path: root/scripts
diff options
authorIdo Barnea <>2016-10-20 11:40:46 +0300
committerIdo Barnea <>2016-10-20 11:40:46 +0300
commitdb4f36dd7216c20d2ab748662431683e51600850 (patch)
treeb1ef17b9926b28cbd1724f50c8b768b76fb6f8ec /scripts
parente61814bcc8524bc26a05b6df7b53e9b3e6f826e6 (diff)
Added support for ip based config generation to
Signed-off-by: Ido Barnea <>
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 0ab1e35e..d2ef2783 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from distutils.util import strtobool
import getpass
class ConfigCreator(object):
- mandatory_interface_fields = ['Slot_str', 'src_mac', 'dest_mac', 'Device_str', 'NUMA']
+ mandatory_interface_fields = ['Slot_str', 'Device_str', 'NUMA']
_2hex_re = '[\da-fA-F]{2}'
mac_re = re.compile('^({0}:){{5}}{0}$'.format(_2hex_re))
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class ConfigCreator(object):
interfaces_per_numa = defaultdict(int)
for i in range(0, len(self.interfaces), 2):
if self.interfaces[i]['NUMA'] != self.interfaces[i+1]['NUMA'] and not ignore_numa:
- raise DpdkSetup('NUMA of each pair of interfaces should be same, got NUMA %s for client interface %s, NUMA %s for server interface %s' %
+ raise DpdkSetup('NUMA of each pair of interfaces should be the same. Got NUMA %s for client interface %s, NUMA %s for server interface %s' %
(self.interfaces[i]['NUMA'], self.interfaces[i]['Slot_str'], self.interfaces[i+1]['NUMA'], self.interfaces[i+1]['Slot_str']))
interfaces_per_numa[self.interfaces[i]['NUMA']] += 2
self.lcores_per_numa = lcores_per_numa
@@ -99,6 +99,25 @@ class ConfigCreator(object):
return ', '.join([('0x%s' % elem).lower() for elem in mac_string.split(':')])
+ def _exit_if_bad_ip(ip):
+ if not ConfigCreator._verify_ip(ip):
+ print("Got bad IP %s" % ip)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _verify_ip(ip):
+ a = ip.split('.')
+ if len(a) != 4:
+ return False
+ for x in a:
+ if not x.isdigit():
+ return False
+ i = int(x)
+ if i < 0 or i > 255:
+ return False
+ return True
+ @staticmethod
def _verify_devices_same_type(interfaces_list):
Device_str = interfaces_list[0]['Device_str']
for interface in interfaces_list:
@@ -121,12 +140,18 @@ class ConfigCreator(object):
config_str += ' zmq_rpc_port: %s\n' % self.zmq_rpc_port
config_str += ' port_info:\n'
for index, interface in enumerate(self.interfaces):
- config_str += ' '*6 + '- dest_mac: [%s]' % self._convert_mac(interface['dest_mac'])
- if interface.get('loopback_dest'):
+ if interface.has_key('ip'):
+ self._exit_if_bad_ip(interface['ip'])
+ self._exit_if_bad_ip(interface['def_gw'])
+ config_str += ' '*6 + '- ip: %s\n' % interface['ip']
+ config_str += ' '*8 + 'def_gw: %s\n' % interface['def_gw']
- config_str += '\n'
- config_str += ' '*8 + 'src_mac: [%s]\n' % self._convert_mac(interface['src_mac'])
+ config_str += ' '*6 + '- dest_mac: [%s]' % self._convert_mac(interface['dest_mac'])
+ if interface.get('loopback_dest'):
+ else:
+ config_str += '\n'
+ config_str += ' '*8 + 'src_mac: [%s]\n' % self._convert_mac(interface['src_mac'])
if index % 2:
config_str += '\n' # dual if barrier
if not self.ignore_numa:
@@ -399,11 +424,11 @@ Other network devices
cpu_topology[numa][core] = []
if not cpu_topology:
- raise DpdkSetup('Cound not determine CPU topology from %s' % cpu_topology_file)
+ raise DpdkSetup('Could not determine CPU topology from %s' % cpu_topology_file)
return cpu_topology
# input: list of different descriptions of interfaces: index, pci, name etc.
- # binds to dpdk not bound to any driver wanted interfaces
+ # Binds to dpdk wanted interfaces, not bound to any driver.
# output: list of maps of devices in dpdk_* format (self.m_devices.values())
def _get_wanted_interfaces(self, input_interfaces):
if type(input_interfaces) is not list:
@@ -451,17 +476,47 @@ Other network devices
wanted_interfaces = self._get_wanted_interfaces(map_driver.args.create_interfaces)
+ ips = map_driver.args.ips
+ def_gws = map_driver.args.def_gws
dest_macs = map_driver.args.dest_macs
+ if ips:
+ ip_config = True
+ if not def_gws:
+ print("If specifying ips, must specify also def-gws")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if dest_macs:
+ print("If specifying ips, should not specify dest--macs")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(ips) != len(def_gws) or len(ips) != len(wanted_interfaces):
+ print("Number of given IPs should equal number of given def-gws and number of interfaces")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ if dest_macs:
+ ip_config = False
+ else:
+ ip_config = True
for i, interface in enumerate(wanted_interfaces):
- if 'MAC' not in interface:
- raise DpdkSetup('Cound not determine MAC of interface: %s. Please verify with -t flag.' % interface['Interface_argv'])
- interface['src_mac'] = interface['MAC']
- if isinstance(dest_macs, list) and len(dest_macs) > i:
- interface['dest_mac'] = dest_macs[i]
dual_index = i + 1 - (i % 2) * 2
- if 'dest_mac' not in wanted_interfaces[dual_index]:
- wanted_interfaces[dual_index]['dest_mac'] = interface['MAC'] # loopback
- wanted_interfaces[dual_index]['loopback_dest'] = True
+ if ip_config:
+ if isinstance(ips, list) and len(ips) > i:
+ interface['ip'] = ips[i]
+ else:
+ interface['ip'] = ".".join(list(str(i+1))*4)
+ if isinstance(def_gws, list) and len(def_gws) > i:
+ interface['def_gw'] = def_gws[i]
+ else:
+ interface['def_gw'] = ".".join(list(str(dual_index+1))*4)
+ else:
+ if 'MAC' not in interface:
+ raise DpdkSetup('Could not determine MAC of interface: %s. Please verify with -t flag.' % interface['Interface_argv'])
+ interface['src_mac'] = interface['MAC']
+ if isinstance(dest_macs, list) and len(dest_macs) > i:
+ interface['dest_mac'] = dest_macs[i]
+ if 'dest_mac' not in wanted_interfaces[dual_index]:
+ wanted_interfaces[dual_index]['dest_mac'] = interface['MAC'] # loopback
+ wanted_interfaces[dual_index]['loopback_dest'] = True
config = ConfigCreator(self._get_cpu_topology(), wanted_interfaces, include_lcores = map_driver.args.create_include, exclude_lcores = map_driver.args.create_exclude,
only_first_thread = map_driver.args.no_ht, ignore_numa = map_driver.args.ignore_numa,
@@ -473,22 +528,22 @@ Other network devices
cpu_topology = self._get_cpu_topology()
total_lcores = sum([len(lcores) for cores in cpu_topology.values() for lcores in cores.values()])
if total_lcores < 1:
- print('Script could not determine cores of the system, exiting.')
+ print('Script could not determine number of cores of the system, exiting.')
elif total_lcores < 2:
- if dpdk_nic_bind.confirm("You have only 1 core and can't run TRex at all. Ignore and continue? (y/N): "):
+ if dpdk_nic_bind.confirm("You only have 1 core and can't run TRex at all. Ignore and continue? (y/N): "):
ignore_numa = True
elif total_lcores < 3:
- if dpdk_nic_bind.confirm("You have only 2 cores and will be able to run only Stateful without latency checks.\nIgnore and continue? (y/N): "):
+ if dpdk_nic_bind.confirm("You only have 2 cores and will be able to run only stateful without latency checks.\nIgnore and continue? (y/N): "):
ignore_numa = True
if not self.m_devices:
- print('Please choose even number of interfaces either by ID or PCI or Linux IF (look at columns above).')
+ print('Please choose even number of interfaces from the list above, either by ID , PCI or Linux IF')
print('Stateful will use order of interfaces: Client1 Server1 Client2 Server2 etc. for flows.')
print('Stateless can be in any order.')
numa = None
@@ -496,11 +551,11 @@ Other network devices
if numa is None:
numa = dev['NUMA']
elif numa != dev['NUMA']:
- print('Try to choose each pair of interfaces to be on same NUMA within the pair for performance.')
+ print('For performance, try to choose each pair of interfaces to be on the same NUMA.')
while True:
- input = dpdk_nic_bind.read_line('Enter list of interfaces separted by space (for example: 1 3) : ')
+ input = dpdk_nic_bind.read_line('Enter list of interfaces separated by space (for example: 1 3) : ')
create_interfaces = input.replace(',', ' ').replace(';', ' ').split()
wanted_interfaces = self._get_wanted_interfaces(create_interfaces)
@@ -516,10 +571,17 @@ Other network devices
if not dpdk_nic_bind.confirm('Ignore and continue? (y/N): '):
+ if dpdk_nic_bind.confirm("By default, IP based configuration file will be created. Do you want to change to MAC based config? (y/N)"):
+ ip_based = False
+ else:
+ ip_based = True
+ ip_addr_digit = 1
for i, interface in enumerate(wanted_interfaces):
- if 'MAC' not in interface:
- raise DpdkSetup('Cound not determine MAC of interface: %s. Please verify with -t flag.' % interface['Interface_argv'])
- interface['src_mac'] = interface['MAC']
+ if not ip_based:
+ if 'MAC' not in interface:
+ raise DpdkSetup('Could not determine MAC of interface: %s. Please verify with -t flag.' % interface['Interface_argv'])
+ interface['src_mac'] = interface['MAC']
dual_index = i + 1 - (i % 2) * 2
dual_int = wanted_interfaces[dual_index]
if not ignore_numa and interface['NUMA'] != dual_int['NUMA']:
@@ -529,25 +591,53 @@ Other network devices
- dest_mac = dual_int['MAC']
- loopback_dest = True
- print("For interface %s, assuming loopback to it's dual interface %s." % (interface['Interface_argv'], dual_int['Interface_argv']))
- if dpdk_nic_bind.confirm("Destination MAC is %s. Change it to MAC of DUT? (y/N)." % dest_mac):
- while True:
- input_mac = dpdk_nic_bind.read_line('Please enter new destination MAC of interface %s: ' % interface['Interface_argv'])
- try:
- if input_mac:
- ConfigCreator._convert_mac(input_mac) # verify format
- dest_mac = input_mac
- loopback_dest = False
+ if ip_based:
+ loopback_dest = True
+ if ip_addr_digit % 2 == 0:
+ dual_ip_digit = ip_addr_digit - 1
+ else:
+ dual_ip_digit = ip_addr_digit + 1
+ ip = ".".join(list(str(ip_addr_digit))*4)
+ def_gw= ".".join(list(str(dual_ip_digit))*4)
+ ip_addr_digit += 1
+ print("For interface %s, assuming loopback to it's dual interface %s." % (interface['Interface_argv'], dual_int['Interface_argv']))
+ if dpdk_nic_bind.confirm("Putting IP %s, default gw %s Change it?(y/N)." % (ip, def_gw)):
+ while True:
+ ip = dpdk_nic_bind.read_line('Please enter IP address for interface %s: ' % interface['Interface_argv'])
+ if not ConfigCreator._verify_ip(ip):
+ print ("Bad IP address format")
+ else:
+ break
+ while True:
+ def_gw = dpdk_nic_bind.read_line('Please enter default gateway for interface %s: ' % interface['Interface_argv'])
+ if not ConfigCreator._verify_ip(def_gw):
+ print ("Bad IP address format")
- print('Leaving the loopback MAC.')
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- continue
- break
- wanted_interfaces[i]['dest_mac'] = dest_mac
- wanted_interfaces[i]['loopback_dest'] = loopback_dest
+ break
+ wanted_interfaces[i]['ip'] = ip
+ wanted_interfaces[i]['def_gw'] = def_gw
+ else:
+ dest_mac = dual_int['MAC']
+ loopback_dest = True
+ print("For interface %s, assuming loopback to it's dual interface %s." % (interface['Interface_argv'], dual_int['Interface_argv']))
+ if dpdk_nic_bind.confirm("Destination MAC is %s. Change it to MAC of DUT? (y/N)." % dest_mac):
+ while True:
+ input_mac = dpdk_nic_bind.read_line('Please enter new destination MAC of interface %s: ' % interface['Interface_argv'])
+ try:
+ if input_mac:
+ ConfigCreator._convert_mac(input_mac) # verify format
+ dest_mac = input_mac
+ loopback_dest = False
+ else:
+ print('Leaving the loopback MAC.')
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ continue
+ break
+ wanted_interfaces[i]['dest_mac'] = dest_mac
+ wanted_interfaces[i]['loopback_dest'] = loopback_dest
config = ConfigCreator(cpu_topology, wanted_interfaces, include_lcores = map_driver.args.create_include, exclude_lcores = map_driver.args.create_exclude,
only_first_thread = map_driver.args.no_ht, ignore_numa = map_driver.args.ignore_numa or ignore_numa,
@@ -634,7 +724,15 @@ To see more detailed info on interfaces (table):
parser.add_argument("--dest-macs", nargs='*', default=[], action='store',
- help="""Destination MACs to be used in created yaml file. Without them, will be assumed loopback (0<->1, 2<->3 etc.)""",
+ help="""Destination MACs to be used in created yaml file. Without them, will assume loopback (0<->1, 2<->3 etc.)""",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("--ips", nargs='*', default=[], action='store',
+ help="""IP addresses to be used in created yaml file. Without them, will assume loopback (0<->1, 2<->3 etc.)""",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("--def-gws", nargs='*', default=[], action='store',
+ help="""Default gateways to be used in created yaml file. Without them, will assume loopback (0<->1, 2<->3 etc.)""",
parser.add_argument("-o", default=None, action='store', metavar='PATH',