path: root/scripts/automation
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation')
6 files changed, 442 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/regression/stateless_tests/ b/scripts/automation/regression/stateless_tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8248dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/automation/regression/stateless_tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+from .stl_general_test import CStlGeneral_Test, CTRexScenario
+from trex_stl_lib.api import *
+import os, sys
+import pprint
+def ip2num (ip_str):
+ return struct.unpack('>L', socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip_str))[0]
+def num2ip (ip_num):
+ return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>L', ip_num))
+def ip_add (ip_str, cnt):
+ return num2ip(ip2num(ip_str) + cnt)
+class STLCapture_Test(CStlGeneral_Test):
+ """Tests for capture packets"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ CStlGeneral_Test.setUp(self)
+ if not self.is_loopback:
+ self.skip('capture tests are skipped on a non-loopback machine')
+ assert 'bi' in CTRexScenario.stl_ports_map
+ self.c = CTRexScenario.stl_trex
+ self.tx_port, self.rx_port = CTRexScenario.stl_ports_map['bi'][0]
+ self.c.connect()
+ self.c.reset(ports = [self.tx_port, self.rx_port])
+ self.pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/IP()/'a_payload_example')
+ self.percentage = 5 if self.is_virt_nics else 50
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ if CTRexScenario.stl_init_error:
+ return
+ # connect back at end of tests
+ if not cls.is_connected():
+ CTRexScenario.stl_trex.connect()
+ # a simple capture test - inject packets and see the packets arrived the same
+ def test_basic_capture (self):
+ pkt_count = 100
+ try:
+ # move to service mode
+ self.c.set_service_mode(ports = self.rx_port)
+ # start a capture
+ rc = self.c.start_capture(rx_ports = [self.rx_port], limit = pkt_count)
+ # inject few packets with a VM
+ vm = STLScVmRaw( [STLVmFlowVar ( "ip_src", min_value="", max_value="", size=4, step = 7, op = "inc"),
+ STLVmWrFlowVar (fv_name="ip_src", pkt_offset= "IP.src"),
+ STLVmFixIpv4(offset = "IP")
+ ]
+ );
+ pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/IP()/'a_payload_example',
+ vm = vm)
+ stream = STLStream(name = 'burst',
+ packet = pkt,
+ mode = STLTXSingleBurst(total_pkts = pkt_count,
+ percentage = self.percentage)
+ )
+ self.c.add_streams(ports = self.tx_port, streams = [stream])
+ self.c.start(ports = self.tx_port, force = True)
+ self.c.wait_on_traffic(ports = self.tx_port)
+ pkt_list = []
+ self.c.stop_capture(rc['id'], output = pkt_list)
+ assert (len(pkt_list) == pkt_count)
+ # generate all the values that should be
+ expected_src_ips = [ip_add('', i * 7) for i in range(pkt_count)]
+ for i, pkt in enumerate(pkt_list):
+ pkt_scapy = Ether(pkt['binary'])
+ pkt_ts = pkt['ts']
+ assert('IP' in pkt_scapy)
+ assert(pkt_scapy['IP'].src in expected_src_ips)
+ # remove the match
+ del expected_src_ips[expected_src_ips.index(pkt_scapy['IP'].src)]
+ except STLError as e:
+ assert False , '{0}'.format(e)
+ finally:
+ self.c.remove_all_captures()
+ self.c.set_service_mode(ports = self.rx_port, enabled = False)
+ # in this test we apply captures under traffic multiple times
+ def test_stress_capture (self):
+ pkt_count = 100
+ try:
+ # move to service mode
+ self.c.set_service_mode(ports = self.rx_port)
+ # start heavy traffic
+ pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt = Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/IP()/'a_payload_example')
+ stream = STLStream(name = 'burst',
+ packet = pkt,
+ mode = STLTXCont(percentage = self.percentage)
+ )
+ self.c.add_streams(ports = self.tx_port, streams = [stream])
+ self.c.start(ports = self.tx_port, force = True)
+ captures = [{'capture_id': None, 'limit': 50}, {'capture_id': None, 'limit': 80}, {'capture_id': None, 'limit': 100}]
+ for i in range(0, 100):
+ # start a few captures
+ for capture in captures:
+ capture['capture_id'] = self.c.start_capture(rx_ports = [self.rx_port], limit = capture['limit'])['id']
+ # a little time to wait for captures to be full
+ server_captures = self.c.get_capture_status()
+ for capture in captures:
+ capture_id = capture['capture_id']
+ # make sure the server registers us and we are full
+ assert(capture['capture_id'] in server_captures.keys())
+ assert(server_captures[capture_id]['count'] == capture['limit'])
+ # fetch packets
+ pkt_list = []
+ self.c.stop_capture(capture['capture_id'], pkt_list)
+ assert (len(pkt_list) == capture['limit'])
+ # a little sanity per packet
+ for pkt in pkt_list:
+ scapy_pkt = Ether(pkt['binary'])
+ assert(scapy_pkt['IP'].src == '')
+ assert(scapy_pkt['IP'].dst == '')
+ except STLError as e:
+ assert False , '{0}'.format(e)
+ finally:
+ self.c.remove_all_captures()
+ self.c.set_service_mode(ports = self.rx_port, enabled = False)
+ # in this test we capture and analyze the ARP request / response
+ def test_arp_capture (self):
+ if self.c.get_port_attr(self.tx_port)['layer_mode'] != 'IPv4':
+ return self.skip('skipping ARP capture test for non-ipv4 config on port {0}'.format(self.tx_port))
+ if self.c.get_port_attr(self.rx_port)['layer_mode'] != 'IPv4':
+ return self.skip('skipping ARP capture test for non-ipv4 config on port {0}'.format(self.rx_port))
+ try:
+ # move to service mode
+ self.c.set_service_mode(ports = [self.tx_port, self.rx_port])
+ # start a capture
+ capture_info = self.c.start_capture(rx_ports = [self.tx_port, self.rx_port], limit = 2)
+ # generate an ARP request
+ self.c.arp(ports = self.tx_port)
+ pkts = []
+ self.c.stop_capture(capture_info['id'], output = pkts)
+ assert len(pkts) == 2
+ # find the correct order
+ if pkts[0]['port'] == self.rx_port:
+ request = pkts[0]
+ response = pkts[1]
+ else:
+ request = pkts[1]
+ response = pkts[0]
+ assert request['port'] == self.rx_port
+ assert response['port'] == self.tx_port
+ arp_request, arp_response = Ether(request['binary']), Ether(response['binary'])
+ assert 'ARP' in arp_request
+ assert 'ARP' in arp_response
+ assert arp_request['ARP'].op == 1
+ assert arp_response['ARP'].op == 2
+ assert arp_request['ARP'].pdst == arp_response['ARP'].psrc
+ except STLError as e:
+ assert False , '{0}'.format(e)
+ finally:
+ self.c.remove_all_captures()
+ self.c.set_service_mode(ports = [self.tx_port, self.rx_port], enabled = False)
+ # test PING
+ def test_ping_capture (self):
+ if self.c.get_port_attr(self.tx_port)['layer_mode'] != 'IPv4':
+ return self.skip('skipping ARP capture test for non-ipv4 config on port {0}'.format(self.tx_port))
+ if self.c.get_port_attr(self.rx_port)['layer_mode'] != 'IPv4':
+ return self.skip('skipping ARP capture test for non-ipv4 config on port {0}'.format(self.rx_port))
+ try:
+ # move to service mode
+ self.c.set_service_mode(ports = [self.tx_port, self.rx_port])
+ # start a capture
+ capture_info = self.c.start_capture(rx_ports = [self.tx_port, self.rx_port], limit = 100)
+ # generate an ARP request
+ tx_ipv4 = self.c.get_port_attr(port = self.tx_port)['src_ipv4']
+ rx_ipv4 = self.c.get_port_attr(port = self.rx_port)['src_ipv4']
+ count = 50
+ self.c.ping_ip(src_port = self.tx_port, dst_ipv4 = rx_ipv4, pkt_size = 1500, count = count, interval_sec = 0.01)
+ pkts = []
+ self.c.stop_capture(capture_info['id'], output = pkts)
+ req_pkts = [Ether(pkt['binary']) for pkt in pkts if pkt['port'] == self.rx_port]
+ res_pkts = [Ether(pkt['binary']) for pkt in pkts if pkt['port'] == self.tx_port]
+ assert len(req_pkts) == count
+ assert len(res_pkts) == count
+ for req_pkt in req_pkts:
+ assert 'ICMP' in req_pkt
+ assert req_pkt['IP'].src == tx_ipv4
+ assert req_pkt['IP'].dst == rx_ipv4
+ assert req_pkt['ICMP'].type == 8
+ assert len(req_pkt) == 1500
+ for res_pkt in res_pkts:
+ assert 'ICMP' in res_pkt
+ assert res_pkt['IP'].src == rx_ipv4
+ assert res_pkt['IP'].dst == tx_ipv4
+ assert res_pkt['ICMP'].type == 0
+ assert len(res_pkt) == 1500
+ except STLError as e:
+ assert False , '{0}'.format(e)
+ finally:
+ self.c.remove_all_captures()
+ self.c.set_service_mode(ports = [self.tx_port, self.rx_port], enabled = False)
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/console/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/console/
index 2132458e..b6943912 100644
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/console/
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/console/
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ from trex_stl_lib.utils import parsing_opts, text_tables
import threading
import tempfile
import select
+from distutils import spawn
+from subprocess import Popen
+import subprocess
# defines a generic monitor writer
class CaptureMonitorWriter(object):
@@ -88,7 +91,7 @@ class CaptureMonitorWriterStdout(CaptureMonitorWriter):
# make sure to restore the logger
# a pipe based monitor
class CaptureMonitorWriterPipe(CaptureMonitorWriter):
def __init__ (self, logger, start_ts):
@@ -100,16 +103,27 @@ class CaptureMonitorWriterPipe(CaptureMonitorWriter):
# generate a temp fifo pipe
self.fifo_name = tempfile.mktemp()
+ self.wireshark_pid = None
self.logger.pre_cmd('Starting pipe capture monitor')
- self.logger.log(format_text("*** Please run 'wireshark -k -i {0}' ***".format(self.fifo_name), 'bold'))
+ # try to locate wireshark on the machine
+ self.wireshark_exe = self.locate_wireshark()
+ # we found wireshark - try to launch a process
+ if self.wireshark_exe:
+ self.wireshark_pid = self.launch_wireshark()
+ # did we succeed ?
+ if not self.wireshark_pid:
+ self.logger.log(format_text("*** Please manually run 'wireshark -k -i {0}' ***".format(self.fifo_name), 'bold'))
- self.logger.pre_cmd("Waiting for Wireshark pipe connection")
# blocks until pipe is connected
+ self.logger.pre_cmd("Waiting for Wireshark pipe connection")
self.fifo =, os.O_WRONLY)
@@ -125,17 +139,60 @@ class CaptureMonitorWriterPipe(CaptureMonitorWriter):
self.is_init = True
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
raise STLError("*** pipe monitor up")
except OSError as e:
raise STLError("failed to create pipe {0}\n{1}".format(self.fifo_name, str(e)))
+ def locate_wireshark (self):
+ self.logger.pre_cmd('Trying to locate Wireshark')
+ wireshark_exe = spawn.find_executable('wireshark')
+ self.logger.post_cmd(RC_OK() if wireshark_exe else RC_ERR())
+ if not wireshark_exe:
+ return None
+ dumpcap = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wireshark_exe), 'dumpcap')
+ self.logger.pre_cmd("Checking permissions on '{}'".format(dumpcap))
+ if not os.access(dumpcap, os.X_OK):
+ self.logger.post_cmd(RC_ERR('bad permissions on dumpcap'))
+ return None
+ self.logger.post_cmd(RC_OK())
+ return wireshark_exe
+ # try to launch wireshark... returns true on success
+ def launch_wireshark (self):
+ cmd = '{0} -k -i {1}'.format(self.wireshark_exe, self.fifo_name)
+ self.logger.pre_cmd("Launching '{0}'".format(cmd))
+ try:
+ devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+ self.wireshark_pid = Popen(cmd.split(),
+ stdout = devnull,
+ stderr = devnull,
+ stdin = subprocess.PIPE,
+ preexec_fn = os.setpgrp,
+ close_fds = True)
+ self.logger.post_cmd(RC_OK())
+ return True
+ except OSError as e:
+ self.wireshark_pid = None
+ self.logger.post_cmd(RC_ERR())
+ return False
def deinit (self):
@@ -260,7 +317,7 @@ class CaptureMonitor(object):
# make sure the capture is active on the server
- captures = [x['id'] for x in self.client.get_capture_status()]
+ captures = self.client.get_capture_status().keys()
if capture_id not in captures:
@@ -493,8 +550,7 @@ class CaptureManager(object):
def parse_record_stop (self, opts):
- captures = self.c.get_capture_status()
- ids = [c['id'] for c in captures]
+ ids = self.c.get_capture_status().keys()
if self.monitor and (opts.capture_id == self.monitor.get_capture_id()):
self.record_stop_parser.formatted_error("'{0}' is a monitor, please use 'capture monitor stop'".format(opts.capture_id))
@@ -564,15 +620,14 @@ class CaptureManager(object):
mon_table.set_cols_align(["c"] * 6)
mon_table.set_cols_width([15] * 6)
- for elem in data:
- id = elem['id']
+ for capture_id, elem in data.items():
- if self.monitor and (self.monitor.get_capture_id() == id):
+ if self.monitor and (self.monitor.get_capture_id() == capture_id):
row = self.monitor.get_mon_row()
mon_table.add_rows([row], header=False)
- row = [id,
+ row = [capture_id,
format_text(elem['state'], 'bold'),
'[{0}/{1}]'.format(elem['count'], elem['limit']),
format_num(elem['bytes'], suffix = 'B'),
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/console/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/console/
index d36ce7b0..5e68cdf0 100755
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/console/
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/console/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ except:
from trex_stl_lib.api import *
from trex_stl_lib.utils.text_opts import *
-from trex_stl_lib.utils.common import user_input, get_current_user
+from trex_stl_lib.utils.common import user_input, get_current_user, set_window_always_on_top
from trex_stl_lib.utils import parsing_opts
from .trex_capture import CaptureManager
@@ -74,31 +74,6 @@ class ConsoleLogger(LoggerApi):
-def set_window_always_on_top (title):
- # we need the GDK module, if not available - ignroe this command
- try:
- if sys.version_info < (3,0):
- from gtk import gdk
- else:
- #from gi.repository import Gdk as gdk
- return
- except ImportError:
- return
- # search the window and set it as above
- root = gdk.get_default_root_window()
- for id in root.property_get('_NET_CLIENT_LIST')[2]:
- w = gdk.window_foreign_new(id)
- if w:
- name = w.property_get('WM_NAME')[2]
- if name == title:
- w.set_keep_above(True)
- gdk.window_process_all_updates()
- break
class TRexGeneralCmd(cmd.Cmd):
def __init__(self):
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/
index 215c0253..c88a68b2 100755
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/
@@ -829,8 +829,7 @@ class STLClient(object):
return rc
def __set_rx_queue (self, port_id_list, size):
port_id_list = self.__ports(port_id_list)
rc = RC()
@@ -1894,15 +1893,16 @@ class STLClient(object):
- def ping_ip (self, src_port, dst_ipv4, pkt_size = 64, count = 5):
+ def ping_ip (self, src_port, dst_ipv4, pkt_size = 64, count = 5, interval_sec = 1):
Pings an IP address through a port
- src_port - on which port_id to send the ICMP PING request
- dst_ipv4 - which IP to ping
- pkt_size - packet size to use
- count - how many times to ping
+ src_port - on which port_id to send the ICMP PING request
+ dst_ipv4 - which IP to ping
+ pkt_size - packet size to use
+ count - how many times to ping
+ interval_sec - how much time to wait between pings
+ :exc:`STLError`
@@ -1919,7 +1919,8 @@ class STLClient(object):
raise STLError("pkt_size should be a value between 64 and 9216: '{0}'".format(pkt_size))
validate_type('count', count, int)
+ validate_type('interval_sec', interval_sec, (int, float))
self.logger.pre_cmd("Pinging {0} from port {1} with {2} bytes of data:".format(dst_ipv4,
@@ -1935,7 +1936,7 @@ class STLClient(object):
if i != (count - 1):
- time.sleep(1)
+ time.sleep(interval_sec)
@@ -2938,7 +2939,27 @@ class STLClient(object):
+ @__api_check(True)
+ def get_port_attr (self, port):
+ """
+ get the port attributes currently set
+ :parameters:
+ ports - for which ports to configure service mode on/off
+ :raises:
+ + :exe:'STLError'
+ """
+ validate_type('port', port, int)
+ if port not in self.get_all_ports():
+ raise STLError("'{0}' is not a valid port id".format(port))
+ return self.ports[port].get_formatted_info()
def set_service_mode (self, ports = None, enabled = True):
@@ -2999,11 +3020,12 @@ class STLClient(object):
if not rc:
raise STLError(rc)
+ # alias
+ arp = resolve
- def start_capture (self, tx_ports, rx_ports, limit = 1000, mode = 'fixed'):
+ def start_capture (self, tx_ports = None, rx_ports = None, limit = 1000, mode = 'fixed'):
Starts a low rate packet capturing on the server
@@ -3033,6 +3055,11 @@ class STLClient(object):
+ :exe:'STLError'
+ # default values for TX / RX ports
+ tx_ports = tx_ports if tx_ports is not None else []
+ rx_ports = rx_ports if rx_ports is not None else []
# TODO: remove this when TX is implemented
if tx_ports:
raise STLError('TX port capturing is not yet implemented')
@@ -3072,7 +3099,7 @@ class STLClient(object):
- def stop_capture (self, capture_id, output_filename = None):
+ def stop_capture (self, capture_id, output = None):
Stops an active capture and optionally save it to a PCAP file
@@ -3080,9 +3107,10 @@ class STLClient(object):
capture_id: int
an active capture ID to stop
- output_filename: str
- output filename to save capture
- if 'None', all captured packets will be discarded
+ output: None/ str / list
+ if output is None - all the packets will be discarded
+ if output is a 'str' - it will be interpeted as output filename
+ if it is a list, the API will populate the list with packet objects
+ :exe:'STLError'
@@ -3094,6 +3122,10 @@ class STLClient(object):
# 2. fetching
# 3. saving to file
+ validate_type('capture_id', capture_id, (int))
+ validate_type('output', output, (type(None), str, list))
# stop
self.logger.pre_cmd("Stopping packet capture {0}".format(capture_id))
@@ -3105,9 +3137,9 @@ class STLClient(object):
# pkt count
pkt_count =['pkt_count']
- # fetch packets
- if output_filename:
- self.__fetch_capture_packets(capture_id, output_filename, pkt_count)
+ # fetch packets
+ if output is not None:
+ self.__fetch_capture_packets(capture_id, output, pkt_count)
# remove
self.logger.pre_cmd("Removing PCAP capture {0} from server".format(capture_id))
@@ -3119,12 +3151,18 @@ class STLClient(object):
# fetch packets from the server and save them to a file
- def __fetch_capture_packets (self, capture_id, output_filename, pkt_count):
- self.logger.pre_cmd("Writing {0} packets to '{1}'".format(pkt_count, output_filename))
+ def __fetch_capture_packets (self, capture_id, output, pkt_count):
+ write_to_file = isinstance(output, basestring)
+ self.logger.pre_cmd("Writing {0} packets to '{1}'".format(pkt_count, output if write_to_file else 'list'))
# create a PCAP file
- writer = RawPcapWriter(output_filename, linktype = 1)
- writer._write_header(None)
+ if write_to_file:
+ writer = RawPcapWriter(output, linktype = 1)
+ writer._write_header(None)
+ else:
+ # clear the list
+ del output[:]
pending = pkt_count
rc = RC_OK()
@@ -3145,11 +3183,15 @@ class STLClient(object):
# write packets
for pkt in pkts:
- # split the server timestamp relative to the capture start time
- ts_sec, ts_usec = sec_split_usec(pkt['ts'] - start_ts)
+ ts = pkt['ts'] - start_ts
- pkt_bin = base64.b64decode(pkt['binary'])
- writer._write_packet(pkt_bin, sec = ts_sec, usec = ts_usec)
+ pkt['binary'] = base64.b64decode(pkt['binary'])
+ if write_to_file:
+ ts_sec, ts_usec = sec_split_usec(ts)
+ writer._write_packet(pkt['binary'], sec = ts_sec, usec = ts_usec)
+ else:
+ output.append(pkt)
@@ -3161,16 +3203,20 @@ class STLClient(object):
def get_capture_status (self):
- returns a list of all active captures
- each element in the list is an object containing
- info about the capture
+ Returns a dictionary where each key is an capture ID
+ Each value is an object describing the capture
rc = self._transmit("capture", params = {'command': 'status'})
if not rc:
raise STLError(rc)
- return
+ # reformat as dictionary
+ output = {}
+ for c in
+ output[c['id']] = c
+ return output
@@ -3182,9 +3228,9 @@ class STLClient(object):
self.logger.pre_cmd("Removing all packet captures from server")
- for c in captures:
+ for capture_id in captures.keys():
# remove
- rc = self._transmit("capture", params = {'command': 'remove', 'capture_id': c['id']})
+ rc = self._transmit("capture", params = {'command': 'remove', 'capture_id': capture_id})
if not rc:
raise STLError(rc)
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/
index 7ac508a2..2358a38f 100644
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class RC():
def RC_OK(data = ""):
return RC(True, data)
-def RC_ERR (err):
+def RC_ERR (err = ""):
return RC(False, err)
def RC_WARN (warn):
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/utils/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/utils/
index 72d3fa9f..7cb94b28 100644
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/utils/
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/stl/trex_stl_lib/utils/
@@ -124,6 +124,32 @@ def bitfield_to_list (bf):
return rc
+def set_window_always_on_top (title):
+ # we need the GDK module, if not available - ignroe this command
+ try:
+ if sys.version_info < (3,0):
+ from gtk import gdk
+ else:
+ #from gi.repository import Gdk as gdk
+ return
+ except ImportError:
+ return
+ # search the window and set it as above
+ root = gdk.get_default_root_window()
+ for id in root.property_get('_NET_CLIENT_LIST')[2]:
+ w = gdk.window_foreign_new(id)
+ if w:
+ name = w.property_get('WM_NAME')[2]
+ if title in name:
+ w.set_keep_above(True)
+ gdk.window_process_all_updates()
+ break
def bitfield_to_str (bf):
lst = bitfield_to_list(bf)
return "-" if not lst else ', '.join([str(x) for x in lst])