path: root/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/crypto
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authorimarom <>2016-03-21 16:03:47 +0200
committerimarom <>2016-03-21 16:03:47 +0200
commitb89efa188810bf95a9d245e69e2961b5721c3b0f (patch)
tree454273ac6c4ae972ebb8a2c86b893296970b4fa9 /scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/crypto
parentf72c6df9d2e9998ae1f3529d729ab7930b35785a (diff)
scapy python 2/3
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/crypto')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 2503 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/crypto/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index b441863e..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-## This file is part of Scapy
-## See for more informations
-## Copyright (C) Arnaud Ebalard <>
-## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
-Tools for handling with digital certificates.
- import Crypto
-except ImportError:
- import logging
- log_loading = logging.getLogger("scapy.loading")
-"Can't import python Crypto lib. Disabled certificate manipulation tools")
- from scapy.crypto.cert import *
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/crypto/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index c4291059..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-python3-0.18/scapy/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2486 +0,0 @@
-## This file is part of Scapy
-## See for more informations
-## Copyright (C) Arnaud Ebalard <>
-## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
-Cryptographic certificates.
-import os, sys, math, socket, struct, hmac, string, time, random, tempfile
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-from scapy.utils import strxor
- import hashlib
-from Crypto.PublicKey import *
-from Crypto.Cipher import *
-from Crypto.Hash import *
-from Crypto.Util import number
-# Maximum allowed size in bytes for a certificate file, to avoid
-# loading huge file when importing a cert
-MAX_CRL_SIZE=10*1024*1024 # some are that big
-# Some helpers
-def popen3(cmd):
- p = Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,
- close_fds=True)
- return p.stdout, p.stdin, p.stderr
-def warning(m):
- print("WARNING: %s" % m)
-def randstring(l):
- """
- Returns a random string of length l (l >= 0)
- """
- tmp = map(lambda x: struct.pack("B", random.randrange(0, 256, 1)), [""]*l)
- return "".join(tmp)
-def zerofree_randstring(l):
- """
- Returns a random string of length l (l >= 0) without zero in it.
- """
- tmp = map(lambda x: struct.pack("B", random.randrange(1, 256, 1)), [""]*l)
- return "".join(tmp)
-def strand(s1, s2):
- """
- Returns the binary AND of the 2 provided strings s1 and s2. s1 and s2
- must be of same length.
- """
- return "".join(map(lambda x,y:chr(ord(x)&ord(y)), s1, s2))
-# OS2IP function defined in RFC 3447 for octet string to integer conversion
-def pkcs_os2ip(x):
- """
- Accepts a byte string as input parameter and return the associated long
- value:
- Input : x octet string to be converted
- Output: x corresponding nonnegative integer
- Reverse function is pkcs_i2osp()
- """
- return number.bytes_to_long(x)
-# IP2OS function defined in RFC 3447 for octet string to integer conversion
-def pkcs_i2osp(x,xLen):
- """
- Converts a long (the first parameter) to the associated byte string
- representation of length l (second parameter). Basically, the length
- parameters allow the function to perform the associated padding.
- Input : x nonnegative integer to be converted
- xLen intended length of the resulting octet string
- Output: x corresponding nonnegative integer
- Reverse function is pkcs_os2ip().
- """
- z = number.long_to_bytes(x)
- padlen = max(0, xLen-len(z))
- return '\x00'*padlen + z
-# for every hash function a tuple is provided, giving access to
-# - hash output length in byte
-# - associated hash function that take data to be hashed as parameter
-# XXX I do not provide update() at the moment.
-# - DER encoding of the leading bits of digestInfo (the hash value
-# will be concatenated to create the complete digestInfo).
-# Notes:
-# - MD4 asn.1 value should be verified. Also, as stated in
-# PKCS#1 v2.1, MD4 should not be used.
-# - hashlib is available from
-# - 'tls' one is the concatenation of both md5 and sha1 hashes used
-# by SSL/TLS when signing/verifying things
-_hashFuncParams = {
- "md2" : (16,
- lambda x:,
- '\x30\x20\x30\x0c\x06\x08\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x02\x02\x05\x00\x04\x10'),
- "md4" : (16,
- lambda x:,
- '\x30\x20\x30\x0c\x06\x08\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x02\x04\x05\x00\x04\x10'), # is that right ?
- "md5" : (16,
- lambda x:,
- '\x30\x20\x30\x0c\x06\x08\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x02\x05\x05\x00\x04\x10'),
- "sha1" : (20,
- lambda x:,
- '\x30\x21\x30\x09\x06\x05\x2b\x0e\x03\x02\x1a\x05\x00\x04\x14'),
- "tls" : (36,
- lambda x: +,
- '') }
- _hashFuncParams["sha224"] = (28,
- lambda x: hashlib.sha224(x).digest(),
- '\x30\x2d\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x04\x05\x00\x04\x1c')
- _hashFuncParams["sha256"] = (32,
- lambda x: hashlib.sha256(x).digest(),
- '\x30\x31\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x01\x05\x00\x04\x20')
- _hashFuncParams["sha384"] = (48,
- lambda x: hashlib.sha384(x).digest(),
- '\x30\x41\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x02\x05\x00\x04\x30')
- _hashFuncParams["sha512"] = (64,
- lambda x: hashlib.sha512(x).digest(),
- '\x30\x51\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x03\x05\x00\x04\x40')
- warning("hashlib support is not available. Consider installing it")
- warning("if you need sha224, sha256, sha384 and sha512 algs.")
-def pkcs_mgf1(mgfSeed, maskLen, h):
- """
- Implements generic MGF1 Mask Generation function as described in
- Appendix B.2.1 of RFC 3447. The hash function is passed by name.
- valid values are 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls, 'sha256',
- 'sha384' and 'sha512'. Returns None on error.
- Input:
- mgfSeed: seed from which mask is generated, an octet string
- maskLen: intended length in octets of the mask, at most 2^32 * hLen
- hLen (see below)
- h : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
- 'sha256', 'sha384'). hLen denotes the length in octets of
- the hash function output.
- Output:
- an octet string of length maskLen
- """
- # steps are those of Appendix B.2.1
- if not h in _hashFuncParams:
- warning("pkcs_mgf1: invalid hash (%s) provided")
- return None
- hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0]
- hFunc = _hashFuncParams[h][1]
- if maskLen > 2**32 * hLen: # 1)
- warning("pkcs_mgf1: maskLen > 2**32 * hLen")
- return None
- T = "" # 2)
- maxCounter = math.ceil(float(maskLen) / float(hLen)) # 3)
- counter = 0
- while counter < maxCounter:
- C = pkcs_i2osp(counter, 4)
- T += hFunc(mgfSeed + C)
- counter += 1
- return T[:maskLen]
-def pkcs_emsa_pss_encode(M, emBits, h, mgf, sLen):
- """
- Implements EMSA-PSS-ENCODE() function described in Sect. 9.1.1 of RFC 3447
- Input:
- M : message to be encoded, an octet string
- emBits: maximal bit length of the integer resulting of pkcs_os2ip(EM),
- where EM is the encoded message, output of the function.
- h : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
- 'sha256', 'sha384'). hLen denotes the length in octets of
- the hash function output.
- mgf : the mask generation function f : seed, maskLen -> mask
- sLen : intended length in octets of the salt
- Output:
- encoded message, an octet string of length emLen = ceil(emBits/8)
- On error, None is returned.
- """
- # 1) is not done
- hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0] # 2)
- hFunc = _hashFuncParams[h][1]
- mHash = hFunc(M)
- emLen = int(math.ceil(emBits/8.))
- if emLen < hLen + sLen + 2: # 3)
- warning("encoding error (emLen < hLen + sLen + 2)")
- return None
- salt = randstring(sLen) # 4)
- MPrime = '\x00'*8 + mHash + salt # 5)
- H = hFunc(MPrime) # 6)
- PS = '\x00'*(emLen - sLen - hLen - 2) # 7)
- DB = PS + '\x01' + salt # 8)
- dbMask = mgf(H, emLen - hLen - 1) # 9)
- maskedDB = strxor(DB, dbMask) # 10)
- l = (8*emLen - emBits)/8 # 11)
- rem = 8*emLen - emBits - 8*l # additionnal bits
- andMask = l*'\x00'
- if rem:
- j = chr(reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda x: 1<<x, range(8-rem))))
- andMask += j
- l += 1
- maskedDB = strand(maskedDB[:l], andMask) + maskedDB[l:]
- EM = maskedDB + H + '\xbc' # 12)
- return EM # 13)
-def pkcs_emsa_pss_verify(M, EM, emBits, h, mgf, sLen):
- """
- Implements EMSA-PSS-VERIFY() function described in Sect. 9.1.2 of RFC 3447
- Input:
- M : message to be encoded, an octet string
- EM : encoded message, an octet string of length emLen = ceil(emBits/8)
- emBits: maximal bit length of the integer resulting of pkcs_os2ip(EM)
- h : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
- 'sha256', 'sha384'). hLen denotes the length in octets of
- the hash function output.
- mgf : the mask generation function f : seed, maskLen -> mask
- sLen : intended length in octets of the salt
- Output:
- True if the verification is ok, False otherwise.
- """
- # 1) is not done
- hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0] # 2)
- hFunc = _hashFuncParams[h][1]
- mHash = hFunc(M)
- emLen = int(math.ceil(emBits/8.)) # 3)
- if emLen < hLen + sLen + 2:
- return False
- if EM[-1] != '\xbc': # 4)
- return False
- l = emLen - hLen - 1 # 5)
- maskedDB = EM[:l]
- H = EM[l:l+hLen]
- l = (8*emLen - emBits)/8 # 6)
- rem = 8*emLen - emBits - 8*l # additionnal bits
- andMask = l*'\xff'
- if rem:
- val = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda x: 1<<x, range(8-rem)))
- j = chr(~val & 0xff)
- andMask += j
- l += 1
- if strand(maskedDB[:l], andMask) != '\x00'*l:
- return False
- dbMask = mgf(H, emLen - hLen - 1) # 7)
- DB = strxor(maskedDB, dbMask) # 8)
- l = (8*emLen - emBits)/8 # 9)
- rem = 8*emLen - emBits - 8*l # additionnal bits
- andMask = l*'\x00'
- if rem:
- j = chr(reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda x: 1<<x, range(8-rem))))
- andMask += j
- l += 1
- DB = strand(DB[:l], andMask) + DB[l:]
- l = emLen - hLen - sLen - 1 # 10)
- if DB[:l] != '\x00'*(l-1) + '\x01':
- return False
- salt = DB[-sLen:] # 11)
- MPrime = '\x00'*8 + mHash + salt # 12)
- HPrime = hFunc(MPrime) # 13)
- return H == HPrime # 14)
-def pkcs_emsa_pkcs1_v1_5_encode(M, emLen, h): # section 9.2 of RFC 3447
- """
- Implements EMSA-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCODE() function described in Sect.
- 9.2 of RFC 3447.
- Input:
- M : message to be encode, an octet string
- emLen: intended length in octets of the encoded message, at least
- tLen + 11, where tLen is the octet length of the DER encoding
- T of a certain value computed during the encoding operation.
- h : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
- 'sha256', 'sha384'). hLen denotes the length in octets of
- the hash function output.
- Output:
- encoded message, an octet string of length emLen
- On error, None is returned.
- """
- hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0] # 1)
- hFunc = _hashFuncParams[h][1]
- H = hFunc(M)
- hLeadingDigestInfo = _hashFuncParams[h][2] # 2)
- T = hLeadingDigestInfo + H
- tLen = len(T)
- if emLen < tLen + 11: # 3)
- warning("pkcs_emsa_pkcs1_v1_5_encode: intended encoded message length too short")
- return None
- PS = '\xff'*(emLen - tLen - 3) # 4)
- EM = '\x00' + '\x01' + PS + '\x00' + T # 5)
- return EM # 6)
-# XXX should add other pgf1 instance in a better fashion.
-def create_ca_file(anchor_list, filename):
- """
- Concatenate all the certificates (PEM format for the export) in
- 'anchor_list' and write the result to file 'filename'. On success
- 'filename' is returned, None otherwise.
- If you are used to OpenSSL tools, this function builds a CAfile
- that can be used for certificate and CRL check.
- Also see create_temporary_ca_file().
- """
- try:
- f = open(filename, "w")
- for a in anchor_list:
- s = a.output(fmt="PEM")
- f.write(s)
- f.close()
- except:
- return None
- return filename
-def create_temporary_ca_file(anchor_list):
- """
- Concatenate all the certificates (PEM format for the export) in
- 'anchor_list' and write the result to file to a temporary file
- using mkstemp() from tempfile module. On success 'filename' is
- returned, None otherwise.
- If you are used to OpenSSL tools, this function builds a CAfile
- that can be used for certificate and CRL check.
- Also see create_temporary_ca_file().
- """
- try:
- f, fname = tempfile.mkstemp()
- for a in anchor_list:
- s = a.output(fmt="PEM")
- l = os.write(f, s)
- os.close(f)
- except:
- return None
- return fname
-def create_temporary_ca_path(anchor_list, folder):
- """
- Create a CA path folder as defined in OpenSSL terminology, by
- storing all certificates in 'anchor_list' list in PEM format
- under provided 'folder' and then creating the associated links
- using the hash as usually done by c_rehash.
- Note that you can also include CRL in 'anchor_list'. In that
- case, they will also be stored under 'folder' and associated
- links will be created.
- In folder, the files are created with names of the form
- 0...ZZ.pem. If you provide an empty list, folder will be created
- if it does not already exist, but that's all.
- The number of certificates written to folder is returned on
- success, None on error.
- """
- # We should probably avoid writing duplicate anchors and also
- # check if they are all certs.
- try:
- if not os.path.isdir(folder):
- os.makedirs(folder)
- except:
- return None
- l = len(anchor_list)
- if l == 0:
- return None
- fmtstr = "%%0%sd.pem" % math.ceil(math.log(l, 10))
- i = 0
- try:
- for a in anchor_list:
- fname = os.path.join(folder, fmtstr % i)
- f = open(fname, "w")
- s = a.output(fmt="PEM")
- f.write(s)
- f.close()
- i += 1
- except:
- return None
- r,w,e=popen3(["c_rehash", folder])
- r.close(); w.close(); e.close()
- return l
-# Public Key Cryptography related stuff
-class OSSLHelper:
- def _apply_ossl_cmd(self, osslcmd, rawdata):
- r,w,e=popen3(osslcmd)
- w.write(rawdata)
- w.close()
- res =
- r.close()
- e.close()
- return res
-class _EncryptAndVerify:
- ### Below are encryption methods
- def _rsaep(self, m):
- """
- Internal method providing raw RSA encryption, i.e. simple modular
- exponentiation of the given message representative 'm', a long
- between 0 and n-1.
- This is the encryption primitive RSAEP described in PKCS#1 v2.1,
- i.e. RFC 3447 Sect. 5.1.1.
- Input:
- m: message representative, a long between 0 and n-1, where
- n is the key modulus.
- Output:
- ciphertext representative, a long between 0 and n-1
- Not intended to be used directly. Please, see encrypt() method.
- """
- n = self.modulus
- if type(m) is int:
- m = long(m)
- if type(m) is not long or m > n-1:
- warning("Key._rsaep() expects a long between 0 and n-1")
- return None
- return self.key.encrypt(m, "")[0]
- def _rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_encrypt(self, M):
- """
- Implements RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCRYPT() function described in section
- 7.2.1 of RFC 3447.
- Input:
- M: message to be encrypted, an octet string of length mLen, where
- mLen <= k - 11 (k denotes the length in octets of the key modulus)
- Output:
- ciphertext, an octet string of length k
- On error, None is returned.
- """
- # 1) Length checking
- mLen = len(M)
- k = self.modulusLen / 8
- if mLen > k - 11:
- warning("Key._rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_encrypt(): message too "
- "long (%d > %d - 11)" % (mLen, k))
- return None
- # 2) EME-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding
- PS = zerofree_randstring(k - mLen - 3) # 2.a)
- EM = '\x00' + '\x02' + PS + '\x00' + M # 2.b)
- # 3) RSA encryption
- m = pkcs_os2ip(EM) # 3.a)
- c = self._rsaep(m) # 3.b)
- C = pkcs_i2osp(c, k) # 3.c)
- return C # 4)
- def _rsaes_oaep_encrypt(self, M, h=None, mgf=None, L=None):
- """
- Internal method providing RSAES-OAEP-ENCRYPT as defined in Sect.
- 7.1.1 of RFC 3447. Not intended to be used directly. Please, see
- encrypt() method for type "OAEP".
- Input:
- M : message to be encrypted, an octet string of length mLen
- where mLen <= k - 2*hLen - 2 (k denotes the length in octets
- of the RSA modulus and hLen the length in octets of the hash
- function output)
- h : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
- 'sha256', 'sha384'). hLen denotes the length in octets of
- the hash function output. 'sha1' is used by default if not
- provided.
- mgf: the mask generation function f : seed, maskLen -> mask
- L : optional label to be associated with the message; the default
- value for L, if not provided is the empty string
- Output:
- ciphertext, an octet string of length k
- On error, None is returned.
- """
- # The steps below are the one described in Sect. 7.1.1 of RFC 3447.
- # 1) Length Checking
- # 1.a) is not done
- mLen = len(M)
- if h is None:
- h = "sha1"
- if not h in _hashFuncParams:
- warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_encrypt(): unknown hash function %s.", h)
- return None
- hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0]
- hFun = _hashFuncParams[h][1]
- k = self.modulusLen / 8
- if mLen > k - 2*hLen - 2: # 1.b)
- warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_encrypt(): message too long.")
- return None
- # 2) EME-OAEP encoding
- if L is None: # 2.a)
- L = ""
- lHash = hFun(L)
- PS = '\x00'*(k - mLen - 2*hLen - 2) # 2.b)
- DB = lHash + PS + '\x01' + M # 2.c)
- seed = randstring(hLen) # 2.d)
- if mgf is None: # 2.e)
- mgf = lambda x,y: pkcs_mgf1(x,y,h)
- dbMask = mgf(seed, k - hLen - 1)
- maskedDB = strxor(DB, dbMask) # 2.f)
- seedMask = mgf(maskedDB, hLen) # 2.g)
- maskedSeed = strxor(seed, seedMask) # 2.h)
- EM = '\x00' + maskedSeed + maskedDB # 2.i)
- # 3) RSA Encryption
- m = pkcs_os2ip(EM) # 3.a)
- c = self._rsaep(m) # 3.b)
- C = pkcs_i2osp(c, k) # 3.c)
- return C # 4)
- def encrypt(self, m, t=None, h=None, mgf=None, L=None):
- """
- Encrypt message 'm' using 't' encryption scheme where 't' can be:
- - None: the message 'm' is directly applied the RSAEP encryption
- primitive, as described in PKCS#1 v2.1, i.e. RFC 3447
- Sect 5.1.1. Simply put, the message undergo a modular
- exponentiation using the public key. Additionnal method
- parameters are just ignored.
- - 'pkcs': the message 'm' is applied RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCRYPT encryption
- scheme as described in section 7.2.1 of RFC 3447. In that
- context, other parameters ('h', 'mgf', 'l') are not used.
- - 'oaep': the message 'm' is applied the RSAES-OAEP-ENCRYPT encryption
- scheme, as described in PKCS#1 v2.1, i.e. RFC 3447 Sect
- 7.1.1. In that context,
- o 'h' parameter provides the name of the hash method to use.
- Possible values are "md2", "md4", "md5", "sha1", "tls",
- "sha224", "sha256", "sha384" and "sha512". if none is provided,
- sha1 is used.
- o 'mgf' is the mask generation function. By default, mgf
- is derived from the provided hash function using the
- generic MGF1 (see pkcs_mgf1() for details).
- o 'L' is the optional label to be associated with the
- message. If not provided, the default value is used, i.e
- the empty string. No check is done on the input limitation
- of the hash function regarding the size of 'L' (for
- instance, 2^61 - 1 for SHA-1). You have been warned.
- """
- if t is None: # Raw encryption
- m = pkcs_os2ip(m)
- c = self._rsaep(m)
- return pkcs_i2osp(c, self.modulusLen/8)
- elif t == "pkcs":
- return self._rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_encrypt(m)
- elif t == "oaep":
- return self._rsaes_oaep_encrypt(m, h, mgf, L)
- else:
- warning("Key.encrypt(): Unknown encryption type (%s) provided" % t)
- return None
- ### Below are verification related methods
- def _rsavp1(self, s):
- """
- Internal method providing raw RSA verification, i.e. simple modular
- exponentiation of the given signature representative 'c', an integer
- between 0 and n-1.
- This is the signature verification primitive RSAVP1 described in
- PKCS#1 v2.1, i.e. RFC 3447 Sect. 5.2.2.
- Input:
- s: signature representative, an integer between 0 and n-1,
- where n is the key modulus.
- Output:
- message representative, an integer between 0 and n-1
- Not intended to be used directly. Please, see verify() method.
- """
- return self._rsaep(s)
- def _rsassa_pss_verify(self, M, S, h=None, mgf=None, sLen=None):
- """
- Implements RSASSA-PSS-VERIFY() function described in Sect 8.1.2
- of RFC 3447
- Input:
- M: message whose signature is to be verified
- S: signature to be verified, an octet string of length k, where k
- is the length in octets of the RSA modulus n.
- Output:
- True is the signature is valid. False otherwise.
- """
- # Set default parameters if not provided
- if h is None: # By default, sha1
- h = "sha1"
- if not h in _hashFuncParams:
- warning("Key._rsassa_pss_verify(): unknown hash function "
- "provided (%s)" % h)
- return False
- if mgf is None: # use mgf1 with underlying hash function
- mgf = lambda x,y: pkcs_mgf1(x, y, h)
- if sLen is None: # use Hash output length (A.2.3 of RFC 3447)
- hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0]
- sLen = hLen
- # 1) Length checking
- modBits = self.modulusLen
- k = modBits / 8
- if len(S) != k:
- return False
- # 2) RSA verification
- s = pkcs_os2ip(S) # 2.a)
- m = self._rsavp1(s) # 2.b)
- emLen = math.ceil((modBits - 1) / 8.) # 2.c)
- EM = pkcs_i2osp(m, emLen)
- # 3) EMSA-PSS verification
- Result = pkcs_emsa_pss_verify(M, EM, modBits - 1, h, mgf, sLen)
- return Result # 4)
- def _rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_verify(self, M, S, h):
- """
- Implements RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5-VERIFY() function as described in
- Sect. 8.2.2 of RFC 3447.
- Input:
- M: message whose signature is to be verified, an octet string
- S: signature to be verified, an octet string of length k, where
- k is the length in octets of the RSA modulus n
- h: hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
- 'sha256', 'sha384').
- Output:
- True if the signature is valid. False otherwise.
- """
- # 1) Length checking
- k = self.modulusLen / 8
- if len(S) != k:
- warning("invalid signature (len(S) != k)")
- return False
- # 2) RSA verification
- s = pkcs_os2ip(S) # 2.a)
- m = self._rsavp1(s) # 2.b)
- EM = pkcs_i2osp(m, k) # 2.c)
- # 3) EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding
- EMPrime = pkcs_emsa_pkcs1_v1_5_encode(M, k, h)
- if EMPrime is None:
- warning("Key._rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_verify(): unable to encode.")
- return False
- # 4) Comparison
- return EM == EMPrime
- def verify(self, M, S, t=None, h=None, mgf=None, sLen=None):
- """
- Verify alleged signature 'S' is indeed the signature of message 'M' using
- 't' signature scheme where 't' can be:
- - None: the alleged signature 'S' is directly applied the RSAVP1 signature
- primitive, as described in PKCS#1 v2.1, i.e. RFC 3447 Sect
- 5.2.1. Simply put, the provided signature is applied a moular
- exponentiation using the public key. Then, a comparison of the
- result is done against 'M'. On match, True is returned.
- Additionnal method parameters are just ignored.
- - 'pkcs': the alleged signature 'S' and message 'M' are applied
- RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5-VERIFY signature verification scheme as
- described in Sect. 8.2.2 of RFC 3447. In that context,
- the hash function name is passed using 'h'. Possible values are
- "md2", "md4", "md5", "sha1", "tls", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384"
- and "sha512". If none is provided, sha1 is used. Other additionnal
- parameters are ignored.
- - 'pss': the alleged signature 'S' and message 'M' are applied
- RSASSA-PSS-VERIFY signature scheme as described in Sect. 8.1.2.
- of RFC 3447. In that context,
- o 'h' parameter provides the name of the hash method to use.
- Possible values are "md2", "md4", "md5", "sha1", "tls", "sha224",
- "sha256", "sha384" and "sha512". if none is provided, sha1
- is used.
- o 'mgf' is the mask generation function. By default, mgf
- is derived from the provided hash function using the
- generic MGF1 (see pkcs_mgf1() for details).
- o 'sLen' is the length in octet of the salt. You can overload the
- default value (the octet length of the hash value for provided
- algorithm) by providing another one with that parameter.
- """
- if t is None: # RSAVP1
- S = pkcs_os2ip(S)
- n = self.modulus
- if S > n-1:
- warning("Signature to be verified is too long for key modulus")
- return False
- m = self._rsavp1(S)
- if m is None:
- return False
- l = int(math.ceil(math.log(m, 2) / 8.)) # Hack
- m = pkcs_i2osp(m, l)
- return M == m
- elif t == "pkcs": # RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5-VERIFY
- if h is None:
- h = "sha1"
- return self._rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_verify(M, S, h)
- elif t == "pss": # RSASSA-PSS-VERIFY
- return self._rsassa_pss_verify(M, S, h, mgf, sLen)
- else:
- warning("Key.verify(): Unknown signature type (%s) provided" % t)
- return None
-class _DecryptAndSignMethods(OSSLHelper):
- ### Below are decryption related methods. Encryption ones are inherited
- ### from PubKey
- def _rsadp(self, c):
- """
- Internal method providing raw RSA decryption, i.e. simple modular
- exponentiation of the given ciphertext representative 'c', a long
- between 0 and n-1.
- This is the decryption primitive RSADP described in PKCS#1 v2.1,
- i.e. RFC 3447 Sect. 5.1.2.
- Input:
- c: ciphertest representative, a long between 0 and n-1, where
- n is the key modulus.
- Output:
- ciphertext representative, a long between 0 and n-1
- Not intended to be used directly. Please, see encrypt() method.
- """
- n = self.modulus
- if type(c) is int:
- c = long(c)
- if type(c) is not long or c > n-1:
- warning("Key._rsaep() expects a long between 0 and n-1")
- return None
- return self.key.decrypt(c)
- def _rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt(self, C):
- """
- Implements RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-DECRYPT() function described in section
- 7.2.2 of RFC 3447.
- Input:
- C: ciphertext to be decrypted, an octet string of length k, where
- k is the length in octets of the RSA modulus n.
- Output:
- an octet string of length k at most k - 11
- on error, None is returned.
- """
- # 1) Length checking
- cLen = len(C)
- k = self.modulusLen / 8
- if cLen != k or k < 11:
- warning("Key._rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt() decryption error "
- "(cLen != k or k < 11)")
- return None
- # 2) RSA decryption
- c = pkcs_os2ip(C) # 2.a)
- m = self._rsadp(c) # 2.b)
- EM = pkcs_i2osp(m, k) # 2.c)
- # 3) EME-PKCS1-v1_5 decoding
- # I am aware of the note at the end of 7.2.2 regarding error
- # conditions reporting but the one provided below are for _local_
- # debugging purposes. --arno
- if EM[0] != '\x00':
- warning("Key._rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt(): decryption error "
- "(first byte is not 0x00)")
- return None
- if EM[1] != '\x02':
- warning("Key._rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt(): decryption error "
- "(second byte is not 0x02)")
- return None
- tmp = EM[2:].split('\x00', 1)
- if len(tmp) != 2:
- warning("Key._rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt(): decryption error "
- "(no 0x00 to separate PS from M)")
- return None
- PS, M = tmp
- if len(PS) < 8:
- warning("Key._rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt(): decryption error "
- "(PS is less than 8 byte long)")
- return None
- return M # 4)
- def _rsaes_oaep_decrypt(self, C, h=None, mgf=None, L=None):
- """
- Internal method providing RSAES-OAEP-DECRYPT as defined in Sect.
- 7.1.2 of RFC 3447. Not intended to be used directly. Please, see
- encrypt() method for type "OAEP".
- Input:
- C : ciphertext to be decrypted, an octet string of length k, where
- k = 2*hLen + 2 (k denotes the length in octets of the RSA modulus
- and hLen the length in octets of the hash function output)
- h : hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls',
- 'sha256', 'sha384'). 'sha1' is used if none is provided.
- mgf: the mask generation function f : seed, maskLen -> mask
- L : optional label whose association with the message is to be
- verified; the default value for L, if not provided is the empty
- string.
- Output:
- message, an octet string of length k mLen, where mLen <= k - 2*hLen - 2
- On error, None is returned.
- """
- # The steps below are the one described in Sect. 7.1.2 of RFC 3447.
- # 1) Length Checking
- # 1.a) is not done
- if h is None:
- h = "sha1"
- if not h in _hashFuncParams:
- warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): unknown hash function %s.", h)
- return None
- hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0]
- hFun = _hashFuncParams[h][1]
- k = self.modulusLen / 8
- cLen = len(C)
- if cLen != k: # 1.b)
- warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
- "(cLen != k)")
- return None
- if k < 2*hLen + 2:
- warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
- "(k < 2*hLen + 2)")
- return None
- # 2) RSA decryption
- c = pkcs_os2ip(C) # 2.a)
- m = self._rsadp(c) # 2.b)
- EM = pkcs_i2osp(m, k) # 2.c)
- # 3) EME-OAEP decoding
- if L is None: # 3.a)
- L = ""
- lHash = hFun(L)
- Y = EM[:1] # 3.b)
- if Y != '\x00':
- warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
- "(Y is not zero)")
- return None
- maskedSeed = EM[1:1+hLen]
- maskedDB = EM[1+hLen:]
- if mgf is None:
- mgf = lambda x,y: pkcs_mgf1(x, y, h)
- seedMask = mgf(maskedDB, hLen) # 3.c)
- seed = strxor(maskedSeed, seedMask) # 3.d)
- dbMask = mgf(seed, k - hLen - 1) # 3.e)
- DB = strxor(maskedDB, dbMask) # 3.f)
- # I am aware of the note at the end of 7.1.2 regarding error
- # conditions reporting but the one provided below are for _local_
- # debugging purposes. --arno
- lHashPrime = DB[:hLen] # 3.g)
- tmp = DB[hLen:].split('\x01', 1)
- if len(tmp) != 2:
- warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
- "(0x01 separator not found)")
- return None
- PS, M = tmp
- if PS != '\x00'*len(PS):
- warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
- "(invalid padding string)")
- return None
- if lHash != lHashPrime:
- warning("Key._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(): decryption error. "
- "(invalid hash)")
- return None
- return M # 4)
- def decrypt(self, C, t=None, h=None, mgf=None, L=None):
- """
- Decrypt ciphertext 'C' using 't' decryption scheme where 't' can be:
- - None: the ciphertext 'C' is directly applied the RSADP decryption
- primitive, as described in PKCS#1 v2.1, i.e. RFC 3447
- Sect 5.1.2. Simply, put the message undergo a modular
- exponentiation using the private key. Additionnal method
- parameters are just ignored.
- - 'pkcs': the ciphertext 'C' is applied RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-DECRYPT
- decryption scheme as described in section 7.2.2 of RFC 3447.
- In that context, other parameters ('h', 'mgf', 'l') are not
- used.
- - 'oaep': the ciphertext 'C' is applied the RSAES-OAEP-DECRYPT decryption
- scheme, as described in PKCS#1 v2.1, i.e. RFC 3447 Sect
- 7.1.2. In that context,
- o 'h' parameter provides the name of the hash method to use.
- Possible values are "md2", "md4", "md5", "sha1", "tls",
- "sha224", "sha256", "sha384" and "sha512". if none is provided,
- sha1 is used by default.
- o 'mgf' is the mask generation function. By default, mgf
- is derived from the provided hash function using the
- generic MGF1 (see pkcs_mgf1() for details).
- o 'L' is the optional label to be associated with the
- message. If not provided, the default value is used, i.e
- the empty string. No check is done on the input limitation
- of the hash function regarding the size of 'L' (for
- instance, 2^61 - 1 for SHA-1). You have been warned.
- """
- if t is None:
- C = pkcs_os2ip(C)
- c = self._rsadp(C)
- l = int(math.ceil(math.log(c, 2) / 8.)) # Hack
- return pkcs_i2osp(c, l)
- elif t == "pkcs":
- return self._rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt(C)
- elif t == "oaep":
- return self._rsaes_oaep_decrypt(C, h, mgf, L)
- else:
- warning("Key.decrypt(): Unknown decryption type (%s) provided" % t)
- return None
- ### Below are signature related methods. Verification ones are inherited from
- ### PubKey
- def _rsasp1(self, m):
- """
- Internal method providing raw RSA signature, i.e. simple modular
- exponentiation of the given message representative 'm', an integer
- between 0 and n-1.
- This is the signature primitive RSASP1 described in PKCS#1 v2.1,
- i.e. RFC 3447 Sect. 5.2.1.
- Input:
- m: message representative, an integer between 0 and n-1, where
- n is the key modulus.
- Output:
- signature representative, an integer between 0 and n-1
- Not intended to be used directly. Please, see sign() method.
- """
- return self._rsadp(m)
- def _rsassa_pss_sign(self, M, h=None, mgf=None, sLen=None):
- """
- Implements RSASSA-PSS-SIGN() function described in Sect. 8.1.1 of
- RFC 3447.
- Input:
- M: message to be signed, an octet string
- Output:
- signature, an octet string of length k, where k is the length in
- octets of the RSA modulus n.
- On error, None is returned.
- """
- # Set default parameters if not provided
- if h is None: # By default, sha1
- h = "sha1"
- if not h in _hashFuncParams:
- warning("Key._rsassa_pss_sign(): unknown hash function "
- "provided (%s)" % h)
- return None
- if mgf is None: # use mgf1 with underlying hash function
- mgf = lambda x,y: pkcs_mgf1(x, y, h)
- if sLen is None: # use Hash output length (A.2.3 of RFC 3447)
- hLen = _hashFuncParams[h][0]
- sLen = hLen
- # 1) EMSA-PSS encoding
- modBits = self.modulusLen
- k = modBits / 8
- EM = pkcs_emsa_pss_encode(M, modBits - 1, h, mgf, sLen)
- if EM is None:
- warning("Key._rsassa_pss_sign(): unable to encode")
- return None
- # 2) RSA signature
- m = pkcs_os2ip(EM) # 2.a)
- s = self._rsasp1(m) # 2.b)
- S = pkcs_i2osp(s, k) # 2.c)
- return S # 3)
- def _rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_sign(self, M, h):
- """
- Implements RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5-SIGN() function as described in
- Sect. 8.2.1 of RFC 3447.
- Input:
- M: message to be signed, an octet string
- h: hash function name (in 'md2', 'md4', 'md5', 'sha1', 'tls'
- 'sha256', 'sha384').
- Output:
- the signature, an octet string.
- """
- # 1) EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding
- k = self.modulusLen / 8
- EM = pkcs_emsa_pkcs1_v1_5_encode(M, k, h)
- if EM is None:
- warning("Key._rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_sign(): unable to encode")
- return None
- # 2) RSA signature
- m = pkcs_os2ip(EM) # 2.a)
- s = self._rsasp1(m) # 2.b)
- S = pkcs_i2osp(s, k) # 2.c)
- return S # 3)
- def sign(self, M, t=None, h=None, mgf=None, sLen=None):
- """
- Sign message 'M' using 't' signature scheme where 't' can be:
- - None: the message 'M' is directly applied the RSASP1 signature
- primitive, as described in PKCS#1 v2.1, i.e. RFC 3447 Sect
- 5.2.1. Simply put, the message undergo a modular exponentiation
- using the private key. Additionnal method parameters are just
- ignored.
- - 'pkcs': the message 'M' is applied RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5-SIGN signature
- scheme as described in Sect. 8.2.1 of RFC 3447. In that context,
- the hash function name is passed using 'h'. Possible values are
- "md2", "md4", "md5", "sha1", "tls", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384"
- and "sha512". If none is provided, sha1 is used. Other additionnal
- parameters are ignored.
- - 'pss' : the message 'M' is applied RSASSA-PSS-SIGN signature scheme as
- described in Sect. 8.1.1. of RFC 3447. In that context,
- o 'h' parameter provides the name of the hash method to use.
- Possible values are "md2", "md4", "md5", "sha1", "tls", "sha224",
- "sha256", "sha384" and "sha512". if none is provided, sha1
- is used.
- o 'mgf' is the mask generation function. By default, mgf
- is derived from the provided hash function using the
- generic MGF1 (see pkcs_mgf1() for details).
- o 'sLen' is the length in octet of the salt. You can overload the
- default value (the octet length of the hash value for provided
- algorithm) by providing another one with that parameter.
- """
- if t is None: # RSASP1
- M = pkcs_os2ip(M)
- n = self.modulus
- if M > n-1:
- warning("Message to be signed is too long for key modulus")
- return None
- s = self._rsasp1(M)
- if s is None:
- return None
- return pkcs_i2osp(s, self.modulusLen/8)
- elif t == "pkcs": # RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5-SIGN
- if h is None:
- h = "sha1"
- return self._rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_sign(M, h)
- elif t == "pss": # RSASSA-PSS-SIGN
- return self._rsassa_pss_sign(M, h, mgf, sLen)
- else:
- warning("Key.sign(): Unknown signature type (%s) provided" % t)
- return None
-def openssl_parse_RSA(fmt="PEM"):
- return popen3(['openssl', 'rsa', '-text', '-pubin', '-inform', fmt, '-noout'])
-def openssl_convert_RSA(infmt="PEM", outfmt="DER"):
- return ['openssl', 'rsa', '-pubin', '-inform', infmt, '-outform', outfmt]
-class PubKey(OSSLHelper, _EncryptAndVerify):
- # Below are the fields we recognize in the -text output of openssl
- # and from which we extract information. We expect them in that
- # order. Number of spaces does matter.
- possible_fields = [ "Modulus (",
- "Exponent:" ]
- possible_fields_count = len(possible_fields)
- def __init__(self, keypath):
- error_msg = "Unable to import key."
- # XXX Temporary hack to use PubKey inside Cert
- if type(keypath) is tuple:
- e, m, mLen = keypath
- self.modulus = m
- self.modulusLen = mLen
- self.pubExp = e
- return
- fields_dict = {}
- for k in self.possible_fields:
- fields_dict[k] = None
- self.keypath = None
- rawkey = None
- if (not '\x00' in keypath) and os.path.isfile(keypath): # file
- self.keypath = keypath
- key_size = os.path.getsize(keypath)
- if key_size > MAX_KEY_SIZE:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- try:
- f = open(keypath)
- rawkey =
- f.close()
- except:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- else:
- rawkey = keypath
- if rawkey is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- self.rawkey = rawkey
- key_header = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----"
- key_footer = "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
- l = rawkey.split(key_header, 1)
- if len(l) == 2: # looks like PEM
- tmp = l[1]
- l = tmp.split(key_footer, 1)
- if len(l) == 2:
- tmp = l[0]
- rawkey = "%s%s%s\n" % (key_header, tmp, key_footer)
- else:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- r,w,e = openssl_parse_RSA("PEM")
- w.write(rawkey)
- w.close()
- textkey =
- r.close()
- res =
- e.close()
- if res == '':
- self.format = "PEM"
- self.pemkey = rawkey
- self.textkey = textkey
- cmd = openssl_convert_RSA_cmd("PEM", "DER")
- self.derkey = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, rawkey)
- else:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- else: # not PEM, try DER
- r,w,e = openssl_parse_RSA("DER")
- w.write(rawkey)
- w.close()
- textkey =
- r.close()
- res =
- if res == '':
- self.format = "DER"
- self.derkey = rawkey
- self.textkey = textkey
- cmd = openssl_convert_RSA_cmd("DER", "PEM")
- self.pemkey = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, rawkey)
- cmd = openssl_convert_RSA_cmd("DER", "DER")
- self.derkey = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, rawkey)
- else:
- try: # Perhaps it is a cert
- c = Cert(keypath)
- except:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # TODO:
- # Reconstruct a key (der and pem) and provide:
- # self.format
- # self.derkey
- # self.pemkey
- # self.textkey
- # self.keypath
- self.osslcmdbase = ['openssl', 'rsa', '-pubin', '-inform', self.format]
- self.keypath = keypath
- # Parse the -text output of openssl to make things available
- l = self.textkey.split('\n', 1)
- if len(l) != 2:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- cur, tmp = l
- i = 0
- k = self.possible_fields[i] # Modulus (
- cur = cur[len(k):] + '\n'
- while k:
- l = tmp.split('\n', 1)
- if len(l) != 2: # Over
- fields_dict[k] = cur
- break
- l, tmp = l
- newkey = 0
- # skip fields we have already seen, this is the purpose of 'i'
- for j in range(i, self.possible_fields_count):
- f = self.possible_fields[j]
- if l.startswith(f):
- fields_dict[k] = cur
- cur = l[len(f):] + '\n'
- k = f
- newkey = 1
- i = j+1
- break
- if newkey == 1:
- continue
- cur += l + '\n'
- # modulus and modulus length
- v = fields_dict["Modulus ("]
- self.modulusLen = None
- if v:
- v, rem = v.split(' bit):', 1)
- self.modulusLen = int(v)
- rem = rem.replace('\n','').replace(' ','').replace(':','')
- self.modulus = long(rem, 16)
- if self.modulus is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # public exponent
- v = fields_dict["Exponent:"]
- self.pubExp = None
- if v:
- self.pubExp = long(v.split('(', 1)[0])
- if self.pubExp is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- self.key = RSA.construct((self.modulus, self.pubExp, ))
- def __str__(self):
- return self.derkey
-class Key(_DecryptAndSignMethods, _EncryptAndVerify):
- # Below are the fields we recognize in the -text output of openssl
- # and from which we extract information. We expect them in that
- # order. Number of spaces does matter.
- possible_fields = [ "Private-Key: (",
- "modulus:",
- "publicExponent:",
- "privateExponent:",
- "prime1:",
- "prime2:",
- "exponent1:",
- "exponent2:",
- "coefficient:" ]
- possible_fields_count = len(possible_fields)
- def __init__(self, keypath):
- error_msg = "Unable to import key."
- fields_dict = {}
- for k in self.possible_fields:
- fields_dict[k] = None
- self.keypath = None
- rawkey = None
- if (not '\x00' in keypath) and os.path.isfile(keypath):
- self.keypath = keypath
- key_size = os.path.getsize(keypath)
- if key_size > MAX_KEY_SIZE:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- try:
- f = open(keypath)
- rawkey =
- f.close()
- except:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- else:
- rawkey = keypath
- if rawkey is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- self.rawkey = rawkey
- # Let's try to get file format : PEM or DER.
- fmtstr = 'openssl rsa -text -inform %s -noout'
- convertstr = 'openssl rsa -inform %s -outform %s'
- key_header = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
- key_footer = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
- l = rawkey.split(key_header, 1)
- if len(l) == 2: # looks like PEM
- tmp = l[1]
- l = tmp.split(key_footer, 1)
- if len(l) == 2:
- tmp = l[0]
- rawkey = "%s%s%s\n" % (key_header, tmp, key_footer)
- else:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- r,w,e = popen3((fmtstr % "PEM").split(" "))
- w.write(rawkey)
- w.close()
- textkey =
- r.close()
- res =
- e.close()
- if res == '':
- self.format = "PEM"
- self.pemkey = rawkey
- self.textkey = textkey
- cmd = (convertstr % ("PEM", "DER")).split(" ")
- self.derkey = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, rawkey)
- else:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- else: # not PEM, try DER
- r,w,e = popen3((fmtstr % "DER").split(" "))
- w.write(rawkey)
- w.close()
- textkey =
- r.close()
- res =
- if res == '':
- self.format = "DER"
- self.derkey = rawkey
- self.textkey = textkey
- cmd = (convertstr % ("DER", "PEM")).split(" ")
- self.pemkey = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, rawkey)
- cmd = (convertstr % ("DER", "DER")).split(" ")
- self.derkey = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, rawkey)
- else:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- self.osslcmdbase = ['openssl', 'rsa', '-inform', self.format]
- r,w,e = popen3(["openssl", "asn1parse", "-inform", "DER"])
- w.write(self.derkey)
- w.close()
- self.asn1parsekey =
- r.close()
- res =
- e.close()
- if res != '':
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- self.keypath = keypath
- # Parse the -text output of openssl to make things available
- l = self.textkey.split('\n', 1)
- if len(l) != 2:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- cur, tmp = l
- i = 0
- k = self.possible_fields[i] # Private-Key: (
- cur = cur[len(k):] + '\n'
- while k:
- l = tmp.split('\n', 1)
- if len(l) != 2: # Over
- fields_dict[k] = cur
- break
- l, tmp = l
- newkey = 0
- # skip fields we have already seen, this is the purpose of 'i'
- for j in range(i, self.possible_fields_count):
- f = self.possible_fields[j]
- if l.startswith(f):
- fields_dict[k] = cur
- cur = l[len(f):] + '\n'
- k = f
- newkey = 1
- i = j+1
- break
- if newkey == 1:
- continue
- cur += l + '\n'
- # modulus length
- v = fields_dict["Private-Key: ("]
- self.modulusLen = None
- if v:
- self.modulusLen = int(v.split(' bit', 1)[0])
- if self.modulusLen is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # public exponent
- v = fields_dict["publicExponent:"]
- self.pubExp = None
- if v:
- self.pubExp = long(v.split('(', 1)[0])
- if self.pubExp is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- tmp = {}
- for k in ["modulus:", "privateExponent:", "prime1:", "prime2:",
- "exponent1:", "exponent2:", "coefficient:"]:
- v = fields_dict[k]
- if v:
- s = v.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '').replace(':', '')
- tmp[k] = long(s, 16)
- else:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- self.modulus = tmp["modulus:"]
- self.privExp = tmp["privateExponent:"]
- self.prime1 = tmp["prime1:"]
- self.prime2 = tmp["prime2:"]
- self.exponent1 = tmp["exponent1:"]
- self.exponent2 = tmp["exponent2:"]
- self.coefficient = tmp["coefficient:"]
- self.key = RSA.construct((self.modulus, self.pubExp, self.privExp))
- def __str__(self):
- return self.derkey
-# We inherit from PubKey to get access to all encryption and verification
-# methods. To have that working, we simply need Cert to provide
-# modulusLen and key attribute.
-# XXX Yes, it is a hack.
-class Cert(OSSLHelper, _EncryptAndVerify):
- # Below are the fields we recognize in the -text output of openssl
- # and from which we extract information. We expect them in that
- # order. Number of spaces does matter.
- possible_fields = [ " Version:",
- " Serial Number:",
- " Signature Algorithm:",
- " Issuer:",
- " Not Before:",
- " Not After :",
- " Subject:",
- " Public Key Algorithm:",
- " Modulus (",
- " Exponent:",
- " X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:",
- " X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:",
- " keyid:",
- " DirName:",
- " serial:",
- " X509v3 Basic Constraints:",
- " X509v3 Key Usage:",
- " X509v3 Extended Key Usage:",
- " X509v3 CRL Distribution Points:",
- " Authority Information Access:",
- " Signature Algorithm:" ]
- possible_fields_count = len(possible_fields)
- def __init__(self, certpath):
- error_msg = "Unable to import certificate."
- fields_dict = {}
- for k in self.possible_fields:
- fields_dict[k] = None
- self.certpath = None
- rawcert = None
- if (not '\x00' in certpath) and os.path.isfile(certpath): # file
- self.certpath = certpath
- cert_size = os.path.getsize(certpath)
- if cert_size > MAX_CERT_SIZE:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- try:
- f = open(certpath)
- rawcert =
- f.close()
- except:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- else:
- rawcert = certpath
- if rawcert is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- self.rawcert = rawcert
- # Let's try to get file format : PEM or DER.
- fmtstr = 'openssl x509 -text -inform %s -noout'
- convertstr = 'openssl x509 -inform %s -outform %s'
- cert_header = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"
- cert_footer = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
- l = rawcert.split(cert_header, 1)
- if len(l) == 2: # looks like PEM
- tmp = l[1]
- l = tmp.split(cert_footer, 1)
- if len(l) == 2:
- tmp = l[0]
- rawcert = "%s%s%s\n" % (cert_header, tmp, cert_footer)
- else:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- r,w,e = popen3((fmtstr % "PEM").split(" "))
- w.write(rawcert)
- w.close()
- textcert =
- r.close()
- res =
- e.close()
- if res == '':
- self.format = "PEM"
- self.pemcert = rawcert
- self.textcert = textcert
- cmd = (convertstr % ("PEM", "DER")).split(" ")
- self.dercert = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, rawcert)
- else:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- else: # not PEM, try DER
- r,w,e = popen3((fmtstr % "DER").split(" "))
- w.write(rawcert)
- w.close()
- textcert =
- r.close()
- res =
- if res == '':
- self.format = "DER"
- self.dercert = rawcert
- self.textcert = textcert
- cmd = (convertstr % ("DER", "PEM")).split(" ")
- self.pemcert = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, rawcert)
- cmd = (convertstr % ("DER", "DER")).split(" ")
- self.dercert = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, rawcert)
- else:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- self.osslcmdbase = ['openssl', 'x509', '-inform', self.format]
- r,w,e = popen3('openssl asn1parse -inform DER'.split(' '))
- w.write(self.dercert)
- w.close()
- self.asn1parsecert =
- r.close()
- res =
- e.close()
- if res != '':
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # Grab _raw_ X509v3 Authority Key Identifier, if any.
- tmp = self.asn1parsecert.split(":X509v3 Authority Key Identifier", 1)
- self.authorityKeyID = None
- if len(tmp) == 2:
- tmp = tmp[1]
- tmp = tmp.split("[HEX DUMP]:", 1)[1]
- self.authorityKeyID=tmp.split('\n',1)[0]
- # Grab _raw_ X509v3 Subject Key Identifier, if any.
- tmp = self.asn1parsecert.split(":X509v3 Subject Key Identifier", 1)
- self.subjectKeyID = None
- if len(tmp) == 2:
- tmp = tmp[1]
- tmp = tmp.split("[HEX DUMP]:", 1)[1]
- self.subjectKeyID=tmp.split('\n',1)[0]
- # Get tbsCertificate using the worst hack. output of asn1parse
- # looks like that:
- #
- # 0:d=0 hl=4 l=1298 cons: SEQUENCE
- # 4:d=1 hl=4 l=1018 cons: SEQUENCE
- # ...
- #
- l1,l2 = self.asn1parsecert.split('\n', 2)[:2]
- hl1 = int(l1.split("hl=",1)[1].split("l=",1)[0])
- rem = l2.split("hl=",1)[1]
- hl2, rem = rem.split("l=",1)
- hl2 = int(hl2)
- l = int(rem.split("cons",1)[0])
- self.tbsCertificate = self.dercert[hl1:hl1+hl2+l]
- # Parse the -text output of openssl to make things available
- tmp = self.textcert.split('\n', 2)[2]
- l = tmp.split('\n', 1)
- if len(l) != 2:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- cur, tmp = l
- i = 0
- k = self.possible_fields[i] # Version:
- cur = cur[len(k):] + '\n'
- while k:
- l = tmp.split('\n', 1)
- if len(l) != 2: # Over
- fields_dict[k] = cur
- break
- l, tmp = l
- newkey = 0
- # skip fields we have already seen, this is the purpose of 'i'
- for j in range(i, self.possible_fields_count):
- f = self.possible_fields[j]
- if l.startswith(f):
- fields_dict[k] = cur
- cur = l[len(f):] + '\n'
- k = f
- newkey = 1
- i = j+1
- break
- if newkey == 1:
- continue
- cur += l + '\n'
- # version
- v = fields_dict[" Version:"]
- self.version = None
- if v:
- self.version = int(v[1:2])
- if self.version is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # serial number
- v = fields_dict[" Serial Number:"]
- self.serial = None
- if v:
- v = v.replace('\n', '').strip()
- if "0x" in v:
- v = v.split("0x", 1)[1].split(')', 1)[0]
- v = v.replace(':', '').upper()
- if len(v) % 2:
- v = '0' + v
- self.serial = v
- if self.serial is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # Signature Algorithm
- v = fields_dict[" Signature Algorithm:"]
- self.sigAlg = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip()
- self.sigAlg = v
- if self.sigAlg is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # issuer
- v = fields_dict[" Issuer:"]
- self.issuer = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip()
- self.issuer = v
- if self.issuer is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # not before
- v = fields_dict[" Not Before:"]
- self.notBefore_str = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip()
- self.notBefore_str = v
- if self.notBefore_str is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- try:
- self.notBefore = time.strptime(self.notBefore_str,
- "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z")
- except:
- self.notBefore = time.strptime(self.notBefore_str,
- "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
- self.notBefore_str_simple = time.strftime("%x", self.notBefore)
- # not after
- v = fields_dict[" Not After :"]
- self.notAfter_str = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip()
- self.notAfter_str = v
- if self.notAfter_str is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- try:
- self.notAfter = time.strptime(self.notAfter_str,
- "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z")
- except:
- self.notAfter = time.strptime(self.notAfter_str,
- "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
- self.notAfter_str_simple = time.strftime("%x", self.notAfter)
- # subject
- v = fields_dict[" Subject:"]
- self.subject = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip()
- self.subject = v
- if self.subject is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # Public Key Algorithm
- v = fields_dict[" Public Key Algorithm:"]
- self.pubKeyAlg = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip()
- self.pubKeyAlg = v
- if self.pubKeyAlg is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # Modulus
- v = fields_dict[" Modulus ("]
- self.modulus = None
- if v:
- v,t = v.split(' bit):',1)
- self.modulusLen = int(v)
- t = t.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', ''). replace(':', '')
- self.modulus_hexdump = t
- self.modulus = long(t, 16)
- if self.modulus is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # Exponent
- v = fields_dict[" Exponent:"]
- self.exponent = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('(',1)[0]
- self.exponent = long(v)
- if self.exponent is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # Public Key instance
- self.key = RSA.construct((self.modulus, self.exponent, ))
- # Subject Key Identifier
- # Authority Key Identifier: keyid, dirname and serial
- self.authorityKeyID_keyid = None
- self.authorityKeyID_dirname = None
- self.authorityKeyID_serial = None
- if self.authorityKeyID: # (hex version already done using asn1parse)
- v = fields_dict[" keyid:"]
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip().replace(':', '')
- self.authorityKeyID_keyid = v
- v = fields_dict[" DirName:"]
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- self.authorityKeyID_dirname = v
- v = fields_dict[" serial:"]
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip().replace(':', '')
- self.authorityKeyID_serial = v
- # Basic constraints
- self.basicConstraintsCritical = False
- self.basicConstraints=None
- v = fields_dict[" X509v3 Basic Constraints:"]
- if v:
- self.basicConstraints = {}
- v,t = v.split('\n',2)[:2]
- if "critical" in v:
- self.basicConstraintsCritical = True
- if "CA:" in t:
- self.basicConstraints["CA"] = t.split('CA:')[1][:4] == "TRUE"
- if "pathlen:" in t:
- self.basicConstraints["pathlen"] = int(t.split('pathlen:')[1])
- # X509v3 Key Usage
- self.keyUsage = []
- v = fields_dict[" X509v3 Key Usage:"]
- if v:
- # man 5 x509v3_config
- ku_mapping = {"Digital Signature": "digitalSignature",
- "Non Repudiation": "nonRepudiation",
- "Key Encipherment": "keyEncipherment",
- "Data Encipherment": "dataEncipherment",
- "Key Agreement": "keyAgreement",
- "Certificate Sign": "keyCertSign",
- "CRL Sign": "cRLSign",
- "Encipher Only": "encipherOnly",
- "Decipher Only": "decipherOnly"}
- v = v.split('\n',2)[1]
- l = map(lambda x: x.strip(), v.split(','))
- while l:
- c = l.pop()
- if c in ku_mapping:
- self.keyUsage.append(ku_mapping[c])
- else:
- self.keyUsage.append(c) # Add it anyway
- print("Found unknown X509v3 Key Usage: '%s'" % c)
- print("Report it to arno (at) for addition")
- # X509v3 Extended Key Usage
- self.extKeyUsage = []
- v = fields_dict[" X509v3 Extended Key Usage:"]
- if v:
- # man 5 x509v3_config:
- eku_mapping = {"TLS Web Server Authentication": "serverAuth",
- "TLS Web Client Authentication": "clientAuth",
- "Code Signing": "codeSigning",
- "E-mail Protection": "emailProtection",
- "Time Stamping": "timeStamping",
- "Microsoft Individual Code Signing": "msCodeInd",
- "Microsoft Commercial Code Signing": "msCodeCom",
- "Microsoft Trust List Signing": "msCTLSign",
- "Microsoft Encrypted File System": "msEFS",
- "Microsoft Server Gated Crypto": "msSGC",
- "Netscape Server Gated Crypto": "nsSGC",
- "IPSec End System": "iPsecEndSystem",
- "IPSec Tunnel": "iPsecTunnel",
- "IPSec User": "iPsecUser"}
- v = v.split('\n',2)[1]
- l = map(lambda x: x.strip(), v.split(','))
- while l:
- c = l.pop()
- if c in eku_mapping:
- self.extKeyUsage.append(eku_mapping[c])
- else:
- self.extKeyUsage.append(c) # Add it anyway
- print("Found unknown X509v3 Extended Key Usage: '%s'" % c)
- print("Report it to arno (at) for addition")
- # CRL Distribution points
- self.cRLDistributionPoints = []
- v = fields_dict[" X509v3 CRL Distribution Points:"]
- if v:
- v = v.split("\n\n", 1)[0]
- v = v.split("URI:")[1:]
- self.CRLDistributionPoints = map(lambda x: x.strip(), v)
- # Authority Information Access: list of tuples ("method", "location")
- self.authorityInfoAccess = []
- v = fields_dict[" Authority Information Access:"]
- if v:
- v = v.split("\n\n", 1)[0]
- v = v.split("\n")[1:]
- for e in v:
- method, location = map(lambda x: x.strip(), e.split(" - ", 1))
- self.authorityInfoAccess.append((method, location))
- # signature field
- v = fields_dict[" Signature Algorithm:" ]
- self.sig = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[1]
- v = v.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '')
- self.sig = "".join(map(lambda x: chr(int(x, 16)), v.split(':')))
- self.sigLen = len(self.sig)
- if self.sig is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- def isIssuerCert(self, other):
- """
- True if 'other' issued 'self', i.e.:
- - self.issuer == other.subject
- - self is signed by other
- """
- # XXX should be done on raw values, instead of their textual repr
- if self.issuer != other.subject:
- return False
- # Sanity check regarding modulus length and the
- # signature length
- keyLen = (other.modulusLen + 7)/8
- if keyLen != self.sigLen:
- return False
- unenc = other.encrypt(self.sig) # public key encryption, i.e. decrypt
- # XXX Check block type (00 or 01 and type of padding)
- unenc = unenc[1:]
- if not '\x00' in unenc:
- return False
- pos = unenc.index('\x00')
- unenc = unenc[pos+1:]
- found = None
- for k in _hashFuncParams.keys():
- if self.sigAlg.startswith(k):
- found = k
- break
- if not found:
- return False
- hlen, hfunc, digestInfo = _hashFuncParams[k]
- if len(unenc) != (hlen+len(digestInfo)):
- return False
- if not unenc.startswith(digestInfo):
- return False
- h = unenc[-hlen:]
- myh = hfunc(self.tbsCertificate)
- return h == myh
- def chain(self, certlist):
- """
- Construct the chain of certificates leading from 'self' to the
- self signed root using the certificates in 'certlist'. If the
- list does not provide all the required certs to go to the root
- the function returns a incomplete chain starting with the
- certificate. This fact can be tested by tchecking if the last
- certificate of the returned chain is self signed (if c is the
- result, c[-1].isSelfSigned())
- """
- d = {}
- for c in certlist:
- # XXX we should check if we have duplicate
- d[c.subject] = c
- res = [self]
- cur = self
- while not cur.isSelfSigned():
- if cur.issuer in d:
- possible_issuer = d[cur.issuer]
- if cur.isIssuerCert(possible_issuer):
- res.append(possible_issuer)
- cur = possible_issuer
- else:
- break
- return res
- def remainingDays(self, now=None):
- """
- Based on the value of notBefore field, returns the number of
- days the certificate will still be valid. The date used for the
- comparison is the current and local date, as returned by
- time.localtime(), except if 'now' argument is provided another
- one. 'now' argument can be given as either a time tuple or a string
- representing the date. Accepted format for the string version
- are:
- - '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z' e.g. 'Jan 30 07:38:59 2008 GMT'
- - '%m/%d/%y' e.g. '01/30/08' (less precise)
- If the certificate is no more valid at the date considered, then,
- a negative value is returned representing the number of days
- since it has expired.
- The number of days is returned as a float to deal with the unlikely
- case of certificates that are still just valid.
- """
- if now is None:
- now = time.localtime()
- elif type(now) is str:
- try:
- if '/' in now:
- now = time.strptime(now, '%m/%d/%y')
- else:
- now = time.strptime(now, '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z')
- except:
- warning("Bad time string provided '%s'. Using current time" % now)
- now = time.localtime()
- now = time.mktime(now)
- nft = time.mktime(self.notAfter)
- diff = (nft - now)/(24.*3600)
- return diff
- # return SHA-1 hash of cert embedded public key
- # !! At the moment, the trailing 0 is in the hashed string if any
- def keyHash(self):
- m = self.modulus_hexdump
- res = []
- i = 0
- l = len(m)
- while i<l: # get a string version of modulus
- res.append(struct.pack("B", int(m[i:i+2], 16)))
- i += 2
- return"".join(res)).digest()
- def output(self, fmt="DER"):
- if fmt == "DER":
- return self.dercert
- elif fmt == "PEM":
- return self.pemcert
- elif fmt == "TXT":
- return self.textcert
- def export(self, filename, fmt="DER"):
- """
- Export certificate in 'fmt' format (PEM, DER or TXT) to file 'filename'
- """
- f = open(filename, "wb")
- f.write(self.output(fmt))
- f.close()
- def isSelfSigned(self):
- """
- Return True if the certificate is self signed:
- - issuer and subject are the same
- - the signature of the certificate is valid.
- """
- if self.issuer == self.subject:
- return self.isIssuerCert(self)
- return False
- # Print main informations stored in certificate
- def show(self):
- print("Serial: %s" % self.serial)
- print("Issuer: " + self.issuer)
- print("Subject: " + self.subject)
- print("Validity: %s to %s" % (self.notBefore_str_simple,
- self.notAfter_str_simple))
- def __repr__(self):
- return "[X.509 Cert. Subject:%s, Issuer:%s]" % (self.subject, self.issuer)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.dercert
- def verifychain(self, anchors, untrusted=None):
- """
- Perform verification of certificate chains for that certificate. The
- behavior of verifychain method is mapped (and also based) on openssl
- verify userland tool (man 1 verify).
- A list of anchors is required. untrusted parameter can be provided
- a list of untrusted certificates that can be used to reconstruct the
- chain.
- If you have a lot of certificates to verify against the same
- list of anchor, consider constructing this list as a cafile
- and use .verifychain_from_cafile() instead.
- """
- cafile = create_temporary_ca_file(anchors)
- if not cafile:
- return False
- untrusted_file = None
- if untrusted:
- untrusted_file = create_temporary_ca_file(untrusted) # hack
- if not untrusted_file:
- os.unlink(cafile)
- return False
- res = self.verifychain_from_cafile(cafile,
- untrusted_file=untrusted_file)
- os.unlink(cafile)
- if untrusted_file:
- os.unlink(untrusted_file)
- return res
- def verifychain_from_cafile(self, cafile, untrusted_file=None):
- """
- Does the same job as .verifychain() but using the list of anchors
- from the cafile. This is useful (because more efficient) if
- you have a lot of certificates to verify do it that way: it
- avoids the creation of a cafile from anchors at each call.
- As for .verifychain(), a list of untrusted certificates can be
- passed (as a file, this time)
- """
- cmd = ["openssl", "verify", "-CAfile", cafile]
- if untrusted_file:
- cmd += ["-untrusted", untrusted_file]
- try:
- pemcert = self.output(fmt="PEM")
- cmdres = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, pemcert)
- except:
- return False
- return cmdres.endswith("\nOK\n") or cmdres.endswith(": OK\n")
- def verifychain_from_capath(self, capath, untrusted_file=None):
- """
- Does the same job as .verifychain_from_cafile() but using the list
- of anchors in capath directory. The directory should contain
- certificates files in PEM format with associated links as
- created using c_rehash utility (man c_rehash).
- As for .verifychain_from_cafile(), a list of untrusted certificates
- can be passed as a file (concatenation of the certificates in
- PEM format)
- """
- cmd = ["openssl", "verify", "-CApath", capath]
- if untrusted_file:
- cmd += ["-untrusted", untrusted_file]
- try:
- pemcert = self.output(fmt="PEM")
- cmdres = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, pemcert)
- except:
- return False
- return cmdres.endswith("\nOK\n") or cmdres.endswith(": OK\n")
- def is_revoked(self, crl_list):
- """
- Given a list of trusted CRL (their signature has already been
- verified with trusted anchors), this function returns True if
- the certificate is marked as revoked by one of those CRL.
- Note that if the Certificate was on hold in a previous CRL and
- is now valid again in a new CRL and bot are in the list, it
- will be considered revoked: this is because _all_ CRLs are
- checked (not only the freshest) and revocation status is not
- handled.
- Also note that the check on the issuer is performed on the
- Authority Key Identifier if available in _both_ the CRL and the
- Cert. Otherwise, the issuers are simply compared.
- """
- for c in crl_list:
- if (self.authorityKeyID is not None and
- c.authorityKeyID is not None and
- self.authorityKeyID == c.authorityKeyID):
- return self.serial in map(lambda x: x[0], c.revoked_cert_serials)
- elif (self.issuer == c.issuer):
- return self.serial in map(lambda x: x[0], c.revoked_cert_serials)
- return False
-def print_chain(l):
- llen = len(l) - 1
- if llen < 0:
- return ""
- c = l[llen]
- llen -= 1
- s = "_ "
- if not c.isSelfSigned():
- s = "_ ... [Missing Root]\n"
- else:
- s += "%s [Self Signed]\n" % c.subject
- i = 1
- while (llen != -1):
- c = l[llen]
- s += "%s\_ %s" % (" "*i, c.subject)
- if llen != 0:
- s += "\n"
- i += 2
- llen -= 1
- print(s)
-# import popen2
-# a=popen3("openssl crl -text -inform DER -noout ", capturestderr=True)
-# a.tochild.write(open("samples/klasa1.crl").read())
-# a.tochild.close()
-# a.poll()
-class CRL(OSSLHelper):
- # Below are the fields we recognize in the -text output of openssl
- # and from which we extract information. We expect them in that
- # order. Number of spaces does matter.
- possible_fields = [ " Version",
- " Signature Algorithm:",
- " Issuer:",
- " Last Update:",
- " Next Update:",
- " CRL extensions:",
- " X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name:",
- " X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:",
- " keyid:",
- " DirName:",
- " serial:",
- " X509v3 CRL Number:",
- "Revoked Certificates:",
- "No Revoked Certificates.",
- " Signature Algorithm:" ]
- possible_fields_count = len(possible_fields)
- def __init__(self, crlpath):
- error_msg = "Unable to import CRL."
- fields_dict = {}
- for k in self.possible_fields:
- fields_dict[k] = None
- self.crlpath = None
- rawcrl = None
- if (not '\x00' in crlpath) and os.path.isfile(crlpath):
- self.crlpath = crlpath
- cert_size = os.path.getsize(crlpath)
- if cert_size > MAX_CRL_SIZE:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- try:
- f = open(crlpath)
- rawcrl =
- f.close()
- except:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- else:
- rawcrl = crlpath
- if rawcrl is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- self.rawcrl = rawcrl
- # Let's try to get file format : PEM or DER.
- fmtstr = 'openssl crl -text -inform %s -noout'
- convertstr = 'openssl crl -inform %s -outform %s'
- crl_header = "-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----"
- crl_footer = "-----END X509 CRL-----"
- l = rawcrl.split(crl_header, 1)
- if len(l) == 2: # looks like PEM
- tmp = l[1]
- l = tmp.split(crl_footer, 1)
- if len(l) == 2:
- tmp = l[0]
- rawcrl = "%s%s%s\n" % (crl_header, tmp, crl_footer)
- else:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- r,w,e = popen3((fmtstr % "PEM").split(" "))
- w.write(rawcrl)
- w.close()
- textcrl =
- r.close()
- res =
- e.close()
- if res == '':
- self.format = "PEM"
- self.pemcrl = rawcrl
- self.textcrl = textcrl
- cmd = (convertstr % ("PEM", "DER")).split(" ")
- self.dercrl = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, rawcrl)
- else:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- else: # not PEM, try DER
- r,w,e = popen3((fmtstr % "DER").split(' '))
- w.write(rawcrl)
- w.close()
- textcrl =
- r.close()
- res =
- if res == '':
- self.format = "DER"
- self.dercrl = rawcrl
- self.textcrl = textcrl
- cmd = (convertstr % ("DER", "PEM")).split(" ")
- self.pemcrl = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, rawcrl)
- cmd = (convertstr % ("DER", "DER")).split(" ")
- self.dercrl = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, rawcrl)
- else:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- self.osslcmdbase = ['openssl', 'crl', '-inform', self.format]
- r,w,e = popen3(('openssl asn1parse -inform DER').split(" "))
- w.write(self.dercrl)
- w.close()
- self.asn1parsecrl =
- r.close()
- res =
- e.close()
- if res != '':
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # Grab _raw_ X509v3 Authority Key Identifier, if any.
- tmp = self.asn1parsecrl.split(":X509v3 Authority Key Identifier", 1)
- self.authorityKeyID = None
- if len(tmp) == 2:
- tmp = tmp[1]
- tmp = tmp.split("[HEX DUMP]:", 1)[1]
- self.authorityKeyID=tmp.split('\n',1)[0]
- # Parse the -text output of openssl to make things available
- tmp = self.textcrl.split('\n', 1)[1]
- l = tmp.split('\n', 1)
- if len(l) != 2:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- cur, tmp = l
- i = 0
- k = self.possible_fields[i] # Version
- cur = cur[len(k):] + '\n'
- while k:
- l = tmp.split('\n', 1)
- if len(l) != 2: # Over
- fields_dict[k] = cur
- break
- l, tmp = l
- newkey = 0
- # skip fields we have already seen, this is the purpose of 'i'
- for j in range(i, self.possible_fields_count):
- f = self.possible_fields[j]
- if l.startswith(f):
- fields_dict[k] = cur
- cur = l[len(f):] + '\n'
- k = f
- newkey = 1
- i = j+1
- break
- if newkey == 1:
- continue
- cur += l + '\n'
- # version
- v = fields_dict[" Version"]
- self.version = None
- if v:
- self.version = int(v[1:2])
- if self.version is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # signature algorithm
- v = fields_dict[" Signature Algorithm:"]
- self.sigAlg = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip()
- self.sigAlg = v
- if self.sigAlg is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # issuer
- v = fields_dict[" Issuer:"]
- self.issuer = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip()
- self.issuer = v
- if self.issuer is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- # last update
- v = fields_dict[" Last Update:"]
- self.lastUpdate_str = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip()
- self.lastUpdate_str = v
- if self.lastUpdate_str is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- self.lastUpdate = time.strptime(self.lastUpdate_str,
- "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z")
- self.lastUpdate_str_simple = time.strftime("%x", self.lastUpdate)
- # next update
- v = fields_dict[" Next Update:"]
- self.nextUpdate_str = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip()
- self.nextUpdate_str = v
- if self.nextUpdate_str is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- self.nextUpdate = time.strptime(self.nextUpdate_str,
- "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z")
- self.nextUpdate_str_simple = time.strftime("%x", self.nextUpdate)
- # XXX Do something for Issuer Alternative Name
- # Authority Key Identifier: keyid, dirname and serial
- self.authorityKeyID_keyid = None
- self.authorityKeyID_dirname = None
- self.authorityKeyID_serial = None
- if self.authorityKeyID: # (hex version already done using asn1parse)
- v = fields_dict[" keyid:"]
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip().replace(':', '')
- self.authorityKeyID_keyid = v
- v = fields_dict[" DirName:"]
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- self.authorityKeyID_dirname = v
- v = fields_dict[" serial:"]
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[0]
- v = v.strip().replace(':', '')
- self.authorityKeyID_serial = v
- # number
- v = fields_dict[" X509v3 CRL Number:"]
- self.number = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',2)[1]
- v = v.strip()
- self.number = int(v)
- # Get the list of serial numbers of revoked certificates
- self.revoked_cert_serials = []
- v = fields_dict["Revoked Certificates:"]
- t = fields_dict["No Revoked Certificates."]
- if (t is None and v is not None):
- v = v.split("Serial Number: ")[1:]
- for r in v:
- s,d = r.split('\n', 1)
- s = s.split('\n', 1)[0]
- d = d.split("Revocation Date:", 1)[1]
- d = time.strptime(d.strip(), "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z")
- self.revoked_cert_serials.append((s,d))
- # signature field
- v = fields_dict[" Signature Algorithm:" ]
- self.sig = None
- if v:
- v = v.split('\n',1)[1]
- v = v.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '')
- self.sig = "".join(map(lambda x: chr(int(x, 16)), v.split(':')))
- self.sigLen = len(self.sig)
- if self.sig is None:
- raise Exception(error_msg)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.dercrl
- # Print main informations stored in CRL
- def show(self):
- print("Version: %d" % self.version)
- print("sigAlg: " + self.sigAlg)
- print("Issuer: " + self.issuer)
- print("lastUpdate: %s" % self.lastUpdate_str_simple)
- print("nextUpdate: %s" % self.nextUpdate_str_simple)
- def verify(self, anchors):
- """
- Return True if the CRL is signed by one of the provided
- anchors. False on error (invalid signature, missing anchorand, ...)
- """
- cafile = create_temporary_ca_file(anchors)
- if cafile is None:
- return False
- try:
- cmd = self.osslcmdbase + ["-noout", "-CAfile", cafile]
- cmdres = self._apply_ossl_cmd(cmd, self.rawcrl)
- except:
- os.unlink(cafile)
- return False
- os.unlink(cafile)
- return "verify OK" in cmdres