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diff --git a/release_notes.asciidoc b/release_notes.asciidoc
index 0b76e897..4b50b96e 100755
--- a/release_notes.asciidoc
+++ b/release_notes.asciidoc
@@ -20,6 +20,56 @@ ifdef::backend-docbook[]
+== Release 1.92 ==
+** Stream can set static Source/Destination MAC-Address as oppose to the default (TRex port from /etc/trex_config.yaml)
+def create_stream (self):
+ base_pkt = Ether(src="00:00:dd:dd:00:01")/IP()/UDP()
+ pad = max(0, size - len(base_pkt)) * 'x'
+** Stream support action_count. Loop of streams can end after action_count number. The push command uses this new feature to import pcap to streams and stop after x iteration.
+STLStream( self_start = False,
+ name ='S2',
+ packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt2/pad),
+ mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = 3 ),
+ action_count = 2, # loop 2 times
+ next = 'S0'
+ )
+** Support new Field-Engine instructions (variable with step and write with mask). See new sample folder and specification for more info
+def create_stream (self):
+ # 2 MPLS label the internal with s=1 (last one)
+ pkt = Ether()/MPLS(label=17,cos=1,s=0,ttl=255)/MPLS(label=0,cos=1,s=1,ttl=12)/IP()/UDP()/('x'*20)
+ vm = CTRexScRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="mlabel", min_value=1, max_value=2000, size=2, op="inc"),
+ STLVmWrMaskFlowVar(fv_name="mlabel", pkt_offset= "MPLS:1.label",pkt_cast_size=4, mask=0xFFFFF000,shift=12) # write mask
+ ]
+ )
+ vm = CTRexScRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="mac_src", min_value=1, max_value=30, size=1, op="dec",step=7), # step
+ STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="mac_src", pkt_offset= 11)
+ ]
+ )
+** More profile samples (native/hlt)
== Release 1.91 ==
* Convert Stateless traffic profile to Scapy see `stl/*.py` sample folder