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diff --git a/trex_rpc_server_spec.asciidoc b/trex_rpc_server_spec.asciidoc
index 13d86c48..f4b06bb7 100644
--- a/trex_rpc_server_spec.asciidoc
+++ b/trex_rpc_server_spec.asciidoc
@@ -187,3 +187,169 @@ Server Started
+== RPC Commands
+The following RPC commands are supported
+=== Ping
+* *Name* - 'ping'
+* *Description* - Pings the TRex server
+* *Paramters* - None
+* *Result* - "ACK" On Sucess
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "id": 1,
+ "method": "ping",
+ "params": null
+ "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
+ "id" : 1,
+ "result" : "ACK"
+=== Get Registered Commands
+* *Name* - 'get_reg_cmds'
+* *Description* - Queries the server for all the registered commands
+* *Paramters* - None
+* *Result* - A list of all the supported commands by the server
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "id": 1,
+ "method": "get_reg_cmds",
+ "params": null
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "id": 1,
+ "result": [
+ "remove_all_streams",
+ "remove_stream",
+ "add_stream",
+ "get_reg_cmds",
+ "ping",
+ "test_sub",
+ "get_status",
+ "test_add"
+ ]
+=== Get Status
+* *Name* - 'get_status'
+* *Description* - Queries the server for general information
+e.g.: user owning the device, number of ports configured
+* *Paramters* - None
+* *Result* - An object of all the supported commands by the server.
++++<u>Result Details:</u>+++
+'general.version' - TRex version.
+'general.build_date' - build date.
+'general.build_time' - build time.
+'general.built_by' - who built this version
+'general.uptime' - uptime of the server
+'general.owner' - user currently owning the device or 'none' if no one has taken ownership.
+{zwsp} +
+'ports.count' - number of ports available on the server.
+=== Add Stream
+* *Name* - 'add_stream'
+* *Description* - Adds a stream to a port
+* *Paramters* - Object of type 'stream' - see below
+* *Result* - ACK in case of success
+==== Object type 'stream'
+Add_stream gets a single parameter of type object.
+The format of that object is as follows:
+.Object type 'stream'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| port_id | int | The port that this stream will be assoiciated with. Valid number is in the range got from get_status : 'ports.count'
+| stream_id | int | unique (per port) identifier for this stream
+| enabled | boolean | is this stream enabled ?
+| self_start | boolean | is this stream triggered by starting injection or triggered by another stream ?
+| isg | double | inter stream gap - delay time until the stream is started
+| next_stream | int | next stream to start after this stream. -1 means stop after this stream
+| packet | object | object of type xref:packet_obj['packet']
+| mode | object | object of type xref:mode_obj['mode']
+| vm | object | object of type xref:vm_obj['vm']
+| rx_stats | object | object of type xref:rx_stats_obj['rx_stats']
+===== Object type 'packet' anchor:packet_obj[]
+packet contains binary and meta data
+.Object type 'packet'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| binary | byte array | binary dump of the packet to be used in the stream as array of bytes
+| meta | string | meta data object. opaque to the RPC server. will be passed on queries
+===== Object type 'mode' anchor:mode_obj[]
+mode object can be one of the following objects:
+.Object type 'mode - continuous'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''continuous''
+| pps | int | rate in packets per second
+.Object type 'mode - single_burst'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''single_burst''
+| pps | int | rate in packets per second
+| total pkts | int | total packets in the burst
+.Object type 'mode - multi_burst'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''multi_burst''
+| pps | int | rate in packets per second
+| pkts_per_burst | int | packets in a single burst
+| ibg | double | inter burst gap. delay between bursts
+| count | int | number of bursts. ''0'' means loop forever, ''1'' will fall back to single burst