path: root/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/utils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/utils')
1 files changed, 307 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/utils/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/utils/
index fe4fc893..be81175e 100755
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/utils/
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/utils/
@@ -1,297 +1,307 @@
-try: # Python2
- import Queue
- from urllib2 import *
-except: # Python3
- import queue as Queue
- from urllib.request import *
- from urllib.error import *
-import threading
-import sys
-from time import sleep
-from pprint import pprint
-GAObjClass is a class destined to send Google Analytics Information.
-cid - unique number per user.
-command - the Event Category rubric appears on site. type: TEXT
-action - the Event Action rubric appears on site - type: TEXT
-label - the Event Label rubric - type: TEXT
-value - the event value metric - type: INTEGER
-1 single payload - up to 8192Bytes
-A maximum of 20 hits can be specified per request.
-The total size of all hit payloads cannot be greater than 16K bytes.
-No single hit payload can be greater than 8K bytes.
-url_single = '' #sending single event
-url_batched = '' #sending batched events
-url_debug = '' #verifying hit is valid
-url_conn = '' # testing internet connection to this address (google-analytics server)
-#..................................................................class GA_ObjClass................................................................
-class GA_ObjClass:
- def __init__(self,cid,trackerID,appName,appVer):
- self.cid = cid
- self.trackerID = trackerID
- self.appName = appName
- self.appVer = appVer
- self.payload = ''
- self.payload = GA_ObjClass.generate_payload(self)
- self.size = sys.getsizeof(self.payload)
- def generate_payload(self):
- self.payload+='v=1&t=event&tid='+str(self.trackerID)
- self.payload+='&cid='+str(self.cid)
- self.payload+='&an='+str(self.appName)
- self.payload+='&av='+str(self.appVer)
- return self.payload
-#..................................................................class GA_EVENT_ObjClass................................................................
-class GA_EVENT_ObjClass(GA_ObjClass):
- def __init__(self,cid,trackerID,command,action,label,value,appName,appVer):
- GA_ObjClass.__init__(self,cid,trackerID,appName,appVer)
- self.command = command
- self.action = action
- self.label = label
- self.value = value
- self.payload = self.generate_payload()
- self.size = sys.getsizeof(self.payload)
- def generate_payload(self):
- self.payload+='&ec='+str(self.command)
- self.payload+='&ea='+str(self.action)
- self.payload+='&el='+str(self.label)
- self.payload+='&ev='+str(self.value)
- return self.payload
-#..................................................................class GA_EXCEPTION_ObjClass................................................................
-#ExceptionFatal - BOOLEAN
-class GA_EXCEPTION_ObjClass(GA_ObjClass):
- def __init__(self,cid,trackerID,ExceptionName,ExceptionFatal,appName,appVer):
- GA_ObjClass.__init__(self,cid,trackerID,appName,appVer)
- self.ExceptionName = ExceptionName
- self.ExceptionFatal = ExceptionFatal
- self.payload = self.generate_payload()
- def generate_payload(self):
- self.payload+='&exd='+str(self.ExceptionName)
- self.payload+='&exf='+str(self.ExceptionFatal)
- return self.payload
-#..................................................................class GA_TESTING_ObjClass................................................................
-class GA_TESTING_ObjClass(GA_ObjClass):
- def __init__(self,cid,trackerID,TRexMode,TestName,SetupName,appName,ActionNumber,appVer,TestType,Mppspc,GoldenMin,GoldenMax):
- GA_ObjClass.__init__(self,cid,trackerID,appName,appVer)
- self.ActionNumber = ActionNumber
- self.TRexMode = TRexMode
- self.TestName = TestName
- self.SetupName = SetupName
- self.TestType = TestType
- self.Mppspc = Mppspc
- self.GoldenMin = GoldenMin
- self.GoldenMax = GoldenMax
- self.payload = self.generate_payload()
- self.size = sys.getsizeof(self.payload)
- def generate_payload(self):
- self.payload+='&ec=TRexTests'
- self.payload+='&ea='+str(self.ActionNumber)
- self.payload+='&cd2='+str(self.TRexMode)
- self.payload+='&cd1='+str(self.TestName)
- self.payload+='&cd3='+str(self.SetupName)
- self.payload+='&cd4='+str(self.TestType)
- self.payload+='&cm1='+str(self.Mppspc)
- self.payload+='&cm2='+str(self.GoldenMin)
- self.payload+='&cm3='+str(self.GoldenMax)
- return self.payload
-#.....................................................................class ga_Thread.................................................................
-Google analytics thread manager:
-will report and empty queue of google analytics items to GA server, every Timeout (parameter given on initialization)
-will perform connectivity check every timeout*10 seconds
-class ga_Thread (threading.Thread):
- def __init__(self,threadID,gManager):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.threadID = threadID
- self.gManager = gManager
- def run(self):
- keepAliveCounter=0
- #sys.stdout.write('thread started \n')
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- while True:
- if (keepAliveCounter==10):
- keepAliveCounter=0
- if (self.gManager.internet_on()==True):
- self.gManager.connectedToInternet=1
- else:
- self.gManager.connectedToInternet=0
- sleep(self.gManager.Timeout)
- keepAliveCounter+=1
- if not self.gManager.GA_q.empty():
- self.gManager.threadLock.acquire(1)
-# sys.stdout.write('lock acquired: reporting to GA \n')
-# sys.stdout.flush()
- if (self.gManager.connectedToInternet==1):
- self.gManager.emptyAndReportQ()
- self.gManager.threadLock.release()
-# sys.stdout.write('finished \n')
-# sys.stdout.flush()
-#.....................................................................class GAmanager.................................................................
-Google ID - specify tracker property, example: UA-75220362-2 (when the suffix '2' specifies the analytics property profile)
-UserID - unique userID, this will differ between users on GA
-appName - s string to determine app name
-appVer - a string to determine app version
-QueueSize - the size of the queue that holds reported items. once the Queue is full:
- on blocking mode:
- will block program until next submission to GA server, which will make new space
- on non-blocking mode:
- will drop new requests
-Timout - the timeout the queue uses between data transmissions. Timeout should be shorter than the time it takes to generate 20 events. MIN VALUE = 11 seconds
-User Permission - the user must accept data transmission, use this flag as 1/0 flag, when UserPermission=1 allows data collection
-BlockingMode - set to 1 if you wish every Google Analytic Object will be submitted and processed, with no drops allowed.
- this will block the running of the program until every item is processed
-*** Restriction - Google's restriction for amount of packages being sent per session per second is: 1 event per second, per session. session length is 30min ***
-class GAmanager:
- def __init__(self,GoogleID,UserID,appName,appVer,QueueSize,Timeout,UserPermission,BlockingMode):
- self.UserID = UserID
- self.GoogleID = GoogleID
- self.QueueSize = QueueSize
- self.Timeout = Timeout
- self.appName = appName
- self.appVer = appVer
- self.UserPermission = UserPermission
- self.GA_q = Queue.Queue(QueueSize)
- self.thread = ga_Thread(UserID,self)
- self.threadLock = threading.Lock()
- self.BlockingMode = BlockingMode
- self.connectedToInternet =0
- if (self.internet_on()==True):
-# sys.stdout.write('internet connection active \n')
-# sys.stdout.flush()
- self.connectedToInternet=1
- else:
- self.connectedToInternet=0
- def gaAddAction(self,Event,action,label,value):
- self.gaAddObject(GA_EVENT_ObjClass(self.UserID,self.GoogleID,Event,action,label,value,self.appName,self.appVer))
- def gaAddException(self,ExceptionName,ExceptionFatal):
- self.gaAddObject(GA_EXCEPTION_ObjClass(self.UserID,self.GoogleID,ExceptionName,ExceptionFatal,self.appName,self.appVer))
- def gaAddObject(self,Object):
- if (self.BlockingMode==1):
- while (self.GA_q.full()):
- sleep(self.Timeout)
-# sys.stdout.write('blocking mode=1 \n queue full - sleeping for timeout \n') # within Timout, the thread will empty part of the queue
-# sys.stdout.flush()
- lockState = self.threadLock.acquire(self.BlockingMode)
- if (lockState==1):
-# sys.stdout.write('got lock, adding item \n')
-# sys.stdout.flush()
- try:
- self.GA_q.put_nowait(Object)
-# sys.stdout.write('got lock, item added \n')
-# sys.stdout.flush()
- except Queue.Full:
-# sys.stdout.write('Queue full \n')
-# sys.stdout.flush()
- pass
- self.threadLock.release()
- def emptyQueueToList(self,obj_list):
- items=0
- while ((not self.GA_q.empty()) and (items<20)):
- obj_list.append(self.GA_q.get_nowait().payload)
- items+=1
-# print items
- return obj_list
- def reportBatched(self,batched):
- req = Request(url_batched, data=batched.encode('ascii'))
- urlopen(req)
-# pprint(r.json())
- def emptyAndReportQ(self):
- obj_list = []
- obj_list = self.emptyQueueToList(obj_list)
- if (len(obj_list)==0):
- return
- batched = '\n'.join(obj_list)
-# print sys.getsizeof(batched)
-# print batched # - for debug
- self.reportBatched(batched)
- def printSelf(self):
- print('remaining in queue:')
- while not self.GA_q.empty():
- obj = self.GA_q.get_nowait()
- print(obj.payload)
- def internet_on(self):
- try:
- urlopen(url_conn,timeout=10)
- return True
- except URLError as err: pass
- return False
- def activate(self):
- if (self.UserPermission==1):
- self.thread.start()
-#.....................................................................class GAmanager_Regression.................................................................
- *-*-*-*-Google Analytics Regression Manager-*-*-*-*
- attributes:
-GoogleID - the tracker ID that Google uses in order to track the activity of a property. for regression use: 'UA-75220362-4'
-AnalyticsUserID - text value - used by Google to differ between 2 users sending data. (will not be presented on reports). use only as a way to differ between different users
-TRexMode - text - will be presented on analysis. put here TRexMode
-appName - text - will be presented on analysis. put here appName as string describing app name
-appVer - text - will be presented on analysis. put here the appVer
-QueueSize - integer - determines the queue size. the queue will hold pending request before submission. RECOMMENDED VALUE: 20
-Timeout - integer (seconds) - the timeout in seconds between automated reports when activating reporting thread
-UserPermission - boolean (1/0) - required in order to send packets, should be 1.
-BlockingMode - boolean (1/0) - required when each tracked event is critical and program should halt until the event is reported
-SetupName - text - will be presented on analysis. put here setup name as string.
-class GAmanager_Regression(GAmanager):
- def __init__(self, GoogleID, AnalyticsUserID, appName, appVer,
- QueueSize, Timeout, UserPermission, BlockingMode):
- GAmanager.__init__(self, GoogleID, AnalyticsUserID, appName, appVer,
- QueueSize, Timeout, UserPermission, BlockingMode)
- self.GoogleID = GoogleID
- self.AnalyticsUserID = AnalyticsUserID
- def gaAddTestQuery(self, TestName, TRexMode, SetupName, ActionNumber, TestType, Mppspc, GoldenMin, GoldenMax):
- self.gaAddObject(GA_TESTING_ObjClass(self.AnalyticsUserID, self.GoogleID, TRexMode, TestName, SetupName, self.appName, ActionNumber, self.appVer, TestType, Mppspc, GoldenMin, GoldenMax))
+try: # Python2
+ import Queue
+ from urllib2 import *
+except: # Python3
+ import queue as Queue
+ from urllib.request import *
+ from urllib.error import *
+import threading
+import sys
+from time import sleep
+from pprint import pprint
+GAObjClass is a class destined to send Google Analytics Information.
+cid - unique number per user.
+command - the Event Category rubric appears on site. type: TEXT
+action - the Event Action rubric appears on site - type: TEXT
+label - the Event Label rubric - type: TEXT
+value - the event value metric - type: INTEGER
+1 single payload - up to 8192Bytes
+A maximum of 20 hits can be specified per request.
+The total size of all hit payloads cannot be greater than 16K bytes.
+No single hit payload can be greater than 8K bytes.
+url_single = '' # sending single event
+url_batched = '' # sending batched events
+url_debug = '' # verifying hit is valid
+url_conn = '' # testing internet connection to this address (google-analytics server)
+# ..................................................................class GA_ObjClass................................................................
+class GA_ObjClass:
+ def __init__(self, cid, trackerID, appName, appVer):
+ self.cid = cid
+ self.trackerID = trackerID
+ self.appName = appName
+ self.appVer = appVer
+ self.payload = ''
+ self.payload = GA_ObjClass.generate_payload(self)
+ self.size = sys.getsizeof(self.payload)
+ def generate_payload(self):
+ self.payload += 'v=1&t=event&tid=' + str(self.trackerID)
+ self.payload += '&cid=' + str(self.cid)
+ self.payload += '&an=' + str(self.appName)
+ self.payload += '&av=' + str(self.appVer)
+ return self.payload
+# ..................................................................class GA_EVENT_ObjClass................................................................
+class GA_EVENT_ObjClass(GA_ObjClass):
+ def __init__(self, cid, trackerID, command, action, label, value, appName, appVer):
+ GA_ObjClass.__init__(self, cid, trackerID, appName, appVer)
+ self.command = command
+ self.action = action
+ self.label = label
+ self.value = value
+ self.payload = self.generate_payload()
+ self.size = sys.getsizeof(self.payload)
+ def generate_payload(self):
+ self.payload += '&ec=' + str(self.command)
+ self.payload += '&ea=' + str(self.action)
+ self.payload += '&el=' + str(self.label)
+ self.payload += '&ev=' + str(self.value)
+ return self.payload
+# ..................................................................class GA_EXCEPTION_ObjClass................................................................
+# ExceptionFatal - BOOLEAN
+class GA_EXCEPTION_ObjClass(GA_ObjClass):
+ def __init__(self, cid, trackerID, ExceptionName, ExceptionFatal, appName, appVer):
+ GA_ObjClass.__init__(self, cid, trackerID, appName, appVer)
+ self.ExceptionName = ExceptionName
+ self.ExceptionFatal = ExceptionFatal
+ self.payload = self.generate_payload()
+ def generate_payload(self):
+ self.payload += '&exd=' + str(self.ExceptionName)
+ self.payload += '&exf=' + str(self.ExceptionFatal)
+ return self.payload
+# ..................................................................class GA_TESTING_ObjClass................................................................
+class GA_TESTING_ObjClass(GA_ObjClass):
+ def __init__(self, cid, trackerID, TRexMode, TestName, SetupName, appName, ActionNumber, appVer, TestType, Mppspc,
+ GoldenMin, GoldenMax):
+ GA_ObjClass.__init__(self, cid, trackerID, appName, appVer)
+ self.ActionNumber = ActionNumber
+ self.TRexMode = TRexMode
+ self.TestName = TestName
+ self.SetupName = SetupName
+ self.TestType = TestType
+ self.Mppspc = Mppspc
+ self.GoldenMin = GoldenMin
+ self.GoldenMax = GoldenMax
+ self.payload = self.generate_payload()
+ self.size = sys.getsizeof(self.payload)
+ def generate_payload(self):
+ self.payload += '&ec=TRexTests'
+ self.payload += '&ea=' + str(self.ActionNumber)
+ self.payload += '&cd2=' + str(self.TRexMode)
+ self.payload += '&cd1=' + str(self.TestName)
+ self.payload += '&cd3=' + str(self.SetupName)
+ self.payload += '&cd4=' + str(self.TestType)
+ self.payload += '&cm1=' + str(self.Mppspc)
+ self.payload += '&cm2=' + str(self.GoldenMin)
+ self.payload += '&cm3=' + str(self.GoldenMax)
+ return self.payload
+ # .....................................................................class ga_Thread.................................................................
+Google analytics thread manager:
+will report and empty queue of google analytics items to GA server, every Timeout (parameter given on initialization)
+will perform connectivity check every timeout*10 seconds
+class ga_Thread(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, threadID, gManager):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.threadID = threadID
+ self.gManager = gManager
+ def run(self):
+ keepAliveCounter = 0
+ # sys.stdout.write('thread started \n')
+ # sys.stdout.flush()
+ while True:
+ if (keepAliveCounter == 10):
+ keepAliveCounter = 0
+ if (self.gManager.internet_on() == True):
+ self.gManager.connectedToInternet = 1
+ else:
+ self.gManager.connectedToInternet = 0
+ sleep(self.gManager.Timeout)
+ keepAliveCounter += 1
+ if not self.gManager.GA_q.empty():
+ self.gManager.threadLock.acquire(1)
+ # sys.stdout.write('lock acquired: reporting to GA \n')
+ # sys.stdout.flush()
+ if (self.gManager.connectedToInternet == 1):
+ self.gManager.emptyAndReportQ()
+ self.gManager.threadLock.release()
+# sys.stdout.write('finished \n')
+# sys.stdout.flush()
+# .....................................................................class GAmanager.................................................................
+Google ID - specify tracker property, example: UA-75220362-2 (when the suffix '2' specifies the analytics property profile)
+UserID - unique userID, this will differ between users on GA
+appName - s string to determine app name
+appVer - a string to determine app version
+QueueSize - the size of the queue that holds reported items. once the Queue is full:
+ on blocking mode:
+ will block program until next submission to GA server, which will make new space
+ on non-blocking mode:
+ will drop new requests
+Timout - the timeout the queue uses between data transmissions. Timeout should be shorter than the time it takes to generate 20 events. MIN VALUE = 11 seconds
+User Permission - the user must accept data transmission, use this flag as 1/0 flag, when UserPermission=1 allows data collection
+BlockingMode - set to 1 if you wish every Google Analytic Object will be submitted and processed, with no drops allowed.
+ this will block the running of the program until every item is processed
+*** Restriction - Google's restriction for amount of packages being sent per session per second is: 1 event per second, per session. session length is 30min ***
+class GAmanager:
+ def __init__(self, GoogleID, UserID, appName, appVer, QueueSize, Timeout, UserPermission, BlockingMode):
+ self.UserID = UserID
+ self.GoogleID = GoogleID
+ self.QueueSize = QueueSize
+ self.Timeout = Timeout
+ self.appName = appName
+ self.appVer = appVer
+ self.UserPermission = UserPermission
+ self.GA_q = Queue.Queue(QueueSize)
+ self.thread = ga_Thread(UserID, self)
+ self.threadLock = threading.Lock()
+ self.BlockingMode = BlockingMode
+ self.connectedToInternet = 0
+ if (self.internet_on() == True):
+ # sys.stdout.write('internet connection active \n')
+ # sys.stdout.flush()
+ self.connectedToInternet = 1
+ else:
+ self.connectedToInternet = 0
+ def gaAddAction(self, Event, action, label, value):
+ self.gaAddObject(
+ GA_EVENT_ObjClass(self.UserID, self.GoogleID, Event, action, label, value, self.appName, self.appVer))
+ def gaAddException(self, ExceptionName, ExceptionFatal):
+ self.gaAddObject(
+ GA_EXCEPTION_ObjClass(self.UserID, self.GoogleID, ExceptionName, ExceptionFatal, self.appName, self.appVer))
+ def gaAddObject(self, Object):
+ if (self.BlockingMode == 1):
+ while (self.GA_q.full()):
+ sleep(self.Timeout)
+ # sys.stdout.write('blocking mode=1 \n queue full - sleeping for timeout \n') # within Timout, the thread will empty part of the queue
+ # sys.stdout.flush()
+ lockState = self.threadLock.acquire(self.BlockingMode)
+ if (lockState == 1):
+ # sys.stdout.write('got lock, adding item \n')
+ # sys.stdout.flush()
+ try:
+ self.GA_q.put_nowait(Object)
+ # sys.stdout.write('got lock, item added \n')
+ # sys.stdout.flush()
+ except Queue.Full:
+ # sys.stdout.write('Queue full \n')
+ # sys.stdout.flush()
+ pass
+ self.threadLock.release()
+ def emptyQueueToList(self, obj_list):
+ items = 0
+ while ((not self.GA_q.empty()) and (items < 20)):
+ obj_list.append(self.GA_q.get_nowait().payload)
+ items += 1
+ # print items
+ return obj_list
+ def reportBatched(self, batched):
+ req = Request(url_batched, data=batched.encode('ascii'))
+ urlopen(req)
+ # pprint(r.json())
+ def emptyAndReportQ(self):
+ obj_list = []
+ obj_list = self.emptyQueueToList(obj_list)
+ if (len(obj_list) == 0):
+ return
+ batched = '\n'.join(obj_list)
+ # print sys.getsizeof(batched)
+ # print batched # - for debug
+ self.reportBatched(batched)
+ def printSelf(self):
+ print('remaining in queue:')
+ while not self.GA_q.empty():
+ obj = self.GA_q.get_nowait()
+ print(obj.payload)
+ def internet_on(self):
+ try:
+ urlopen(url_conn, timeout=10)
+ return True
+ except URLError as err:
+ pass
+ return False
+ def activate(self):
+ if (self.UserPermission == 1):
+ self.thread.start()
+# .....................................................................class GAmanager_Regression.................................................................
+ *-*-*-*-Google Analytics Regression Manager-*-*-*-*
+ attributes:
+GoogleID - the tracker ID that Google uses in order to track the activity of a property. for regression use: 'UA-75220362-4'
+AnalyticsUserID - text value - used by Google to differ between 2 users sending data. (will not be presented on reports). use only as a way to differ between different users
+TRexMode - text - will be presented on analysis. put here TRexMode
+appName - text - will be presented on analysis. put here appName as string describing app name
+appVer - text - will be presented on analysis. put here the appVer
+QueueSize - integer - determines the queue size. the queue will hold pending request before submission. RECOMMENDED VALUE: 20
+Timeout - integer (seconds) - the timeout in seconds between automated reports when activating reporting thread
+UserPermission - boolean (1/0) - required in order to send packets, should be 1.
+BlockingMode - boolean (1/0) - required when each tracked event is critical and program should halt until the event is reported
+SetupName - text - will be presented on analysis. put here setup name as string.
+class GAmanager_Regression(GAmanager):
+ def __init__(self, GoogleID, AnalyticsUserID, appName, appVer,
+ QueueSize, Timeout, UserPermission, BlockingMode):
+ GAmanager.__init__(self, GoogleID, AnalyticsUserID, appName, appVer,
+ QueueSize, Timeout, UserPermission, BlockingMode)
+ self.GoogleID = GoogleID
+ self.AnalyticsUserID = AnalyticsUserID
+ def gaAddTestQuery(self, TestName, TRexMode, SetupName, ActionNumber, TestType, Mppspc, GoldenMin, GoldenMax):
+ self.gaAddObject(
+ GA_TESTING_ObjClass(self.AnalyticsUserID, self.GoogleID, TRexMode, TestName, SetupName, self.appName,
+ ActionNumber, self.appVer, TestType, Mppspc, GoldenMin, GoldenMax))