):
- flags.append("Reserved%02d" % i)
- for i in myfields.keys():
- flags[i] = myfields[i]
- return flags
-# Define all geolocation-tag flags lists
-_hcsi_gps_flags = _FlagsList({0:"No Fix Available", 1:"GPS", 2:"Differential GPS",
- 3:"Pulse Per Second", 4:"Real Time Kinematic",
- 5:"Float Real Time Kinematic", 6:"Estimated (Dead Reckoning)",
- 7:"Manual Input", 8:"Simulation"})
-#_hcsi_vector_flags = _FlagsList({0:"ForwardFrame", 1:"RotationsAbsoluteXYZ", 5:"OffsetFromGPS_XYZ"})
-#This has been replaced with the VectorFlags_Field class, in order to handle the RelativeTo:subfield
-_hcsi_vector_char_flags = _FlagsList({0:"Antenna", 1:"Direction of Travel",
- 2:"Front of Vehicle", 3:"Angle of Arrival", 4:"Transmitter Position",
- 8:"GPS Derived", 9:"INS Derived", 10:"Compass Derived",
- 11:"Acclerometer Derived", 12:"Human Derived"})
-_hcsi_antenna_flags = _FlagsList({ 1:"Horizontal Polarization", 2:"Vertical Polarization",
- 3:"Circular Polarization Left", 4:"Circular Polarization Right",
- 16:"Electronically Steerable", 17:"Mechanically Steerable"})
-""" HCSI PPI Fields are similar to RadioTap. A mask field called "present" specifies if each field
-is present. All other fields are conditional. When dissecting a packet, each field is present if
-"present" has the corresponding bit set. When building a packet, if "present" is None, the mask is
-set to include every field that does not have a value of None. Otherwise, if the mask field is
-not None, only the fields specified by "present" will be added to the packet.
-To build each Packet type, build a list of the fields normally, excluding the present bitmask field.
-The code will then construct conditional versions of each field and add the present field.
-See GPS_Fields as an example. """
-# Conditional test for all HCSI Fields
-def _HCSITest(pkt, ibit, name):
- if pkt.present is None:
- return (pkt.getfieldval(name) is not None)
- return pkt.present & ibit
-# Wrap optional fields in ConditionalField, add HCSIFlagsField
-def _HCSIBuildFields(fields):
- names = [ for f in fields]
- cond_fields = [ HCSIFlagsField('present', None, -len(names), names)]
- for i in range(len(names)):
- ibit = 1 << i
- seval = "lambda pkt:_HCSITest(pkt,%s,'%s')" % (ibit, names[i])
- test = eval(seval)
- cond_fields.append(ConditionalField(fields[i], test))
- return cond_fields
-class HCSIPacket(Packet):
- name = "PPI HCSI"
- fields_desc = [ LEShortField('pfh_type', None),
- LEShortField('pfh_length', None),
- ByteField('geotag_ver', CURR_GEOTAG_VER),
- ByteField('geotag_pad', 0),
- LEShortField('geotag_len', None)]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.pfh_length is None:
- l = len(p) - 4
- sl = struct.pack('<H',l)
- p = p[:2] + sl + p[4:]
- if self.geotag_len is None:
- l_g = len(p) - 4
- sl_g = struct.pack('<H',l_g)
- p = p[:6] + sl_g + p[8:]
- p += pay
- return p
- def extract_padding(self, p):
- return "",p
-#GPS Fields
-GPS_Fields = [FlagsField("GPSFlags", None, -32, _hcsi_gps_flags),
- Fixed3_7Field("Latitude", None),
- Fixed3_7Field("Longitude", None), Fixed6_4Field("Altitude", None),
- Fixed6_4Field("Altitude_g", None), GPSTime_Field("GPSTime", None),
- NSCounter_Field("FractionalTime", None), Fixed3_6Field("eph", None),
- Fixed3_6Field("epv", None), NSCounter_Field("ept", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved10", None), HCSINullField("Reserved11", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved12", None), HCSINullField("Reserved13", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved14", None), HCSINullField("Reserved15", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved16", None), HCSINullField("Reserved17", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved18", None), HCSINullField("Reserved19", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved20", None), HCSINullField("Reserved21", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved22", None), HCSINullField("Reserved23", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved24", None), HCSINullField("Reserved25", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved26", None), HCSINullField("Reserved27", None),
- HCSIDescField("DescString", None), XLEIntField("AppId", None),
- HCSIAppField("AppData", None), HCSINullField("Extended", None)]
-class GPS(HCSIPacket):
- name = "PPI GPS"
- fields_desc = [ LEShortField('pfh_type', PPI_GPS), #pfh_type
- LEShortField('pfh_length', None), #pfh_len
- ByteField('geotag_ver', CURR_GEOTAG_VER), #base_geotag_header.ver
- ByteField('geotag_pad', 0), #base_geotag_header.pad
- LEShortField('geotag_len', None)] + _HCSIBuildFields(GPS_Fields)
-#Vector Fields
-VEC_Fields = [VectorFlags_Field("VectorFlags", None),
- FlagsField("VectorChars", None, -32, _hcsi_vector_char_flags),
- Fixed3_6Field("Pitch", None), Fixed3_6Field("Roll", None),
- Fixed3_6Field("Heading", None), Fixed6_4Field("Off_X", None),
- Fixed6_4Field("Off_Y", None), Fixed6_4Field("Off_Z", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved08", None), HCSINullField("Reserved09", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved10", None), HCSINullField("Reserved11", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved12", None), HCSINullField("Reserved13", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved14", None), HCSINullField("Reserved15", None),
- Fixed3_6Field("Err_Rot", None), Fixed6_4Field("Err_Off", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved18", None), HCSINullField("Reserved19", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved20", None), HCSINullField("Reserved21", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved22", None), HCSINullField("Reserved23", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved24", None), HCSINullField("Reserved25", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved26", None), HCSINullField("Reserved27", None),
- HCSIDescField("DescString", None), XLEIntField("AppId", None),
- HCSIAppField("AppData", None), HCSINullField("Extended", None)]
-class Vector(HCSIPacket):
- name = "PPI Vector"
- fields_desc = [ LEShortField('pfh_type', PPI_VECTOR), #pfh_type
- LEShortField('pfh_length', None), #pfh_len
- ByteField('geotag_ver', CURR_GEOTAG_VER), #base_geotag_header.ver
- ByteField('geotag_pad', 0), #base_geotag_header.pad
- LEShortField('geotag_len', None)] + _HCSIBuildFields(VEC_Fields)
-#Sensor Fields
-sensor_types= { 1 : "Velocity",
- 2 : "Acceleration",
- 3 : "Jerk",
- 100 : "Rotation",
- 101 : "Magnetic",
- 1000: "Temperature",
- 1001: "Barometer",
- 1002: "Humidity",
- 2000: "TDOA_Clock",
- 2001: "Phase"
- }
-SENS_Fields = [ LEShortEnumField('SensorType', None, sensor_types),
- SignedByteField('ScaleFactor', None),
- Fixed6_4Field('Val_X', None),
- Fixed6_4Field('Val_Y', None),
- Fixed6_4Field('Val_Z', None),
- Fixed6_4Field('Val_T', None),
- Fixed6_4Field('Val_E', None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved07", None), HCSINullField("Reserved08", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved09", None), HCSINullField("Reserved10", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved11", None), HCSINullField("Reserved12", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved13", None), HCSINullField("Reserved14", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved15", None), HCSINullField("Reserved16", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved17", None), HCSINullField("Reserved18", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved19", None), HCSINullField("Reserved20", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved21", None), HCSINullField("Reserved22", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved23", None), HCSINullField("Reserved24", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved25", None), HCSINullField("Reserved26", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved27", None),
- HCSIDescField("DescString", None), XLEIntField("AppId", None),
- HCSIAppField("AppData", None), HCSINullField("Extended", None)]
-class Sensor(HCSIPacket):
- name = "PPI Sensor"
- fields_desc = [ LEShortField('pfh_type', PPI_SENSOR), #pfh_type
- LEShortField('pfh_length', None), #pfh_len
- ByteField('geotag_ver', CURR_GEOTAG_VER ), #base_geotag_header.ver
- ByteField('geotag_pad', 0), #base_geotag_header.pad
- LEShortField('geotag_len', None)] + _HCSIBuildFields(SENS_Fields)
-# HCSIAntenna Fields
-ANT_Fields = [FlagsField("AntennaFlags", None, -32, _hcsi_antenna_flags),
- ByteField("Gain", None),
- Fixed3_6Field("HorizBw", None), Fixed3_6Field("VertBw", None),
- Fixed3_6Field("PrecisionGain",None), XLEShortField("BeamID", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved06", None), HCSINullField("Reserved07", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved08", None), HCSINullField("Reserved09", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved10", None), HCSINullField("Reserved11", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved12", None), HCSINullField("Reserved13", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved14", None), HCSINullField("Reserved15", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved16", None), HCSINullField("Reserved17", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved18", None), HCSINullField("Reserved19", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved20", None), HCSINullField("Reserved21", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved22", None), HCSINullField("Reserved23", None),
- HCSINullField("Reserved24", None), HCSINullField("Reserved25", None),
- HCSIDescField("SerialNumber", None), HCSIDescField("ModelName", None),
- HCSIDescField("DescString", None), XLEIntField("AppId", None),
- HCSIAppField("AppData", None), HCSINullField("Extended", None)]
-class Antenna(HCSIPacket):
- name = "PPI Antenna"
- fields_desc = [ LEShortField('pfh_type', PPI_ANTENNA), #pfh_type
- LEShortField('pfh_length', None), #pfh_len
- ByteField('geotag_ver', CURR_GEOTAG_VER), #base_geotag_header.ver
- ByteField('geotag_pad', 0), #base_geotag_header.pad
- LEShortField('geotag_len', None)] + _HCSIBuildFields(ANT_Fields)
-addPPIType(PPI_VECTOR, Vector)
-addPPIType(PPI_SENSOR, Sensor)
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 47e17bc4..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# scapy.contrib.description = RIPng
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.layers.inet import UDP
-from scapy.layers.inet6 import *
-class RIPng(Packet):
- name = "RIPng header"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("cmd", 1, {1 : "req", 2 : "resp"}),
- ByteField("ver", 1),
- ShortField("null", 0),
- ]
-class RIPngEntry(Packet):
- name = "RIPng entry"
- fields_desc = [
- ConditionalField(IP6Field("prefix", "::"),
- lambda pkt: pkt.metric != 255),
- ConditionalField(IP6Field("nexthop", "::"),
- lambda pkt: pkt.metric == 255),
- ShortField("routetag", 0),
- ByteField("prefixlen", 0),
- ByteEnumField("metric", 1, {16 : "Unreach",
- 255 : "next-hop entry"})
- ]
-bind_layers(UDP, RIPng, sport=521, dport=521)
-bind_layers(RIPng, RIPngEntry)
-bind_layers(RIPngEntry, RIPngEntry)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- from scapy.main import interact
- interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="RIPng")
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index c9d4ebee..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-## RSVP layer
-# scapy.contrib.description = RSVP
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.layers.inet import IP
-rsvpmsgtypes = { 0x01 : "Path",
- 0x02 : "Reservation request",
- 0x03 : "Path error",
- 0x04 : "Reservation request error",
- 0x05 : "Path teardown",
- 0x06 : "Reservation teardown",
- 0x07 : "Reservation request acknowledgment"
-class RSVP(Packet):
- name = "RSVP"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("Version",1,4),
- BitField("Flags",1,4),
- ByteEnumField("Class",0x01, rsvpmsgtypes),
- XShortField("chksum", None),
- ByteField("TTL",1),
- XByteField("dataofs", 0),
- ShortField("Length",None)]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- p += pay
- if self.Length is None:
- l = len(p)
- p = p[:6]+chr((l>>8)&0xff)+chr(l&0xff)+p[8:]
- if self.chksum is None:
- ck = checksum(p)
- p = p[:2]+chr(ck>>8)+chr(ck&0xff)+p[4:]
- return p
-rsvptypes = { 0x01 : "Session",
- 0x03 : "HOP",
- 0x04 : "INTEGRITY",
- 0x05 : "TIME_VALUES",
- 0x06 : "ERROR_SPEC",
- 0x07 : "SCOPE",
- 0x08 : "STYLE",
- 0x09 : "FLOWSPEC",
- 0x0A : "FILTER_SPEC",
- 0x0C : "SENDER_TSPEC",
- 0x0D : "ADSPEC",
- 0x0E : "POLICY_DATA",
- 0x0F : "RESV_CONFIRM",
- 0x10 : "RSVP_LABEL",
- 0x11 : "HOP_COUNT",
- 0x13 : "LABEL_REQUEST",
- 0x14 : "EXPLICIT_ROUTE",
- 0x15 : "ROUTE_RECORD",
- 0x16 : "HELLO",
- 0x17 : "MESSAGE_ID",
- 0x18 : "MESSAGE_ID_ACK",
- 0x19 : "MESSAGE_ID_LIST",
- 0x1E : "DIAGNOSTIC",
- 0x1F : "ROUTE",
- 0x20 : "DIAG_RESPONSE",
- 0x21 : "DIAG_SELECT",
- 0x22 : "RECOVERY_LABEL",
- 0x23 : "UPSTREAM_LABEL",
- 0x24 : "LABEL_SET",
- 0x25 : "PROTECTION",
- 0x2B : "SBM_PRIORITY",
- 0x2D : "SBM_INFO",
- 0x32 : "S2L_SUB_LSP",
- 0x3F : "DETOUR",
- 0x40 : "CHALLENGE",
- 0x41 : "DIFF-SERV",
- 0x42 : "CLASSTYPE",
- 0x80 : "NODE_CHAR",
- 0x83 : "RESTART_CA",
- 0x86 : "Capability Object",
- 0xA1 : "RSVP_HOP_L2",
- 0xA2 : "LAN_NHOP_L2",
- 0xA3 : "LAN_NHOP_L3",
- 0xA4 : "LAN_LOOPBACK",
- 0xA5 : "TCLASS",
- 0xC0 : "TUNNEL",
- 0xC4 : "ADMIN-STATUS",
- 0xC6 : "ALARM_SPEC",
- 0xE1 : "DCLASS",
- 0xE4 : "CALL_OPS (ASON)",
- 0xE6 : "CALL_ID",
- 0xE7 : "3GPP2_Object",
-class RSVP_Object(Packet):
- name = "RSVP_Object"
- fields_desc = [ ShortField("Length",4),
- ByteEnumField("Class",0x01, rsvptypes),
- ByteField("C-Type",1)]
- def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
- if self.Class == 0x03:
- return RSVP_HOP
- elif self.Class == 0x05:
- return RSVP_Time
- elif self.Class == 0x0c:
- return RSVP_SenderTSPEC
- elif self.Class == 0x13:
- return RSVP_LabelReq
- elif self.Class == 0xCF:
- return RSVP_SessionAttrb
- else:
- return RSVP_Data
-class RSVP_Data(Packet):
- name = "Data"
- fields_desc = [StrLenField("Data","",length_from= lambda pkt:pkt.underlayer.Length - 4)]
- def default_payload_class(self, payload):
- return RSVP_Object
-class RSVP_HOP(Packet):
- name = "HOP"
- fields_desc = [ IPField("neighbor",""),
- BitField("inface",1,32)]
- def default_payload_class(self, payload):
- return RSVP_Object
-class RSVP_Time(Packet):
- name = "Time Val"
- fields_desc = [ BitField("refresh",1,32)]
- def default_payload_class(self, payload):
- return RSVP_Object
-class RSVP_SenderTSPEC(Packet):
- name = "Sender_TSPEC"
- fields_desc = [ ByteField("Msg_Format",0),
- ByteField("reserve",0),
- ShortField("Data_Length",4),
- ByteField("Srv_hdr",1),
- ByteField("reserve2",0),
- ShortField("Srv_Length",4),
- StrLenField("Tokens","",length_from= lambda pkt:pkt.underlayer.Length - 12) ]
- def default_payload_class(self, payload):
- return RSVP_Object
-class RSVP_LabelReq(Packet):
- name = "Lable Req"
- fields_desc = [ ShortField("reserve",1),
- ShortField("L3PID",1)]
- def default_payload_class(self, payload):
- return RSVP_Object
-class RSVP_SessionAttrb(Packet):
- name = "Session_Attribute"
- fields_desc = [ ByteField("Setup_priority",1),
- ByteField("Hold_priority",1),
- ByteField("flags",1),
- ByteField("Name_length",1),
- StrLenField("Name","",length_from= lambda pkt:pkt.underlayer.Length - 8),
- ]
- def default_payload_class(self, payload):
- return RSVP_Object
-bind_layers( IP, RSVP, { "proto" : 46} )
-bind_layers( RSVP, RSVP_Object, {})
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 47935c9e..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# scapy.contrib.description = Skinny Call Control Protocol (SCCP)
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-## ##
-## --- Skinny Call Control Protocol (SCCP) extension ##
-## ##
-## Copyright (C) 2006 Nicolas Bareil <nicolas.bareil@> ##
-## EADS/CRC security team ##
-## ##
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ##
-## under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as ##
-## published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2. ##
-## ##
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ##
-## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ##
-## General Public License for more details. ##
-## ##
-from scapy.all import *
-import builtins
-# Helpers and constants
-skinny_messages_cls = {
-# Station -> Callmanager
- 0x0000: "SkinnyMessageKeepAlive",
- 0x0001: "SkinnyMessageRegister",
- 0x0002: "SkinnyMessageIpPort",
- 0x0003: "SkinnyMessageKeypadButton",
- 0x0004: "SkinnyMessageEnblocCall",
- 0x0005: "SkinnyMessageStimulus",
- 0x0006: "SkinnyMessageOffHook",
- 0x0007: "SkinnyMessageOnHook",
- 0x0008: "SkinnyMessageHookFlash",
- 0x0009: "SkinnyMessageForwardStatReq",
- 0x000A: "SkinnyMessageSpeedDialStatReq",
- 0x000B: "SkinnyMessageLineStatReq",
- 0x000C: "SkinnyMessageConfigStatReq",
- 0x000D: "SkinnyMessageTimeDateReq",
- 0x000E: "SkinnyMessageButtonTemplateReq",
- 0x000F: "SkinnyMessageVersionReq",
- 0x0010: "SkinnyMessageCapabilitiesRes",
- 0x0011: "SkinnyMessageMediaPortList",
- 0x0012: "SkinnyMessageServerReq",
- 0x0020: "SkinnyMessageAlarm",
- 0x0021: "SkinnyMessageMulticastMediaReceptionAck",
- 0x0022: "SkinnyMessageOpenReceiveChannelAck",
- 0x0023: "SkinnyMessageConnectionStatisticsRes",
- 0x0024: "SkinnyMessageOffHookWithCgpn",
- 0x0025: "SkinnyMessageSoftKeySetReq",
- 0x0026: "SkinnyMessageSoftKeyEvent",
- 0x0027: "SkinnyMessageUnregister",
- 0x0028: "SkinnyMessageSoftKeyTemplateReq",
- 0x0029: "SkinnyMessageRegisterTokenReq",
- 0x002A: "SkinnyMessageMediaTransmissionFailure",
- 0x002B: "SkinnyMessageHeadsetStatus",
- 0x002C: "SkinnyMessageMediaResourceNotification",
- 0x002D: "SkinnyMessageRegisterAvailableLines",
- 0x002E: "SkinnyMessageDeviceToUserData",
- 0x002F: "SkinnyMessageDeviceToUserDataResponse",
- 0x0030: "SkinnyMessageUpdateCapabilities",
- 0x0031: "SkinnyMessageOpenMultiMediaReceiveChannelAck",
- 0x0032: "SkinnyMessageClearConference",
- 0x0033: "SkinnyMessageServiceURLStatReq",
- 0x0034: "SkinnyMessageFeatureStatReq",
- 0x0035: "SkinnyMessageCreateConferenceRes",
- 0x0036: "SkinnyMessageDeleteConferenceRes",
- 0x0037: "SkinnyMessageModifyConferenceRes",
- 0x0038: "SkinnyMessageAddParticipantRes",
- 0x0039: "SkinnyMessageAuditConferenceRes",
- 0x0040: "SkinnyMessageAuditParticipantRes",
- 0x0041: "SkinnyMessageDeviceToUserDataVersion1",
-# Callmanager -> Station */
- 0x0081: "SkinnyMessageRegisterAck",
- 0x0082: "SkinnyMessageStartTone",
- 0x0083: "SkinnyMessageStopTone",
- 0x0085: "SkinnyMessageSetRinger",
- 0x0086: "SkinnyMessageSetLamp",
- 0x0087: "SkinnyMessageSetHkFDetect",
- 0x0088: "SkinnyMessageSpeakerMode",
- 0x0089: "SkinnyMessageSetMicroMode",
- 0x008A: "SkinnyMessageStartMediaTransmission",
- 0x008B: "SkinnyMessageStopMediaTransmission",
- 0x008C: "SkinnyMessageStartMediaReception",
- 0x008D: "SkinnyMessageStopMediaReception",
- 0x008F: "SkinnyMessageCallInfo",
- 0x0090: "SkinnyMessageForwardStat",
- 0x0091: "SkinnyMessageSpeedDialStat",
- 0x0092: "SkinnyMessageLineStat",
- 0x0093: "SkinnyMessageConfigStat",
- 0x0094: "SkinnyMessageTimeDate",
- 0x0095: "SkinnyMessageStartSessionTransmission",
- 0x0096: "SkinnyMessageStopSessionTransmission",
- 0x0097: "SkinnyMessageButtonTemplate",
- 0x0098: "SkinnyMessageVersion",
- 0x0099: "SkinnyMessageDisplayText",
- 0x009A: "SkinnyMessageClearDisplay",
- 0x009B: "SkinnyMessageCapabilitiesReq",
- 0x009C: "SkinnyMessageEnunciatorCommand",
- 0x009D: "SkinnyMessageRegisterReject",
- 0x009E: "SkinnyMessageServerRes",
- 0x009F: "SkinnyMessageReset",
- 0x0100: "SkinnyMessageKeepAliveAck",
- 0x0101: "SkinnyMessageStartMulticastMediaReception",
- 0x0102: "SkinnyMessageStartMulticastMediaTransmission",
- 0x0103: "SkinnyMessageStopMulticastMediaReception",
- 0x0104: "SkinnyMessageStopMulticastMediaTransmission",
- 0x0105: "SkinnyMessageOpenReceiveChannel",
- 0x0106: "SkinnyMessageCloseReceiveChannel",
- 0x0107: "SkinnyMessageConnectionStatisticsReq",
- 0x0108: "SkinnyMessageSoftKeyTemplateRes",
- 0x0109: "SkinnyMessageSoftKeySetRes",
- 0x0110: "SkinnyMessageSoftKeyEvent",
- 0x0111: "SkinnyMessageCallState",
- 0x0112: "SkinnyMessagePromptStatus",
- 0x0113: "SkinnyMessageClearPromptStatus",
- 0x0114: "SkinnyMessageDisplayNotify",
- 0x0115: "SkinnyMessageClearNotify",
- 0x0116: "SkinnyMessageCallPlane",
- 0x0117: "SkinnyMessageCallPlane",
- 0x0118: "SkinnyMessageUnregisterAck",
- 0x0119: "SkinnyMessageBackSpaceReq",
- 0x011A: "SkinnyMessageRegisterTokenAck",
- 0x011B: "SkinnyMessageRegisterTokenReject",
- 0x0042: "SkinnyMessageDeviceToUserDataResponseVersion1",
- 0x011C: "SkinnyMessageStartMediaFailureDetection",
- 0x011D: "SkinnyMessageDialedNumber",
- 0x011E: "SkinnyMessageUserToDeviceData",
- 0x011F: "SkinnyMessageFeatureStat",
- 0x0120: "SkinnyMessageDisplayPriNotify",
- 0x0121: "SkinnyMessageClearPriNotify",
- 0x0122: "SkinnyMessageStartAnnouncement",
- 0x0123: "SkinnyMessageStopAnnouncement",
- 0x0124: "SkinnyMessageAnnouncementFinish",
- 0x0127: "SkinnyMessageNotifyDtmfTone",
- 0x0128: "SkinnyMessageSendDtmfTone",
- 0x0129: "SkinnyMessageSubscribeDtmfPayloadReq",
- 0x012A: "SkinnyMessageSubscribeDtmfPayloadRes",
- 0x012B: "SkinnyMessageSubscribeDtmfPayloadErr",
- 0x012C: "SkinnyMessageUnSubscribeDtmfPayloadReq",
- 0x012D: "SkinnyMessageUnSubscribeDtmfPayloadRes",
- 0x012E: "SkinnyMessageUnSubscribeDtmfPayloadErr",
- 0x012F: "SkinnyMessageServiceURLStat",
- 0x0130: "SkinnyMessageCallSelectStat",
- 0x0131: "SkinnyMessageOpenMultiMediaChannel",
- 0x0132: "SkinnyMessageStartMultiMediaTransmission",
- 0x0133: "SkinnyMessageStopMultiMediaTransmission",
- 0x0134: "SkinnyMessageMiscellaneousCommand",
- 0x0135: "SkinnyMessageFlowControlCommand",
- 0x0136: "SkinnyMessageCloseMultiMediaReceiveChannel",
- 0x0137: "SkinnyMessageCreateConferenceReq",
- 0x0138: "SkinnyMessageDeleteConferenceReq",
- 0x0139: "SkinnyMessageModifyConferenceReq",
- 0x013A: "SkinnyMessageAddParticipantReq",
- 0x013B: "SkinnyMessageDropParticipantReq",
- 0x013C: "SkinnyMessageAuditConferenceReq",
- 0x013D: "SkinnyMessageAuditParticipantReq",
- 0x013F: "SkinnyMessageUserToDeviceDataVersion1",
- }
-skinny_callstates = {
- 0x1: "Off Hook",
- 0x2: "On Hook",
- 0x3: "Ring out",
- 0xc: "Proceeding",
-skinny_ring_type = {
- 0x1: "Ring off"
-skinny_speaker_modes = {
- 0x1: "Speaker on",
- 0x2: "Speaker off"
-skinny_lamp_mode = {
- 0x1: "Off (?)",
- 0x2: "On",
-skinny_stimulus = {
- 0x9: "Line"
-## Fields ##
-class SkinnyDateTimeField(StrFixedLenField):
- def __init__(self, name, default):
- StrFixedLenField.__init__(self, name, default, 32)
- def m2i(self, pkt, s):
- year,month,dow,day,hour,min,sec,milisecond=struct.unpack('<8I', s)
- return (year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
- def i2m(self, pkt, val):
- if type(val) is str:
- val = self.h2i(pkt, val)
- l= val[:2] + (0,) + val[2:7] + (0,)
- return struct.pack('<8I', *l)
- def i2h(self, pkt, x):
- if type(x) is str:
- return x
- else:
- return time.ctime(time.mktime(x+(0,0,0)))
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- return self.i2h(pkt, x)
- def h2i(self, pkt, s):
- t = ()
- if type(s) is str:
- t = time.strptime(s)
- t = t[:2] + t[2:-3]
- else:
- if not s:
- y,m,d,h,min,sec,rest,rest,rest = time.gmtime(time.time())
- t = (y,m,d,h,min,sec)
- else:
- t=s
- return t
-## Packet abstract class ##
-class SkinnyMessageGeneric(Packet):
- name='Generic message'
-class SkinnyMessageKeepAlive(Packet):
- name='keep alive'
-class SkinnyMessageKeepAliveAck(Packet):
- name='keep alive ack'
-class SkinnyMessageOffHook(Packet):
- name = 'Off Hook'
- fields_desc = [ LEIntField("unknown1", 0),
- LEIntField("unknown2", 0),]
-class SkinnyMessageOnHook(SkinnyMessageOffHook):
- name = 'On Hook'
-class SkinnyMessageCallState(Packet):
- name='Skinny Call state message'
- fields_desc = [ LEIntEnumField("state", 1, skinny_callstates),
- LEIntField("instance", 1),
- LEIntField("callid", 0),
- LEIntField("unknown1", 4),
- LEIntField("unknown2", 0),
- LEIntField("unknown3", 0) ]
-class SkinnyMessageSoftKeyEvent(Packet):
- name='Soft Key Event'
- fields_desc = [ LEIntField("key", 0),
- LEIntField("instance", 1),
- LEIntField("callid", 0)]
-class SkinnyMessageSetRinger(Packet):
- name='Ring message'
- fields_desc = [ LEIntEnumField("ring", 0x1, skinny_ring_type),
- LEIntField("unknown1", 0),
- LEIntField("unknown2", 0),
- LEIntField("unknown3", 0) ]
-_skinny_tones = {
- 0x21: 'Inside dial tone',
- 0x22: 'xxx',
- 0x23: 'xxx',
- 0x24: 'Alerting tone',
- 0x25: 'Reorder Tone'
- }
-class SkinnyMessageStartTone(Packet):
- name='Start tone'
- fields_desc = [ LEIntEnumField("tone", 0x21, _skinny_tones),
- LEIntField("unknown1", 0),
- LEIntField("instance", 1),
- LEIntField("callid", 0)]
-class SkinnyMessageStopTone(SkinnyMessageGeneric):
- name='stop tone'
- fields_desc = [ LEIntField("instance", 1),
- LEIntField("callid", 0)]
-class SkinnyMessageSpeakerMode(Packet):
- name='Speaker mdoe'
- fields_desc = [ LEIntEnumField("ring", 0x1, skinny_speaker_modes) ]
-class SkinnyMessageSetLamp(Packet):
- name='Lamp message (light of the phone)'
- fields_desc = [ LEIntEnumField("stimulus", 0x5, skinny_stimulus),
- LEIntField("instance", 1),
- LEIntEnumField("mode", 2, skinny_lamp_mode) ]
-class SkinnyMessageSoftKeyEvent(Packet):
- name=' Call state message'
- fields_desc = [ LEIntField("instance", 1),
- LEIntField("callid", 0),
- LEIntField("set", 0),
- LEIntField("map", 0xffff)]
-class SkinnyMessagePromptStatus(Packet):
- name='Prompt status'
- fields_desc = [ LEIntField("timeout", 0),
- StrFixedLenField("text", "\0"*32, 32),
- LEIntField("instance", 1),
- LEIntField("callid", 0)]
-class SkinnyMessageCallPlane(Packet):
- name='Activate/Desactivate Call Plane Message'
- fields_desc = [ LEIntField("instance", 1)]
-class SkinnyMessageTimeDate(Packet):
- name='Setting date and time'
- fields_desc = [ SkinnyDateTimeField("settime", None),
- LEIntField("timestamp", 0) ]
-class SkinnyMessageClearPromptStatus(Packet):
- name='clear prompt status'
- fields_desc = [ LEIntField("instance", 1),
- LEIntField("callid", 0)]
-class SkinnyMessageKeypadButton(Packet):
- name='keypad button'
- fields_desc = [ LEIntField("key", 0),
- LEIntField("instance", 1),
- LEIntField("callid", 0)]
-class SkinnyMessageDialedNumber(Packet):
- name='dialed number'
- fields_desc = [ StrFixedLenField("number", "1337", 24),
- LEIntField("instance", 1),
- LEIntField("callid", 0)]
-_skinny_message_callinfo_restrictions = ['CallerName'
- , 'CallerNumber'
- , 'CalledName'
- , 'CalledNumber'
- , 'OriginalCalledName'
- , 'OriginalCalledNumber'
- , 'LastRedirectName'
- , 'LastRedirectNumber'] + ['Bit%d' % i for i in range(8,15)]
-class SkinnyMessageCallInfo(Packet):
- name='call information'
- fields_desc = [ StrFixedLenField("callername", "Jean Valjean", 40),
- StrFixedLenField("callernum", "1337", 24),
- StrFixedLenField("calledname", "Causette", 40),
- StrFixedLenField("callednum", "1034", 24),
- LEIntField("lineinstance", 1),
- LEIntField("callid", 0),
- StrFixedLenField("originalcalledname", "Causette", 40),
- StrFixedLenField("originalcallednum", "1034", 24),
- StrFixedLenField("lastredirectingname", "Causette", 40),
- StrFixedLenField("lastredirectingnum", "1034", 24),
- LEIntField("originalredirectreason", 0),
- LEIntField("lastredirectreason", 0),
- StrFixedLenField('voicemailboxG', '\0'*24, 24),
- StrFixedLenField('voicemailboxD', '\0'*24, 24),
- StrFixedLenField('originalvoicemailboxD', '\0'*24, 24),
- StrFixedLenField('lastvoicemailboxD', '\0'*24, 24),
- LEIntField('security', 0),
- FlagsField('restriction', 0, 16, _skinny_message_callinfo_restrictions),
- LEIntField('unknown', 0)]
-class SkinnyRateField(LEIntField):
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- if x is None:
- x=0
- return '%d ms/pkt' % x
-_skinny_codecs = {
- 0x0: 'xxx',
- 0x1: 'xxx',
- 0x2: 'xxx',
- 0x3: 'xxx',
- 0x4: 'G711 ulaw 64k'
- }
-_skinny_echo = {
- 0x0: 'echo cancelation off',
- 0x1: 'echo cancelation on'
- }
-class SkinnyMessageOpenReceiveChannel(Packet):
- name='open receive channel'
- fields_desc = [LEIntField('conference', 0),
- LEIntField('passthru', 0),
- SkinnyRateField('rate', 20),
- LEIntEnumField('codec', 4, _skinny_codecs),
- LEIntEnumField('echo', 0, _skinny_echo),
- LEIntField('unknown1', 0),
- LEIntField('callid', 0)]
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return conf.padding_layer
-_skinny_receive_channel_status = {
- 0x0: 'ok',
- 0x1: 'ko'
- }
-class SkinnyMessageOpenReceiveChannelAck(Packet):
- name='open receive channel'
- fields_desc = [LEIntEnumField('status', 0, _skinny_receive_channel_status),
- IPField('remote', ''),
- LEIntField('port', RandShort()),
- LEIntField('passthru', 0),
- LEIntField('callid', 0)]
-_skinny_silence = {
- 0x0: 'silence suppression off',
- 0x1: 'silence suppression on',
- }
-class SkinnyFramePerPacketField(LEIntField):
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- if x is None:
- x=0
- return '%d frames/pkt' % x
-class SkinnyMessageStartMediaTransmission(Packet):
- name='start multimedia transmission'
- fields_desc = [LEIntField('conference', 0),
- LEIntField('passthru', 0),
- IPField('remote', ''),
- LEIntField('port', RandShort()),
- SkinnyRateField('rate', 20),
- LEIntEnumField('codec', 4, _skinny_codecs),
- LEIntField('precedence', 200),
- LEIntEnumField('silence', 0, _skinny_silence),
- SkinnyFramePerPacketField('maxframes', 0),
- LEIntField('unknown1', 0),
- LEIntField('callid', 0)]
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return conf.padding_layer
-class SkinnyMessageCloseReceiveChannel(Packet):
- name='close receive channel'
- fields_desc = [LEIntField('conference', 0),
- LEIntField('passthru', 0),
- IPField('remote', ''),
- LEIntField('port', RandShort()),
- SkinnyRateField('rate', 20),
- LEIntEnumField('codec', 4, _skinny_codecs),
- LEIntField('precedence', 200),
- LEIntEnumField('silence', 0, _skinny_silence),
- LEIntField('callid', 0)]
-class SkinnyMessageStopMultiMediaTransmission(Packet):
- name='stop multimedia transmission'
- fields_desc = [LEIntField('conference', 0),
- LEIntField('passthru', 0),
- LEIntField('callid', 0)]
-class Skinny(Packet):
- name="Skinny"
- fields_desc = [ LEIntField("len", None),
- LEIntField("res",0),
- LEIntEnumField("msg",0, skinny_messages) ]
- def post_build(self, pkt, p):
- if self.len is None:
- l=len(p)+len(pkt)-8 # on compte pas les headers len et reserved
- pkt=struct.pack('@I', l)+pkt[4:]
- return pkt+p
-# An helper
-def get_cls(name, fallback_cls):
- return globals().get(name, fallback_cls)
- #return builtins.__dict__.get(name, fallback_cls)
-for msgid,strcls in skinny_messages_cls.items():
- cls=get_cls(strcls, SkinnyMessageGeneric)
- bind_layers(Skinny, cls, {"msg": msgid})
-bind_layers(TCP, Skinny, { "dport": 2000 } )
-bind_layers(TCP, Skinny, { "sport": 2000 } )
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- interact(mydict=globals(),mybanner="Welcome to Skinny add-on")
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c01db2f..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Author: Sylvain SARMEJEANNE
-# scapy.contrib.description = Ubberlogger dissectors
-# scapy.contrib.status = untested
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-# Syscalls known by Uberlogger
-uberlogger_sys_calls = {0:"READ_ID",
- 1:"OPEN_ID",
- 2:"WRITE_ID",
- 3:"CHMOD_ID",
- 4:"CHOWN_ID",
- 5:"SETUID_ID",
- 6:"CHROOT_ID",
- 10:"CAPSET_ID",
- 11:"CAPGET_ID",
- 12:"FORK_ID",
- 13:"EXECVE_ID"}
-# First part of the header
-class Uberlogger_honeypot_caract(Packet):
- name = "Uberlogger honeypot_caract"
- fields_desc = [ByteField("honeypot_id", 0),
- ByteField("reserved", 0),
- ByteField("os_type_and_version", 0)]
-# Second part of the header
-class Uberlogger_uber_h(Packet):
- name = "Uberlogger uber_h"
- fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("syscall_type", 0, uberlogger_sys_calls),
- IntField("time_sec", 0),
- IntField("time_usec", 0),
- IntField("pid", 0),
- IntField("uid", 0),
- IntField("euid", 0),
- IntField("cap_effective", 0),
- IntField("cap_inheritable", 0),
- IntField("cap_permitted", 0),
- IntField("res", 0),
- IntField("length", 0)]
-# The 9 following classes are options depending on the syscall type
-class Uberlogger_capget_data(Packet):
- name = "Uberlogger capget_data"
- fields_desc = [IntField("target_pid", 0)]
-class Uberlogger_capset_data(Packet):
- name = "Uberlogger capset_data"
- fields_desc = [IntField("target_pid", 0),
- IntField("effective_cap", 0),
- IntField("permitted_cap", 0),
- IntField("inheritable_cap", 0)]
-class Uberlogger_chmod_data(Packet):
- name = "Uberlogger chmod_data"
- fields_desc = [ShortField("mode", 0)]
-class Uberlogger_chown_data(Packet):
- name = "Uberlogger chown_data"
- fields_desc = [IntField("uid", 0),
- IntField("gid", 0)]
-class Uberlogger_open_data(Packet):
- name = "Uberlogger open_data"
- fields_desc = [IntField("flags", 0),
- IntField("mode", 0)]
-class Uberlogger_read_data(Packet):
- name = "Uberlogger read_data"
- fields_desc = [IntField("fd", 0),
- IntField("count", 0)]
-class Uberlogger_setuid_data(Packet):
- name = "Uberlogger setuid_data"
- fields_desc = [IntField("uid", 0)]
-class Uberlogger_create_module_data(Packet):
- name = "Uberlogger create_module_data"
- fields_desc = [IntField("size", 0)]
-class Uberlogger_execve_data(Packet):
- name = "Uberlogger execve_data"
- fields_desc = [IntField("nbarg", 0)]
-# Layer bounds for Uberlogger
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9328cea4..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# scapy.contrib.description = VLAN Query Protocol
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.layers.inet import UDP
-class VQP(Packet):
- name = "VQP"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("const", 1),
- ByteEnumField("type", 1, {
- 1:"requestPort", 2:"responseVLAN",
- 3:"requestReconfirm", 4:"responseReconfirm"
- }),
- ByteEnumField("errorcodeaction", 0, {
- 0:"none",3:"accessDenied",
- 4:"shutdownPort", 5:"wrongDomain"
- }),
- ByteEnumField("unknown", 2, {
- 2:"inGoodResponse", 6:"inRequests"
- }),
- IntField("seq",0),
- ]
-class VQPEntry(Packet):
- name = "VQPEntry"
- fields_desc = [
- IntEnumField("datatype", 0, {
- 3073:"clientIPAddress", 3074:"portName",
- 3075:"VLANName", 3076:"Domain", 3077:"ethernetPacket",
- 3078:"ReqMACAddress", 3079:"unknown",
- 3080:"ResMACAddress"
- }),
- FieldLenField("len", None),
- ConditionalField(IPField("datatom", ""),
- lambda p:p.datatype==3073),
- ConditionalField(MACField("data", "00:00:00:00:00:00"),
- lambda p:p.datatype==3078),
- ConditionalField(MACField("data", "00:00:00:00:00:00"),
- lambda p:p.datatype==3080),
- ConditionalField(StrLenField("data", None,
- length_from=lambda p:p.len),
- lambda p:p.datatype not in [3073, 3078, 3080]),
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.len is None:
- l = len(
- p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H",l)+p[4:]
- return p
-bind_layers(UDP, VQP, sport=1589)
-bind_layers(UDP, VQP, dport=1589)
-bind_layers(VQP, VQPEntry, )
-bind_layers(VQPEntry, VQPEntry, )
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index af5c2823..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# scapy.contrib.description = VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
- VTP Scapy Extension
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- :version: 2009-02-15
- :copyright: 2009 by Jochen Bartl
- :e-mail: /
- :license: GPL v2
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- - Join messages
- - RE MD5 hash calculation
- - Have a closer look at 8 byte padding in summary adv.
- "debug sw-vlan vtp packets" sais the TLV length is invalid,
- when I change the values
- '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x06\x01\x00\x02'
- * \x00\x00 ?
- * \x00\x01 tlvtype?
- * \x06 length?
- * \x00\x02 value?
- - h2i function for VTPTimeStampField
- :References:
- - Understanding VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP)
-from scapy.all import *
- 1 : 'Ethernet',
- 2 : 'FDDI',
- 3 : 'TrCRF',
- 4 : 'FDDI-net',
- 5 : 'TrBRF'
- }
- 0x01 : 'Source-Routing Ring Number',
- 0x02 : 'Source-Routing Bridge Number',
- 0x03 : 'Spanning-Tree Protocol Type',
- 0x04 : 'Parent VLAN',
- 0x05 : 'Translationally Bridged VLANs',
- 0x06 : 'Pruning',
- 0x07 : 'Bridge Type',
- 0x08 : 'Max ARE Hop Count',
- 0x09 : 'Max STE Hop Count',
- 0x0A : 'Backup CRF Mode'
- }
-class VTPVlanInfoTlv(Packet):
- name = "VTP VLAN Info TLV"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteEnumField("type", 0, _VTP_VLANINFO_TLV_TYPE),
- ByteField("length", 0),
- StrLenField("value", None, length_from=lambda pkt : pkt.length + 1)
- ]
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return conf.padding_layer
-class VTPVlanInfo(Packet):
- name = "VTP VLAN Info"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("len", None), # FIXME: compute length
- ByteEnumField("status", 0, {0 : "active", 1 : "suspended"}),
- ByteEnumField("type", 1, _VTP_VLAN_TYPE),
- FieldLenField("vlannamelen", None, "vlanname", "B"),
- ShortField("vlanid", 1),
- ShortField("mtu", 1500),
- XIntField("dot10index", None),
- StrLenField("vlanname", "default", length_from=lambda pkt:4 * ((pkt.vlannamelen + 3) / 4)),
- ConditionalField(PacketListField("tlvlist", [], VTPVlanInfoTlv,
- length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.len - 12 - (4 * ((pkt.vlannamelen + 3) / 4))),
- lambda pkt:pkt.type not in [1, 2])
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- vlannamelen = 4 * ((len(self.vlanname) + 3) / 4)
- if self.len == None:
- l = vlannamelen + 12
- p = chr(l & 0xff) + p[1:]
- # Pad vlan name with zeros if vlannamelen > len(vlanname)
- l = vlannamelen - len(self.vlanname)
- if l != 0:
- p += "\x00" * l
- p += pay
- return p
- def guess_payload_class(self, p):
- return conf.padding_layer
-_VTP_Types = {
- 1 : 'Summary Advertisement',
- 2 : 'Subset Advertisements',
- 3 : 'Advertisement Request',
- 4 : 'Join'
- }
-class VTPTimeStampField(StrFixedLenField):
- def __init__(self, name, default):
- StrFixedLenField.__init__(self, name, default, 12)
- def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
- return "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s" % (x[:2], x[2:4], x[4:6], x[6:8], x[8:10], x[10:12])
-class VTP(Packet):
- name = "VTP"
- fields_desc = [
- ByteField("ver", 2),
- ByteEnumField("code", 1, _VTP_Types),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("followers", 1),
- lambda pkt:pkt.code == 1),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("seq", 1),
- lambda pkt:pkt.code == 2),
- ConditionalField(ByteField("reserved", 0),
- lambda pkt:pkt.code == 3),
- ByteField("domnamelen", None),
- StrFixedLenField("domname", "manbearpig", 32),
- ConditionalField(SignedIntField("rev", 0),
- lambda pkt:pkt.code == 1 or
- pkt.code == 2),
- # updater identity
- ConditionalField(IPField("uid", ""),
- lambda pkt:pkt.code == 1),
- ConditionalField(VTPTimeStampField("timestamp", '930301000000'),
- lambda pkt:pkt.code == 1),
- ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("md5", "\x00" * 16, 16),
- lambda pkt:pkt.code == 1),
- ConditionalField(
- PacketListField("vlaninfo", [], VTPVlanInfo),
- lambda pkt: pkt.code == 2),
- ConditionalField(ShortField("startvalue", 0),
- lambda pkt:pkt.code == 3)
- ]
- def post_build(self, p, pay):
- if self.domnamelen == None:
- domnamelen = len(self.domname.strip("\x00"))
- p = p[:3] + chr(domnamelen & 0xff) + p[4:]
- p += pay
- return p
-bind_layers(SNAP, VTP, code=0x2003)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="VTP")
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 084eedd8..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/contrib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# scapy.contrib.description = WPA EAPOL dissector
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-from scapy.packet import *
-from scapy.fields import *
-from scapy.layers.l2 import *
-class WPA_key(Packet):
- name = "WPA_key"
- fields_desc = [ ByteField("descriptor_type", 1),
- ShortField("key_info",0),
- LenField("len", None, "H"),
- StrFixedLenField("replay_counter", "", 8),
- StrFixedLenField("nonce", "", 32),
- StrFixedLenField("key_iv", "", 16),
- StrFixedLenField("wpa_key_rsc", "", 8),
- StrFixedLenField("wpa_key_id", "", 8),
- StrFixedLenField("wpa_key_mic", "", 16),
- LenField("wpa_key_length", None, "H"),
- StrLenField("wpa_key", "", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.wpa_key_length) ]
- def extract_padding(self, s):
- l = self.len
- return s[:l],s[l:]
- def hashret(self):
- return chr(self.type)+self.payload.hashret()
- def answers(self, other):
- if isinstance(other,WPA_key):
- return 1
- return 0
-bind_layers( EAPOL, WPA_key, type=3)