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diff --git a/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc b/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
index 1369f3e3..3760b944 100644
--- a/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
+++ b/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
@@ -2738,22 +2738,154 @@ trex>
** IPv4 with one vlan tag
* Number of concurrent streams you can get statistics for is 128.
+We'll demonstrate this with two examples, one that uses the console and one that uses the Python API.
+In order to use the console, we'll take a simple profile which defines
+two streams and configure them with two different PG IDs.
+*file*:: link:{github_stl_path}/[stl/]
class STLS1(object):
- def get_streams (self, direction = 0, **kwargs):
- return [STLStream(packet =
- STLPktBuilder(
- pkt ="stl/yaml/udp_64B_no_crc.pcap"),
- mode = STLTXCont(pps=10),
- rx_stats = STLRxStats(pg_id = 7)) <1>
+ def get_streams (self, direction = 0):
+ return [STLStream(packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt ="stl/yaml/udp_64B_no_crc.pcap"),
+ mode = STLTXCont(pps = 1000),
+ flow_stats = STLFlowStats(pg_id = 7)), <1>
+ STLStream(packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt ="stl/yaml/udp_594B_no_crc.pcap"),
+ mode = STLTXCont(pps = 5000),
+ flow_stats = STLFlowStats(pg_id = 12)) <2>
+<1> assigned to PG ID 7
+<2> assigned to PG ID 12
+Now we will inject this to the console and use the TUI to see what's going on:
+trex>start -f stl/ --port 0
+Removing all streams from port(s) [0]: [SUCCESS]
+Attaching 2 streams to port(s) [0]: [SUCCESS]
+Starting traffic on port(s) [0]: [SUCCESS]
+155.81 [ms]
+Streams Statistics
+ PG ID | 12 | 7
+ --------------------------------------------------
+ Tx pps | 5.00 Kpps | 999.29 pps <1>
+ Tx bps L2 | 23.60 Mbps | 479.66 Kbps
+ Tx bps L1 | 24.40 Mbps | 639.55 Kbps
+ --- | |
+ Rx pps | 5.00 Kpps | 999.29 pps <2>
+ Rx bps | N/A | N/A <3>
+ ---- | |
+ opackets | 222496 | 44500
+ ipackets | 222496 | 44500
+ obytes | 131272640 | 2670000
+ ibytes | N/A | N/A <3>
+ ----- | |
+ tx_pkts | 222.50 Kpkts | 44.50 Kpkts
+ rx_pkts | 222.50 Kpkts | 44.50 Kpkts
+ tx_bytes | 131.27 MB | 2.67 MB
+ rx_bytes | N/A | N/A <3>
+<1> TX bandwidth of the streams matches the configured values
+<2> RX bandwidth means that no drops were seen
+<3> RX BPS is not supported on this platform (no hardware support for BPS) hence the N/A.
+*Flow Stats Using The Python API*::
+We'll use the following example:
+def rx_example (tx_port, rx_port, burst_size):
+ # create client
+ c = STLClient()
+ try:
+ pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/
+ UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/IP()/'a_payload_example')
+ s1 = STLStream(name = 'rx',
+ packet = pkt,
+ flow_stats = STLFlowStats(pg_id = 5), <1>
+ mode = STLTXSingleBurst(total_pkts = 5000,
+ percentage = 80
+ ))
+ # connect to server
+ c.connect()
+ # prepare our ports - TX/RX
+ c.reset(ports = [tx_port, rx_port])
+ # add the stream to the TX port
+ c.add_streams([s1], ports = [tx_port])
+ # start and wait for completion
+ c.start(ports = [tx_port])
+ c.wait_on_traffic(ports = [tx_port])
+ # fetch stats for PG ID 5
+ flow_stats = c.get_stats()['flow_stats'].get(5) <2>
+ tx_pkts = flow_stats['tx_pkts'].get(tx_port, 0) <2>
+ tx_bytes = flow_stats['tx_bytes'].get(tx_port, 0) <2>
+ rx_pkts = flow_stats['rx_pkts'].get(rx_port, 0) <2>
+<1> define the stream to use PG ID 5
+<2> the structure of the object ''flow_stats'' is described below
+==== flow_stats object structure
+A dictionary which keys are the configured PG IDs.
+The next level is a dictionary which contains 'tx_pkts', 'tx_bytes' and 'rx_pkts'.
+Each one of those keys contain a dictionary of per port values.
+Here is a printout of flow_stats object for 3 PG IDs after a specific run:
+ 5: {'rx_pkts' : {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 500000, 3: 0, 'total': 500000},
+ 'tx_bytes' : {0: 0, 1: 39500000, 2: 0, 3: 0, 'total': 39500000},
+ 'tx_pkts' : {0: 0, 1: 500000, 2: 0, 3: 0, 'total': 500000}},
+ 7: {'rx_pkts' : {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 288, 'total': 288},
+ 'tx_bytes' : {0: 17280, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 'total': 17280},
+ 'tx_pkts' : {0: 288, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 'total': 288}},
+ 12: {'rx_pkts' : {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 1439, 'total': 1439},
+ 'tx_bytes': {0: 849600, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 'total': 849600},
+ 'tx_pkts' : {0: 1440, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 'total': 1440}}
-<1> Configure this stream to be counted on all RX ports as packet group id 7
+==== TODO
* TUI should show Tx/Rx stats [TODO]
* Python API to get the info [TODO]