path: root/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client/
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client/')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client/
index ad0a4d3a..4a43f66b 100755
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client/
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ cleanup_session()
mode ( create | modify | remove | reset )
@@ -29,15 +29,16 @@ traffic_config()
action ( run | stop )
+ mode ( aggregate )
+ port_handle
@@ -45,18 +46,19 @@ import trex_root_path
from client_utils.packet_builder import CTRexPktBuilder
from trex_stateless_client import STLClient
from common.trex_streams import *
-from client_utils.general_utils import id_count_gen, get_integer
+from client_utils.general_utils import get_integer
import dpkt
import socket
from misc_methods import print_r
import traceback
-from functools import partial
class HLT_ERR(dict):
def __init__(self, log = 'Unknown error', **kwargs):
dict.__init__(self, {'status': 0})
if type(log) is dict:
dict.update(self, log)
+ elif type(log) is str and not log.startswith('[ERR]'):
+ self['log'] = '[ERR] ' + log
self['log'] = log
dict.update(self, kwargs)
@@ -74,15 +76,15 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
self.trex_client = None
self.connected = False
self.verbose = verbose
- # self._stream_db = CStreamList()
- #self._port_data = {}
- self._stream_id_gen = id_count_gen() # common to all ports
- self._hlt_streams_history = {} # streams per stream_id in format of hlt arguments
+ self._hlt_streams_history = {} # streams per stream_id in format of HLT arguments for modify later
+# Session functions #
- # ----- session functions ----- #
- # device: ip or hostname, will take all available ports
- # sync = RPC, async = ZMQ
- def connect(self, device, port_list, username='', reset=False, break_locks=False, sync_port=4501, async_port=4500, virtual = False):
+ # device: ip or hostname
+ def connect(self, device, port_list, username='', reset=False, break_locks=False):
device = socket.gethostbyname(device) # work with ip
@@ -90,18 +92,19 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
device = socket.gethostbyname(device)
except Exception as e:
- return HLT_ERR('[ERR] Could not translate hostname "%s" to IP: %s' % (device, e))
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not translate hostname "%s" to IP: %s' % (device, e))
- self.trex_client = STLClient(username, device, sync_port, async_port, verbose_level = self.verbose)
+ # sync = RPC, async = ZMQ
+ self.trex_client = STLClient(username, device, sync_port = 4501, async_port = 4500, verbose_level = self.verbose)
except Exception as e:
self.trex_client = None
- return HLT_ERR('[ERR] Could not init stateless client %s: %s' % (device, e))
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not init stateless client %s: %s' % (device, e))
except Exception as e:
self.trex_client = None
- return HLT_ERR('[ERR] Could not connect to device %s: %s' % (device, e))
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not connect to device %s: %s' % (device, e))
# connection successfully created with server, try acquiring ports of TRex
@@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
self.trex_client.acquire(ports = port_list, force = break_locks)
except Exception as e:
self.trex_client = None
- return HLT_ERR('[ERR] Could not acquire ports %s: %s' % (port_list, e))
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not acquire ports %s: %s' % (port_list, e))
# since only supporting single TRex at the moment, 1:1 map
port_handle = self.trex_client.get_acquired_ports()
@@ -142,7 +145,7 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
except Exception as e:
return HLT_ERR('Unable to release ports %s: %s' % (port_list, e))
- self.trex_client.disconnect()
+ self.trex_client.disconnect(stop_traffic = False, release_ports = False)
except Exception as e:
return HLT_ERR('Error disconnecting: %s' % e)
self.trex_client = None
@@ -154,15 +157,23 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
if mode not in ALLOWED_MODES:
return HLT_ERR('Mode must be one of the following values: %s' % ALLOWED_MODES)
# pass this function for now...
- return HLT_OK()
+ return HLT_ERR('interface_config not implemented yet')
- # ----- traffic functions ----- #
- def traffic_config(self, mode, port_handle, transmit_mode = 'continuous', rate_pps = 1, **kwargs):
+# Traffic functions #
+ def traffic_config(self, mode, port_handle, **kwargs):
stream_id = kwargs.get('stream_id')
- if type(stream_id) in (list, set):
+ if type(stream_id) is list:
+ del kwargs['stream_id']
for each_stream_id in stream_id:
- traffic_config(self, mode, port_handle, transmit_mode = 'continuous', rate_pps = 1, stream_id = each_stream_id, **kwargs):
+ res = self.traffic_config(mode, port_handle, stream_id = each_stream_id, **kwargs)
+ if type(res) is HLT_ERR:
+ return res
+ return HLT_OK()
if type(port_handle) is not list:
port_handle = [port_handle]
ALLOWED_MODES = ['create', 'modify', 'remove', 'enable', 'disable', 'reset']
@@ -191,13 +202,13 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
return HLT_ERR('Could not remove streams with specified by %s, error: %s' % (stream_id, log))
return HLT_OK()
- if mode == 'enable':
- stream_id = kwargs.get('stream_id')
- if stream_id is None:
- return HLT_ERR('Please specify stream_id to enable.')
- if stream_id not in self._hlt_streams_history:
- return HLT_ERR('This stream_id (%s) was not used before, please create new.' % stream_id)
- self._hlt_streams_history[stream_id].update(kwargs) # <- the modification
+ #if mode == 'enable':
+ # stream_id = kwargs.get('stream_id')
+ # if stream_id is None:
+ # return HLT_ERR('Please specify stream_id to enable.')
+ # if stream_id not in self._hlt_streams_history:
+ # return HLT_ERR('This stream_id (%s) was not used before, please create new.' % stream_id)
+ # self._hlt_streams_history[stream_id].update(kwargs) # <- the modification
if mode == 'modify': # we remove stream and create new one with same stream_id
@@ -208,13 +219,13 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
return HLT_ERR('This stream_id (%s) was not used before, please create new.' % stream_id)
self._hlt_streams_history[stream_id].update(kwargs) # <- the modification
kwargs = self._hlt_streams_history[stream_id]
- for port_id in port_handle:
- if stream_id not in self.trex_client.get_stream_id_list(port_id):
- return HLT_ERR('Port %s does not have stream_id %s.' % (port_id, stream_id))
+ #for port_id in port_handle:
+ # if stream_id not in self.trex_client.get_stream_id_list(port_id):
+ # return HLT_ERR('Port %s does not have stream_id %s.' % (port_id, stream_id))
- self.trex_client.remove_stream(stream_id, port_handle)
+ self.trex_client.remove_streams(stream_id, port_handle)
except Exception as e:
- return HLT_ERR('Could not remove streams specified by %s, error: %s' % (stream_id, log))
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not remove streams specified by %s: %s' % (stream_id, e))
if mode == 'create' or mode == 'modify':
# create a new stream with desired attributes, starting by creating packet
@@ -227,8 +238,8 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
if mac_src not in kwargs or mac_dst not in kwargs:
return HLT_ERR(bidirect_err + 'mac_src and mac_dst should be specified')
- res1 = self.traffic_config(mode, port_handle[0], transmit_mode, rate_pps, **kwargs)
- res2 = self.traffic_config(mode, port_handle[1], transmit_mode, rate_pps, mac_src = kwargs['mac_dst'], mac_dst = kwargs['mac_src'], **kwargs)
+ res1 = self.traffic_config(mode, port_handle[0], **kwargs)
+ res2 = self.traffic_config(mode, port_handle[1], mac_src = kwargs['mac_dst'], mac_dst = kwargs['mac_src'], **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
return HLT_ERR('Could not generate bidirectional traffic: %s' % e)
return HLT_OK(stream_id = [res1['stream_id'], res2['stream_id']])
@@ -237,7 +248,7 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
packet = CTRexHltApi._generate_stream(**kwargs)
except Exception as e:
return HLT_ERR('Could not generate stream: %s' % e)
- # set transmission attributes
+ # set transmission attributes
# tx_mode = CTxMode(type = transmit_mode, pps = rate_pps, **kwargs)
#except Exception as e:
@@ -245,19 +256,38 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
# set rx_stats
- rx_stats = CRxStats() # defaults with disabled
+ #rx_stats = CRxStats() # defaults with disabled
+ rx_stats = None
except Exception as e:
return HLT_ERR('Could not init CTxMode: %s' % e)
+ transmit_mode = kwargs.get('transmit_mode', 'continuous')
+ rate_pps = kwargs.get('rate_pps', 1)
+ pkts_per_burst = kwargs.get('pkts_per_burst', 1)
+ burst_loop_count = kwargs.get('burst_loop_count', 1)
+ inter_burst_gap = kwargs.get('inter_burst_gap', 12)
+ if transmit_mode == 'continuous':
+ transmit_mode_class = STLTXCont(pps = rate_pps)
+ elif transmit_mode == 'single_burst':
+ transmit_mode_class = STLTXSingleBurst(pps = rate_pps, total_pkts = pkts_per_burst)
+ elif transmit_mode == 'multi_burst':
+ transmit_mode_class = STLTXMultiBurst(pps = rate_pps, total_pkts = pkts_per_burst, count = burst_loop_count, ibg = inter_burst_gap)
+ else:
+ return HLT_ERR('transmit_mode %s not supported/implemented')
+ except Exception as e:
+ # some exception happened during the stream creation
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not create transmit_mode class %s: %s' % (transmit_mode, e))
+ try:
# join the generated data into stream
stream_obj = STLStream(packet = packet,
- pps = rate_pps,
- enabled = False,
- self_start = True,
- isg = 0.0,
+ #enabled = True,
+ #self_start = True,
+ mode = transmit_mode_class,
rx_stats = rx_stats,
- next_stream_id = -1
+ #next_stream_id = -1
# using CStream
#stream_obj_params = {'enabled': False,
@@ -268,23 +298,21 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
# 'rx_stats': rx_stats,
# 'packet': packet} # vm is excluded from this list since CTRexPktBuilder obj is passed
+ #print stream_obj.get_id()
except Exception as e:
# some exception happened during the stream creation
return HLT_ERR(e)
- if stream_id is None:
- stream_id = self._get_next_stream_id()
+ stream_id = stream_obj.get_id()
+ #print stream_obj
# try adding the stream per ports
- #print 'one'
- #print stream_obj.dump()
- self.trex_client.add_streams(streams=stream_obj.dump(),
+ self.trex_client.add_streams(streams=stream_obj,
self._hlt_streams_history[stream_id] = kwargs
except Exception as e:
return HLT_ERR('Could not add stream to ports: %s' % e)
- return HLT_OK(stream_id = stream_id)
+ return HLT_OK(stream_id = stream_obj.get_id())
return HLT_ERR('Got to the end of traffic_config, mode not implemented or forgot "return" function somewhere.')
@@ -292,7 +320,7 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
ALLOWED_ACTIONS = ['clear_stats', 'run', 'stop', 'sync_run']
if action not in ALLOWED_ACTIONS:
return HLT_ERR('Action must be one of the following values: {actions}'.format(actions=ALLOWED_ACTIONS))
- if type(port_handle) is not list():
+ if type(port_handle) is not list:
port_handle = [port_handle]
if action == 'run':
@@ -300,15 +328,15 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
self.trex_client.start(duration = kwargs.get('duration', -1), ports = port_handle)
except Exception as e:
- return HLT_ERR('Could start traffic: %s' % e)
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not start traffic: %s' % e)
return HLT_OK(stopped = 0)
elif action == 'stop':
- self.trex_client.stop_traffic(port_id_list=port_handle)
+ self.trex_client.stop(ports = port_handle)
except Exception as e:
- return HLT_ERR('Could start traffic: %s' % e)
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not start traffic: %s' % e)
return HLT_OK(stopped = 1)
return HLT_ERR("Action '{0}' is not supported yet on TRex".format(action))
@@ -317,68 +345,43 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
return HLT_ERR("Probably action '%s' is not implemented" % action)
def traffic_stats(self, port_handle, mode):
- ALLOWED_MODES = ["aggregate", "streams", "all"]
+ ALLOWED_MODES = ['aggregate', 'streams', 'all']
if mode not in ALLOWED_MODES:
- raise ValueError("mode must be one of the following values: {modes}".format(modes=ALLOWED_MODES))
- # pass this function for now...
- if mode == "aggregate":
- # create a new stream with desired attributes, starting by creating packet
+ return HLT_ERR("'mode' must be one of the following values: %s" % ALLOWED_MODES)
+ if mode == 'streams':
+ return HLT_ERR("'mode = streams' not implemented'")
+ if mode in ('all', 'aggregate'):
+ hlt_stats_dict = {}
- packet = CTRexHltApi.generate_stream(l2_encap, mac_src, mac_dst,
- l3_protocol, ip_src_addr, ip_dst_addr, l3_length)
- # set transmission attributes
- tx_mode = CTxMode(transmit_mode, rate_pps, **kwargs)
- # set rx_stats
- rx_stats = CRxStats() # defaults with disabled
- # join the generated data into stream
- stream_obj = CStream()
- stream_obj_params = {'enabled': True,
- 'self_start': True,
- 'next_stream_id': -1,
- 'isg': 0.0,
- 'mode': tx_mode,
- 'rx_stats': rx_stats,
- 'packet': packet} # vm is excluded from this list since CTRexPktBuilder obj is passed
- stream_obj.load_data(**stream_obj_params)
+ stats = self.trex_client.get_stats(port_handle)
except Exception as e:
- # some exception happened during the stream creation
- return {'status': 0, 'log': str(e)}
- # try adding the stream, until free stream_id is found
- #port_data = self._port_data.get(port_handle)
- id_candidate = None
- # TODO: change this to better implementation
- while True:
- id_candidate = port_data['stream_id_gen'].next()
- response = self.trex_client.add_streams(stream_id=id_candidate,
- stream_obj=stream_obj,
- port_id=port_handle)
- res_ok, log = CTRexHltApi.process_response(port_handle, response)
- if res_ok:
- # found non-taken stream_id on server
- # save it for modifying needs
- port_data['streams'].update({id_candidate: stream_obj})
- break
- else:
- # proceed to another iteration to use another id
- continue
- return {'status': 1,
- 'stream_id': id_candidate,
- 'log': None}
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError("mode '{0}' is not supported yet on TRex".format(mode))
- def get_aggregate_port_stats(self, port_handle):
- return self.traffic_stats(port_handle, mode='aggregate')
- def get_stream_stats(self, port_handle):
- return self.traffic_stats(port_handle, mode="streams")
+ return HLT_ERR('Could not retrieve stats: %s' % e)
+ for port_id, stat_dict in stats.iteritems():
+ if type(port_id) is int:
+ hlt_stats_dict[port_id] = {
+ 'aggregate': {
+ 'tx': {
+ 'pkt_bit_rate': stat_dict.get('tx_bps'),
+ 'pkt_byte_count': stat_dict.get('obytes'),
+ 'pkt_count': stat_dict.get('opackets'),
+ 'pkt_rate': stat_dict.get('tx_pps'),
+ 'total_pkt_bytes': stat_dict.get('obytes'),
+ 'total_pkt_rate': stat_dict.get('tx_pps'),
+ 'total_pkts': stat_dict.get('opackets'),
+ },
+ 'rx': {
+ 'pkt_bit_rate': stat_dict.get('rx_bps'),
+ 'pkt_byte_count': stat_dict.get('ibytes'),
+ 'pkt_count': stat_dict.get('ipackets'),
+ 'pkt_rate': stat_dict.get('rx_pps'),
+ 'total_pkt_bytes': stat_dict.get('ibytes'),
+ 'total_pkt_rate': stat_dict.get('rx_pps'),
+ 'total_pkts': stat_dict.get('ipackets'),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return HLT_OK(hlt_stats_dict)
- def get_port_streams(self, port_id):
- return self.trex_client.ports[port_id].get_all_streams()
- # ----- internal functions ----- #
- def _get_next_stream_id(self):
- return
# remove streams from given port(s).
# stream_id can be:
@@ -388,7 +391,7 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
def _remove_stream(self, stream_id, port_handle):
if get_integer(stream_id) is not None: # exact value of int or str
self.trex_client.remove_stream(get_integer(stream_id), port_handle) # actual remove
- if type(stream_id) in (list, set): # list of values/strings
+ if type(stream_id) is list: # list of values/strings
for each_stream_id in stream_id:
self._remove_stream(each_stream_id, port_handle) # recurse
@@ -412,6 +415,11 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
raise Exception('_remove_stream: wrong param %s' % stream_id)
+# Private functions #
# obsolete
def process_response(port_list, response):
@@ -512,7 +520,9 @@ class CTRexHltApi(object):
raise NotImplementedError("l4_protocol '{0}' is not supported by TRex yet.".format(l3_protocol))
pkt_bld.set_pkt_payload('Hello, World' + '!'*58)
- pkt_bld.dump_pkt_to_pcap('stream_test.pcap')
+ # debug
+ #pkt_bld.dump_pkt_to_pcap('stream_test.pcap')
return pkt_bld