path: root/scripts/automation
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/automation')
3 files changed, 1676 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client_utils/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client_utils/
index c41f8f2f..c682dc18 100755
--- a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client_utils/
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client_utils/
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ PATH_TO_PYTHON_LIB = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, os.pardir, os.pard
CLIENT_UTILS_MODULES = ['dpkt-1.8.6',
- 'texttable-0.8.4'
+ 'texttable-0.8.4',
+ 'scapy-2.3.1'
def import_client_utils_modules():
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client_utils/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client_utils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4bc55be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client_utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
+import external_packages
+import random
+import string
+import struct
+import socket
+import json
+import yaml
+import binascii
+from scapy.all import *
+class CTRexPacketBuildException(Exception):
+ """
+ This is the general Packet Building error exception class.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, code, message):
+ self.code = code
+ self.message = message
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.__repr__()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return u"[errcode:%r] %r" % (self.code, self.message)
+def ipv4_str_to_num (ipv4_buffer):
+ assert(type(ipv4_buffer)==str);
+ assert(len(ipv4_buffer)==4);
+ res=0;
+ shift=24
+ for i in ipv4_buffer:
+ res = res + (ord(i)<<shift);
+ shift =shift -8
+ return res
+def is_valid_ipv4(ip_addr):
+ """
+ return buffer in network order
+ """
+ if type(ip_addr)==str and len(ip_addr) == 4:
+ return ip_addr
+ if type(ip_addr)==int :
+ ip_addr = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", ip_addr))
+ try:
+ return socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip_addr)
+ except AttributeError: # no inet_pton here, sorry
+ return socket.inet_aton(ip_addr)
+ except socket.error: # not a valid address
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-10,"not valid ipv4 format");
+class CTRexScriptsBase(object):
+ """
+ VM Script base class
+ """
+ def clone (self):
+ return copy.deepcopy(self)
+class CTRexScFieldRangeBase(CTRexScriptsBase):
+ FILED_TYPES = ["inc","dec","rand"]
+ def __init__(self, field_name,
+ field_type
+ ):
+ super(CTRexScFieldRangeBase, self).__init__()
+ self.field_name =field_name
+ self.field_type =field_type
+ if not self.field_type in CTRexScFieldRangeBase.FILED_TYPES :
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-12,"field type should be in [inc,dec,rand] ");
+class CTRexScFieldRangeValue(CTRexScFieldRangeBase):
+ """
+ range of field value
+ """
+ def __init__(self, field_name,
+ field_type,
+ min_val,
+ max_val
+ ):
+ super(CTRexScFieldRangeValue, self).__init__(field_name,field_type)
+ self.min_val =min_val;
+ self.max_val =max_val;
+ if min_val > max_val:
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-12,"min is greater than max ");
+ if min_val == max_val:
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-13,"min value is equal to max value, you can't use this type of range ");
+class CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange(CTRexScFieldRangeBase):
+ """
+ range of ipv4 ip
+ """
+ def __init__(self, field_name,field_type,min_ip, max_ip):
+ super(CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange, self).__init__(field_name,field_type)
+ self.min_ip = min_ip
+ self.max_ip = max_ip
+ mmin=ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(min_ip))
+ mmax=ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(max_ip))
+ if mmin > mmax :
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,"CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange m_min ip is bigger than max ");
+class CTRexScIpv4TupleGen(CTRexScriptsBase):
+ """
+ range tuple
+ """
+ def __init__(self, min_ipv4, max_ipv4,num_flows=100000,min_port=1025,max_port=65535,flags=0):
+ super(CTRexScIpv4TupleGen, self).__init__()
+ self.min_ip = min_ipv4
+ self.max_ip = max_ipv4
+ mmin=ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(min_ipv4))
+ mmax=ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(max_ipv4))
+ if mmin > mmax :
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,"CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange m_min ip is bigger than max ");
+ self.num_flows=num_flows;
+ self.min_port =min_port
+ self.max_port =max_port
+ self.flags = flags
+class CTRexScTrimPacketSize(CTRexScriptsBase):
+ """
+ trim packet size. field type is CTRexScFieldRangeBase.FILED_TYPES = ["inc","dec","rand"]
+ """
+ def __init__(self,field_type="rand",min_pkt_size=None, max_pkt_size=None):
+ super(CTRexScTrimPacketSize, self).__init__()
+ self.field_type = field_type
+ self.min_pkt_size = min_pkt_size
+ self.max_pkt_size = max_pkt_size
+ if max_pkt_size != None and min_pkt_size !=None :
+ if min_pkt_size == max_pkt_size:
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,"CTRexScTrimPacketSize min_pkt_size is the same as max_pkt_size ");
+ if min_pkt_size > max_pkt_size:
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,"CTRexScTrimPacketSize min_pkt_size is bigger than max_pkt_size ");
+class CTRexScRaw(CTRexScriptsBase):
+ """
+ raw instructions
+ """
+ def __init__(self,list_of_commands=None):
+ super(CTRexScRaw, self).__init__()
+ if list_of_commands==None:
+ self.commands =[]
+ else:
+ self.commands = list_of_commands
+ def add_cmd (self,cmd):
+ self.commands.append(cmd)
+# VM raw instructions
+class CTRexVmInsBase(object):
+ """
+ instruction base
+ """
+ def __init__(self,ins_type):
+ self.type = ins_type
+ assert(type(ins_type)==str);
+class CTRexVmInsFixIpv4(CTRexVmInsBase):
+ def __init__(self,offset):
+ super(CTRexVmInsFixIpv4, self).__init__("fix_checksum_ipv4")
+ self.offset = offset
+ assert(type(offset)==int);
+class CTRexVmInsFlowVar(CTRexVmInsBase):
+ #TBD add more validation tests
+ OPERATIONS =["inc", "dec", "random"]
+ VALID_SIZES =[1,2,4,8]
+ def __init__(self,fv_name,size,op,init_val,min_val,max_val):
+ super(CTRexVmInsFlowVar, self).__init__("flow_var")
+ =fv_name;
+ assert(type(fv_name)==str);
+ self.size =size
+ self.op =op
+ self.init_val=init_val
+ assert(type(init_val)==int);
+ self.min_val=min_val
+ assert(type(min_val)==int);
+ self.max_val=max_val
+ assert(type(max_val)==int);
+class CTRexVmInsWrFlowVar(CTRexVmInsBase):
+ def __init__(self,fv_name,pkt_offset,add_val=0,is_big=True):
+ super(CTRexVmInsWrFlowVar, self).__init__("write_flow_var")
+ =fv_name
+ assert(type(fv_name)==str);
+ self.pkt_offset =pkt_offset
+ assert(type(pkt_offset)==int);
+ self.add_val =add_val
+ assert(type(add_val)==int);
+ self.is_big =is_big;
+ assert(type(is_big)==bool);
+class CTRexVmInsTrimPktSize(CTRexVmInsBase):
+ def __init__(self,fv_name):
+ super(CTRexVmInsTrimPktSize, self).__init__("trim_pkt_size")
+ self.fv_name =fv_name
+ assert(type(fv_name)==str);
+class CTRexVmInsTupleGen(CTRexVmInsBase):
+ def __init__(self,fv_name,ip_min,ip_max,port_min,port_max,limit_flows,flags=0):
+ super(CTRexVmInsTupleGen, self).__init__("tuple_flow_var")
+ =fv_name
+ assert(type(fv_name)==str);
+ self.ip_min = ip_min;
+ self.ip_max = ip_max;
+ self.port_min = port_min;
+ self.port_max = port_max;
+ self.limit_flows = limit_flows;
+ self.flags =flags;
+class CTRexVmEngine(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ inlcude list of instruction
+ """
+ super(CTRexVmEngine, self).__init__()
+ self.ins=[]
+ self.split_by_var = ''
+ # return as json
+ def get_json (self):
+ inst_array = [];
+ # dump it as dict
+ for obj in self.ins:
+ inst_array.append(obj.__dict__);
+ return {'instructions': inst_array, 'split_by_var': self.split_by_var}
+ def add_ins (self,ins):
+ #assert issubclass(ins, CTRexVmInsBase)
+ self.ins.append(ins);
+ def dump (self):
+ cnt=0;
+ for obj in self.ins:
+ print "ins",cnt
+ cnt = cnt +1
+ print obj.__dict__
+ def dump_bjson (self):
+ print json.dumps(self.get_json(), sort_keys=True, indent=4)
+ def dump_as_yaml (self):
+ print yaml.dump(self.get_json(), default_flow_style=False)
+class CTRexScapyPktUtl(object):
+ def __init__(self,scapy_pkt):
+ self.pkt = scapy_pkt
+ def pkt_iter (self):
+ p=self.pkt;
+ while True:
+ yield p
+ p=p.payload
+ if p ==None or isinstance(p,NoPayload):
+ break;
+ def get_list_iter (self):
+ l=list(self.pkt_iter())
+ return l
+ def get_pkt_layers (self):
+ """
+ return string 'IP:UDP:TCP'
+ """
+ l=self.get_list_iter ();
+ l1=map(lambda p:,l );
+ return ":".join(l1);
+ def _layer_offset(self,name,cnt=0):
+ """
+ return offset of layer e.g 'IP',1 will return offfset of layer ip:1
+ """
+ save_cnt=cnt
+ for pkt in self.pkt_iter ():
+ if == name:
+ if cnt==0:
+ return (pkt, pkt.offset)
+ else:
+ cnt=cnt -1
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("no layer %s-%d" % (name,save_cnt)));
+ def layer_offset(self,name,cnt=0):
+ """
+ return offset of layer e.g 'IP',1 will return offfset of layer ip:1
+ """
+ save_cnt=cnt
+ for pkt in self.pkt_iter ():
+ if == name:
+ if cnt==0:
+ return pkt.offset
+ else:
+ cnt=cnt -1
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("no layer %s-%d" % (name,save_cnt)));
+ def get_field_offet(self,layer,layer_cnt,field_name):
+ """
+ return offset of layer e.g 'IP',1 will return offfset of layer ip:1
+ """
+ t=self._layer_offset(layer,layer_cnt);
+ l_offset=t[1];
+ layer_pkt=t[0]
+ #layer_pkt.dump_fields_offsets ()
+ for f in layer_pkt.fields_desc:
+ if == field_name:
+ return (l_offset+f.offset,f.get_size_bytes ());
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("no layer %s-%d." % (name,save_cnt,field_name)));
+ def get_layer_offet_by_str(self,layer_des):
+ """
+ return layer offset by string
+ IP:0
+ IP:1
+ return offset
+ """
+ l1=layer_des.split(":")
+ layer=""
+ layer_cnt=0;
+ if len(l1)==1:
+ layer=l1[0];
+ else:
+ layer=l1[0];
+ layer_cnt=int(l1[1]);
+ return self.layer_offset(layer,layer_cnt)
+ def get_field_offet_by_str(self,field_des):
+ """
+ return field_des (offset,size) layer:cnt.field
+ for example
+ IP.src
+ IP:0.src (first IP.src like IP.src)
+ for example IP:1.src for internal IP
+ return (offset, size) as tuple
+ """
+ s=field_des.split(".");
+ if len(s)!=2:
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("field desription should be layer:cnt.field e.g IP.src or IP:1.src "));
+ layer_ex = s[0]
+ field = s[1]
+ l1=layer_ex.split(":")
+ layer=""
+ layer_cnt=0;
+ if len(l1)==1:
+ layer=l1[0];
+ else:
+ layer=l1[0];
+ layer_cnt=int(l1[1]);
+ return self.get_field_offet(layer,layer_cnt,field)
+ def has_IPv4 (self):
+ return self.pkt.has_layer("IP");
+ def has_IPv6 (self):
+ return self.pkt.has_layer("IPv6");
+ def has_UDP (self):
+ return self.pkt.has_layer("UDP");
+class CTRexVmDescBase(object):
+ """
+ instruction base
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass;
+ def get_obj (self):
+ return self;
+ def get_json (self):
+ return self.get_obj().__dict__
+ def dump_bjson (self):
+ print json.dumps(self.get_json(), sort_keys=True, indent=4)
+ def dump_as_yaml (self):
+ print yaml.dump(self.get_json(), default_flow_style=False)
+ def get_var_name(self):
+ '''
+ virtual function return the varible name if exists
+ '''
+ return None
+ def compile(self,parent):
+ '''
+ virtual function to take parent than has function name_to_offset
+ '''
+ pass;
+def valid_fv_size (size):
+ if not (size in CTRexVmInsFlowVar.VALID_SIZES):
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("flow var has not valid size %d ") % size );
+def valid_fv_ops (op):
+ if not (op in CTRexVmInsFlowVar.OPERATIONS):
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("flow var does not have a valid op %s ") % op );
+def convert_val (val):
+ if type(val) == int:
+ return val
+ else:
+ if type(val) == str:
+ return ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(val))
+ else:
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("init val not valid %s ") % val );
+class CTRexVmDescFlowVar(CTRexVmDescBase):
+ def __init__(self,name,init_val=0,min_val=0,max_val=255,size=4,op="inc"):
+ super(CTRexVmDescFlowVar, self).__init__()
+ = name;
+ assert(type(name)==str);
+ self.size =size
+ valid_fv_size(size)
+ self.op =op
+ valid_fv_ops (op)
+ self.init_val = convert_val (init_val)
+ self.min_val = convert_val (min_val);
+ self.max_val = convert_val (max_val)
+ if self.min_val > self.max_val :
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("max %d is lower than min %d ") % (self.max_val,self.min_val) );
+ def get_obj (self):
+ return CTRexVmInsFlowVar(,self.size,self.op,self.init_val,self.min_val,self.max_val);
+ def get_var_name(self):
+ return
+class CTRexVmDescFixIpv4(CTRexVmDescBase):
+ def __init__(self,offset):
+ super(CTRexVmDescFixIpv4, self).__init__()
+ self.offset = offset; # could be a name of offset
+ def get_obj (self):
+ return CTRexVmInsFixIpv4(self.offset);
+ def compile(self,parent):
+ if type(self.offset)==str:
+ self.offset = parent._pkt_layer_offset(self.offset);
+class CTRexVmDescWrFlowVar(CTRexVmDescBase):
+ def __init__(self,fv_name,pkt_offset,add_val=0,is_big=True):
+ super(CTRexVmDescWrFlowVar, self).__init__()
+ =fv_name
+ assert(type(fv_name)==str);
+ self.pkt_offset =pkt_offset
+ self.add_val =add_val
+ assert(type(add_val)==int);
+ self.is_big =is_big;
+ assert(type(is_big)==bool);
+ def get_obj (self):
+ return CTRexVmInsWrFlowVar(,self.pkt_offset,self.add_val,self.is_big)
+ def compile(self,parent):
+ if type(self.pkt_offset)==str:
+ t=parent._name_to_offset(self.pkt_offset)
+ self.pkt_offset = t[0]
+class CScapyTRexPktBuilder(object):
+ """
+ This class defines the TRex API of building a packet using dpkt package.
+ Using this class the user can also define how TRex will handle the packet by specifying the VM setting.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Instantiate a CTRexPktBuilder object
+ :parameters:
+ None
+ """
+ super(CScapyTRexPktBuilder, self).__init__()
+ self._pkt = None # scapy packet
+ self.vm_scripts = [] # list of high level instructions
+ self.vm_low_level = None
+ self.metadata=""
+ def get_vm_data(self):
+ """
+ Dumps the instructions
+ :parameters:
+ None
+ :return:
+ + json object of instructions
+ """
+ return self.vm_low_level.get_json ()
+ def dump_pkt(self):
+ """
+ Dumps the packet as a decimal array of bytes (each item x gets value between 0-255)
+ :parameters:
+ None
+ :return:
+ + packet representation as array of bytes
+ :raises:
+ + :exc:`CTRexPktBuilder.EmptyPacketError`, in case packet is empty.
+ """
+ assert(self.pkt);
+ pkt_in_hex = binascii.hexlify(str(self.pkt))
+ return {"binary": [int(pkt_in_hex[i:i+2], 16)
+ for i in range(0, len(pkt_in_hex), 2)],
+ "meta": self.metadata}
+ def add_command (self,script):
+ self.vm_scripts.append(script.clone());
+ def dump_scripts (self):
+ self.vm_low_level.dump_as_yaml ()
+ def set_packet (self,pkt):
+ """
+ Scapy packet Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/IP()/"A"*10
+ """
+ self.pkt =pkt;
+ def compile (self):
+ self.vm_low_level=CTRexVmEngine()
+ assert(self.pkt);
+ for sc in self.vm_scripts:
+ if isinstance(sc, CTRexScRaw):
+ self._compile_raw (sc)
+ #for obj in self.vm_scripts:
+ # # tuple gen script
+ # if isinstance(obj, CTRexScIpv4TupleGen)
+ # self._add_tuple_gen(tuple_gen)
+ ####################################################
+ # private
+ def _compile_raw (self,obj):
+ # make sure we have varibles once
+ vars={};
+ for desc in obj.commands:
+ print desc.__dict__
+ var_name = desc.get_var_name()
+ print var_name
+ if var_name :
+ if vars.has_key(var_name):
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("varible %s define twice ") % (var_name) );
+ else:
+ vars[var_name]=1
+ desc.compile(self);
+ for desc in obj.commands:
+ self.vm_low_level.add_ins(desc.get_obj());
+ def _pkt_layer_offset (self,layer_name):
+ assert(self.pkt != None);
+ p_utl=CTRexScapyPktUtl(self.pkt);
+ return p_utl.get_layer_offet_by_str(layer_name)
+ def _name_to_offset(self,field_name):
+ assert(self.pkt != None);
+ p_utl=CTRexScapyPktUtl(self.pkt);
+ return p_utl.get_field_offet_by_str(field_name)
+ def _add_tuple_gen(self,tuple_gen):
+ pass;
+# tests
+# what should I do
+# 1. iterator on the headers
+# 2. do I have one IP?
+# 3. offset of the UDP/TCP?
+# offset of each field inside the packet ?
+def test_vm1 ():
+ a=CTRexVmDescFlowVar(name="a",min_val=0,max_val=255,init_val=0,size=4,op="inc");
+ a.dump_as_yaml ()
+ a.dump_bjson()
+ a=CTRexVmDescFlowVar(name="a",min_val="",max_val="",init_val="",size=4,op="inc");
+ a.dump_as_yaml ()
+ a.dump_bjson()
+ raw = CTRexScRaw()
+ raw.add_cmd( CTRexVmDescFlowVar(name="a",min_val=0,max_val=255,init_val=0,size=4,op="inc") )
+ raw.add_cmd( CTRexVmDescFixIpv4(offset = "IP") )
+ raw.add_cmd( CTRexVmDescWrFlowVar (fv_name="a",pkt_offset= "IP.src") )
+ raw1 = CTRexScRaw( [ CTRexVmDescFlowVar(name="a",min_val="",max_val="",init_val="",size=4,op="inc"),
+ CTRexVmDescWrFlowVar (fv_name="a",pkt_offset= "IP.src"),
+ CTRexVmDescFixIpv4(offset = "IP")]
+ );
+ pkt_builder = CScapyTRexPktBuilder();
+ py='5'*128
+ pkt=Ether()/ \
+ IP(src="",dst="")/ \
+ UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/IP()/py
+ # set packet
+ pkt_builder.set_packet(pkt);
+ pkt_builder.add_command ( raw1 )
+ pkt_builder.compile();
+ pkt_builder.dump_scripts ()
+ print pkt_builder.dump_pkt()
+ print pkt_builder.get_vm_data()
+ print "hey"
+def test_udp ():
+ py='5'*128
+ p1=Ether()/ \
+ IP(src="",dst="")/ \
+ UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/IP()/py
+ #print p1.haslayer("UDP.tos:1");
+ #pkt_utl=CTRexScapyPktUtl(p1);
+ #pkt_utl.has_layer("IP");
+ p_utl=CTRexScapyPktUtl(p1);
+ for p in p_utl.pkt_iter():
+ print,":"
+ print p_utl.get_pkt_layers();
+ print p_utl.layer_offset("IP")
+ #print p_utl.layer_offset("IP",2)
+ t=p_utl.get_field_offet("IP",0,"src")
+ print t
+ t=p_utl.get_field_offet("IP",0,"dst")
+ print t
+ t=p_utl.get_field_offet_by_str("IP:0.src")
+ print t
+ t=p_utl.get_field_offet_by_str("IP.src")
+ print t
+ #p1.dump_layers_offset()
+ #p1.show2();
+ #hexdump(p1);
+ #wrpcap("ipv4.pcap", p1);
+def test5 ():
+ # build packet
+ pass;
+def test4 ():
+ print "test4"
+ a = CScapyTRexPktBuilder()
+ a.add_command ( CTRexScIpv4TupleGen("","",flags=CTRexScIpv4TupleGen.FLAGS_ULIMIT_FLOWS))
+ a.dump_scripts ()
+ a.compile()
+def convert_to_hex (buffer):
+ for i in buffer:
+ print hex(ord(i))
+def test3 ():
+ vm=CTRexVmEngine()
+ vm.add_ins(CTRexVmInsFixIpv4(12))
+ vm.add_ins(CTRexVmInsFixIpv4(15))
+ #vm.dump();
+ vm.dump_bjson ()
+ vm.dump_as_yaml ()
+def test2 ():
+ vm_ins= CTRexVmInsTupleGen("a",0x12000001,0x12000007,1025,1027,limit_flows=10000)
+ print vm_ins.__dict__
+def test1 ():
+ a = CTRexScFieldRangeValue("ip.src","inc",12,14)
+ print a.__dict__
+ b = CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange("ip.src","inc","","")
+ print b.__dict__
+ c= CTRexScIpv4TupleGen("","");
+ print c.__dict__
+ d= CTRexScIpv4TupleGen("","",flags=CTRexScIpv4TupleGen.FLAGS_ULIMIT_FLOWS);
+ print d.__dict__
+ e= CTRexScTrimPacketSize();
+ print e.__dict__
+ e1= CTRexScTrimPacketSize(min_pkt_size=120, max_pkt_size=130);
+ print e1.__dict__
+def main ():
+ test_vm1 ();
+ return
+ test_udp ()
+ return
+ test4 ();
+ return
+ test3 ();
+ return
+ test2 ();
+ return
+ test1 ();
+ return
+ #a=CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange("","");
+ #s=is_valid_ipv4("");
+ #s=is_valid_ipv4("\x16\x01\x01\x01");
+ #s=is_valid_ipv4(0x16000101);
+ print ipv4_str_to_num("\x10\x01\x01\x01")
+ return
+ print ipv4_str_to_num (s)
+ print s
+ print type(s);
+ len(s);
+ for i in s:
+ print hex(ord(i))
diff --git a/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client_utils/ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client_utils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7894c336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/automation/trex_control_plane/client_utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
+#import packet_builder
+import random
+import string
+import struct
+import socket
+import json
+import yaml
+import binascii
+from scapy.all import *
+class CTRexPacketBuildException(Exception):
+ """
+ This is the general Packet Building error exception class.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, code, message):
+ self.code = code
+ self.message = message
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.__repr__()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return u"[errcode:%r] %r" % (self.code, self.message)
+def ipv4_str_to_num (ipv4_buffer):
+ assert(type(ipv4_buffer)==str);
+ assert(len(ipv4_buffer)==4);
+ res=0;
+ shift=24
+ for i in ipv4_buffer:
+ res = res + (ord(i)<<shift);
+ shift =shift -8
+ return res
+def is_valid_ipv4(ip_addr):
+ """
+ return buffer in network order
+ """
+ if type(ip_addr)==str and len(ip_addr) == 4:
+ return ip_addr
+ if type(ip_addr)==int :
+ ip_addr = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", ip_addr))
+ try:
+ return socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip_addr)
+ except AttributeError: # no inet_pton here, sorry
+ return socket.inet_aton(ip_addr)
+ except socket.error: # not a valid address
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-10,"not valid ipv4 format");
+class CTRexScriptsBase(object):
+ """
+ VM Script base class
+ """
+ def clone (self):
+ return copy.deepcopy(self)
+class CTRexScFieldRangeBase(CTRexScriptsBase):
+ FILED_TYPES = ["inc","dec","rand"]
+ def __init__(self, field_name,
+ field_type
+ ):
+ super(CTRexScFieldRangeBase, self).__init__()
+ self.field_name =field_name
+ self.field_type =field_type
+ if not self.field_type in CTRexScFieldRangeBase.FILED_TYPES :
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-12,"field type should be in [inc,dec,rand] ");
+class CTRexScFieldRangeValue(CTRexScFieldRangeBase):
+ """
+ range of field value
+ """
+ def __init__(self, field_name,
+ field_type,
+ min_val,
+ max_val
+ ):
+ super(CTRexScFieldRangeValue, self).__init__(field_name,field_type)
+ self.min_val =min_val;
+ self.max_val =max_val;
+ if min_val > max_val:
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-12,"min is greater than max ");
+ if min_val == max_val:
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-13,"min value is equal to max value, you can't use this type of range ");
+class CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange(CTRexScFieldRangeBase):
+ """
+ range of ipv4 ip
+ """
+ def __init__(self, field_name,field_type,min_ip, max_ip):
+ super(CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange, self).__init__(field_name,field_type)
+ self.min_ip = min_ip
+ self.max_ip = max_ip
+ mmin=ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(min_ip))
+ mmax=ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(max_ip))
+ if mmin > mmax :
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,"CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange m_min ip is bigger than max ");
+class CTRexScIpv4TupleGen(CTRexScriptsBase):
+ """
+ range tuple
+ """
+ def __init__(self, min_ipv4, max_ipv4,num_flows=100000,min_port=1025,max_port=65535,flags=0):
+ super(CTRexScIpv4TupleGen, self).__init__()
+ self.min_ip = min_ipv4
+ self.max_ip = max_ipv4
+ mmin=ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(min_ipv4))
+ mmax=ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(max_ipv4))
+ if mmin > mmax :
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,"CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange m_min ip is bigger than max ");
+ self.num_flows=num_flows;
+ self.min_port =min_port
+ self.max_port =max_port
+ self.flags = flags
+class CTRexScTrimPacketSize(CTRexScriptsBase):
+ """
+ trim packet size. field type is CTRexScFieldRangeBase.FILED_TYPES = ["inc","dec","rand"]
+ """
+ def __init__(self,field_type="rand",min_pkt_size=None, max_pkt_size=None):
+ super(CTRexScTrimPacketSize, self).__init__()
+ self.field_type = field_type
+ self.min_pkt_size = min_pkt_size
+ self.max_pkt_size = max_pkt_size
+ if max_pkt_size != None and min_pkt_size !=None :
+ if min_pkt_size == max_pkt_size:
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,"CTRexScTrimPacketSize min_pkt_size is the same as max_pkt_size ");
+ if min_pkt_size > max_pkt_size:
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,"CTRexScTrimPacketSize min_pkt_size is bigger than max_pkt_size ");
+class CTRexScRaw(CTRexScriptsBase):
+ """
+ raw instructions
+ """
+ def __init__(self,list_of_commands=None):
+ super(CTRexScRaw, self).__init__()
+ if list_of_commands==None:
+ self.commands =[]
+ else:
+ self.commands = list_of_commands
+ def add_cmd (self,cmd):
+ self.commands.append(cmd)
+# VM raw instructions
+class CTRexVmInsBase(object):
+ """
+ instruction base
+ """
+ def __init__(self,ins_type):
+ self.type = ins_type
+ assert(type(ins_type)==str);
+class CTRexVmInsFixIpv4(CTRexVmInsBase):
+ def __init__(self,offset):
+ super(CTRexVmInsFixIpv4, self).__init__("fix_checksum_ipv4")
+ self.offset = offset
+ assert(type(offset)==int);
+class CTRexVmInsFlowVar(CTRexVmInsBase):
+ #TBD add more validation tests
+ OPERATIONS =["inc", "dec", "random"]
+ VALID_SIZES =[1,2,4,8]
+ def __init__(self,fv_name,size,op,init_val,min_val,max_val):
+ super(CTRexVmInsFlowVar, self).__init__("flow_var")
+ =fv_name;
+ assert(type(fv_name)==str);
+ self.size =size
+ self.op =op
+ self.init_val=init_val
+ assert(type(init_val)==int);
+ self.min_val=min_val
+ assert(type(min_val)==int);
+ self.max_val=max_val
+ assert(type(max_val)==int);
+class CTRexVmInsWrFlowVar(CTRexVmInsBase):
+ def __init__(self,fv_name,pkt_offset,add_val=0,is_big=True):
+ super(CTRexVmInsWrFlowVar, self).__init__("write_flow_var")
+ =fv_name
+ assert(type(fv_name)==str);
+ self.pkt_offset =pkt_offset
+ assert(type(pkt_offset)==int);
+ self.add_val =add_val
+ assert(type(add_val)==int);
+ self.is_big =is_big;
+ assert(type(is_big)==bool);
+class CTRexVmInsTrimPktSize(CTRexVmInsBase):
+ def __init__(self,fv_name):
+ super(CTRexVmInsTrimPktSize, self).__init__("trim_pkt_size")
+ self.fv_name =fv_name
+ assert(type(fv_name)==str);
+class CTRexVmInsTupleGen(CTRexVmInsBase):
+ def __init__(self,fv_name,ip_min,ip_max,port_min,port_max,limit_flows,flags=0):
+ super(CTRexVmInsTupleGen, self).__init__("tuple_flow_var")
+ =fv_name
+ assert(type(fv_name)==str);
+ self.ip_min = ip_min;
+ self.ip_max = ip_max;
+ self.port_min = port_min;
+ self.port_max = port_max;
+ self.limit_flows = limit_flows;
+ self.flags =flags;
+class CTRexVmEngine(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ inlcude list of instruction
+ """
+ super(CTRexVmEngine, self).__init__()
+ self.ins=[]
+ self.split_by_var = ''
+ # return as json
+ def get_json (self):
+ inst_array = [];
+ # dump it as dict
+ for obj in self.ins:
+ inst_array.append(obj.__dict__);
+ return {'instructions': inst_array, 'split_by_var': self.split_by_var}
+ def add_ins (self,ins):
+ #assert issubclass(ins, CTRexVmInsBase)
+ self.ins.append(ins);
+ def dump (self):
+ cnt=0;
+ for obj in self.ins:
+ print "ins",cnt
+ cnt = cnt +1
+ print obj.__dict__
+ def dump_bjson (self):
+ print json.dumps(self.get_json(), sort_keys=True, indent=4)
+ def dump_as_yaml (self):
+ print yaml.dump(self.get_json(), default_flow_style=False)
+class CTRexScapyPktUtl(object):
+ def __init__(self,scapy_pkt):
+ self.pkt = scapy_pkt
+ def pkt_iter (self):
+ p=self.pkt;
+ while True:
+ yield p
+ p=p.payload
+ if p ==None or isinstance(p,NoPayload):
+ break;
+ def get_list_iter (self):
+ l=list(self.pkt_iter())
+ return l
+ def get_pkt_layers (self):
+ """
+ return string 'IP:UDP:TCP'
+ """
+ l=self.get_list_iter ();
+ l1=map(lambda p:,l );
+ return ":".join(l1);
+ def _layer_offset(self,name,cnt=0):
+ """
+ return offset of layer e.g 'IP',1 will return offfset of layer ip:1
+ """
+ save_cnt=cnt
+ for pkt in self.pkt_iter ():
+ if == name:
+ if cnt==0:
+ return (pkt, pkt.offset)
+ else:
+ cnt=cnt -1
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("no layer %s-%d" % (name,save_cnt)));
+ def layer_offset(self,name,cnt=0):
+ """
+ return offset of layer e.g 'IP',1 will return offfset of layer ip:1
+ """
+ save_cnt=cnt
+ for pkt in self.pkt_iter ():
+ if == name:
+ if cnt==0:
+ return pkt.offset
+ else:
+ cnt=cnt -1
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("no layer %s-%d" % (name,save_cnt)));
+ def get_field_offet(self,layer,layer_cnt,field_name):
+ """
+ return offset of layer e.g 'IP',1 will return offfset of layer ip:1
+ """
+ t=self._layer_offset(layer,layer_cnt);
+ l_offset=t[1];
+ layer_pkt=t[0]
+ #layer_pkt.dump_fields_offsets ()
+ for f in layer_pkt.fields_desc:
+ if == field_name:
+ return (l_offset+f.offset,f.get_size_bytes ());
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("no layer %s-%d." % (name,save_cnt,field_name)));
+ def get_layer_offet_by_str(self,layer_des):
+ """
+ return layer offset by string
+ IP:0
+ IP:1
+ return offset
+ """
+ l1=layer_des.split(":")
+ layer=""
+ layer_cnt=0;
+ if len(l1)==1:
+ layer=l1[0];
+ else:
+ layer=l1[0];
+ layer_cnt=int(l1[1]);
+ return self.layer_offset(layer,layer_cnt)
+ def get_field_offet_by_str(self,field_des):
+ """
+ return field_des (offset,size) layer:cnt.field
+ for example
+ IP.src
+ IP:0.src (first IP.src like IP.src)
+ for example IP:1.src for internal IP
+ return (offset, size) as tuple
+ """
+ s=field_des.split(".");
+ if len(s)!=2:
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("field desription should be layer:cnt.field e.g IP.src or IP:1.src "));
+ layer_ex = s[0]
+ field = s[1]
+ l1=layer_ex.split(":")
+ layer=""
+ layer_cnt=0;
+ if len(l1)==1:
+ layer=l1[0];
+ else:
+ layer=l1[0];
+ layer_cnt=int(l1[1]);
+ return self.get_field_offet(layer,layer_cnt,field)
+ def has_IPv4 (self):
+ return self.pkt.has_layer("IP");
+ def has_IPv6 (self):
+ return self.pkt.has_layer("IPv6");
+ def has_UDP (self):
+ return self.pkt.has_layer("UDP");
+class CTRexVmDescBase(object):
+ """
+ instruction base
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass;
+ def get_obj (self):
+ return self;
+ def get_json (self):
+ return self.get_obj().__dict__
+ def dump_bjson (self):
+ print json.dumps(self.get_json(), sort_keys=True, indent=4)
+ def dump_as_yaml (self):
+ print yaml.dump(self.get_json(), default_flow_style=False)
+ def get_var_name(self):
+ '''
+ virtual function return the varible name if exists
+ '''
+ return None
+ def compile(self,parent):
+ '''
+ virtual function to take parent than has function name_to_offset
+ '''
+ pass;
+def valid_fv_size (size):
+ if not (size in CTRexVmInsFlowVar.VALID_SIZES):
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("flow var has not valid size %d ") % size );
+def valid_fv_ops (op):
+ if not (op in CTRexVmInsFlowVar.OPERATIONS):
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("flow var does not have a valid op %s ") % op );
+def convert_val (val):
+ if type(val) == int:
+ return val
+ else:
+ if type(val) == str:
+ return ipv4_str_to_num (is_valid_ipv4(val))
+ else:
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("init val not valid %s ") % val );
+class CTRexVmDescFlowVar(CTRexVmDescBase):
+ def __init__(self,name,init_val=0,min_val=0,max_val=255,size=4,op="inc"):
+ super(CTRexVmDescFlowVar, self).__init__()
+ = name;
+ assert(type(name)==str);
+ self.size =size
+ valid_fv_size(size)
+ self.op =op
+ valid_fv_ops (op)
+ self.init_val = convert_val (init_val)
+ self.min_val = convert_val (min_val);
+ self.max_val = convert_val (max_val)
+ if self.min_val > self.max_val :
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("max %d is lower than min %d ") % (self.max_val,self.min_val) );
+ def get_obj (self):
+ return CTRexVmInsFlowVar(,self.size,self.op,self.init_val,self.min_val,self.max_val);
+ def get_var_name(self):
+ return
+class CTRexVmDescFixIpv4(CTRexVmDescBase):
+ def __init__(self,offset):
+ super(CTRexVmDescFixIpv4, self).__init__()
+ self.offset = offset; # could be a name of offset
+ def get_obj (self):
+ return CTRexVmInsFixIpv4(self.offset);
+ def compile(self,parent):
+ if type(self.offset)==str:
+ self.offset = parent._pkt_layer_offset(self.offset);
+class CTRexVmDescWrFlowVar(CTRexVmDescBase):
+ def __init__(self,fv_name,pkt_offset,add_val=0,is_big=True):
+ super(CTRexVmDescWrFlowVar, self).__init__()
+ =fv_name
+ assert(type(fv_name)==str);
+ self.pkt_offset =pkt_offset
+ self.add_val =add_val
+ assert(type(add_val)==int);
+ self.is_big =is_big;
+ assert(type(is_big)==bool);
+ def get_obj (self):
+ return CTRexVmInsWrFlowVar(,self.pkt_offset,self.add_val,self.is_big)
+ def compile(self,parent):
+ if type(self.pkt_offset)==str:
+ t=parent._name_to_offset(self.pkt_offset)
+ self.pkt_offset = t[0]
+class CScapyTRexPktBuilder(object):
+ """
+ This class defines the TRex API of building a packet using dpkt package.
+ Using this class the user can also define how TRex will handle the packet by specifying the VM setting.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Instantiate a CTRexPktBuilder object
+ :parameters:
+ None
+ """
+ super(CScapyTRexPktBuilder, self).__init__()
+ self._pkt = None # scapy packet
+ self.vm_scripts = [] # list of high level instructions
+ self.vm_low_level = None
+ self.metadata=""
+ def get_vm_data(self):
+ """
+ Dumps the instructions
+ :parameters:
+ None
+ :return:
+ + json object of instructions
+ """
+ return self.vm_low_level.get_json ()
+ def dump_pkt(self):
+ """
+ Dumps the packet as a decimal array of bytes (each item x gets value between 0-255)
+ :parameters:
+ None
+ :return:
+ + packet representation as array of bytes
+ :raises:
+ + :exc:`CTRexPktBuilder.EmptyPacketError`, in case packet is empty.
+ """
+ assert(self.pkt);
+ pkt_in_hex = binascii.hexlify(str(self.pkt))
+ return {"binary": [int(pkt_in_hex[i:i+2], 16)
+ for i in range(0, len(pkt_in_hex), 2)],
+ "meta": self.metadata}
+ def add_command (self,script):
+ self.vm_scripts.append(script.clone());
+ def dump_scripts (self):
+ self.vm_low_level.dump_as_yaml ()
+ def set_packet (self,pkt):
+ """
+ Scapy packet Ether()/IP(src="",dst="")/UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/IP()/"A"*10
+ """
+ self.pkt =pkt;
+ def compile (self):
+ self.vm_low_level=CTRexVmEngine()
+ assert(self.pkt);
+ for sc in self.vm_scripts:
+ if isinstance(sc, CTRexScRaw):
+ self._compile_raw (sc)
+ #for obj in self.vm_scripts:
+ # # tuple gen script
+ # if isinstance(obj, CTRexScIpv4TupleGen)
+ # self._add_tuple_gen(tuple_gen)
+ ####################################################
+ # private
+ def _compile_raw (self,obj):
+ # make sure we have varibles once
+ vars={};
+ for desc in obj.commands:
+ print desc.__dict__
+ var_name = desc.get_var_name()
+ print var_name
+ if var_name :
+ if vars.has_key(var_name):
+ raise CTRexPacketBuildException(-11,("varible %s define twice ") % (var_name) );
+ else:
+ vars[var_name]=1
+ desc.compile(self);
+ for desc in obj.commands:
+ self.vm_low_level.add_ins(desc.get_obj());
+ def _pkt_layer_offset (self,layer_name):
+ assert(self.pkt != None);
+ p_utl=CTRexScapyPktUtl(self.pkt);
+ return p_utl.get_layer_offet_by_str(layer_name)
+ def _name_to_offset(self,field_name):
+ assert(self.pkt != None);
+ p_utl=CTRexScapyPktUtl(self.pkt);
+ return p_utl.get_field_offet_by_str(field_name)
+ def _add_tuple_gen(self,tuple_gen):
+ pass;
+# tests
+# what should I do
+# 1. iterator on the headers
+# 2. do I have one IP?
+# 3. offset of the UDP/TCP?
+# offset of each field inside the packet ?
+def test_vm1 ():
+ a=CTRexVmDescFlowVar(name="a",min_val=0,max_val=255,init_val=0,size=4,op="inc");
+ a.dump_as_yaml ()
+ a.dump_bjson()
+ a=CTRexVmDescFlowVar(name="a",min_val="",max_val="",init_val="",size=4,op="inc");
+ a.dump_as_yaml ()
+ a.dump_bjson()
+ raw = CTRexScRaw()
+ raw.add_cmd( CTRexVmDescFlowVar(name="a",min_val=0,max_val=255,init_val=0,size=4,op="inc") )
+ raw.add_cmd( CTRexVmDescFixIpv4(offset = "IP") )
+ raw.add_cmd( CTRexVmDescWrFlowVar (fv_name="a",pkt_offset= "IP.src") )
+ raw1 = CTRexScRaw( [ CTRexVmDescFlowVar(name="a",min_val="",max_val="",init_val="",size=4,op="inc"),
+ CTRexVmDescWrFlowVar (fv_name="a",pkt_offset= "IP.src"),
+ CTRexVmDescFixIpv4(offset = "IP")]
+ );
+ pkt_builder = CScapyTRexPktBuilder();
+ py='5'*128
+ pkt=Ether()/ \
+ IP(src="",dst="")/ \
+ UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/IP()/py
+ # set packet
+ pkt_builder.set_packet(pkt);
+ pkt_builder.add_command ( raw1 )
+ pkt_builder.compile();
+ pkt_builder.dump_scripts ()
+ print pkt_builder.dump_pkt()
+ print pkt_builder.get_vm_data()
+ print "hey"
+def test_udp ():
+ py='5'*128
+ p1=Ether()/ \
+ IP(src="",dst="")/ \
+ UDP(dport=12,sport=1025)/IP()/py
+ #print p1.haslayer("UDP.tos:1");
+ #pkt_utl=CTRexScapyPktUtl(p1);
+ #pkt_utl.has_layer("IP");
+ p_utl=CTRexScapyPktUtl(p1);
+ for p in p_utl.pkt_iter():
+ print,":"
+ print p_utl.get_pkt_layers();
+ print p_utl.layer_offset("IP")
+ #print p_utl.layer_offset("IP",2)
+ t=p_utl.get_field_offet("IP",0,"src")
+ print t
+ t=p_utl.get_field_offet("IP",0,"dst")
+ print t
+ t=p_utl.get_field_offet_by_str("IP:0.src")
+ print t
+ t=p_utl.get_field_offet_by_str("IP.src")
+ print t
+ #p1.dump_layers_offset()
+ #p1.show2();
+ #hexdump(p1);
+ #wrpcap("ipv4.pcap", p1);
+def test5 ():
+ # build packet
+ pass;
+def test4 ():
+ print "test4"
+ a = CScapyTRexPktBuilder()
+ a.add_command ( CTRexScIpv4TupleGen("","",flags=CTRexScIpv4TupleGen.FLAGS_ULIMIT_FLOWS))
+ a.dump_scripts ()
+ a.compile()
+def convert_to_hex (buffer):
+ for i in buffer:
+ print hex(ord(i))
+def test3 ():
+ vm=CTRexVmEngine()
+ vm.add_ins(CTRexVmInsFixIpv4(12))
+ vm.add_ins(CTRexVmInsFixIpv4(15))
+ #vm.dump();
+ vm.dump_bjson ()
+ vm.dump_as_yaml ()
+def test2 ():
+ vm_ins= CTRexVmInsTupleGen("a",0x12000001,0x12000007,1025,1027,limit_flows=10000)
+ print vm_ins.__dict__
+def test1 ():
+ a = CTRexScFieldRangeValue("ip.src","inc",12,14)
+ print a.__dict__
+ b = CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange("ip.src","inc","","")
+ print b.__dict__
+ c= CTRexScIpv4TupleGen("","");
+ print c.__dict__
+ d= CTRexScIpv4TupleGen("","",flags=CTRexScIpv4TupleGen.FLAGS_ULIMIT_FLOWS);
+ print d.__dict__
+ e= CTRexScTrimPacketSize();
+ print e.__dict__
+ e1= CTRexScTrimPacketSize(min_pkt_size=120, max_pkt_size=130);
+ print e1.__dict__
+def main ():
+ test_vm1 ();
+ return
+ test_udp ()
+ return
+ test4 ();
+ return
+ test3 ();
+ return
+ test2 ();
+ return
+ test1 ();
+ return
+ #a=CTRexScIpv4SimpleRange("","");
+ #s=is_valid_ipv4("");
+ #s=is_valid_ipv4("\x16\x01\x01\x01");
+ #s=is_valid_ipv4(0x16000101);
+ print ipv4_str_to_num("\x10\x01\x01\x01")
+ return
+ print ipv4_str_to_num (s)
+ print s
+ print type(s);
+ len(s);
+ for i in s:
+ print hex(ord(i))