path: root/scripts/automation
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation')
2 files changed, 243 insertions, 492 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/unit_tests/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/unit_tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77bfd11b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/unit_tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import platform
+EXT_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, 'external_libs'))
+if not os.path.exists(EXT_PATH):
+ raise Exception('Wrong path to external libs: %s' % EXT_PATH)
+ {'name': 'scapy-2.3.1', 'py-dep': True},
+ {'name': 'texttable-0.8.4'},
+ ]
+def generate_module_path (module, is_python3, is_64bit, is_ucs2):
+ platform_path = [module['name']]
+ if module.get('py-dep'):
+ platform_path.append('python3' if is_python3 else 'python2')
+ if module.get('arch-dep'):
+ platform_path.append('ucs2' if is_ucs2 else 'ucs4')
+ platform_path.append('64bit' if is_64bit else '32bit')
+ return os.path.normcase(os.path.join(EXT_PATH, *platform_path))
+def import_module_list(modules_list):
+ # platform data
+ is_64bit = platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit'
+ is_python3 = (sys.version_info >= (3, 0))
+ is_ucs2 = (sys.maxunicode == 65535)
+ # regular modules
+ for p in modules_list:
+ full_path = generate_module_path(p, is_python3, is_64bit, is_ucs2)
+ if not os.path.exists(full_path):
+ print("Unable to find required module library: '{0}'".format(p['name']))
+ print("Please provide the correct path using TREX_STL_EXT_PATH variable")
+ print("current path used: '{0}'".format(full_path))
+ exit(1)
+ if full_path not in sys.path:
+ sys.path.insert(1, full_path)
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/unit_tests/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/unit_tests/
index 29248e3e..0b8dc540 100755
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/unit_tests/
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/unit_tests/
@@ -1,220 +1,189 @@
import os
-import dpkt
-import struct
import socket
import sys
-import argparse;
+import argparse
+import outer_packages
+from scapy.all import *
+import texttable
-H_SCRIPT_VER = "0.1"
class sock_driver(object):
- args=None;
-def nl (buf):
- return ( struct.unpack('>I', buf)[0]);
-def dump_tuple (t):
- for obj in t:
- print hex(obj),",",
-class CFlowRec:
- def __init__ (self):
- self.is_init_dir=False;
- self.bytes=0;
- def __str__ (self):
- if self.is_init_dir :
- s=" client "
- else:
- s=" server "
- s+= " %d " %(self.bytes)
- return (s);
+ args = None;
+ cap_server_port = None
+def fail(msg):
+ print('\nError: %s\n' % msg)
+ sys.exit(1)
class CPcapFileReader:
- def __init__ (self,file_name):
- self.file_name=file_name;
- self.tuple=None;
- self.swap=False;
- def dump_info (self):
- for obj in
- print obj
- #print "'",,"'"
- def is_client_side (self,swap):
- if self.swap ==swap:
- return (True);
- else:
- return (False);
- def add_server(self,server,data):
- r=CFlowRec();
- r.is_init_dir =False;
- r.bytes = server
- def add_client(self,client,data):
- r=CFlowRec();
- r.is_init_dir =True;
- r.bytes = client
- def check_tcp_flow (self):
- f = open(self.file_name)
- pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f)
- for ts, buf in pcap:
- eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
- ip =
- tcp =
- if ip.p != 6 :
- raise Exception("not a TCP flow ..");
- if tcp.flags != dpkt.tcp.TH_SYN :
- raise Exception("first packet should be with SYN");
- break;
- f.close();
- def check_one_flow (self):
- cnt=1
- client=0;
- server=0;
- client_data=''
- server_data=''
- is_c=False # the direction
- is_s=False
- f = open(self.file_name)
- pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f)
- for ts, buf in pcap:
- eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
- ip =
- tcp =
- pld =;
- pkt_swap=False
- if nl(ip.src) > nl(ip.dst):
- pkt_swap=True
- tuple= (nl(ip.dst),nl(ip.src), tcp.dport ,,ip.p );
+ def __init__ (self, file_name):
+ self.file_name = file_name
+ self.pkts = []
+ self.__build_pkts()
+ if not self.pkts:
+ fail('No payloads were found in the pcap.')
+ def __build_pkts(self):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.file_name):
+ fail('Filename %s does not exist!' % self.file_name)
+ pcap = RawPcapReader(self.file_name).read_all()
+ if not pcap:
+ fail('Empty pcap!')
+ first_tuple = None
+ for index, (raw_pkt, _) in enumerate(pcap):
+ scapy_pkt = Ether(raw_pkt)
+ # check L3
+ ipv4 = scapy_pkt.getlayer('IP')
+ ipv6 = scapy_pkt.getlayer('IPv6')
+ garbage = 0
+ if ipv4 and ipv6:
+ scapy_pkt.show2()
+ fail('Packet #%s in pcap has both IPv4 and IPv6!' % index)
+ elif ipv4:
+ l3 = ipv4
+ garbage = len(ipv4) - ipv4.len
+ elif ipv6:
+ l3 = ipv6
+ garbage = len(ipv6) - ipv6.plen - 40
- tuple= (nl(ip.src),nl(ip.dst) ,,tcp.dport,ip.p );
- if self.tuple == None:
- self.swap=pkt_swap
- self.tuple=tuple
+ scapy_pkt.show2()
+ fail('Packet #%s in pcap is not IPv4/6.' % index)
+ # check L4
+ tcp = scapy_pkt.getlayer('TCP')
+ udp = scapy_pkt.getlayer('UDP')
+ if tcp and udp:
+ scapy_pkt.show2()
+ fail('Packet #%s in pcap has both TCP and UDP!' % index)
+ elif tcp:
+ l4 = tcp
+ elif udp:
+ l4 = udp
- if self.tuple != tuple:
- raise Exception("More than one flow - can't process this flow");
- print " %5d," % (cnt),
- if self.is_client_side (pkt_swap):
- print "client",
- if len(pld) >0 :
- if is_c==False:
- is_c=True
- if is_s:
- self.add_server(server,server_data);
- server=0;
- server_data=''
- is_s=False;
- client+=len(pld);
- client_data=client_data+pld;
+ scapy_pkt.show2()
+ fail('Packet #%s in pcap is not TCP or UDP.' % index)
+ pkt = {}
+ pkt['src_ip'] = l3.src
+ pkt['dst_ip'] = l3.dst
+ pkt['src_port'] =
+ pkt['dst_port'] = l4.dport
+ if tcp:
+ pkt['tcp_seq'] = tcp.seq
+ if garbage:
+ pkt['pld'] = bytes(l4.payload)[:-garbage]
- if len(pld) >0 :
- if is_s==False:
- is_s=True
- if is_c:
- self.add_client(client,client_data);
- client=0;
- client_data=''
- is_c=False;
- server+=len(pld)
- server_data=server_data+pld;
- print "server",
- print " %5d" % (len(pld)),
- dump_tuple (tuple)
- print
- cnt=cnt+1
- if is_c:
- self.add_client(client,client_data);
- if is_s:
- self.add_server(server,server_data);
- f.close();
+ pkt['pld'] = bytes(l4.payload)
+ if index == 0:
+ if tcp and tcp.flags != 2:
+ scapy_pkt.show2()
+ fail('First TCP packet should be with SYN')
+ first_tuple = (l3.dst, l3.src, l4.dport,,
+ sock_driver.cap_server_port = l4.dport
+ if first_tuple == (l3.dst, l3.src, l4.dport,,
+ pkt['is_client'] = True
+ elif first_tuple == (l3.src, l3.dst,, l4.dport,
+ pkt['is_client'] = False
+ else:
+ fail('More than one flow in this pcap.\nFirst tuple is: %s,\nPacket #%s has tuple: %s' % (first_tuple, (l3.dst, l3.src, l4.dport,,
+ if pkt['pld']: # has some data
+ if tcp:
+ is_retransmission = False
+ # check retransmission and out of order
+ for old_pkt in reversed(self.pkts):
+ if old_pkt['is_client'] == pkt['is_client']: # same side
+ if old_pkt['tcp_seq'] == tcp.seq:
+ is_retransmission = True
+ if old_pkt['tcp_seq'] > tcp.seq:
+ fail('Out of order in TCP packet #%s, please check the pcap manually.' % index)
+ break
+ if is_retransmission:
+ continue # to next packet
+ self.pkts.append(pkt)
+ def dump_info(self):
+ t = texttable.Texttable(max_width = 200)
+ t.set_deco(0)
+ t.set_cols_align(['r', 'c', 'l', 'l', 'r', 'r', 'r'])
+ t.header(['Index', 'Side', 'Dst IP', 'Src IP', 'Dst port', 'Src port', 'PLD len'])
+ for index, pkt in enumerate(self.pkts):
+ t.add_row([index, 'Client' if pkt['is_client'] else 'Server', pkt['dst_ip'], pkt['src_ip'], pkt['dst_port'], pkt['src_port'], len(pkt['pld'])])
+ print(t.draw())
+ print('')
class CClientServerCommon(object):
- def __init__ (self):
- pass;
- def send_info (self,data):
- print "server send %d bytes" % (len(data))
- self.connection.sendall(data)
- def rcv_info (self,msg_size):
- print "server wait for %d bytes" % (msg_size)
- bytes_recd = 0
- while bytes_recd < msg_size:
- chunk = self.connection.recv(min(msg_size - bytes_recd, 2048))
- if chunk == '':
- raise RuntimeError("socket connection broken")
- bytes_recd = bytes_recd + len(chunk)
- def process (self,is_server):
- for obj in pcapinfo:
- if is_server:
- if obj.is_init_dir:
- self.rcv_info (obj.bytes);
- else:
- self.send_info (;
- else:
- if obj.is_init_dir:
- self.send_info (;
- else:
- self.rcv_info (obj.bytes);
+ def send_pkt(self, pkt):
+ self.connection.sendall(pkt)
+ print('>>> sent %d bytes' % (len(pkt)))
+ def rcv_pkt(self, pkt):
+ size = len(pkt)
+ rcv = b''
+ while len(rcv) < size:
+ chunk = self.connection.recv(min(size - len(rcv), 2048))
+ if not chunk:
+ raise Exception('Socket connection broken')
+ rcv += chunk
+ if len(rcv) != size:
+ fail('Size of data does not match.\nExpected :s, got: %s' % (size, len(rcv)))
+ if len(rcv) != len(pkt):
+ for i in range(size):
+ if rcv[i] != pkt[i]:
+ fail('Byte number #%s is expected to be: %s, got: %s.' % (i, rcv[i], pkt[i]))
+ print('<<< recv %d bytes' % (len(rcv)))
+ def process(self, is_client):
+ for pkt in self.pcapr.pkts:
+ time.sleep(sock_driver.args.ipg)
+ if is_client ^ pkt['is_client']:
+ self.rcv_pkt(pkt['pld'])
+ else:
+ self.send_pkt(pkt['pld'])
- self.connection.close();
- self.connection = None
+ self.connection.close()
+ self.connection = None
class CServer(CClientServerCommon) :
- def __init__ (self,pcapr,port):
- super(CServer, self).__init__()
+ def __init__ (self, pcapr, port):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
server_address = ('', port)
- print 'starting up on %s port %s' % server_address
- sock.bind(server_address)
+ print('Starting up on %sport %s' % ('%s ' % server_address[0] if server_address[0] else '', server_address[1]))
+ try:
+ sock.bind(server_address)
+ except socket.error as e:
+ fail(e)
+ self.connection = None
- self.pcapr=pcapr; # save the info
+ self.pcapr=pcapr; # save the info
while True:
- # Wait for a connection
- print 'waiting for a connection'
- connection, client_address = sock.accept()
- print 'connection from', client_address
- self.connection = connection;
- self.process(True);
+ # Wait for a connection
+ print('Waiting for new connection')
+ self.connection, client_address = sock.accept()
+ print('Got connection from %s:%s' % client_address)
+ self.process(False)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print(' Ctrl+C')
+ break
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
if self.connection :
@@ -222,331 +191,65 @@ class CServer(CClientServerCommon) :
class CClient(CClientServerCommon):
- def __init__ (self,pcapr,ip,port):
- super(CClient, self).__init__()
+ def __init__ (self, pcapr, ip, port):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- #sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,socket.TCP_MAXSEG,300)
server_address = (ip, port)
- print 'connecting to %s port %s' % server_address
- sock.connect(server_address)
- self.connection=sock;
- self.pcapr=pcapr; # save the info
+ self.pcapr = pcapr # save the info
+ self.connection = None
+ print('Connecting to %s:%s' % server_address)
+ sock.connect(server_address)
+ self.connection = sock
- self.process(False);
+ self.process(True);
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print(' Ctrl+C')
if self.connection :
self.connection = None
-def test_file_load ():
- pcapr= CPcapFileReader("delay_10_http_browsing_0.pcap")
- pcapr.check_tcp_flow ()
- pcapr.check_one_flow ()
- pcapr.dump_info();
def process_options ():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="""
- sock [-s|-c] -f file_name
- """,
- description="offline process a pcap file",
- epilog=" written by hhaim");
- parser.add_argument("-f", dest="file_name",
- help=""" the file name to process """,
- required=True)
- parser.add_argument('-c', action='store_true',
- help='client side')
- parser.add_argument('-s', action='store_true',
- help='server side ')
- parser.add_argument('--fix-time', action='store_true',
- help='fix_time ')
- parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=1000,
- help='server_port ')
- parser.add_argument('--ip', default='',
- help='socket ip ')
- parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true',
- help='debug mode')
- parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
- version=H_SCRIPT_VER )
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description = 'Simulates TCP application in low rate by sending payloads of given pcap.',
+ usage="""
+ Server side: (should be run first, need sudo permissions to use server side ports lower than 1024.)
+ -s -f filename
+ Client side:
+ -c -f filename --ip <server ip>""",
+ epilog=" written by hhaim");
+ parser.add_argument("-f", dest = "file_name", required = True, help='pcap filename to process')
+ parser.add_argument('-c', action = 'store_true', help = 'client side flag')
+ parser.add_argument('-s', action = 'store_true', help = 'server side flag')
+ parser.add_argument('--port', type = int, help = 'server port, default is taken from the cap')
+ parser.add_argument('--ip', default = '', help = 'server ip')
+ parser.add_argument('-i', '--ipg', type = float, default = 0.001, help = 'ipg (msec)')
+ parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help = 'verbose')
sock_driver.args = parser.parse_args();
- if sock_driver.args.fix_time :
- return ;
- if (sock_driver.args.c ^ sock_driver.args.s) ==0:
- raise Exception ("you must set either client or server mode");
-def load_pcap_file ():
- pcapr= CPcapFileReader(sock_driver.args.file_name)
- pcapr.check_tcp_flow ()
- pcapr.check_one_flow ()
- pcapr.dump_info();
- return pcapr
-def run_client_side ():
- pcapr=load_pcap_file ()
- socket_client = CClient(pcapr,sock_driver.args.ip,sock_driver.args.port);
-def run_server_side ():
- pcapr=load_pcap_file ()
- socket_server = CServer(pcapr,sock_driver.args.port);
-class CPktWithTime:
- def __init__ (self,pkt,ts):
- self.pkt=pkt;
- self.ts=ts
- def __cmp__ (self,other):
- return cmp(self.ts,other.ts);
- def __repr__ (self):
- s=" %x:%d" %(self.pkt,self.ts)
- return s;
-class CPcapFixTime:
- def __init__ (self,in_file_name,
- out_file_name):
- self.in_file_name = in_file_name;
- self.out_file_name = out_file_name;
- self.tuple=None;
- self.swap=False;
- self.rtt =0;
- self.rtt_syn_ack_ack =0; # ack on the syn ack
- self.pkts=[]
- def calc_rtt (self):
- f = open(self.in_file_name)
- pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f)
- cnt=0;
- first_time_set=False;
- first_time=0;
- last_syn_time=0;
- rtt=0;
- rtt_syn_ack_ack=0;
- for ts, buf in pcap:
- eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
- ip =
- tcp =
- if first_time_set ==False:
- first_time=ts;
- first_time_set=True;
- else:
- rtt=ts-first_time;
- if ip.p != 6 :
- raise Exception("not a TCP flow ..");
- if cnt==0 or cnt==1:
- if (tcp.flags & dpkt.tcp.TH_SYN) != dpkt.tcp.TH_SYN :
- raise Exception("first packet should be with SYN");
- if cnt==1:
- last_syn_time=ts;
- if cnt==2:
- rtt_syn_ack_ack=ts-last_syn_time;
- if cnt > 1 :
- break;
- cnt = cnt +1;
- f.close();
- self.rtt_syn_ack_ack = rtt_syn_ack_ack;
- return (rtt);
- def is_client_side (self,swap):
- if self.swap ==swap:
- return (True);
- else:
- return (False);
- def calc_timing (self):
- self.rtt=self.calc_rtt ();
+ if not (sock_driver.args.c ^ sock_driver.args.s):
+ fail('You must choose either client or server side with -c or -s flags.');
- def fix_timing (self):
- rtt=self.calc_rtt ();
- print "RTT is %f msec" % (rtt*1000)
- if (rtt/2)*1000<5:
- raise Exception ("RTT is less than 5msec, you should replay it");
- time_to_center=rtt/4;
- f = open(self.in_file_name)
- fo = open(self.out_file_name,"wb")
- pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f)
- pcap_out = dpkt.pcap.Writer(fo)
- for ts, buf in pcap:
- eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
- ip =
- tcp =
- pld =;
- pkt_swap=False
- if nl(ip.src) > nl(ip.dst):
- pkt_swap=True
- tuple= (nl(ip.dst),nl(ip.src), tcp.dport ,,ip.p );
- else:
- tuple= (nl(ip.src),nl(ip.dst) ,,tcp.dport,ip.p );
- if self.tuple == None:
- self.swap=pkt_swap
- self.tuple=tuple
- else:
- if self.tuple != tuple:
- raise Exception("More than one flow - can't process this flow");
- if self.is_client_side (pkt_swap):
- self.pkts.append(CPktWithTime( buf,ts+time_to_center));
- else:
- self.pkts.append(CPktWithTime( buf,ts-time_to_center));
- self.pkts.sort();
- for pkt in self.pkts:
- pcap_out.writepkt(pkt.pkt, pkt.ts)
- f.close()
- fo.close();
def main ():
process_options ()
+ pcapr = CPcapFileReader(sock_driver.args.file_name)
+ if sock_driver.args.verbose:
+ pcapr.dump_info()
- if sock_driver.args.fix_time:
- pcap = CPcapFixTime(sock_driver.args.file_name ,sock_driver.args.file_name+".fix.pcap")
- pcap.fix_timing ()
+ port = sock_driver.cap_server_port
+ if sock_driver.args.port:
+ port = sock_driver.args.port
+ if port == 22:
+ fail('Port 22 is used by ssh, exiting.')
if sock_driver.args.c:
- run_client_side ();
+ CClient(pcapr, sock_driver.args.ip, port)
if sock_driver.args.s:
- run_server_side ();
+ CServer(pcapr, port)
-def test_pcap_file ():
- for file in files_to_convert:
- fn='tun_'+file+'.pcap';
- fno='_tun_'+file+'_fixed.pcap';
- print "convert ",fn
- pcap = CPcapFixTime(fn,fno)
- pcap.fix_timing ()
-class CPcapFileState:
- def __init__ (self,file_name):
- self.file_name = file_name
- self.is_one_tcp_flow = False;
- self.is_rtt_valid = False;
- self.rtt=0;
- self.rtt_ack=0;
- def calc_stats (self):
- file = CPcapFileReader(self.file_name);
- try:
- file.check_tcp_flow()
- file.check_one_flow ()
- self.is_one_tcp_flow = True;
- except Exception :
- self.is_one_tcp_flow = False;
- print self.is_one_tcp_flow
- if self.is_one_tcp_flow :
- pcap= CPcapFixTime(self.file_name,"");
- try:
- pcap.calc_timing ()
- print "rtt : %d %d \n" % (pcap.rtt*1000,pcap.rtt_syn_ack_ack*1000);
- if (pcap.rtt*1000) > 10 and (pcap.rtt_syn_ack_ack*1000) >0.0 and (pcap.rtt_syn_ack_ack*1000) <2.0 :
- self.is_rtt_valid = True
- self.rtt = pcap.rtt*1000;
- self.rtt_ack =pcap.rtt_syn_ack_ack*1000;
- except Exception :
- pass;
-def test_pcap_file (file_name):
- p= CPcapFileState(file_name)
- p.calc_stats();
- if p.is_rtt_valid:
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def iterate_tree_files (dirwalk,path_to):
- fl=open("res.csv","w+");
- cnt=0;
- cnt_valid=0
- for root, _, files in os.walk(dirwalk):
- for f in files:
- fullpath = os.path.join(root, f)
- p= CPcapFileState(fullpath)
- p.calc_stats();
- valid=test_pcap_file (fullpath)
- s='%s,%d,%d,%d \n' %(fullpath,p.is_rtt_valid,p.rtt,p.rtt_ack)
- cnt = cnt +1 ;
- if p.is_rtt_valid:
- cnt_valid = cnt_valid +1;
- diro=path_to+"/"+root;
- fo = os.path.join(diro, f)
- os.system("mkdir -p "+ diro);
- pcap = CPcapFixTime(fullpath,fo)
- pcap.fix_timing ()
- print s
- fl.write(s);
- print " %d %% %d valids \n" % (100*cnt_valid/cnt,cnt);
- fl.close();
-iterate_tree_files (path_code,"output")
-#test_pcap_file ()
-#test_pcap_file ()