diff options
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc b/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
index f1d56f89..baf4006c 100644
--- a/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
+++ b/draft_trex_stateless.asciidoc
@@ -103,9 +103,191 @@ image::images/stateless_objects.png[title="TRex Objects ",align="left",width=600
=== Tutorials
This tutorial will walk you through basic but complete TRex Stateless use cases that will show you common concepts as well as slightly more advanced ones.
+==== Tutorial: Simple IPv4/UDP packet - TRex
+*Goal* : send simple UDP packet from all the ports
+===== Understand the traffic profile
+file: `stl/`
+from trex_stl_lib.api import *
+class STLS1(object):
+ def create_stream (self):
+ return STLStream(
+ packet =
+ STLPktBuilder(
+ pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/
+ UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/(10*'x') <1>
+ ),
+ mode = STLTXCont()) <2>
+ def get_streams (self, direction = 0):
+ # create 1 stream
+ return [ self.create_stream() ]
+# dynamic load - used for trex console or simulator
+def register(): <3>
+ return STLS1()
+<1> Define the packet, in this case it IP/UDP with 10 bytes of 'x'.See more here link:[Scapy]
+<2> Mode is Continues with rate of 1 PPS (default rate is 1 PPS)
+<3> Each Traffic profile module should have a `register` function
+===== Run TRex as a server mode
+First run trex in interactive mode
+$sudo ./t-rex-64 -i
+===== Connect with Console
+From the same machine in a different terminal connect to trex (you can do it from remote machine with -s [ip])
+from console you can run this
+Connecting to RPC server on localhost:4501 [SUCCESS]
+connecting to publisher server on localhost:4500 [SUCCESS]
+Acquiring ports [0, 1, 2, 3]: [SUCCESS]
+125.69 [ms]
+TRex > start -f stl/ -m 10mbps -a #<1>
+Removing all streams from port(s) [0, 1, 2, 3]: [SUCCESS]
+Attaching 1 streams to port(s) [0, 1, 2, 3]: [SUCCESS]
+Starting traffic on port(s) [0, 1, 2, 3]: [SUCCESS]
+# pause the traffic on all port
+>pause -a #<2>
+# resume the traffic on all port
+>resume -a #<3>
+# stop traffic on all port
+>stop -a #<4>
+# show dynamic statistic
+<1> Start the traffic on all the ports in 10mbps. you can try with 14MPPS
+<2> Pause the traffic
+<3> Resume
+<4> Stop on all the ports
+To look into the streams using `streams -a`
+TRex > streams -a
+Port 0:
+ ID | packet type | length | mode | rate | next stream
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1 | Ethernet:IP:UDP:Raw | 56 | Continuous | 1.00 pps | -1
+Port 1:
+ ID | packet type | length | mode | rate | next stream
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1 | Ethernet:IP:UDP:Raw | 56 | Continuous | 1.00 pps | -1
+Port 2:
+ ID | packet type | length | mode | rate | next stream
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1 | Ethernet:IP:UDP:Raw | 56 | Continuous | 1.00 pps | -1
+Port 3:
+ ID | packet type | length | mode | rate | next stream
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1 | Ethernet:IP:UDP:Raw | 56 | Continuous | 1.00 pps | -1
+TRex >
+to get help on a command run `command --help`
+to look into general statistics
+Global Statistics
+Connection : localhost, Port 4501
+Version : v1.93, UUID: N/A
+Cpu Util : 0.2%
+ :
+Total Tx L2 : 40.01 Mb/sec
+Total Tx L1 : 52.51 Mb/sec
+Total Rx : 40.01 Mb/sec
+Total Pps : 78.14 Kpkt/sec
+ :
+Drop Rate : 0.00 b/sec
+Queue Full : 0 pkts
+Port Statistics
+ port | 0 | 1 |
+ --------------------------------------------------------
+ owner | hhaim | hhaim |
+ state | ACTIVE | ACTIVE |
+ -- | | |
+ Tx bps L2 | 10.00 Mbps | 10.00 Mbps |
+ Tx bps L1 | 13.13 Mbps | 13.13 Mbps |
+ Tx pps | 19.54 Kpps | 19.54 Kpps |
+ Line Util. | 0.13 % | 0.13 % |
+ --- | | |
+ Rx bps | 10.00 Mbps | 10.00 Mbps |
+ Rx pps | 19.54 Kpps | 19.54 Kpps |
+ ---- | | |
+ opackets | 1725794 | 1725794 |
+ ipackets | 1725794 | 1725794 |
+ obytes | 110450816 | 110450816 |
+ ibytes | 110450816 | 110450816 |
+ tx-bytes | 110.45 MB | 110.45 MB |
+ rx-bytes | 110.45 MB | 110.45 MB |
+ tx-pkts | 1.73 Mpkts | 1.73 Mpkts |
+ rx-pkts | 1.73 Mpkts | 1.73 Mpkts |
+ ----- | | |
+ oerrors | 0 | 0 |
+ ierrors | 0 | 0 |
+ status: /
+ browse: 'q' - quit, 'g' - dashboard, '0-3' - port display
+ dashboard: 'p' - pause, 'c' - clear, '-' - low 5%, '+' - up 5%,
+INFO: The SRC/DST MAC addrees are taken from /etc/trex_cfg.yaml. if you want to change them to be different just add Ether(dst="00:00:dd:dd:00:01") with your destination
==== Tutorial: Simple IPv4/UDP packet - Simulator
+*Goal* : Learn how to use the TRex Stateless simulator,important for more complex use cases
The following example demonstrates the most basic use case using our simulator.
file: `stl/`
@@ -312,148 +494,12 @@ $./stl-sim -f stl/ --pkt
0030 78 78 78 78 xxxx
-==== Tutorial: Simple IPv4/UDP packet - TRex
-===== Run TRex as a server mode
-First run trex in interactive mode
-$sudo ./t-rex-64 -i
-===== Connect with Console
-From the same machine in a different terminal connect to to trex (you can do it from remote machine with -s [ip]
-from console you can run this
+==== Tutorial: Multi stream support
+*Goal* : Send more than one stream
-Connecting to RPC server on localhost:4501 [SUCCESS]
-connecting to publisher server on localhost:4500 [SUCCESS]
-Acquiring ports [0, 1, 2, 3]: [SUCCESS]
-125.69 [ms]
-TRex > start -f stl/ -m 10mbps -a #<1>
-Removing all streams from port(s) [0, 1, 2, 3]: [SUCCESS]
-Attaching 1 streams to port(s) [0, 1, 2, 3]: [SUCCESS]
-Starting traffic on port(s) [0, 1, 2, 3]: [SUCCESS]
-# pause the traffic on all port
->pause -a #<2>
-# resume the traffic on all port
->resume -a #<3>
-# stop traffic on all port
->stop -a #<4>
-# show dynamic statistic
-<1> Start the traffic on all the ports in 10mbps. you can try with 14MPPS
-<2> Pause the traffic
-<3> Resume
-<4> Stop on all the ports
-To look into the streams using `streams -a`
-TRex > streams -a
-Port 0:
- ID | packet type | length | mode | rate | next stream
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 | Ethernet:IP:UDP:Raw | 56 | Continuous | 1.00 pps | -1
-Port 1:
- ID | packet type | length | mode | rate | next stream
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 | Ethernet:IP:UDP:Raw | 56 | Continuous | 1.00 pps | -1
-Port 2:
- ID | packet type | length | mode | rate | next stream
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 | Ethernet:IP:UDP:Raw | 56 | Continuous | 1.00 pps | -1
-Port 3:
- ID | packet type | length | mode | rate | next stream
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 | Ethernet:IP:UDP:Raw | 56 | Continuous | 1.00 pps | -1
-TRex >
-to get help on a command run `command --help`
-to look into general statistics
-Global Statistics
-Connection : localhost, Port 4501
-Version : v1.93, UUID: N/A
-Cpu Util : 0.2%
- :
-Total Tx L2 : 40.01 Mb/sec
-Total Tx L1 : 52.51 Mb/sec
-Total Rx : 40.01 Mb/sec
-Total Pps : 78.14 Kpkt/sec
- :
-Drop Rate : 0.00 b/sec
-Queue Full : 0 pkts
-Port Statistics
- port | 0 | 1 |
- --------------------------------------------------------
- owner | hhaim | hhaim |
- state | ACTIVE | ACTIVE |
- -- | | |
- Tx bps L2 | 10.00 Mbps | 10.00 Mbps |
- Tx bps L1 | 13.13 Mbps | 13.13 Mbps |
- Tx pps | 19.54 Kpps | 19.54 Kpps |
- Line Util. | 0.13 % | 0.13 % |
- --- | | |
- Rx bps | 10.00 Mbps | 10.00 Mbps |
- Rx pps | 19.54 Kpps | 19.54 Kpps |
- ---- | | |
- opackets | 1725794 | 1725794 |
- ipackets | 1725794 | 1725794 |
- obytes | 110450816 | 110450816 |
- ibytes | 110450816 | 110450816 |
- tx-bytes | 110.45 MB | 110.45 MB |
- rx-bytes | 110.45 MB | 110.45 MB |
- tx-pkts | 1.73 Mpkts | 1.73 Mpkts |
- rx-pkts | 1.73 Mpkts | 1.73 Mpkts |
- ----- | | |
- oerrors | 0 | 0 |
- ierrors | 0 | 0 |
- status: /
- browse: 'q' - quit, 'g' - dashboard, '0-3' - port display
- dashboard: 'p' - pause, 'c' - clear, '-' - low 5%, '+' - up 5%,
-==== Tutorial: Simple IPv4/UDP packet
The following example demonstrates
@@ -518,8 +564,9 @@ TRex>start -f stl/stl/ --port 0
==== Tutorial: Multi Burst mode
-file: `stl/`
+*Goal* : Learn Multi burst
+file: `stl/`