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1 files changed, 32 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/trex_rpc_server_spec.asciidoc b/trex_rpc_server_spec.asciidoc
index ceeb1f9a..aeff5dce 100644
--- a/trex_rpc_server_spec.asciidoc
+++ b/trex_rpc_server_spec.asciidoc
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ The format of that object is as follows:
| next_stream | int | next stream to start after this stream. -1 means stop after this stream
| packet | object | object of type xref:packet_obj['packet']
| mode | object | object of type xref:mode_obj['mode']
-| vm | object | object of type xref:vm_obj['vm']
+| vm | array | array of objects of type xref:vm_obj['vm']
| rx_stats | object | object of type xref:rx_stats_obj['rx_stats']
@@ -355,14 +355,43 @@ mode object can be 'one' of the following objects:
===== Object type 'vm' anchor:vm_obj[]
-Describes the VM instructions to be used with this stream
+Array of VM instruction objects to be used with this stream
-.Object type 'vm'
+Any element in the array can be one of the following object types:
+.Object type 'vm - fix_checksum_ipv4'
| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''fix_checksum_ipv4''
+| pkt_offset | uint16 | offset of the field to fix
+.Object type 'vm - flow_var'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''flow_var'''
+| name | string | flow var name - this should be a unique identifier
+| size | [1,2,4,8] | size of the flow var in bytes
+| op | ['inc', 'dec', 'random'] | operation type to perform on the field
+| init value | uint64_t as string | init value for the field
+| min value | uint64_t as string | minimum value for the field
+| max value | uint64_t as string | maximum value for the field
+.Object type 'vm - write_flow_var'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''write_flow_var''
+| name | string | flow var name to write
+| pkt_offset | uint16 | offset at the packet to perform the write
+| add_value | int | delta to add to the field prior to writing - can be negative
+| is_big_endian | boolean | should write as big endian or little
===== Object type 'rx_stats' anchor:rx_stats_obj[]
Describes rx stats for the stream