path: root/scripts/external_libs/zmq/green/
diff options
authorimarom <>2015-10-27 19:25:03 +0200
committerimarom <>2015-10-27 19:27:57 +0200
commitea0b6efc3a41f425e46d81f4b6b8bbbf3238add1 (patch)
treea566d14e5869fd71068912438b9ec88d9fde12b5 /scripts/external_libs/zmq/green/
parent99109fa49c9a4d09a69172367911758892203ee2 (diff)
working cont. stream on 1 core
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/external_libs/zmq/green/')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
ef='#n118'>118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542
## This file is part of Scapy
## See for more informations
## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
## This program is published under a GPLv2 license

Clone of p0f passive OS fingerprinting

from import KnowledgeBase
from scapy.config import conf
from scapy.layers.inet import IP, TCP, TCPOptions
from scapy.packet import NoPayload

conf.p0f_base ="/etc/p0f/p0f.fp"
conf.p0fa_base ="/etc/p0f/p0fa.fp"
conf.p0fr_base ="/etc/p0f/p0fr.fp"
conf.p0fo_base ="/etc/p0f/p0fo.fp"

## p0f stuff ##

# File format (according to p0f.fp) :
# wwww:ttt:D:ss:OOO...:QQ:OS:Details
# wwww    - window size
# ttt     - initial TTL
# D       - don't fragment bit  (0=unset, 1=set) 
# ss      - overall SYN packet size
# OOO     - option value and order specification
# QQ      - quirks list
# OS      - OS genre
# details - OS description

class p0fKnowledgeBase(KnowledgeBase):
    def __init__(self, filename):
        KnowledgeBase.__init__(self, filename)
    def lazy_init(self):
        except IOError:
            warning("Can't open base %s" % self.filename)
            self.base = []
            for l in f:
                if l[0] in ["#","\n"]:
                l = tuple(l.split(":"))
                if len(l) < 8:
                def a2i(x):
                    if x.isdigit():
                        return int(x)
                    return x
                li = map(a2i, l[1:4])
                #if li[0] not in self.ttl_range:
                #    self.ttl_range.append(li[0])
                #    self.ttl_range.sort()
                self.base.append((l[0], li[0], li[1], li[2], l[4], l[5], l[6], l[7][:-1]))
            warning("Can't parse p0f database (new p0f version ?)")
            self.base = None

p0f_kdb = p0fKnowledgeBase(conf.p0f_base)
p0fa_kdb = p0fKnowledgeBase(conf.p0fa_base)
p0fr_kdb = p0fKnowledgeBase(conf.p0fr_base)
p0fo_kdb = p0fKnowledgeBase(conf.p0fo_base)

def p0f_selectdb(flags):
    # tested flags: S, R, A
    if flags & 0x16 == 0x2:
        # SYN
        return p0f_kdb
    elif flags & 0x16 == 0x12:
        # SYN/ACK
        return p0fa_kdb
    elif flags & 0x16 in [ 0x4, 0x14 ]:
        # RST RST/ACK
        return p0fr_kdb
    elif flags & 0x16 == 0x10:
        # ACK
        return p0fo_kdb
        return None

def packet2p0f(pkt):
    pkt = pkt.copy()
    pkt = pkt.__class__(str(pkt))
    while pkt.haslayer(IP) and pkt.haslayer(TCP):
        pkt = pkt.getlayer(IP)
        if isinstance(pkt.payload, TCP):
        pkt = pkt.payload
    if not isinstance(pkt, IP) or not isinstance(pkt.payload, TCP):
        raise TypeError("Not a TCP/IP packet")
    #if pkt.payload.flags & 0x7 != 0x02: #S,!F,!R
    #    raise TypeError("Not a SYN or SYN/ACK packet")
    db = p0f_selectdb(pkt.payload.flags)
    #t = p0f_kdb.ttl_range[:]
    #t += [pkt.ttl]
    ttl = pkt.ttl
    df = (pkt.flags & 2) / 2
    ss = len(pkt)
    # from p0f/config.h : PACKET_BIG = 100
    if ss > 100:
        if db == p0fr_kdb:
            # p0fr.fp: "Packet size may be wildcarded. The meaning of
            #           wildcard is, however, hardcoded as 'size >
            #           PACKET_BIG'"
            ss = '*'
            ss = 0
    if db == p0fo_kdb:
        # p0fo.fp: "Packet size MUST be wildcarded."
        ss = '*'
    ooo = ""
    mss = -1
    qqT = False
    qqP = False
    #qqBroken = False
    ilen = (pkt.payload.dataofs << 2) - 20 # from p0f.c
    for option in pkt.payload.options:
        ilen -= 1
        if option[0] == "MSS":
            ooo += "M" + str(option[1]) + ","
            mss = option[1]
            # FIXME: qqBroken
            ilen -= 3
        elif option[0] == "WScale":
            ooo += "W" + str(option[1]) + ","
            # FIXME: qqBroken
            ilen -= 2
        elif option[0] == "Timestamp":
            if option[1][0] == 0:
                ooo += "T0,"
                ooo += "T,"
            if option[1][1] != 0:
                qqT = True
            ilen -= 9
        elif option[0] == "SAckOK":
            ooo += "S,"
            ilen -= 1
        elif option[0] == "NOP":
            ooo += "N,"
        elif option[0] == "EOL":
            ooo += "E,"
            if ilen > 0:
                qqP = True
            if type(option[0]) is str:
                ooo += "?%i," % TCPOptions[1][option[0]]
                ooo += "?%i," % option[0]
            # FIXME: ilen
    ooo = ooo[:-1]
    if ooo == "": ooo = "."
    win = pkt.payload.window
    if mss != -1:
        if mss != 0 and win % mss == 0:
            win = "S" + str(win/mss)
        elif win % (mss + 40) == 0:
            win = "T" + str(win/(mss+40))
    win = str(win)
    qq = ""
    if db == p0fr_kdb:
        if pkt.payload.flags & 0x10 == 0x10:
            # p0fr.fp: "A new quirk, 'K', is introduced to denote
            #           RST+ACK packets"
            qq += "K"
    # The two next cases should also be only for p0f*r*, but although
    # it's not documented (or I have not noticed), p0f seems to
    # support the '0' and 'Q' quirks on any databases (or at the least
    # "classical" p0f.fp).
    if pkt.payload.seq == pkt.payload.ack:
        # p0fr.fp: "A new quirk, 'Q', is used to denote SEQ number
        #           equal to ACK number."
        qq += "Q"
    if pkt.payload.seq == 0:
        # p0fr.fp: "A new quirk, '0', is used to denote packets
        #           with SEQ number set to 0."
        qq += "0"
    if qqP:
        qq += "P"
    if == 0:
        qq += "Z"
    if pkt.options != []:
        qq += "I"
    if pkt.payload.urgptr != 0:
        qq += "U"
    if pkt.payload.reserved != 0:
        qq += "X"
    if pkt.payload.ack != 0:
        qq += "A"
    if qqT:
        qq += "T"
    if db == p0fo_kdb:
        if pkt.payload.flags & 0x20 != 0:
            # U
            # p0fo.fp: "PUSH flag is excluded from 'F' quirk checks"
            qq += "F"
        if pkt.payload.flags & 0x28 != 0:
            # U or P
            qq += "F"
    if db != p0fo_kdb and not isinstance(pkt.payload.payload, NoPayload):
        # p0fo.fp: "'D' quirk is not checked for."
        qq += "D"
    # FIXME : "!" - broken options segment: not handled yet

    if qq == "":
        qq = "."

    return (db, (win, ttl, df, ss, ooo, qq))

def p0f_correl(x,y):
    d = 0
    # wwww can be "*" or "%nn". "Tnn" and "Snn" should work fine with
    # the x[0] == y[0] test.
    d += (x[0] == y[0] or y[0] == "*" or (y[0][0] == "%" and x[0].isdigit() and (int(x[0]) % int(y[0][1:])) == 0))
    # ttl
    d += (y[1] >= x[1] and y[1] - x[1] < 32)
    for i in [2, 5]:
        d += (x[i] == y[i] or y[i] == '*')
    # '*' has a special meaning for ss
    d += x[3] == y[3]
    xopt = x[4].split(",")
    yopt = y[4].split(",")
    if len(xopt) == len(yopt):
        same = True
        for i in range(len(xopt)):
            if not (xopt[i] == yopt[i] or
                    (len(yopt[i]) == 2 and len(xopt[i]) > 1 and
                     yopt[i][1] == "*" and xopt[i][0] == yopt[i][0]) or
                    (len(yopt[i]) > 2 and len(xopt[i]) > 1 and
                     yopt[i][1] == "%" and xopt[i][0] == yopt[i][0] and
                     int(xopt[i][1:]) % int(yopt[i][2:]) == 0)):
                same = False
        if same:
            d += len(xopt)
    return d

def p0f(pkt):
    """Passive OS fingerprinting: which OS emitted this TCP packet ?
p0f(packet) -> accuracy, [list of guesses]
    db, sig = packet2p0f(pkt)
    if db:
        pb = db.get_base()
        pb = []
    if not pb:
        warning("p0f base empty.")
        return []
    #s = len(pb[0][0])
    r = []
    max = len(sig[4].split(",")) + 5
    for b in pb:
        d = p0f_correl(sig,b)
        if d == max:
            r.append((b[6], b[7], b[1] - pkt[IP].ttl))
    return r

def prnp0f(pkt):
    # we should print which DB we use
        r = p0f(pkt)
    if r == []:
        r = ("UNKNOWN", "[" + ":".join(map(str, packet2p0f(pkt)[1])) + ":?:?]", None)
        r = r[0]
    uptime = None
        uptime = pkt2uptime(pkt)
    if uptime == 0:
        uptime = None
    res = pkt.sprintf(" - " + r[0] + " " + r[1])
    if uptime is not None:
        res += pkt.sprintf(" (up: " + str(uptime/3600) + " hrs)\n  -> %IP.dst%:%TCP.dport% (%TCP.flags%)")
        res += pkt.sprintf("\n  -> %IP.dst%:%TCP.dport% (%TCP.flags%)")
    if r[2] is not None:
        res += " (distance " + str(r[2]) + ")"
    print res

def pkt2uptime(pkt, HZ=100):
    """Calculate the date the machine which emitted the packet booted using TCP timestamp 
pkt2uptime(pkt, [HZ=100])"""
    if not isinstance(pkt, Packet):
        raise TypeError("Not a TCP packet")
    if isinstance(pkt,NoPayload):
        raise TypeError("Not a TCP packet")
    if not isinstance(pkt, TCP):
        return pkt2uptime(pkt.payload)
    for opt in pkt.options:
        if opt[0] == "Timestamp":
            #t = pkt.time - opt[1][0] * 1.0/HZ
            #return time.ctime(t)
            t = opt[1][0] / HZ
            return t
    raise TypeError("No timestamp option")

def p0f_impersonate(pkt, osgenre=None, osdetails=None, signature=None,
                    extrahops=0, mtu=1500, uptime=None):
    """Modifies pkt so that p0f will think it has been sent by a
specific OS.  If osdetails is None, then we randomly pick up a
personality matching osgenre. If osgenre and signature are also None,
we use a local signature (using p0f_getlocalsigs). If signature is
specified (as a tuple), we use the signature.

For now, only TCP Syn packets are supported.
Some specifications of the p0f.fp file are not (yet) implemented."""
    pkt = pkt.copy()
    #pkt = pkt.__class__(str(pkt))
    while pkt.haslayer(IP) and pkt.haslayer(TCP):
        pkt = pkt.getlayer(IP)
        if isinstance(pkt.payload, TCP):
        pkt = pkt.payload
    if not isinstance(pkt, IP) or not isinstance(pkt.payload, TCP):
        raise TypeError("Not a TCP/IP packet")
    if uptime is None:
        uptime = random.randint(120,100*60*60*24*365)
    db = p0f_selectdb(pkt.payload.flags)
    if osgenre:
        pb = db.get_base()
        if pb is None:
            pb = []
        pb = filter(lambda x: x[6] == osgenre, pb)
        if osdetails:
            pb = filter(lambda x: x[7] == osdetails, pb)
    elif signature:
        pb = [signature]
        pb = p0f_getlocalsigs()[db]
    if db == p0fr_kdb:
        # 'K' quirk <=> RST+ACK
        if pkt.payload.flags & 0x4 == 0x4:
            pb = filter(lambda x: 'K' in x[5], pb)
            pb = filter(lambda x: 'K' not in x[5], pb)
    if not pb:
        raise Scapy_Exception("No match in the p0f database")
    pers = pb[random.randint(0, len(pb) - 1)]
    # options (we start with options because of MSS)
    ## TODO: let the options already set if they are valid
    options = []
    if pers[4] != '.':
        for opt in pers[4].split(','):
            if opt[0] == 'M':
                # MSS might have a maximum size because of window size
                # specification
                if pers[0][0] == 'S':
                    maxmss = (2L**16-1) / int(pers[0][1:])
                    maxmss = (2L**16-1)
                # If we have to randomly pick up a value, we cannot use
                # scapy RandXXX() functions, because the value has to be
                # set in case we need it for the window size value. That's
                # why we use random.randint()
                if opt[1:] == '*':
                    options.append(('MSS', random.randint(1,maxmss)))
                elif opt[1] == '%':
                    coef = int(opt[2:])
                    options.append(('MSS', coef*random.randint(1,maxmss/coef)))
                    options.append(('MSS', int(opt[1:])))
            elif opt[0] == 'W':
                if opt[1:] == '*':
                    options.append(('WScale', RandByte()))
                elif opt[1] == '%':
                    coef = int(opt[2:])
                    options.append(('WScale', coef*RandNum(min=1,
                    options.append(('WScale', int(opt[1:])))
            elif opt == 'T0':
                options.append(('Timestamp', (0, 0)))
            elif opt == 'T':
                if 'T' in pers[5]:
                    # FIXME: RandInt() here does not work (bug (?) in
                    # TCPOptionsField.m2i often raises "OverflowError:
                    # long int too large to convert to int" in:
                    #    oval = struct.pack(ofmt, *oval)"
                    # Actually, this is enough to often raise the error:
                    #    struct.pack('I', RandInt())
                    options.append(('Timestamp', (uptime, random.randint(1,2**32-1))))
                    options.append(('Timestamp', (uptime, 0)))
            elif opt == 'S':
                options.append(('SAckOK', ''))
            elif opt == 'N':
                options.append(('NOP', None))
            elif opt == 'E':
                options.append(('EOL', None))
            elif opt[0] == '?':
                if int(opt[1:]) in TCPOptions[0]:
                    optname = TCPOptions[0][int(opt[1:])][0]
                    optstruct = TCPOptions[0][int(opt[1:])][1]
                    options.append((int(opt[1:]), ''))
            ## FIXME: qqP not handled
                warning("unhandled TCP option " + opt)
            pkt.payload.options = options
    # window size
    if pers[0] == '*':
        pkt.payload.window = RandShort()
    elif pers[0].isdigit():
        pkt.payload.window = int(pers[0])
    elif pers[0][0] == '%':
        coef = int(pers[0][1:])
        pkt.payload.window = coef * RandNum(min=1,max=(2L**16-1)/coef)
    elif pers[0][0] == 'T':
        pkt.payload.window = mtu * int(pers[0][1:])
    elif pers[0][0] == 'S':
        ## needs MSS set
        MSS = filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'MSS', options)
        if not filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'MSS', options):
            raise Scapy_Exception("TCP window value requires MSS, and MSS option not set")
        pkt.payload.window = filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'MSS', options)[0][1] * int(pers[0][1:])
        raise Scapy_Exception('Unhandled window size specification')
    # ttl
    pkt.ttl = pers[1]-extrahops
    # DF flag
    pkt.flags |= (2 * pers[2])
    ## FIXME: ss (packet size) not handled (how ? may be with D quirk
    ## if present)
    # Quirks
    if pers[5] != '.':
        for qq in pers[5]:
            ## FIXME: not handled: P, I, X, !
            # T handled with the Timestamp option
            if qq == 'Z': = 0
            elif qq == 'U': pkt.payload.urgptr = RandShort()
            elif qq == 'A': pkt.payload.ack = RandInt()
            elif qq == 'F':
                if db == p0fo_kdb:
                    pkt.payload.flags |= 0x20 # U
                    pkt.payload.flags |= RandChoice(8, 32, 40) #P / U / PU
            elif qq == 'D' and db != p0fo_kdb:
                pkt /= conf.raw_layer(load=RandString(random.randint(1, 10))) # XXX p0fo.fp
            elif qq == 'Q': pkt.payload.seq = pkt.payload.ack
            #elif qq == '0': pkt.payload.seq = 0
        #if db == p0fr_kdb:
        # '0' quirk is actually not only for p0fr.fp (see
        # packet2p0f())
    if '0' in pers[5]:
        pkt.payload.seq = 0
    elif pkt.payload.seq == 0:
        pkt.payload.seq = RandInt()
    while pkt.underlayer:
        pkt = pkt.underlayer
    return pkt

def p0f_getlocalsigs():
    """This function returns a dictionary of signatures indexed by p0f
db (e.g., p0f_kdb, p0fa_kdb, ...) for the local TCP/IP stack.

You need to have your firewall at least accepting the TCP packets
from/to a high port (30000 <= x <= 40000) on your loopback interface.

Please note that the generated signatures come from the loopback
interface and may (are likely to) be different than those generated on
"normal" interfaces."""
    pid = os.fork()
    port = random.randint(30000, 40000)
    if pid > 0:
        # parent: sniff
        result = {}
        def addresult(res):
            # TODO: wildcard window size in some cases? and maybe some
            # other values?
            if res[0] not in result:
                result[res[0]] = [res[1]]
                if res[1] not in result[res[0]]:
        # XXX could we try with a "normal" interface using other hosts
        iface = conf.route.route('')[0]
        # each packet is seen twice: S + RA, S + SA + A + FA + A
        # XXX are the packets also seen twice on non Linux systems ?
        pl = sniff(iface=iface, filter='tcp and port ' + str(port), count = count, timeout=3)
        map(addresult, map(packet2p0f, pl))
    elif pid < 0:
        log_runtime.error("fork error")
        # child: send
        # XXX erk
        s1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, type = socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        # S & RA
            s1.connect(('', port))
        except socket.error:
        # S, SA, A, FA, A
        s1.bind(('', port))
        s1.connect(('', port))
        # howto: get an RST w/o ACK packet
    return result