diff options
-rwxr-xr-ximages/Thumbs.dbbin441856 -> 518144 bytes
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-rw-r--r--images/trex_2.0_stateless.pngbin0 -> 1081192 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xvisio_drawings/trex_2.0_stateless.vsdbin935424 -> 966656 bytes
11 files changed, 1071 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/draft_trex_stateless-docinfo.html b/draft_trex_stateless-docinfo.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a444f506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/draft_trex_stateless-docinfo.html
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
+<script src="my_chart.js"></script>
+.axis path,
+.axis line {
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #000;
+ shape-rendering: crispEdges;
+ {
+ stroke: #000;
diff --git a/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc b/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc5882cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,1046 @@
+:author: hhaim
+:email: <>
+:revnumber: 2.0
+:local_web_server_url: csi-wiki-01:8181/trex
+:toclevels: 4
+== Stateless support
+=== High level functionality
+* High scale - line rate 14MPPS per core, linear scale with number of cores
+* Support 1/10/25/40/100 Gb/sec interfaces
+* Interface can configured with multi traffic profiles
+* Profile can support multi streams. Scale to 10K streams in parallel
+* Each Stream
+** Packet template - ability to build any packet using Scapy (e.g. MPLS/Ipv4/Ipv6/GRE/VXLAN/NSH)
+** Field engine program
+*** Ability to change any field inside the packet, for example src_ip =
+*** Ability to change the packet size (e.g. Random packet size 64-9K)
+** Mode -Continues/Burst/Multi burst support
+** Rate can be specified in:
+*** Packet per second -(e.g. 14MPPS)
+*** L1 bandwidth (e.g. 500Mb/sec)
+*** L2 bandwidth (e.g. 500Mb/sec)
+*** Interface link percentage,( e.g. 10%)
+** Support HLTAPI like profile definition
+** Action- stream can trigger a stream
+* Interactive support- Fast Console, GUI
+* Statistic per interface
+* Statistic per stream done in hardware
+* Latency and Jitter per stream
+* Blazing fast Automation support
+** Python 2.7/3.0 Client API
+** Python HLTAPI Client API
+* Multi user support - multiple users can interact with the same TRex simultaneously
+==== Traffic profile example
+image::images/stl_streams_example.png[title="Streams example",align="left",width=600, link="images/stl_streams_example.png"]
+==== High level functionality - near future
+* ARP emulation - learn server MAC. Support unlimited of MAC addresses per port
+==== High level functionality - roadmap
+* Add emulation support
+=== RPC Architecture
+To support interactive mode, JSON-RPC2 server added to the Control Plane
+The following diagram illustrates the RPC server component's
+image::images/trex_2.0_stateless.png[title="RPC Server Position",align="left",width=800, link="images/trex_2.0_stateless.png"]
+* The Control transport protocol is ZMQ working in REQ/RES mode
+* JSON-RPC2 is the RPC protocol on top of the ZMQ REQ/RES
+* Async transport is ZMQ working SUB/PUB mode. It is for async event such as interface change mode, counters etc.
+* Python is the first Client to implement the Python automation API
+* Console utilizes the Python API to implement a user interface to TRex
+For more detailed see RPC specification link:trex_rpc_server_spec.html[here]
+This Architecture provides the following advantages:
+* Fast interaction with TRex server. very fast load/start/stop profiles to an interface.
+* Leveraging Python/Scapy for building a packet/Field engine
+* HLTAPI compiler is done in Python.
+=== Objects
+image::images/stateless_objects.png[title="TRex Objects ",align="left",width=600, link="images/stateless_objects.png"]
+* *TRex*: Each TRex instance, includes a number of interfaces
+* *Interface*: For each Interface it is possible to add/remove a number of traffic profiles (TP)
+* *Traffic profile*: Each traffic profile includes a number of streams
+* *Stream*: Each stream includes
+** *Packet*: Packet template up to 9K bytes
+** *Field Engine*: which field to change, do we want to change packet size
+** *Mode*: how to send the packet. Continues/Burst/Multi Burst
+** *Rx Stats* Which Statstistic to collect for each stream
+** *Rate*: in Packet per second or bandwidth
+** *Action*: The next stream to go after this stream is finished. Valid for Burst/Continues mode
+=== Tutorials
+This tutorial will walk you through basic but complete TRex Stateless use cases that will show you common concepts as well as slightly more advanced ones.
+==== Tutorial 1: Simple Ipv4/UDP packet - Simulator
+The following example demonstrates the most basic use case using our simulator.
+file: `stl/`
+from trex_stl_lib.api import *
+class STLS1(object):
+ def create_stream (self):
+ return STLStream(
+ packet =
+ STLPktBuilder(
+ pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/
+ UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/(10*'x') <1>
+ ),
+ mode = STLTXCont()) <2>
+ def get_streams (self, direction = 0):
+ # create 1 stream
+ return [ self.create_stream() ]
+# dynamic load - used for trex console or simulator
+def register(): <3>
+ return STLS1()
+<1> Define the packet, in this case it IP/UDP with 10 bytes of 'x'
+<2> Mode is Continues with rate of 1 PPS (default rate is 1 PPS)
+<3> Each Traffic profile module should have a `register` function
+Now let try to run it throw TRex simulator limiting the number of packet to 10
+$ ./stl-sim -f stl/ -o b.pcap -l 10
+ executing command: 'bp-sim-64-debug --pcap --sl --cores 1 --limit 5000 -f /tmp/tmpq94Tfx -o b.pcap'
+ General info:
+ ------------
+ image type: debug
+ I/O output: b.pcap
+ packet limit: 10
+ core recording: merge all
+ Configuration info:
+ -------------------
+ ports: 2
+ cores: 1
+ Port Config:
+ ------------
+ stream count: 1
+ max PPS : 1.00 pps
+ max BPS L1 : 672.00 bps
+ max BPS L2 : 512.00 bps
+ line util. : 0.00 %
+ Starting simulation...
+ Simulation summary:
+ -------------------
+ simulated 10 packets
+ written 10 packets to 'b.pcap'
+image::images/stl_tut_1.png[title="Wireshark Tutorial 1 output",align="left",width=800, link="images/stl_tut_1.png.png"]
+.To look into the JSON command to the server
+$./stl-sim -f stl/ --json
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "add_stream",
+ "params": {
+ "handler": 0,
+ "port_id": 0,
+ "stream": {
+ "action_count": 0,
+ "enabled": true,
+ "flags": 0,
+ "isg": 0.0,
+ "mode": {
+ "rate": {
+ "type": "pps",
+ "value": 1.0
+ },
+ "type": "continuous"
+ },
+ "next_stream_id": -1,
+ "packet": {
+ "meta": ""
+ },
+ "rx_stats": {
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "self_start": true,
+ "vm": {
+ "instructions": [],
+ "split_by_var": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "stream_id": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "start_traffic",
+ "params": {
+ "duration": -1,
+ "force": true,
+ "handler": 0,
+ "mul": {
+ "op": "abs",
+ "type": "raw",
+ "value": 1.0
+ },
+ "port_id": 0
+ }
+ }
+For more detailed on Stream definition see RPC specification link:trex_rpc_server_spec.html#_add_stream[here]
+.To look into the YAML profile
+$./stl-sim -f stl/ --yaml
+- stream:
+ action_count: 0
+ enabled: true
+ flags: 0
+ isg: 0.0
+ mode:
+ pps: 1.0
+ type: continuous
+ packet:
+ meta: ''
+ rx_stats:
+ enabled: false
+ self_start: true
+ vm:
+ instructions: []
+ split_by_var: ''
+.To look into the Packet detail try --pkt option
+$./stl-sim -f stl/ --pkt
+ =======================
+ Stream 0
+ =======================
+###[ Ethernet ]###
+ dst = 00:00:00:01:00:00
+ src = 00:00:00:02:00:00
+ type = IPv4
+###[ IP ]###
+ version = 4L
+ ihl = 5L
+ tos = 0x0
+ len = 38
+ id = 1
+ flags =
+ frag = 0L
+ ttl = 64
+ proto = udp
+ chksum = 0x3ac5
+ src =
+ dst =
+ \options \
+###[ UDP ]###
+ sport = blackjack
+ dport = 12
+ len = 18
+ chksum = 0x6161
+###[ Raw ]###
+ load = 'xxxxxxxxxx'
+0000 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 08 00 45 00 ..............E.
+0010 00 26 00 01 00 00 40 11 3A C5 10 00 00 01 30 00 .&....@.:.....0.
+0020 00 01 04 01 00 0C 00 12 61 61 78 78 78 78 78 78 ........aaxxxxxx
+0030 78 78 78 78 xxxx
+==== Tutorial 2: Simple Ipv4/UDP packet - TRex
+===== Run TRex as a server mode
+First run trex in interactive mode
+$sudo ./t-rex-64 -i
+===== Connect with Console
+From the same machine in a different terminal connect to to trex (you can do it from remote machine with -s [ip]
+from console you can run this
+Connecting to RPC server on localhost:4501 [SUCCESS]
+connecting to publisher server on localhost:4500 [SUCCESS]
+Acquiring ports [0, 1, 2, 3]: [SUCCESS]
+125.69 [ms]
+TRex > start -f stl/ -m 10mbps -a #<1>
+Removing all streams from port(s) [0, 1, 2, 3]: [SUCCESS]
+Attaching 1 streams to port(s) [0, 1, 2, 3]: [SUCCESS]
+Starting traffic on port(s) [0, 1, 2, 3]: [SUCCESS]
+# pause the traffic on all port
+>pause -a #<2>
+# resume the traffic on all port
+>resume -a #<3>
+# stop traffic on all port
+>stop -a #<4>
+# show dynamic statistic
+<1> Start the traffic on all the ports in 10mbps. you can try with 14MPPS
+<2> Pause the traffic
+<3> Resume
+<4> Stop on all the ports
+To look into the streams using `streams -a`
+TRex > streams -a
+Port 0:
+ ID | packet type | length | mode | rate | next stream
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1 | Ethernet:IP:UDP:Raw | 56 | Continuous | 1.00 pps | -1
+Port 1:
+ ID | packet type | length | mode | rate | next stream
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1 | Ethernet:IP:UDP:Raw | 56 | Continuous | 1.00 pps | -1
+Port 2:
+ ID | packet type | length | mode | rate | next stream
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1 | Ethernet:IP:UDP:Raw | 56 | Continuous | 1.00 pps | -1
+Port 3:
+ ID | packet type | length | mode | rate | next stream
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1 | Ethernet:IP:UDP:Raw | 56 | Continuous | 1.00 pps | -1
+TRex >
+to get help on a command run `command --help`
+to look into general statistics
+Global Statistics
+Connection : localhost, Port 4501
+Version : v1.93, UUID: N/A
+Cpu Util : 0.2%
+ :
+Total Tx L2 : 40.01 Mb/sec
+Total Tx L1 : 52.51 Mb/sec
+Total Rx : 40.01 Mb/sec
+Total Pps : 78.14 Kpkt/sec
+ :
+Drop Rate : 0.00 b/sec
+Queue Full : 0 pkts
+Port Statistics
+ port | 0 | 1 |
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+ owner | hhaim | hhaim |
+ state | ACTIVE | ACTIVE |
+ -- | | |
+ Tx bps L2 | 10.00 Mbps | 10.00 Mbps |
+ Tx bps L1 | 13.13 Mbps | 13.13 Mbps |
+ Tx pps | 19.54 Kpps | 19.54 Kpps |
+ Line Util. | 0.13 % | 0.13 % |
+ --- | | |
+ Rx bps | 10.00 Mbps | 10.00 Mbps |
+ Rx pps | 19.54 Kpps | 19.54 Kpps |
+ ---- | | |
+ opackets | 1725794 | 1725794 |
+ ipackets | 1725794 | 1725794 |
+ obytes | 110450816 | 110450816 |
+ ibytes | 110450816 | 110450816 |
+ tx-bytes | 110.45 MB | 110.45 MB |
+ rx-bytes | 110.45 MB | 110.45 MB |
+ tx-pkts | 1.73 Mpkts | 1.73 Mpkts |
+ rx-pkts | 1.73 Mpkts | 1.73 Mpkts |
+ ----- | | |
+ oerrors | 0 | 0 |
+ ierrors | 0 | 0 |
+ status: /
+ browse: 'q' - quit, 'g' - dashboard, '0-3' - port display
+ dashboard: 'p' - pause, 'c' - clear, '-' - low 5%, '+' - up 5%,
+==== Tutorial 3: Simple Ipv4/UDP packet
+The following example demonstrates
+1. More than one stream
+2. Burst of 10 packets
+3. Stream activate a Stream (self_start=False)
+file: `stl/`
+ def create_stream (self):
+ # create a base packet and pad it to size
+ size = self.fsize - 4; # no FCS
+ base_pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)
+ base_pkt1 = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)
+ base_pkt2 = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)
+ pad = max(0, size - len(base_pkt)) * 'x'
+ return STLProfile( [ STLStream( isg = 10.0, # star in delay
+ name ='S0',
+ packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt/pad),
+ mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = 10), <1>
+ next = 'S1'), # point to next stream
+ STLStream( self_start = False, # stream is disabled enable trow S0 <2>
+ name ='S1',
+ packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt1/pad),
+ mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = 20),
+ next = 'S2' ),
+ STLStream( self_start = False, # stream is disabled enable trow S0 <3>
+ name ='S2',
+ packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt2/pad),
+ mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = 30 )
+ )
+ ]).get_streams()
+<1> Stream S0 is with self_start=True start after 10 sec
+<2> S1 with self_start=False. S0 activate it
+<3> S2 is activate by S1
+$ ./stl-sim -f stl/stl/ -o b.pcap
+The pcap file has 60 packet. The first 10 packets has src_ip= The next 10 packets has src_ip= The next 10 packets has src_ip=
+This profile can be run from Console using thed command
+TRex>start -f stl/stl/ --port 0
+==== Tutorial 4: Multi Burst mode
+file: `stl/`
+ def create_stream (self):
+ # create a base packet and pad it to size
+ size = self.fsize - 4; # no FCS
+ base_pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)
+ base_pkt1 = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)
+ pad = max(0, size - len(base_pkt)) * 'x'
+ return STLProfile( [ STLStream( isg = 10.0, # star in delay <1>
+ name ='S0',
+ packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt/pad),
+ mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = 10),
+ next = 'S1'), # point to next stream
+ STLStream( self_start = False, # stream is disabled enable trow S0 <2>
+ name ='S1',
+ packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt1/pad),
+ mode = STLTXMultiBurst( pps = 1000,
+ pkts_per_burst = 4,
+ ibg = 1000000.0,
+ count = 5)
+ )
+ ]).get_streams()
+<1> Stream S0 wait 10 usec(isg) and send burst of 10 packet in 10 PPS rate
+<2> Multi burst of 5 Burst of 4 packet with inter burst gap of one second
+image::images/stl_tut_4.png[title="Streams example",align="left",width=600, link="images/stl_tut_4.png"]
+==== Tutorial 5: Loops
+file: `stl/`
+ def create_stream (self):
+ # create a base packet and pad it to size
+ size = self.fsize - 4; # no FCS
+ base_pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)
+ base_pkt1 = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)
+ base_pkt2 = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)
+ pad = max(0, size - len(base_pkt)) * 'x'
+ return STLProfile( [ STLStream( isg = 10.0, # star in delay
+ name ='S0',
+ packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt/pad),
+ mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = 1),
+ next = 'S1'), # point to next stream
+ STLStream( self_start = False, # stream is disabled enable trow S0
+ name ='S1',
+ packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt1/pad),
+ mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = 2),
+ next = 'S2' ),
+ STLStream( self_start = False, # stream is disabled enable trow S0
+ name ='S2',
+ packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt2/pad),
+ mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 10, total_pkts = 3 ),
+ action_count = 2, # loop 2 times <1>
+ next = 'S0' # back to S0 loop
+ )
+ ]).get_streams()
+<1> go back to S0 but limit it to 2 loops
+==== Tutorial 6: IMIX with UDP packets directional
+file: `stl/`
+ def __init__ (self):
+ # default IP range
+ self.ip_range = {'src': {'start': "", 'end': ""},
+ 'dst': {'start': "", 'end': ""}}
+ # default IMIX properties
+ self.imix_table = [ {'size': 60, 'pps': 28, 'isg':0 },
+ {'size': 590, 'pps': 20, 'isg':0.1 },
+ {'size': 1514, 'pps': 4, 'isg':0.2 } ]
+ def create_stream (self, size, pps, isg, vm ):
+ # create a base packet and pad it to size
+ base_pkt = Ether()/IP()/UDP()
+ pad = max(0, size - len(base_pkt)) * 'x'
+ pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt/pad,
+ vm = vm)
+ return STLStream(isg = isg,
+ packet = pkt,
+ mode = STLTXCont(pps = pps))
+ def get_streams (self, direction = 0): <1>
+ if direction == 0: <2>
+ src = self.ip_range['src']
+ dst = self.ip_range['dst']
+ else:
+ src = self.ip_range['dst']
+ dst = self.ip_range['src']
+ # construct the base packet for the profile
+ vm =[ <3>
+ # src
+ STLVmFlowVar(name="src",
+ min_value=src['start'],
+ max_value=src['end'],
+ size=4,op="inc"),
+ STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="src",pkt_offset= "IP.src"),
+ # dst
+ STLVmFlowVar(name="dst",
+ min_value=dst['start'],
+ max_value=dst['end'],
+ size=4,
+ op="inc"),
+ STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="dst",pkt_offset= "IP.dst"),
+ # checksum
+ STLVmFixIpv4(offset = "IP")
+ ]
+ # create imix streams
+ return [self.create_stream(x['size'], x['pps'],x['isg'] , vm) for x in self.imix_table]
+<1> Base on the direction, we will construct a diffrent stream (replace src and dest)
+<2> Even port id has direction==0 and odd has direction==1
+<3> We didn't explain this yet. but this is a Field Engine program to change fields inside the packets
+==== Tutorial 7: Field Engine, Syn attack
+The following example demonstrates changing packet fields.
+The Field Engine (FE) has limited number of instructions/operation for supporting most use cases. There is a plan to add LuaJIT to get 100% flexiable in the cost of performance.
+The FE can allocate variable in Stream context. Write a variable to a packet offset, change packet size etc.
+*Some examples for what can be done:*
+* Change ipv4.tos 1-10
+* Change packet size to be random in range 64-9K
+* Create range of flows (change src_ip,dest_ip,src_port,dest_port)
+* Update Ipv4 checksum
+for more info see link:trex_rpc_server_spec.html#_object_type_em_vm_em_a_id_vm_obj_a[here]
+The following example demonstrates creating SYN attack from many src to one server.
+file: `stl/`
+ def create_stream (self):
+ base_pkt = Ether()/IP(dst="")/TCP(dport=80,flags="S") <1>
+ # vm
+ vm = CTRexScRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="ip_src",
+ min_value="",
+ max_value="",
+ size=4, op="random"), <2>
+ STLVmFlowVar(name="src_port",
+ min_value=1025,
+ max_value=65000,
+ size=2, op="random"), <3>
+ STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="ip_src", pkt_offset= "IP.src" ), <4>
+ STLVmFixIpv4(offset = "IP"), # fix checksum <5>
+ STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="src_port", <6>
+ pkt_offset= "") # fix udp len
+ ]
+ )
+ pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt,
+ vm = vm)
+ return STLStream(packet = pkt,
+ random_seed = 0x1234,# can be remove. will give the same random value any run
+ mode = STLTXCont())
+<1> Create SYN packet using Scapy
+<2> Define variable name=ip_src, 4 bytes size for IPv4.
+<3> Define variable name=src_port, 2 bytes size for port.
+<4> Write ip_src var into `IP.src` packet offset. Scapy calculate the offset. We could gave `IP:1.src" for second IP header in the packet
+<5> Fix Ipv4 checksum. here we provide the header name `IP` we could gave `IP:1` for second IP
+<6> Update TCP src port- TCP checksum is not updated here
+WARNING: Original Scapy does not have the capability to calculate offset for a header/field by name. This offset capability won't work for all the cases because there could be complex cases that Scapy rebuild the header. In such cases put offset as a number
+The output pcap file field can be seen here
+.Pcap file output
+[format="csv",cols="1^,2^,1^", options="header"]
+pkt,Client IPv4,Client Port
+ 1 , , 5814
+ 2 , , 26810
+ 3 , , 1810
+ 4 , , 55810
+ 5 , , 1078
+ 6 ,, 2323
+==== Tutorial 8: Field Engine, Tuple Generator
+The following example demonstrates creating multiply flow from the same packet template.
+The TupleGenerator instructions are used to create two variables with IP, port
+file: `stl/`
+ base_pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)
+ pad = max(0, size - len(base_pkt)) * 'x'
+ vm = CTRexScRaw( [ STLVmTupleGen ( ip_min="", <1>
+ ip_max="",
+ port_min=1025,
+ port_max=65535,
+ name="tuple"), # define tuple gen
+ STLVmWrFlowVar (fv_name="tuple.ip", pkt_offset= "IP.src" ), <2>
+ STLVmFixIpv4(offset = "IP"),
+ STLVmWrFlowVar (fv_name="tuple.port", pkt_offset= "" ) <3>
+ ]
+ );
+ pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt/pad,
+ vm = vm)
+<1> Define struct with two dependent varibles tuple.ip tuple.port
+<2> Write tuple.ip to Ipv4 src field offset
+<3> Write tuple.port to UDP header. You should set UDP.checksum to zero
+.Pcap file output
+[format="csv",cols="1^,2^,1^", options="header"]
+pkt,Client IPv4,Client Port
+ 1 , , 1025
+ 2 , , 1025
+ 3 , , 1026
+ 4 , , 1026
+ 5 , , 1027
+ 6 ,, 1027
+* Number of clients are two and
+* Number of flows is limited to 129020 (2*65535-1025)
+* The variable size should match the size of the FlowVarWr instruction
+==== Tutorial 9: Field Engine, write to a bit-field packet
+The following example demonstrates a way to write a variable to a bit field packet variables.
+In this example MPLS label field will be changed.
+.MPLS header
+[cols="32", halign="center"]
+20+<|Label 3+<|TC 1+<|S 8+<|TTL|
+file: `stl/`
+ def create_stream (self):
+ # 2 MPLS label the internal with s=1 (last one)
+ pkt = Ether()/
+ MPLS(label=17,cos=1,s=0,ttl=255)/
+ MPLS(label=0,cos=1,s=1,ttl=12)/
+ IP(src="",dst="")/
+ UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/('x'*20)
+ vm = CTRexScRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="mlabel", <1>
+ min_value=1,
+ max_value=2000,
+ size=2, op="inc"), # 2 bytes var <2>
+ STLVmWrMaskFlowVar(fv_name="mlabel",
+ pkt_offset= "MPLS:1.label", <3>
+ pkt_cast_size=4,
+ mask=0xFFFFF000,shift=12) # write to 20bit MSB
+ ]
+ )
+ # burst of 100 packets
+ return STLStream(packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = pkt ,vm = vm),
+ mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 1, total_pkts = 100) )
+<1> Define varible size of 2 bytes
+<2> Write the variable label with a shift of 12 bits and with 20bit MSB mask. Cast the variables of 2 bytes to 4 bytes
+<3> Second MPLS header should be changed
+==== Tutorial 10: Field Engine, Random packet size
+The following example demonstrates a way to to change packet size to be a random size.
+The way to do it is:
+1. Define template packet with maximum size
+2. Trim the packet to the size you want
+3. Update the packet fields to the new size
+file: `stl/`
+ def create_stream (self):
+ # pkt
+ p_l2 = Ether();
+ p_l3 = IP(src="",dst="")
+ p_l4 = UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)
+ pyld_size = max(0, self.max_pkt_size_l3 - len(p_l3/p_l4));
+ base_pkt = p_l2/p_l3/p_l4/('\x55'*(pyld_size))
+ l3_len_fix =-(len(p_l2));
+ l4_len_fix =-(len(p_l2/p_l3));
+ # vm
+ vm = CTRexScRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="fv_rand", <1>
+ min_value=64,
+ max_value=len(base_pkt),
+ size=2,
+ op="random"),
+ STLVmTrimPktSize("fv_rand"), # total packet size <2>
+ STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="fv_rand", <3>
+ pkt_offset= "IP.len",
+ add_val=l3_len_fix), # fix ip len
+ STLVmFixIpv4(offset = "IP"),
+ STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="fv_rand", <4>
+ pkt_offset= "UDP.len",
+ add_val=l4_len_fix) # fix udp len
+ ]
+ )
+<1> Define a random variable with maximum size of the packet
+<2> Trim the packet size to the fv_rand value
+<3> fix ip.len
+<4> fix udp.len
+==== Tutorial 11: New Scapy header
+The following example demonstrates a way to use a header the is not supported by Scapy.
+In this case this is VXLAN
+file: `stl/`
+# Adding header that does not exists yet in Scapy
+# This was taken from pull request of Scapy
+# RFC 7348 - Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN): <1>
+# A Framework for Overlaying Virtualized Layer 2 Networks over Layer 3 Networks
+_VXLAN_FLAGS = ['R' for i in range(0, 24)] + ['R', 'R', 'R', 'I', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R', 'R']
+class VXLAN(Packet):
+ name = "VXLAN"
+ fields_desc = [FlagsField("flags", 0x08000000, 32, _VXLAN_FLAGS),
+ ThreeBytesField("vni", 0),
+ XByteField("reserved", 0x00)]
+ def mysummary(self):
+ return self.sprintf("VXLAN (vni=%VXLAN.vni%)")
+bind_layers(UDP, VXLAN, dport=4789)
+bind_layers(VXLAN, Ether)
+class STLS1(object):
+ def __init__ (self):
+ pass;
+ def create_stream (self):
+ pkt = Ether()/IP()/UDP(sport=1337,dport=4789)/VXLAN(vni=42)/Ether()/IP()/('x'*20) <2>
+ #pkt.show2()
+ #hexdump(pkt)
+ # burst of 17 packets
+ return STLStream(packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = pkt ,vm = []),
+ mode = STLTXSingleBurst( pps = 1, total_pkts = 17) )
+<1> Download and and add the scapy header or write it
+<2> Use it
+For more information how to define headers see Scapy link:[here]
+==== Tutorial 12: Field Engine, Many clients
+The following example demonstrates a way to generate traffic from many clients with different IP/MAC to one server.
+The following figure demonstrate what e want to achieve
+image::images/stl_tut_12.png[title="client->server",align="left",width=600, link="images/stl_tut_12.png"]
+1. Send gratuitous ARP from B->D with server IP/MAC
+2. DUT learn the ARP of Server IP/MAC
+3. Send traffic from A->C with many Clients IP's/MAC's
+Let's take an example:
+Base source IPv4 :
+Destination IPv4:
+Increment src ipt portion starting at for 'n' number of clients (,
+Src MAC: start with 0000.dddd.0001, increment mac in steps of 1
+Dst MAC: Fixed - will be taken from trex_conf.yaml
+To send gratuitous ARP from TRex server side for this server (
+ def create_stream (self):
+ # create a base packet and pad it to size
+ base_pkt = Ether(src="00:00:dd:dd:00:01",dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff")/ARP(psrc="",hwsrc="00:00:dd:dd:00:01", hwdst="00:00:dd:dd:00:01", pdst="")
+Then we can send the clients traffic from A->C
+file: `stl/`
+class STLS1(object):
+ def __init__ (self):
+ self.num_clients =30000; # max is 16bit
+ self.fsize =64
+ def create_stream (self):
+ # create a base packet and pad it to size
+ size = self.fsize - 4; # no FCS
+ base_pkt = Ether(src="00:00:dd:dd:00:01")/
+ IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)
+ pad = max(0, size - len(base_pkt)) * 'x'
+ vm = CTRexScRaw( [ STLVmFlowVar(name="mac_src",
+ min_value=1,
+ max_value=self.num_clients,
+ size=2, op="inc"), # 1 byte varible, range 1-10
+ STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="mac_src", pkt_offset= 10), <1>
+ STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="mac_src" ,
+ pkt_offset="IP.src",
+ offset_fixup=2), <2>
+ STLVmFixIpv4(offset = "IP")
+ ]
+ ,split_by_field = "mac_src" # split
+ )
+ return STLStream(packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt/pad,vm = vm),
+ mode = STLTXCont( pps=10 ))
+<1> Write the variable mac_src with offset of 10 (last 2 bytes of src_mac field)
+<2> Write the variable mac_src with `offset_fixup` of 2. beacuse we write it with offset
+=== Reference
+=== Stream
+==== Packet
+==== Field Engine commands
+==== Modes
+=== Console commands
+=== Python API
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/stl_tut_1.png
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbe95fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/stl_tut_4.png
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01787f99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/trex_2.0_stateless.png
Binary files differ
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index d46f2a59..4ae6420d 100755
--- a/visio_drawings/trex_2.0_stateless.vsd
+++ b/visio_drawings/trex_2.0_stateless.vsd
Binary files differ
diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
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--- a/wscript
+++ b/wscript
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source='trex_book.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_manual.html', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
+ bld(rule='${ASCIIDOC} -a docinfo -a stylesheet=${SRC[1].abspath()} -a icons=true -a toc2 -a max-width=55em -d book -o ${TGT} ${SRC[0].abspath()}',
+ source='draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc waf.css', target='draft_trex_stateless.html', scan=ascii_doc_scan)
source='trex_book.asciidoc waf.css', target='trex_book.pdf', scan=ascii_doc_scan)