path: root/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/services/scapy_server/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/services/scapy_server/')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/services/scapy_server/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/services/scapy_server/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..82118bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/services/scapy_server/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Hello World server in Python
+# Binds REP socket to tcp://*:5555
+# Expects b"Hello" from client, replies with b"World"
+import time
+import sys
+import zmq
+import inspect
+from scapy_server import *
+server_file_name = 'zmq_server_hello_world_server'
+context = zmq.Context()
+socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
+class ParseException(Exception): pass
+class InvalidRequest(Exception): pass
+class MethodNotFound(Exception): pass
+class InvalidParams(Exception): pass
+#def error_response()
+class Scapy_wrapper:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.scapy_master = scapy_service()
+ def parse_req_msg(self,JSON_req):
+ try:
+ req = json.loads(JSON_req)
+ req_id='null'
+ if (type(req)!= type({})):
+ raise ParseException(req_id)
+ json_rpc_keys = ['jsonrpc','id','method']
+ if ((set(req.keys())!=set(json_rpc_keys)) and (set(req.keys())!=set(json_rpc_keys+['params']))) :
+ if 'id' in req.keys():
+ req_id = req['id']
+ raise InvalidRequest(req_id)
+ req_id = req['id']
+ if not (self.scapy_master.supported_methods(req['method'])):
+ raise MethodNotFound(req_id)
+ scapy_method = eval("self.scapy_master."+req['method'])
+ arg_num_for_method = len(inspect.getargspec(scapy_method)[0])
+ if (arg_num_for_method>1) :
+ if not ('params' in req.keys()):
+ raise InvalidRequest(req_id)
+ params_len = len(req['params'])+1 # +1 because "self" is considered parameter in args for method
+ if not (params_len==arg_num_for_method):
+ raise InvalidParams(req_id)
+ return req['method'],req['params'],req_id
+ else:
+ return req['method'],[],req_id
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ParseException(req_id)
+ def create_error_response(self,error_code,error_msg,req_id='null'):
+ return {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": {"code": error_code, "message:": error_msg}, "id": req_id}
+ def create_success_response(self,result,req_id='null'):
+ return {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": result, "id": req_id }
+ def getException(self):
+ return sys.exc_info()
+ def metaraise(self,exc_info):
+ raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
+ def error_handler(self,exception_obj):
+ try:
+ self.metaraise(exception_obj)
+ except ParseException as e:
+ response = self.create_error_response(-32700,'Parse error',e.message)
+ except InvalidRequest as e:
+ response = self.create_error_response(-32600,'Invalid Request',e.message)
+ except MethodNotFound as e:
+ response = self.create_error_response(-32601,'Method not found',e.message)
+ except InvalidParams as e:
+ response = self.create_error_response(-32603,'Invalid params',e.message)
+ except SyntaxError as e:
+ response = self.create_error_response(-32097,'SyntaxError')
+ except Exception as e:
+ response = self.create_error_response(-32098,'Scapy Server: '+str(e.message),req_id)
+ finally:
+ return response
+scapy_wrapper = Scapy_wrapper()
+ while True:
+ # Wait for next request from client
+ message = socket.recv()
+# print("Received request: %s" % message)
+# print ("message type is: %s" % type(message))
+# print("message is now: %s" % message)
+ try:
+ method,params,req_id = scapy_wrapper.parse_req_msg(message)
+ if len(params)>0:
+ result = eval('scapy_wrapper.scapy_master.'+method+'(*'+str(params)+')')
+ else:
+ result = eval('scapy_wrapper.scapy_master.'+method+'()')
+ response = scapy_wrapper.create_success_response(result,req_id)
+ except:
+ print 'got exception'
+ e = scapy_wrapper.getException()
+ response = scapy_wrapper.error_handler(e)
+ finally:
+ json_response = json.dumps(response)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ # Send reply back to client
+ socket.send(json_response)
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print('Ctrl+C pressed')