diff options
2 files changed, 89 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index bd4ec739..d9df92e0 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -58,6 +58,11 @@ table_flag = False
force_flag = False
args = []
+ raw_input
+except: # Python3
+ raw_input = input
def usage():
'''Print usage information for the program'''
argv0 = basename(sys.argv[0])
@@ -352,19 +357,22 @@ def read_pid_cmdline(pid):
return'\0', b' ').decode(errors = 'replace')
def confirm(msg, default = False):
+ if not os.isatty(1):
+ return default
+ termios.tcflush(sys.stdin, termios.TCIOFLUSH)
- if not os.isatty(1):
- return default
- termios.tcflush(sys.stdin, termios.TCIOFLUSH)
return strtobool(raw_input(msg))
- except:
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print('')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except Exception:
return default
def read_line(msg = '', default = ''):
+ if not os.isatty(1):
+ return default
+ termios.tcflush(sys.stdin, termios.TCIOFLUSH)
- if not os.isatty(1):
- return default
- termios.tcflush(sys.stdin, termios.TCIOFLUSH)
return raw_input(msg).strip()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index ab85d97c..1bbf5b3a 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -386,19 +386,29 @@ Other network devices
for line in lcore.split('\n'):
key, val = line.split(':', 1)
lcore_dict[key.strip()] = val.strip()
- numa = int(lcore_dict['physical id'])
+ if 'processor' not in lcore_dict:
+ continue
+ numa = int(lcore_dict.get('physical id', -1))
if numa not in cpu_topology:
cpu_topology[numa] = OrderedDict()
- core = int(lcore_dict['core id'])
+ core = int(lcore_dict.get('core id', lcore_dict['processor']))
if core not in cpu_topology[numa]:
cpu_topology[numa][core] = []
+ if not cpu_topology:
+ raise DpdkSetup('Cound not determine CPU topology from %s' % cpu_topology_file)
return cpu_topology
# input: list of different descriptions of interfaces: index, pci, name etc.
# binds to dpdk not bound to any driver wanted interfaces
# output: list of maps of devices in dpdk_* format (self.m_devices.values())
def _get_wanted_interfaces(self, input_interfaces):
+ if type(input_interfaces) is not list:
+ raise DpdkSetup('type of input interfaces should be list')
+ if not len(input_interfaces):
+ raise DpdkSetup('Please specify interfaces to use in the config')
+ if len(input_interfaces) % 2:
+ raise DpdkSetup('Please specify even number of interfaces')
wanted_interfaces = []
sorted_pci = sorted(self.m_devices.keys())
for interface in input_interfaces:
@@ -406,7 +416,7 @@ Other network devices
interface = int(interface)
if interface < 0 or interface >= len(sorted_pci):
- raise DpdkSetup('Index of an interface should be in range 0:%s' % (len(sorted_pci) - 1))
+ raise DpdkSetup('Index of an interfaces should be in range 0:%s' % (len(sorted_pci) - 1))
dev = self.m_devices[sorted_pci[interface]]
except ValueError:
for d in self.m_devices.values():
@@ -433,17 +443,10 @@ Other network devices
return wanted_interfaces
def do_create(self):
- create_interfaces = map_driver.args.create_interfaces
- if type(create_interfaces) is not list:
- raise DpdkSetup('type of map_driver.args.create_interfaces should be list')
- if not len(create_interfaces):
- raise DpdkSetup('Please specify interfaces to use in the config')
- if len(create_interfaces) % 2:
- raise DpdkSetup('Please specify even number of interfaces')
# gather info about NICS from
if not self.m_devices:
- wanted_interfaces = self._get_wanted_interfaces(create_interfaces)
+ wanted_interfaces = self._get_wanted_interfaces(map_driver.args.create_interfaces)
dest_macs = map_driver.args.dest_macs
for i, interface in enumerate(wanted_interfaces):
@@ -463,25 +466,53 @@ Other network devices
config.create_config(filename = map_driver.args.o, print_config = map_driver.args.dump)
def do_interactive_create(self):
+ ignore_numa = False
+ cpu_topology = self._get_cpu_topology()
+ total_lcores = sum([len(lcores) for cores in cpu_topology.values() for lcores in cores.values()])
+ if total_lcores < 1:
+ print('Script could not determine cores of the system, exiting.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif total_lcores < 2:
+ if dpdk_nic_bind.confirm("You have only 1 core and can't run TRex at all. Ignore and continue? (y/N): "):
+ ignore_numa = True
+ else:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif total_lcores < 3:
+ if dpdk_nic_bind.confirm("You have only 2 cores and will be able to run only Stateful without latency checks.\nIgnore and continue? (y/N): "):
+ ignore_numa = True
+ else:
+ sys.exit(1)
if not self.m_devices:
- print('Please choose interfaces either by ID, PCI or Linux IF.')
+ print('Please choose even number of interfaces either by ID or PCI or Linux IF (look at columns above).')
print('Stateful will use order of interfaces: Client1 Server1 Client2 Server2 etc. for flows.')
print('Stateless can be in any order.')
- print('Try to set each pair of interfaces on same NUMA for performance.')
- input = dpdk_nic_bind.read_line('List of interfaces: ')
- create_interfaces = input.replace(',', ' ').replace(';', ' ').split()
- if not len(create_interfaces):
- raise DpdkSetup('Please specify interfaces to use in the config')
- if len(create_interfaces) % 2:
- raise DpdkSetup('Please specify even number of interfaces')
- wanted_interfaces = self._get_wanted_interfaces(create_interfaces)
- ConfigCreator._verify_devices_same_type(wanted_interfaces)
+ numa = None
+ for dev in self.m_devices.values():
+ if numa is None:
+ numa = dev['NUMA']
+ elif numa != dev['NUMA']:
+ print('Try to choose each pair of interfaces to be on same NUMA within the pair for performance.')
+ break
+ while True:
+ try:
+ input = dpdk_nic_bind.read_line('Enter list of interfaces in line (for example: 1 3) : ')
+ create_interfaces = input.replace(',', ' ').replace(';', ' ').split()
+ wanted_interfaces = self._get_wanted_interfaces(create_interfaces)
+ ConfigCreator._verify_devices_same_type(wanted_interfaces)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ continue
+ break
- dest_macs = map_driver.args.dest_macs
- ignore_numa = False
+ for interface in wanted_interfaces:
+ if interface['Active']:
+ print('Interface %s is active. Using it by TRex might close ssh connections etc.' % interface['Interface_argv'])
+ if not dpdk_nic_bind.confirm('Ignore and continue? (y/N): '):
+ sys.exit(1)
for i, interface in enumerate(wanted_interfaces):
if 'MAC' not in interface:
raise DpdkSetup('Cound not determine MAC of interface: %s. Please verify with -t flag.' % interface['Interface_argv'])
@@ -492,29 +523,30 @@ Other network devices
print('NUMA is different at pair of interfaces: %s and %s. It will reduce performance.' % (interface['Interface_argv'], dual_int['Interface_argv']))
if dpdk_nic_bind.confirm('Ignore and continue? (y/N): '):
ignore_numa = True
+ print('')
- if isinstance(dest_macs, list) and len(dest_macs):
- dest_mac = dest_macs.pop(0)
- loopback_dest = False
- print('For interface %s, take destination MAC from --dest-mac argument (%s)' % (interface['Interface_argv'], dest_mac))
- else:
- dest_mac = dual_int['MAC']
- loopback_dest = True
- print("For interface %s, take destination MAC of it's dual interface %s (%s). Change it in case of router DUT." % (interface['Interface_argv'], dual_int['Interface_argv'], dest_mac))
- try:
- input_mac = dpdk_nic_bind.read_line('Press ENTER to confirm or enter new destination MAC: ')
- if input_mac:
- ConfigCreator._convert_mac(input_mac) # verify format
- dest_mac = input_mac
- loopback_dest = False
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print('')
- return
+ dest_mac = dual_int['MAC']
+ loopback_dest = True
+ print("For interface %s, assuming loopback to it's dual interface %s." % (interface['Interface_argv'], dual_int['Interface_argv']))
+ if dpdk_nic_bind.confirm("Destination MAC is %s. Change it to MAC of DUT? (y/N)." % dest_mac):
+ while True:
+ input_mac = dpdk_nic_bind.read_line('Please enter new destination MAC of interface %s: ' % interface['Interface_argv'])
+ try:
+ if input_mac:
+ ConfigCreator._convert_mac(input_mac) # verify format
+ dest_mac = input_mac
+ loopback_dest = False
+ else:
+ print('Leaving the loopback MAC.')
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ continue
+ break
wanted_interfaces[i]['dest_mac'] = dest_mac
wanted_interfaces[i]['loopback_dest'] = loopback_dest
- config = ConfigCreator(self._get_cpu_topology(), wanted_interfaces, include_lcores = map_driver.args.create_include, exclude_lcores = map_driver.args.create_exclude,
+ config = ConfigCreator(cpu_topology, wanted_interfaces, include_lcores = map_driver.args.create_include, exclude_lcores = map_driver.args.create_exclude,
only_first_thread = map_driver.args.no_ht, ignore_numa = map_driver.args.ignore_numa or ignore_numa,
prefix = map_driver.args.prefix, zmq_rpc_port = map_driver.args.zmq_rpc_port, zmq_pub_port = map_driver.args.zmq_pub_port)
if dpdk_nic_bind.confirm('Print preview of generated config? (Y/n)', default = True):
@@ -663,6 +695,7 @@ def main ():
+ print('')
except DpdkSetup as e: