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1 files changed, 201 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/packet_builder_yaml.asciidoc b/packet_builder_yaml.asciidoc
index 1ca45378..f8dd3559 100644
--- a/packet_builder_yaml.asciidoc
+++ b/packet_builder_yaml.asciidoc
@@ -1,8 +1,29 @@
+Packet Builder Language
+:author: hhaim
+:email: <>
+:revnumber: 0.02
+== change log
+| Version | meaning
+| 0.01 | first version
+| 0.02
+- change the bool fields to properties
+- add external/internal property
+- add const property ( instead cant_change)
+- change TLV property - now learn the prev header
+- add choice that is not base on a field ( TCP->IP->TCP)
-== A file format for GUI packet builder
-version : 0.01
-originator : hhaim
+== A file format for GUI packet builder
=== Introduction
@@ -75,7 +96,7 @@ The format should be *YAML*
| uint64 | sub fields of this header | 64
| Field_Type | name of a field type that define | The size of the field type "mac-addr"
| Payload | xref:Payload[Payload] | total packet size - all header until now
-| vlen | varible length field, take the reset of the field | total size of the object
+| vlen_t | in case of varible size header this include the size to the end of varible size header see example xref:IpvOption[Ipv4Option] |total size of the object
@@ -96,22 +117,22 @@ The format should be *YAML*
-.Default Exec anchor:Exec[]
+.Default Properties anchor:Properties[]
| Field Name | meaning
-| none | nothing special
| ipv4_checksum | auto calculates checksum on this header Ipv4 type
| tcp_udp_checsum | calculate next TCP checksum
-| ipv4_total_length | calculate ipv4 total length
-| tlv_length | the length of the field in bytes -1 for TLV
+| ipv4_total_length | calculate ipv4 total length this pkt_size = header + reset of packet
+| tlv | TLV length of the header (inlcudes the prev field length) example ip-option, tcp-option
+| le | little edian. deault is big
+| const | const field for example the 4 version of ipv4 header - this GUI won't give option to change this field
+| external | marks the header as an external header for the GUI. for example IPv4 is external header and mac-addr is internal header ( compose external header)
.Field_Type anchor:Field_Type[]
| Field Name | value type | meaning | Default Value | Link | Example
| class | string | describe the class type | in case class is defined no need to have name and vise versa | | class : tcp
@@ -121,25 +142,64 @@ The format should be *YAML*
| type | string | type, see Types define the size | "uint8_t" | xref:Types[Types] | type : "uint32_t" type : "mac_addr"
| edit_type | string | edit_type Edit_Types | "none" | xref:Edit_Types[Edit_Types] | edit_type could get edit_type_regexp e.g edit_type = "ipv4" , edit_type = "regexp" edit_type_regexp = "string that define regexp and Java function"
| edit_type_regexp | string | in case it is reg_exp the name of the function |"none" | xref:GenRegExp[GenRegExp] |
-| edian | bool | big or little edian | true | | in default all fields are big
-| default | array of bytes | default value in the packets | [0 ]x header size | |
-| exec | string | exception processing by java checsum/length | none | xref:Exec[Exec] |
-| choice | array | define the next protocol see | none | xref:Choice[Choice] |
-| change_possible | bool | is it possible to change this field after we added next fields. in some cases we can't change field after we build next protocol | true | |
+| default | array of bytes | default value in the packets , you can override value for subfields in parent see example
+| [0 ]x header size | |
+| properies | array of string like masks
+| properies of this fields | [] | xref:Properties[Properties] | ["le","external"] , ["tlv","le","const"]
+| choice | array | define the next protocol base on a field | none | xref:Choice[Choice] |
+| next_headers | string or type | a name of class that define the next or just an array | "none" | xref:Choice[Next_headers] |
| fields | array | array of Field_Type | [] | | fields : [ ]
-| offset | integer/string | offset into the packet in bits, in case of auto add base of prev fields | "auto" | | |
+| offset | integer/string | offset into the packet in bits, in case of auto add base of prev fields | "auto" | |
| option | string | a java code that define a way to calculate varible size | "none" | | |
+.Field_Type anchor:ConstHeadesClass[]
+| Field Name | value type
+| "root" | the root pointer to the start of blocks L2/802.3 etc
+| "end" | end TLV headers
+| "payload | the rest of the packets as buffer/string etc
+.Next_headers anchor:Next_headers[]
+Example of Next_headers
+ - class : "next-example-t-1"
+ help : "next-example-t-1"
+ next_headers : ["ip","ipv6,"tcp"]
+# option 1 define in the header itself
+ - class : "tcp"
+ help : "TCP header"
+ properies : ["external"]
+ next_headers : ["ip","ipv6,"tcp"]
+ fields :
+ - name : "ver"
+# option 2 define throw a class
+ - class : "tcp"
+ help : "TCP header"
+ properies : ["external"]
+ next_headers : "next-example-t-1" #
+ fields :
+ - name : "ver"
.Choice anchor:Choice[]
Example of Choice
fields :
- key : 0x0800
- val : "ip"
+ val : "ip" # name of an external or internal class , the GUI should distinct betwean internal and external
- key : 0x0860
val : "ipv6"
@@ -223,10 +283,81 @@ root -> L2 ( Ethernet , 802.3 , LLC SNAP )
* There would be a spare field in the Stream object so GUI could add more metadata for reconstructing the builder types
for example in this example Ethrenet/IP/TCP/IP/TCP you can't extrac from buffer alone that Payload is IP/TCP only the builder known that in build time.
* Ip total length need to keep the total_pkt_size - this ip header . this should work for internal header too.
+* When GUI add header ("external") the total size of this header should be calculated ( varible size should be given a default - ipv4)
+=== Examples
+==== TLV (Ip option) anchor:IpvOption[]
-=== Example TCP/IP
+IP-option see link:[ip_option]
+0 : END
+1 : Length 1
+other : Byte : Length ( +first) |option
+ - class : "ip_option_131"
+ help : "ip_option"
+ fields :
+ - name : "length" # tree with leaf of bits
+ help : "length"
+ type : uint8_t
+ properties : ["tlv"] # the length include the prev field size (8 byte)
+ - name : "pointer" # tree with leaf of bits
+ type : uint8_t
+ - name : "buffer" # tree with leaf of bits
+ type : "tlv_reset"
+ - class : "default_ip4_option_tlv"
+ help : "ip_option"
+ fields :
+ - name : "length" # tree with leaf of bits
+ help : "length"
+ type : uint8_t
+ properties : "tlv" # the length include the prev field size (8 byte)
+ - name : "buffer" # tree with leaf of bits
+ type : "vlen_t"
+ - class : "ip_option"
+ help : "ip_option"
+ type : uint8_t
+ default : [0x01]
+ choice :
+ fields:
+ - key : 0x00
+ val : "end" # reserve name for ending the loop
+ - key : 0x01
+ val : "ip_option" # back to this header
+ - key : 0x131
+ val : "ip_option_131"
+ - key : 0x0812
+ val : "gre"
+ default : "default_ip4_option_tlv"
+* case of varible length field ip_option example
+==== Example TCP/IP
@@ -237,7 +368,7 @@ root -> L2 ( Ethernet , 802.3 , LLC SNAP )
type : "uint8"
array_size : 6
edit_type : "mac-addr_t" # format (\d\d[:]){5}[:]\d\d
- default_value : [0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00]
+ default : [0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00]
- class : "c-ethr-l2"
@@ -253,7 +384,7 @@ root -> L2 ( Ethernet , 802.3 , LLC SNAP )
- name : "ip_protocol"
type : "uint16_t"
- default_value : [0x08,0x00]
+ default : [0x08,0x00]
choice :
fields :
- key : 0x0800
@@ -284,26 +415,24 @@ root -> L2 ( Ethernet , 802.3 , LLC SNAP )
type : "bit"
array_size : 4
default : [7]
- exec : "ipv4_ihl"
- change_possible : false
+ properties : ["ipv4_ihl","const"]
- name : "hdr_chsum"
help : "Header Checksum"
default : [0x00,0x00]
- exec : "ipv4_check_sum"
- change_possible : false
+ properties : ["ipv4_check_sum"]
- name : "total_len"
help : "Total Length"
default : [0x00,0x00]
- exec : "ipv4_total_len" # auto calculate total_size-offset_header
+ properties : ["ipv4_total_len"] # auto calculate total_size-offset_header
- name : "protocol"
help : "Protocol"
type : uint8_t
- default_value : [0x06]
+ default : [0x06]
choice :
- key : 0x06
@@ -313,7 +442,7 @@ root -> L2 ( Ethernet , 802.3 , LLC SNAP )
val : "udp"
- key : 0x01 # just an example don't realy remember the numbers
- val : "ip"
+ val : "ip" # class name
- key : 0x0812
val : "gre"
@@ -334,6 +463,7 @@ root -> L2 ( Ethernet , 802.3 , LLC SNAP )
- class : "tcp"
help : "TCP"
+ properties : ["external"]
fields :
- name : "src_port"
help : "Source Port"
@@ -377,7 +507,7 @@ root -> L2 ( Ethernet , 802.3 , LLC SNAP )
help : "Checksum"
type : uint16_t
default : [0x00,0x00]
- exec : "tcp_checksum" # auto calculate total_size-offset_header
+ properties : ["tcp_checksum"] # auto calculate total_size-offset_header
- class : "root" # reserve
@@ -386,62 +516,58 @@ root -> L2 ( Ethernet , 802.3 , LLC SNAP )
default : [ "ethrenet" ,"llc","_802-3"]
-=== Example IP Option
-see here TLV
-0 : END
-1 : Length 1
-other : Byte : Length ( +first) |option
- link:[ip_option]
+==== Overide subfields
+In this example parent class default value override default value of sub-fields ( 2 diffrent mac-addr)
- - class : "ip_option_131"
- help : "ip_option"
- fields :
- - name : "length" # tree with leaf of bits
- help : "length"
- type : uint8_t
- exec : "tlv_length"
- - name : "pointer" # tree with leaf of bits
- type : uint8_t
- - name : "buffer" # tree with leaf of bits
- type : "tlv_reset"
- - class : "ip_option"
- help : "ip_option"
- type : uint8_t
- default_value : [0x01]
- choice :
- fields:
- - key : 0x00
- val : "none" # no next the parent has
- - key : 0x01
- val : "ip_option"
- - key : 0x131
- val : "ip_option_131"
- - key : 0x01 # just an example don't realy remember the numbers
- val : "ip"
- - key : 0x0812
- val : "gre"
- default : "payload"
+ - class : "c-mac-addr"
+ help : "Mac addrees"
+ type : "uint8"
+ array_size : 6
+ edit_type : "mac-addr_t" # format (\d\d[:]){5}[:]\d\d
+ default : [0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00]
+ - class : "c-ethr-l2"
+ help : "Ethernet-L2"
+ properties : ["external"]
+ default : [0x00,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x02,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00 ,0x08,00] # change the default of sub-fields . it is const size
+ fields :
+ - name : "Dst"
+ help : "destination mac"
+ type : "c-mac-addr"
+ - name : "Src"
+ help : "source mac"
+ type : "c-mac-addr"
+ - name : "ip_protocol"
+ type : "uint16_t"
+ default : [0x08,0x00]
+ choice :
+ fields :
+ - key : 0x0800
+ val : "ip"
+ - key : 0x0860
+ val : "ipv6"
+ - key : 0x0810 # just an example don't realy remember the numbers
+ val : "vlan"
+ - key : 0x0812
+ val : "mpls"
+ default : "payload"
-* case of varible length field ip_option example
+==== Union base